chapter 10 ideal gases

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Ideal gases





  • L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S


    i L e a r n a n e w S I b a s e q u a n t i t y , t h e a m o u n t o f

    s u b s t a n c e .

    ii Understand the difference between macroscopic and microscopic

    properties of a substance. Know what is the meaning of state variables.

    iii L e a r n t h e i d e a l g a s e q u a t i o n a n d u s e i t . U n d e r s t a n d

    w h a t i d e a l g a s e s a r e .

    iv Understand the importance of Brownian motion to the kinetic model.

    v W h a t i s i n t e r n a l e n e r g y ?

    vi L e a r n t h e a s s u m p t i o n s o f t h e k i n e t i c t h e o r y f o r

    i d e a l g a s e s a n d l e a r n h o w g a s e s e x e r t p r e s s u r e .

    vii D e r i v e e q u a t i o n s t h a t r e l a t e a m a c r o s c o p i c p r o p e r t y ,

    t e m p e r a t u r e a n d a m i c r o s c o p i c o n e , a v e r a g e s p e e d .


    The amount of substance is one of

    the 6 S.I. base quantities.

    Units of amount of substance is the

    mole (symbol = mol).


    1 mol of a substance is defined as

    the amount of that substance that

    has a equal number of particles to

    the number of atoms in 0.012 kg of

    carbon -12.

  • THE MOLETHE MOLE Avogadros constant is equal to

    Avogadros constant is equal tothe number of atoms in 0.012 kgof carbon 12.

    0.012 kg of carbon 12 has 6.022 1023 atoms.

    Hence, Avogadros constant, is equal to .

  • THE MOLETHE MOLE Hence, 1 mole of a substance is the

    Hence, 1 mole of a substance is theamount of substance that has anumber of particles equal to .

    The number of moles, , can becalculated from the mass of substance,m by using the equation

    , where

    M = molar mass of the substance.


    The molar mass, M of a

    substance is the mass (in g) of 1

    mol of a substance.

  • THE MOLETHE MOLE We can use Avogadros constant We can use Avogadros constant

    and the number of moles to findthe number of particles presentin a sample of a substance.

    How? Use ,wherethe number of elementary


  • M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    Substances (solid, liquids or gases) are

    is made up of

    Substances (solid, liquids or gases) are made up of the elementary units of the substance.

    For example, gaseous is made up of


    Microscopic properties are properties ofthe elementary particles that make upthe substance.

  • M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    For example, a sample of gaseous For example, a sample of gaseous would have molecules, and each of itsmolecules would have momentum, velocity(or speed), mass and kinetic energy.

    It is difficult to measure the microscopicproperties of all the elementary particles ina substance due to the large number ofparticles that make up the substance.

  • M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    M I C R O S C O P I C v s .

    M A C R O S C O P I C

    Macroscopic properties are properties Macroscopic properties are properties of the substance of the whole.

    For example, a sample of gaseous

    would have a temperature, pressure, volume, mass, density and number of moles.

    Macroscopic properties define the state the of the substance.

  • STATE VARIABLESSTATE VARIABLES The state variables are the variables The state variables are the variables

    that define the state of a matter.

    The state variables we will encounter arepressure, temperature, volume, densityand amount of substance.

    State variables are related to oneanother via an equation of state.


    Ideal gases are gases that precisely

    obey the ideal gas equation at all

    temperatures, volumes and


    Real gases obey this law only at low pressures

    and high temperatures, when they are furthest

    apart and moving the fastest. However, we can

    use this equation for approximate calculations.

  • T H E I D E A L G A S E Q UAT I O N

    If this hypothetical experiment was

    carried out using a gas, what would

    be observed are:

    I. The volume of the gas, V, is

    directly proportional to the

    amount (number of moles) of

    the gas, n (if temperature, T and

    pressure, p are kept constant).

    II. The pressure of the gas, p is

    inversely proportional to the

    volume, V of the gas (for

    constant T and n).

    Figure 18.1, page 591: Chapter 18: THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER; SEARS AND ZEMANSKYS

    UNIVERSITY PHYSICS WITH MODERN PHYSICS; Young, Hugh D. and Freedman, Roger A., Addison Wesley,

    San Francisco, 2012.

  • T H E I D E A L G A S E Q UAT I O N

    III. The pressure, p of the gas is

    directly proportional to the

    thermodynamic temperature

    of the gas, T, for constant V

    and n.

