chapter 10 arrays ii applications and extensions

CHAPTER 10 ARRAYS II Applications and Extensions

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Page 1: CHAPTER 10 ARRAYS II Applications and Extensions


ARRAYS IIApplications and


Page 2: CHAPTER 10 ARRAYS II Applications and Extensions

In this chapter, you will: Learn how to implement the sequential search

algorithm Explore how to sort an array using the selection

sort algorithm Learn how to implement the binary search

algorithm Discover how to manipulate data in a two-

dimensional array Learn about multidimensional arrays

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A list is defined as a set of values of the same type.

Some of the basic operations that are performed on a list are:

1. Search the list for a given item.

2. Sort the list.

3. Insert an item in the list.

4. Delete an item from the list.

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Sequential Searchfound is set to false;

for(loc = 0; loc < length; loc++)if(list[loc] is equal to searchItem){

found is set to trueexit loop


if(found)return loc;

elsereturn –1;

If the function seqSearch returns a value greater than or equal to 0, it is a successful search; otherwise, it is an unsuccessful search.

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int seqSearch(const int list[], int listLength, int searchItem)

{ int loc;

bool found = false;

for(loc = 0; loc < listLength; loc++) if(list[loc] == searchItem) {

found = true;break;


if(found) return loc;else return -1;


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Sorting a List: Selection Sort• This algorithma. Finds the location of the smallest element

b. Move the smallest element to the beginning of the unsorted list.

for(index = 0; index < length – 1; index++){

a. Find the location, smallestIndex, of the smallest element in list[index]...list[length].

b. Swap the smallest element with list[index]. That is, swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index].


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Step a:smallestIndex = index; //assume first element is the


for(minIndex = index + 1; minIndex < length; minIndex++)

if(list[minIndex] < list[smallestIndex]) smallestIndex = minIndex; //current element in //the list is smaller than //the smallest so far, so

//update smallestIndex

Step b:

temp = list[smallestIndex];list[smallestIndex] = list[index];list[index] = temp;

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Before writing the selection sort function, let us apply the above algorithm to sort the following list.

The length of list is 6

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Iteration 1: Sort list[0]...list[5]. Step a: Find the index of the smallest element in list[0]...list[5].

Step b: Swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index], that is, list[3] with list[0]. The resulting array is:

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Iteration 2: Sort list[1]...list[5]. Here index = 1.Step a: Find the index of the smallest element in list[1]...list[5].

Step b: Swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index]. That is, swap list[1] with list[1].

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Iteration 3: Sort list[2]...list[5]. Step a: Find the index of the smallest element in list[2]...list[5].

Step b: Swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index]. That is, swap list[4] with list[2].

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Iteration 4: Sort list[3]...list[5]. Step a: Find the index of the smallest element in list[3]...list[5].

Step b: Swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index]. That is, swap list[3] with list[3].

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Iteration 5: Sort list[4]...list[5]. Step a: Find the index of the smallest element in list[4]...list[5].

Step b: Swap list[smallestIndex] with list[index]. That is, swap list[5] with list[4].

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void selectionSort(int list[], int length){ int index; int smallestIndex; int minIndex; int temp;

for(index = 0; index < length – 1; index++) { //Step a smallestIndex = index;

for(minIndex = index + 1; minIndex < length; minIndex++)

if(list[minIndex] < list[smallestIndex]) smallestIndex = minIndex;

//Step b temp = list[smallestIndex]; list[smallestIndex] = list[index]; list[index] = temp; }}

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Sequential search on a sorted listfound is set to false;

for(loc = 0; loc < listLength; loc++)if (list[loc] is greater than or equal to


found is set to trueexit loop


if(found) if(list[loc] == searchItem)

return loc; else

return –1;else

return –1;

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int seqOrderdSearch(const int list[], int listLength, int searchItem)

{ int loc; //Line 1 bool found = false; //Line 2

for(loc = 0; loc < listLength; loc++)//Line 3 if(list[loc] >= searchItem) //Line 4 {

found = true; //Line 5 break; //Line 6

} if(found) //Line 7 if(list[loc] == searchItem) //Line 8

return loc; //Line 9 else //Line 10

return –1; //Line 11else //Line 12

return –1; //Line 13}

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length = 8; searchItem = 35; loc = 0, found = false.

