chapter 1 copy air circulator and purifier

1 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Rationale Technology has an absolute contribution in our daily lives. It has a very big role in most aspects of man’s life. It makes human life more comfortable and convenient. Technology always undeviates for easiness in life. The faster the world is moving, the more hi-end the features are offered. As the time goes by, there are more discoveries and

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Page 1: Chapter 1 copy Air Circulator and Purifier


Chapter 1




Technology has an absolute contribution in our daily lives. It has a very big

role in most aspects of man’s life. It makes human life more comfortable and

convenient. Technology always undeviates for easiness in life. The faster the

world is moving, the more hi-end the features are offered. As the time goes by,

there are more discoveries and innovations that are done by some individuals.

The knowledge of having technology in our lives could help our daily

activities be better, in the way that inventions and creations could improve

ordinary work, in terms of consuming less manpower, by the help of these

machines and equipment which is a product of technology.

Also, technology can improve the critical thinking of a person to

rediscover and innovate different inventions in order to develop the usefulness of

things and finally enhance its materials without using expensive ones. We can

have new results of technology in a cheaper process. In this proposal, people

would be motivated to improvised objects into new ones. By the concepts of

technology, we are introducing Air Multiplier and Purifier.

This Air Multiplier and Purifier is an improvised device from the

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conventional Air Multiplier. It purifies the air that satisfies the needs of the users.

Thus making the users more comfortable and reduces the air pollutants that we

breath. This innovated gadget will become gradually apparent through our

expanding imagination guided by the principles and theories of science,

techniques and technology. Through this proposal, knowledge will be gained on

how to make this kind of improvised gadget.

In relation to this, the researchers are encouraged to conduct this study to

determine consumers are getting benefits to this. In this proposal, information will

be discovered on how to produce this kind of improvised gadget and will guide

the researchers to have developed abilities, skills, and talents in widening their

capacity through experimenting and searching for knowledge that will improve

the status of man's life.

Literature Background

People have degrees of wants and needs. Some of these are food,

shelter, clothing and safety. Technology is said to help in developing all human

methods and processes in order to satisfy different wants and needs. Technology

also is a scope in organizing things, and on how to make and do it. One of the

greatest contributions in the field of technology is the discovery of electricity.

Most of the products are operated by electricity. That is why electricity is a part of

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our life as human for it is where we get the major source of power to man's

machine and equipments.

Science and Technology are essential for development and progress. The

State shall give priority to research and development invention, and their

utilization and science and technology education, training and services. It shall

support indigenous, appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological

capabilities and their application to the countries system and national life (Article

XIV, Section 10 of the Philippine Constitution [Naguit, 2007]).

It is stated in the above Constitution that it gives priority to research and

development as well as invention. So everyone has the opportunity to invent new

things as long as it will not harm the environment and to the people. With these

facts, the researchers are motivated to pursue this study.

According to Article IV, Section 40 of Philippine Electrical Code (2009).

The provisions of this article apply to electric motor driven air-conditioning and

refrigerating equipment and to the branch circuits and controllers for such

equipment. It provides for the special considerations necessary for circuits

supplying hermetic refrigerant motor-compressors and for any air-conditioning or

refrigerating equipment that is supplied from a branch circuit that supplies a

hermetic refrigerant motor-compressor.

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Equipment such as room air conditioners, household refrigerators and

freezers, drinking water coolers, and beverage dispensers shall be considered

appliances, and the provisions of Article 4.22 shall also apply. This section

specifies the ratings of branch circuits capable of carrying appliance current

without overheating under the conditions specified (PEC, 2009).

Electric motor plays a main role in our life. The movement of any device is

produced by electric motor. Electric motors impact almost every aspect of

modern living. Refrigerators vacuum cleaners, air conditioner, fans and other

multitudes of other appliances and devices, all use electric motors to convert

electrical energy into useful mechanical energy.

