chapter 4 dns

Ch4 Dns benefits: Scalability- Because dns is capable of distributing workload across several databases or computers, it can scale to handle any level of name resolutions reqired. Constancy-Hostnames Remain constant Ease of Use-Users Access computers using easy to remember names such as rather than a numerical ip addresss. Simplicity- users need to learn only on naming convention to find resources on either the internet or intranet. Caching server hosts no zones Standard zone-text based zone file Filebacked zone Three types of zones -primary -secondary -stub Standard primary zone- hosts a read/write copy of the dns zone in which resource records are created and managed. Only one server can host and load the master copy of the zone; no additional primary servers for the zone are permitted and only the server hosting the primary zone is allowed to accept dynamic updates and process. Standard secondary zone- a copy of the zone file may be stored on one or more servers to balance network load, provide falut tolerance or

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Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Chapter 4 DNSMatching Definitions


Page 1: Chapter 4 DNS


Dns benefits:

Scalability- Because dns is capable of distributing workload across several databases or computers, it can scale to handle any level of name resolutions reqired.

Constancy-Hostnames Remain constant

Ease of Use-Users Access computers using easy to remember names such as rather than a numerical ip addresss.

Simplicity- users need to learn only on naming convention to find resources on either the internet or intranet.

Caching server hosts no zones

Standard zone-text based zone file

Filebacked zone

Three types of zones




Standard primary zone- hosts a read/write copy of the dns zone in which resource records are created and managed. Only one server can host and load the master copy of the zone; no additional primary servers for the zone are permitted and only the server hosting the primary zone is allowed to accept dynamic updates and process.

Standard secondary zone- a copy of the zone file may be stored on one or more servers to balance network load, provide falut tolerance or avoid forcing queries across slow, wan a read only copy of standard primary dns zone.

Fullzone transfer (axfr)= entire contents of the zone is copied form the primary server to the secondary server during each zone transfer.

Page 2: Chapter 4 DNS

Incremental zone transfer(ixfr)-in which only changed info is transmitted after an initial axfr. In order to cut down on bandwidth usage.

Reverse lookup- =

Stub zone-contains only those resources records necessary to identify the authorative

Storing a zone benefits=

1. Fault tolerance

2. Security

3. Zones are multimaster

4. Efficient replication

5. Maintain use of 2ndary zones

Dacl(distortionary access control list)- enables you to specify which users and groups may modify the dns zones.

3 replication scopes ways:

-to all dc in the domain.

-To all dc that are dns servers in the local domain. Aka domain dns zones application partition

-to all dc that are also dns servers in the entire forest also known as forest dns zones application.

*The following events triggers zone transfers:

1. A transfer is manually imitated using the console at the secondary server.

2. Zone refreshed interval expires

3. Dns server service is started at he secondary server

4. The master server notifies the secondary server of a zone change or changes.

Page 3: Chapter 4 DNS

Question 1

1 out of 1 points

To conserve disk space, DNS servers store only the most recent updates.Answer

Selected Answer:  True

Correct Answer:  True

Question 2

0 out of 1 points

The primary DNS server for a zone is not required to perform an incremental zone transfer.Answer

Selected Answer:  False

Correct Answer:  True

Question 3

1 out of 1 points

For replication of Active Directory–integrated zones, DNS notification is needed.Answer

Selected Answer:  False

Correct Answer:  False

Question 4

0 out of 1 points

Scavenging is enabled by default.Answer

Selected Answer:  True

Correct Answer:  False

Page 4: Chapter 4 DNS

Question 5

1 out of 1 points

As long as the TTL for a cached resource record does not expire, a DNS server can continue to cache and use the resource record again when answering queries by its clients that match these resource records.Answer

Selected Answer:  True

Correct Answer:  True

Question 6

0 out of 1 points

In a Windows Server 2008 network, the primary means of locating network devices and network services is through the use of __________.Answer

Selected Answer:TCP/IP

Correct Answer:DNS

Question 7

0 out of 1 points

In what year was DNS introduced?Answer

Selected Answer:1983

Correct Answer:1984

Question 8

0 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not considered a top-level domain?Answer

Selected Answer:

Page 5: Chapter 4 DNS


Correct Answer:.nato

Question 9

1 out of 1 points

What type of zone might a DNS server host?Answer

Selected Answer:primary

Correct Answer:primary

Question 10

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not a forward or reverse lookup zone type?Answer

Selected Answer:integrated

Correct Answer:integrated

Question 11

1 out of 1 points

Which zone hosts a read/write copy of the DNS zone in which resource records are created and managed?Answer

