_chapter 2 2008

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  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Electromagnetic Radiation PrinciplesElectromagnetic Radiation Principles

    Dr. John R. JensenDr. John R. Jensen

    Department of GeographyDepartment of Geography

    University of South CarolinaUniversity of South Carolina

    Columbia, SC 29208Columbia, SC 29208

    Jensen, J. R., 2007,Jensen, J. R., 2007,Remote Sensing ofRemote Sensing of

    Environment: An Earth Resource PerspectiveEnvironment: An Earth Resource Perspective,,

    Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc.Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

    Jensen, 2Jensen, 2

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Electromagnetic Energy InteractionsElectromagnetic Energy Interactions

    EnergyEnergy recorded by remote sensing systems undergoes fundamentalrecorded by remote sensing systems undergoes fundamentalinteractionsinteractions that should be understood to properly interpret the remotelythat should be understood to properly interpret the remotely

    sensed data. For example, if the energy being remotely sensed comessensed data. For example, if the energy being remotely sensed comes

    from the Sun, the energy:from the Sun, the energy:

    is radiated by atomic particles at the source (the Sun),is radiated by atomic particles at the source (the Sun),

    propagates through the vacuum of space at the speed of light,propagates through the vacuum of space at the speed of light,

    interacts with the Earth's atmosphere,interacts with the Earth's atmosphere,

    interacts with the Earth's surface,interacts with the Earth's surface,

    interacts with the Earth's atmosphere once again, andinteracts with the Earth's atmosphere once again, andfinally reaches the remote sensor where it interacts with variousfinally reaches the remote sensor where it interacts with various

    optical systems, filters, emulsions, or detectors.optical systems, filters, emulsions, or detectors.

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    Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

    Image of the Sun Obtained on September 14, 1999Image of the Sun Obtained on September 14, 1999

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    interactions in theinteractions in the

    atmosphere, at theatmosphere, at the

    study area, and at thestudy area, and at the

    remote sensor detectorremote sensor detector

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    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    How is Energy Transferred?How is Energy Transferred?

    Energy may be transferred three ways:Energy may be transferred three ways: conductionconduction,, convectionconvection, and, and radiationradiation..

    a) Energy may bea) Energy may be conductedconducteddirectly from one object to another as when a pan is indirectly from one object to another as when a pan is in

    direct physical contact with a hot burner. b) The Sun bathes the Earths surface withdirect physical contact with a hot burner. b) The Sun bathes the Earths surface with

    radiant energy causing the air near the ground to increase in temperature. The less denseradiant energy causing the air near the ground to increase in temperature. The less dense

    air rises, creatingair rises, creating convectionalconvectionalcurrents in the atmosphere. c) Electromagnetic energy incurrents in the atmosphere. c) Electromagnetic energy in

    the form ofthe form ofelectromagneticelectromagnetic waves may be transmitted through the vacuum of space fromwaves may be transmitted through the vacuum of space from

    the Sun to the Earth.the Sun to the Earth.

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    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    Electromagnetic Radiation ModelsElectromagnetic Radiation Models

    To understand how electromagnetic radiation is created,To understand how electromagnetic radiation is created,how it propagates through space, and how it interactshow it propagates through space, and how it interacts

    with other matter, it is useful to describe the processeswith other matter, it is useful to describe the processes

    using two different models:using two different models:

    thethe wavewave model, andmodel, and thethe particleparticle model.model.

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    Jensen, 2007Jensen, 2007

    Wave Model of Electromagnetic RadiationWave Model of Electromagnetic Radiation

    In the 1860s,In the 1860s, James Clerk MaxwellJames Clerk Maxwell (18311879) conceptualized electromagnetic(18311879) conceptualized electromagnetic

    radiation (EMR) as an electromagnetic wave that travels through space at the speed ofradiation (EMR) as an electromagnetic wave that travels through space at the speed oflight,light, cc, which is 3 x 10, which is 3 x 1088 meters per second (hereafter referred to as m smeters per second (hereafter referred to as m s-1-1) or) or

    186,282.03 miles s186,282.03 miles s-1-1. A useful relation for quick calculations is that light travels about. A useful relation for quick calculations is that light travels about

    1 ft per nanosecond (101 ft per nanosecond (10-9-9 s). Thes). The electromagnetic waveelectromagnetic wave consists of two fluctuatingconsists of two fluctuating

    fieldsonefieldsone electricelectric and the otherand the othermagneticmagnetic. The two vectors are at right angles. The two vectors are at right angles

    (orthogonal) to one another, and both are perpendicular to the direction of travel.(orthogonal) to one another, and both are perpendicular to the direction of travel.

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    Electromagnetic radiationElectromagnetic radiation is generated when an electrical charge isis generated when an electrical charge is


    TheThe wavelengthwavelength of electromagnetic radiation (of electromagnetic radiation () depends upon the length) depends upon the length

    of time that the charged particle is accelerated and its frequency (of time that the charged particle is accelerated and its frequency ( vv) depend) depends

    on the number of accelerations per second.on the number of accelerations per second.

    WavelengthWavelength is formally defined as the mean distance between maximumsis formally defined as the mean distance between maximums

    (or minimums) of a roughly periodic pattern and is normally measured in(or minimums) of a roughly periodic pattern and is normally measured in

    micrometers (micrometers (m) or nanometers (nm).m) or nanometers (nm).

    FrequencyFrequency is the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time. Ais the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time. A

    wave that sends one crest by every second (completing one cycle) is said towave that sends one crest by every second (completing one cycle) is said to

    have a frequency of one cycle per second or one hertz, abbreviated 1 Hz.have a frequency of one cycle per second or one hertz, abbreviated 1 Hz.

    The Wave Model of Electromagnetic EnergyThe Wave Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    The relationship between the wavelength,The relationship between the wavelength, , and frequency,, and frequency,, of, ofelectromagnetic radiation is based on the following formula, whereelectromagnetic radiation is based on the following formula, where cc

    is the speed of light:is the speed of light:

    Wave Model of Electromagnetic EnergyWave Model of Electromagnetic Energy

    cv=vc =

    cv =

    Note that frequency,Note that frequency,,, is inversely proportional to wavelength,is inversely proportional to wavelength, ..

    The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency, and vice-versa.The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency, and vice-versa.

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    Wave Model of Electromagnetic EnergyWave Model of Electromagnetic Energy

    This cross-section of an electromagneticThis cross-section of an electromagnetic

    wave illustrates the inverse relationshipwave illustrates the inverse relationship

    betweenbetween wavelengthwavelength (() and) andfrequencyfrequency((). The longer the wavelength the). The longer the wavelength the

    lower the frequency; the shorter thelower the frequency; the shorter the

    wavelength, the higher the frequency.wavelength, the higher the frequency.

    The amplitude of an electromagneticThe amplitude of an electromagneticwave is the height of the wave crestwave is the height of the wave crest

    above the undisturbed position.above the undisturbed position.

    Successive wave crests are numbered 1,Successive wave crests are numbered 1,

    2, 3, and 4. An observer at the position2, 3, and 4. An observer at the position

    of the clock records the number ofof the clock records the number of

    crests that pass by in a second. Thiscrests that pass by in a second. This

    frequency is measured in cycles perfrequency is measured in cycles persecond, or hertzsecond, or hertz

    Jensen, 2007Jensen, 2007

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    The electromagnetic energy from the Sun travels in eight minutes acrossThe electromagnetic energy from the Sun travels in eight minutes across

    the intervening 93 million miles (150 million km) of space to the Earth.the intervening 93 million miles (150 million km) of space to the Earth.

