chapter-vi mitosporic fungi i) aero-aquatic...

1 CHAPTER-VI MITOSPORIC FUNGI I) Aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes Genus: Helicomyces Link Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, Mag. 3: 21 (1809). The genus Helicomyces was introduced by Link (1809) with H. roseus Link as its type species. The species of the genus are charecterised by having, Colonies: effuse to arachnoid or tuberculate, white to pinkish, or becoming brownish in age. Mycelium: immersed or superficial, composed of branched, septate, hyaline to dilute fuscous hyphae. Conidiophores: lacking or formed as short, lateral branches of the repent mycelium. Conidiogenous cells: mono- or polyblastic, producing conidia from the apex, or synchronously and /or successively from short denticles. Conidia: hyaline, dry, hygroscopic, frequently uncoiling in water. Conidial filament: coiled 1-8 times, usually in one plane to form a disk-like body, but sometimes in three planes and resembling a loosely coiled spring; basal cell attached eccentrically; conidial secession schizolytic. The genus is represented by 12 species (Zhao et al., 2007). Helicomyces colligatus R.T. Moore (Fig. 14; Plate fig. 37) Mycologia, 46: 89 (1954). Colonies: effuse, coraceous, coarsely flocculose or nearly crust-like, pale rose when fresh; when old composed almost entirely of conidia. Mycelium and conidiophores: not apparent, when young the whole stratum composed of semiagglutinated mycelium, conidia and conidiophores; conidia arising directly from the mycelium or else borne on robost conidiophores up to 45 um tall. Conidia: loosely coiled 1-2 times, hygroscopic, multiseptate at maturity, each cell containing one large vacuole or two smaller ones; filament tapering at both ends,

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Page 1: CHAPTER-VI MITOSPORIC FUNGI I) Aero-aquatic CHAPTER-VI MITOSPORIC FUNGI I) Aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes Genus: Helicomyces




I) Aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes

Genus: Helicomyces Link

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, Mag. 3: 21 (1809).

The genus Helicomyces was introduced by Link (1809) with H. roseus Link

as its type species. The species of the genus are charecterised by having, Colonies:

effuse to arachnoid or tuberculate, white to pinkish, or becoming brownish in age.

Mycelium: immersed or superficial, composed of branched, septate, hyaline to

dilute fuscous hyphae. Conidiophores: lacking or formed as short, lateral branches

of the repent mycelium. Conidiogenous cells: mono- or polyblastic, producing

conidia from the apex, or synchronously and /or successively from short denticles.

Conidia: hyaline, dry, hygroscopic, frequently uncoiling in water. Conidial

filament: coiled 1-8 times, usually in one plane to form a disk-like body, but

sometimes in three planes and resembling a loosely coiled spring; basal cell

attached eccentrically; conidial secession schizolytic. The genus is represented by

12 species (Zhao et al., 2007).

Helicomyces colligatus R.T. Moore (Fig. 14; Plate fig. 37)

Mycologia, 46: 89 (1954).

Colonies: effuse, coraceous, coarsely flocculose or nearly crust-like, pale

rose when fresh; when old composed almost entirely of conidia. Mycelium and

conidiophores: not apparent, when young the whole stratum composed of

semiagglutinated mycelium, conidia and conidiophores; conidia arising directly

from the mycelium or else borne on robost conidiophores up to 45 um tall.

Conidia: loosely coiled 1-2 times, hygroscopic, multiseptate at maturity, each cell

containing one large vacuole or two smaller ones; filament tapering at both ends,

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the basal end 3.5 um broad, filament enlarging to 8 um broad in the middle and

becoming slightly less at the distal end, easily broken into segments; diameter of

coils (32-) 50-60 um.

Habitat: Conidia in foam sample, Yashwant Lake 16 Aug. 2009, AFN-14A; Amlibari

dam, 29 August 2010, AFN-14B, Leg., S. N.Wagh.

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Ramesh, 2002), conidia in

stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009), on submerged wood

(Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence . The measurements of

conidial filament, conidia and descriptions are completely agree with that of

Helicomyces colligatus as described by Moore (1954). Therefore, it is assigned to

that species. This makes new addition to the aquatic fungi of Maharashtra.

Helicomyces roseus Link (Fig. 15; Plate fig. 38)

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuestern Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk., 3:


≡ Helicomyces albus Preuss, 1852 (fide Linder, 1929).

≡ Helicomyces elegans Morgan, 1892 (fide Linder, 1929).

≡ Helicomyces clarus, Morgan, 1892 (fide Linder, 1929).

≡ Helicomyces fuscopes Linder, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 18: 15 (1931).

Colonies: effuse, forming a thin, flocculose, white to pinkish stratum.

Mycelium: immersed and superficial, hyaline to dilute fuscous, composed of

branched, septate, hyphae. Stalked sclerotia (sclerotes pedicelees) often present.

Conidiophores: short, hyaline to pale brown, mostly arising as lateral branches of

the repent mycelium. Conidiogenous cells: mono- or polyblastic, developing as

denticles on the repent hyphae, or as the terminal cell of the conidiophores.

Conidia: hyaline, white to pinkish in mass, attached eccentrically, frequently with

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hyaline secondary conidia, 25-60 µm in diam. Conidial filament: (2.5) 4-5(-6) µm

in diam, multiseptate, tapering to an enlarged, obliquely flattened basal cell, coiled

2 ¼ -3 times.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangawali river, 24 Aug. 2008, AFN-15A,

Ranipur dam, 13 Sep. 2009, AFN-15B, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

Distribution:- Karnataka: On Submerged leaves and in foam samples

(Rajashekhar and Kaveriappa, 2003), conidia in stem flow and through fall

(Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009), on submerged wood (Sridhar et al., 2010);

Uttarakhand: Conidia in water samples (Arya and Sati, 2012).

Remarks: The present fungus is frequent in occurrence . The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Helicomyces roseus as

described by Goos (1985). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. This makes

new addition to the aquatic fungal flora of Maharashtra.

Helicomyces torquatus Lane & Shearer (Fig. 16; Plate fig. 39)

Mycotaxon. 19: 291 (1984).

Colonies: floccose, hyaline at first, turning light brown to dark blackish-

brwon on aging. Mycelium: mostly immersed, composed of branched, septate,

hyphae, hyaline at first, becoming subhyaline to light brown. Conidiophores:

micronematous, formed laterally on repent hyphae, 2-3-septate, 19.2 - 34.1- 56.4 x

3.6 - 4.5 - 4.8 µm. Conidiogenous cells: monoblastic, hyaline, elongate, 12.0 – 17.8

- 24 x 3.6 – 4.7 - 4.8 µm. Conidia produced holoblastically, terminally, and singly

at tips of conidiogenous cells, seceding schizolytically from conidiogenous cells.

Conidia: hyaline, multiseptate, dry, coiled 1.8 to 2.8 times, 52.8 – 104.4 – 132 µm

diam, end cells broadly spathulate, end of basal cell bearing flattened attachment

scar. Conidia in water hydrophilic and floating or unwinding to assume a torque-

like or sigmoid form, 372 – 472 – 528 x 4.8 – 6.8 – 7.2 µm.

