chapter 17 and 18. the enlightenment enlightenment was a revolution in thinking during which people...

The Enlightenment And French Revolution Chapter 17 and 18

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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  • Chapter 17 and 18
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  • The Enlightenment Enlightenment was a revolution in thinking during which people began to discover that natural law could also be used to describe political, economic, and social problems. It was also known as The Age of Reason Human reason and thought, not religion, could provide order to the chaos of Europe The philosophy of the Enlightenment
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 Argues that people are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish Believes that people enter into a social contract with governments in order to provide order to the chaos of human nature He was a supporter of absolute monarchies
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment John Locke 1632-1704 All people are born with Natural Rights Life, liberty, property Governments duty to protect these rights People enter a Social Contract with their government If government is not doing their part, then it is the duty of the people to overthrow the government
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment Baron de Montesquieu 1689-1755 Government should have three branches 1.Legislative (Congress) 2.Executive (President) 3.Judicial (Supreme Court) Need checks and balances on each other
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment Voltaire 1694-1778 Defended the principal of Free Speech Criticized the Catholic church and French government He was imprisoned for his actions, but continued to defend the principle of free speech
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment Jean Jacques-Rousseau 1712-1788 Promoted the social contract Believed that people are naturally good, but can be corrupted by society The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few Majority rules
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  • Thinkers of the Enlightenment Adam Smith -- 1723-1790 He applied Enlightenment ideals to economic matters Wrote a famous book titled Wealth of Nations Argues in favor of a free-market economy based on supply and demand Helped shape the modern economic system of capitalism Laissez Faire govt should not interfere with economy
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  • Impact of the Enlightenment People began to question the government Enlightenment thinking will lead to many revolutions or overthrows of government during the 17 th 19 th centuries Including the American and French Revolutions
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  • 1789-1815
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  • The Estate System France is divided into three social class, called estates This was known as the ancien regime, or old order, and everyone in France was divided into one of them
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  • The First Estate Made up of Clergy members Rich from the 10% tithe they collected Owned 10% of the land in France Paid no taxes
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  • The Second Estate Made up of Nobility 2 % of the population Owned over 25% of all the land in France Collected feudal dues from the peasants living on their land
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  • The Third Estate Made up of everyone else 95% of the people of France Bankers, farmers, merchants, doctors, industry workers Enjoyed no social or political privileges They paid the taxes that funded France Bourgeoisie = bankers, merchants, Drs Urban workers = worked in industry Rural Peasants = farmers (largest group)
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  • Financial Troubles in France 1. National debt soared due to deficit spending* 1. Louis XIV had left France in extreme debt 1. 7 Years War (French and Indian War) 2. American Revolution 3. Lavish lifestyle and Court 2. Bad Harvests (1787 and 1789) 1. Less food = higher prices inflation 3. Bread Riots 1. People had so little money, that even a slight increase in price made it too expensive to afford
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  • Contemporary Political Cartoon of the Estate System
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  • Estates General Called 1. King Louis XVI (16) is left with this financial crisis 2. He is advised by Jacques Necker, his advisor, to begin taxing the nobles and clergy 3. They refuse and demand that he calls the Estates General in 1789 (May) 1. Frances representative government body that had not met since 1614 175 years earlier!
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  • Estates General May 1789 1. Delegates from each Estate prepared a grievance notebook 1. Fairer taxes, Freedom of Press, regular meetings of Estates General 2. Delegates of the Third Estate were upset that they only had one vote (each Estate had one vote) 1. They would be outvoted by the 1 st and 2 nd Estates 3. They meet independently and take the Tennis Court Oath 1. Declared themselves to be the National Assembly in June 1789
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  • Tennis Court Oath
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  • Storming of the Bastille July 14, 1789 800 Parisians surround political prison to get weapons for defense Troops open fire on them and the mob overruns the prison Set the prisoners free The anniversary of this date is celebrated as French Independence Day
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  • The Three Phases of the French Revolution (1789 1815) 1. National Assembly 1. 1789-1791 2. Reign of Terror 1. 1792-1799 3. Age of Napoleon 1. 1799-1815
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  • The National Assembly Acts The National Assembly begins meeting regularly in August 1789 Their first act is to end the special privileges of the nobles No more feudal dues No more exclusive hunting rights No more special legal status Must pay taxes
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  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Issued in August 1789 and modeled after the Declaration of Independence Essentially the French Constitution today Declared all men equal Freedom of speech, religion, press Did not guarantee rights to women though
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  • Other European Leaders Fear the Revolution Will Spread Absolute monarchs across Europe worry that the ideas of the revolutionaries in France will come to their countries The fear is spread by migr's who flee to their countries Nobles who fled France and want to restore King Louis XVI Catherine the Great included
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  • A Struggle for Power in the National Assembly Some groups want to form a Republic in France Mainly people known as Sans-Culottes Means without short pants Nobles wore those types of pants Radical political club called Jacobins want to spread the Revolution into other countries
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  • Radicals Seize Power The Jacobins seize control of the National Assembly and declare France a Republic abolish the monarchy Arrest King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette The Jacobins also declare war on Austria, Russia, and Prussia (Germany) Their saying is liberty, equality, and fraternity
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  • What to Do With Louis XVI? What are the Jacobins (radicals) going to do with King Louis XVI now? Theyve abolished the monarchy and declared him a tyrant..