    The Sun produces aThe Sun produces a continuous spectrumcontinuous spectrum of electromagnetic radiationof electromagnetic radiation

    ranging from very short, extremely high frequency gamma and cosmicranging from very short, extremely high frequency gamma and cosmic

    waves to long, very low frequency radio waveswaves to long, very low frequency radio waves

    TheThe EarthEarth approximates a 300 K (27 C) blackbody and has a dominantapproximates a 300 K (27 C) blackbody and has a dominant

    wavelength at approximatelywavelength at approximately 9.79.7 m.m.

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    Using theUsing thewave modelwave model, it is possible to characterize the energy of the Sun, it is possible to characterize the energy of the Sun

    which represents the initial source of much of the electromagnetic energywhich represents the initial source of much of the electromagnetic energy

    recorded by remote sensing systems (except RADAR, LIDAR, SONAR).recorded by remote sensing systems (except RADAR, LIDAR, SONAR).

    We may think of the Sun as a 6,000 KWe may think of the Sun as a 6,000 K blackbodyblackbody (a theoretical construct(a theoretical construct

    which radiates energy at the maximum possible rate per unit area at eachwhich radiates energy at the maximum possible rate per unit area at each

    wavelength for any given temperature). Thewavelength for any given temperature). The total emitted radiationtotal emitted radiation ((MM


    from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its absolutefrom a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute

    temperature. This is known as thetemperature. This is known as the Stefan-Boltzmann lawStefan-Boltzmann law and is expressedand is expressed


    wherewhere is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6697 x 10is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6697 x 10 -8-8 W mW m-2-2 KK -4-4..

    Thus, the amount of energy emitted by an object such as the Sun or theThus, the amount of energy emitted by an object such as the Sun or the

    Earth is a function of its temperature.Earth is a function of its temperature.

    Stephen Boltzmann LawStephen Boltzmann Law

    4TM =

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    Sources of Electromagnetic EnergySources of Electromagnetic Energy

    Thermonuclear fusion taking place on the surface of the Sun yields a continuous spectrum ofThermonuclear fusion taking place on the surface of the Sun yields a continuous spectrum of

    electromagnetic energy. The 5770 6000 kelvin (K) temperature of this process produces a largeelectromagnetic energy. The 5770 6000 kelvin (K) temperature of this process produces a large

    amount of relatively short wavelength energy that travels through the vacuum of space at the speedamount of relatively short wavelength energy that travels through the vacuum of space at the speed

    of light. Some of this energy is intercepted by the Earth, where it interacts with the atmosphere andof light. Some of this energy is intercepted by the Earth, where it interacts with the atmosphere and

    surface materials. The Earth reflects some of the energy directly back out to space or it may absorbsurface materials. The Earth reflects some of the energy directly back out to space or it may absorb

    the short wavelength energy and then re-emit it at a longer wavelengththe short wavelength energy and then re-emit it at a longer wavelength

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    The Sun produces aThe Sun produces a

    continuous spectrumcontinuous spectrum of energyof energy

    from gamma rays to radiofrom gamma rays to radio

    waves that continually bathewaves that continually bathe

    the Earth in energy. Thethe Earth in energy. The

    visible portion of the spectrumvisible portion of the spectrummay be measured usingmay be measured using

    wavelength (measured inwavelength (measured in

    micrometers or nanometers,micrometers or nanometers,

    i.e.,i.e., m or nm) or electronm or nm) or electronvolts (eV). All units arevolts (eV). All units are


    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Spectral Bandwidths of Landsat and SPOT Sensor SystemsSpectral Bandwidths of Landsat and SPOT Sensor Systems

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    Weins Displacement LawWeins Displacement Law

    In addition to computing the total amount of energy exiting a theoretical blackbody suchIn addition to computing the total amount of energy exiting a theoretical blackbody suchas the Sun, we can determine its dominant wavelength (as the Sun, we can determine its dominant wavelength (maxmax) based on) based on Wein'sWein's

    displacement lawdisplacement law::

    wherewhere kk is a constant equaling 2898is a constant equaling 2898 m K, andm K, and TT is the absolute temperature in kelvin.is the absolute temperature in kelvin.Therefore, as the Sun approximates a 6000 K blackbody, its dominant wavelength (Therefore, as the Sun approximates a 6000 K blackbody, its dominant wavelength ( maxmax))

    is 0.48is 0.48 m:m:









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    Blackbody Radiation CurvesBlackbody Radiation Curves

    Blackbody radiation curves for several objectsBlackbody radiation curves for several objectsincluding the Sun and the Earth whichincluding the Sun and the Earth which

    approximate 6,000 K and 300 K blackbodies,approximate 6,000 K and 300 K blackbodies,

    respectively.respectively. The area under each curve may beThe area under each curve may be

    summed to compute the total radiant energy (summed to compute the total radiant energy (MM

    ) exiting each object. Thus, the Sun produces) exiting each object. Thus, the Sun produces

    more radiant exitance than the Earth because itsmore radiant exitance than the Earth because itstemperature is greater. As the temperature of antemperature is greater. As the temperature of an

    object increases, its dominant wavelength (object increases, its dominant wavelength (maxmax))

    shifts toward the shorter wavelengths of theshifts toward the shorter wavelengths of the


    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    Radiant IntensityRadiant Intensity

    of the Sunof the Sun

    The Sun approximates a 6,000 KThe Sun approximates a 6,000 K

    blackbody with a dominantblackbody with a dominantwavelength of 0.48wavelength of 0.48 m (green light).m (green light).

    Earth approximates a 300 KEarth approximates a 300 K

    blackbody with a dominantblackbody with a dominant

    wavelength of 9.66wavelength of 9.66 m . The 6,000m . The 6,000

    K Sun produces 41% of its energy inK Sun produces 41% of its energy in

    the visible region from 0.4 - 0.7the visible region from 0.4 - 0.7 mm

    (blue, green, and red light). The other(blue, green, and red light). The other59% of the energy is in wavelengths59% of the energy is in wavelengths

    shorter than blue light (0.7 m). Eyesm). Eyes

    are only sensitive to light from theare only sensitive to light from the

    0.4 to 0.70.4 to 0.7 m. Remote sensorm. Remote sensor

    detectors can be made sensitive todetectors can be made sensitive to

    energy in the non-visible regions ofenergy in the non-visible regions of

    the spectrum.the spectrum.

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    For a 100 years before 1905, light was thought of as a smooth andFor a 100 years before 1905, light was thought of as a smooth and

    continuous wave as discussed. Then,continuous wave as discussed. Then, Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein (1879-1955) found(1879-1955) found

    that when light interacts with electrons, it has a different character.that when light interacts with electrons, it has a different character.

    He found that when light interacts with matter, it behaves as though it isHe found that when light interacts with matter, it behaves as though it is

    composed of many individual bodies calledcomposed of many individual bodies calledphotonsphotons, which carry such, which carry suchparticle-like properties as energy and momentum. As a result, mostparticle-like properties as energy and momentum. As a result, most

    physicists today would answer the questionphysicists today would answer the question What is light?What is light? as as LightLightis ais a

    particularparticularkind of matter.kind of matter.

    Thus, we sometimes describe electromagnetic energy in terms of itsThus, we sometimes describe electromagnetic energy in terms of itswave-like properties. But, when the energy interacts with matter it iswave-like properties. But, when the energy interacts with matter it is

    useful to describe it as discrete packets of energy, oruseful to describe it as discrete packets of energy, or quantaquanta..