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Habitat: Conidia in foam Samples, Yashwant Lake, 2 Aug. 2009, AFN-16A; Tapi

river, 1 Aug. 2010, AFN-16B, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Ramesh, 2002).

Remarks: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurement of conidia,

conidial filament and description completely agree with that of Helicomyces

torquatus Lane and Shearer (1984). Therefore, It is assigned to that species. This

makes new addition to the fungi of Maharashtra.

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II) Ingoldian Hyphomycetes

Genus: Brachiosphaera Nawawi

In: Descals et al., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 67: 213 (1976).

The genus Brachiosphaera was erected by Nawawi (In: Descals et al. 1976)

with B. tropicalis Nawawi as the type species. The genus is charecterised by

having, Mycelium: hyphae brown, septate, branched. Conidiophores: simple, rarely

branched, macronematous or semimacronematous, erect. Conidigenous cells:

terminal, holoblastic, proliferate sympodially or rarely precurrently. Conidia:

sphaerical, with radiating arms, arms septate and appear simultaneously. The genus

is represented by two species (Descals et al., 1976).

Brachiosphaera tropicalis Nawawi (Fig. 17; Plate fig. 40)

In: Descals et al., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 67: 213 (1976).

Mycelium: The vegetative mycelium on culture medium (2% MA) is mostly

immersed, light brown at first, becoming dark brown to black with age. Hyphae:

septate, thick-walled, 6-12 µm wide, pigmented to varying degree with age,

smooth to minutely tuberculate, the cells often becoming monilioid and filled with

numerous spherical, refractive globules. Conidiophores: erect, hyaline,

unbranched, septate. Conidiogenesis: As the conidiophore lengthens, the cell at the

distal portion becomes slightly constricted at their septa. The end cell gradually

becomes subglobose and finally spherical. When it reaches 30-40 µm diam., 4-7

arms (usually 4) appear simultaneously as blown out buds, and elongate rapidly,

becoming 3-5 septate. The top arm always lies along the axis of the conidiophore

while the rest develop from around the circumference of the sphere equidistant

from one another. As the conidium mature, another ovoid conidiogenous cell

develops very close to the attachment point and very soon produces another

conidium. This process of sympodial proliferation is repeated until up to 10 or

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more conidia are produced. Conidia: The mature conidia consist of a spherical

body, 46-58 µm diam, and filled with numerous small spherical globules up to 6

µm diam. The spherical body is yellowish brown and furnished with 4-7 radiating

arms, 95-180 µm long, 9-11 µm wide at the widest point, tapering to 4-5 µm wide

at the rounded apex, constricted to 3-5 µm at the point of origin and becoming 3-5

septate. The spherical body is multinucleate and each cell of the arms contain up to

8 nuclei.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 30 Aug. 2009, AFN- 17A; Tapi

river, 22 Aug. 2010, AFN-17B, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (All examined conidia, both

in slides and illustrations from previous work of Patil and Kapadnis (1979) and

Patil (2003 a, b) from Maharshtra, referred to as Actinospora megalospora

correspond to B. tropicalis); Karnataka: Conidia in foam (as Actinospora

megalospora, Sridhar and Keveriappa, 1982a), conidia in foam samples (Sridhar

and Kaverappa, 1989b), conidia in water samples (Sridhar and Keveriappa, 1990).

Remarks: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Brachiosphaera

tropicalis as given in Descals et al., (1976). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. It has been reported for the first time from North Maharashtra region.

Genus: Campylospora Ranzoni

Farlowia, 4: 373 (1953).

The genus Camylospora was established by Ranzoni (1953) with

Camylospora chaetocladia Ranzoni as a type species. The genus Camylospora is

charecterised with colonies in isabelline tones, hyaline to pale brown hyphae

including variously shaped inflated cells, integrated conidiogenous cells typically

proliferating sympodially. Characteristic for all accepted species (4 sp.) is a

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strongly recurved conidial primordium during the early stage of development,

resembling a “crozier” stage of ascogenous hyphae during the early fruit body

differentiation (Ranzoni, 1953). The primordium starts as a clavate outgrouth on

the conidiophore apex, soon elongating and becoming strongly recurved. A septum

is laid down at the point of bending. Two new growth points appear at the

proximal side of the septum, giving rise to the first conidial part; on the distal side

of the septum the second conidial part is formed. At this stage cellular appendages

start to grow simultaneously from the conidial end cells. Mature conidia are

bipartite: the first-formed (proximal) part is more or less triangular in outline,

consisting of two arms perpendicular to each other on a heel-like pedicel; the

second-formed (distal) part is fusoid or allantoid, connected dorsally to the

proximal part. Conidial secession is schizolytic. The genus is represented by four

accepted and one undescribed species (Marvanova and Laichmanova, 2014).

Campylospora chaetocladia Ranzoni (Fig.18; Plate fig. 41)

Farlowia, 4: 373 (1953).

Mycelium: branched, septate, coloureless. Conidiophores: colourless,

unbranched, 10-20 µm long, 2-2.5 µm broad. Conidia: aleurispores, colourless,

terminal, multicellular, each consisting of a basal cell 8.5-12 µm wode, 10-14 µm

long, with two divergent appendages of approximately the same length, 35-50 µm

long, 3-6 µm wide at the point of attachment to the basal cell and tapering to about

1.5 µm at the tips, and a lateral branch, 10-25 µm long attached perpendicularly to

the transverse axis of the conidium and bearing at each end an appendage similar

in appearance to those on the basal cell. Conidia produced in succession but not


Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali river, 20 Sep. 2009, AFN-18A; Tapi

river 1 Aug. 2010, AFN-18B, Leg., S. N.Wagh.

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Distribution in India:- Uttarakhand: Conidia in foam (Mer and Sati, 1989), on

submerged needles of Pinus roxberghii Sarg. (Sati et al. 1989), on submerged

roots as endophte (Sati and Belwal, 2005), conidia in water samples (Arya and

Sati, 2012); Karnataka: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and water samples

(Sridhar and Keveriappa, 1982, 1989b), conidia in stem flow and through fall

(Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009), on submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar,

2011); Kerala: Conidia in foam (Sridhar and Keveriappa, 1985a); Andhra Pradesh:

On submerged leaves (Manoharachary and Madhusudan Rao, 1983; Madhusudan

Rao and Manoharachary, 1984), conidia in water samples (Manoharachary and

Galiah,1987, Sarma and Manoharachary, 1989); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam

samples (Borse and Patil, 2006); Gujarat: Conidia in foam samples (Ahire et al.,

2009); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Agarwal et al., 1992), on

submerged twigs (Upadhyaya et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Brachiosphaera

tropicalis as given in Ranzoni (1953). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It

has been reported for the first time from Nandurbar district.

Campylospora filicladia Nawawi (Fig. 19; Plate fig. 42)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 63: 603 (1974).