Iteration loc found list[loc] list[loc]>= searchItem1 0 false 4 4 >= 35 is false; loc = 1

2 1 false 18 18 >= 35 is false;loc = 2

3 2 false 29 29 >= 35 is false;loc = 3

4 3 false 35 35 >= 35 is true; found = true

found is true, the if statement at Line 8 executes. list[loc] = 35 and searchItem = 35, the expression

list[loc] == searchItemevaluates to true and the return statement at Line 9 returns the value of loc, which is 3. This is a successful search.

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searchItem = 40; loc = 0; found = false. Iteration loc found list[loc] list[loc]>= searchItem1 0 false 4 4 >= 40 is false; loc = 1

2 1 false 18 18 >= 40 is false; loc = 2

3 2 false 29 29 >= 40 is false; loc = 3

4 3 false 35 35 >= 40 is false; loc = 4

5 4 false 44 44 >= 40 is true; found = true

found is true. The if statement at Line 8 executes.

list[loc] = 44 and searchItem = 40. The expression

list[loc] == searchItem

evaluates to false, the statement at Line 9 is skipped, and the return statement at Line 11 executes, which returns –1. This is an unsuccessful search.

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Binary Search A binary search is similar to a dictionary search.

A binary search uses the “divide and conquer” technique to search the list.

First, the search item is compared with the middle element of the list.

If the search item is less than the middle element of the list, we restrict the search to the upper half of the list; otherwise, we search the lower half of the list.

Consider the following sorted list of length = 12

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• Determine whether 75 is in the list

• Compare 75 with the middle element in the list, list[5] (which is 39). • Because 75 list[5] and 75 > list[5], we then restrict our search to the

list list[6]...list[11]

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int binarySearch(const int list[],int listLength,int searchItem)

{int first = 0;int last = listLength - 1;int mid;

bool found = false;

while(first <= last && !found){

mid = (first + last) / 2;

if(list[mid] == searchItem)found = true;

else if(list[mid] > searchItem)

last = mid - 1; else

first = mid + 1;}if(found)

return mid;else return –1;

}//end binarySearch

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• searchItem = 89; first = 0, last = 11, and found = false

Iteration first last mid list[mid] Number of Key Comp.

1 0 11 5 39 2

2 6 11 8 66 2

3 9 11 10 89 1 (found is true)

•searchItem = 34; first = 0, last = 11, and found = false

Iteration first last mid list[mid] Number of Key Comp.

1 0 11 5 39 22 0 4 2 19 23 3 4 3 25 24 4 4 4 34 1 (found is true)

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searchItem = 22; first = 0, last = 11, and found = false

Iteration first last mid list[mid] Number of Key Comp.

1 0 11 5 39 2

2 0 4 2 19 2

3 3 4 3 25 2

4 3 2 The loop stops (because first > last)

unsuccessful search

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Two-dimensional Array: A two-dimensional array is a collection of a fixed number of components arranged in two dimensions, and all components are of the same type.

The syntax for declaring a two-dimensional array is:

dataType arrayName[# of Rows][# of Column];

double sales[10][5];

declares a two-dimensional array sales of 10 rows and 5 columns and every component is of the type float.