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    Niels Bohr (18851962) and Max Planck recognized the discrete nature ofNiels Bohr (18851962) and Max Planck recognized the discrete nature ofexchanges of radiant energy and proposed theexchanges of radiant energy and proposed the quantum theoryquantum theory ofof

    electromagnetic radiation. This theory states that energy is transferred inelectromagnetic radiation. This theory states that energy is transferred in

    discrete packets calleddiscrete packets called quantaquanta ororphotonsphotons, as discussed. The relationship, as discussed. The relationship

    between the frequency of radiation expressed by wave theory and the between the frequency of radiation expressed by wave theory and the

    quantum is:quantum is:

    wherewhere QQ is the energy of a quantum measured in joules,is the energy of a quantum measured in joules, hh is the Planckis the Planck

    constant (6.626constant (6.626 1010-34-34 J s), andJ s), and is the frequency of the radiation.is the frequency of the radiation.

    vhQ =

    Quantum Theory of EMRQuantum Theory of EMR

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    Referring to the previous formulas, we can multiply the equation byReferring to the previous formulas, we can multiply the equation by h/hh/h, or, or

    1, without changing its value:1, without changing its value:

    By substitutingBy substituting QQ forfor hh, we can express the wavelength associated with a, we can express the wavelength associated with a

    quantum of energy as:quantum of energy as:


    Thus, the energy of a quantum is inversely proportional to its wavelengthThus, the energy of a quantum is inversely proportional to its wavelength ,,

    i.e., the longer the wavelength involved, the lower its energy content.i.e., the longer the wavelength involved, the lower its energy content.

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy





    chQ =

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    ElectronsElectrons are the tiny negatively charged particles that move around the positivelyare the tiny negatively charged particles that move around the positively

    chargedchargednucleusnucleus of an atom. Atoms of different substances are made up of varyingof an atom. Atoms of different substances are made up of varying

    numbers of electrons arranged in different ways. The interaction between the positivelynumbers of electrons arranged in different ways. The interaction between the positively

    charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron keep the electron in orbit. While itscharged nucleus and the negatively charged electron keep the electron in orbit. While its

    orbit is not explicitly fixed, each electrons motion is restricted to a definite range fromorbit is not explicitly fixed, each electrons motion is restricted to a definite range from

    the nucleus. The allowable orbital paths of electrons about an atom might be thought ofthe nucleus. The allowable orbital paths of electrons about an atom might be thought of

    asas energy classes or levelsenergy classes or levels. In order for an electron to climb to a higher class, work must. In order for an electron to climb to a higher class, work must

    be performed. However, unless an amount of energy is available to move the electronbe performed. However, unless an amount of energy is available to move the electron

    up at least one energy level, it will accept no work. If a sufficient amount of energy isup at least one energy level, it will accept no work. If a sufficient amount of energy is

    received, the electron will jump to a new level and the atom is said to bereceived, the electron will jump to a new level and the atom is said to be excitedexcited. Once an. Once an

    electron is in a higher orbit, it possesseselectron is in a higher orbit, it possesses potential energypotential energy. After about. After about 1010-8-8 secondsseconds, the, the

    electron falls back to the atom's lowest empty energy level or orbit and gives offelectron falls back to the atom's lowest empty energy level or orbit and gives off

    radiation.radiation. The wavelength of radiation given off is a function of the amount of work doneThe wavelength of radiation given off is a function of the amount of work done

    on the atomon the atom, i.e., the, i.e., the quantum of energyquantum of energy it absorbed to cause the electron to be moved to ait absorbed to cause the electron to be moved to a

    higher orbit.higher orbit.

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    MatterMattercan be heated to such high temperatures that electrons which normallycan be heated to such high temperatures that electrons which normally

    move in captured non-radiating orbits are broken free. When this happens, themove in captured non-radiating orbits are broken free. When this happens, theatom remains with a positive charge equal to the negatively charged electronatom remains with a positive charge equal to the negatively charged electron

    which escaped. The electron becomes awhich escaped. The electron becomes a free electronfree electron and the atom is called anand the atom is called an

    ionion. In the ultraviolet and visible (. In the ultraviolet and visible (blueblue,, greengreen, and, and redred) parts of the) parts of the

    electromagnetic spectrum,electromagnetic spectrum, radiationradiation is produced by changes in the energy levelsis produced by changes in the energy levels

    of the outer,of the outer, valence electronsvalence electrons. The wavelengths of energy produced are a. The wavelengths of energy produced are a

    function of the particular orbital levels of the electrons involved in the excitationfunction of the particular orbital levels of the electrons involved in the excitation

    process. If the atoms absorb enough energy to becomeprocess. If the atoms absorb enough energy to become ionizedionized and if aand if a freefree

    electronelectron drops in todrops in to fill the vacant energy levelfill the vacant energy level, then the radiation given off is, then the radiation given off is

    unquantizedunquantizedandandcontinuous spectrumcontinuous spectrum is produced rather than a band or a seriesis produced rather than a band or a series

    of bands. Every encounter of one of the free electrons with a positively chargedof bands. Every encounter of one of the free electrons with a positively charged

    nucleus causes rapidly changing electric and magnetic fields so that radiation atnucleus causes rapidly changing electric and magnetic fields so that radiation at

    all wavelengths is produced. The hot surface of theall wavelengths is produced. The hot surface of the SunSun is largely ais largely a plasmaplasma inin

    which radiation of all wavelengths is produced. The spectra of a plasma is awhich radiation of all wavelengths is produced. The spectra of a plasma is a

    continuous spectrumcontinuous spectrum..

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    Creation of LightCreation of Light

    from Atomicfrom Atomic


    AA photonphoton of electromagnetic energy isof electromagnetic energy is

    emitted when an electron in an atom oremitted when an electron in an atom ormolecule drops from a higher-energy statemolecule drops from a higher-energy state

    to a lower-energy state.to a lower-energy state. The light emittedThe light emitted

    (i.e., its wavelength) is a function of the(i.e., its wavelength) is a function of the

    changes in the energy levels of the outer,changes in the energy levels of the outer,

    valence electron. For example, yellow lightvalence electron. For example, yellow light

    may be produced from a sodium vapormay be produced from a sodium vapor

    lamp. Matter can also be subjected to suchlamp. Matter can also be subjected to such

    high temperatures that electrons, whichhigh temperatures that electrons, which

    normally move in captured, non-radiatingnormally move in captured, non-radiating

    orbits, are broken free. When this happens,orbits, are broken free. When this happens,

    the atom remains with a positive chargethe atom remains with a positive charge

    equal to the negatively charged electronequal to the negatively charged electron

    that escaped. The electron becomes a freethat escaped. The electron becomes a free

    electron, and the atom is called an ion. Ifelectron, and the atom is called an ion. If

    another free electron fills the vacant energyanother free electron fills the vacant energy

    level created by the free electron, thenlevel created by the free electron, then

    radiation from all wavelengths is produced,radiation from all wavelengths is produced,i.e., a continuous spectrum of energy. Thei.e., a continuous spectrum of energy. The

    intense heat at the surface of the Sunintense heat at the surface of the Sun

    produces aproduces a continuous spectrumcontinuous spectrum in thisin this


    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    Electron orbits are like the rungs of a ladderElectron orbits are like the rungs of a ladder. Adding energy moves the. Adding energy moves the