Mycelium: on the natural substrate is scany, hyaline, septate, branched, with

1.2-2 µm wide hyphae. Conidiophores: project in the water arise laterally from

cells of the vegetative hyphae and are erect, simple, indistinguishable from the

somatic hyphae. They range from 2.5-30 µm long and are 1.5-2 µm wide. Conidia:

consists of two distinct halves: The proximal half is triangular, 4-celled, 6-7.5 µm

high and 10-12 µm wide. The distal half is allantoid, 4-celled, 9-13 µm long and 3-

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4.5 µm wide. Viewed either from the top or bottom, the conidium is more or less

rectangular, 4-4.5 µm thick with a round or conical projections at each corner. The

appendages arising from the end cells are lie along the long axis.The projection

opposite the origin of each appendage is bigger and rounder. The two appendages

at the top of the conidium are usually longer (15-35 µm) than the lateral

appendages (7-17 µm). They are always directed opposite each other and are more

or less perpendicular to the lateral appendages. Surface view of the conidium

always shows these two appendages to be in a crossed position.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples,Yashwant Lake, 21 Sep. 2008, AFN-19A;

Narmada river, 22 August, 2010, AFN-19B, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam (Subramanian and Bhat, 1980), on

submerged leaves and conidia in water (Chandrashekar et al., 1990); Kerala:

Conidia in foam (Subramanian and Bhat, 1980); Tamil Nadu: Conidia in foam

(Subramanian and Bhat, 1980); Maharashtra: On submerged leaves and conidia in

foam (Shinde and Pawar, 2008), conidia in foam samples (Patil and Borse, 2011b).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia are completely agree with that of Campylospora

filicladia as described by Nawawi (1974). It has been reported for the first time

from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Clavatospora Sv. Nilsson ex Marva. & S. Nilsson

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 57: 531 (1971).

= Clavatospora Sv. Nilsson, Symb. Bot. Upsal., 18: 88 (1964).

The genus Clavatospora is characterized by having, Hyphae: septate, hyaline,

without sporodochia. Conidiophores: simple or sparsely branched, hyaline.

Conidiogenous cells: phialidic, hyaline. Conidia: enteroblastic-phialidic, one-celled,

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tetraradiate, consisting of a clavate, straight, basal main axis, from which three

narrow cylindrical or conical, elongate branches arise at the apex; hyaline. The

genus is represented by one marine and four fresh water species (Ingold, 1975;

Jones et al., 2009).

Clavatospora tentacula (Umphlett) Sv. Nilsson (Fig. 20; Plate fig. 43)

Symb. Bot. Upsal., 18: 89 (1964).

= Heliscus tentaculus Umphlett, Va. J. Sci., 10: 27 (1959).

Conidia: Hyaline, tetraradiate; main axis clavate, elongate, 0-6 septate, 30-

75 µm long, 1.5-2.5 µm wide at base, 4-7 µm wide at apex; with 3 equidistant,

divergent, 30-55 x 1-2.5 µm, appendages arising from apex and unconstricted at


Habitat: Conidia in foam, Tapi river, 7 Sep. 2008, AFN-20, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam (as Heliscus tentaculus, Patil and

Kapadnis, 1979); Uttarakhand: Conidia in foam (Mer and Sati, 1989); Karnataka:

On submerged leaves, conidia in water and foam samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1982), conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and

Karamchand, 2009); Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in water and foam

samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1985a); Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in water

samples (Manoharachary and Galiah, 1987; Sarma and Manoharachary, 1989).

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence . The descriptions and

measurements of conidia are completely agree with that of Clavatospora

tentacula (Umphlett) Nilsson as described by Nilsson (1964). Therefore, it is

assigned to that species. It is being reported for the first time from Nadurbar


Genus: Filosporella Nawawi

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Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 67: 175 (1976b).

The genus Filosporella was erected by Nawawi (1976b) for a single species,

Filosporella aquatica Nawawi. The genus is charecrized by having, Mycelium:

branched, septate, and grey to dark-brown. Conidiophores: erect, septate, and

apicaly branched. Conidia: holoblastic, hyaline, terminal, filiform and septate. The

genus is represented by five species (Marvanova & Barlocher, 1998).

Filosporella aquatica Nawawi (Fig. 21; Plate fig. 44)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 67: 173 (1976b).

Mycelium: branched, septate, grey to dark-brown, occurring superficially or

immersed in the leaf. Conidiophores: submerged which arise at right angels from

groups of dark-brown, thick-walled cells, are simple or branched, dark at the basal

region but paler above. When branched, it consists of a basal portion 25-120 µm

long and 3.5 -4 µm wide. Secondary branches which arise along the upper part of

the conidiophore are short, and each ends in up to 4 tertiary branches. These

tertiary branches are usually made up of 1-4 cells, each cell measuring 10.5-18.5

µm long and 3.5 µm diam. Conidia: holoblastic, hyaline, filiform, straight or

mostly curved, 6-12 septate, 178-245 µm long, 4-5 µm at their broadest point and

taper at the obtuse apex. Each cell of the conidium contains 2 or more guttules.

Newly detached conidia have a truncate base but this eventually becomes cone-or


Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Tapi river, 16 Aug. 2009, AFN-21, Leg., S. N.


Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Filosporella aquatica as

described by Nawawi (1976b). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being

reported for the first time from India.

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Genus: Flabellospora Alasoadura

Nova Hedwigia, 15: 415 (1968).

The genus Flabellospora was erected by Alasoadura (1968a) to

accommodate a single species, Flabellospora crassa Alasoadura. The genus is

characterized by having, Mycelium: extensive, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline;

Conidiophores: simple, rarely branched, hyaline; Conidia: aleuriospores,

tetraradiate, terminal, multicellular, essentric, the terminal thalloconidium has a

stalk ending in a small spherical “head” from which a number of long straight arms

diverge; arms placed more or less equidistantly from each other round the

circumference of the “head”, arms develop outwards and slightly upwards as

lateral branches.

Flabellospora acuminata Descals & Webster (Fig. 22; Plate fig. 45)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 78: 411 (1982).

Mycelium: branched, septate, loosely or in aggregation. Conidiophores: on

mycelial hyphae, apical or lateral, prostrate, mononematous, simple or sparsely

branched, septa indistinct, 100-150 x 3-4 µm, irregularly swollen, delicate, base

abruptly constricted, branches 0-(3), irregularly distributed or unilateral,

perpendicular, curved, base abruptly constricted. Conidiogenous cells: apical,

integrated, monoblastic, pedunculate and drooping, detachment scar very narrow.

Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, staurosporous, main body clavate, apex capitate, 4-6

µm diam, base pedunculate, 5-10 µm long, branches (4)-5-(7), budding out before

relese, synchronous, (30)-75-120 x 7-12 (-15) µm, one branch apical, the rest

raditing slightly retrorsely, straight, fusiform (-obclavate), apex greatly extended,

cells 3-10, released as a strangulation at the base, dispersaed singly or as

interlocked pairs.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 6 Sep. 2009, 29 Aug. 2010,

AFN-22, Leg., S. N. Wagh.

