chapter 3,4,5 test_2

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  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    General Chemistry: Atoms First(McMurry/Fay/Pribush)

    Chapter 3 Periodicity and the Atomic Structure of Atoms

    3.1 Multiple Choice Questions

    1) Arrange the following spectral regions in order of increasing wavelength:infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, visible.

    A) microwave infrared visible ultraviolet

    !) microwave visible infrared ultravioletC) ultraviolet infrared visible microwave

    ") ultraviolet visible infrared microwave

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum

    ') #he greater the energ( of a photon, the

    A) longer the wavelength and the higher the freuenc(.

    !) longer the wavelength and the lower the freuenc(.C) shorter the wavelength and the higher the freuenc(.

    ") shorter the wavelength and the lower the freuenc(.Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum

    3) Arrange the following spectral regions in order of increasing energ(:

    infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, visible.

    A) microwave infrared visible ultraviolet

    !) microwave visible infrared ultravioletC) ultraviolet infrared visible microwave

    ") ultraviolet visible infrared microwaveAnswer: A#opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum

    *) +hat is the freuenc( of a heliumneon laser light with a wavelength of -3'. nm/ #he speed

    of light is 3.00 10m2s.

    A) *.* 101*s1

    !) *.* 104s1

    C) '.11 1014s1

    ") 1.4 1014s1

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    4) According to the !almer5(dberg euation, electromagnetic radiation with the shortest

    wavelength will be emittedwhen an electron undergoes which of the following transitions/

    A) m6 1 7 n = 2!) m6 ' 7 n = 3

    C) n6 ' 7 m = 1

    ") n6 3 7 m = 2Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.' &lectromagnetic &nerg( and Atomic %ine $pectra

    -) According to the !almer5(dberg euation, electromagnetic radiation with wavelength 8 6

    *-.1 nm will be absorbedwhen an electron undergoes which of the following transitions/

    A) m6 ' 7 n6 3!) m6 ' 7 n = 4

    C) n6 3 7 m6 '

    ") n6 * 7 m6 'Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.' &lectromagnetic &nerg( and Atomic %ine $pectra

    ) A person is most li9el( to eperience serious biological effects when eposed to which of the

    following forms of electromagnetic radiation/

    A) Microwaves

    !) infraredC) ;ltraviolet

    ") < ra(s

    Answer: "#opic: $ection 3.3 =articleli9e =roperties of &lectromagnetic &nerg(

    ) +hat is a uantum of light called/A) the amplitude

    !) the freuenc(

    C) a photon") the wavelength

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.3 =articleli9e =roperties of &lectromagnetic &nerg(

    >) A uanti?ed variable

    A) can be continuousl( varied.

    !) can onl( assume certain values.C) consists of photons.

    ") is etremel( small.

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.3 =articleli9e =roperties of &lectromagnetic &nerg(


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    10) +hich of the following is notuanti?ed/

    A) the charge on a monatomic ion

    !) the distance between two ob@ectsC) the population of the ;nited $tates

    ") the static charge on a balloon rubbed with wool

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.3 =articleli9e =roperties of &lectromagnetic &nerg(

    11) f the following, which has the shortest de !roglie wavelength/A) an airplane moving at a velocit( of 300 mph

    !) a helium nucleus moving at a velocit( of 1000 mph

    C) a nitrogen molecule moving at a velocit( of 1000 mph

    ") a nitrogen molecule moving at a velocit( of 4000 mphAnswer: A

    #opic: $ection 3.* +aveli9e =roperties of Matter

    1') +hat is the de !roglie wavelength of an electron Bm 6 >.11 1031

    9g) moving at a velocit(of 3.0 10m2s B10 of the speed of light)/

    A) less than 3.> 101'm

    !) '.* 1011m

    C) 3.3 10m

    ") greater than 1.1 10*m

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.* +aveli9e =roperties of Matter

    13) An old copper penn( has a mass 3 10''times that of a copper atom. Compare the de

    !roglie wavelength of a penn( moving at 0.4 m2s to that of a copper atom moving 10*times asfast. #he wavelength for the

    A) copper atom is 3 101times that of the penn(.

    !) copper atom is 3 10'-times that of the penn(.

    C) penn( is 3 101times that of the copper atom.

    ") penn( is 3 10'-times that of the copper atom.

    Answer: A#opic: $ection 3.* +aveli9e =roperties of Matter

    1*) +hat is the de !roglie wavelength of a 300g ob@ect moving at a velocit( of 40 m2s Babout

    100 mph)/

    A) * 103m

    !) * 1034m

    C) * 10>m

    ") * 101'm

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.* +aveli9e =roperties of Matter


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    14) #he wave characteristics of a large, moving ob@ect, such as an automobile, are difficult to

    observe because the

    A) energ( is not uanti?ed.!) energ( is uanti?ed, but the spacing between energ( levels is small.

    C) wavelength is ver( large.

    ") wavelength is ver( small.Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.* +aveli9e =roperties of Matter

    1-) +hich of the following is nottrue/

    A) All moving ob@ects have wave characteristics.

    !) Dor ob@ects moving at a given speed, the larger the mass, the shorter the wavelength.

    C) #he de !roglie relation and the Eeisenberg uncertaint( principle appl( onl( to small particles.") #he Eeisenberg uncertaint( principle is an ineualit(.

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.4 Quantum Mechanics and the Eeisenberg ;ncertaint( =rinciple

    1) According to the Eeisenberg uncertaint( principle,A) the position of a particle cannot be measured precisel(.

    !) the momentum of a particle cannot be measured precisel(.

    C) neither the position nor the momentum of a particle can be measured precisel(.

    ") the position and momentum of a particle can be measured precisel(, but not at the same time.Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.4 Quantum Mechanics and the Eeisenberg ;ncertaint( =rinciple

    1) A baseball with a mass of 140 g is moving at a velocit( of *0 m2s B>0 mph). Ff the

    uncertaint( in the velocit( is 0.1 m2s, the uncertaint( in position

    A) ma( be ?ero.

    !) must be less than or eual to * 1033m.

    C) must be * 1033m.

    ") must be greater than or eual to * 1033m.

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.4 Quantum Mechanics and the Eeisenberg ;ncertaint( =rinciple

    1>) An o(gen molecule has a mass of 4.3 10'-9g and an approimate diameter of 3.- 10

    10m. Ff the molecule is moving at *00 m2s B1000 mph) with an uncertaint( in velocit( of 1 m2s,

    the uncertaint( in position

    A) is less than or eual to 4 10'-m.

    !) must be eual to 4 10'-m.

    C) must be eual to 1 10>m.

    ") is greater than or eual to 1 10>m.Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.4 Quantum Mechanics and the Eeisenberg ;ncertaint( =rinciple


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '0) #he intensit( of a beam of light is related to its

    A) freuenc(.

    !) relative number of photons.C) speed.

    ") wavelength.

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    '1) +hich of the following is true/A) #he !ohr atom is the model currentl( accepted for electrons in atoms.

    !) &lectrons travel around the nucleus in circular orbits.

    C) #here is a 4 chance of finding an electron in an atom outside its orbital.

    ") #he suare of the wave function gives the probabilit( of finding the electron.Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    '') Dor an electron in a given atom, the larger n, the

    A) larger the average distance from the nucleus and the higher the orbital energ(.!) larger the average distance from the nucleus and the lower the orbital energ(.

    C) smaller the average distance from the nucleus and the higher the orbital energ(.

    ") smaller the average distance from the nucleus and the lower the orbital energ(.

    Answer: A#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    '3) +hat are the possible values of lif n6 4/A) 4

    !) 0, 1, ', 3, or *

    C) *, 3, ', 1, 0, H1, H', H3, or H*") 4, *, 3, ', 1, 0, H1, H', H3, H*, or H4

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum GumbersAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    '*) Eow man( subshells are there in the shell with n6 -/

    A) 4!) -

    C) 14

    ") 3-Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '4) #he subshell designations follow the alphabet afterf. +hat is the first shell in which an h

    orbital would be allowed/

    A) fifth!) sith

    C) seventh

    ") eighthAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    '-) Eow man( horbitals are allowed in a given shell/

    A) 4

    !) -

    C) 11") 13

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    ') #he number of orbitals in a given subshell, such as the 4dsubshell, is determined b( the

    number of possible values ofA) n.

    !) l.

