chapter 7 lesson 3 seed reproduction demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in...

Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Describe various methods of plant pollination

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Page 1: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

Chapter 7 Lesson 3Seed Reproduction

• Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants

• Describe various methods of plant pollination

Page 2: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

What You’ll Learn

Examine the life cycles of typical gymnosperms and angiosperms

Describe the structure and function of the flower

Discuss methods of seed dispersal in seed plantsWhy It’s Important

Seeds from cones and flowers produce most plants on Earth

Page 3: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

I. Importance of Pollen and Seeds

1. Fruits and vegetables come from seed plants

Page 4: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

A. Pollen

1. Some spores develop into pollen grains

a. pollen grains = water resistant covering containing male gametophyte parts the produce sperm

2. Sperm DOES NOT need to swim to female parts.

a. Carried by gravity, wind, water currents, or animals

3. Transfer of pollen grains to female parts = pollination

4. When pollen grains reach female part, sperm and pollen tube are produced.

5. Sperm moves through pollen tube fertilization occurs

I. Importance of Pollen and Seeds

Page 5: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

B. Seeds

1. After fertilization, female part develops into a seed

a. Seed – 3 Parts

(1) Embryo – structure that produces stem, leaves, and roots

(2) Stored food- provided energy to embryo when it begins to grow

(3) Protective Seed Coat

2. Because a seed contains an embryo and stored food, it grows faster than a seed from a spore.

3. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms = seed plants

a.) Gymnosperms develop in cones

b.) Angiosperms develop in flowers and fruits

I. Importance of Pollen and Seeds

Page 6: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

II. Gymnosperm Reproduction

1. Cones are reproductive structures

2. Each Gymnosperm species has a different cone

EX: pines, firs, spruces, cedars, ginkgoes, etc.

Pine Cone

Fir Cone

Spruce Cone

Ginkgo Cone

Page 7: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

A. Cones

1. Male and Female gametophyte structures are produced in cones

2. Pine trees are sporophytes that produce male and female cones

3. Mature female cones-

Spiral woody scales on short stem

Base of each scale are 2 ovules

Egg is produced in ovule

Pollen grains produced in smaller male cones

4. Spring time- Clouds of pollen released from male cones

II. Gymnosperm Reproduction

Female Cones

Male Cone

Page 8: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

B. Gymnosperm

1. Pollen carried from male to female cones by wind

2. Pollen must be blown between scales of a female cone

a. Here it is trapped in a sticky fluid secreted by the ovule

3. If pollen grain and female cone are same species, fertilization and formation of a seed can take place

4. It takes a long time for seeds to be released from the female pine cone

5. As soon as pollen grain falls onto the female cone until seeds are released could be 2-3 years.

II. Gymnosperm Reproduction

Page 9: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

1. All angiosperms have flowers

2. Sporophyte plants produce flowers

3. Flowers are reproductive organs

a. Contain gametophyte structures that produce sperm or eggs

Page 10: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

A. The Flower

1. 4 parts

a. Petals - normally colorful

b. Sepals – outside of the petals (leaf like), form outside of the flower bud

c. Stamen – male reproductive organ (produces pollen)

d. Pistil – female reproductive organ

(ovary is here) – swollen base of pistil

2. Not every flower has all four parts!

EX: Holly Bush

What flower part is missing on a flower from a male holly plant?

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

Page 11: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

B. Importance of Flowers

1. Some flowers have large, brightly colored petals – attract insects and other animals

a. Eat flower, nectar, or pollen

b. Move about flower – get pollen on wings, legs, and other body parts

c. Later, animals spread pollen to other plants they visit

2. Others depend on rain, wind, or gravity to spread pollen

d. Petals are small or absent

e. Flowers that open at night (cactus flower) have strong scents to attract pollinators

*After pollination and fertilization, ovules develop into seeds

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

Page 12: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

C. Angiosperm Seeds

1. Pollen grain reaches stigma in a variety of ways-

a. Wind

b. Rain

c. Animals

2. Angiosperms are pollinated when grains land on sticky stigma

3. Pollen tubes grows from pollen grain down through the style

4. Pollen tube enters the ovary and reaches the ovule

5. Sperm travels down the pollen tube and fertilizes the egg in the ovule

6. Zygote forms and grows into the plant embryo

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

Page 13: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

Page 14: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

D. Seed Development

1. Parts of the ovule develop into food and seed coating that surround the embryo.

2. Some seeds such as beans and peanuts store food in structures called cotyledons

3. Others have food stored in tissue called endosperm

III. Angiosperm Reproduction

Page 15: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

IV. Seed Dispersal

- Most seeds grow when placed on or in soil

A. Ways of Dispersal

1. Gravity

a. Falls onto soil from parent

2. Wind

b. Seed has an attached structure that moves with air currents

3. Animals

c. Eaten with fruits

d. Passed through digestive system

e. Dispersed as animal moves from place to place

f. Stored or buried by animals

g. Attach to fur, feathers, clothing

Page 16: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

4. Water

a. Rain can knock seeds out of dry fruit

IV. Seed Dispersal

IV. Seed DispersalB. Germination

1. Series of events that results in growth of a plant from seed

2. Some take a few days, others take weeks or months to germinate

**FUN FACT: 1982, seeds of East Indian Lotus sprouted after 466 years.

Page 17: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

3. Germination will NOT happen unless environment conditions are right.

a. Temperature

b. Presence of light

c. Availability of water

d. Amount of oxygen

4. Germination begins when seed tissues absorb water

5. Water causes seed to swell and seed coat to break open

IV. Seed Dispersal

Page 18: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Seed Reproduction Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants Demonstrate an understanding of sexual reproduction

4. Series of Chemical Reactions

a. Releases energy from stored food in the cotyledon or endosperm

b. Roots grow from the seed, followed by stem then leaves

c. After plant emerges from the soil, photosynthesis can begin

d. Photosynthesis provides food as the plant continues to grow

IV. Seed Dispersal