chapter 10 study guide and answers ppt

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    Chapter 10

    Bill of Rights

    Study Guide and Answers

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    1. What does the Bill of Rights do?

    The Bill of Rights lists our basic rights.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    2. Who is the person mainly responsible for the

    Bill of Rights?

    James Madison is the person mainlyresponsible for the Bill of Rights.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    3. The Bill of Rights is part of which document?

    The Bill of Rights is part of the United States


  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    4. Whose job is it to protect our rights listed in

    the bill of rights?

    It is the job of the federal courts (judicialbranch) to protect our rights.

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    5. What are the five rights listed in the first amendment?

    Freedom of speech: includes symbolic speech; does not includespeech that could endanger the public safety.

    Religion: Right to believe whatever you want, but you cant do

    whatever you want in the name of religion (cant break the law). Press: The free flow of information and ideas; cant print lies or

    information that could be helpful to an enemy in wartime.

    Assembly: Use public property for meetings and demonstrations(i.e. parades, protests, political rallies). Must be done legally andpeaceably.

    Right to petition: Means you can appeal to the government if youreunhappy about something or some policy.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    6. Give one example of speech NOTprotected

    under the first amendment.

    An example of speech not protected underthe first amendment would be crying fire in

    a crowded movie theater (anything that could

    potentially endanger the public safety).

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    7. What does the second amendment give us

    the right to?

    The second amendment gives us the right tobear arms.

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    9. What does the fourth amendment protect us


    The fourth amendment protects us from

    unreasonable search and seizure.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    10. What is needed in order to search or seize


    A warrant is needed, which must be issued bya judge, in order to search and seize property.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    11. What five rights are we guaranteed under the FifthAmendment?

    Right to a grand jury: determines whether or not thegovernment has enough evidence to bring someone to

    trial. Double jeopardy: Once a person has been found not guilty,

    he cannot be tried again for the same crime.

    Self incrimination: A person has the right to remain silent;he does not have to testify against himself.

    Due process: The government must follow a clear set ofrules (a process) as it carries out the law.

    Just compensation: If the government has to takesomeones land, they will offer a fair price.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    12. What is the right stated in the Miranda


    The main right stated in the Miranda

    Warning is the right to remain silent.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    13. What are the four rights stated under the

    sixth amendment?

    Right to a speedy and public trial, and animpartial jury.

    Right to a jury of people that live in the

    defendants area (jury of your peers).

    To hear and question all witnesses

    Right to an attorney

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    14. As stated in the seventh amendment, we

    have the right to which type of trial

    depending on how much money a person is

    being sued for? What can a judge NOTdo?

    Under the seventh amendment, we have the

    right to a jury trial depending on how much

    money is at stake in a civil trial. A judge

    cannot overturn a decision made by a jury.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    15. What are the four things that are prohibited

    under the eighth amendment?

    The four things that are prohibited (or not

    allowed) under the eighth amendment are:

    excessive fines, excessive bail, cruel and

    unusual punishments, and poor prison


  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    16. Under the ninth amendment, rights not

    listed in the Bill of Rights belong to whom?

    According to the ninth amendment, rights notlisted in the Bill of Rights belong to the people.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    17. The tenth amendment states that powers

    not given to the national government are

    reserved for whom?

    According to the tenth amendment, powers

    not specifically given to the national

    government are reserved for the people and

    the states.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    18. What is meant by the term double


    The term double

    Jeopardy refers to a person

    being retriedfor a crime in which he has

    already been acquitted, or found not guilty.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 10 Study Guide and Answers Ppt


    19. What does it mean to be indicted by a

    grand jury?

    To be indicted by a grand jury means that a

    person will be going to trial and will retain all

    of the rights listed in the fifth, sixth, seventh,

    and eighth amendments.