chapter 11 coordination chemistry iii: electronic spectra...electronic spectra of coordination...

Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra 11-3 Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds 11-2 Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms 11-1 Absorption of Light

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Page 1: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra

11-3 Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds

11-2 Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

11-1 Absorption of Light

Page 2: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Vivid colors of coordination compound.

Dyes, gems (rubies, emeralds), blood etc.

Transitions between d orbitals of metals.

We will need to look closely at the energies of these orbitals.

The electronic absorption spectrum provides a convenient method for determining the magnitude of the effect of ligands on the d orbitals of the metal.

Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra

Page 3: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Complementary colors: if a compound absorbs light of one color, we see the complement of that color.

Absorption of Light

Page 4: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Complementary colors: if a compound absorbs light of one color, we see the complement of that color.

Absorption of Light

600 ~ 1000 nmBlue color

Page 5: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Absorption of Light;Beer-Lambert Absorption Law

Beer-Lambert Law

log(Io/I) = A = εlc

Wavelength, wavenumber→Energy

E = hv = hc/λ= hcν

Page 6: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Absorption of light results in the excitation of electrons from lower to higher energy states.

We observe absorption in band with the energy of each band corresponding to the difference in energy between the initial and final states.

We first need to consider electrons in atoms can interact with each other.

Electrons tend to occupy separate orbitals← ΠcElectrons in separate orbitals tend to have parallel spins ← Πe

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 7: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Carbon atomEnergy levels for the p2 electrons → Five energy levelsEach energy levels can be described as a combination of the ml and ms values of the 2p electrons.

The orbital angular momenta and the spin angular momenta of the 2p electrons interact in a manner called Russell-Saunders coupling (LS coupling).

2p electrons

n = 2, l = 1ml = +1, 0, or -1ms = +1/2 or -1/2

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 8: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

How many possible combinations of ml and ms values?

One possible set of values for the two electrons in the p2

configuration would be

First electron: ml = +1 and ms = +1/2Second electron: ml = 0 and ms = -1/2


Russell-Saunders coupling (LS coupling)

Orbit-orbit couplingML = ∑ml→ L: total orbital angular momentum quantum number

Spin-spin couplingMs = ∑ms→ S: total spin angular momentum quantum number

Spin-orbit couplingJ = L + S : total angular momentum quantum number

2p electrons

n = 2, l = 1ml = +1, 0, or -1ms = +1/2 or -1/2Notation 1+0-


Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 9: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic quantum # (ml and ms) to atomic quantum #(ML and MS)


2p electrons

n = 2, l = 1ml = +1, 0, or -1ms = +1/2 or -1/2

Tabulate the possible microstates1. No two electrons in the same microstate have

identical quantum numbers (the Pauli exclusion principle)

2. Count only the unique microstates (1+0- and 0-1+)

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 10: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic quantum # (ml and ms) to atomic quantum #(ML and MS) → describe states of multielectron atoms

Russell-Saunders coupling (LS coupling)

Orbit-orbit couplingML = ∑ml→ L: total orbital angular momentum quantum number

Spin-spin couplingMs = ∑ms→ S: total spin angular momentum quantum number

Spin-orbit couplingJ = L + S : total angular momentum quantum number

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 11: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

L and S describe collections of microstates.ML and MS describe the microstates themselves.

Atomic States Individual ElectronsML = 0, ±1, ± 2,… ± L ml = , ±1, ± 2,… ± l MS = S, S-1,…. –S ms = +1/2, -1/2

Term symbol

Term Symbol


L = 0, 1, 2, 3 → S, P, D, F,

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 12: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic quantum # (ml and ms) to atomic quantum #(ML and MS) → describe states of multielectron atoms

Free-ion terms are very important in the interpretation of the spectra of coordination compounds.

1S (singlet S) : S → L = 0 → ML = 0, 2S+1 =1 → S =0 → MS = 0





The minimum configuration of two electrons

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 13: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

2P (doublet P) : P → L = 1 → ML = +1,0,-1 2S+1 =2 → S =1/2 → MS = +1/2, -1/2



The minimum configuration of one electron





Six microstates

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

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Six microstates





The spin multiplicity is the same as the # of microstates

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 15: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Reduce microstate table into its component free-ion terms.

The spin multiplicity is the same as the # of microstates.

Each terms has different energies; they represent three states with different degrees of electron-electron interactions.