    IV. The thermodynamic

    temperature of a gas is the

    temperature of the gas

    expressed in Kelvin.

    For conversion, use


    Figure 18.1, page 591: Chapter 18: THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER; SEARS AND ZEMANSKYS

    UNIVERSITY PHYSICS WITH MODERN PHYSICS; Young, Hugh D. and Freedman, Roger A., Addison Wesley,

    San Francisco, 2012.

  • T H E I D E A L G A S E Q UAT I O N


    All of those previous relationships can be

    summed up into one equation

    This equation is known as the ideal gas


    , the proportionality constant, is the

    universal gas constant


    What are the units of p, V, n and T?

  • T H E I D E A L G A S E Q UAT I O N

    The ideal gas equation can be

    The ideal gas equation can bemanipulated to obtain otherforms of it.

    I. pV #$

    , or

    II. &'

    (), where * density, or,


    where the subscripts 1 and

    2 represent different states.

  • T H E I D E A L G A S E Q UAT I O N

    Recall that


    o +, #$

    , or

    o -,

    o where -

    . . //

    k is known as the Boltzmann constant.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Example 18.1, page 593: Chapter 18: THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER; SEARS AND


    Freedman, Roger A., Addison Wesley, San Francisco, 2012.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Example; Section 6.3 The Gas Laws, Page 145, Chapter 6: Thermal Physics ,

    International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown, Hodder

    Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Exercises; Section 6.3 The Gas Laws, Page 146, Chapter 6: Thermal Physics ,

    International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown, Hodder

    Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Exercises; Section 6.3 The Gas Laws, Page 146, Chapter 6: Thermal Physics ,

    International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown, Hodder

    Education, United Kingdom, 2008.


    Each of the gas molecule has a certain

    amount of energy.

    This energy is the kinetic energy,

    associated with its movement, and the

    potential energy due to the forces that

    exist between the gas molecules.


    In addition all the molecules will have

    different kinetic energies as some are

    moving faster and some slower and also

    different amount of potential energies

    as this energy is dependent on the

    position of the molecule in a given



    We can now say that the kinetic energies

    of each of the molecules are randomly

    distributed, and the potential energy of

    each of the molecule also follows a

    random distribution.


    When we add the kinetic energies and

    potential energies of all the gas

    molecules, we remove the random

    nature of the energies.

    What we get is known as the internal

    energy of the gas.


    Definition: The internal energy of a

    substance is the sum of the random

    distribution of kinetic and potential

    energies of all the molecules associated

    with the system.


    Robert Brown, an English botanist, put forward his Robert Brown, an English botanist, put forward hisobservation of tiny pollen grains floating on waterundergoing a constant , random , haphazard motion,even though the water appeared still when viewed underthe microscope.

    This movement is now known as Brownian motion.

    This motion is only possible if the water molecules are in astate of rapid and random motion. These watermolecules randomly collide with the pollen grains fromall directions causing the pollen grains to experience thisBrownian motion.


    Figure 12a, Chapter 17 : Atoms, Molecules and Atomic Processes, page 6; PHYSICS

    2000 ; E.R. HUGGINS; Moose Mountain Digital Press, New Hampshire 2000.

    Diagram shows

    how a simple set

    up can be used to

    show Brownian

    motion.Laser beam can be

    replaced by another

    coherent source of



    Figure 6.14: Observing Brownian Motion, Page 148, Chapter 6: Thermal Physics ,

    International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown, Hodder

    Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    We also know that samples of gases have

    macroscopic and microscopic properties.

    We can relate the macroscopic and

    microscopic properties of gases.

    However, we must make some

    assumptions about the atoms/

    molecules of the gases first.

  • K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    These assumptions are known as the kinetic

    theory of ideal gases.

    We will look at these assumptions first, and

    then derive a very important relationship

    between a microscopic property, 1 2 3

    (average kinetic energy of one molecule)

    with a macroscopic (state) property , T


  • K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H E O R Y O F I D E A L

    G A S E S

    The assumptions are:

    Section 6.4 A microscopic model of a gas, Page 149, Chapter 6: Thermal Physics ,

    International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown, Hodder

    Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    Ideal gas particles / molecules also exert

    pressure on the inner walls of the


    Question: How and why?

