chapter 11 opener: the mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

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Page 1: Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

Page 2: Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources

11.1 The monogamous honey bee drone dies after mating

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11.2 Mate assistance monogamy in a seahorse

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11.3 A monogamous mate-guarding shrimp

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11.4 Dual mate-enforced monogamy

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11.5 Female burying beetles combat polygyny

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11.6 A monogamous pair of cleaner wrasses

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11.7 An exceptionally paternal rodent

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11.8 Male care of offspring affects fitness in the California mouse

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11.9 Durable pair bonds between males and females in prosimian primates

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11.10 Mate-guarding monogamy in the rock-haunting possum

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11.11 Paternal male starlings keep their clutches warmer by helping mates incubate their eggs

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11.12 Paternal care boosts reproductive success in the monogamous spotless starling

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Box 11.1 Genetic fingerprinting and behavioral ecology

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11.13 Males of the red phalarope may have to share a mate with other males

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11.14 Female spotted sandpipers fight over males

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11.15 Polyandry has fitness costs

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11.16 Polyandry has fitness benefits

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11.17 A father’s mating success can be transmitted to his sons

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11.18 Extra-pair matings can boost the immune responses of offspring in the bluethroat

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11.19 Polyandry boosts female reproductive success in a pseudoscorpion

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11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 1)

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11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 2)

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11.21 Polyandry can yield material benefits

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11.22 Reproductive output is higher in polyandrous pierid butterfly species

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11.23 Adjustment of copulation frequency by polyandrous female dunnocks

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11.24 Female defense polygyny in the greater spear-nosed bat

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11.25 Female defense polygyny in a marine amphipod

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11.26 Annual reproductive success of male and female marmots

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11.27 Resource defense polygyny in an Australian antlered fly

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11.28 Resource defense polygyny in an African cichlid fish

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11.29 A test of the female distribution theory of mating systems

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11.30 Does polygyny reduce female fitness?

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11.31 Scramble competition polygyny selects for spatial learning ability

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11.32 An explosive breeding assemblage

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11.33 A lek-polygynous mammal: the hammer-headed bat

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11.34 Hotspots or hotshots? (Part 1)

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11.34 Hotspots or hotshots? (Part 2)

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11.35 A test of the hotspot hypothesis (Part 1)

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11.35 A test of the hotspot hypothesis (Part 2)

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11.36 Female density is not correlated with lek formation in an African antelope

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11.37 Female Uganda kob do not aggregate disproportionately at leks with many males (Part 1)

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11.37 Female Uganda kob do not aggregate disproportionately at leks with many males (Part 2)

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11.38 Lek size and copulation rate in the ruff (Part 1)

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11.38 Lek size and copulation rate in the ruff (Part 2)

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11.39 The ratios of females to signaling males of the Mediterranean fruit fly in two “leks” (Part 1)

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11.39 The ratios of females to signaling males of the Mediterranean fruit fly in two “leks” (Part 2)

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