Which term has the lowest energy. This can be done by using two of Hund’s rules.

1. The ground term (term of lowest energy) has the highest spin multiplicity. (Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity)

2. If two or more terms share the maximum spin multiplicity, the ground term is one having the highest value of L.

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 16: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms

Page 17: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Quantum Numbers of Multielectron Atoms


l = 2ml = +2, +1 0, -1, -2ms = +1/2 or -1/2

High spin Low spin

5D 1I

Page 18: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Spin-Orbit Coupling

The spin and orbital angular momenta couple each other → spin-orbit coupling

J = L + S : total angular moment quantum number

J may have the following valuesJ = L+S, L+S-1, L+S-2,…. |L-S|

Term Symbol

2S+1LJSpin-orbit coupling can have significant effects on the electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals.

Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion terms into states of different energies.

Page 19: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

J may have the following valuesJ = L+S, L+S-1, L+S-2,…. |L-S|

Term Symbol

2S+1LJSpin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion terms into states of different energies.


1S, 1D1S


3P 3P





Spin-Orbit Coupling

Page 20: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion


1S, 1D1S


3P 3P





Total energy level diagram for the carbon atom. (five energy states)

The state of lowest energy can be predicted from Hund’s third rule.

3. For subshells that are less than half-filled, the state having the lowest J value has the lowest energy.

For subshells that are more than half-filled, the state having the highest J value has the lowest energy.

Half-filled subshells have only one possible J value.

Spin-Orbit Coupling

Page 21: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds

Microstates and free-ion terms for electron configurations

Identify the lowest-energy term

Page 22: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Identify the lowest-energy term

1. Sketch the energy levels, showing the d electrons.

2. Spin multiplicity of lowest-energy state = number of unpaired electrons + 1.

3. Determine the maximum possible value of ML for the configuration as shown. This determines the type of free-ion term.

4. Combine results of steps 2 and 3 to get ground term.

Spin multiplicity = 3+1=4

Max. of ML: 2+1+0 =3


Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds

Page 23: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Selection Rules

On the basis of the symmetry and spin multiplicity of ground and excited electronic states

1. Transitions between states of the same parity are forbidden (symmertywith respect to a center of inversion.: Laporte selection rule

2. Transitions between states of different spin multiplicities are forbidden: spin selection rule

4A2 and 4T1: spin-allowed4A2 and 2T2: spin-forbidden

Between d orbitals are forbiddeng → g transitionBetween d and p orbitals are allowed; g → u transition

Page 24: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Some rules for relaxation of selection rules

1. Vibrations may temporarily change the symmetry(the center of symmetry is temporarily lost: vibronic couplingrelax the first selection rule:d-d transition

2. Tetrahedral complexes often absorb more strongly than Oh complexes. Metal-ligand sigma bonds can be described as involving a combination of sp3 and sd3

hybridization of the metal orbitals: relax the first selection rule

3. spin-orbit coupling provides a mechanism of relaxing the second selection rule

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Selection Rules

Page 25: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

To relate the electronic spectra of transition metal complexes to the ligand field splitting: correlation diagrams and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

1. Free ions (no ligand field): d2; 3F, 3P, 1G, 1D, 1S.2. Strong ligand field.

t2g2 eg


Page 26: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

Page 27: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

The free-ion terms will be split into states corresponding to the irreducible representation.

Page 28: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

7.5 Splitting of Terms

The possible splitting of S, P, D, F

And S state is nondegenerate; no splittingP term from Eqs. 7.2 ~ 7.6

T1g; in Oh a P term is not split, but becomes a triply degenerate T1gterm

D term has a fivefold orbital degeneratefrom Eqs. 7.2 ~ 7.6

ΓD = Eg + T2g

F term has a sevenfold orbital degeneratefrom Eqs. 7.2 ~ 7.6

ΓF = A2g + T1g + T2g

Page 29: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

Page 30: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

Irreducible representations may be obtained for the strong-field limit configurations.

Each free-ion irreducible representation is matched with a strong-field irreducible representation.

The spin multiplicity of the ground state.

