chapter 4 genes and dna

Chapter 4 Genes and DNA Section 1+2 Pages 84-101

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Chapter 4 Genes and DNA. Section 1+2 Pages 84-101. What does DNA look like?. Pieces of the Puzzle: DNA must be able to give instructions for building and maintaining cells. DNA must be able to be copied each time a cell divides, so each cell contains identical genes. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 4 Genes and DNA

Chapter 4 Genes and DNASection 1+2

Pages 84-101

Page 2: Chapter 4 Genes and DNA

What does DNA look like?• Pieces of the Puzzle: 1. DNA must be able to

give instructions for building and maintaining cells.

2. DNA must be able to be copied each time a cell divides, so each cell contains identical genes.

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Nucleotides: Subunits of DNA• A nucleotide consists of

a sugar, a phosphate, and a base. Nucleotides are identical except for their base.

• There are 4 bases: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine

• All four bases have a different shape.

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Chargaff’s Rules• Guanine and Cytosine

always occur in equal amounts in DNA, as do Adenine and Thymine

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Franklin’s Discovery• Used X Ray diffraction

to make images of DNA molecules

• Suggested the spiral shape of DNA

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Watson and Crick’s Model• After seeing Franklin’s

image, Watson and Crick concluded that DNA must look like a long, twisted ladder.

• This helped explain how DNA is copied and how it functions in the cell.

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DNA’s Double Structure• Double Helix, two sides

of the ladder are made of alternating sugar parts and phosphate parts.

• The rungs of the ladder are made of a pair of bases:


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Making Copies of DNA• Pairing the bases allows

the cell to replicate or make copies of DNA

• The pairs are complementary since they always pair A-T and G-C

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How are copies made? • During replication, a DNA

molecule is split down the middle, where bases meet.

• The bases on each side of the molecule are used as a pattern for the new strand.

• As the bases on the original molecule are exposed, complementary nucleotides are added to each side of the ladder.

• Two DNA molecules are formed.• Half of each of the molecules is

old DNA, half is the new DNA

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Unraveling DNA• DNA is often wound

around proteins, coiled into strands, and bundled up even more.

• Cell’s without a nucleus the DNA forms loose loops within the cell.

• Cell’s with a nucleus the DNA and proteins are bundled into chromosomes.

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When are copies made?• DNA is copied every time a cell divides.• The job of unwinding, copying and re-winding

the DNA is done by proteins within the cell.

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Unraveling DNA• The structure of DNA allows it

to hold information.• The order of the bases is the

code that carries the information.

• A gene consists of a string of nucleotides that give the cell information about how to make a specific trait.

• Humans have over 30,000 genes.

• 2003 Human Genome Project

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Unraveling DNA- Quiz• Where is the DNA in

your cells?• How does so much DNA

fit into the nucleus?• What is the name for

strands of DNA wound around proteins?

• When do chromosomes become visible in cells?

• What are chromatids?

• In the nucleus• It is coiled up tightly

around proteins• Chromatin• When the cell is about

to divide• Two identical copies of

a chromosome that is about to divide

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Genes and Proteins• DNA code is read like a book,

from one end to the other and in one direction.

• Bases form the alphabet of the code.

• Groups of 3 bases are code for the amino acid profile. (example: AGC)

• A long string of amino acids forms a protein.

• Each gene is usually a set of instructions for making a protein.

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Proteins and Traits• Proteins are found

throughout cells and cause most of the differences that you see among organisms.

• Proteins act as chemical triggers and messengers for many processes within the cell.

• A single organism may have thousands of genes that code for thousands of proteins.

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Help from RNA• RNA (ribonucleic acid) a

molecule that is present in all living cells and that plays a role in protein production

• Helps in the process of changing the DNA code into proteins

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Making of a Protein• Step 1: A copy is made

of one side of the DNA segment where a particular gene is located. This copy is transferred to the cytoplasm.

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Making of a Protein• Step 2: This mirror like

copy of a DNA segment is called messenger RNA (mRNA).

Messenger RNA copies the coded message from DNA in the nucleus , and carries the message to the ribosome in the cytoplasm.

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Making of a Protein• Step 3: Each group of

three bases on the mRNA segment codes for one amino acid.

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Making of a Protein• Step 4: The mRNA

segment is fed through the ribosome. A ribosome is a cell organelle composed of RNA and protein.

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Making of a Protein• Step 5: Molecules oftransfer RNA (tRNA) deliver amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome.

Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to the ribosome and adds them to the growing protein.

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Making of a Protein• Step 6: The amino acidsare dropped offat the ribosome.

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Making of a Protein• Step 7: The amino acids

are joined to make a protein. Usually, one protein is produced for each gene.

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How is RNA different from DNA?

• RNA: one strandcontains uracil instead of thymine A, G, C, U

• DNA: two strands A, G, C, T

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Changes in Genes• Mutation: a change in the nucleotide-

base sequence of a gene or DNA molecule

• Either deletion, insertion or substitution• Causes an improved trait, no change or

harmful trait • If the mutation occurs on the sex cells,

the mutation can be passed to the next generation

• Mutations happen often • Mutagens are any physical or chemical

agent that can cause the mutation (examples: UV radiation, X rays, cigarette smoke)

• Examples are Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hemophilia, Down Syndrome

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Example of Substitution • Sickle Cell Anemia-

affects red blood cells. When Valine is substituted for glutamic acid in a blood protein. The change in shape isn’t good for the cell to carry oxygen and clot in vessel (very painful).

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Genetics• Genetic Engineering: Manipulate individual genes to create new

products, such as foods, drug or fabrics• Genetic Identification: DNA is your unique fingerprint, only

identical twins share DNAClone: a new organism that has an exact copy of another organism’s genes.• Selective breeding: A technique to produce offspring with

desirable traits. Inbreeding: cross two genetically similar (male/female plump turkey)Hybridization: cross two genetically different (mcintosh and red delicious apple to get an empire)

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Web sites…..• DNA and Genetics:•••••••• • Genetics:••••••••••••