    C) ml.

    ") ms.

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    ') +hat are the possible values of nand mlfor an electron in a 4dorbital/

    A) n6 1, ', 3, *, or 4 and ml6 '!) n6 1, ', 3, *, or 4 and ml6 ', 1, 0, H1, or H'

    C) n6 4 and ml6 '

    ") n6 4 and ml6 ', 1, 0, H1, or H'

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum GumbersAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    '>) Eow man( orbitals are there in the seventh shell/A) -


    C) '1

    ") *>Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    30) Eow man( electrons can a single orbital hold/

    A) 'n

    !) 'C) 'lH 1


    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    31) Ff the uantum number mshad possible values I1, I', what would be the maimum number

    of electrons that be placed in a single orbital/A) one

    !) two

    C) three") four

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    3') +hich of the following is nota valid set of uantum numbers/

    A) n6 ', l6 1, ml6 0, and ms6 12'

    !) n6 ', l6 1, ml6 1, and ms6 12'

    C) n6 3, l6 0, ml6 0, and ms6 12'

    ") n6 3, l6 ', ml6 3, and ms6 12'

    Answer: "#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    33) An electron in a *porbital can have a wave function with which of the following set of

    uantum numbers, Bn, l, ml, ms)/

    A) B*, 0, 0, 12')

    !) B*, 1, J1, J12')C) B4, *, 1, J12')

    ") B4, *, *, 12')

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    3*) +hich orbitals do nothave a node at the nucleus/

    A) all be(ond the first shell!) all buts

    C) none

    ")sAnswer: "

    #opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    34) +hich orbitals have two nodal planes passing through the nucleus/


    !)pC) d

    ") all in the third shell

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

    3-) +hat is the number of spherical nodes in a *sorbital/A) ?ero

    !) two

    C) three

    ") fourAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

    3) Dor an orbital, a node isA) the midpoint of the orbital.

    !) a surface inside which there is a >0 chance of finding the electron.C) a surface where there is a maimum probabilit( of finding the electron.

    ") a surface where there is no chance of finding the electron.

    Answer: "#opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

    3) Dor a particular orbital, as one goes awa( from the nucleus along the ?ais, the probabilit(

    densit( decreases to ?ero, then increases, and finall( decreases without increasing a second time.#his is consistent with a

    A) 'sorbital.

    !) 'p?orbital.

    C) 'sor a 'p? orbital.

    ") 3sorbital.

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

    3>) +hich of the following is true/ #he probabilit( densit(

    A) for allsorbitals is independent of direction from the nucleus.!) for allsorbitals is independent of distance from the nucleus.

    C) is independent of direction from the nucleus for 1sorbitals onl(.

    ") is independent of distance from the nucleus for 1sorbitals onl(.Answer: A

    #opic: $ection 3. #he $hapes of rbitals

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *0) Dor a h(drogen atom, which electronic transition would result in the emissionof a photon

    with the highest energ(/

    A) 's7 3p!) 3p7 -d

    C) *p7 's

    ") 4f7 3dAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    *1) #he !almer5(dberg euation can be etended to ions with onl( one electron, such as EeH.

    Fn that case it has the form: 128 6 K'5B12m' 12n'), where K is the atomic number. +hat is the

    energ( of the photon reuired to promote an electron in EeHfrom a 1sorbital to a 'porbital/

    A) B32*)hcR

    !) 3hcRC) *hcR

    ") 1'hcRAnswer: !#opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    *') +hat is the first ioni?ation energ( for a h(drogen atom in the ground state/ #he 5(dberg

    constant is 1.0> 10'nm1

    A) .' 103-L

    !) 1.-3 10'L

    C) '.1 101L

    ") 0.00'3 L

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    *3) Dor h(drogen, what is the wavelength of the photon emitted when an electron drops from a

    *dorbital to a 'porbital in a h(drogen atom/ #he 5(dberg constant is 1.0> 10'nm1.A) -4-.3 nm

    !) *-.' nm

    C) 3-*.- nm

    ") '.04 103nmAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    **) Molecular vibrational energ( transitions are observed in the infrared, molecular rotational

    transitions in the microwave, and electronic transitions in the ultravioletvisible range. +hich

    transitions reuire the most energ( and which the least energ(/A) &lectronic transitions reuire the least energ( and vibrational transitions the most.

    !) 5otational transitions reuire the least energ( and electronic transitions the most.

    C) ibrational transitions reuire the least energ( and electronic transitions the most.") ibrational transitions reuire the least energ( and rotational transitions the most.

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    *4) #he absorption of light of freuenc( 1.1- 1011E? is reuired for C molecules to go from

    the lowest rotational energ( level to the net highest rotational energ( level. "etermine the

    energ( for this transition in 9L2mol. h6 -.-'- 103*L N s

    A) .-> 10'39L2mol

    !) 0.0*-3 9L2molC) *-.3 9L2mol

    ") >*> 9L2molAnswer: !#opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    *-) #he absorption of a photon of wavelength *.- 10-m is necessar( for a C molecule to

    pass from the lowest vibrational energ( level to the net highest vibrational level. Ff this higher

    vibrational level has an energ( of -.*1 10'0L, what is the energ( of the lowest vibrational

    level/ h6 -.-'- 103*L N s

    A) 1.-0 10'0L

    !) '.14 10'0L

    C) 3.'0 10'0L") *.'- 10'0L

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    *) #he first vibrational level for GaE lies at 1.14* 10'0L and the second vibrational level

    lies at 3.*0- 10'0L. +hat is the freuenc( of the photon emitted when a molecule of GaE

    drops from the second vibrational level to the first vibrational level/

    A) 1.*' 1013E?

    !) 3.3>> 1013E?

    C) 4.1*0 1013E?") -.' 1013E?

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *) +hich of the following represent electron configurations that violate the =auli eclusion


    BA) OGeP3s13p4 B!) OrP*d1'4s'4p3 BC) OArP3d10*s'*p'

    A) onl( BA)

    !) onl( B!)

    C) BA) and B!)") B!) and BC)Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.> &lectron $pin and the =auli &clusion =rinciple

    *>) +hich statement is false/

    A) Dor an( atom, the *sorbital lies lower in energ( than the 4sorbital.

    !) Dor a h(drogen atom, a *sorbital, a *porbital, and a *dorbital all have the same energ(.C) #he *sorbital lies lower in energ( than the 3dorbital for atoms , Ca, $c, and #i.

    ") #he *sorbital lies lower in energ( than the 3dorbital for Cu and De'H.

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.10 rbital &nerg( %evels in Multielectron Atoms

    40) +ithin a given shell of a multielectron atom, the lower lfor an orbital, the

    A) higher the orbital energ( and the higherZefffor the electron.

    !) higher the orbital energ( and the lowerZefffor the electron.

    C) lower the orbital energ( and the higherZefffor the electron.

    ") lower the orbital energ( and the lowerZefffor the electron.

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.10 rbital &nerg( %evels in Multielectron Atoms

    41) Dor a multielectron atom, a 3sorbital lies lower in energ( than a 3porbital becauseA) a 3porbital has more nodal surfaces than a 3sorbital.

    !) other electrons more effectivel( shield electrons in the 3sorbital from the nucleus.

    C) other electrons more effectivel( shield electrons in the 3porbital from the nucleus.") there are moreporbitals thansorbitals in a given shell.

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.10 rbital &nerg( %evels in Multielectron Atoms

    4') +hich has the highestZefffor its valence electrons/

    A) Ga


    C) $i") Cl

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.10 rbital &nerg( %evels in Multielectron AtomsAlgo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    43) #he s(mbol OrP represents

    A) *s'*p-.

    !) 1s''s''p-3s'3p-*s'*p-.

    C) 1s''s''p-3s'3p-3d10*s'*p-.

    ") 1s''s''p-3s'3p-3d10*s'*p-*d10.

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.11 &lectron Configurations of Multielectron Atoms

    4*) +hich of the following represent electron configurations that are allowed but do not

    represent groundstate configurations/

    BA) OGeP3s13p4 B!) OrP*d1'4s'4p3 BC) OArP3d10*s'*p'

    A) onl( BA)!) onl( B!)

    C) BA) and B!)

