chapter 7propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · fig.7.1view ofthe propeller...

Chapter 7 Propeller shaft Contents Fault diagnosis -- propeller shaft . General description ""'"'''''''''''''''''''''' Propeller shaft - removal and refitting Routine maintenance . Specifications Type General description 1 The propeller shaft is of tubular construction in two halves, joined at the centre by a sliding splined joint, which allows for fore-and-aft movement between the engine and rear axle. 2 The front section is joined to the gearbox by a flanged universal 8 1 3 2 Rubber coupling - removal and refitting .......... Splined centre Joint - inspection and renewal ' Support bearing -- removal, inspection and refitting . Universal joints -- renewal . Tubular, two-section with sliding centre joint and support bearing. Hardy-Spicer universal joints at centre bearing and at front and rear flanges, with rubber front joint on some later modeis joint and supported at its rear end by the centre bearing. 3 The rear section is splined into the rear end of the front section, and joined to the rear axle by a flanged universal joint. 4 A third universal joint is situated just aft of the splined centre joint. 5 In 1985, a larger diameter propeller shaft was fitted, and in 1987, the front universal joint on manual gearbox modeis was changed in favour of a rubber type joint. 1 2 ~ 4 5 7 & 6 2 Propeller shaft - to - gearbox flange Front universal joint 3 4 Fig. 7.1 View of the propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Front section of shaft Centre support bearing and splined sliding joint 5 Splined section universal joint Rear section of shaft Rear universal joint Propeller shaft-to-rear axle flange 6

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Page 1: Chapter 7Propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · Fig.7.1View ofthe propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Frontsection ofshaft Centresupport bearingand splined slidingjoint

Chapter 7 Propeller shaftContents

Fault diagnosis -- propeller shaft .

General description""'"''''''''''''''''''''''Propeller shaft

-removal and refitting

Routine maintenance .



General description

1 The propeller shaft is of tubular construction in two halves, joinedat the centre by a sliding splined joint, which allows for fore-and-aftmovement between the engine and rear axle.2 The front section is joined to the gearbox by a flanged universal


Rubber coupling - removal and refitting ..........Splined centre Joint - inspection and renewal '

Support bearing--

removal, inspection and refitting .Universal joints

--renewal .

Tubular, two-section with sliding centre joint and support bearing.Hardy-Spicer universal joints at centre bearing and at front and rearflanges, with rubber front joint on some later modeis

joint and supported at its rear end by the centre bearing.3 The rear section is splined into the rear end of the front section, andjoined to the rear axle by a flanged universal joint.4 A third universal joint is situated just af t of the splined centre joint.5 In 1985, a larger diameter propeller shaft was fitted, and in 1987,the front universal joint on manual gearbox modeis was changed infavour of a rubber type joint.

1 2 ~ 4 5 7 &6


Propeller shaft - to -gearboxflange

Front universal joint


Fig. 7.1 View of the propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1)


Front section of shaftCentre support bearing andsplined sliding joint

5 Splined section universaljointRear section of shaft

Rear universal jointPropeller shaft-to-rear axleflange6

Page 2: Chapter 7Propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · Fig.7.1View ofthe propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Frontsection ofshaft Centresupport bearingand splined slidingjoint

----- ---Chapter 7 Propeller shaft 181

2 Routine maintenance

1 Apart from the lubrication of joints mentioned in the folIowingSections during overhaul, no routine lubrication operations are calledfor, the bearings being lubricated for life.2 At the intervals laid down in the Routine maintenanee Section atthe beginning of this Manual, inspect the shaft and joints as folIows.3 Raise and securely support the vehicle, or drive it over a pil.4 Check the flange bolts and the centre bearing bracket bolts fortig htness.5 Visually check the condition of the rubber coupling, if fitted.Renew it if it is damaged (Section 7).6 Check for play in the universal joints, splined Joint and centrebearing by attempting to lift. shake and twist the sections of the shaftrelative to each other and to the flanges. Repair or renew as necessary(Section 4, 5 or 6).7 Check that the centre bearing rubber boot is intact. To renew it, thetwo halves of the shaft must be separated.8 Occasional oiling of the universal joint circlips is recommended tostop them rusting solid.9 None of the above checks will detect a seized universal joint, whichcancause heavy vibration