    electron up the energy ladder; emitting energy moves it down. The energyelectron up the energy ladder; emitting energy moves it down. The energyladder differs from an ordinary ladder in that its rungs are unevenlyladder differs from an ordinary ladder in that its rungs are unevenly

    spaced. This means that the energy an electron needs to absorb, or to givespaced. This means that the energy an electron needs to absorb, or to give

    up, in order to jump from one orbit to the next may not be the same as theup, in order to jump from one orbit to the next may not be the same as the

    energy change needed for some other step. Also, an electron does notenergy change needed for some other step. Also, an electron does not

    always use consecutive rungs. Instead, it follows what physicists callalways use consecutive rungs. Instead, it follows what physicists callselection rulesselection rules. In many cases, an electron uses one sequence of rungs as it. In many cases, an electron uses one sequence of rungs as it

    climbs the ladder and another sequence as it descends. The energy that isclimbs the ladder and another sequence as it descends. The energy that is

    left over when the electrically charged electron moves from an excitedleft over when the electrically charged electron moves from an excited

    state to a de-excited state isstate to a de-excited state is emittedemittedby the atom as aby the atom as apacket of electro-packet of electro-

    magnetic radiationmagnetic radiation; a particle-like unit of light called a; a particle-like unit of light called aphotonphoton..Every timeEvery timean electron jumps from a higher to a lower energy level, a photon movesan electron jumps from a higher to a lower energy level, a photon moves

    away at the speed of lightaway at the speed of light..

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    SubstancesSubstances havehave colorcolorbecause ofbecause ofdifferences in their energy levelsdifferences in their energy levels

    and the selection rulesand the selection rules..

    For example, consider energizedFor example, consider energized sodium vaporsodium vaporthat produces athat produces a

    bright yellow light that is used in some street lamps. When abright yellow light that is used in some street lamps. When a

    sodium-vapor lamp is turned on, several thousand volts of electricitysodium-vapor lamp is turned on, several thousand volts of electricity

    energize the vapor. The outermost electron in each energized atomenergize the vapor. The outermost electron in each energized atom

    of sodium vapor climbs to a high rung on the energy ladder and thenof sodium vapor climbs to a high rung on the energy ladder and then

    returns down the ladder in a certain sequence of rungs, the last tworeturns down the ladder in a certain sequence of rungs, the last two

    of which areof which are 2.1 eV2.1 eV apart. The energy released in this last leapapart. The energy released in this last leap

    appears as a photon ofappears as a photon of


    light with a wavelength oflight with a wavelength of



    with 2.1 eV of energy.with 2.1 eV of energy.

    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    Creation of LightCreation of Light

    Creation of light from atomic particlesCreation of light from atomic particles

    in ain a sodium vapor lampsodium vapor lamp. After being. After being

    energized by several thousand volts ofenergized by several thousand volts of

    electricity, the outermost electron inelectricity, the outermost electron in

    each energized atom of sodium vaporeach energized atom of sodium vapor

    climbs to a high rung on the energyclimbs to a high rung on the energy

    ladder and then returns down theladder and then returns down the

    ladder in a predictable fashion. Theladder in a predictable fashion. The

    last two rungs in the descent are 2.1last two rungs in the descent are 2.1eV apart. This produces a photon ofeV apart. This produces a photon of

    yellowyellowlight, which has 2.1 eV oflight, which has 2.1 eV of


    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    Energy ofEnergy of



    The energy of quantaThe energy of quanta

    (photons) ranging(photons) ranging

    from gamma rays tofrom gamma rays to

    radio waves in theradio waves in the



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    Somehow an electron might disappear from its original orbit andSomehow an electron might disappear from its original orbit andreappear in its destination orbit without ever having to traverse anyreappear in its destination orbit without ever having to traverse any

    of the positions in between. This process is called aof the positions in between. This process is called a quantum leapquantum leap oror

    quantum jumpquantum jump. If the electron leaps from its highest excited state to. If the electron leaps from its highest excited state to

    the ground state in a single leap it will emit a single photon ofthe ground state in a single leap it will emit a single photon of

    energy. It is also possible for the electron to leap from an excitedenergy. It is also possible for the electron to leap from an excitedorbit to the ground state in a series of jumps, e.g. from 4 to 2 to 1. Iforbit to the ground state in a series of jumps, e.g. from 4 to 2 to 1. If

    it takes two leaps to get to the ground state then each of these jumpsit takes two leaps to get to the ground state then each of these jumps

    will emit photons of somewhat less energy. The energies emittedwill emit photons of somewhat less energy. The energies emitted ininthe two different jumps must sum to the total of the single largethe two different jumps must sum to the total of the single large


    Particle Model of Electromagnetic EnergyParticle Model of Electromagnetic Energy

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    Once electromagnetic radiation is generated, it is propagatedOnce electromagnetic radiation is generated, it is propagated

    through the earth's atmosphere almost at the speed of light in athrough the earth's atmosphere almost at the speed of light in a


    Unlike a vacuum in which nothing happens, however, theUnlike a vacuum in which nothing happens, however, theatmosphere may affect not only the speed of radiation but also itsatmosphere may affect not only the speed of radiation but also its

    wavelengthwavelength,, intensityintensity,, spectral distributionspectral distribution, and/or, and/or directiondirection..

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    ScatterScatterdiffers fromdiffers from reflectionreflection in that the direction associated within that the direction associated with

    scattering isscattering is ununpredictable, whereas the direction of reflection ispredictable, whereas the direction of reflection is

    predictable. There are essentially three types of scattering:predictable. There are essentially three types of scattering:


    Mie,Mie, andand



    A h i L

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Major subdivisions of theMajor subdivisions of the

    atmosphere and the types ofatmosphere and the types of

    molecules and aerosols found inmolecules and aerosols found in

    each layer.each layer.

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    Atmospheric Layers

    and Constituents

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    Rayleigh scatteringRayleigh scattering occurs when the diameter of the matter (usually airoccurs when the diameter of the matter (usually airmolecules) aremolecules) are many times smaller than the wavelength of the incidentmany times smaller than the wavelength of the incident

    electromagnetic radiationelectromagnetic radiation. This type of scattering is named after the English. This type of scattering is named after the English

    physicist who offered the first coherent explanation for it. All scattering isphysicist who offered the first coherent explanation for it. All scattering is

    accomplished through absorption and re-emission of radiation by atoms oraccomplished through absorption and re-emission of radiation by atoms or

    molecules in the manner described in the discussion on radiation from atomicmolecules in the manner described in the discussion on radiation from atomic

    structures. It is impossible to predict the direction in which a specific atom orstructures. It is impossible to predict the direction in which a specific atom ormolecule will emit a photon, hence scattering.molecule will emit a photon, hence scattering.

    The energy required to excite an atom is associated with short-wavelength, highThe energy required to excite an atom is associated with short-wavelength, high

    frequency radiation.frequency radiation. The amount of scattering is inversely related to the fourthThe amount of scattering is inversely related to the fourth

    power of the radiation's wavelengthpower of the radiation's wavelength.. For example, blue light (0.4For example, blue light (0.4 m) ism) is

    scattered 16 times more than near-infrared light (0.8scattered 16 times more than near-infrared light (0.8 m).m).

    Rayleigh ScatteringRayleigh Scattering

    At h i S tt iAt h i S tt i

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Atmospheric ScatterinAtmospheric Scattering

    Type of scattering is a function of:Type of scattering is a function of:

    thethe wavelengthwavelength of the incidentof the incident

    radiant energy, andradiant energy, and

    thethesizesize of the gas molecule,of the gas molecule,

    dust particle, and/or waterdust particle, and/or water

    vapor droplet encountered.vapor droplet encountered.