    ") B!) and BC)Answer: A

    #opic: $ection 3.11 &lectron Configurations of Multielectron Atoms

    44) +hich of the following elements would (ou predict to have an anomalous electronconfiguration/

    A) Ag

    !) CeC) $e

    ") $r

    Answer: A#opic: $ection 3.1' $ome Anomalous &lectron Configurations

    4-) Mol(bdenum has an anomalous electron configuration. +rite the electron configuration ofMo using shorthand notation.

    A) OrP 4s0*d-

    !) OrP 4s0*d04p-

    C) OrP 4s1*d4

    ") OrP 4s'*d*

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.1' $ome Anomalous &lectron Configurations

    4) +hat is the general valenceelectron groundstate electron configuration for neutral al9aline

    earth metals/A) ns1

    !) ns'

    C) 1s''s1

    ") 1s''s'

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #ableAlgo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    4) +hat is the groundstate electron configuration of Co/

    A) OArP3d>

    !) OArP*s13d

    C) OArP*s'3d

    ") OArP*s'*p-*d1

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    4>) +hat is the groundstate electron configuration of tellurium/

    A) OrP*d104s'4p*

    !) OrP4s'4p-4d

    C) OrP4s'4p*

    ") OrP*f1**d104s'4p*

    Answer: A#opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    -0) +hich element has the groundstate electron configuration O

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -3) %ist all the elements that have a groundstate configuration with five unpaired electrons in

    the 3dsubshell.

    A) Mn, De, Co, Cu, and Kn!) Cr and Mn

    C) Cr

    ") MnAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    -*) +hich of the following have their valence electrons in the same shell/

    A) , As, !r

    !) !, $i, As

    C) G, As, !i") Ee, Ge, D

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    -4) +hich of the following have the same number of valence electrons/

    A) , As, !r

    !) !, $i, As

    C) G, As, !i") Ee, Ge, D

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #ableAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    --) #he element Mn has how man( valence electrons/A) '

    !) 4

    C) ") '4

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    -) #he element Fn has how man( valence electrons/

    A) 1

    !) 'C) 3

    ") 13

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) A neutral sulfur atom has how man( valance electrons/

    A) '

    !) *C) -

    ") 1-

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ->) f the following, which atom has the largest atomic radius/

    A) Ga

    !) Cl

    C) ") !r

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adii

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    0) f the following, which atom has the smallest atomic radius/A) Mg

    !) $

    C) $r") #e

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adii

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1) +hich atom in each group BF and FF) has the smallest atomic radius/BF) $r, Kr, F BFF) G, =, As

    A) $rS G

    !) $rS AsC) FS G

    ") FS As

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adiiAlgo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    #wo electromagnetic waves are represented below.

    ') +ave Ba) has theA) longer wavelength and higher energ( than wave Bb).

    !) longer wavelength and lower energ( than wave Bb).

    C) shorter wavelength and higher energ( than wave Bb).") shorter wavelength and lower energ( than wave Bb).

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    3) +ave Ba) has the

    A) longer wavelength and higher freuenc( than wave Bb).

    !) longer wavelength and lower freuenc( than wave Bb).C) shorter wavelength and higher freuenc( than wave Bb).

    ") shorter wavelength and lower freuenc( than wave Bb).

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    *) +ave Bb) has the

    A) higher freuenc( and higher energ( than wave Ba).

    !) higher freuenc( and lower energ( than wave Ba).C) lower freuenc( and higher energ( than wave Ba).

    ") lower freuenc( and lower energ( than wave Ba).Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    4) +ave Bb) has the

    A) higher amplitude and greater intensit( than wave Ba).

    !) higher amplitude and wea9er intensit( than wave Ba).

    C) lower amplitude and greater intensit( than wave Ba).") lower amplitude and wea9er intensit( than wave Ba).

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) Ff wave Ba) represents green light, wave Bb) might represent

    A) blue light.

    !) red light.C) ultraviolet radiation.


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >) +hich of the above fourthshell orbitals is a *d'('orbital/

    A) orbital Ba)

    !) orbital Bb)

    C) orbital Bc)") orbital Bd)

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    0) +hich of the above fourthshell orbitals is a *d(?orbital/

    A) orbital Ba)

    !) orbital Bb)C) orbital Bc)

    ") orbital Bd)

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1) Dor the fourthshell orbital shown below, what are the principal uantum number, n, and theangular momentum uantum number, l/

    A) n6 * and l6 0!) n6 * and l6 1

    C) n6 * and l6 '

    ") n6 * and l6 3Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    ') Dor the fourthshell orbital shown below, what are the principal uantum number, n, and the

    angular momentum uantum number, l/

    A) n6 * and l6 0

    !) n6 * and l6 1

    C) n6 * and l6 '

    ") n6 * and l6 3Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    3) Dor the fourthshell orbital shown below, what are the principal uantum number, n, and the

    angular momentum uantum number, l/

    A) n6 * and l6 0

    !) n6 * and l6 1

    C) n6 * and l6 '") n6 * and l6 3

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *) Dor the fourthshell orbital shown below, what are the principal uantum number, n, and the

    angular momentum uantum number, l/

    A) n6 * and l6 0

    !) n6 * and l6 1C) n6 * and l6 '

    ") n6 * and l6 3

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    4) +hat is the groundstate valenceshell electron configuration of the group of elementsindicated b( the shaded portion of the periodic table/

    A) ns'

    !) ns'np'

    C) ns'Bn1)d'

    ") ns'Bn')f'

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) +hat is the groundstate valenceshell electron configuration of the group of elements

    indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodic table/

    A) ns'

    !) ns'np'

    C) ns'Bn1)d'

    ") ns'Bn')f'Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    ) +hat is the groundstate valenceshell electron configuration of the group of elements

    indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodic table/

    A) ns'

    !) ns'np'

    C) ns'Bn1)d'

    ") ns'Bn')f'

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    ) +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, contains threefelectrons/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "

    Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >) +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, has the groundstate electron

    configuration OArP*s'3d'/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >0) +hich period of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, has electrons whose

    highest principal uantum number nis 4/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "

    Answer: !#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >1) +hich group of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, has electrons with the

    groundstate valenceshell electron configuration ns'np*/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >') +hich groups of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, have two unpairedp

    electrons in their valence shell/

    A) A and !

    !) A and CC) ! and C

    ") ! and "

    Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >3) +hich grouping of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, represents thefbloc9 elements/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >*) +hich grouping of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, represents the d

    bloc9 elements/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >4) +hich grouping of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, represents thep

    bloc9 elements/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >-) +hich grouping of elements, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, represents thes

    bloc9 elements/A) A

    !) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >) +hich orbitalfilling diagram violates the =auli eclusion principle/





    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    >) +hich orbitalfilling diagram violates EundTs rule/A)




    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >>) +hich orbitalfilling diagram represents the ground state of o(gen/





    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    100) +hich orbitalfilling diagram represents the ground state of vanadium/





    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    101) +hich orbitalfilling diagram represents the anomalous ground state of chromium/





    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    10') Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, have the orbitalfillingdiagram shown below/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    103) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, have the orbitalfilling

    diagram shown below/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    10*) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, have the orbitalfillingdiagram shown below/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    104) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, have the orbitalfilling

    diagram shown below/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    #he spheres below represent atoms of $b, As, =, and G Bnot necessaril( in that order).

    10-) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of $b/

    A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    10) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of =/A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)

    C) sphere Bc)") sphere Bd)

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    10) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of G/

    A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    10>) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of As/A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)

    C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    #he spheres below represent atoms of %i, !e, !, and D Bnot necessaril( in that order).

    110) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of !e/

    A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    111) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of D/

    A) sphere Ba)!) sphere Bb)

    C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    11') +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of %i/

    A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    113) +hich one of these spheres represents an atom of !/A) sphere Ba)

    !) sphere Bb)

    C) sphere Bc)

    ") sphere Bd)Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    3.' Algorithmic Questions

    1) +hat are the possible values of nand mlfor an electron in a *dorbital/

    A) n6 1, ', 3, or * and ml6 '

    !) n6 1, ', 3, or * and ml6 ', 1, 0, H1, or H'

    C) n6 * and ml6 '

    ") n6 * and ml6 ', 1, 0, H1, or H'

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum GumbersAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    ') Eow man( subshells are there in the shell with n6 */A) 3

    !) *

    C) -

    ") 1Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3) +hat are the possible values of lif n6 -/

    A) -

    !) 0, 1, ', 3, *, or 4C) *, 3, ', 1, 0, H1, H', H3, or H*

    ") 4, *, 3, ', 1, 0, H1, H', H3, H*, or H4

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *) Eow man( orbitals are there in the fourth shell/

    A) 3

    !) *C) -

    ") 1-

    Answer: "#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    4) Dor a h(drogen atom, which electronic transition would result in the emissionof a photon

    with the highest energ(/

    A) 's7 3p

    !) 'p7 -dC) -p7 *s

    ") f7 4d

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectraAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    -) Dor h(drogen, what is the wavelength of the photon emitted when an electron drops from a *d

    orbital to a 'porbital in a h(drogen atom/ #he 5(dberg constant is 1.0> 10'nm1.