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Distribution:- Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples

(Belwal and Sati, 2007); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Pawara et al.,


Remark: The present fungus is frequent in occurrence.The descriptions and

measurements of conidia are completely agree with that of Flabellospora

accuminata Descals and Webster (1982a). Therefore, it is assigned to that species.

It makes new addition to the fungi of Nadurbar district.

Flabellospora crassa Alasoadura (Fig. 23; Plate fig. 46)

Nova Hedwigia, 15: 416 (1968c).

Mycelium: branched, septate, hyaline. Conidiophores: 50-120 µm long, 2-3

µm wide, usually simple, but occasionally branched, septate, emerges from the

edge of the leaf. Conidiogenesis: development is initiated when the tip of the

conidiophore is arrested in growth and becomes subspherical. The spore

primordium soon becomes cut off from the conidiophore by a transverse septum.

This primordium, 5-15 µm long represent the main axis of the mature spore.

Further development of the spore from the primordium involves the simultaneous

outgrowth of 3-5 usually four arms placed more or less equidistantly from each

other round the circumference of the enlarged tip (5-7 µm diam.) of the main axis.

The outgrowths develop outwards and slightly upwards as lateral branches.

Conidia: each arm is at first clavate, narrow at the attachment constriction, but

increasing in diameter to the rounded tip. The configuration simulates the

appearance of a ceiling fan at this stage. The growth of the arms continue at their

tips, but when they are about 20-30 µm long they become obclavate; so that in the

mature conidium, each arm is 37-56 µm long, 3.5-4.0 µm wide at the attachment

constriction, increases in diameter to 5.5-7.5 µm at the widest part (which is 12-20

µm from the point of attachment) and again narrows gradually towards the tip

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which is about 3 µm wide. Four or more septa develop in each arm just before the

conidium attains maturity. The coidium is detached from the conidiophore at the

septum and it often floats with the short main axis pointing downwards.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 14 Sep. 2008, AFN-23A; Tapi

river, 22 August 2010, AFN-23B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Uttarakhand: Conidia in foam sample (Mer and Sati, 1989);

Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar

and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989), conidia in water samples (Chandrashekar et al.,

1986), conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009), on

submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam

samples (Pawara et al., 2009); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Upadhyaya

et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Flabellospora crassa

Alasoadura (1968c). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being reported

for the first time from Nadurbar district of Maharashtra State.

Flabellospora multiradiata Nawawi (Fig. 24; Plate fig. 47)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 66: 543 (1976a).

Mycelium: branched, septate, hyaline. Conidiophores: lateral, semi-

macronematous, hyaline, 15-25 µm long x 2-2.5 µm wide, erect, unbranched, 0-2

septate. Conidia: holoblasic, hyaline, multi-radiate, main axis 9-13 µm long x 2-3

µm at the base, expanding above to form a globose structure 4-6.5 µm diam., from

around this, which is usually demarcated from the narrow stalk by a septum, 12-27

µm long, slender, fusiform arms arise, each arm is markedly constricted at its point

of origin and thereafter broadens to 1.5-2 µm at the widest point and finally tapers

to 1.5-2 µm at the apex which is acute to accumulate and lacks septation in the

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parts 12-20 µm from the tip, the arms are 90-140 µm long, 10-18 septate and

slightly constricted at the septa especially along the basal half, at maturity the cells

become vacuolated and impart a pearly appearance to the whole conidium, conidia

in foam samples usually have a blob of mucilaginous material at the tip of each


Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Gomai river, 16 August 2009, AFN-24A,

Amlibari dam,12 Sep. 2010, AFN-24B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam and water

samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1984b, 1989b), conidia in stem flow and through

fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009); Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in

foam and in water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1985a); Maharashtra: Conidia

in foam sample (Patil and Kapadnis, 1980; Pawara et al., 2011).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence . The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Flabellospora

multiradiata Nawawi (1976a). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being

reported for the first time from Nandurbar district of Maharashtra State.

Flabellospora octacladia Saikia & Sarbhoy (Fig. 25; Plate fig. 48)

Indian Phytopathology, 33: 459-461 (1980).

Colonies: on the natural substratum powdery white. Mycelium: hyaline,

septate smooth-walled, hyphae measuring 1.5-2.5 µm in thickness. Conidiophores:

arising from the hyphae, hyaline, slender and easily detachable from the conidia

leaving a short curved stalk. Conidia: stalked which terminates in a head or

primordium. Primordium spherical, hyaline, 4.5-7.5 µm in diam. and is formed

first in the process of formation of the conidia from which eight elegant arms arise

equidistantly around it. Arms, 2-3 of which are often shorter than the rest, hyaline,

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3-5 septate, measuring 18-54 µm long, 6-9 (-10.5) µm broad at the middle across,

tapering to 2.1-2.8 µm at the apex.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Vaki river, 28 Sep. 2008, AFN-25A, Tapi river

22 Aug. 2010, AFN-25B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Assam: On leaf litter in terrestrial habitats (Saikia and Sarbhoy


Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence . The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Flabellospora octocladia

Saikia and Sarbhoy (1980). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being

reported for the first time from Maharashtra State.

Flabellospora verticillata Alasoadura (Fig. 26; Plate fig. 49)

Nova Hedwigia, 15: 419 (1968b).

Mycelium: extensive in the submerged decaying leaves; in addition some

hyphae 3-5 µm in diameter emerge from the edges of the substratum.

Conidiophores: 20-60 µm long, 1.5-3.0 µm wide, simple, arises from the hypha,

emerging from the edge of the decaying leaf. Conidiogenesis: development is

initiated when the tip of the conidiophore is arrested in growth and becomes sub-

spherical; later, the spore primordium is cut off by a transverse septum. This

primordium represents the main axis of the mature spore. At a later stage, 4-7 or

sometimes up to 11-16 outgrowths (arms) arise simultaneously, more or less

equidistance from each other, round the circumference of the slightly enlarged tip

of the primordium. The arms develop outwardly and slightly upwards as lateral

branches. Each arm is at first clavate, continues to grow at the tip, becoming

subcylindrical and finally obclavate before the conidium attains maturity. Conidia:

The detached conidium consists of a main axis 15-33 µm long 2-3 µm wide with a

terminal spherical or subspherical portion 2-3.5 µm across; and a variable number

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of arms, each 74-129 µm long, about 1.5 µm at the attachment constriction, 4.0-5.5

µm at the widest part and tapering to about 2 µm at the tip. The arms arise from the

dome-shaped apex but also from round the side of the apical cell. In a few

detached conidia, the arms were restricted to the anterior part of the sub-spherical

tip of the main axis.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Tapi River, 14 Sep. 2008, 20 Sep. 2009, AFN-

26, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam sample (Patil and Kapadnis, 1979;

Patil, 1998a), on submerged leaves (Patil, 1998b); Uttarakhand: On submerged

needles of Pinus roxberghii Sarg. (Sati et al. 1989); Karnataka: On submerged

leaves and conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982,

1989b), conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009);

Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and in water samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1985a); Tamil Nadu: conidia in foam (Subramanian and Bhat, 1980);

Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam (Goliah and

Manoharachary, 1987).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence . The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Flabellospora verticillata

Alasoadura (1968b). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being reported

for the first time from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Flagellospora Ingold

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 25: 402 (1942).

