chapter 2

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Chapter 2


1. List three to five major contributing factors responsible for addiction.a. Geneticsb. Peer pressurec. Emotional issues2. List and briefly explain three models used to describe addiction.a. Disease modelthis is the belief that people abuse alcohol/drug because of some sort of biological condition. Your brain believes that you need this substance in order to function in everyday life. If a person feels less intoxicated, they may increase their use or dosages. b. Characterological/Personality predisposition modelchemical dependency is a symptom of problems with development or operation of the body. If a person is conflicted emotionally they may abuse a substance. c. Moral modelthe belief that people abuse alcohol because they choose to do so. 3. List six reasons why drug use or abuse is a more serious problem today than it was in the past.a. Theyre more potentb. Theyre popularc. Youths are experimenting at younger agesd. Media perceptione. Delinquents use them more frequently than their counterpartsf. Some drugs like crack are potent and cheap. 4. List and briefly describe the genetic and bio physiological theories that explain how drug use often leads to abuse. If the brain responds to a drug with feelings of feeling good, then the user is more likely to continue use of the drug leading to abuse, they act as positive reinforcers. Psychiatric issues can cause a person to compensate with drug use in order to stabilize their moods in which they feel okay. Genetics can cause those that are predisposed to certain traits to be easily influenced with substance abuse.5. Explain how drugs of abuse act as positive reinforcers. Drugs are basically a reward system for the body. If you feel bad either emotionally, mentally, or physically, drugs act as positive reinforcements by giving you a better feeling by increasing dopamine, serotonin, etc., in the brain.6. Explain the major differences between substance use disorders and substance-induced disorders (addictive disorders).7. Understand how drug addiction can occur with various types of mental disorders.8. Briefly define and explain reinforcement or learning theory and some of its applications to drug use and abuse.9. Briefly explain sensation-seeking individuals and drug use.10. List and briefly describe the four sociological theories broadly known as social influence theories.11. Explain the link between drug use and other types of devious behaviors.12. List and describe three factors in the learning process that Howard Becker believes first-time users go through before they become attached to using illicit psychoactive drugs.13. Define the following concepts as they relate to drug use: primary and secondary deviance, master status, and retrospective interpretation.14. Explain how Reckless's containment theory accounts for the roles of both internal and external controls regarding the attraction to drug use.15. Understand how making low-risk and high-risk drug choices directly affects drug use.16. Define the terms addiction, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal17. Describe and contrast the disease and characterological (personality predisposition) models of addiction.18. List several biological, social, and cultural factors that may be responsible for addiction to drugs.19. In addition to better cultivation techniques, cite several other possible reasons why the potency (THC levels) of the average marijuana joint has substantially increased since the 1960s.20. Given that more than approximately 88% of the U.S. population are daily drug users in some form, do you think we need to reexamine our strict drug laws, which may be punishing a sizable number of drug users in our society who stubbornly want to use their drugs of choice?21. Is there any way to combine the biological and sociological explanations for why people use drugs so that the two perspectives do not conflict? (Sketch out a synthesis between these two sets of theoretical explanations.)22. What do you understand is the relationship between mental illness and drug abuse? Why is this relationship important?23. Do you accept the behavioristic view that one school of psychology offers for explaining why people come to abuse drugs? (In a general sense, this view primarily states that when behavior is reinforced, people repeat behaviors that are rewarded.) Explain your answer in terms of how this occurs with drug users and abusers.24. In reviewing the psychological and sociological theories, which theory do you think best explains drug use? Defend your answer.25. Does differential association theory take into account nondrug-using individuals whose socialization environment was drug-infested? Explain your answer.26. Do you really believe drug users are socialized differently and that these alleged differences account for drug use? Defend your answer.27. Can divorce be blamed for adolescent drug use? Why or why not? If so, to what extent?28. To what extent do you think rapid social change is a major cause of drug use and abuse? Cite three examples of how the speed of change in today's society may explain current drug use.29. Is making low-risk choices regarding drug use a more realistic approach for drug moderation than advocating 'Just say no" to drug use? Why or why not?