    A) -4-.3 nm!) *-.' nm

    C) 3-*.- nm

    ") '.04 103nm

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) +hich has the highestZefffor its valence electrons/

    A) %i

    !) Ga

    C) C

    ") DAnswer: "

    #opic: $ection 3.10 rbital &nerg( %evels in Multielectron Atoms

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) +hich of the following have their valence electrons in the same shell/A) %i, G, D!) !, $i, As

    C) G, As, !i

    ") Ee, Ge, DAnswer: A

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >) +hich of the following have the same number of valence electrons/

    A) 5b, $b, F

    !) Ra, $n, !iC) As, $b, !i

    ") Ar, r, !r

    Answer: C#opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    10) +hat is the general valenceelectron groundstate electron configuration for neutral al9aline

    earth metals/

    A) ns1

    !) ns'

    C) 1s''s1

    ") 1s''s'

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #ableAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    11) +hich element has the groundstate electron configuration O

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1*) f the following, which atom has the smallest atomic radius/


    !) AsC) 5b

    ") $b

    Answer: !#opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adii

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    14) +hich atom in each group BF and FF) has the smallest atomic radius/

    BF) !a, Ef, At BFF) As, $b, !i

    A) !aS As

    !) !aS !iC) AtS As

    ") AtS !i

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adiiAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    3.3 $hort Answer Questions

    1) Compared to ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation occurs at UUUUUUUU wavelengths,UUUUUUUU freuencies, and UUUUUUUU energies.

    Answer: longer, lower, lower

    #opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum

    ') #he visible region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum etends from UUUUUUUU nm to

    UUUUUUUU nm.Answer: 30, 0

    #opic: $ection 3.1 %ight and the &lectromagnetic $pectrum

    3) %ight behaves as if it were a stream of small particles, called UUUUUUUU, each having an

    amount of energ( called a UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: photons, uantum

    #opic: $ection 3.3 =articleli9e =roperties of &lectromagnetic &nerg(

    *) A solution to the $chrVdinger wave euation is a UUUUUUUU, or orbital, represented b( the

    s(mbol W, and the probabilit( of finding an electron defined b( W within a given volume ofspace around the nucleus is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: wave function, W'

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    4) #he energ( of an electron in a multielectron atom depends on the uantum numbers UUUUUUUU

    and UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: n, l#opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) An orbital with n6 * and l6 1 is a UUUUUUUU orbital.

    Answer: *p

    #opic: $ection 3.- +ave Dunctions and Quantum Gumbers

    ) According to the !ohr model of the atom, when an electron goes from a higherenerg( orbit to

    a lowerenerg( orbit, it UUUUUUUU electromagnetic energ( with an energ( that is eual to theUUUUUUUU between the two orbits.

    Answer: emits, energ( difference

    #opic: $ection 3. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic %ine $pectra

    ) Copper has the anomalous electron configuration UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: OArP *s13d10

    #opic: $ection 3.1' $ome Anomalous &lectron Configurations

    >) ;sing shorthand notation, the electron configuration of Gi is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: OArP *s'3d

    #opic: $ection 3.13 &lectron Configurations and the =eriodic #able

    10) Compared to sulfur, chlorine has a UUUUUUUU effective nuclear charge,Zeff, and a UUUUUUUU

    atomic radius.

    Answer: higher, smaller#opic: $ection 3.1* &lectron Configurations and =eriodic =roperties: Atomic 5adii


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    General Chemistry: Atoms FirstBMcMurr(2Da(2=ribush)

    Chapter * Fonic !onds and $ome MainRroup Chemistr(

    *.1 Multiple Choice Questions

    1) +hich of the species below has ' protons and '- electrons/A) De'H

    !) Gi'H

    C) 4*De'-

    ") 4*Gi'Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    ') Eow man( electrons are in the ion, Kn'H/

    A) '!) 30C) 3'

    ") -4

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    3) Eow man( electrons are in the ion, =3/

    A) 1'!) 1

    C) '

    ") 3*Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    *) Fn which of the following sets do all species have the same number of electrons/

    A) !r, r, $r'H

    !) C, G3, '

    C) Mg'H, $r'H, !a'H

    ") , ', 'H

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    4) Fn which of the following sets do all species have the same number of protons/

    A) !r, r, $r'H

    !) C, G3, '

    C) Mg'H, $r'H, !a'H

    ") , ', 'H

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    -) +hat is the identit( of element Q if the ion Q'Hcontains 10 electrons/

    A) C

    !) C) Ge

    ") Mg

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) Eow man( electrons are in the ion, C3'/

    A) 1-!) '

    C) 30

    ") 3'Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) #he definitive distinction between ionic bonding and covalent bonding is that

    A) ionic bonding involves a sharing of electrons and covalent bonding involves a transfer of

    electrons.!) ionic bonding involves a transfer of electrons and covalent bonding involves a sharing of


    C) ionic bonding reuires two nonmetals and covalent bonding reuires a metal and a nonmetal.") covalent bonding reuires two nonmetals and ionic bonding reuires a metal and a nonmetal.

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    >) +hich of the following statements concerning ionic compounds is true/

    A) &ssentiall( all ionic compounds are solids at room temperature and pressure.

    !) Fonic compounds do not contain an( covalent bonds.C) Fonic compounds contain the same number of positive ions as negative ions.

    ") #he chemical formula for an ionic compound must show a non?ero net charge.

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    10) Fn which set do all elements tend to form cations in binar( ionic compounds/

    A) %i, !,

    !) Mg, Cr, =bC) G, As, !i

    ") , D, Cl

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    11) Fn which set do all elements tend to form anions in binar( ionic compounds/

    A) C, $, =b

    !) , De, !rC) %i, Ga,

    ") G, , F

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1') #he solid compound, Ga'C3, contains

    A) GaH, C*H, and ' ions.

    !) GaHions and C3'ions.

    C) Ga'Hand C3'ions.

    ") Ga'C3molecules.

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    13) #he gas Dreon11, CCl3D, contains

    A) C*H, Cl, and Dions.

    !) C*H, Cl3, and Dions.

    C) C*Hand Cl3D*ions.

    ") CCl3D molecules.

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1*) +hat t(pe of bonding is found in the compound =Cl4/A) covalent bonding

    !) h(drogen bondingC) ionic bonding

    ") metallic bonding

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    14) +hich one of the following compounds contains ionic bonds/

    A) Ca

    !) EDC) GF3

    ") $i'

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    1-) +hich of the following is the correct chemical formula for a molecule of bromine/A) !r

    !) !r

    C) !rH

    ") !r'

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1) +hich of the compounds, %i3=, =E3, C'E-, F!r3, are ionic compounds/

    A) onl( C'E-!) onl( %i3=

    C) %i3= and =E3

    ") =E3, C'E-, and F!r3

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    1) +hich of the compounds, C3E, MgCl', KnBG3)', Cl', are epected to eist as

    molecules/A) onl( C3E!) C3Eand Cl'C) C3E, KnBG3)', and Cl'

    ") MgCl'and KnBG3)'

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    1>) +hat is the groundstate electron configuration of the ion Eg'H/

    A) O

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '0) Eow man( electrons are in the outermost shell of the Fn3Hion in its ground state/

    A) '

    !) 3C) -

    ") 1

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of FonsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    '1) +hich of the following three sets consist of atoms or ions with the same electron

    configuration in the ground state/

    BF) ', Ge, and Mg'H

    BFF) Gi, CuH, and Kn'H

    BFFF) Eg, #lH, and =b'H

    A) all three sets!) all but BF)

    C) all but BFF)") onl( BF)Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    '') +hich two ions have the same electron configuration in the ground state/

    A) 5bHand CsH

    !) !a'Hand F

    C) $e'Hand F

    ") De'Hand De3H

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    '3) +hat is the groundstate electron configuration of $e'/

    A) OArP3d10*s'*p'

    !) OArP3d10*s'*p*

    C) OArP3d1'*s'*p*

    ") OArP3d10*s'*p-

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    '*) +hich ion does nothave a noble gas configuration in its ground state/

    A) $c3H

    !) Al3H

    C) Ra3H

    ") As3

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '4) +hich ion has the same electron configuration as r/

    A) 5bH

    !) !rJ

    C) $e'J

    ") All of the above

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    '-) Most of the compounds of the 'H ions of the first row of the transition metals from Mn to Kn

    are colored due to absorption of visible light promoting an electron from one 3dorbital to

    another. +hich of these ions should tend to form colorless compounds/

    A) Mn'H

    !) Co'H

    C) Cu'H

    ") Kn'H

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    ') +hich ion has the smallest ionic radius/

    A) %iH

    !) GaH

    C) H

    ") 5bH

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    ') +hich ion has the smallest ionic radius/A) DJ

    !) ClJ

    C) !rJ

    ") FJ

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    '>) Fndicate which is larger in each of the following two sets.