The genus Flagellospora was erected by Ingold (1942) to accommodate a

single species, Flagellospora curvula Ingold. The genus is characterized by

having, Mycelim: branched, septate mycelium. Conidiophores: branched to form a

number of phialids. Conidia: phialospores, hyaline, filiform, produced in basipetal

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succession. The genus is represented by seven species (Marvanova & Barlocher,


Flagellospora curvula Ingold (Fig. 27; Plate fig.50)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 25: 404(1942).

Mycelium: branched and septate. Conidiophores: usually branched forming a

group of two to ten phialids. Phialids: clavate, 10-20 µm long, 2.5 µm broad,

producing conidia. Conidia: phialospores, produced in basipetal succession, curved

or sigmoid, hyaline, unicellular, 100-150 µm long, 2 µm broad in middle region

tapering to 1.5 µm towards its ends.

Habitat: Conidia on submerged leaf litter, Yashwant Lake, 16 August 2009, AFN-

27A, Amlibari dam, 26 Nov. 2010, AFN-27B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples

(Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1984b, 1989b), conidia in stem flow and through fall

(Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009), on submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar,

2011); Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and in water samples

(Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1985a); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves, twigs

and conidia in foam samples (as F. curvula var. minuta, Agarwal et al., 1992).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. It has been reported for the first

time from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Hydrometrospora Gonczol & Revay

Nova Hedwigia, 40: 199-205 (1984).

The genus Hydrometrospora is monotypic and was established by Gonczol

& Revay (1984) with H. symmetrica as its type species. The genus is characterized

by having, Mycelium: septate, branched, hyaline, superficial or immersed in the

substrate. Conidiophores: continuous, hyaline, not or hardly talering to its apex,

developing sparsely in submerged condition as ramifications of the hyphae.

Conodia: solitary, holoblastic, acrogenous, hyaline, composed of a more or less

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fusiform, septate central body, to which an H-shaped, branched formation is

attached directly or through a short cell. The branches are septate, with pointed

ends, diverging more or less from the central body axis, and connected by a short


Hydrometrospora symmetrica Gonczol & Revay (Fig. 28; Plate fig. 51)

Nova Hedwigia, 40: 199 (1984).

Mycelium: septate, branched, hyaline, occurring superficially or immersed in

the substrate. Conidiophores: continuous, hyaline, not or hardly talering to its

apex, 10-50 µm long, 3-3.5 µm wide, developing sparsely in submerged condition

as ramifications of the hyphae. Conodia: solitary, holoblastic, acrogenous, hyaline,

composed of a more or less fusiform, septate, central body 60-90 x 5-6 µm, central

body, to which an H-shaped, branched formation is attached directly or through a

short cell. The branches are septate, with pointed ends, diverging more or less from

the central body axis 40-60 x 4-5 µm, and connected by a short cell.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Tapi River, 27 Sept. 2009, AFN-28, Leg., S. N.


Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Ramesh, 2002).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agreed with that of Hydrometrospora

symmetrica as given by Gonczol and Revay (1984). It has been reported for the

first time from Maharashtra state.

Genus: Isthmotricladia Matsushima

Bulletin of the Natural Science Museum Tokyo, 14: 460-480 (1971a).

The genus Isthmotricladia was erected by Matsushima (1971a) with

Isthmotricladia laeensis Matsushima as its type species. The species of the genus

are charecterised by having, Conidia: single, terminal, septate, hyaline

thalloconidium consists of a long thin stalk at the end of which there are three to

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six flatter divergent arms. In development these arise and grow out simultaneously

from the free end of the stalk and each is much constricted near its insertion.

Isthmotricladia gombakiensis Nawawi (Fig. 29; Plate fig. 52)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 64: 243 (1975a).

Mycelium: scanty, white to pinkish in colour. Conidiophores: lateral, very

short, sometimes efficient, 6-12 µm long, 1-2 µm wide, indistinguishable from the

somatic hyphae. Conidiogenesis: The main axis which is only slightly broader at

the top is cut off early from the conidiophore. From its apex three to five buds

appear simultaneously, more or less equidistant from one another, and grow

outward and upward to form the arms of the conidium. The conidia either remain

erect on the conidiophores with their arms folded together or fall the side resting

on the water surface, in which case they spread out. When fully grown the conidia

are liberated by rupture of the septum between conidia and conidiogenous cells.

Conidia: The mature conidia are 4-to 6-radiate consisting of a main axis, 20-27 µm

long, 2-3 µm wide at the top, tapering to 1.5-2 µm at the base. The arms are

fusiform, 74-102 µm long, 4-5.5 µm at the widest point, 9-15 septate, tapering

gradually to 1-1.5 µm at the apex, and slightly constricted at the septa. The arms

are connected to the axis by a narrow isthmus, 2-4.5 µm long, 1-1.5 µm wide.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali river, 17 Aug. 2008, AFN-29A;

Yashwant Lake, 27 Sep.2009, AFN-29B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa,

1984b, 1989b), on submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1988a); Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Galiah and

Manoharachary, 1987), Conidia in water samples (Sarma and Manoharachary,

1989); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Borse and Patil, 2006).

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Remark: The present fungus is frequent in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Isthmotricladia

gombakiensis Nawawi (1975a). It is reported for the first time from Nandurbar


Isthmotricladia laeensis Matsushima (Fig. 30; Plate fig. 53)

Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 14: 479 (1971).

Conidiogenesis: The main axis which is only slightly broader at the top is

cut off early from the conidiophore. From its apex three buds appear

simultaneously, more or less equidistant from one another, and grow outward and

upward to form the arms of the conidium. The conidia either remain erect on the

conidiophores with their arms folded together or fall the side resting on the water

surface, in which case they spread out. When fully grown the conidia are liberated

by rupture of the septum between conidia and conidiogenous cells. Conidia: The

mature conidia are tetra-radiate consisting of a main axis 15-19 µm long, 1.8-2 µm

wide at the top, tapering at the base, 0-1-septate. The arms are cylindrical, 40-52 x

2.4-3.2 µm, 3-septate. The arms are connected to the axis by a narrow isthmus.

(Main axis: 14-20 x 1.5-2 µm, 0-1-septate. Arms: three-four, 36-51 x 2-3 µm, 3-4-

(or more) septate (Nawawi, 1975a, Descals and Webster, 1982b).

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali river, 14 Sep. 2008, AFN-30A;

Toranmal Lower region, 22 Aug. 2010, AFN-30B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged leaves (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982);

on submerged leaves and conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1988a, 1989b), conidia in water samples (Chandrashekar et al., 1990),

conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009);

Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Borse and Patil, 2007).

