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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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Getting the Right Start

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

You’re About to You’re About to Discover…Discover…

You’re About to You’re About to Discover…Discover…

• Who goes to community colleges and why

Who goes to community colleges and why• How to be a professional student

How to be a professional student• What different types of degrees are available

What different types of degrees are available• How to master a syllabus

How to master a syllabus• Why developmental courses are important

Why developmental courses are important• Why college success courses work

Why college success courses work

© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learningp. 2-3

Darnell WilliamsDarnell WilliamsDarnell WilliamsDarnell Williams

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

48% of all college students attend community colleges

46% of CC students are 25+ (29 is the average age)

48% are female

33 percent are parents

41% are first-generation college students

85% work full or part-time

30% are minorityExercise 1.1:Exercise 1.1:

Get to Know YouGet to Know You

Where do Where do YOU YOU


Where do Where do YOU YOU


“ ”First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. Epictetus, Greek philosopher

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning






Why are you here?Why are you here?Why are you here?Why are you here?

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

1. Don’t just pile on.

2. Reserve class time as a

top priority.

3. Complete your assignments

conscientiously and on time.

4. Don’t come late and leave early.

5. Dress like a professional student.

6. Ask questions if things are unclear.

7. Come prepared.

8. Learn to work in groups.

9. Take charge.

10. Engage!

How College Works: How College Works:

Are YOU “In the Are YOU “In the Know”? Know”?

How College Works: How College Works:

Are YOU “In the Are YOU “In the Know”? Know”?

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. Henry Ford, inventor“ ”

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Focus TV:Focus TV:ProcrastinationProcrastinationp. 10

How Full Is Your Plate?How Full Is Your Plate?How Full Is Your Plate?How Full Is Your Plate?

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

1. Not using the campus advising office or your faculty advisor.

2. Not planning ahead.

3. Procrastinating.

4. Skipping prerequisites.

5. Choosing the wrong major.

6. Taking too many credits or too few.

7. Ignoring problems.

8. Being afraid to drop a course.Exercise 1.2:Exercise 1.2:

Required ClassesRequired Classes

The Top Ten Advising MistakesThe Top Ten Advising MistakesThe Top Ten Advising MistakesThe Top Ten Advising Mistakes

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

GPA = Grade Point Value ÷ Total Number of Credits

This student’s GPA? __________

Computing Your GPAComputing Your GPAComputing Your GPAComputing Your GPA

p. 13

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Box 1.1:Box 1.1:SyllabusSyllabus

What’s the Value of Remediation?What’s the Value of Remediation?What’s the Value of Remediation?What’s the Value of Remediation?

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

1. How can I meet other students?2. How can I find out if I have a learning disability?3. What if I need help with a challenging course?4. I’m not sure which classes to take next. Who can help?5. I’m thinking of dropping a class. How do I do it?6. What if I need a counselor?7. What if I have a technology crisis?8. Are health services available to students?9. What do I want to be when I grow up?10. Is child care available?11. Where can I buy my books?12. Where can I get other pieces of information I may need?13. What if I need the help of Campus Security? Exercise 1.3:Exercise 1.3:

Campus ResourcesCampus Resources

Campus Resources: FAQsCampus Resources: FAQsCampus Resources: FAQsCampus Resources: FAQs

© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

The Good News The Good News The Good News The Good News The Bad NewsThe Bad NewsThe Bad NewsThe Bad News

You will gain wisdom.You will develop insight.You will have higher earning potential.You will learn to appreciate lifelong learning. You will have a lower chance of becoming unemployed.

You may be tempted to give up.You may have financial challenges.

You may have trouble balancing school and work.You may not have role models at home to help you.

You may find it hard to go to school and raise a family.

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

How Can This Course How Can This Course Help Students Succeed?Help Students Succeed?How Can This Course How Can This Course Help Students Succeed?Help Students Succeed?

© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Eileen CollinsQueen LatifahGwendolyn BrooksBilly CrystalTom HanksCalvin KleinClint EastwoodRosie PerezJoyce Luther KennardJeanne KirkpatrickJim LehrerRobert MosesSam ShepardJames SinegalMaxwell Taylor

Who Went to Community College?Who Went to Community College?Who Went to Community College?Who Went to Community College?

I am only one, But still I am one.I cannot do everything,But still I can do something;And because I cannot do everythingI will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”Edward Everett Hale, American author

“ ”

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Chapter 1: Exercises and ActivitiesChapter 1: Exercises and Activities

We’d Like to Get to Know YouWe’d Like to Get to Know You

Why Do I Have to Take This Class?Why Do I Have to Take This Class?

Analyzing A SyllabusAnalyzing A Syllabus

Top Ten Resources Our Campus OffersTop Ten Resources Our Campus Offers

Audio Summary of Chapter 1Audio Summary of Chapter 1

Focus TV: ProcrastinationFocus TV: Procrastination

Chapter ExerciseChapter Exercisep. 11 p. 11

Chapter ExerciseChapter Exercisep. 6p. 6

Focus TV:Focus TV:ProcrastinationProcrastination

Chapter ExerciseChapter Exercisep. 16p. 16

Audio Audio Chapter SummaryChapter Summary

Chapter ExerciseChapter Exercisep. 19p. 19

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

1. I’m happiest when _________________________________________________.

2. If I had an extra $100, I’d ____________________________________________.

3. The thing I’m most proud of is _______________________________________.

4. Once people get to know me, they’re probably surprised to find I’m________.

5. I’ve been known to consume large quantities of ________________________.

6. I’d rather be ________________________ than __________________________.

7. My best quality is __________________________________________________.

8. My worst quality is _________________________________________________.

9. The academic skill I’d most like to develop is ___________________________.

10. One thing I’d like to figure out about myself is _________________________.

Exercise 1.1, p. 6

We’d Like to Get to Know You…We’d Like to Get to Know You…We’d Like to Get to Know You…We’d Like to Get to Know You…

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Exercise 1.2, p. 11

Why do I Have to Take This Class?Why do I Have to Take This Class?Why do I Have to Take This Class?Why do I Have to Take This Class?

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Analyzing a SyllabusAnalyzing a SyllabusAnalyzing a SyllabusAnalyzing a Syllabus

Box 1.1, p. 16

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage LearningExercise 1.3, p. 19

Top Ten Resources Our Campus OffersTop Ten Resources Our Campus OffersTop Ten Resources Our Campus OffersTop Ten Resources Our Campus Offers

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Chapter 1 Audio SummaryChapter 1 Audio Summary

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

FOCUS TVProcrastinationFOCUS TV


Focus TVFocus TV

Discussion ?s

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

FOCUS TV Presentation

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

FOCUS TV Discussion Questions

1. What’s the origin of the word procrastination, as defined in this episode of FOCUS TV? What does the word itself mean?

2. According to interviewee and Life Coach Meredith Haberfeld, attitude is a critical ingredient in the battle against procrastination. Summarize the points she makes.

3. The students from Rariton Valley Community College say on a scale from 1-10, they range from 6-11 in “busy-ness.” How do they admit that they procrastinate? How do you?

4. FOCUS correspondent Winston Noel plays a trick on his interviewee and on his group of community college students.

What is it? Would you have accepted his invitation, despite what’s on your plate, too? Why or why not? What does your answer tell you about procrastination and about yourself?

5. This episode makes some final recommendations about procrastination and time management. What’s the secret?

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© 2012 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

An Interactive Teaching Tool


Chapter 1Constance Staley and Aren Moore

Focus on Community College Success

F CUSPoints