    BF) Cr3Hor Cr BFF) $e'or $e

    A) Cr3His larger than Cr and $e'is larger than $e.!) Cr3His larger than Cr and $e is larger than $e'.

    C) Cr is larger than Cr3Hand $e'is larger than $e.

    ") Cr is larger than Cr3Hand $e is larger than $e'.

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    30) Arrange the ions G3, ', Mg'H, GaH, and Din order of increasing ionic radius, starting

    with the smallest first.

    A) Mg'H, GaH, D, ', G3

    !) G3, Mg'H, ', GaH, D

    C) G3, ', Mg'H, D, GaH

    ") G3, ', D, GaH, Mg'H

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    31) +hich of the following most li9el( represent the atomic radius of a Cr atom, the ionic radius

    of a Cr'Hion, and the ionic radius of a Cr3Hion/

    A) 1' pm for Cr, 1- pm for Cr'H, and 1>3 pm for Cr3H

    !) 1' pm for Cr, 1* pm for Cr'H, and 1>3 pm for Cr3H

    C) 1' pm for Cr, 10> pm for Cr'H, and -3 pm for Cr3H

    ") 1' pm for Cr, > pm for Cr'H, and -3 pm for Cr3H

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    3') Consider %iH, D, and '. +hich ratio should be the largest/

    A) Bradius %iH)2Bradius D)

    !) Bradius %iH)2Bradius ')

    C) Bradius D)2Bradius %iH)

    ") Bradius ')2Bradius %iH)

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    33) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) ber(llium

    !) boronC) h(drogen

    ") lithium

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3*) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) aluminum!) magnesium

    C) silicon") sodium

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    34) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) Al

    !) ClC) Ga

    ") =

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3-) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) Ca

    !) C) %i

    ") Mg

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) Ca

    !) Cl

    C) Ga") $e

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/A) Cl

    !) D

    C) ") $

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    3>) %ist the elements Ga, Ca, 5b, Cl, Ee in order of decreasing first ioni?ation energ(.

    A) Ee X Cl X Ca X Ga X 5b

    !) Ee X Ga X Ca X Cl X 5bC) Ee X Ga X Cl X Ca X 5b

    ") 5b X Ca X Cl X Ga X Ee

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *0) %ist the elements Cs, Ca, Ge, Ga, Ar in order of decreasing first ioni?ation energ(.

    A) Ar X Ca X Cs X Ga X Ge

    !) Ge X Ar X Ca X Ga X CsC) Ge X Ar X Ga X Cs X Ca

    ") Ge X Ga X Cs X Ca X Ar

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    *1) +hich ioni?ation process reuires the most energ(/

    A) =Bg) 7 =HBg) H e

    !) =HBg) 7 ='HBg) H e

    C) ='HBg) 7 =3HBg) H e

    ") =3HBg) 7 =*HBg) H e

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergiesAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    *') +hich ioni?ation process reuires the most energ(/

    A) $Bg) 7 $HBg) H e

    !) $HBg) 7 $'HBg) H e

    C) ClBg) 7 ClHBg) H e

    ") ClHBg) 7 Cl'HBg) H e

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergiesAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    *3) +hich of the following species will have the highest ioni?ation energ(/A) GaH

    !) Ge

    C) D

    ") '

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergiesAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    **) +hich of the following atoms with the specified electronic configurations would have thelowest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) OEeP's''p3

    !) OGeP3s'3p*

    C) O

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *4) +hich of the following represents the change in electronic configuration that is associated

    with the first ioni?ation energ( of magnesium/

    A) OGeP3s13p17 OGeP3s1H e

    !) OGeP3s'7 OGeP3s13p1

    C) OGeP3s'7 OGeP3s1H e

    ") OGeP3s'H e7 OGeP3s'3p1Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    *-) Consider the following electron configurations for neutral atoms:

    F 6 1s''s''p-3s'

    FF 6 1s''s''p-3s'3p*

    FFF 6 1s''s''p-3s'3p-

    +hich atom would be epected to have the largest thirdioni?ation energ(/

    A) atom F!) atom FF

    C) atom FFF") All of these atoms would be epected to have the same third ioni?ation energ(.

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    *) +hich period 3 element has successive first through seventh ioni?ation energies B9L2mol) :i16 4Si'6 1,1Si36 ',*4Si*6 11,44Si46 1*,30Si-6 1,3-S and

    i6 '3,'>3/

    A) Mg

    !) AlC) $") Cl

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    *) +hich liberates the most energ(/

    A) %iBg) H e7 %iBg)

    !) GaBg) H e7 GaBg)

    C) Bg) H e7 Bg)

    ") 5bBg) H e7 5bJBg)Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *>) +hich liberates the most energ(/

    A) !rBg) H e7 !rBg)

    !) ClBg) H e7 ClBg)

    C) DBg) H e7 DBg)

    ") FBg) 7 FBg)

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    40) +hich electron affinit( process would liberate the most energ(/

    A) OEeP 's'H e7 OEeP 's' 'p1

    !) OEeP 's' 'p'H e7 OEeP 's' 'p3

    C) OEeP 's' 'p3H e7 OEeP 's' 'p*

    ") OEeP 's' 'p-H e7 OEeP 's' 'p- 3s1

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    41) +hich element has the most favorable Bmost negative) electron affinit(/

    A) !!) C

    C) %i

    ") GAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    4') +hich element has the most favorable Bmost negative) electron affinit(/A) Ga

    !) MgC) ") Ge

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(Algo. ption: algorithmic

    43) +hich element has the least favorable Bleast negative) electron affinit(/A) !

    !) C

    C) G

    ") Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    4*) +hich of these elements has the most favorable Bmost negative) electron affinit(/

    A) Ca

    !) GC) Ge

    ") $

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    44) +hat is the general trend in ioni?ation energ( and electron affinit( values/A) !oth decrease as one traverses a period from left to right and both decrease as one descends a


    !) !oth decrease as one traverses a period from left to right and both increase as one descends a

    group.C) !oth increase as one traverses a period from left to right and both decrease as one descends a


    ") !oth increase as one traverses a period from left to right and both increase as one descends a

    group.Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    4-) +hich of the following elements has the leasttendenc( to form an ion/

    A) Ca!)

