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Chapter 14 Chemical Kinetics

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Chapter 14

Chemical Kinetics

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14.1 Reaction Rates

• Kinetics: the study of how fast reactions take place

• Some reactions are fast (photosynthesis)

• Some reactions are slow (conversion of diamond to graphite)

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Importance of Studying Reaction Rates

• Speed up desirable reactions

• Minimize damage by undesirable reactions

• Useful in drug design, pollution control, and food processing

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Rate of Reaction

• Expressed as either: – Rate of disappearance of reactants

(decrease or negative)OR

– Rate of appearance of products (increase or positive)

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Average Reaction Rate

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Average Reaction Rate

• Equation A B

• rate =

• Why the negative on [A]?

[A] [B]ort t

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Average Reaction Rate Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq)2Br(aq) + 2H+(aq) + CO2(g)

Note: Br2 disappears over time

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Average Reaction Rate Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq) 2Br(aq) + 2H+(aq) + CO2(g)

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Calculate Average Rate

• Avg. rate =

• Avg. rate =

2 2[Br ] [Br ]

final initial

t tfinal initial

= 3.80 0.0101 0.0120

50 0 M M

s sM / s

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Average Rate

• Average rate depends on time interval

• Plot of [Br2] vs time = curve

• Plot of Rate vs [Br2] = straight line

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Instantaneous Rate

• Instantaneous: rate at a specific instance in time (slope of a tangent to the curve)

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Rate Constant

• Using data from Table 14.1 - what can you conclude?



Time (s)

1.75 x 1050.00596

3.52 x 1050.0101

Rate (M/s) [Br2]

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Rate Constant Answer:

• When the [Br2] is halved; the rate is halved

• Rate is directly proportional to [Br2]

• rate = k [Br2]

• k = proportionality constant and is constant as long as temp remains constant

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Rate Constant • Calculate the value of the rate constant for

any set of data and get basically the same answer!

• k = rate / [Br2]

53.52 x 10 /s 33.5x 10 /s0.0101


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Stoichiometry and Reaction Rate

• When stoichiometric ratios are not 1:1 rate of reaction is expressed as follows

General equation:

aA + bB cC + dD

rate = 1 [A] 1 [B] 1 [C] 1 [D]a t b t c t d t

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Stoichiometry and Reaction Rate

• Write the rate expression for the following reaction

2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g)

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Stoichiometry and Reaction Rate

4PH3(g) P4(g) + 6H2(g)

If molecular hydrogen is formed at a rate of 0.168 M/s, at what rate is P4 being produced?

3 4 21 [PH ] 1 [P ] 1 [H ]4 1 6t t t

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Stoichiometry and Reaction Rate

4PH3(g) P4(g) + 6H2(g)

21 [H ] 1 (0.168 /s) 0.028 /s6 6

M Mt

41 [P ] 0.028 /s1


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14.2 Dependence of Reaction Rate on Reactant

Concentration• Rate law expression For the general equation: aA + bB cC + dD rate law = k[A]x[B]y

k = proportionality constant x and y = the order of the reaction with respect to each reactant

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Order • Exponents represent order• Only determined via experimental data

– 1st order - rate directly proportional to concentration

– 2nd order - exponential relationship– 0 order - no relationship

• Sum of exponents (order) indicates overall reaction order

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Experimental Determination of Rate Law

• Method of initial rates - examine instantaneous rate data at beginning of reaction

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rate = k[F2]x [ClO2]y

Find order (exponents) by comparing data Exp. 1 and 3: [ClO2] is held constant

1st order with respect to [F2] (rate and M directly related)



[F ]0.203 2

[F ] 0.101


[rate] 32.4 10 /s3 2

3[rate] 1.2 10 /s1



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rate = k[F2]1[ClO2]y

Find order (exponents) by comparing data Exp. 1 and 2: [F2] is held constant



[ClO ]0.0402 4

[ClO ] 0.0101


1st order with respect to [ClO2] (rate and M directly related)

[rate] 34.8 10 /s2 43[rate] 1.2 10 /s




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rate = k[F2]1[ClO2]1 overall order = 2

Find k (use any set of data)

4[rate] 2.1 10 /s 2 19.3 s2 2[A] [B] (0.10 ) (0.015 )


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Determining Rate Law

8.4 x 1020.0300.103

4.2 x 1040.0150.202

2.1 x 1040.0150.101

Initial Rate (M/s)

[B] (M)[A] (M)Exp.