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics concerned

with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. It

defines macroscopic variables, such as internal energy, entropy, and pressure

that partly describe a body of matter or radiation. It states that the behavior of

those variables is subject to general constraints that are common to all materials,

not the peculiar properties of particular materials.

Every system has certain characteristics by which its physical condition

may be described e.g. volume, temperature, pressure, etc. Such characteristics

are called properties of the system. These are all macroscopic in nature. When

all the properties of a system have definite values, the system is said to exist of a

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definite state. Properties are the coordinates to describe the state of a system.

They are the state variables of the system. The succession of the states passed

through during a change of state is called the path of the change of state (Fellow,


According to Wark (2001).Thermodynamics is a science which comprises

the study of energy transformations and of the relationships among the various

physical qualities, or properties of substances which are affected by this

transformation. Predictions of the physical properties of substances can be

carried out either by analyzing the large scale (gross) behavior of a substance or

by statistically averaging the behavior of the individual particles which make up

the substance.

The earliest electric fans appeared in the early 1880’s. The fan was

basically a blade attached to an electric motor. The development of the fields of

Electrical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering paralleled each other in the

industry of electric fans.

The early electric motors were bipolar. They were direct current, with all

exposed workings. The early blades were adapted from the windmill, with usually

six pie shaped flat leafs of brass. Speed control was attained using resistance. In

almost all cases resistance wire was used, and in a few cases, the light bulb was

used a resistance. These early fans were either a novelty, or an expensive

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appliance, used in large offices or wealthy homes.

Around 1900, blade designs began to change, along with increased

competition. The earliest oscillating fans began to appear. First they were wind

driven, and by 1904 the first mechanical oscillating fan appeared. By 1906, all

electric motor theory was done. The only improvement on motor design would

come in the 1930’s. The biggest improvement in motors was improved insulation

for copper wires used to wind motors. Until the early 1890’s, these wires were

wrapped with silk, and later cotton covered wire as insulation. An enamel

insulation improved, smaller wires could be used, and thus smaller motors made.

In the 1940’s we were a Nation at war. Fan makers used their capacity to help

with the war effort. Few of any electric fans were made for the market. There

were no design changes. Production restarted after war ended, with the same

designs as pre-war (Cunningham, 2013).

Moreover, with economic development and social progress, the indoor

environment has undergone tremendous changes. However, due to bad

ventilation and the use of decorative materials emit some chemicals and other

reasons, making the accumulation of a large number of indoor pollutants,

resulting indoor air pollution. With the vast majority of air pollutants are spread

through the respiratory and skin cause harm to humans.

Using the air purifier is to improve indoor air quality, create a healthy and

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comfortable office and residential environment is very effective way, in winter

heating, summer air-conditioning during the more significant effect, which is the

most energy-efficient air purification methods (Zhou, 2010).

Air filters utilize fine sieves that filter particles from circulating air. As air

flows into the air purifier, the finer the sieve used, the smaller the particles it

traps. Electrical attraction is another technology utilized by air purifiers to trap

particles. Three types of air cleaners work using electrical attraction: electrostatic

precipitating cleaners, electrets filters, and negative ion generator.

Purification process means the process of the machine to remove, filter

out or total solve the pollutant problem, most common process are mechanical

trap out the particles, oxidize the chemical, absorb the odor or kill the bacteria by

destroy their DNA or direct by high voltage etc. If the purification process is

designed inside the machine, then the machine is classify as “Passive Type” e.g.

machine with Electrostatic Precipitator or HEPA filter, or the process is designed

direct inside the room ambient air, then the machine is “Active Type” e.g. Plasma

Ion Generator (+/-) Ion. Most hospital has been installed both the active and


…It defines macroscopic variables, such as internal energy, entropy, and pressure that partly describe a body of matter or radiation…(Fellow, 2005.)

Active and Passive Theory of Air Purifier

Purification process means the process of the machine to remove…( Med Air, 2008).

