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Chapter 12 Hal 9000 and AI Hal 9000, an intelligent computer system, plays an important part in the novel “2001: A Space Odyssey” written by Arthor Clark, published for the first time in 1968. This novel was later made into a film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, also in 1968. The following figure shows the eyes of Hal 9000. 1

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  • Chapter 12

    Hal 9000 and AI

    Hal 9000, an intelligent computer system, plays

    an important part in the novel “2001: A Space

    Odyssey” written by Arthor Clark, published

    for the first time in 1968.

    This novel was later made into a film, directed

    by Stanley Kubrick, also in 1968.

    The following figure shows the eyes of Hal 9000.


  • What is the story?

    Below is a much simplified plot summary of

    this film, emphasizing the role played by Hal 9000:

    “When the world is ruled by apes, one

    particular group discovers a mysterious

    rectangular monolith near their home.

    Astronaut David Bowman, along with

    four companions, sets off for Jupiter on

    a spaceship controlled by HAL 9000, a

    revolutionary computer system that is

    every bit mankind’s equal, and perhaps

    his superior.

    When HAL endangers the crew’s lives

    for the sake of the mission, Bowman

    will have to first overcome the com-

    puter, then travel to the birthplace of

    the monolith.”


  • What does Hal 9000 do?

    The following is a scenario as depicted in the

    novel, where Hal 9000 tries to take control of

    the spaceship:

    “Hal, switch to manual hibernation


    Question: How does Hal 9000 understand

    Dave’s command? What kind of ability should

    Hal possess to distinguish different people’s


    “I can tell from your voice harmonics,

    Dave, that you’re badly upset. Why

    don’t you take a stress pill and get some


    Question: How can Hall 9000 tell Dave is up-

    set from the harmonics of his voice? Moreover,

    now can Hal make the prescription for Dave?


  • “Hal, I am in command of this ship.

    I order you to release the manual hiber-

    nation control.”

    Question: How does Hal tell the difference

    between “order” and “request”?

    “I’m sorry, Dave, but in accordance

    with special subroutine C1435-dash-4,

    quote, When the crew are dead or inca-

    pacitated, the onboard computer must

    assume control, unquote. I must, there-

    fore, overrule your authority, since you

    are not in any condition to exercise it


    Question: What is “C1435-dash-4”? How

    does Hal remember its content? How does Hal

    find such a special routine that is immediately

    applicable? Is the reasoning that Hal just made

    sound? Is it rule based?


  • “Hal,” said Bowman, now speaking

    with an icy calm. “I am not incapac-

    itated. Unless you obey my instruc-

    tions, I shall be forced to disconnect


    Question: Can Hal tell the “icy” tone of Bow-


    “I know you have had that on your

    mind for some time now, Dave, but

    that would be a terrible mistake. I am

    so much more capable than you are of

    supervising the ship, and I have such

    enthusiasm for the mission and confi-

    dence in its success.”

    Question: How can Hal know that Bowman

    has this tough in his mind for a while? How

    does Hal rich the conclusion that Bowman might

    make a terrible mistake? Will you do the same?


  • “Listen to me very carefully, Hal. Un-

    less you release the hibernation control

    immediately and follow every order I

    give from now on, I’ll go to Central and

    carry out a complete disconnection.”

    Hal’s surrender was as total as it was

    unexpected. “O.K., Dave,” he said.

    “You’re certainly the boss. I was only

    trying to do what I thought best. Nat-

    urally, I will follow all your orders. You

    now have full manual hibernation con-


    Question: What is the Achilles heel of Hal 9000?

    Is this really fatal to Hal 9000? What happens

    if he carries battery? How do we control such

    a powerful companion if the need arises?


  • Hal 9000’s ability

    It is obvious that Hal 9000 is able to “listen”,

    “think”, and “talk” to people in real time, an

    “intelligent agent”, just like us. On the other

    hand, Hal is man made. Thus, we call such an

    entity a one with artificial intelligence.

    All these capabilities were mostly pure science

    fiction. Indeed, back in 1966, two years prior to

    the publication of this novel, researchers Bhi-

    mani, B., Merrill, R., Mitchell, R., and Stark,

    M., suggested that a person sitting at a desk,

    by means of a small digitizer and a telephone,

    could communicate with a database on a main-



  • What is AI?

    Roughtly speaking, Artificial Intelligence is in-

    tended to understand, and build, intelligent en-


    AI has produced many interesting and impor-

    tant results. But, it used to be difficult.

    For example, in the 1960’s, on then a very

    powerful IBM 360 mainframe, an analysis of

    a sample required 85 seconds for each second

    of the voice sample being translated, too slow

    to help Hal to communicate with his human

    colleagues in real time.


  • We have achieved quite a bit....

