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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2011 52999 MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL FNX DOUBLE CHECK FOR ALL SYSTEMS Human Life / People / Persons You have completed an introductory course to Human Anatomy. During the course you noted that there are both commonality and uniqueness of structure between the Primate, Homo sapiens sapiens – (Cadaver) and representative other orders of mammals, the Artiodactyl, Ovis aries (Sheep brain and heart) as well as the Carnivore, Felis silvestris catus , (Domestic cat muscles and viscera). Somehow / at sometime, you became aware that you were observing common, similar, as well as unique structural differences between the specimens and that you as a living individual, were utilizing the non-living anatomy experience to prepare for a responsibility to medically treat living organisms. So, the question is………… what is unique about Human life? Is it the same thing to be responsible for the life of a sheep or a cat, as it is to be, responsible for the life of another Human? Health Care, (Human Life Quality Care) as a profession, is an extremely technical, as well as accountable responsibility. It’s important that, you know what you know and know what you don’t know as you go forward in your career as a professional. So, here is an abbreviated check- list for you to consider. FILL IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE: Mark A, for generally and exclusively True of Humans; B, for Generally True for Humans and Animals; and C, False not generally True of Humans. Provide an answer for Humans only. However, by comparing the potential answers for other types of organisms, one may come to more defined answers. Assume in this case that for the example of human = one of at minimum, an average IQ, has successfully and recently completed a HS education, resides in a developed country, and is physically, emotionally and mentally competent as an adult member of the species. Human Characteristics vs. Characteristics of Other Life Forms Attribute / Characteristic Humans Animals Can successfully adapt to their immediate individual environment 1. B Can learn right / correct behavior and the difference between that and wrong / incorrect behavior 2. B Are aware of and / or can learn their specific role or purpose within a given social group, population or community 3. B Cognizant / reflect / question why as individuals they 4. A Page 1 of 36 document.doc

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Human Life / People / Persons

You have completed an introductory course to Human Anatomy. During the course you noted that there are both commonality and uniqueness of structure between the Primate, Homo sapiens sapiens – (Cadaver) and representative other orders of mammals, the Artiodactyl, Ovis aries (Sheep brain and heart) as well as the Carnivore, Felis silvestris catus, (Domestic cat muscles and viscera). Somehow / at sometime, you became aware that you were observing common, similar, as well as unique structural differences between the specimens and that you as a living individual, were utilizing the non-living anatomy experience to prepare for a responsibility to medically treat living organisms. So, the question is………… what is unique about Human life? Is it the same thing to be responsible for the life of a sheep or a cat, as it is to be, responsible for the life of another Human? Health Care, (Human Life Quality Care) as a profession, is an extremely technical, as well as accountable responsibility. It’s important that, you know what you know and know what you don’t know as you go forward in your career as a professional. So, here is an abbreviated check-list for you to consider.

FILL IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE: Mark A, for generally and exclusively True of Humans; B, for Generally True for Humans and Animals; and C, False not generally True of Humans. Provide an answer for Humans only. However, by comparing the potential answers for other types of organisms, one may come to more defined answers.

Assume in this case that for the example of human = one of at minimum, an average IQ, has successfully and recently completed a HS education, resides in a developed country, and is physically, emotionally and mentally competent as an adult member of the species.

Human Characteristics vs. Characteristics of Other Life Forms

Attribute / Characteristic Humans Animals

Can successfully adapt to their immediate individual environment 1. B

Can learn right / correct behavior and the difference between that and wrong / incorrect behavior

2. B

Are aware of and / or can learn their specific role or purpose within a given social group, population or community

3. B

Cognizant / reflect / question why as individuals they exist, and what purpose / role they are to play / take / have in the social group, population community in which they find themselves

4. A

Aware of the birth process in their own species and nurture their own offspring

5. B

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


Human Life Characteristics vs. Characteristics of Other Life Forms continued

Cognizant that as individuals they were born 6. A

Create and live and cooperatively behave in social and / or colonial groups

7. B

Can treat themselves and other species if injured with medical understanding

8. A

Rely on DNA for differentiation, reproduction success / heredity 9. B

Development, growth, aging, ability and behavior is regulated by complex hormonal, and nervous system coordination

10. B

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


General Anatomy

Layers / Levels of ThreeComplete the following statements. Choose from Column IVX

