chapter 0 introduction1 types of computers personal computers (microcomputers) –desktops, laptops,...

Chapter 0 Introduction 1 Types of computers • Personal Computers (microcomputers) Desktops, Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets • Smartphones • Mainframes and minicomputers – Enterprise computing • Smartphones (?) • Analog (and hybrids) computers • Computer systems generally consist of different types of computers

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Chapter 0 Introduction 1

Types of computers• Personal Computers (microcomputers)

– Desktops, Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets

• Smartphones• Mainframes and minicomputers

– Enterprise computing

• Smartphones (?)• Analog (and hybrids) computers• Computer systems generally consist of

different types of computers

Chapter 0 Introduction 2

Computer Components• Processor

– Controls other components

• Main memory (DRAM)• Secondary storage devices attached via cables

– Hard disk drive– Flash drive – CD/ DVD drive

• Data input/output devices – Monitor– Keyboard– Mouse– Printer– Cameras, speakers, modems, adaptors, etc.

Chapter 0 Introduction 3

Notebook computers

• Small, lightweight computers• Wireless connection

– Contains adaptor (NIC) for mobility– Keyboard, disk drives, speakers, monitor are

all in the unit– Touchpad or attached mouse

• External mouse can be attached through serial port

Chapter 0 Introduction 4

Storage devices

• CD and DVD-ROMs– Read, but not write data

• CD-Rs (write once)• CD-RWs

– Read, write and change data

• Flash drives – Read, write, and change data

• Hard drives (internal and external)

Starting your computer

• On/off switch – It can take a few minutes to power on, load data

from hard disk to main memory, configure computer

– PC will ask for and verify your password (on many systems)

– PC provides a cursor (pointer) on the screen that you control with your mouse

Chapter 0 Introduction 5

Stopping your computer

• Close all of your applications

• Chose Windows shut down option (and follow directions)

• Apple (click Apple icon in upper-left corner and select shut down)

• If machine is shared with several users, logoff but leave the machine on.

Chapter 0 Introduction 6

Microsoft Windows

• Windows 7 and 8 are Operating Systems– Controls all hardware – Controls user interface

• Accepts user’s input

• Displays output

• Windows 1.0 and then 2.0 (1990) and all later models added a GUI (graphical user interface) to the Windows OS

Chapter 0 Introduction 7


• Keyboard is chief input device for PC– Specifically for text data; file names; etc.

• Important keys– ESC – cancel an operation– Function keys (F1-F12) save, help, print– Print Screen (Shift or Alt + PrtSC)– Backspace and delete keys – Insert (toggle from typeover mode)

Chapter 0 Introduction 8

More keyboard keys

• Arrow keys (move cursor)

• Home and end keys (to beginning or end of line; document)

• Page up and page down (screen scrolling)

• Tab, caps lock, shift

• Ctrl and Alt typically are part of key combinations (try Ctrl + Alt + Del)

Chapter 0 Introduction 9

Keyboard keys

• Try winkey + f as short cut to search computer files– Within Windows application Ctrl + f for search

• Winkey + r short cut to the run program bar

• Winkey + d as short cut to get to the desktop

Chapter 0 Introduction 10

Executing a program

• Use winkey + r when you know the programs name

• Click on globe/ all programs/ and search for the program name

• May be multi-level menu– Accessories/ paint

Chapter 0 Introduction 11

Application interface to users• When PCs were first introduced, each

application had a different interface, typically combination of keys for each command– Some applications will still support these “short

cuts” shown in a drop down menu

• Windows applications have mostly a standard user interface– Ex: MS-Office file menu to save, open, print

Chapter 0 Introduction 12

Print a document

• File tab/ print/ gives options– Single, multiple copies– Page numbers, selection, all

• Select printer

– Print preview• Good idea to check to see how the document fits on

the page

– FAX or email document

Chapter 0 Introduction 13

Save and retrieve documents

• Click on “save as”– You need a file name

• Windows application automatically adds an extension

– You need to know the folder and path• So that you can find it again

• Note that Windows shows you the most recently used documents for retrieval

Chapter 0 Introduction 14

Web Basics

• The Internet is a global interconnection of computer networks, all running the same software – TCP/IP protocol suite.