    C) r

    ") $e

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    4) Eow man( valence shell electrons does an atom of aluminum have/

    A) 1

    !) 'C) 3

    ") 13

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5uleAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    4) An element that has the valence electron configuration 3s'3p3belongs to which period andgroup/

    A) period 3S group 3A

    !) period 3S group 4AC) period *S group 3A

    ") period *S group 4A

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    4>) #o reach a noble gas electron configuration how man( electrons would sulfur have to adopt/

    A) 1

    !) 'C) -


    Answer: !#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    -0) +hich species does nothave an octet of electrons for its outer core/

    A) C*

    !) =3

    C) '

    ") MgH

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    -1) An element M reacts with chlorine to form MCl', with o(gen to form M, and with

    nitrogen to form M3G'. #he most li9el( candidate for the element is

    A) %i

    !) MgC) Al

    ") $i

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    -') Eow man( electrons does magnesium lose and nitrogen need to form Mg3G'/

    A) magnesium loses ' and nitrogen gains '!) magnesium loses ' and nitrogen gains 3

    C) magnesium loses 3 and nitrogen gains '

    ") magnesium loses 3 and nitrogen gains 3

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    -3) #he octet rule is most li9el( to fail occasionall( for which of the following elements/A) C

    !) G

    C) Ga

    ") $Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -*) Fn the reaction of sodium metal with chlorine gas which of the following processes releases


    A) Cl'Bg) 7 ' ClBg)

    !) ClBg) H e7 ClBg)C) GaBs) 7 GaBg)

    ") GaBg) 7 GaHBg) H eAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    -4) Calculate the energ( change for the formation of %iClBs) from its elements in their standard

    states and the following tabulated information:

    A) H1304. 9L2mol

    !) H'>-.> 9L2mol

    C) *00.3 9L2mol

    ") -'.' 9L2molAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    --) Calculate the lattice energ( for GaClBs) using a !ornEaber c(cle and the following


    A) H3*. 9L2mol

    !) H->0.3 9L2molC) H.' 9L2mol

    ") H141' 9L2molAnswer: C#opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) Calculate the lattice energ( for MgCl'Bs) using a !ornEaber c(cle and the following


    A) H-*1.- 9L2mol

    !) H1'*0.4 9L2mol

    C) H1'.1 9L2mol") H'4'3. 9L2mol

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    -) Calculate the energ( change for the formation of CaD'Bs) from its elements in their standard

    states and the following information:

    A) H*0*- 9L2mol!) >-4 9L2molC) 1'1* 9L2mol

    ") 3'- 9L2mol

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    ->) Calculate the lattice energ( for MgBs) using a !ornEaber c(cle and the following


    A) H1*' 9L2mol!) H'*** 9L2mol

    C) H3** 9L2mol

    ") H*10 9L2molAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    0) Calculate the energ( change in 9L2mol for the reaction %iHBg) H DBg) 7 %iBg) H DBg) usingthe following information:

    %iBg) 7 %iHBg) H e H4'0 9L2mol

    DBg) H e7 DBg) 3' 9L2mol

    A) * 9L2mol

    !) 1>' 9L2molC) H1>' 9L2mol

    ") H* 9L2mol

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    1) Calculate the energ( change for the formation of Mg!r'Bs) from its elements in their

    standard states:

    A) 140. 9L2mol

    !) '-.0 9L2molC) *>>.' 9L2mol

    ") 4-' 9L2mol

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    ') Calculate the electron affinit( for the formation of the h(dride ion from the following


    A) 40.1 9L2mol

    !) 0.1 9L2molC) 1- 9L2mol

    ") 1-3' 9L2mol

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *. Fonic !onds and the Dormation of Fonic $olids

    3) +hich chemical process is associated with the lattice energ( for sodium chloride/

    A) GaClBs) 7 GaHBg) H ClBg)!) GaClBg) 7 GaHBg) H ClBg)C) GaBs) H 12' Cl'Bg) 7 GaClBs)

    ") GaClBs) H E'Bl) 7 GaHBa!) H ClBa!)

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    *) +hich of the following ionic compounds would be epected to have the highest lattice


    A) GaD!) GaCl

    C) Ga!r

    ") GaF

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    4) +hich of the following ionic compounds would be epected to have the highest lattice


    A) %iCl!) GaCl

    C) Cl

    ") 5bClAnswer: A

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) +hich ionic compound would be epected to have the highest lattice energ(/

    A) Ga'

    !) MgC) Al'3") C'

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) +hich ionic compound would be epected to have the highest lattice energ(/

    A) GaCl!) Mg

    C) AlD3

    ") Al'3

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    ) +hich ionic compound would be epected to have the highest lattice energ(/

    A) %i'

    !) Ga''C) '") 5b'

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    >) +hat is the most li9el( charge on an ion of phosphorus, =/

    A) 4!) 3C) 3H

    ") 4H

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    0) +hich element can form more than one 9ind of monatomic ion/A) Ca

    !) Cl

    C) Cr

    ") CsAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1) +hich element can form more than one 9ind of monatomic ion/

    A) $

    !) $eC) $n

    ") $r

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    ') +hat are the names of the ions !a'H, $n'H, and $e'/

    A) barium, tin, and selenium!) barium, tinBFF), and selenide

    C) bariumBFF), tinBFF), and seleniumBFF)

    ") barous, stannous, and selenideAnswer: !

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    3) +hat is the charge on the Cr in the ionic compound Cr'3/A) '

    !) 1H

    C) 'H") 3H

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic CompoundsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    *) %i'$ is named

    A) lithium disulfide.

    !) lithium sulfide.C) lithiumBFF) sulfide.

    ") lithium sulfur.Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    4) +hat is the chemical formula for strontium h(dride/

    A) $rE'

    !) $rE

    C) $rE'

    ") $rBE)'Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) #he chemical formula for calcium nitride is

    A) CaBG3)'.

    !) CaBG')'.

    C) Ca3G'.

    ") CaG'.

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ) #he chemical formula for the sulfite ion is

    A) $.

    !) $'.

    C) $3'.

    ") $*'.

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic CompoundsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    ) #he thiosulfate ion is

    A) E$.

    !) E$*'.

    C) $4'.

    ") $'3'.

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    >) #he ion G'is named

    A) nitrate ion.!) nitrite ion.

    C) nitrogen dioide ion.

    ") nitrogenBFF) oide ion.

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    >0) #he ions Cl*, Cl

    3, Cl

    ', and Clare named respectivel(

    A) h(pochlorate, chlorate, chlorite, perchlorite.

    !) h(pochlorite, chlorite, chlorate, perchlorate.

    C) perchlorate, chlorate, chlorite, h(pochlorite.

    ") perchlorite, chlorite, chlorate, h(pochlorate.Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >1) +hat is the chemical formula for strontium h(droide/

    A) $rE'

    !) $rEC) $rE'") $rBE)'

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    >') +hat is the chemical formula for ironBFF) phosphate/

    A) De'=

    !) De'=*

    C) De3='

    ") De3B=*)'Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic CompoundsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    >3) E'=*is

    A) h(dropotassium phosphate.

    !) potassium dih(drogen phosphate.C) potassium diphosphate.

    ") potassium h(drogenBFF) phosphate.

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    >*) #he compound, CuBCl3)', is namedA) copper chlorateBFF).!) copperBF) chlorate.

    C) copperBF) chlorateBFF).

    ") copperBFF) chlorate.Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    >4) #he chemical formula for potassium peroide is

    A) E.

    !) '.C) '.

    ") ''.

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    >-) +hich al9ali metal forms preferentiall( an oide rather than a peroide or superoide/

    A) %i

    !) GaC)

    ") 5b

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.11 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 1A &lements: Al9ali Metals

    >) +hich al9ali metal forms preferentiall( a peroide and superoide/A) %i

    !) Ga


    ") MgAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.11 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 1A &lements: Al9ali Metals

    >) +hich is nota chemical reaction of the al9ali metal sodium/A) * GaBs) H ' 'Bg) 7 ' Ga'Bs) H Ga''Bs)

    !) ' GaBs) H ' GE3Bl) 7 ' GaGE'Bsol) H E'Bg)

    C) ' GaBs) H Cl'Bg) 7 ' GaClBs)

    ") ' GaBs) H ' E'Bl) 7 ' GaEBa!) H E'Bg)

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.11 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 1A &lements: Al9ali Metals

    >>) An incorrect statement about the al9aline earth metals is:

    A) Melting points generall( decrease as one descends the group.

    !) "ensities are less than those of the corresponding al9ali elements of the same period.

    C) Fonic radii of the M'Hion increases as one descends the group.") #he first ioni?ation energ( is less than that of the second ioni?ation energ(.