Selected Answer:standard primary zone

Correct Answer:standard primary zone

Question 12

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0 out of 1 points

Which zone is a copy of a zone that contains only those resource records necessary to identify the authoritative DNS servers for that zone?Answer

Selected Answer:standard secondary zone

Correct Answer:stub zone

Question 13

1 out of 1 points

Which zone enables a host to determine another host’s name based on its IP address?Answer

Selected Answer:reverse lookup zone

Correct Answer:reverse lookup zone

Question 14

0 out of 1 points

What are two types of Active Directory–integrated zones?Answer

Selected Answer:standard and secondary

Correct Answer:forward and reverse

Question 15

1 out of 1 points

Active Directory–integrated zones follow what type of update model?Answer

Selected Answer:multimaster

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Correct Answer:multimaster

Question 16

0 out of 1 points

Where are zone transfers initiated?Answer

Selected Answer:stub server

Correct Answer:secondary server

Question 17

1 out of 1 points

Which operating system does not support zone transfers?Answer

Selected Answer:Windows NT

Correct Answer:Windows NT

Question 18

1 out of 1 points

DNS zone file resource records are represented as __________.Answer

Selected Answer:text entries

Correct Answer:text entries

Question 19

1 out of 1 points

Page 8: Chapter 4 DNS

Which of the following is a 32-bit integer representing the maximum time, in seconds, that a DNS server or client caches this resource record before it is discarded?Answer

Selected Answer:TTL

Correct Answer:TTL

Question 20

0 out of 1 points

After sending a zone transfer request, which option shows how long (in seconds) the zone’s secondary server waits before sending another request?Answer

Selected Answer:Minimum TTL

Correct Answer:Retry

Question 21

0 out of 1 points

What is the length of time that the DNS service waits before retrying a query made during a recursive lookup?Answer

Selected Answer:5 seconds

Correct Answer:3 seconds

Question 22

0 out of 1 points

What is the length of time that the DNS service waits before failing a recursive lookup that has been retried?Answer

Selected Answer:7 seconds

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Correct Answer:15 seconds

Question 23

0 out of 1 points

A conditional forwarder in an Active Directory environment can be replicated to any of the following except all __________.Answer

Selected Answer:DNS servers in the forest

Correct Answer:domain controllers in the forest

Question 24

1 out of 1 points

You can use the DNS console to manually or automatically test DNS servers by submitting all of the following queries __________.Answer

Selected Answer:both B and C

Correct Answer:both B and C

Question 25

1 out of 1 points

Nslookup can be used for which of the following?Answer

Selected Answer:all of the above

Correct Answer:all of the above

Question 26

8 out of 10 points

Page 10: Chapter 4 DNS

Match description to technology name.Answer

QuestionCorrect Match

Selected Match

A DNS zone stored in Active Directory can take advantage of increased security by modifying its __________ access control list.



An Active Directoryintegrated __________ lookup zone is used for resolving an IP address to a name and is similar to the standard zone.



A DNS server on a network is designated as a(n) __________ by having the other DNS servers in the network forward the queries they cannot resolve locally to that DNS server.



__________ forwarding enables a DNS server to forward queries to other DNS servers based on the DNS domain names in the queries.



The __________ command uses the local server to get the address of the server to which it must switch.



__________ is provided as a built-in command-line tool for managing DNS servers in Windows Server 2008.




     DNS round __________ is a load-balancing mechanism used by DNS servers to share and distribute network resource loads.



The process of mapping an IP address to a computer name is called name __________.



You can add additional NS records by using DNS Manager or the __________ command-line tool.




     When you are in interactive mode, you can also use the __________ command to configure Nslookup options that determine how the resolver carries out queries.



Question 27

8 out of 8 points

Match the description to the terminology.Answer

Page 11: Chapter 4 DNS

Question Correct Match Selected Match

    What is a hierarchical, tree-structured list of DNS host names, starting at an unnamed root that is used for all DNS operations?


DNS namespace


DNS namespace

What is a read-only copy of the standard primary DNS zone?

C.standard secondary zone

 C.standard secondary zone

      What are zones that are stored in Active Directory referred to as?


Active Directory–integrated zones


Active Directory–integrated zones

What is the complete or partial transfer of all data in a zone from the primary DNS server hosting the zone to a secondary DNS server hosting a copy of the zone?


zone transfer


zone transfer

What is an update to the original DNS protocol specification that permits a means of initiating notification to secondary servers when zone changes occur?


DNS Notify


DNS Notify

What resource record indicates the starting point or original point of authority for information stored in a zone?





What type of resource record specifies a server that is willing to act as a mail server for a DNS name?



What resource records enable you to specify the location of servers that provide a specific network service over a specific protocol and in a specific domain?