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Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Isthmotricladia laeensis

Matsushima (1971a). It is being reported for the first time from Nandurbar district

of Maharashtra state.

Genus: Jaculispora Hudson & Ingold

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 43: 475 (1960).

The genus Jaculispora was erected by Hudson and Ingold (1960) to

accommodate a single species, J. submersa Hudson & Ingold. The genus is

characterized by having, Mycelium: submerged, septate, and hyaline. Conidiua:

thalospores, terminal, hyaline, unicellular, main axis straight with truncate base,

apex ending in a fine point, making the conidium appear dart-shaped except for

three lateral appendages.

Jaculispora submersa Hudson & Ingold (Fig. 31; Plate fig. 54)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 43: 475 (1960).

Mycelium: submerged, simple or sparingly branched, septate, hyaline.

Conidiophores: very narrow, delicate, 20-120 µm long, 1.5-3 µm wide with

inconspicuous cross-walls. Conidiua: thalospores, terminal, hyaline, unicellular,

main axis straight, 35-55 µm long with truncate base, 3-3.5 µm wide at the base

increasing to 5-7 µm wide at the distance of about 25-35 µm from the base, apex

ending in a fine point, making the conidium appear dart-shaped except for three

lateral appendages. Appendages: three, hair-like, equally spaced around the

circumference, arise at a level just beyond half way between the base and apex, 10-

24 µm long and 0.5-1 µm wide.

Habitat: Conidia on submerged wood, Rangavali river, 20 May 2008, AFN-31A,

Tapi River, 26 Nov. 2010, AFN-31B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

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Distribution:- Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Manoharachary and

Madhusudan Rao, 1983); Uttarakhand: Conidia in foam samples (Sati et al.,

2002b); Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Rajashekhar and Kaveriappa, 2003).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The measurements of conidia

and descriptions of the present fungus is completely agrees with that of

Jaculispora submersa as described by Hudson and Ingold (1960). Therefore, it is

assigned to that species. This makes a new addition to the fungi of Maharashtra.

Genus: Lateriramulosa Matsushima

Micro-fungi of the Solomon Islands and Papua-New Guinea (Osaka), pp. 34


The genus Lateriramulosa was proposed by Matsushima (1971b) on the

basis of L. uni-inflata isolated from rotten leaves of a broad-leaved tree in Rabaul,

the Soloman Islands. Three additional species, namely L. a-inflata, L. bi-inflata,

and L. minitriangularis (as L. minitriangularia) were also described by the same

author from similar substrata from japan (Matsushima, 1975). The species of the

genus are charecterised by having, the thalloconida consisting of four cells, the

central (first-formed) one is oval and from it three others arise, each of which

grows out as a long pointed arms/ branches. In L. quadriradiata Miura and Okano,

central cell is sometimes with four septate arms/ branches. The genus is

represented by five species (Miura and Okano, 1979).

Lateriramulosa uni-inflata Matsushima (Fig. 32; Plate fig. 55)

Microfungi of the Solomon Islands and Papua-New Guinea (Osaka): pp. 34


Colonies: on Malt Agar are small, of restricted growth (ca. 1 cm in diam. in

1 month), cream-whitish. Mycelium: hyaline, composed of septate, poorly

branched, 1-2 µm wide hyphae. Conidiophores: are lateral, short, up to 30 µm

long, 1-1.5 µm wide, slightly under in the middle part. Conidia: hyaline, detached

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by fission, 20-23 µm in diam. They appear as small triangles, which consist of one

main axis, 6.5-9 x 1.6-2 µm, and three branches measuring 7.5-10 x 3.5-4 µm; the

lower two branches are composed of a swollen basal part and a spike-like seta. The

upper arm has only one half of its base swollen. Marvanova (1973) stated that

‘With regard to our present ingnorance of true ecology it would be better to call

this fungus as “water-borne”. This fungus probably grows in close vicinity of water

biotopes, because their abundance in scum increases rapidly after a heavy rain.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples Yashwant Lake, 17 Aug. 2008, AFN-32A, Bilgaon

dam, 26 Sep. 2010, AFN-32B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil and Kapadnis, 1979);

Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Subramanian and Bhat, 1980), on submerged

leaves (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b), on submerged leaves, conidia in

foam and water samples (Chandrashekar et al., 1990), Conidia in stem flow and

through fall (Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009); Kerala: Conidia in foam samples

(Subramanian and Bhat, 1980), Tamil Nadu: Conidia in foam samples

(Subramanian and Bhat, 1980); Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in foam samples (Galiah

and Manoharachary, 1987).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The measurements of conidia

and descriptions of the present fungus is completely agrees with that of

Lateriramulosa uni-inflata as described by Matsushima (1971b), Marvanova

(1973) and Markovskaja (2007). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. This

makes a new addition to the fungi of Nandurbar district.

Genus: Lunulospora Ingold

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 25: 409 (1942).

The genus Lunulospora was erected by Ingold (1942) with Lunullospora

curvula Ingold as its type species. The species of the genus are charecterised by

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having, Mycelium: branched, septate, and hyaline. Conidiophores: simple or

branched. Conidia: aleurispores, unicellular, sigmoid or crescent-shaped, borne

terminally on the conidiophore on a small stalk cell attached not to an end of the

spore but at a point some way from either end. Spore liberated by the breakdown

of the stalk cell.

Lunulospora curvula Ingold (Fig. 33; Plate fig. 56)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 25: 409 (1942).

Mycelium: branched, septate, hyaline. Conidiophores: simple or sparingly

branched, 50-200 µm long, 2-2.5 µm broad. Conidia: aleurispores, produced

terminally on a short stalk cell 3-5 µm long, 1.5 µm broad. By repeated budding

from end of the conidiophore a number of spores may be produced in succession

(but not basipetally), each seated on a stalk cell. Aleuriospore unicellular, sigmoid

or crescent-shaped, 70-90 um long, 4-5 µm broad in its middle region, tapering to

1.5 µm at its ends, with a row of conspicuous vacuoles, attached at a point along its

convex surface to the stalk cell. Aleuriospore liberated by the breakdown of the

stalk cell. Liberated spore with an inconspicuous hilum where it was originally

attached to the stalk cell.

Habitat: On submerged leaf litter, Rangavali river, 20 Aug. 2006, AFN-33, Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Tamil Nadu: On submerged leaves (Ingold and Webster, 1973);

Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves (Mer and Khulbe, 1981), on submerged

needles of Pinus roxberghii (Sati et al., 1989), on submerged roots as endophyte

(Sati and Belwal, 2005), conidia in water samples (Arya and Sati, 2012);

Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar

and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b), conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and

Karamchand, 2009), on submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011); Kerala: On

submerged leaves and conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa,

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1985a); Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in foam samples (Manoharachary and Murthy,

1981), On submerged leaves (Manoharachary and Madhusudan, 1983), conidia in

foam samples (Manoharachary and Bhairavnath, 1985), On submerged leaves and

conidia in foam samples (Galiah and Manoharachary, 1987), conidia in water

samples (Sarma and Manoharachary, 1989); Madhya Pradesh: Conidia in foam

samples (Hasija and Shanware, 1986), on submerged leaves and twigs and conidia

in foam samples (Agarwal et al., 1992; Upadhyaya et al., 2012); Maharashtra: On

submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples (Patil, 1998b; Patil and Borse,


Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. It has been reported for

the first time from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Phalangispora Nawawi & Webster

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 79: 65 (1982).

