chapter 1 - a ride through bandit country

7/30/2019 Chapter 1 - A Ride Through Bandit Country 1/8  Written by Andrew Roberts. Deadlands setting by Shane Lacy Hensley. Based on a story by Justin Stebbins and Scott MacMillan Written by Andrew Roberts Deadlands setting by Shane Lacy Hensley Original concept by Justin Stebbins and Scott MacMillan

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7/30/2019 Chapter 1 - A Ride Through Bandit Country 1/8


Written by Andrew Roberts. Deadlands setting by Shane Lacy Hensley. Based

on a story by Justin Stebbins and Scott MacMillanWritten by Andrew RobertsDeadlands setting by Shane Lacy Hensley

Original concept by Justin Stebbins and Scott


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Overland Trail Wyoming 1882The wagon shook violently as it rolled across the High Plains. Ares Conroy was sat on the

back, propped against the sacks of grain being transported. This was the only job around,

but it was bandit country. However, the harvest had been good, so the homesteaders

could pay well.

 Ares was in his thirties. He had joined the US Army when he was eighteen years old, and

ascended to the rank of Captain at Washita River. Unfortunately for him, there were some

out there who resented his promotion. After some subtle manipulation, Ares was now a

fugitive. His Army career over, he was working as a mercenary, but work was few and far

between. While Union Blue often wanted good people to guard their rails, they had now

gone bankrupt. The Great Rail Wars had come to an end, ever since Darius Hellstromme

had laid his track to California and wiped out his competitors with the fearsome ghost-fire

bombs. Despite being a fugitive, Ares still saw himself as a patriot, and wore his tattered

uniform with pride.

Driving the wagon was Seamus McGovern, a homesteader transporting grain to

Cheyenne. His son William was riding shotgun. The group had also picked up a hitchhiker

on the trail. Jeb Crane was a former miner. He was lying on top of the grain sacks, dozing

off a half empty bottle of whiskey. Ares shook his head as he glanced at him. His attention

was immediately drawn to a large cloud of trail dust blowing in the distance. It looked like a

group of riders. Ares tried to focus his view. There were at least four riders, and they were

approaching fast. He grabbed the Winchester rifle lying beside him and pulled the lever.

“We’ve got company.” He warned Seamus, “At least four bandits are closing in.” 

“We can’t outrun them in this wagon.” Seamus replied, “We have to fight.” 

 Ares nodded in understanding. He was trying to make out the rider’s faces. He noticed that

the leader had an eye patch and a black hat, and they all wore black sashes. He

remembered a wanted poster he’d seen earlier for the Blacksnake Gang. They wore black

sashes and were led by a man with an eye patch known as Blacksnake Bart. If Bart was

leading this group, he’d be accompanied by Steve ‘The Rattler’ Austin and Joaquin

Serpiente. Ares realised that if he killed them here, he could claim their bounty and

possibly buy amnesty.

The four riders came closer. They began to open fire on the wagon. Ares and Jeb

crouched down to avoid the wild shooting while Seamus lashed the horses to move faster.

Pausing to catch a breath, Ares propped the Winchester on the wagon. He wanted his

shot to be as steady as possible, but he didn’t want to be in the open. He squeezed the

trigger. One of the outlaws had been trying to get behind the wagon, only for the round to

enter his torso. He keeled backwards and tumbled off his horse. The other three banditsscattered, attempting to flank the wagon.

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The Rattler was the first to close in. As he approached the right side of the wagon, Jeb

grabbed his pickaxe and tried to swing it at him. Unfortunately, his inebriation offset his

aim, so he only succeeded in knocking off the Rattler’s hat. Ares turned to shoot him.

There was a sudden crack as Blacksnake Bart knocked the Winchester away with his a

bullwhip, sending the shot into the distance. Before Ares could fire again, Steve had

 jumped onto the wagon and clubbed him across the face with his revolver.

