chapter 8 section 2 slavery and abolition. james forten – free african american opposed to having...


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Page 1: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

Chapter 8Section 2


Page 2: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa became a successful sailmaker

“He re I have dwe l t un t i l I am nea r l y s i x t y yea rs o f age , and have b rough t up and Ph i l ade lph ia ’s

f ree educa ted a fam i l y. . . . Ye t some i ngen ious gen t l emen have recen t l y d i scove red tha t I am

s t i l l an A f r i can ; t ha t a con t i nen t t h ree thousand m i l es , and more , f rom the p lace where I was

bo rn , i s my na t i ve coun t ry. And I am adv i sed to go home. . . . Pe rhaps i f I shou ld on l y be se t on

the sho re o f t ha t d i s tan t l and , I shou ld recogn i ze a l l I m igh t see the re , and run a t once to t he o ld

hu t where my fo re fa the rs l i ved a hundred yea rs ago . ”


Page 3: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

1820s – more than 100 antislavery societes

Advocate for resettlement of blacks in Africa

Free blacks consider America their home.

“We are natives of this country. We only ask that we be

treated as well as foreigners.”Whites joined in the fight for abolition


Page 4: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

William Lloyd Garrison 1831 - Started newspaper The Liberator

Pushed for immediate emancipation Founded New England Anti-Slavery Society and the national

American Anti-Slavery Society Some white supported abolition but hated Garrison

He attacked the government and churches for not disapproving of slavery

David Walker 1829 -Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World – urged

blacks to fight for freedoms rather than just wait Many free blacks joined anti-slavery societies 1850 – most of the 434,000 free blacks in the South had

jobs Day laborers, artisans North – only low paying jobs available


Page 5: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

Born into slavery, but taught to read and write

1838- job in Baltimore but had to give up his earnings Escaped to New York and used the

identity of a free black sailor

Teamed up with Garrison gave speeches

Started The North Star newspaper

“I appear before the immense assembly this evening as a thief and a robber,” he would say. “I stole this head, these l imbs, this body from my master and ran off with them.”

Frederick Douglass


Page 6: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

1810-1830 1.2 million slaves to 2 million slaves 1830 – majority born in America and spoke English

Rural Slavery Men, women, and children worked dawn to dusk

Often whipped if they don’t work fast enough


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Cotton wealth appealed to Southern whites who started farming Less white laborers for mining and lumber Needed slaves to fill jobs in mills and on ships

2.8 million slaves living rurally400,000 living in citiesSlave owners hired out their slaves to factory ownersUrban slaves were away from owners more


Page 8: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

Born into slaver in 1800 in Virginia August 1831 – Turner led 80 people to escape

Killed almost 60 white people before being caught by troopsTurner hid for several weeks but was eventually

found, tried, and hanged.Whites killed 200 blacks to retaliate


Page 9: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

Turner’s rebellion led to Virginia Governor John Floyd calling for gradual abolition in the state

Motion for abolition was denied by a 73-58 vote

Backlash from Revolts Pushed for tighter control on African Americans – known

as slave codes No preaching gospel unless a “respectable” slaveholder was

present Can’t own guns Can’t purchase alcohol Can’t assemble in public Can’t testify in court Can’t Own property Can’t learn to read and write Can’t work independently as carpenters or blacksmiths


Page 10: Chapter 8 Section 2 SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.  James Forten – free African American opposed to having freed people moving back to Africa  became a successful

Used Bible passages to show that servants have to obey their masters

Abolitionists continue to campaign for emancipationSouthern representatives secured a gag rule which

deprived people of their right to have their opinions heard Repealed in 1844