The genus Phalangiospora was erected by Nawawi & Webster (1982a),

typified by P. constricta Nawawi & Webster. The genus is characterized by

having, Conidiomata: sporodochiam bearing a few dark setae. Conidiogenous

cells: bear one to several branched conidia. Conidia: multicellular, and deeply

constricted between the cells. The conidia grow by budding at the tips of the arms.

Although variable in shape, a typical spore has a curved main axis with two laterals

which arise on cell apart near the base of the main axis. The genus is represented

by two semi-aquatic species (Kuthubutheen, 1987).

Phalangispora bharathensis Keshav Prasad & Bhat (Fig. 34; Plate fig. 57)

Mycotaxon, 83: 405 (2002).

Colonies: effuse, olivaceous brown to dark brown. Mycelium: partly

superficial, partly immersed, composed of septate, branched, colourless to pale

brown hyphae, 2.5-3.5 µm wide. Conidiomata: sporodochial, solitary, pulvinae,

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slightly elevated, with 8-16 setae arising from the margin of the base. Setae:

subulate, acute at the apex, septate, thick-walled, dark-brown, smooth, protruding

beyond the level of conidiophores and conidial mass, 300-400 x 7-10 µm.

Conidiophores: mononematous, erect, short, arising in groups, septate, 1-2 times

branched, thin-walled, colourless, smooth, 15-30 µm long, 2-4.5 µm wide.

Conidiogenous cells: polyblastic, discrete, terminal, hyaline, smooth, with

denticulate scars at the rounded apex. Conidia: hyaline, smooth, aseptate, in 2-3-

branched chains of 75-85 µm long, 2.5-4 µm wide, connected by narrow isthmi,

uniseriate below, bi- to triseriate above, with branches arising from the third and

forth cells of the main axis, of two types: apical and basal cells conical to

obclavate, 7-9 x 2.5-3.5 µm; intermediate cells cylindrical with truncate ends, 8-10

x 2.5-4 µm; in mass initially whitish, latter becoming pale brown.

Habitat: Conidia in foam sample, Yashwant Lake, 6 Sept. 2009, AFN-34A,

Ranipur dam, 29 Aug. 2010, AFN-34B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Disribution:- Goa: On leaf litter (Keshav Prasad and Bhat, 2002).

Remark: The measurements of conidia and descriptions of the present fungus is

completely agrees with that of Phalangispora bharathensis as described by

Keshva Prasad and Bhat (2002). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. This

makes a new addition to the fungi of Maharashtra.

Phalangispora nawawii Kuthub. (Fig. 35; Plate fig. 58)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 89: 419 (1987).

Semi-aquatic fungus; Colonies: on corn meal agar effuse, fast growing,

hairy, sporulating readily to form setose sporodochia, greyish-green to olivaceous.

Mycelium: partly immersed, composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyphae, 4-7

µm wide, subhyaline to pale brown. Conidiomata: sporodochial, with somewhat

cylindrical stalk up to 80 µm tall and 30-40 µm wide (in culture stalk up to 160 µm

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tall, up to 60 µm wide), stalk consisting of dark, inflated, thick-walled cells, 2-3

µm diam. Setae: arising from sporodochial column 6-9 (in culture up to 26), long,

dark-brown, 6-8 septate, smooth, subulate, up to 200 µm long (in culture up to 300

µm long), up to 14 µm wide at the bulbous base, 5-6 µm in the mid-region and

tapering to a point at the apex. Conidiophores: macronematous, synnematous,

hyaline, non-septate, up to 45 µm long x 2-3 µm wide, branched, 2-4 branches,

branches up to 14 µm long, conidiophores arising in column up to 40 µm high up

to 15 µm of the synnematal colomn outside the sporodochial stalk. Conidiogenous

cells: polyblasic, integrated, terminal, at the end of short cylindrical branches of

conidiophores, after detachment of conidia small flattened protuberances visible,

marking points of attachments of conidia. Conidial chains: in yellowish-brown

mass becoming brownish-green, consists of 13-19 cells connected by narrow

isthmi, with main axis and 2-3 laterals (in culture mostly 1-2 laterals), 6-8 cells in

main axis, 2-6 (usually 4-5) cells in lateral branches, 65-90 µm (mostly 78-80 µm)

from base to apex, lateral branches 23-70 µm (mostly 45-60 µm), basal cells

conical and 8-9 x up to 2 µm, apical cells conical and 8-12 x up to 2 µm, cells

along conical chain cylindrical and 10-12 x 1.5- 2 µm, light brown.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples Rangavali river 21 Sep. 2008, AFN-35A, Ranipur

dam, 23 Aug. 2009, AFN-35B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa,

1992); Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves (Sati et al., 2003).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The measurements of conidia

and descriptions of the present fungus is completely agrees with that of

Phalangispora nawawii as described by Kuthubutheen (1987). It is being reported

for the first time from Maharashtra.

Genus: Speiropsis Tubaki

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J. Hattori bot. Lab., 20: 171 (1958).

The genus Speiropsis was erected by Tubaki (1958) to accommodate a

single species, S. pedatospora Tubaki. The genus is characterized by having,

Colonies: effuse, brown or blackish brown, hairy or velvety. Mycelium: partly

superficial, partly immersed. Conidiophores: macronematous, mononematous,

with short, pale branches at the apex; stipe straight or curved, mid to dark brown,

smooth septate. Conidiogenous cells: discrete or integrated, formed at the ends of

the branches, polyblastic, determinate, clavate, cylindrical or ellipsoidal, usually

with 2 or 3 terminal protuberances or denticles on which branched chains of

conidia are formed. Conidia: cylindrical or cuneiform, hyaline or brown, smooth,

0-septate; they remain attached to one another for a long time by narrow isthmi or

connections forming branched compound structures and secede only with


Speiropsis pedatospora Tubaki (Fig. 36; Plate fig. 59)

J. Hattori bot. Lab., 20: 171 (1958).

Mycelium: partly superficial, partly immersed. Hyphae: branches, septate,

granulae, 1.5-2.5 µm wide. Conidiophores: macronematous, mononematous, with

short, pale branches at the apex; stipe straight or curved, mid to dark brown,

smooth septate, 50-65 µm long, rarely up to 100 µm long. Conidiogenous cells:

discrete or integrated, formed at the ends of the branches, polyblastic, determinate,

clavate, cylindrical or ellipsoidal, usually with 2 or 3 terminal protuberances or

denticles on which branched chains of conidia are formed. Conidia: in 2-5

irregular branched chains, 80-90 um long, 4.5-6.5 µm wide; conidia, cylindrical or

cuneiform, hyaline or brown, smooth, 0-septate, 10-14 x 4-7 µm; they remain

attached to one another for a long time by narrow isthmi or connections forming

branched compound structures and secede only with difficulty. The genus is

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represented by nine terrestrial and aquatic species (Keshava Prasada and Bhat,


Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 17 Aug .2008, AFN-

36A; Tapi river, 6 Sept. 2009, AFN-36B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil and Kapadnis, 1979;

Patil, 1998b; Patil, 2009); Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1984), on submerged leaves (Sridhar and Kaveriapp, 1986a), on

submerged leaves, conidia in foam and water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa,

1989b; Chandrashekar et al., 1990; ), conidia in stem flow and through fall

(Sridhar and Karamchand, 2009); Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in foam samples

(Manoharachary, 1989).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Speiropsis pedatospora

Tubaki (1958). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being recorded for the

first time from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Tetracladium De Wildeman

Ann. Soc. Belge Microsc., 17: 39 (1893).