Page 31: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

7.5 Splitting of Terms

For the ground-state configuration t2g2 we take the direct product t2g X t2g

Γ(t2g2) = A1g + Eg + T1g + T2g

We need to know spin multiplicities. Here Dt = 15.Three possible ways

The triplet state must have a triply degenerate orbitals term

Page 32: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

7.5 Splitting of Terms

For the ground-state configuration eg2 we take the direct product eg X eg

Γ(eg2) = A1g + A2g + Eg

We need to know spin multiplicities. Here Dt = 6.Two possible ways

The triplet state must have nondegenerate orbitals term

Γ(eg2) = 3A1g + 1A2g + 1Eg

Γ(eg2) = 1A1g + 3A2g + 1Eg

Page 33: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

7.5 Splitting of Terms

For the ground-state configuration t2g1eg

1 we take the direct product t2g X eg

Γ = T1g + T2g

We need to know spin multiplicities. Here Dt = 24.The electrons in this configuration are unrestricted by the Pauliexclusion principle. And they can occur as both singlets and triplets

Γ = 1T1g + 1T2g + 3T1g + 3T2g

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Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: correlation diagrams

Page 35: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

B = Racah parameter, a measure of the repulsion between terms of the same multiplicity; the energy difference between 3F and 3P is 15B.

E is the energy above the ground state.

Page 36: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

Page 37: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

High spin vs low spin

Ground state and spin multiplicity changed

High spin Low spin

Page 38: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

Page 39: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Jahn-Teller Distortions and Spectra

d1 d9 complexes: might expect each to exhibit one absorption band: excitation from the t2g to the eg levels.





Two closely overlapping absorption bands.

Page 40: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

To lower the symmetry of the molecule and to reduce the degeneracy.Distortion from Oh to D4h: results in stabilization of the molecule.

The most common distortion observed is elongation along z axis.

Jahn-Teller Distortions and Spectra

Page 41: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Jahn-Teller Distortions and Spectra: Symmetry labels for configurations

Electron configurations have symmetry labels that match their degeneracies.



A or B

Triply degenerate asymmetrically occupied state

Doubly degenerate asymmetrically occupied state


Page 42: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

the opposite of the order of energies of the orbitals

Too weak

Jahn-Teller Distortions and Spectra: Symmetry labels for configurations

2D term for d9

Lower energy Higher energy


Distortions can be splitting of bands.

Symmetry label

Page 43: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆ofrom Spectra;d1, d4(high spin), d6(high spin), d9

Page 44: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆o from Spectra

Page 45: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆o from Spectra;d3, d8

To find ∆o, we simply find the energy of the lowest-energy transition

Ground state F term

Page 46: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆o from Spectra;d2, d7 (high spin)

Ground state F term

3T1g state arising from the 3P free-ion terms, causing a slight curvature of the both in the Tanabe-Sugano diagram.

An Alternative way.




Page 47: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆o from Spectra;d2, d7 (high spin)

t2g2 eg


Page 48: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams: Determining ∆o ;d5 (high spin), d4 to d7 (low spin)


Low spin from d4 to d7

Page 49: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Electronic Spectra of Coordination Compounds: Tanabe-Sugano diagrams

Page 50: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Tetrahedral Complexes

The lack of a center of symmetry: makes transitions between d orbitals more allowed; much more intense absorption bands.

Hole formalism: d1 Oh configuration is analogous to the d9 Td configuration: the hole in d9 results in the same symmetry as the single electron in d1.

We can use the correlation diagram for d10-n

configuration in Oh geometry



eoctahedral tetrahedral


Page 51: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

Charge-Transfer Spectra

Charge-transfer absorptions is much more intensethan d-d transitions.

Involve the transfer of electrons from molecular orbitals that are primarily ligand in character to orbitals that are primarily metal in character (or vice versa)


Formal reduction of the metal: Co(III) to Co(II)

Page 52: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

IrBr62- (d5): two band

IrBr63- (d6): one band



Formal reduction of the metal: Co(III) to Co(II)

Charge-Transfer Spectra

Page 53: Chapter 11 Coordination Chemistry III: Electronic Spectra...electronic spectra of coordination compounds, especially involving heavy metals. Spin-orbit coupling acts to split free-ion

MLCTπ-acceptor ligand (π* orbitals): CO, CN-, SCN-, bipyridine..

Oxidation of the metald-d transitions may be completely overwhelmed and essentially impossible to observe.


Formal oxidation of the metal: Fe(III) to Fe(IV)

Charge-Transfer Spectra

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Homework: Chapter 11

Exercise 11-1~11-9

Problem 1, 6, 8, 11, 14, 20, 24