    We have made quite a progress along this line:

    speech recognition and synthesis, e.g., the Siri

    system equipped with IPhone 4S; logic reason-

    ing and/or planning, e.g., IBM Deep Blue; ma-

    chine learning, e.g., IBM Watson system; in-

    telligent agents, e.g., automatic vehicle.

    For example, in the Third DARPA Grand Chal-

    lenge took place on November 3, 2007, an au-

    tonomous vehicle built by a CMU Racing Team

    completed the 55 mile course in an Urban set-

    ting, Victorville, California, in about four hours

    and won a USD 2M prize.

    Let’s have a look....


  • Why are we interested in AI?

    With AI, we want to study how it is possible

    for a brain to perceive, understand, predict,

    and then manipulate the world, which is much

    larger and complicated than itself.

    A much more difficult question is that, if we

    understand such a process, how could we build

    something with these features?

    With its fast speed and big memory, Comput-

    ers provide an ideal platform for us to test out

    our assumptions and realize our dreams.


  • Both the newest and the oldest

    AI is one of the newest discipline. It was for-

    mally initiated in the mid 1950’s. Although it

    has accomplished quite a bit, there is still a

    long way to go.

    On the other hand, the study of intelligence

    is also one of the oldest. For 2,000 years,

    philosophers have tried to understand how see-

    ing, learning, remembering, and reasoning, could,

    as well as should, be done.

    The emergence of computers in the early 1950’s

    made speculations into a real experimental and

    theoretical science.


  • Computer and AI

    With its huge memory and stunning speed, be-

    sides providing a vehicle for creating artificial

    intelligence entities, the computer also pro-

    vides a tool for testing theories of intelligence,

    many of which could not stand the test, just

    like many of the physics theories.

    AI currently consists of many sub-fields. From

    such general areas as logic reasoning, to some

    very specific ones, such as playing chess.

    Many scientists of other areas often move into

    AI, where they find the theories and tools that

    systemize what they have been doing for a long

    time; while AI workers may choose to apply

    their methods to any area of human intelli-



  • Various perspectives

    There are various definitions of artificial intel-

    ligence. Some of them emphasize more on the

    thought process and reasoning; while others

    emphasize on the behavior.

    Another angle is that if it tries to character-

    ize human performance; or some ideal perfor-

    mance, i.e., if it always does the right thing,

    or, rationally.

    Thus, there could be four approaches, which

    have all been followed. A human-centered ap-

    proach must be an experimental one, involving

    assumptions, and experimental confirmations;

    while a rationalist approach involves a combi-

    nation of mathematics and engineering.


  • Turing (1912-1954) proposed a test to provide

    an operational definition of intelligence, when

    he defined intelligent behavior as the ability

    to achieve human-level performance in all cog-

    nitive tasks, sufficient to fool an interroga-

    tor. More specifically, a human interrogator

    asks questions to, and get answers from, two

    sources, one is controlled by a computer, the

    other by a human being, without knowing which

    is which.

    If the interrogator cannot distinguish the sources

    based on the answers, then we may say the

    compute exhibits sufficiently human intelligence

    to pass the Turing test.

  • What does it take to pass?

    The Loebner Prize, that started in 1990, is an

    annual competition that awards prizes to the

    Chatterbot considered by the judges to be the

    most human-like among the competitors. The

    format of the competition is that of a standard

    Turing test.

    The 2010 Loebner Prize Competition in Arti-

    ficial Intelligence was held on October 23 at

    California State University, Los Angeles. with

    the top prize of $3,000 and a bronze medal.

    To pass such a test, a computer would have to

    possess such abilities as natural language pro-

    cessing, knowledge representation, automated

    reasoning, and machine learning.

    Who won the Loebner Test this year?


  • Think humanly:Cognitive modeling

    Following this approach, we have to set up

    a theory on human being’s thinking first by

    studying our own thinking process, or via psy-

    chological experiments.

    Then, we have to express the theory as a com-

    puter program. If the program’s I/O and tim-

    ing behavior match with the real thing, we

    will have some evidence that some of the pro-

    gram’s mechanisms may also be operating in



  • The filed of cognitive science brings together

    computer models of AI and experimental tech-

    niques of Psychology to construct precise and

    testable models of the workings of human mind.

    The GPS (General Problem Solver) program

    (1957, Simon and Newell) is to compare its

    reasoning steps with that of human subjects

    solving the same problems.


  • Think rationally:The laws of thought

    Aristotle (384-322 BC) was one of the first to

    attempt to formalize the thinking process. His

    famous syllogisms provides pattern for argu-

    ment structures that always gave correct con-

    clusions given correct premises. E.g., “Socrates

    is a man; all men are mortal; therefore Socrates

    is mortal.”

    By 1965, programs came to life which, taking a

    problem represented in logic notation, is guar-

    anteed to find a solution, if there is one, given

    enough space and time. The trick is that, if

    no solution exists, we might never know it.