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Two-Dimensional Array Initialization During DeclarationLike one-dimensional arrays, two-dimensional arrays can be initialized when they are declared.

int board[4][3] = {{2, 3, 1}, {15, 25, 13}, {20,4,7}, {11,18,14}};

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Processing Two-dimensional Arraysconst int rows = 7; const int columns = 6; int matrix[rows][columns];int row;int col;int sum;int largest;int temp;

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matrix [0][1][2][3][4][5][0]













Initialize the 6th row to zerorow = 5;for(col = 0; col < columns; col++) matrix[row][col] = 0;

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Print out the 3rd column to screen output

col = 2;

for(row = 0; row < rows; row++)

cout << matrix[row][col] << endl;

matrix [0][1][2][3][4][5][0]














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The following nested for loops print the components of matrix, one row per line.

for(row = 0; row < rows; row++){ for(col = 0; col < columns; col++) cout<<setw(5)<<matrix[row][col]<<" "; cout<<endl;}

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Sum of each individual row

for(row = 0; row < rows; row++){ sum = 0; for(col = 0; col < columns; col++) sum = sum + matrix[row][col]; cout<<"Sum of row "<<row+1<<" = "


Sum of each individual column

for(col = 0; col < columns; col++){ sum = 0; for(row = 0; row < rows; row++) sum = sum + matrix[row][col]; cout<<"Sum of column "<<col+1<<" = "

<<sum<<endl; }

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//Largest element in each row

for(row = 0; row < rows; row++)


largest = matrix[row][0];

for(col = 1; col < columns; col++)

if(largest < matrix[row][col])

largest = matrix[row][col];

cout<<"Largest element of row "<<row+1

<<" = "<<largest<<endl;


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//Largest element in each column

for(col = 0; col < columns; col++)


largest = matrix[0][col];

for(row = 1; row < rows; row++)

if(largest < matrix[row][col])

largest = matrix[row][col];

cout<<"Largest element of col "<<col+1

<<" = "<<largest<<endl;


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Passing Two-dimensional Arrays as Parameters to Functions

• Two-dimensional arrays can be passed as parameters to a function and they are passed by reference.

• The base address, that is, the address of the first component of the actual parameter is passed to the formal parameter.

• When storing a two-dimensional array in the computer’s memory, C++ uses the row order form. That is, first the first row is stored, followed by the second row, which is followed by the third row and so on.

void example(int table[][5], int rowsize){ . . .}

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Arrays of Strings• Arrays of Stings and the string Type

string list[100];

• Arrays of Strings and C- Strings (Character Arrays)

char list[100][16];

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strcpy(list[1], "Snow White");

for(j = 0; j < 100; j++)cout<<list[j]<<endl;

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Other form of Declaring Two-dimensional Arraysconst int numberOfRows = 20;const int numberOfColumns = 10;

typedef int tableType[numberOfRows][numberOfColumns];

We can declare variables of the type tableType.

tableType matrix;

void initialize(tableType table){

int row; int col;

for(row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++) for(col = 0; col < numberOfColumns; col++)

table[row][col] = 0;}

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Multi-dimensional Arrays• Array: An array is a collection of a fixed number of elements (called

components) arranged in n dimensions (n >= 1), called an n-dimensional array.

The general syntax of declaring an n-dimensional array is:

dataType arrayName[intExp1][intExp2]...[intExpn];

where intExp1, intExp2, … , and intExpn are constant expressions yielding positive integer values.

The syntax of accessing a component of an n-dimensional array is:


where indexExp1,indexExp2,..., and indexExpn are expressions yielding nonnegative integer values. indexExpi gives the position of the array component in the ith dimension.

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The statement declares carDealers to be a three-dimensional array.

double carDealers[10][5][7];

Size of the first dimension is 10 and it ranges from 0 to 9. The size of the second dimension is 5 and it ranges from 0 to 4. The size of the third dimension is 7 and it ranges from 0 to 6. The base address of the array carDealers is the address of the first array

component, that is the address of carDealers[0][0][0]. The total number of components in the array carDealers is 10*5*7 =


carDealers[5][3][2] = 15564.75;

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) for(k = 0; k < 7; k++)

carDealers[i][j][k] = 0.0;

initializes the entire array to 0.0.