• The World Wide Web is a resource available over the Internet– Different sites connected by links– Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used to connect

web pages

Chapter 0 Introduction 15

Connecting to the Web• Internet service providers maintain

connections to the Internet– Users must have ISP connections to use the


• Access web pages through a browser– Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Chrome,

Safari, Bing

• Each web page has a unique URL– Links consist of URLs

Chapter 0 Introduction 16

Getting information on the Web

• Sites are variable in quality

• Some may be corrupted (viruses, worms)

• Some allow anyone to enter incorrect information– Wikipedia, for example– If you use Wikipedia, check “view history” and

“discussion” tabs

Chapter 0 Introduction 17

E-mail• First Internet application

• Computer networks transmit messages between hosts

• E-mails are stored in mailboxes, so that sender and receiver can communicate asynchronously

• Most e-mail servers today are encrypted– Check for https on URL; lock

Chapter 0 Introduction 18

Getting an email account

• Most ISPs provide an e-mail account – Multiple ones are a good idea. Keep one as a

throw-away account. – Google provides a free email account. – Email addresses have a user ID followed by @

followed by the domain of the email provider– Do not place any spaces in an email address

Chapter 0 Introduction 19

Security and Privacy

• Physically secure your machine

• Secure the password– Change all default passwords, particularly that

of the administrator

• Disable the guest account – go to – Control panel/ user accounts– Or place “guest account” in

• “Search programs and files”

Chapter 0 Introduction 20

Avoiding malware

• Such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses

• It is difficult to rid yourself of malware once it is on your computer

• It is easy to infect others if you are infected

• How do you prevent infection?

Chapter 0 Introduction 21

Avoiding malware

• Do not download or install pirated software with a flash drive

• Do not open e-mail or e-mail attachments from unknown sources

• Use antivirus software– You also need a good Firewall– Symantec’s or Kaspersky’s Internet Security

Chapter 0 Introduction 22

Antivirus software maintenance

• Regular updates

• Regular scans of full system

• Make sure that protection software is set to run continuously when the system is up and to check all e-mail messages and downloaded files.

Chapter 0 Introduction 23

Other preventive mechanisms

• Use Apple computers??

• Be careful of the sites that you visit

• Disconnect yourself from the Internet whenever you can

• Patch your OS regularly

Chapter 0 Introduction 24

Window’s firewall

• In the Search program and files bar, enter

• System and Security

• Check Windows Firewall (or if you have installed another one, check that one)

Chapter 0 Introduction 25

Pop Up Ads• Block spyware

– Do not click on pop-up ads • Do not close the pop-up by clicking the x on the top


– Right click on the pop-up’s button on the taskbar

• (bottom of screen)

• Select close option from the menu

Chapter 0 Introduction 26

Pop up ads

• Browser should be configured to block pop-up windows– Firefox:

• Tools, options, content//block pop-up windows– Also disable Javascript if possible

– Internet Explorer• Tools/ Internet Options/ Privacy/ turn on pop-up


Chapter 0 Introduction 27

E-commerce transactions

• Try to buy from well known sites

• Be sure you spell the URL correctly– Attackers purposely buy domain names that are

slight variants of reputable sites

• Look for encrypted sites– https://– shttp://– Lock icon

Chapter 0 Introduction 28

Avoid e-mail scams

• Don’t wire money to Nigeria

• Do not try to “opt out” of receiving future messages– Mailers will know that the address is in current


• Spammers can get control of your friend’s address book

Chapter 0 Introduction 29


• Email that masquerades as legitimate source (Microsoft, FDU’s administration, your bank)– Link takes you to false site

• Asks for account information, password, etc.

– Clicking on link may even download virus– Spam filters sometime target legitimate mail

• If I don’t answer your mail within 3 days, check with me in class

Chapter 0 Introduction 30