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals

    100) +hich is notgenerall( considered to be a chemical reaction of the al9aline earth metal


    A) CaBs) H Cl'Bg) 7 CaCl'Bs)

    !) ' CaBs) H ' E'Bl) 7 ' CaBE)'Ba!) H E'Bg)

    C) - CaBs) H ' G'Bg) 7 ' Ca3G'Bs)

    ") CaBs) H 'Bg) 7 Ca'Bs)Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    101) +hich is notgenerall( considered to be a chemical reaction of the al9aline earth metal


    A) ' MgBg) H 'Bg) 7 ' MgBs) at room temperature

    !) 3 MgBs) H G'Bg) 7 Mg3G'Bs) at elevated temperatures

    C) MgBs) H ' E'Bl) 7 MgBE)'Bs) H E'Bg) at room temperature

    ") MgBs) H D'Bg) 7 MgD'Bs) at room temperatureAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals

    10') +hich al9aline earth metal reacts the most vigorousl( with water at room temperature/

    A) !e

    !) CaC) !a

    ") $r

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals

    103) Rroup 'A metals tend to be somewhat less reactive than al9ali metals, and the order of their

    reactivit( isA) !a X $r X Ca X Mg X !e.

    !) !e X Mg X Ca X $r X !a.

    C) Ca X Mg X !e X !a X $r.") $r X Ca X Mg X !e X !a.

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals

    10*) =redict the productBs) when the reactants !eBs) H !r'Bl) are mied.

    A) !e!rBs)

    !) !e!r'Bs)

    C) !e'!rBs)

    ") !e!r3Bs)

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1' $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup 'A &lements: Al9aline &arth Metals

    104) +hich of the following elements is a liuid at room temperature/

    A) fluorine

    !) chlorine

    C) bromine") iodine

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.13 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Ealogens


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    10-) +hich of the following elements is a solid at room temperature/

    A) fluorine

    !) chlorineC) bromine

    ") iodine

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.13 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Ealogens

    10) +hich group of elements are found as diatomic molecules/A) al9ali metals

    !) al9aline earth metals

    C) halogens

    ") noble gasesAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.13 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Ealogens

    10) Metals tend to react with the halogens to form metal halides. +hat is the reactivit( order forthe halogens/

    A) D'X Cl'X !r'X F'

    !) Cl'X D'X !r'X F'

    C) !r'X F'X Cl'X D'") F'X !r'X Cl'X D'Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.13 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Ealogens

    10>) +hich of the h(drogen halide acids is used to etch glass/

    A) ED

    !) EClC) E!r") EF

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.13 $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Ealogens

    110) +hich of the following statements about helium is inconsistent with its chemistr(/

    A) A helium o(gen miture is used as a deepsea diving gas instead of compressed air.!) Fn its liuid form it is used as a cr(ogenic coolant for superconductors.

    C) Ft is one of the more reactive elements of its group.

    ") Fts melting point is ''.'YC and its boiling point is '-.>YC.

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.1* $ome Chemistr( of the Rroup A &lements: Goble Rases


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    111) +hich statement is inconsistent with the chemistr( of the noble gases/

    A) !oth helium and radon are radioactive.

    !) Eelium and neon are both lighter than air.C) Geon and argon are used in decorative or designer lights.


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    11>) +hich of the above pictures best represents a solid ionic compound/

    A) picture Ba)

    !) picture Bb)C) picture Bc)

    ") picture Bd)

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'0) +hich of the above pictures best represents a gaseous covalent compound/

    A) picture Ba)!) picture Bb)

    C) picture Bc)") picture Bd)

    Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'1) +hich of the above pictures are more li9el( to represent ionic compounds/

    A) pictures Ba) and Bb)!) pictures Ba) and Bd)

    C) pictures Bb) and Bc)

    ") pictures Bb) and Bd)

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'') +hich of the above pictures are more li9el( to represent covalent compounds/A) pictures Ba) and Bb)

    !) pictures Ba) and Bd)

    C) pictures Bb) and Bc)") pictures Bb) and Bd)

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    &ach of the pictures Ba)Bd) represents one of the following substances at '4YC: potassium,

    fluorine, iodine, potassium fluoride, not necessaril( in that order.

    1'3) +hich picture corresponds to potassium/

    A) picture Ba)

    !) picture Bb)

    C) picture Bc)") picture Bd)

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'*) +hich picture corresponds to fluorine/

    A) picture Ba)!) picture Bb)

    C) picture Bc)

    ") picture Bd)

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'4) +hich picture corresponds to iodine/

    A) picture Ba)!) picture Bb)

    C) picture Bc)") picture Bd)

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'-) +hich picture corresponds to potassium fluoride/

    A) picture Ba)

    !) picture Bb)C) picture Bc)

    ") picture Bd)Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    Fn the following drawings, shaded spheres represent cations and unshaded spheres represent


    1') +hich drawing represents the ionic compound Mg3B=*)'/

    A) drawing Ba)

    !) drawing Bb)C) drawing Bc)

    ") drawing Bd)

    Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1') +hich drawing represents the ionic compound Ga'C3/

    A) drawing Ba)

    !) drawing Bb)C) drawing Bc)

    ") drawing Bd)

    Answer: !#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1'>) +hich drawing represents the ionic compound CaCl'/

    A) drawing Ba)!) drawing Bb)

    C) drawing Bc)

    ") drawing Bd)Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    130) +hich drawing represents the ionic compound G3/

    A) drawing Ba)

    !) drawing Bb)

    C) drawing Bc)

    ") drawing Bd)Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    131) +hich drawing represents the ionic compound GE*Cl*/

    A) drawing Ba)

    !) drawing Bb)C) drawing Bc)

    ") drawing Bd)

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    13') +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, has a 'H ion with the

    electron configuration OArP3d10/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    133) +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, has a 1H ion with the

    electron configuration

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    13*) +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, has a 3H ion with the

    electron configuration OrP*d4/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    134) +hich element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, has a 3H ion with the

    electron configuration 1s' 's' 'p- 3s' 3p-/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    13-) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, are epected to have thelargest atomic radius/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "

    Answer: !#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    13) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, is epected to have thesmallest atomic radius/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    #he following four spheres represent a metal atom, a nonmetal atom, a monatomic anion and a

    monatomic cation, not necessaril( in that order.

    13) Fn the reaction shown, which sphere most li9el( represents the metal atom/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    13>) Fn the reaction shown, which sphere most li9el( represents the nonmetal atom/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*0) Fn the reaction shown, which sphere most li9el( represents the monatomic anion/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*1) Fn the reaction shown, which sphere most li9el( represents the monatomic cation/

    A) A!) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1*') #he following four spheres represent a Ga atom, a GaHion, a Cl atom, and a Clion, not

    necessaril( in that order. ;se (our 9nowledge about the relative si?es of atoms, cations, and

    anions to determine which of the following sets of reactions is most consistent with the si?es ofthe atoms and ions shown below.

    A) A 7 ! H eand C 7 " H e

    !) A 7 ! H eand " 7 C H e

    C) ! 7 A H eand C 7 " H e

    ") ! 7 A H eand " 7 C H e

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*3) #he following four spheres represent an Mg atom, an Mg'Hion, a $ atom, and a $'ion,not necessaril( in that order. ;se (our 9nowledge about the relative si?es of atoms, cations, and

    anions to determine which of the following sets of reactions is most consistent with the si?es of

    the atoms and ions shown below.

    A) A 7 ! H 'eand C 7 " H 'e

    !) A 7 ! H 'eand " 7 C H 'e

    C) ! 7 A H 'eand C 7 " H 'e

    ") ! 7 A H 'eand " 7 C H 'e

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    #he four spheres below represent GaH, Mg'H, D, and ', not necessaril( in that order.

    1**) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Gaion/A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*4) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Mg'Hion/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C") "

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*-) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Dion/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the 'ion/A) A

    !) !

    C) C

    ") "

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    #he four spheres below represent H, Ca'H, Cl, and $', not necessaril( in that order.

    1*) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Hion/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) A or !") C or "

    Answer: !

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1*>) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Ca'Hion/

    A) A

    !) !C) A or !

    ") C or "

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    140) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the Clion/

    A) A

    !) !C) A or !

    ") C or "

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    141) +hich sphere most li9el( represents the $'ion/A) A

    !) !

    C) A or !") C or "

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    14') Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, would be epected

    to have the smallest first ioni?ation energ(,i1/

    A) A

    !) !C) C

    ") "

    Answer: !#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    143) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, would be epected

    to have the highest first ioni?ation energ(,i1/

    A) A

    !) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    14*) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, would be epectedto have the highest second ioni?ation energ(,i'/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    144) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table above, would be epected

    to have the lowest second ioni?ation energ(,i'/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    14-) Atoms of which element, indicated b( letter on the periodic table, would be epected tohave the most negative value ofea/

    A) A!) !