    We can use the kinetic theory of ideal

    gases to explain this.

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F



    Gas particles / molecules are in a state of continuous, random motion.

    As a result, the gas particles / molecules are constantly involved in

    collisions with the inner walls of the container

    The collisions are assumed to be elastic.

    The momentum of the colliding particles / molecules change and the

    particles / molecules have lower momentum after collision.

    This change of momentum over a short time produces a force acting on

    the particular area of the surface of the container.

    This force acting per unit of area is the pressure that is exerted by the gas

    particles on the inner surface of the container.

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S We will try to derive an equation for We will try to derive an equation forthe pressure exerted by gas moleculeson the walls of a cubic container oflength = L.

    We assume that all molecules have thesame speed in the x - direction, bothbefore and after collision.

    The mass of each gas molecule = m

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    Figure 19.14, page 614: Chapter 19: THE IDEAL GAS; Physics for Scientists and Engineers ,

    Volume 1; 3rd edition Ohanian, Hans C. and Markert, John T., W.W Norton and Company Inc,

    New York, 2007.


  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    The change in momentum of the one of

    the gas molecules = 2745 The time taken for one gas molecule to

    move from one wall to the other and

    back , t 9


    Hence, the force exerted by one gas

    molecule on the wall, < =:;



  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    We assume there are N gas molecules,

    hence ?@@A BC


    The pressure exerted by the gas

    molecules on one face of the wall,






  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    We assumed all molecules have the

    same speed, but some molecules move

    slower, others faster. Hence use the

    average square of the speeds, 45

    Our equation now becomes + E= :;



  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    The molecules are also equally likely to move

    in the x, y and z directions.

    We obtain B

    We can rearrange the above equation to yield


  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    The equation above is one equation that

    relates the macroscopic properties of +, ,

    with microscopic properties of 7,1 4 3.

    We will now move on to relate the

    macroscopic quantity of with 2.

    This will be done by using the equations

    - and B


  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    Recall 2-

    B where 2-

    the average kinetic energy of a gas


    Hence, +,



    7 4

    HI KL .

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    We already know that +, IM$


    2- -, or 2-


    We now have an equation to help us

    calculate the average kinetic energy

    of a gas molecule by just knowing its


  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S


    Some analysis of the equation(s):

    +, actually gives us the work done on or by

    the gas. This work done will change the

    kinetic energy of an ideal gas, but not the

    potential energy of an ideal gas.

    In other words, when we change the internal

    energy of an ideal gas, we are changing only

    the average kinetic energy of each molecule

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    p, I K

    Some analysis of the equation(s) (contd):

    We can use p,

    HI KL to calculate the

    change in the average kinetic energy of an

    ideal gas molecule.

  • K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K I N E T I C T H EO RY O F

    I D EA L G A S E S

    K J7 4


    Some analysis of the equation(s) (contd):

    From KL J

    7 4


    M$, we can get

    4 HLO

    =, and 4


    =, where

    B root mean squared (r.m.s.) of

    the speed.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Example; Section 6.4 A Microscopic Model of a Gas, Page 152, Chapter 6: Thermal

    Physics , International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown,

    Hodder Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • E X A M P L E S

    Exercises; Section 6.4 A Microscopic Model of a Gas, Page 152, Chapter 6: Thermal

    Physics , International A/AS Level Physics, by Mee, Crundle, Arnold and Brown,

    Hodder Education, United Kingdom, 2008.

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2008 Paper 4, Question 2.

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2008 Paper 4, Question 2 (contd).

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2008 Paper 4, Question 2 (contd).

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2008 Paper 4, Question 2 (contd).

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2009 Paper 4, Question 2.

  • E X A M P L E S

    May/June 2009 Paper 4, Question 2 (contd).

  • H O M E W O R K

    1. Winter 2008, Paper 4, question 5.1. Winter 2008, Paper 4, question 5.

    2. Winter 2009, Paper 41, question 2.

    3. Summer 2010, Paper 41, question 2.

    4. Summer 2011, Paper 41, question 2.

    5. Summer 2011, Paper 42, question 2.

    6. Winter 2011, Paper 41, question 2.

    7. Winter 2011, Paper 43, question 1.

    8. Summer 2012, Paper 41, question 2.

  • H O M E W O R K

    9. Winter 2012, Paper 41, question 2.

    10.Winter 2012, Paper 43, question 1.