Article 14, Section 10

The state shall give priority to research and development.(Philippines Constitutions, 1987)

Article….This article apply to electric motor driven air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment…( PEC, 2009).

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Figure 1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

passive machine in their centralize HVAC system e.g. Electrostatic Precipitator

and HEPA filter (Passive) to filter out fine dust particles and remove the bacteria

& virus, Plasma Ion Generator (+/-) ion (Active) direct blow out the (+/-) Ion into


…It defines macroscopic variables, such as internal energy, entropy, and pressure that partly describe a body of matter or radiation…(Fellow, 2005.)

Active and Passive Theory of Air Purifier

Purification process means the process of the machine to remove…( Med Air, 2008).

Article 14, Section 10

The state shall give priority to research and development.(Philippines Constitutions, 1987)

Article….This article apply to electric motor driven air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment…( PEC, 2009).

Modified Air Multiplier

Control Set-up Conventional Air Multiplier

Experimental Set-up Air Multiplier and Purifier

The performance level of Air Multiplier and Purifier.

The significant difference of the existing Air Multiplier and the Air Multiplier and Purifier.

The Acceptability level of the Air Multiplier and Purifier.

Action Plan

Release Fresh Air

Air Multiplier

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the ambient air inside whole the hospital building to kill bacteria and virus (Med

Air, 2008).


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this research is to design and assemble the Air

Multiplier and Purifier. This will be conducted at Bohol Island State University

(BISU) Main Campus, Tagbilaran City in the Academic Year 2014-2015.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the description of the Bladeless Air Multiplier and Purifier in terms


1.1 preparation;

1.2 technical plan;

1.2.1 schematic diagram

1.2.2 block diagram

1.3 materials and costs;

1.4 procedures;

1.4.1 assembly;

1.4.2 operation

1.5 parts and functions?

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2. What is the performance level of the Air Multiplier and Purifier interms of?

2.1 length of air blow;

2.2 ability to trap dirts?

3. Is there a significant difference between the conventional Air Multiplier and

Bladeless Air Multiplier and Purifier?

4. What is the acceptability level of the existing Air Multiplier and Air Multiplier

and Purifier in terms of:

4.1 performance;

4.2 durability;

4.3 convenience of use;

4.4 safety; and

4.5 cost?

5. What action plan shall be proposed based on the result of the study?

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the performance level of the Air

Multiplier and Bladeless Air Multiplier and Purifier.

Significance of the Study

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The researchers believe that the output of this study will benefit the

following groups in any set.

Technology Students. The result of this study will develop and enhance

the student’s critical thinking.

Technology Instructors. The product of this study will be one of the

instructor’s references in improving their new ways of teaching and learning cycle

for their students and also expanding their undiscovered skills.

Consumers. This study will promote safety, assurance, and benefits to

the people in the community in order to gain comfort and ease to their different


Future Researchers. The product of this study will serve as guide and

basis for all students that will be conducting research works related to this study.



The researchers will utilize the experimental research design to assemble

the Air Multiplier and Purifier. We will conduct this study by following the right

procedure of research. It will be clear and correct to have questionnaires used for

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gathering data and necessary information to help understand the experiment.

The performance of this device shall be observed properly to have its own

description in terms of the quality of its acceptability and conveniences for the

users, as well as its safety means of consuming. After the data were found, the

researchers will then collect and the experimental research entailed.

Environment and Participants

This study will be conducted at Bohol Island State University Main

Campus, Tagbilaran City (BISU-MC), Academic Year 2014-2015. The

researchers choose this location since it is the only University which

technological courses and it has the equipment and tools needed to innovate and

assemble the gadget.

The researchers selected twenty (20) BS Electrical students and ten (10)

BS Electronic students as the respondents of this study because they have the

background knowledge and they are exposed in this particular field. The

researchers will use the simple random sampling technique.