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What is Different?

• In experiment 1 and 2; [B] is constant; [A] doubles and rate doubles - the reaction is 1st order with respect to [A]

• In experiment 1 and 3; [A] is constant; [B] doubles but the rate quadruples! This means that the reaction is 2nd order with respect to [B]

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Calculate the Rate Constant• Rate = k[A] [B]2

• The rxn is 1st order w/ respect to [A]

• The rxn is 2nd order w/ respect to [B]

• The rxn is 3rd order overall (1 + 2)

4[rate] 2.1 10 /s 2 19.3 s2 2[A] [B] (0.10 M) (0.015 )


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14.3 Dependence of Reactant Concentration on Time

• First-Order reactions may be expressed in several ways

• Example: A products

rate = k[A]

[ ]ratet


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Integrated Rate Law (First order)

y = mx + b

When the two expressions are set equal to each other,we get an expression that can be rearranged in the form of a straight line.

0ln lnA kt A

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Graphical Methods

• Given concentration and time data, graphing can determine order

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Integrated Rate Law (First order)

• For a 1st order reaction, a plot of ln [A] vs time yields a straight line

• The slope = k (the rate constant)

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Try Graphing







P (mmHg)Time (s)

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• Plot ln [Pressure] on y-axis and time on x-axis

• If the plot is a straight line, then the integrated rate law equation can be used to find the rate constant, k, or the slope of the line can be calculated for the rate constant.

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Integrated Rate Law

• The rate constant for the reaction

2A B is 7.5 x 103 s1 at 110C. The reaction is 1st order in A. How long (in seconds) will it take for [A] to decrease from 1.25 M to 0.71 M?

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• Another form of the integrated rate law



t kt

(0.71 M) 3 1ln 7.5 10 s ( )(1.25 M)

75 s



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Your Turn!

• Consider the same first order reaction

2A B, for which k = 7.5 x 103 s1 at 110C. With a starting concentration of [A] = 2.25 M, what will [A] be after 2.0 minutes?

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Half-Life (1st order)

• Half-life: the time that it takes for the reactant concentration to drop to half of its original value.

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Calculating First Order Half-life

• Half-life is the time that it takes for the reactant concentration to drop to half of its original value.

• The expression for half-life is simplified as

t1/ 2 .693


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• The decomposition of ethane (C2H6) to methyl radicals (CH3) is a first order reaction with a rate constant of

5.36 x 104 s1 at 700 C.

C2H6 2CH3

Calculate the half-life in minutes.

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1/2 4 1

0.693t 1293 s

5.36 10 s

1 min1293 s 21.5 min

60 s

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Dependence of Reactant Concentration on Time

Second-order reactions may be expressed in several ways

• Example: A product

rate = k[A]2


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Integrated Rate Law for Second Order Reactions

Again, the relationships can be combined to yield the following relationship in the form of astraight line


1 1kt


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Integrated Rate Law for Second Order Reactions

• For a 2nd order reaction, a plot of 1/[A] vs time yields a straight line

• The slope = k (the rate constant)

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Calculating Second-Order Half-life

The expression for half-life is simplified as

Note: half-life for 2nd order is inversely proportional to the initial reaction concentration




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Calculating Second Order Half-life

I(g) + I(g) I2(g) The reaction is second order and has a rate

constant of 7.0 x 109 M1 s1 at 23C. a) If the initial [I] is 0.086 M, calculate the concentration after 2.0 min. b) Calculate the half-life of the reaction when the initial [I] is 0.60 M and when the [I] is 0.42 M.