    C) C

    ") "

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    14) +hat is the li9el( formula for the binar( compound formed from the elements represented

    b( letters A and C on the periodic table above/A) AC

    !) A'C

    C) AC'

    ") A'C3

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    14) +hat is the li9el( formula for the binar( compound formed from the elements represented

    b( letters A and " on the periodic table above/

    A) A"!) A'"

    C) A"'

    ") A'"3Answer: C

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    14>) +hat is the li9el( formula for the binar( compound formed from the elements represented

    b( letters ! and " on the periodic table above/A) !"

    !) !3"

    C) !"3

    ") !'"3

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1-0) +hat is the li9el( formula for the binar( compound formed from the elements represented

    b( letters ! and C on the periodic table above/A) !C

    !) !3C

    C) !C3

    ") !'C3

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    #he following pictures represent al9ali halide salts.

    1-1) +hich salt has the highest lattice energ(/

    A) picture Ba)

    !) picture Bb)C) picture Bc)

    ") picture Bd)

    Answer: "#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1-') +hich salt has the lowest lattice energ(/

    A) picture Ba)

    !) picture Bb)C) picture Bc)

    ") picture Bd)

    Answer: A#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1-3) +hat is the name for the group of elements indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodictable/

    A) al9ali metals

    !) al9aline earth metals

    C) innertransition metals") transition metals

    Answer: A

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1-*) +hat is the name for the group of elements indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodictable/

    A) al9ali metals

    !) al9aline earth metalsC) innertransition metals

    ") transition metals

    Answer: !#opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1-4) +hat is the name for the group of elements indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodic


    A) al9aline earth metals!) group 3A elements

    C) halogens

    ") noble gases

    Answer: C#opic: e( Concept =roblems

    1--) +hat is the name for the group of elements indicated b( the shaded portion of the periodic


    A) al9aline earth metals!) group 3A elements

    C) halogens

    ") noble gasesAnswer: "

    #opic: e( Concept =roblems


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    *.' Algorithmic Questions

    1) +hich of the following is the correct chemical formula for a molecule of astatine/A) At

    !) At

    C) AtH") At'

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ') +hich one of the following compounds contains ionic bonds/

    A) $r

    !) E !r

    C) = !r3") $i'Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    3) +hat t(pe of bonding is found in the compound D'/

    A) covalent bonding

    !) h(drogen bondingC) ionic bonding

    ") metallic bonding

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    *) Fn which set do all elements tend to form anions in binar( ionic compounds/

    A) C, $, =b

    !) , De, !rC) %i, Ga,

    ") G, , F

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !ondsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    4) +hich of the compounds, %i3G, GE3, C3E, F D3are ionic compounds/

    A) onl( C3E!) onl( %i3GC) %i3G and GE3") GE3, C3E, and F D3

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    -) +hich of the compounds CE*, $rCl', CrBG3)3,

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    11) Fn which of the following sets do all species have the same number of electrons/

    A) D, Ge, Mg'H

    !) Re, $e', !r

    C) H, 5bH, CsH

    ") !r, !r, !rH

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1') Fn which of the following sets do all species have the same number of protons/

    A) D, Ge, Mg'H

    !) Re, $e', !r

    C) H, 5bH, CsH

    ") !r, !r, !rH

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of FonsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    13) +hich ion does nothave a noble gas configuration in its ground state/

    A) $c3H

    !) Al3H

    C) Ra3H

    ") As3

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1*) +hat is the identit( of element Q if the ion Q'Hcontains 10 electrons/

    A) C


    C) Ge") Mg

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of FonsAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    14) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/A) magnesium

    !) sodium

    C) aluminum

    ") lithiumAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    1-) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) ber(llium

    !) boronC) carbon

    ") lithium

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/

    A) Al

    !) Cl

    C) Ga") =

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/A) $r

    !) 5b

    C) Ga") Ca

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    1>) f the following, which element has the highest first ioni?ation energ(/A) $r

    !) !r

    C) ") #e

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    '0) +hich ioni?ation process reuires the most energ(/

    A) +Bg) 7 +HBg) H e

    !) +H

    Bg) 7 +'H

    Bg) H e

    C) +'HBg) 7 +3HBg) H e

    ") +3HBg) 7 +*HBg) H e

    Answer: "

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '1) +hich ioni?ation process reuires the most energ(/

    A) Bg) 7 HBg) H e

    !) HBg) 7 'HBg) H e

    C) DBg) 7 DHBg) H e

    ") DHBg) 7 D'HBg) H e

    Answer: "#opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    '') +hich of the following species will have the highest ioni?ation energ(/

    A) H

    !) Ar

    C) Cl

    ") $'

    Answer: A

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergiesAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    '3) +hich of the following represents the change in electronic configuration that is associated

    with the first ioni?ation energ( of strontium/

    A) O rP 4s14p17 O rP 4s1H e

    !) O rP 4s'7 O rP 4s14p1

    C) O rP 4s'7 O rP 4s1H e

    ") O rP 4s'H e7 O rP 4s'4p1

    Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    '*) +hich element has the highest Bmost negative) electron affinit(/A) Ga

    !) Mg


    ") GeAnswer: C

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    '4) Eow man( valence shell electrons does an atom of indium have/A) 1!) '

    C) 3

    ") *>Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    '-) +hich of the following elements has the leasttendenc( to form an ion/

    A) Ca

    !) C) r

    ") $e

    Answer: C#opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    ') An element that has the valence electron configuration -s'-p-belongs to which period andgroup/

    A) period -S group -A

    !) period -S group AC) period S group -A

    ") period S group A

    Answer: !

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5uleAlgo. ption: algorithmic

    ') +hich of the following ionic compounds would be epected to have the highest latticeenerg(/

    A) %iD

    !) %iClC) %i!r

    ") %iF

    Answer: A#opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    '>) +hich of the following ionic compounds would be epected to have the highest lattice


    A) %iCl!) GaCl

    C) Cl

    ") 5bClAnswer: A

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    30) +hich ionic compound would be epected to have the highest lattice energ(/

    A) 5b'

    !) $r C) Fn'3") C 'Answer: C

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    Algo. ption: algorithmic


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    31) #he solid compound, Ga'C3, contains

    A) GaH, C*H, and 'ions.

    !) GaHions and C3' ions.

    C) Ga'H and C3' ions.

    ") Ga'C3molecules.

    Answer: !#opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    Algo. ption: algorithmic

    *.3 $hort Answer Questions

    1) #he bonding in Mg is UUUUUUUU, whereas the bonding in C is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: ionic, covalent#opic: $ection *.1 Molecules, Fons, and Chemical !onds

    ') ;sing shorthand notation, the groundstate electron configuration for $r'H

    is predicted to beUUUUUUUU.Answer: OrP

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    3) ;sing shorthand notation, the groundstate electron configuration for C*Jis predicted to beUUUUUUUU.

    Answer: OGeP

    #opic: $ection *.' &lectron Configurations of Fons

    *) #he ionic radius of CsHis UUUUUUUU than the atomic radius of Cs, and the ionic radius of FJis

    UUUUUUUU than the atomic radius of F.Answer: smaller, larger#opic: $ection *.3 Fonic 5adii

    4) #he element in period * with the smallest first ioni?ation energ( is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: potassium,

    #opic: $ection *.* Foni?ation &nerg(

    -) #he element in period 3 with the smallest seventh ioni?ation energ( is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: chlorine, Cl

    #opic: $ection *.4 Eigher Foni?ation &nergies

    ) #he element in group A with the least favorable Bleast negative) electron affinit( is

    UUUUUUUU.Answer: At

    #opic: $ection *.- &lectron Affinit(


  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3,4,5 Test_2


    ) #he group *A element that alwa(s obe(s the octet rule in its stable compounds is UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: carbon, C

    #opic: $ection *. #he ctet 5ule

    >) %attice energ( increases with UUUUUUUU cation and anion charges and UUUUUUUU cation and

    anion radii.Answer: increasing, decreasing

    #opic: $ection *.> %attice &nergies in Fonic $olids

    10) =hosphate ion has the formula UUUUUUUU.

    Answer: =*3J

    #opic: $ection *.10 Gaming Fonic Compounds

    11) #he formula of ironBFFF) oide contains UUUUUUUU ironBFFF) and UUUUUUUU oide ions.Answer: ',