chapter 8 exports and imports

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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Chapter 8

    Cargo Insurance

    Key concepts

    Introduction essential to understand role of

    cargo insurance in conduct of international trade. Cargo insurance market and all its major factors.

    Fundamental principles of insurance very

    important to comprehend the four main principles.

    Effecting cargo insurance the procedure


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance

    Marine insurance is governed by the MarineInsurance Act 1906, which came into force on 1

    January 1907.

    The basic principles of insurance as specified in

    the Act are:

    Insurable interest

    Utmost good faith



  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance

    Marine Insurance is a contract whereby the

    insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured in a

    manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against

    marine losses, that is to say, the losses incidentalto marine adventure.

    Hence this includes cargo insurance involving the

    maritime conveyance of merchandise from one

    country to another.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Insurable Interest

    A person has an insurable interest in a marineadventure (any ship goods or othermovables exposed to maritime perils) wherehe or she stands in any legal or equitable

    relationship to the adventure or insurableproperty at risk therein in consequence ofwhich he may:

    a. Benefit by the safety or due arrival of the

    insurable property, orb. Be prejudiced by its loss, or by damage

    thereto, or by the detention thereof, or

    c. Incur liability in respect thereof

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Insurable InterestDifference between Subject matter insured and

    Insurable Interest

    - Insurable interest is the financial interest of a

    person in the subject matter insured

    - The insurable interest of the cargo owner is notthe goods (the subject matter insured) but his

    finical interest in such goods and he should

    insure to the extent of that interest

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Insurable Interest

    A policy effected without insurable interest is void. It has no legal value and is unenforceable at law

    Therefore insurable interest or an expectation ofacquiring one should exist at the time the insurance iseffected

    Proof of insurable interest is not required at the timeof effecting an insurance

    But when making a claim the assured should showthat he had an insurable interest at the time of loss.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Utmost Good Faith Contract of marine insurance is a contract based

    upon utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei), and ifthe utmost good faith is not observed by eitherparty, the other party may avoid the contract.

    Observing the principle of utmost good faith meansa full disclosure of all material circumstancesrelating to the risk before the contract is concluded

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    In the event of loss or damage to the subjectmatter insured resulting from an insured peril, he

    is placed in the same position that he enjoyed

    immediately before the loss occurred.

    After indemnity the assured may not be in a better,or worse, position than he was in before the loss.

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    Is the corollary of indemnity in so far as its applicationprevents the assured defeating the principle ofindemnity by recovering his loss from more than oneparty. The rights of subrogation pass to the underwriter upon

    payment of any type of claim When the claim is in respect of a total loss, the

    underwriter is additionally entitled to proprietary rights inrespect of whatever may remain of the insured goods

    and may dispose of these and retain the whole of theproceeds even when these may exceed the amount ofthe claim paid

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    Any recovery the underwriter effects in this respect

    is limited to the amount of the claim paid under the


    Where the insured goods have been undervalued,the underwriter may recover more than the amount

    paid by him as a claim. In this event he must pass

    the surplus proceeds to the assured.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance Rating

    Premium rates are determined by:

    1. The carrying vessel the age, classification,flag, ownership, and management of the ship

    2. Nature of the packing used adequacy ofprotection to the cargo

    3. Type of merchandise some are morevulnerable to damages than others

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance Rating

    4. Nature of transit and related warehouseaccommodation

    5. Previous experience if the cargo involved has

    been subject to significant damage or pilferage the

    premiums are likely to be high6. Type of cover needed more extensive the cover

    required, higher the premium rate

    7. Volume of cargo involved larger the volume

    favourable the premium

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Claims

    The circumstances which give rise to a cargo claim


    1. Missing goods

    2. Damaged goods

    3. Stained / mutilated / soiled goods4. Non-saleable / marketable goods arising through

    frustration of the transit such as transit delays causingperishable goods to deteriorate beyond marketable /saleable product

    5. Failure of the goods to arrive on a specified dateresulting in a compensation claim

    6. Poor / inadequate packing

    7. Inadequate/ poor stowage

    8. Poor handling / stacking of cargo resulting in damage,

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance Claims

    Most insurance company policies require that

    immediate notice be given to the nearest branch or

    agency in the event of damage giving rise to claim

    under a policy on goods.

    When notified of damage, the companys agent

    appoints a suitable surveyor to inspect the goods

    and to report on the nature and extent of the


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Cargo Insurance Claims:

    Documents to be produced when making a


    1. The export invoice issued to the customer

    together with shipping specification and/or weight


    2. Original bill of lading, charter party, air waybill, orCMR or CIM consignment note

    3. Original policy or certificate of insurance

    4. Survey report or other documentary evidence

    detailing the loss or damage occurred

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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 8 Exports and Imports


    Practice questions

    1. List down the 4 fundamental principles ofinsurance

    2. List down at least 6 factors determining thepremium rates in cargo insurance

    3. List down any 3 circumstances giving rise tocargo claim

    4. List down at least 7 documents required whenmaking an insurance claim