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a) Use integrated rate equation for 2nd order

9 1 1

11 1

1211 1

1 1(7.0 10 s ) 120s

A 0.086

8.4 10

1[A] 1.2 10

8.4 10




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b) Use the half-life formula for 2nd order

(note: half-life does not remain constant for a 2nd-order reaction!)

101/2 9 1 1

101/2 9 1 1

12.4 10 s

(7.0 10 s ) (0.60 )

13.4 10 s

(7.0 10 s ) (0.42 )

tM M

tM M

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Zero Order

Zero Order reactions may exist but are relatively rare

• Example: A product

rate = k[A]0 = k

• Thus, a plot of [A] vs time yields a straight line.

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Summary of Orders

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14.4 Dependence of Reaction Rate on Temperature

• Most reactions occur faster at a higher temperature.

• How does temperature alter rate?

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Collision Theory• Particles must collide in order to react

• The greater frequency of collisions, the higher the reaction rate

• Only two particles may react at one time

• Many factors must be met:– Orientation– Energy needed to break bonds (activation


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Collision Theory

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Collision Theory

• Though it seems simple, not all collisions are effective collisions

• Effective collisions: a collision that does result in a reaction

• An activated complex (transition state) forms in an effective collision

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Activation Energy

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The Arrhenius Equation

• The dependence of the rate constant of a reaction on temperature can be expressed

Ea = activation energy R = universal gas constant A = frequency factor T = Kelvin temp

a /E RTk Ae

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Arrhenius Equation

In the form of a straight line…what plot will give a straight line?

a 1ln ln

Ek A

R t

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Arrhenius Equation

• A plot of ln k vs 1/T will give a straight line

• The slope of line will equal Ea/R

• The activation energy may be found by multiplying the slope by “R”

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Graphing with Arrhenius

• Rate constants for the reaction

CO(g) + NO2(g) CO2(g) + NO(g)

Were measured at four different temperatures. Plot the data to determine activation energy in kJ/mol.

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T (Kelvin) k (M1 s1)

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• Make a column of ln k data

• Make a column of inverse temp (1/T)

• Plot ln k vs 1/T

• Calculate the slope

• Multiply slope by R

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Arrhenius Another Way!

• Another useful arrangement of the Arrhenius equation enables calculation of: 1) Ea (with k at two different temps)

2) the rate constant at a different temperature (with Ea, k and temps)

1 a

2 12

1 1ln k E

T Tk R

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Arrhenius Another Way!

• Use the data to calculate activation energy of the reaction mathematically

7.0 x 101500

6.1 x 102450

2.9 x 103400

k (s1)T (Kelvin)

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2 1



1 1

32.9 10ln

26.1 108.3145J/Kmol

1 1450 400

91 kJ/mol

kkE R



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14.5 Reaction Mechanisms• Most reactions occur in a series of steps

• The balanced equation does not tell us how the reaction occurs!

• There are often a series of steps which add together to give the overall reaction

• The series of steps is the reaction mechanism

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Reaction Mechanisms

• Most chemical reactions occur in a series of steps

• Energy of activation must be overcome to form intermediates

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Reaction Mechanism


2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g)

The reaction cannot occur in a single step.