“Steve, get the miner!” Blacksnake growled as he aimed his rifle at Ares. “Joaquin, get the


 Ares had managed to shove the Rattler to the edge of the wagon. As he drew his own

revolver, he heard a shot followed by a scream. Joaquin had rode up the left side of the

wagon with his sawn-off shotgun, firing two loads of buckshot into Seamus and William.

They were both dead before they hit the ground. Ares tried to draw a bead on Joaquin

when another shot rang out. He looked down to see blood running down his shirt.

Blacksnake was blowing the smoke from the top of his rifle as the Rattler lassoed Jeb and

pulled him off the wagon. Ares collapsed on the wagon. The last thing he saw was the

three outlaws riding off into the distance, whooping and firing their guns into the air while

dragging Jeb behind them.

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Snake Pass Rocky MountainsThe Blacksnake gang returned to their hideout in the Rocky Mountains. Snake Hole was a

narrow pass with an opening at each end. It was wide enough for two people to ride

abreast. There was a small spring which provided a supply of water and several caves for

the bandits to sleep in during the rain. While the gang had a variety of recruits and

wannabes, the only permanent members were Blacksnake, the Rattler, and Joaquin.

 As they rode into the canyon, one of the sentries moved to greet them.

“I’m glad you folks are back.” He said, “Some woman has been asking about you.” 

“I bet it’s that Ruby girl.” Blacksnake replied, “I’d better throw that tip off back at her.” 

Ruby Bennett was a young brunette dressed to ride a trail. She was waiting by the

campfire for Blacksnake with her arms folded.

“Is Ares dead?” she asked. 

“Your tip off was a bum deal.” Blacksnake replied, “I lost someone to those farmers, and

there wasn’t enough loot worth dying over. That’s the last time I’ll take advice from the

likes of you.” 

“Don’t give me that.” Ruby answered, “You found that miner you’re looking for. Now I want

my information. Did you kill Ares Conroy?” 

Blacksnake grinned as he nodded. “I shot him myself.” 

“I don’t care if you did or not. I want evidence. Where is his body?” Ruby demanded. 

“Why do you want him so bad?” The Rattler sneered, “Do you not trust us?” 

“He killed my brothers in that robbery. I want his body so I could spit on it and make sure

he knows that he’s dead. Besides, I could claim a bounty on him.” 

“Look here,” Blacksnake stated, “If you want his body, you can go and get him. Joa quin

will show you the way.” 

Ruby mounted her horse and prepared to ride out. Before she could, Blacksnake grabbed

the horse by the reins.

“You’d better give us what you owe. If you find the body, we want a cut of the bounty. If

there is nothing, we’ll be coming for you.” He warned.

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 agle’s Nest  Ares was partially lifted from his stupor as the wagon came to a halt. Were the horses still

pulling it? His vision was blurry. A large bird was perched on the side of the wagon. As he

looked at it, Ares suspected he was close to death; he could smell a rotting corpse. The

vultures must be picking the bodies of his last employers. He tried to move, but winced in


“Try to keep still.” A voice said. 

 Ares tried to focus his vision again. The bird was actually an eagle. A stranger was at the

wagon’s reins, and stepped off to help him to his feet. White hair protruded from his brown

Stetson, and Ares could make out a sheathed cavalry sabre underneath his duster,

alongside two bulky-looking Colt Dragoon revolvers.

“Who…are you?” Ares struggled to ask. 

“I don’t really have a name. Most people call me Johnny Reb.”  The stranger replied, “And

my companion there is called Spirit.” 

He gestured towards his eagle.

“Whose side are you on?” 

“I’m on nobody’s side, although I do remember serving in the Confederate Army at one


“Were you at Gettysburg?” 

The stranger didn’t answer. “My camp is here. We need to get you patched up.” 

 Ares looked around as he tried to remain standing. A small tent and a campfire had been

set up near a small spring.

“Sit down.” Johnny ordered bluntly. “I can take a look at your wound.” 

 Ares winced as he sat against a rock. Johnny handed him a small bottle.

“Drink this. It will help numb the pain.” He explained. Ares examined the clear liquid inside.