  • Theory and practice

    It is not easy to covert informal knowledge into

    formal notation (How does a baby recognize

    her mother’s face in just a few days?) Also,

    there is a big gap between being able to do it

    in principle and solve it in practice.

    In fact, two essential issues in AI is knowledge

    representation and search. The former deals

    with representing what we know so that com-

    puters also “know”, and the second is how to

    let a computer find the useful information to

    solve a problem at hand.


  • Act rationally:The rational agent

    It is to act to achieve one’s goals, given one’s

    beliefs. An agent is just something that per-

    ceives and acts. In this approach, AI is re-

    garded as the study and construction of ratio-

    nal agents.

    Although making correct inferences is some-

    times part of being a rational agent, it is not

    always the case, since there might not be any

    provably correct things to do; or it is simply an

    act of gut feeling, e.g., pulling one’s hand off

    a hot stove.

    All the cognitive skills listed under Turing Test

    are needed to allow rational actions.


  • This approach has two advantages. It is more

    general than the “laws of thought” approach

    since correct inference is only a useful mecha-

    nism, but not necessary.

    It is also more amenable to scientific devel-

    opment than human centered approaches, be-

    cause the concept of rationality is clearly de-

    fined and completely general.

    The Grand Challenge might be regarded as a

    good test of this theory.


  • Philosophical foundation

    At around 450 B.C., Aristotle, trying to for-

    mulate the laws that governs the rational part

    of the mind, developed an informal system of

    syllogism for proper reasoning, which in princi-

    ple allowed one to mechanically generate con-

    clusion, given initial premises. He also noted

    intuitive reason.

    With at least part of the mind understood, the

    next step is to consider the mind as a physical

    system. Descartes (1596–1650) told the dif-

    ference between mind and matter, as well as

    the associated problems.

    One problem with a purely physical conception

    of the mind is that it leaves little room for free

    will. Although Descartes strongly believed the

    power of reasoning, he also believed that part

    of the mind is exempt from the physical laws.

    Thus, the dualism.


  • On the other hand, materialist held that all

    the world operates according to certain phys-

    ical laws. In between there could be an in-

    termediate position, in which one accepts that

    the mind has a material basis, but denies that

    it can be explained by a reduction to ordinary

    physical processes.

    By and large, philosophy laid a tradition in

    which the mind was conceived of as physical

    device operating mainly by reasoning with the

    knowledge it has.


  • The next problem is that where does knowl-

    edge come from?

    Eventually, Rusell (1872–1970) suggested that

    all knowledge can be characterized by logical

    theories connected to observation sentences

    corresponding to sensory inputs.

    Confirmation theorists also tried to understand

    the process of acquiring knowledge from expe-


    This is perhaps where Expert System kicks off.

    Through knowledge engineering, we get the

    knowledge out of an expert, such as how to fix

    a car, how to put compatible parts together to

    assemble a computer, how to find why some

    one is sick, ..., and represent those knowledge

    to the computers, so that computer becomes

    an expert.


  • The last element of philosopher’s perception of

    the mind is the connection between knowledge

    and action. Particularly, how can an action be


    A typical technique in this regard is the means-

    ends analysis as put forward in GPS program

    by Newell and Simon around 1970’s. The fol-

    lowing argument is fairly common:

    I want to get an ’A’ in this course. The

    difference between what I have (nothing)

    and what I want is one of a number, at

    least 92.5.

    To reach that goal, I have to do well in

    the following areas: homework, projects,

    midterm, and final. Thus the ends of

    getting of an A justifies my action of

    working hard in reading the text books,

    staying in programming lab until 2 a.m.,

    bugging the professor in his office the

    whole time, etc..


  • Activities

    Choose a topic and write a one-page, single

    space, essay.

    • What does the character of Hal 9000 repre-

    sent? Discuss the possible issues and their

    implications when human beings are able

    to come up with such an intelligent prod-


    • Explore the status quo of artificial intel-

    ligence at present. What are among the

    most successful accomplishment of mod-

    ern AI technology?

    • What are some of the other influential AI

    related characters as described in science

    fiction novels?


  • • Play with Eliza, do some research about its

    history and technology behind it. Why can

    Alice talk with you?

    • What is the main difference between a robot

    and human being?

    • If you have watched Spielberg’s “Artificial

    Intelligence:AI”, why does David want to

    be a real boy? What did he go through?

    Compare this David figure with Hal 9000.

    • Have you used, or seen a demo, of iRobot,

    the carpet cleaner? What kind of intelli-

    gence do you think it shows? What kind

    of issues will be involved in making a prod-

    uct that will automatically cut your lawn?


  • • What is involved in an automatic vehicle?

    What issues have to addressed before putting

    it on road? Any commercial attempts have

    been made? What is the status?

    • What do you think about the Turing Test?

    Do you think a program really demonstrates

    intelligent behavior if it passes the Turing

    test? Why or why not?

    • Do some investigation of AI application in

    your discipline?

    • What do you think will happen to AI in the