One proposed mechanism:

Step 1: NO + NO N2O2

Step 2: N2O2 + O2 2NO2

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Reaction Mechanism

N2O2 is an intermediate in the reaction mechanism

Intermediate: a substance that is produced in an early step and consumed in a later step

Elementary reaction: one that occurs in a single collision of the reactant molecules

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Reaction Mechanism

• Molecularity: the number of reactant molecules involved in the collision

• Unimolecular: one reactant molecule

• Bimolecular: two reactant molecules

• Termolecular: three reactant molecules (fairly rare)

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Rate Determining Step

• If the elementary reactions are known, the order can be written from the stoichiometric coefficients of the rate-determining step

• Rate-determining step: the slowest step in the mechanism

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Rate-Determining Step

• Steps of a mechanism must satisfy two requirements– Sum of elementary steps must equal the

overall balanced equation – The rate law must have same rate law as

determined from experimental data

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• The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (2H2O2 2H2O + O2 )

may occur in the following two steps Step 1: H2O2 + I H2O + IO

Step 2: H2O2 + IO H2O + O2 + I

If step 1 is the rate-determining step, then the rate law is

rate = k1[H2O2] [I]

k1¾ ¾k2¾ ¾

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• I does not appear in the overall balanced equation

• I serves as a catalyst in the reaction - it is present at the start of the reaction and is present at the end

• IO is an intermediate

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Potential Energy Diagram

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Reaction Mechanism • Given overall equation:

H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

Step 1: I2 2I (fast)

Step 2: H2 + 2I 2HI (slow)

rate = k2[H2] [I]2

This rate expression does not meet the requirement..I is an intermediate and should not appear in the rate expression

k2¾ ¾



¾ ¾¬ ¾¾

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• Consider the first equilibrium step: the forward rate is equal to the reverse rate

k1[I2] = k-1 [I]2 k1/k-1 [I2] = [I]2

If we substitute for [I]2 , the rate law becomes

rate = k[H2] [I2] This now matches the overall balanced


(When step 2 is rate-determining this substitution is always possible)

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14.6 Catalysis

• Catalyst - a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up itself

• Provides a set of elementary steps with more favorable kinetics than those that exist in its absence

• Many times a catalyst lowers the activation energy

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Reaction Pathway with Catalyst

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Types of Catalysts

• Heterogeneous catalysts - reactants and catalyst are in different phases

• Homogeneous catalysts - reactants and catalysts are dispersed in single phase

• Enzyme catalysts - biological catalysts

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Heterogeneous Catalysts

• Most important in industrial chemistry

• Used in catalytic converters in automobiles – Efficient catalytic converter serves two

purposes; oxidizes CO and unburned hydrocarbons into CO2 and H2O; converts NO and NO2 into N2 and O2

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Catalytic Converter

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Homogeneous Catalysts• Usually dispersed in liquid phase

• Acid and base catalyses are the most important types of homogeneous catalysis in liquid solution

• Advantages of homogeneous catalysts– Reactions performed at room conditions – Less expensive – Can be designed to function selectively

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Biological Catalysts

• Enzymes: large protein molecule that contains one or more active sites where interactions with substrates occur

• Enzymes are highly specific (lock and key)

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Reaction Pathway without and with Enzyme-Substrate

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Enzyme-Substrate Complex

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Biological Molecules (binding of glucose to


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Key Points

• Rate of reaction can be determined in several ways – Instantaneous rate – Average rate – Graphing using integrated rate laws– Mechanisms

Page 87: Chapter 14 Chemical Kinetics. Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009 14.1 Reaction Rates Kinetics: the study of how fast reactions take place Some reactions are fast

Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

Key Points

• Write rate law expressions

• Calculate rate constant with proper units

• Distinguish orders: 1st, 2nd, 0 order

• Calculate half-life

• Collision theory and relationship to Arrhenius equation

Page 88: Chapter 14 Chemical Kinetics. Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009 14.1 Reaction Rates Kinetics: the study of how fast reactions take place Some reactions are fast

Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

Key Points

• Calculate activation energy graphically and mathematically

• Reaction mechanisms – Elementary reactions – Molecularity – Rate law from slow step – Intermediates and catalysts

Page 89: Chapter 14 Chemical Kinetics. Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009 14.1 Reaction Rates Kinetics: the study of how fast reactions take place Some reactions are fast

Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

Key Points

• Catalysis – Heterogeneous– Homogeneous– Enzymes