“It’s just laudanum.” Johnny continued. “Drink it.” 

When Ares drank the liquid, he slipped into a state of semi-consciousness. Johnny

examined the wound, applying pressure to it. There was no sign of the bullet. He walked

into the tent, returning with some bandages.

“It looks like the shot went clean through.” He reported, “You’re fortunate enough that it

didn’t penetrate any vital organs, so all we need to do is stop the bleeding.” 

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The wound was bandaged without delay. Johnny helped Ares to his feet and led him to the


“You should try and get some rest. Just keep some rope nearby to keep the rattlesnakes


“Do you have any antiseptics?” Ares queried groggily. 

“No. Those are too expensive, so I go without.” 

 As he tried to rest, Ares contemplated who the man was. What was his interest in him?

Where did his loyalties lie? What was he planning? The questions raced through his head

until he eventually succumbed to sleep.

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Fort ClarkMajor Parker rode to Fort Clark, a US Army base near Cheyenne, in an aggressive

manner. The guard on the lookout nodded and signalled for the gate to be opened,

saluting as the officer rode through. He looked to see the soldiers being drilled as he

dismounted and strode to the commandant’s office with a set of papers in his hands.

Waiting nearby was his close friend, Captain Glover. Parker had served alongside Ares

Conroy at one time, but had grown resentful after being passed over for promotion in

favour of the military’s prodigal son. Longing for an opportunity to lead, he engineered a

botched train robbery which left three dead, pinning the crime on Captain Conroy. He was

now aware of the prodigal son’s return, and was prepared to hatch a more direct plan to

silence him.

General Hancock was seated behind an expensive desk as Parker unceremoniously

barged into his office.

“Sir, this is urgent!” The major said as he saluted, “Ares Conroy is believed to be heading

into Cheyenne.” 

“Of course he is.” Hancock replied calmly, “He is trying to clear his name.” 

“But sir, he needs to stand trial. He should have hanged for killing those soldiers in the

payroll theft.” 

He placed the papers he was carrying on Hancock’s desk. It was an arrest warrant. 

“I will not sign these papers, Major.” Hancock began, until a noise led him to the window.Outside, two soldiers were having an argument which quickly escalated into a fist fight.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Parker switched the papers on the general’s desk with

an arrest warrant. As Hancock returned to his desk, he hurriedly signed the warrant and

handed it to Parker.

“Since we’re done here, could you take this supply order to the messenger?” He asked,

handing the warrant over to Parker. The major nodded, saluting before leaving the office.

“Just remember to close the door.” Hancock requested as he left, “And could you knock

before you come in next time?” 

 As Parker walked through the courtyard, he was stopped again by Captain Glover.

“There’s a Reverend Mortimer waiting at the gates, sir.” He informed him. Parker nodded

and walked to the gates.

Reverend Mortimer was a bounty hunter who had worked with General Hancock before.

His cover as a circuit preacher was always questioned; prompting hesitation from

everyone he hunted. Parker saw this as a chance to remove Conroy before there was arisk his elaborate manipulations could be exposed.

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“Good afternoon, Reverend.” Parker said warmly as he met him near the gate. 

“Good afternoon.” Mortimer returned, “Is General Hancock available?” 

“Unfortunately, he is engaged at the moment. However, there is something here that might

interest you.” 

He handed the warrant to the preacher.

“Ares Conroy?” Mortimer queried. 

“He killed three people while attempting to steal military payroll. I must travel  to Cheyenne

and notify the county sheriff.” 

“What’s the bounty?” Mortimer asked. 

“I am offering a reward of $500 for the capture of Ares Conroy.” The major proclaimed. 

“Do you want him dead or alive?” 

Major Parker thought about Mortimer’s question. If Ares was brought in alive, he would be

able to talk. He would need to pull some strings, and then Ares could be hanged for the

murders. The only problem was how he could stop him from trying to set up an

investigation. He had to get lucky.

“Preferably dead.” 

To be continued…