-the shaft must be removed, or the flanges

separated, so that the freedom of movement of the joint may be tested.10 An out-of-balance or out-of-true shaft can also cause vibration,but these conditions are unlikely to arise spontaneously. Consult aVolvo dealer or a propeller shaft specialist.

3 Propeller shaft - removal and refitting

1 Before removing either the front or rear section of the propellershaft, mark the relationship of each joint to one another by making afile cut or paint marks across the edge af the flanges. Also mark the twosections of the shaft relative to each other. The propeller shaft isbalanced as a unit. and incorrect reassembly can cause vibration.2 Raise and support the vehicle. Remove the four bolts from the rearflange (photo), lower the end of the propeller shaft, then pull the shaftrearwards to disengage the rear section from the splined centre joint(photo).3 Remove the bolts from the front flange or rubber coupling (photo),and then from the support bearing frame and lower the front section ofthe shaft. Support the shaft while releasing the bearing frame.4 Refitting is a reversal af removal, ensuring the relationship marksmade in paragraph 1 line up. Apply molybdenum-based grease to thesplines.5 When correctly fitted, the yokes of both sections of the propellershaft should be in the same plane Do not fully tighten the supportbearing bolts until the flange nuts and bolts have been tightened. Thesupport bearing frame fixings are slotted to allow the bearing to takeup an unstrained position.

Fig. 7.2 Showing correct assembly of the propeller shaftwith yokes in the same plane (Sec 3)


3.2A Removingthe universal joint flange bolts

3.2B Pulling the rear shaft from the splined joint

3.3 Front rubber coupling on later modeis

Page 3: Chapter 7Propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · Fig.7.1View ofthe propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Frontsection ofshaft Centresupport bearingand splined slidingjoint

182 Chapter 7 Propeller shaft

4 Support bearing - removal, inspection and refitting

1 With the propeller shaft removed as described in Section 3, inspectthe support bearing for wear and the rubber housing for deteriorationand oil contamination causing sponginess.2 The bearing should rotate freelv without grating or harshness.3 If either the bearing or rubber housing are not in good condition,renew them as folIows.4 Pull the rubber mounting from the propeller shaft.5 Place the propeller shaft in a padded vice, and gentlv tap off thebearing, being careful not to damage the dust cover. Note which wavthe dust cover is fitted.6 Clean the dust cover and the bearing seat on the propeller shaft.7 Fit the dust cover, chamfered edge facing the bearing.8 Tap the new bearing into place, using a suitable tubular drift on theinner race.9 Fit the rubber mounting over the bearing, the spring and washershould be in the lower segment.10 Check the condition of the rubber gaiter which fits over the splinedcentre joint. and renew it if perished or split.11 Refit the propaller shaft as described in Section 3.