Organ / Structure SuperficialOuter


Integrating Connecting




General Nerve Epineurium 11. Perineurium bcd 12. Endoneurium ae

General Muscle 13. Epimysium bd Perimysium 14. Endomysium ad

General Bone 15. Periosteum bce 16. Bone / Osteum b Endosteum

Anterior Torso Musculature

External Oblique 17. Internal Oblique de 18. Transverse abdominus abce

Uterus 19. Perimetrium ace Myometrium 20. Endometrium ac

Meninges 21. Duramater ab 22. Arachnoid mater a Pia mater

Stomach Musculature Longitudinal 23. Circular d 24. Oblique acd

Eye 25. Sclera abcd Choroid 26. Retina cde

Long Bone Structure 27. Epiphysis cd 28. Metaphysis abd Diaphyysis

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



29. __

30. __

31. __

32. __

33. __

34. __

35. __

36. __

37. __

38. __

39. __

40. __

41. __

Away from medial de Below cd Chin abd Divides ant from post e Divides sup from inf abcde Elbow abe Elevated, above normal bd Lower anterior leg ac Shoulder a Superior to stomach ae Thigh bc Left from right abceBelow normal be





acromial brachial buccal caudal coronal cranial crural dorsal epigastric femoral hyper hypo inferior iso / homo lateral medial mental olecranal phospholipid bi-layer pollex popliteal proximal saggital sural transverse

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Match the COMPONENTS with the respective SYSTEM to which they are most closely associated.# COMPONENTS / DESCRIPTION CODE SYSTEM NAME

arteries and veins A brain stem and spinal nerves AC esophagus, liver, pancreas, and anus B fallopian tubes and seminal vesicles AD kidneys and bladder BD larynx, pharynx and trachea AE ligaments, erythrpoeisis and articulations BC sudoriferous and sebaceous glands and hair D tendons, actin, myosin, fibrils AB thyroid, pancreas, ovary, and pituitary C tonsils, thymus, and spleen E


Cardiovascular Digestive Endocrine Integuement Lymphatic / Immune Muscular Nervous Reproductive, Respiratory Skeletal Urinary

MATCHING: Match the term that best fills in the positional relationship.53. The visceral pleura is __________ to the parietal pleura. A

54. The parietal pericardium is _________to the visceral pericardium. B

55. The parietal peritoneum is _______to the Cutaneous membrane A

56. The periosteum is _______ to the endosteum. B

57. The mediastinum is _________to the parietal pericardium. B

A. DeepB. SuperficialC. MedialD. ProximalE. Inferior

TURN THIS PARSE Complete the following check list. Mark all that apply for each organ. Mark DE for None..









58. Maxilla A

59. Brain C E

60. Heart AB

61. Inner Ear AC

62. Kidney BCDE

63. Lung A D

64. Lymph Node BCDE

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



TURN THIS PARSE Tissues Fill in the classification table with appropriate examples. See Column XII for choices

Simple Stratified Pseudostratified

Columnar 65. lining of intestine E 66. salivary AE

Columnar Ciliated 67. nasal passages trachea, bronchi AC

Cuboidal 68. glands, ducts C

69. sweat glands BC

Squamous 70. vessels D 71. mouth throat AB

Squamous Keratinized 72. skin B

Fill in the Missing items from the following tables of classification. See Choices XIII. Use the most appropriate single word

Connective Tissues

Fibrous Fluid 73. Supportive acd

74. Loose e Dense 75. Blood c Lymph Cartilage 76. Bone d

Adipose 77. Elastic c 78. Erythrocytes e

79. Elastic c Compact

80. Areolar b Irregular Leukocytes ab Fibrous 81. Spongy ad

Reticular 82. Regular ab

83. Plateletes cd

84. Hyaline bc

Muscular Tissues

Non Striated Striated Striated and Branched85. Smooth abd 86. Skeletal abc 87. Cardiac e

Nervous Tissues

Neurons 88. Neuroglia be


89. Astrocyte a 90. Satellite ce

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


Ependymal Schwan


91. Oligodendrocyte be

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Table of Cell Junctions / ConnectionsPARSE Mark all codes that apply to these broad functional classes of cell junctions

# Primary Function CODE Choices92. Taut, rigid, securing, occluding ACE A.



93. Anchoring D

94. Communicative B

General Anatomy

Anatomical Membranes

Membrane Definition Example CODE Choices

Cutaneous 95. AE 96. E ABCDE



Blood Brain BarrierBone MarrowCapillary apical surfaceEncapsulated, self lubricating, weight and stress bearingInteguementLubricating, manages CNS structuresLubricating, manages flow in and out of body systemsLubricating, manages movement between organ surfacesLubricating, protects internal structures and organs from environmentMyometriumNon-lubricating, manages bone to muscle connectionNon-lubricating, protects hair shaftOropharynxPatellaPerineuriumPia materSuperior articulating facetVisceral pleura