    Jensen, 20Jensen, 20

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008




    The intensity ofThe intensity of

    Rayleigh scatteringRayleigh scattering

    varies inversely withvaries inversely with

    the fourth power of thethe fourth power of the

    wavelength (wavelength (-4-4


    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    R l i h S i

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Rayleigh ScatteringRayleigh Scattering

    Rayleigh scatteringRayleigh scattering is responsible for theis responsible for the blueblue skysky. The short violet and. The short violet and

    blue wavelengths are more efficiently scattered than the longer orangeblue wavelengths are more efficiently scattered than the longer orangeand red wavelengths. When we look up on cloudless day and admire theand red wavelengths. When we look up on cloudless day and admire the

    blue sky, we witness the preferential scattering of the short wavelengthblue sky, we witness the preferential scattering of the short wavelength


    Rayleigh scattering is responsible forRayleigh scattering is responsible forredredsunsetssunsets.. Since theSince theatmosphere is a thin shell of gravitationally bound gas surrounding theatmosphere is a thin shell of gravitationally bound gas surrounding the

    solid Earth, sunlight must pass through a longer slant path of air atsolid Earth, sunlight must pass through a longer slant path of air at

    sunset (or sunrise) than at noon. Since the violet and blue wavelengthssunset (or sunrise) than at noon. Since the violet and blue wavelengths

    are scattered even more during their now-longer path through the airare scattered even more during their now-longer path through the air

    than when the Sun is overhead, what we see when we look toward thethan when the Sun is overhead, what we see when we look toward theSun is the residue - the wavelengths of sunlight that are hardly scatteredSun is the residue - the wavelengths of sunlight that are hardly scattered

    away at all, especially the oranges and reds (Sagan, 1994).away at all, especially the oranges and reds (Sagan, 1994).

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    The approximate amount of Rayleigh scattering in theThe approximate amount of Rayleigh scattering in theatmosphere in optical wavelengths (0.4 0.7atmosphere in optical wavelengths (0.4 0.7 m) may bem) may be

    computed using thecomputed using theRayleigh scattering cross-sectionRayleigh scattering cross-section ((mm))


    wherewhere nn = refractive index= refractive index,,NN= number of air molecules per unit= number of air molecules per unit

    volumevolume, and, and = wavelength= wavelength. The amount of scattering is. The amount of scattering is

    inversely related to the fourth power of the radiationsinversely related to the fourth power of the radiations


    ( )( )42223






    Rayleigh ScatteringRayleigh Scattering

    Mi S iMi S tt i

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Mie ScatteringMie Scattering

    Mie scatteringMie scattering takes place when there are essentiallytakes place when there are essentially sphericalspherical particlesparticles

    present in the atmospherepresent in the atmosphere with diameters approximately equal to thewith diameters approximately equal to the

    wavelength of radiation being consideredwavelength of radiation being considered. For visible light, water vapor,. For visible light, water vapor,

    dust, and other particles ranging from a few tenths of a micrometer todust, and other particles ranging from a few tenths of a micrometer to

    several micrometers in diameter are the main scattering agents. Theseveral micrometers in diameter are the main scattering agents. The

    amount of scatter is greater than Rayleigh scatter and the wavelengthsamount of scatter is greater than Rayleigh scatter and the wavelengths

    scattered are longer.scattered are longer.

    PollutionPollution also contributes to beautifulalso contributes to beautiful sunsetssunsets andand sunrisessunrises. The greater. The greater

    the amount of smoke and dust particles in the atmospheric column, thethe amount of smoke and dust particles in the atmospheric column, the

    more violet and blue light will be scattered away and only the longermore violet and blue light will be scattered away and only the longer

    orangeorange andand redredwavelength light will reach our eyes.wavelength light will reach our eyes.

    N l ti S tt iN l ti S tt i

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Non-selective ScatteringNon-selective Scattering

    Non-selective scatteringNon-selective scattering is produced when there are particles in theis produced when there are particles in the

    atmosphereatmosphere several times the diameter of the radiation beingseveral times the diameter of the radiation being

    transmittedtransmitted. This type of scattering is non-selective, i.e. all wavelengths. This type of scattering is non-selective, i.e. all wavelengths

    of light are scattered, not just blue, green, or red. Thus, water droplets,of light are scattered, not just blue, green, or red. Thus, water droplets,

    which make up clouds and fog banks, scatter all wavelengths of visiblewhich make up clouds and fog banks, scatter all wavelengths of visible

    light equally well, causing the cloud to appear white (a mixture of alllight equally well, causing the cloud to appear white (a mixture of all

    colors of light in approximately equal quantities produces white).colors of light in approximately equal quantities produces white).

    Scattering can severely reduce the information content of remotelyScattering can severely reduce the information content of remotely

    sensed data to the point that the imagery looses contrast and it is difficultsensed data to the point that the imagery looses contrast and it is difficult

    to differentiate one object from another.to differentiate one object from another.

    Atmospheric ScatterinAtmospheric Scattering

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Atmospheric ScatterinAtmospheric Scattering

    Type of scattering is a function of:

    the wavelength of the incident

    radiant energy, and

    the size of the gas molecule,

    dust particle, and/or water

    vapor droplet encountered.

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    AbsorptionAbsorption is the process by which radiant energy isis the process by which radiant energy isabsorbed and converted into other forms of energy. Anabsorbed and converted into other forms of energy. An

    absorption bandabsorption bandis a range of wavelengths (or frequencies) inis a range of wavelengths (or frequencies) in

    the electromagnetic spectrum within which radiant energy isthe electromagnetic spectrum within which radiant energy is

    absorbed by substances such as water (Habsorbed by substances such as water (H22O), carbon dioxideO), carbon dioxide

    (CO(CO22), oxygen (O), oxygen (O22), ozone (O), ozone (O33), and nitrous oxide (N), and nitrous oxide (N22O).O).

    The cumulative effect of the absorption by the variousThe cumulative effect of the absorption by the various

    constituents can cause the atmosphere toconstituents can cause the atmosphere toclose downclose down inin

    certain regions of the spectrum. This is bad for remotecertain regions of the spectrum. This is bad for remote

    sensing because no energy is available to be sensed.sensing because no energy is available to be sensed.



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    In certain parts of the spectrum such as the visible region (0.4 - 0.7In certain parts of the spectrum such as the visible region (0.4 - 0.7 m), them), the

    atmosphere does not absorb all of the incident energy but transmits it effectively. Partsatmosphere does not absorb all of the incident energy but transmits it effectively. Partsof the spectrum that transmit energy effectively are calledof the spectrum that transmit energy effectively are called atmospheric windows.atmospheric windows.

    AbsorptionAbsorption occurs when energy of the same frequency as the resonant frequency ofoccurs when energy of the same frequency as the resonant frequency of

    an atom or molecule is absorbed, producing anan atom or molecule is absorbed, producing an excited stateexcited state. If, instead of re-radiating. If, instead of re-radiating

    a photon of the same wavelength, the energy is transformed into heat motion and isa photon of the same wavelength, the energy is transformed into heat motion and is

    reradiated at a longer wavelength, absorption occurs. When dealing with a medium likereradiated at a longer wavelength, absorption occurs. When dealing with a medium likeair, absorption and scattering are frequently combined into anair, absorption and scattering are frequently combined into an extinction coefficientextinction coefficient..