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  • The Reign of Terror: 1793-1794 By January of 1793, the Jacobins had seized power in the Assembly and convicted King Louis XVI as a traitor to France Executed by guillotine January 1793 Marie Antoinette also executed in October 1793
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  • The Reign of Terror: 1793-1794 The Jacobins end the National Assembly and set up the National Convention Robespierre set up as leader of it He calls for a Reign of Terror to kill or imprison those suspected of not supporting the revolution
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  • The Reign of Terror: 1793-1794 Over 40,000 people are imprisoned or killed during 9 month period from September 1793-July 1794 Main method of execution was the use of the guillotine Robespierre had several Jacobin leaders murdered, and is ultimately sent to the guillotine himself End of the Reign of Terror
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  • The Directory Set Up In 1795, the National Convention writes the Constitution of 1795 3 rd one written since the beginning of Revolution It set up a five-man Directory to run France A young military officer will rise to control it
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  • 1799-1815
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  • Napoleon Bonaparte Rises to Power A General in the war against Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain He puts down an uprising against the Directory in 1795 Makes him a National Hero Leads a coup d'tat against Directory in 1799 A new constitution is written and Napoleon becomes Head Consul Essentially a dictator
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  • Restoring Order in France Napoleon creates many reforms to bring order back to the chaos of France Economy Sets price controls controls inflation Creates Bank of France for tax collection Builds roads and canals Education Sets up a government run school system
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  • Restoring Order in France Plebiscite Allows for a popular vote of elected officials Religious toleration for all Napoleonic Code A new legal code Used Enlightenment ideas like equality and liberty It did limit some rights such as freedom of speech and press
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  • Napoleons Empire In 1804 Napoleon crowns himself Emperor Napoleon of France He fights wars against most of Europe and by 1810 controls most of Europe except Russia and Great Britain British had a navy that was too strong Loses Battle of Trafalgar in English Channel Russia was too far and had a HUGE army
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  • Napoleons Empire 1811
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  • Napoleons Continental System Continental System Napoleon would not allow conquered countries to trade with Great Britain An attempt to weaken G.B. Actually weakened Frances economy because trade suffered The Continental System failed because Great Britains navy was too strong
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  • Napoleons Invasion of Russia In 1812 Napoleon attempts to invade Russia because they pulled out of the Continental System Russians used a scorched earth policy as they retreated towards Moscow Burnt everything, leaving the French army with no supplies or food Napoleon waited too long to retreat and the Russian winter set in Most of his troops died
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  • Napoleons Invasion of Russia He invaded with over 500,000 men Only 40,000 returned alive
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  • Napoleons Decline After his devastating Russian campaign, Napoleon is attacked from all sides British, Austrian, Prussia, Spain, Italy People in conquered lands begin rebelling against him Felt oppressed by his rule Forced to abdicate as Emperor in 1814 Exiled to Elba Small island in the Mediterranean Sea
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  • Napoleon Returns to Europe In 1815, one year after being exiled, Napoleon returns to France and regains power Still had the support of his army Great Britain and Prussia again send forces to battle him Meet at the Battle of Waterloo* Napoleon and his forces lose End of Napoleon He is sent even further into exile Lives out the rest of his life on an island in the south Atlantic (dies 1821)
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  • Congress of Vienna Restores Peace to Europe After Napoleons defeat, European leaders met at the Congress of Vienna to restore peace They create a balance of power No country should dominate continental Europe Also call for legitimacy Restore the monarchs of Europe to their thrones King Louis XVIII becomes French king Limited Powers Set up the Concert of Europe European countries to meet regularly to maintain peace
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  • Effects of the French Revolution 1. Democratic ideals spread 1. People turned against European monarchs 2. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 2. Nationalism grows 1. People began feeling allegiance to their country, not their ruler or King 3. Equality under the law 1. Established from the Napoleonic Code 4. Spains Decline 1. Due to Napoleons invasion weakening them 2. Independence and revolution will spread to the Spanish Colonies in the Americas (Latin America)