Meninges 97. AB 98. ABC

Mucous 99. AC Oropharynx

Serous 100. AD 101. ABE

Synovial 102. D 103. ABD

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Table of select Integument Features

Check Box: Mark A for True / Present and B for False / Not present

Definition / Identification Thick Skin Thin

Stratum corneum 104. A

Stratum lucidum 105. B

Epidermal ridges 106. B

Dermis 107. A

Sudifrous glands 108. A

Stratum basale 109. A

Creuminous glands 110. A

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Bone membership Classification; Mark A for Appendicular OR B for Axial OR C for Accessory to identify the membership of the bone to these classes of the skeletal system. Select Number of bones from Column IX.

# BONE AppendicularA




Number In Human Body

111. _

112. _

113. _

114. _

115. _

116. _

117. _

118. _

119. _

120. _

121. _

122. _

Carpals ACoccyx BEthmoid BFemur AFrontal BHumerus AHyoid BIncus CInferior nasal conchae BPhalanx ATemporal BVomer B

123. _1a

124. _2 b

125. _2 b

126. _1 a

127. _2 b

128. _56 ade

129. _2 b

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


MATCHING: Match the structure / bone with its articulating structure or bone.



Head of femur AHead of humerus ADHead of radius CDistal end of radius DEDistal end of the fibula ABE



Acetabulum Acromion Of Scapula Capitulum Of Humerus Clavicle Cuneiforms Femur Fibula Glenoid Cavity Head Of Fibula Humerus Ilium Ischium Medial Condyle Of Femur Radius Scaphoid Scapula Sternum Talus Tibia Ulna

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



PARSEComplete the following Table of Joint Classification. Choose from Column I

Common Name for Joint Structural Class Functional Class Specific Type

Example: Intervertebral Discs Cartilaginous Amphiarthrotic Synovial

Lambdoidal Suture Fibrous ae 135. Synarthrotic bcd Suture

Tooth Fibrous Synarthrotic Gomphosis

Tibia Fibula Fibrous ae 136. Amphiarthrotic a Syndesmosis

L / R Pubic Bones Cartilaginous Amphiarthrotic Symphysis

Knee Synovial 137. Synovial abcd ad


Vertebral Articulating Facets Synovial Synovial abcd Planar

Fill In the term for the following definitions of muscular -skeletal movement. Choose from Column III

TERM Definition

Extension ad 138. Increases the angle between articulating structures in a hinge joint and in the sagital plane

Adduction b Movement of a bone or structure toward the midline

Dorsiflexion e 139. Movement of the dorsum of the foot superiorly, movement in walking or running

Pronation de Movement that turns the palmar surface posteriorly

Abduction a 140. Movement of a bone or appendage away from the midline

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Fill in the following table for muscle structure and function. Place A for True and B for False

Attribute Cardiac Smooth Skeletal

Voluntary Control 141. B

Self rhythmic 142. B

Present in walls of blood vessels 143. A

Can have agonist vs antagonist functions / relations 144. B

Sarcomeres arranged end to end 145. B

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



147. Name this structure & Z LINE abcde

148. Name this structure % and $ SARCOMERE ace

149. This muscle is in contraction…..A for true B for False

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL



Complete each sentence. Choose from Column V150. Atrioventricular node is located in the ________ inter vetn septum ab

151. The heart is located in a central thoracic region called the _______:bc

152. The portion of the heart's “wrapper” that anchors the heart in place is the: be

153. The superior and inferior vena cavae deliver blood to which chamber of the heart? acd

154. Which collection of autorhythmic cells in the heart normally serves as the heart's pacemaker? ade

155. The right and left coronary arteries branch from which blood vessel? a



Fill in the following Table for Brain Anatomy & Functional Classification. The format is anatomically superior to inferior. Use the alphabetic CODE form COLUMN X.