    TransmissionTransmission is inversely related to the extinction coefficient times the thickness ofis inversely related to the extinction coefficient times the thickness of

    the layer. Certain wavelengths of radiation are affected far more by absorption than bythe layer. Certain wavelengths of radiation are affected far more by absorption than by

    scattering. This is particularly true of infrared and wavelengths shorter than visiblescattering. This is particularly true of infrared and wavelengths shorter than visible



    Absorption of the Suns Incident Electromagnetic Energy in theAbsorption of the Suns Incident Electromagnetic Energy in the

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Absorption of the Sun s Incident Electromagnetic Energy in theAbsorption of the Sun s Incident Electromagnetic Energy in the

    Region from 0.1 to 30Region from 0.1 to 30 m by Various Atmospheric Gasesm by Various Atmospheric Gases

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007


    a)a) TheThe absorptionabsorption of the Suns incidentof the Suns incident

    l i i h il i i h i

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    electromagnetic energy in the regionelectromagnetic energy in the region

    from 0.1 to 30from 0.1 to 30 m by variousm by various

    atmospheric gases. The first four graphatmospheric gases. The first four graph

    depict the absorption characteristics ofdepict the absorption characteristics of

    NN22O, OO, O22 and Oand O33, CO, CO22, and H, and H22O, whileO, whilethe final graphic depicts the cumulativethe final graphic depicts the cumulative

    result of all these constituents being inresult of all these constituents being in

    the atmosphere at one time. Thethe atmosphere at one time. The

    atmosphere essentially closes down inatmosphere essentially closes down in

    certain portions of the spectrum whilecertain portions of the spectrum while

    atmospheric windows exist in otheratmospheric windows exist in other

    regions that transmit incident energyregions that transmit incident energy

    effectively to the ground. It is withineffectively to the ground. It is within

    these windows that remote sensingthese windows that remote sensing

    systems must function.systems must function.

    b)b) The combined effects of atmosphericThe combined effects of atmospheric

    absorption, scattering, and reflectanceabsorption, scattering, and reflectance

    reduce the amount of solar irradiancereduce the amount of solar irradiance

    reaching the Earths surface at sea levereaching the Earths surface at sea level

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    ReflectanceReflectance is the process whereby radiationis the process whereby radiation bounces offbounces off ananobject like a cloud or the terrain. Actually, the process is moreobject like a cloud or the terrain. Actually, the process is more

    complicated, involvingcomplicated, involving re-radiation of photons in unison byre-radiation of photons in unison by

    atoms or molecules in a layer one-half wavelength deepatoms or molecules in a layer one-half wavelength deep..

    Reflection exhibits fundamental characteristics that areReflection exhibits fundamental characteristics that areimportant in remote sensing. First, the incident radiation, theimportant in remote sensing. First, the incident radiation, the

    reflected radiation, and a vertical to the surface from which thereflected radiation, and a vertical to the surface from which the

    angles of incidence and reflection are measured all lie in theangles of incidence and reflection are measured all lie in the

    same plane. Second, the angle of incidence and the angle ofsame plane. Second, the angle of incidence and the angle of

    reflection are equal.reflection are equal.



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    There are various types of reflecting surfaces:There are various types of reflecting surfaces:

    WhenWhenspecular reflectionspecular reflection occurs, the surface from which the radiation is reflected isoccurs, the surface from which the radiation is reflected is

    essentiallyessentially smoothsmooth (i.e. the average surface profile is several times smaller than the(i.e. the average surface profile is several times smaller than the

    wavelength of radiation striking the surface).wavelength of radiation striking the surface).

    If the surface isIf the surface is roughrough, the reflected rays go in many directions, depending on the, the reflected rays go in many directions, depending on the

    orientation of the smaller reflecting surfaces. This diffuse reflection does not yield aorientation of the smaller reflecting surfaces. This diffuse reflection does not yield a

    mirror image, but instead producesmirror image, but instead produces diffused radiationdiffused radiation. White paper, white powders and. White paper, white powders and

    other materials reflect visible light in this diffuse manner.other materials reflect visible light in this diffuse manner.

    If the surface is so rough that there are no individual reflecting surfaces, thenIf the surface is so rough that there are no individual reflecting surfaces, then

    scattering may occur. Lambert defined ascattering may occur. Lambert defined aperfectly diffuse surfaceperfectly diffuse surface; hence the commonly; hence the commonly


    Lambertian surfaceLambertian surface

    is one for which the radiant flux leaving the surface isis one for which the radiant flux leaving the surface is

    constant for any angle of reflectance to the surface normal.constant for any angle of reflectance to the surface normal.



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    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    Terrain Energy-Matter InteractionsTerrain Energy-Matter Interactions

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Radiometric quantities have been identified that allow analystsRadiometric quantities have been identified that allow analysts

    to keep a careful record of the incident and exiting radiant flux.to keep a careful record of the incident and exiting radiant flux.We begin with the simpleWe begin with the simple radiation budget equationradiation budget equation,, whichwhich

    states that the total amount of radiant flux in specificstates that the total amount of radiant flux in specific

    wavelengths (wavelengths () incident to the terrain ( ) must be accounted) incident to the terrain ( ) must be accounted

    for by evaluating the amount of radiant flux reflected from thefor by evaluating the amount of radiant flux reflected from thesurface ( ), the amount of radiant flux absorbed by thesurface ( ), the amount of radiant flux absorbed by the

    surface ( ), and the amount of radiant flux transmittedsurface ( ), and the amount of radiant flux transmitted

    through the surface ( ):through the surface ( ):

    Terrain Energy-Matter InteractionsTerrain Energy Matter Interactions






    Terrain Energy Matter InteractionsTerrain Energy Matter Interactions

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    The time rate of flow of energy onto, off of, or through a surface isThe time rate of flow of energy onto, off of, or through a surface is

    calledcalled radiant fluxradiant flux (() and is measured in) and is measured in wattswatts ((WW). The). Thecharacteristics of the radiant flux and what happens to it as itcharacteristics of the radiant flux and what happens to it as it

    interacts with the Earths surface is of critical importance in remoteinteracts with the Earths surface is of critical importance in remote

    sensing. In fact, this is the fundamental focus of much remotesensing. In fact, this is the fundamental focus of much remote

    sensing research. By carefully monitoring the exact nature of thesensing research. By carefully monitoring the exact nature of the

    incoming (incident) radiant flux in selective wavelengths and how itincoming (incident) radiant flux in selective wavelengths and how itinteracts with the terrain, it is possible to learn importantinteracts with the terrain, it is possible to learn important

    information about the terrain.information about the terrain.