The researchers will formulate a self-made questionnaire as the main tool

to gather data relevant to the problem. It was given to the respondents to test its

readability. The questionnaire will be comprised the performance level of Air

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Multiplier and Purifier such as: length of air blow of the gadget and ability to trap

dirt. To validate the questionnaire, it will be first referred to the thesis adviser for

further improvement and approval before it will be reproduced and distributed to

the respondents. After that, a pilot testing will be conducted to check the reliability

of the questionnaire through item analysis. The collected data will be checked

and will undergo computation and analysis, and finally be interpreted when

results are done.

Research Procedures

Permission Phase

The researchers will write a letter of permission to the Dean of the College

of Technology and Allied Sciences and to the Campus Director of BISU Main

Campus, Tagbilaran City to conduct the study within this institution.

Preparation of the Material Phase

The researchers secured and provided the materials needed for the study.

It was ensured that the materials used were durable and affordable.

Assembling Phase

The researchers made a design and a schematic diagram of the Air

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Multiplier and Purifier. This will be submitted and checked by the Thesis adviser

for the approval. After it was being checked and approved, the researchers

prepared the materials, assembled the components of the gadget and tested it

for its proper functioning. The researchers gathered all the data from the

respondents for tabulation, analysis and interpretation.

Testing Phase

After making all the connections of the different parts, the researchers

tested the gadget for its functionality and operations. The participants tested the

gadget that allows them to be able to answer and respond properly to the

questions given by the researchers.

Gathering Data

The researchers conducted an actual observation and experimentation.

The researchers were undergoing trial and error in the gadget to accomplish the

exact operation. Before the respondents and participants answer the

questionnaire, the researchers briefly demonstrate how the gadget works. They

let the participants answer the questionnaire honestly based on their observation

and on the performance of the gadget.

Analysis Phase

After the questionnaires are returned, the gathered data were being tallied

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and tabulated. The researchers analyzed and interpreted the said data using the

appropriate statistical formula.


After the analysis phase, the result was conducted and interpreted about

the safety performance, acceptability level such as the performance, safely to

use, convenience, and cost of the gadget.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the performance level and acceptability level between the

existing Air Multiplier and Air Multiplier and Purifier in different aspects, the

weighted arithmetic mean was used.

After getting the weighted arithmetic mean, the researchers interpreted the

results by using the following scale

Planning and Design

Preparation of Materials

Assembling of Device Based on Schematic Diagram and Design

Air Multiplier and Purifier

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Figure 2.Flow Chart

Acceptability Level Scale

Range Description

3.25 – 4.00 Very High If the descriptions of the criteria happens all the time.

2.50 – 3.24 High If the description of the criteria happens all the time

but failed once.

Observation by the Researchers Based on Functionality

Testing and Gathering of Data

Tallying the Results

Interpretation of Data


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1.75 – 2.49 Average If the description of the criteria happens 3 or more


1.00 – 1.74 Low If the description of the criteria does not happens at


The researchers use T-test formula to determine the significant difference

of the performance level between the existing Air Multiplier and Air Multiplier and


T-test formula:

X1 – X2

t = SD1

2 SD22

N1 + N2


t = the test

X1 = arithmetic mean of experimental group

X2 = arithmetic mean of control group

N1 = the number of observations of the experimental group

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N2 = the number of observations of the control group

SD12 = variance of experimental group

SD22 = variance of control group


Air Multiplier. An instrument or device for increasing the air or intensifying

some effect (as of fan, propeller etc.)

Durability. Able to perform or compete over a long period, as by avoiding

or overcoming injuries

Electricity. The flow of electrons from atom to atom in a conductor. Refers

to the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of

electric charge.

Electric Motor. A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical


Purifier. A device that helps to eliminate undesirable elements such as


Performance. The accomplishment of a given task measured against

preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.

Schematic Diagram. It is a drawing showing all significant components,

parts, or tasks (and their interconnections) of a circuit, device, flow, process, or

project by means of standard symbols.

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Technology. It is the application of Science especially to industrial

commercial objectives.