Major Division Minor Division FunctionChoose from Column X Nervous System

Cerebrum Consciousness, Thinking de

Diencephalons D Regulation and Control

Epithalamus E 156. ___Pineal Gland and Melatonin secretion BC

Thalamus 157. ___Coordinates all sensory input to cerebral cortex AD

Subthalamus CE Coordinates body movement and produces dopamine E

Hypothalamus AC 158. Hormonal and homeostatic master control AE

Cerebellum B Refines skilled body movement, maintains equilibrium and balance CD

Brain Stem A High Level of Integration and Distribution

Midbrain / Mesencephalon AE

159. ___Integrates motor and sensory from / to spinal cord, pons, cerebral cortex and awareness of visual and auditory stimuli A

Pons Lateral coordination in cerebral hemispheres and to / from integration with medulla and midbrain, respiration CD

Medulla Oblongata

160. ___Cross-over relay of sensory information to thalamus, brain stem AB

Spinal Cord

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


White matter ABD 161. Ascending and descending tracts for nerve impulses abd

Gray Matter AB Cell bodies and synapses clusters CE

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 201152999MW 5:00 PM – 9:20 PMRIDDELL


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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


PARSE Complete the following Table of Cranial Nerves. List the alphabetic letter indicated for Choices below.

Nerve ROM. Num. Region (s) of Innervations / Principal Function PrimarySensory /

Motor / Both


Abducens V1 AB Eye and pons / eye movement and proprioception Motor A.B.C.D.E.



Accessory 162. X1 BD Pharynx, larynx, palate / swallowing, proprioception, head and neck movement


Facial V11 AC Tongue, face scalp, neck / taste, propioception, movement, lacrimation, salivation BC


Glosso-pharyngeal 163. 1X AE Tongue, neck, carotids, parotids / taste, swallowing, baroception, chemception / salivation


Hypoglossal X11 BE Tongue, medulla / swallowing, speech Motor

Oculomotor I I I Eye / eye movement Motor

Olfactory 1 A Olfactory bulbs / smell Sensory

Optic 164. 11 B Retina / vision Sensory

Trigeminal V E Eye, nose, scalp / pain, pressure, touch, and Nose, eyelid, teeth, lip, pain, pressure, touch, and Mouth tongue, head, mucosa, / pain, pressure, touch


Trochlear 165. 1V D Eye and Midbrain / eye movement and proprioception Motor

Vagus X BC Head, neck, throat, thorax, viscera, heart, GI, gallbladder, intestines / proprioception autonomic NS


Vestibulocochlear 166. V111 AD Ear and cochlea / hearing and equilibrium CD Sensory

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


Respiratory System

Anatomical Order of Air Flow Anatomical Choices

167. ____C

168. _____DLaryngopharynx169. __________B

170. ____________E

A. laryngopharynxB. larynxC. nasopharynxD. oropharynxE. trachea

Digestive System

Trace the flow of food anatomically correct order of in the GI tract. Mark the letter of the choice in the following flow chart.

1. Anatomical Flow of food Anatomical Choices

171. ____d

172. _____ac

173. ________abCardia174. ____________ad

175. ______________e

176. _______________b

A cardiaB cecumC esophagusD glossusE jejunumAB laryngopharynxAC oropharynxAD pyloris

AE pancreas

Longitudinal Section

Cross section

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

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Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


Reproductive System

Process CODE Definition / Function

Granulosa Cells 177. Oogenesis A

178. Ovulation AB

179. Sertoli Cells C

180. Spermatogenesis A

181. Spermiation AB


Formation of gameteMaturation of gameteNurture / maintain . support maturing gameteProduces estrogenProduces testeroneRelease of mature gamete

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


EndocrinologyMatch the HORMONE with the respective GLAND to which they are most closely associated.

# Hormone CODE Endocrine Organ

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone BAldosterone A FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone B Norepinephrine A Melanocyte -stimulating hormone B


Adrenal GlandAnterior PituitaryHypothalamusOvaryPancreasParathyroid GlandPineal GlandPosterior PituitaryTesteThymusThyroid GlandSeveral of the aboveNone of the above

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

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Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


Urinary System

Nephron Identify the indicated structures. See COLUMN XV for choices.

187. Name this structure W Glomerulus AD

188. Name this structure Z Collecting duct D

END OF EXAM…..END OF BIO 218 F 2011…..

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

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Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL





AmphiarthroticArticularBall and SocketBursaeCancellousCartilaginousCondyloidDiarthrosesFibrousElbowGomphosisHingeLigamentPivotPlanarPhalangesSaddleSecond classSliding / glidingSutureSymphysesSynarthrosisSynchondrosisSyndesmosisSynovialTendonVertebrae


AbductionAdductionCircumductionDepressionDorsiflexionElevationEversionExtensionFlexionHyperextensionHyperflexionInversionLateral flexionPlantar flexionPronationProtractionRotationSupination