    Terrain Energy-Matter InteractionsTerrain Energy-Matter Interactions

    H i h i l R fl Ab d T iH i h i l R fl t Ab t d T itt

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Hemispherical Reflectance, Absorptance, and TransmittanceHemispherical Reflectance, Absorptance, and Transmittance

    TheTheHemispherical reflectanceHemispherical reflectance (()) is defined as the dimensionless ratio of the radiantis defined as the dimensionless ratio of the radiant

    flux reflected from a surface to the radiant flux incident to it:flux reflected from a surface to the radiant flux incident to it:

    Hemispherical transmittanceHemispherical transmittance (()) is defined as the dimensionless ratio of the radiant fluxis defined as the dimensionless ratio of the radiant flux

    transmitted through a surface to the radiant flux incident to it:transmitted through a surface to the radiant flux incident to it:

    Hemispherical absorptanceHemispherical absorptance (()) is defined by the dimensionless relationship:is defined by the dimensionless relationship:










    H i h i l R fl t Ab t d T ittH i h i l R fl t Ab t d T itt

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Hemispherical Reflectance, Absorptance, and TransmittanceHemispherical Reflectance, Absorptance, and Transmittance

    These radiometric quantities are useful for producing general statements about theThese radiometric quantities are useful for producing general statements about the

    spectral reflectance, absorptance, and transmittance characteristics of terrain features. Inspectral reflectance, absorptance, and transmittance characteristics of terrain features. In

    fact, if we take the simple hemispherical reflectance equation and multiply it by 100, wefact, if we take the simple hemispherical reflectance equation and multiply it by 100, we

    obtain an expression forobtain an expression forpercent reflectancepercent reflectance ( ):( ):

    This quantity is used in remote sensing research to describe the general spectralThis quantity is used in remote sensing research to describe the general spectral

    reflectance characteristics of various phenomena.reflectance characteristics of various phenomena.






  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Typical spectralTypical spectral

    reflectance curvesreflectance curves

    for urbansuburbanfor urbansuburban

    phenomena in thephenomena in the

    region 0.4 0.9region 0.4 0.9 mm

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

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    Irradiance and ExitanceIrradiance and Exitance

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Irradiance and ExitanceIrradiance and Exitance

    The amount of radiant flux incident upon a surface per unit area of thatThe amount of radiant flux incident upon a surface per unit area of that

    surface is calledsurface is calledIrradianceIrradiance ((EE),), where:where:

    The amount of radiant flux leaving per unit area of the plane surface isThe amount of radiant flux leaving per unit area of the plane surface is

    calledcalledExitanceExitance ((MM).).

    Both quantities are measured inBoth quantities are measured in watts per meter squared (W mwatts per meter squared (W m -2-2))..

    Jensen 200Jensen 200





    Radiant Flux DensityRadiant Flux Density

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    The concept ofThe concept ofradiant flux densityradiant flux density for anfor an

    area on the surface of the Earth.area on the surface of the Earth.

    IrradianceIrradiance is a measure of the amounis a measure of the amoun

    of radiant flux incident upon aof radiant flux incident upon a

    surface per unit area of the surfacesurface per unit area of the surface

    measured in watts mmeasured in watts m-2-2..

    ExitanceExitance is a measure of the amountis a measure of the amount

    of radiant flux leaving a surface perof radiant flux leaving a surface per

    unit area of the surface measured inunit area of the surface measured in

    watts mwatts m-2-2..

    Jensen 200

    Radiant Flux DensityRadiant Flux Density


  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008



    Radiance (LRadiance (L)) is the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving an extendedis the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving an extended

    source in a given direction per unit projected source area in that direction andsource in a given direction per unit projected source area in that direction and

    is measured in watts per meter squared per steradian (W mis measured in watts per meter squared per steradian (W m -2-2 srsr -1-1 ). We are). We are

    only interested in the radiant flux in certain wavelengths (only interested in the radiant flux in certain wavelengths (LL) leaving the) leaving the

    projected source area (projected source area (AA) within a certain direction () within a certain direction () and solid angle () and solid angle ():):

    LL = ______= ______


    Jensen 2007




  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    The concept ofThe concept ofradianceradianceleaving a specific projectedleaving a specific projected

    source area on the ground,source area on the ground,

    in a specific direction, andin a specific direction, and

    within a specific solid angle.within a specific solid angle.

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    RadianceRadiance ((LLTT)) from paths 1, 3,from paths 1, 3,

    and 5 contains intrinsic valuableand 5 contains intrinsic valuable

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    spectral information about thespectral information about the

    target of interest. Conversely, thtarget of interest. Conversely, th

    path radiancepath radiance ((LLpp)) from paths 2from paths 2

    and 4 includes diffuse skyand 4 includes diffuse skyirradiance or radiance fromirradiance or radiance from

    neighboring areas on the groundneighboring areas on the ground

    This path radiance generallyThis path radiance generally

    introduces unwanted radiometricintroduces unwanted radiometric

    noise in the remotely sensed datnoise in the remotely sensed dat

    and complicates the imageand complicates the imageinterpretation process.interpretation process.

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007


  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008



    Jensen 20Jensen 20

    Path 1Path 1 contains spectral solarcontains spectral solar

    irradiance ( ) that wasirradiance ( ) that was

    tt t d littl b ftt t d littl b fo


  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    attenuated very little beforeattenuated very little before

    illuminating the terrain withinilluminating the terrain within

    the IFOV. Notice in this case thathe IFOV. Notice in this case tha

    we are interested in the solarwe are interested in the solarirradiance from a specific solarirradiance from a specific solar

    zenith angle ( ) and that thezenith angle ( ) and that the

    amount of irradiance reachingamount of irradiance reaching

    the terrain is a function of thethe terrain is a function of the

    atmospheric transmittance at thiatmospheric transmittance at thi

    angle ( ). If all of theangle ( ). If all of theirradiance makes it to the groundirradiance makes it to the ground

    then the atmosphericthen the atmospheric

    transmittance ( ) equals one.transmittance ( ) equals one.

    If none of the irradiance makes iIf none of the irradiance makes i

    to the ground, then theto the ground, then the

    atmospheric transmittance is zeratmospheric transmittance is zer

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007




    Path 2Path 2 contains spectral diffuse skycontains spectral diffuse sky

    irradiance ( ) that never evenirradiance ( ) that never even

    reaches the Earths surface (thereaches the Earths surface (thed


  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    reaches the Earth s surface (thereaches the Earth s surface (the

    target study area) because oftarget study area) because of

    scattering in the atmosphere.scattering in the atmosphere.

    Unfortunately, such energy is oftenUnfortunately, such energy is often

    scattered directly into the IFOV ofscattered directly into the IFOV ofthe sensor system. As previouslythe sensor system. As previously

    discussed, Rayleigh scattering ofdiscussed, Rayleigh scattering of

    blue light contributes much to thisblue light contributes much to this

    diffuse sky irradiance. That is whydiffuse sky irradiance. That is why

    the blue band image produced by athe blue band image produced by a

    remote sensor system is often muchremote sensor system is often much

    brighter than any of the other bandsbrighter than any of the other bands

    It contains much unwanted diffuseIt contains much unwanted diffuse

    sky irradiance that was inadvertentlsky irradiance that was inadvertentl

    scattered into the IFOV of the sensoscattered into the IFOV of the senso

    system. Therefore, if possible, wesystem. Therefore, if possible, we

    want to minimize its effects. Greenwant to minimize its effects. Green

    (2003) refers to the quantity as the(2003) refers to the quantity as theupward reflectance of theupward reflectance of the

    atmosphere ( ).atmosphere ( ).duE

    Path 3Path 3 contains energy from thecontains energy from the

    Sun that has undergone someSun that has undergone some

    Rayleigh Mie and/orRayleigh Mie and/or

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Rayleigh, Mie, and/orRayleigh, Mie, and/or

    nonselective scattering andnonselective scattering and

    perhaps some absorption andperhaps some absorption and

    reemission before illuminatingreemission before illuminatingthe study area. Thus, its spectralthe study area. Thus, its spectral

    composition and polarizationcomposition and polarization

    may be somewhat different frommay be somewhat different from

    the energy that reaches thethe energy that reaches the

    ground from path 1. Greenground from path 1. Green

    (2003) refers to this quantity as(2003) refers to this quantity asthe downward reflectance of thethe downward reflectance of the

    atmosphere ( ).atmosphere ( ).ddE

    Jensen 20Jensen 20

    Path 4Path 4 contains radiation thatcontains radiation that

    was reflected or scattered bywas reflected or scattered by

    nearby terrain ( ) covered bynearby terrain ( ) covered by

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    nearby terrain ( ) covered bynearby terrain ( ) covered by

    snow, concrete, soil, water,snow, concrete, soil, water,

    and/or vegetation into the IFOVand/or vegetation into the IFOV

    of the sensor system. The energyof the sensor system. The energydoes not actually illuminate thedoes not actually illuminate the

    study area of interest. Thereforestudy area of interest. Therefore

    if possible, we would like toif possible, we would like to

    minimize its effects.minimize its effects.

