chapter 4 marketing research2

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Chapter 4

    Marketing Research

    Introduction to MarketingSemester 1

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2



    Marketing Research

    is the systematicgathering, recording and analyzing of dataabout problems relating to the marketing

    of goods and services.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Key Points:

    Systematic research is a scientific process thatmust follow strict procedures.

    Gathering data has to be collected.

    Recording care must be taken to accuratelyrecord the data that is collected.

    Analyzing skillful analysis depends onmathematical ability and experience.

    Data is collected by agency but it is for manager

    to decide how to use the information.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2



    o Marketing research provides data that contains

    information to help managers take decisions.

    o Four constraints (CATS):Cost: not more than the future profit.

    Accuracy: researcher must have high reputation

    for quality.

    Time: must be completed before the decisionmust be taken.

    Security: competitors must not know.

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    The Differences

    Marketing Research: describe the range of

    research that is used by marketing managers.

    Market Research: one form of marketing


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    Most UsedTypes of Marketing Research

    Market Research

    Competitor Research

    Promotional Research

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Market Research

    Is the systematic analysis of a single market

    The data includes:

    estimated size of total markets estimate of the location and size of potential

    new markets

    market trends and changes expected

    identification of specific market characteristics

    sales forecasts for each market segment

    names, age, gender, social classification ofpotential customer.

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    Competitor Research

    Competitor can be direct or indirect

    Important to identify who are the keycompetitors

    Key information: Strengths and weaknesses of product

    Pricing strategies for new and existing product

    Distribution Strategies

    Promotional Strategies Strengths and weaknesses of resources and key


    Competitors relationships with suppliers

    Speed, timing and reliability of delivery service

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Promotional Research

    Effective promotion has to : target the correctaudience, reach the target, achieve result

    Promotional Research is used for:

    Target audience identification

    How to get a message across

    The repetition of message

    Media cost and effectiveness

    Result achieved

    Competitive activity

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Retail Audits

    Also called Dealer Audits

    They are continuous research that measuressales through retail outlets

    The best-known specialist: AC Nielsen

    Retail audit measures the sales of each

    product, by size, type, special offer.

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    Other Forms ofMarketing Research

    Distributor Research which ones are good distributors?

    Pricing Research

    how much $ or Rp. is good?Product Research

    how is our product and how is competitors product?

    Sales Research whos the next potential customer?, buying

    behavior, DMP?

    Concept and Product Testing discovering consumer reaction

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 4 Marketing Research2


    Quantitative and Qualitative


    Quantitative: deals with numbers, hard facts,can answer who, where, when questions

    Qualitative: deals with opinions (whyquestion), subjective issues

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    Awareness and Attitude

    The 3As: awareness, attitude and


    Describe the stages through which a

    customer passes:

    o customer must become awaredevelop positive attitude take action(repeatedly)

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    Secondary and PrimaryResearch

    Secondary is always conducted before primary

    Secondary research :refers to data alreadyavailable, looks at data that has already been

    colleted Primary research : looks for data that have not

    been found in the secondary search

    Desk research: using computer, internet

    Field research: conducted outside the office

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    Data Collection

    Manager: the expert on what needs to be known Researcher: the expert on how to get that data Basic Methods:

    Observation Experimentation Questioning

    Most common methods: Interviews, Telephone surveys, postal

    surveys, panels, group interviews, retail,omnibus surveys

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    Random and Quota Sampling

    Random Sampling:

    - Choose individuals randomly like balls

    drawn in national lottery.- The problem is, these individuals can

    be widespread across the cities. It is

    time consuming and costly to visiteveryone and they might not beavailable.

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    Quota Sampling:

    - Represents the make up of the

    whole.- Each interviewer first uses personaljudgment to pick likely people.

    - Cost effective.