A BandAcetylcholineActinAxonEndomysiumEpicardiumEpimysiumFascicleH BandI BandM LineMyofilamentMyocardiumMyomysiumMyosinNeuro-mus JunctionPerimysiumRock BandSarcolemmaSarcomereSarcoplasmSinoatrial nodeSynaptic cleftTendonTerminal cisterniTropomyosinTroponinZ line / Disc

AortaAortic Semi-lunar ValveChordae tendinaeCubital fossaEpicardiumInterventricular septumMitral ValveLeft AtriumLeft Ventricle MediastinumPapillary muscleParietal pericardiumPosteriorPulmonary ArteriesPulmonary CapillariesPulmonary Semi-lunar ValvePulmonary TrunkPulmonary VeinsRight AtriumRight VentricleSinoatrial nodeSuperior capillarySuperior Vena CavaSystemic ArteriesSystemic CapillariesTransverseTricuspid ValveVena cava, Inferior & Superior

BasophilBloodCardiac FluidEosinophilErythrocytesH2OLymphLymphocyteMacrophagesMast cellsMonocyteNeutrophilPhagocytesPlasma

Axillary and Inguinal nodesCervical modesCystrna ChyliFemurKidneyPeyers PatchRed Bone MarrowSpleenThymus glandThyroid cartilageYellow Bone marrow

MULTIPLE CHOICE CODES – General Anatomy continued and Nervous SystemPage 25 of 28 document.doc

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

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Coronal Medial Parasagittal Transvese Oblique Saggital

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 32 44 50 56 58 66 112 128 200 206 208

AV data processing, Awareness, Integrates motor / sensory stimuliBundles information and transports to higher centers of CNSCell bodies of sensory nerve fibersConnects and bundles Peripheral nerves Coordinates movement, motion, dopamine dependent Cross-over relay of sensory information to thalamus, brain stem, Determines stimulusEmotions / memory, coordination of all sensory info to cerebrumHormonal / homeostasis master controlMelatonin secretion by pineal glandNerve Impulses within and between hemispheresSensory information to cerebellum and thalamusSkilled body movement, equilibrium, balance, proprioceptionSynapse / collateral transmission to ascending tracts and reflex arcsSynthesizes thoughtTransmits information from receptor to CNSAscending and descending tracts for nerve impulsesAll of the AboveNone of the above

Arachnoid materBone / OsteumCalyxChoroidCircular DiaphyysisDuramaterEndometriumEndomysiumEndoneuriumEndosteumEpimetriumEpimysiumEpineuriumEpiphysisFiberExternal ObliqueInternal Oblique LongitudinalMetaphysisMyoblastMyometriumObliquePerimysiumPerineuriumPeriosteumPia materRetinaScleraTransverse abdominus

BladderEpidermisGlands, ducts, tubulesLining of heart / cv vesselsLining of intestineLining of mouth, throatNasal, tracheal, bronchial passagesLining of sweat ducts / renal tubulesSalivarySweat glandsUrinary bladder / ureters

XIII List of Choices: Classes, Subtypes and Example TissuesPage 26 of 28 document.doc

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CELL NAME Tissue / Organ


Adipose Areolar Blood Bone Cardiac Cartilage Cells Fibrous / Fibro Fluid Hyaline Lymph Neuroglia Neuron Pseudostratified Simple Skeletal Smooth Stratified Supportive Transitional

Columnar Cuboidal Squamous

Ciliated Keratinized Non-ciliated Non-keratinized

Compact Dense Elastic Irregular Loose Regular Reticular Spongy

Central Peripheral

Astrocytes Basophil Eiosinophil Ependymal Erythrocytes Leukocytes Lymphocyte Macrophage Microglia Monocyte Neutrophil Oligodendrocytes Platelets Satellite Schwann

All Organs Hair Follicle Inter Vert Discs Renal Tubule Vert. Ligaments

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Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session:Section:

Days / Time: Instructor:

Fall 200852999MTW 6:00 PM – 9:00 PMRIDDELL


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CODE IVX Layers of 3 XV UrinaryABCDE





Arachnoid materBone / OsteumChoroidCircularDiaphyysisDuramaterEndometriumEndomysiumEndoneuriumEndosteumEpimysiumEpineuriumEpiphysisExternal ObliqueInternal Oblique LongitudinalMetaphysisMyometriumObliquePerimetriumPerimysiumPerineuriumPeriosteumPia materRetinaScleraTransverse abdominusUterusUrethraUrogenital Tract

Afferent ArterioleAscending LoopCapsuleCollecting ductDescemding LoopDistal Conv TubulesEfferent ArterioleGlomerulusMacula DensaProximal Conv TubulesRenal ductVasa recta