    Path 2 and Path 4 combine toPath 2 and Path 4 combine toproduce what is commonlyproduce what is commonly

    referred to asreferred to as Path Radiance, LPath Radiance, Lpp


    Jensen 20Jensen 20

    Path 5Path 5 is energy that was alsois energy that was also

    reflected from nearby terrain intreflected from nearby terrain int

    the atmosphere but thenthe atmosphere but then

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    the atmosphere, but thenthe atmosphere, but then

    scattered or reflected onto thescattered or reflected onto the

    study area.study area.

    Jensen 20

    The total radiance reaching the sensor fromThe total radiance reaching the sensor from

    the target is:the target is:

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008



    pTS LLL +=

    The total radiance recordedThe total radiance recorded

    by the sensor becomes:by the sensor becomes:

    ( )






    Jensen 20

    Atmospheric Correction Using ATCORAtmospheric Correction Using ATCOR

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    a) Image containing substantial haze prior to atmospheric correction. b) Image aftera) Image containing substantial haze prior to atmospheric correction. b) Image afteratmospheric correction using ATCOR (Courtesy Leica Geosystems and DLR, theatmospheric correction using ATCOR (Courtesy Leica Geosystems and DLR, the

    German Aerospace Centre).German Aerospace Centre).Je


    Empirical Line CalibrationEmpirical Line Calibration

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    a) Landsat Thematic Mapper imagea) Landsat Thematic Mapper image

    acquired on February 3, 1994 wasacquired on February 3, 1994 was

    radiometrically corrected usingradiometrically corrected using empiricaempirica

    line calibrationline calibration and paired NASA JPL anand paired NASA JPL anJohns Hopkins University spectral librarJohns Hopkins University spectral library

    beach and waterbeach and water in situin situ spectroradiometespectroradiomete

    measurements and Landsat TM imagemeasurements and Landsat TM image

    brightness values (brightness values (BVBVi,j,ki,j,k).).

    b) A pixel of loblolly pine with itsb) A pixel of loblolly pine with its

    original brightness values in six bandsoriginal brightness values in six bands(TM band 6 thermal data were not used)(TM band 6 thermal data were not used)

    c) The same pixel after empirical linec) The same pixel after empirical line

    calibration tocalibration to scaled surface reflectance.scaled surface reflectance.

    Note the correct chlorophyll absorption iNote the correct chlorophyll absorption i

    the blue (band 1) and red (band 3)the blue (band 1) and red (band 3)

    portions of the spectrum and the increaseportions of the spectrum and the increase

    in near-infrared reflectance.in near-infrared reflectance.

    Jensen 20Jensen 20

    Index of RefractionIndex of Refraction

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    TheThe index of refraction (nindex of refraction (n)) is a measure of the optical density of a substance. This indexis a measure of the optical density of a substance. This index

    is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum,is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum, cc, to the speed of light in a substance such as, to the speed of light in a substance such asthe atmosphere or water,the atmosphere or water, ccnn (Mulligan, 1980):(Mulligan, 1980):

    The speed of light in a substance can never reach the speed of light in a vacuum.The speed of light in a substance can never reach the speed of light in a vacuum.

    Therefore, its index of refraction must always be greater than 1. For example, the index oTherefore, its index of refraction must always be greater than 1. For example, the index of

    refraction for the atmosphere is 1.0002926 and 1.33 for water. Light travels more slowlyrefraction for the atmosphere is 1.0002926 and 1.33 for water. Light travels more slowly

    through water because of waters higher density.through water because of waters higher density.


    cn =

    Jensen 20

    Snells LawSnells Law

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Refraction can be described by Snells law, which states that for a given frequency oRefraction can be described by Snells law, which states that for a given frequency of

    light (we must use frequency since, unlike wavelength, it does not change when the speedlight (we must use frequency since, unlike wavelength, it does not change when the speedof light changes), the product of the index of refraction and the sine of the angle betweenof light changes), the product of the index of refraction and the sine of the angle between

    the ray and a line normal to the interface is constant:the ray and a line normal to the interface is constant:

    From the accompanying figure, we can see that a nonturbulent atmosphere can be thoughtFrom the accompanying figure, we can see that a nonturbulent atmosphere can be thought

    of as a series of layers of gases, each with a slightly different density. Anytime energy isof as a series of layers of gases, each with a slightly different density. Anytime energy is

    propagated through the atmosphere for any appreciable distance at any angle other thanpropagated through the atmosphere for any appreciable distance at any angle other than

    vertical, refraction occurs.vertical, refraction occurs.

    2211sinsin nn =

    Jensen 20



  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    Refraction in three nonturbulentRefraction in three nonturbulent

    atmospheric layers. The incidentatmospheric layers. The incidentenergy is bent from its normalenergy is bent from its normal

    trajectory as it travels from onetrajectory as it travels from one

    atmospheric layer to another.atmospheric layer to another.

    Snells law can be used to predictSnells law can be used to predict

    how much bending will takehow much bending will take

    place, based on a knowledge ofplace, based on a knowledge of

    thethe angle of incidence (angle of incidence ()) and theand theindex of refraction of eachindex of refraction of each

    atmospheric level,atmospheric level, nn11,, nn22,, nn33..

    Jensen 2007Jensen 2007

    Snells LawSnells Law

  • 8/14/2019 _Chapter 2 2008


    The amount of refraction is a function of the angle made with the vertical (The amount of refraction is a function of the angle made with the vertical (), the distance), the distance

    involved (in the atmosphere the greater the distance, the more changes in density), andinvolved (in the atmosphere the greater the distance, the more changes in density), and

    the density of the air involved (air is usually more dense near sea level). Serious errors inthe density of the air involved (air is usually more dense near sea level). Serious errors in

    location due to refraction can occur in images formed from energy detected at highlocation due to refraction can occur in images formed from energy detected at high

    altitudes or at acute angles. However, these location errors are predictable by Snells lawaltitudes or at acute angles. However, these location errors are predictable by Snells law

    and thus can be removed. Notice thatand thus can be removed. Notice that

    Therefore, if one knows the index of refraction of mediumTherefore, if one knows the index of refraction of medium nn11 andand nn22 and the angle oand the angle of

    incidence of the energy to mediumincidence of the energy to medium nn11, it is possible to predict the amount of refraction, it is possible to predict the amount of refraction

    that will take placethat will take place ((sinsin 22) in medium) in medium nn22 using trigonometric relationships. It is useful tousing trigonometric relationships. It is useful to

    note, however, that most image analysts never concern themselves with computing thenote, however, that most image analysts never concern themselves with computing theindex of refraction.index of refraction.





    sin n



    Jensen 20