5 Universal joints - renewal

Note: Without a large workshop vice this operation is best left to yourVolvo dealer1 Remove the propeller shaft as described in Section 3.2 Remove the circlips from the bearing cups. Use a punch to freethem if thev are stuck.3 Place the propeller shaft onto the vice so that the vokes of thepropeller shaft (not the flange) are resting on the open vice jaws.(Remember that the propeller shaft is hollow and easilv damaged bVtao much vice pressure).4 Using a socket which will just fit over the bearing cups and ahammer, gentlv tap the flange voke downwards so that the uppermostbearing cup protrudes about 0.12 to 0.16 in (3.0 to 4.0 mm). Removethe cup (photos).5 Turn the propeller shaft through 1800 and repeat the operation onthe opposite bearing.6 The flange can now be removed from the propeller shaft (photo)and the same procedure used to remove the spider from the shaft.7 Clean the bearing seats in the flange and propell8r shaft vokes.8 Remove the bearings from the new spider (photo) and ensure thatthe needle bearings are well greased. (This will ensure the needlebearings stav in place during the folIowing fitting procedure).9 Place the spider in the flange voke (photo) and install one bearingcup onto the voke (photo).10 Using the vice and a socket of suitable diameter, press the bearingcup into the voke bV about 0.12 to 0.16 in (3.0 to 4.0 mm) (photo). Fitthe circlip (photo).11 Repeat on the opposite side, then fit the flange voke and spider tothe propeller shaft \,oke (remember the alignment marks) and fit theremaining bearing cups (photos).12 Fit the remaining bearing retaining circlips.13 Check the joint for full and free movement. and if it feelsexcessivelv tight, rest it on the vice and just gentlv tap it with a plasticmallet. which will centralise the bearings and free the joint.14 Refit the propeller shaft as described in Section 3.

6 Splined centre joint -inspection and renewal

1 Plav in the splined centre joint can be tested bV grasping the frontand rear sections of the propeller shaft and turning them against eachother Anv excessive movement should be investigated.2 Remove the rear section of the shaft as described in Section 3.3 Inspect the splines of the sliding joint for wear or cracking.4 If the male splmes onlv are worn or damaged, remove the splinedsection universal Joint bV folIowing the procedure given in Section 5.5 Fit a new splined section, grease the splines and fit a new rubbercover (photos), then refit the rear section of the propeller shaft.6 If the femaie splmes are also damaged, the complete propeller shaftmay have to be renewed, and vou should consult vour Volvo dealer.


Fig. 7.3 Correct fitting of the dust cover (Sec 4)

1 2 3


Fig. 7.4 Centre bearing and rubber mounting assembly.Arrow points to front (Sec 4)


Dust cover 23

Centre bearingRubber mounting



;;;.. ~J



5.115.4A Tap the flange voke downwards ...

Page 4: Chapter 7Propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · Fig.7.1View ofthe propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Frontsection ofshaft Centresupport bearingand splined slidingjoint


5.4B . . and remove the bearing cup

5.9A Placing the spider in the yoke .

5.10B Fitting the circlip

5.11 C . . and press it home in the vice

5.6 Removing the flange

5.9B . . and fitting a bearing cup


n~ o..

5.11 A Tap the first cup into the shaftyoke.

6.5A Internal splines of the front section


5.8 Spider, bearings and circlips

5.1 DA Pressing the bearing cup into theyoke

5.11 B ... fit the other cup.

65B Fit the rubber cover

Page 5: Chapter 7Propeller shaft - · 2008. 11. 5. · Fig.7.1View ofthe propeller shaft assembly (Sec 1) 7 8 Frontsection ofshaft Centresupport bearingand splined slidingjoint

184 Chapter 1 Propeller shaft

7.4 Rubber coupling locating plate

7 Rubber coupling - removal and refitting coupling. (It may not be possible actually to remove the forward-facing bolts, which will stav on the flange.)4 Pull the shaft rearwards and lower the front section. Remove therubber coupling, the centre sleeve and the locating plate (photo).5 Refit by reversing the removal operations, observing the alignmentmarks. Apply a little anti-seize compound to the locating plate pin.

1 Raise and securely support the vehicle.2 Make alignment marks between the shaft and the gearbox outputflange.3 Remove the six nuts and bolts which hold the flanges to the


Fig. 7.5 Propeller shaft rubber coupling (Sec 7)

A Centre sleeve Loeating plateB

8 Fault diagnosis - propeller shaft

Symptom Reason(s)

Vibration Wear in sliding joint splinesWorn universal joints (including front rubber joint where fitted)Propeller shaft unbalanced, bent or distorted

Knock or clunk when taking up drive Worn universal jointsWorn rear axle drive pinion splinesExcessive back las h in rear axle gearsWorn sliding joint splinesFlange bolts loose













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