The genus Tetracladium was introduced by Wildeman de (1898) with T.

marchalianum as its type species. The genus is charectrized by having, Hyphae:

branched, septate and hyaline. Conidiophores: branched, hyaline, and septate.

Conidia: produced on the tip of conidiophores, may be solitary or as many as three

with finger like divergent arms. The genus is represented by 7 species (Letourneau

et al. 2010).

Tetracladium setigerum (Grove) Ingold (Fig. 37; Plate fig. 60)

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Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 25: 371 (1942).

= Tridentaria setigera Grove, J. Bot., 50: 16 (1912).

= Cerasteias raphidioides, var. incrassata Reinsch, Notarisia, 3: 512 (1888).

Mycelium: branched, septate. Conidiophores: sparingly branched. Conidia:

aleuriospores, consisting of four divergent arms 20-40 µm long, each tapering from

3 µm near the central region of the spore to 1 µm near its tip, and of three

elongated, parallel, finger-like processes, 12-15 µm long, 3-9 µm broad, two of

which are inserted just above the point of divergence of the four arms and the third

a short distance along one of the arms.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali river, 20 Sept. 2009, AFN-37A,

Yashwant Lake, 22Aug. 2010, AFN-37B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves (Mer and Khulbe, 1981), on

submerged roots as endophyte (Sati and Belwal, 2005), conidia in water samples

(Arya and Sati, 2012); Maharashtra: On submerged leaves (Thakur, 1977), conidia

in foam samples (Patil and Kapadnis, 1979); Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples

(Subramanian and Bhat, 1981); Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in foam samples

(Manoharachary, 1989).

Remarks: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. It is being reported for the

first time from Nandurbar district.

Genus: Triscelophorus Ingold

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 26: 148-152 (1943b).

The genus Triscelophorus was erected by Ingold (1943b), with

Triscelophorus monosporus Ingold as its type species. Species of the genus are

characterized by having, Mycelium: branched, septate. Conidia: aleurispores,

terminal, branched, consisting of: (1) an elongated main axis continuous with the

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conidiophore, and (2) elongated secondary branches forming a whorl of three

branches arising from the lower part of the main axis.

Triscelophorus acuminatus Nawawi (Fig. 38; Plate fig. 61)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 64: 346 (1975b).

Mycelium: on the natural substrate is immersed, hyaline, septate and

branched. Conidiophores: simple, erect, 1-3-septate, 35-85 µm long, 2-3 µm wide,

indistinguishable from the somatic hyphae. Conidia: tetraradiate, consisting of

main axis tapering gradually to about 0.5 µm at the apex, up to 8-septate, and not

constricted at the septa. Main axis is 44-66 µm long and 3.5-5 µm at the widest

point. The arms are connected to the basal cell by a very narrow, thread-like

isthmus. The arms broaden out after the attachment constriction and then taper

gradually to the apex. In mature conidia the arms tend to be slightly shorter (21-54

x 3-4.5 µm) than the main axis although some may surpass it.

Habitat: On submerged leaf litter,Rangavali river, 20 Aug. 2006, AFN-38A; conidia

in foam samples, Gomai river, 27 Sep. 2009, AFN-38B,

Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Uttarakhand: Conidia in foam samples (Mer and Sati, 1989), on

submerged needles of Pinus roxberghii Sarg. (Sati et al, 1992), conidia in water

samples (Arya and Sati, 2012); Karnataka: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam

and water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b), conidia in stem flow

and through fall (Sridhar snd Karamchan, 2009), on submerged wood (Sudheep

and Sridhar, 2011); Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and water

samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1985a); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples

(Borse and Patil, 2006; Shinde and Pawar, 2008); Gujarat: Conidia in foam samples

(Ahire et al., 2009); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves, twigs and conidia in

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foam samples (Agarwal et al., 1992), on submerged leaves and conidia in foan

samples (Upadhyaya et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Triscelophorus

acuminatus Nawawi as given by Nawawi (1975b). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. It is being recorded for the first time from Nandurbar district.

Triscelophorus monosporus Ingold (Fig. 39; Plate fig. 62)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 26: 148 (1943b).

Mycelium: branched, septate. Conidiophores: hyaline, simple, straight, 15-45

µm long, 1.5 µm broad, producing a single terminal conidium. Conidia:

aleurispores, hyaline, branched, aseptate (or with a single septum in the main just

above the point of origin og the lateral branches); main axis continuous with the

conidiophore, 50-70 µm long, 4-5 µm broad (at a distance of 3-5 µm away from

the base) tapering to 1.5 µm at the apex and to 1.5 µm broad at the truncate base;

secondary branches in a whorl of three, arising at a distance of 3-5 µm from the

base of the main axis, 40-50 µm long, 2-2.5 µm broad near the base tapering to 1.5

µm at the apex, base abruptly constricted to 1 µm wide.

Habitat: On submerged leaf litter,in foam samples,Yashwant Lake, 23 Aug. 2009,

AFN-39, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves (Mer and Khulbe, 1981), on

submerged needles of Pinus roxberghii (Sati et al., 1989), conidia in foam samples

(Sati and Tiwari, 1989), conidia in water samples (Arya and Sati, 2012);

Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil and Kapadnis, 1979; Patil, 1998a), on

submerged leaves (Patil, 1998b); Karnataka: On submerged leaves, conidia in

foam and water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b), conidia in stem

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flow and through fall (Sridhar snd Karamchan, 2009), on submerged wood

(Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011); Kerala: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and

water samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1985a); Tamil Nadu: Conidia in water

samples (Ingold and Webster, 1973); Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves and

conidia in foam samples (Manoharachary and Murthy, 1981; Galiah and

Manoharachary, 1987), conidia in foam samples (Manoharachary and Bhairavnath,

1985), conidia in water samples (Sarma and Manoharachary, 1989); Madhya

Pradesh: On submerged leaves, twigs and conidia in foam samples (as T.

monosporus var. uniseptata, Agarwal et al., 1992; Upadhyaya et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. It is being reported for the

first time by Borse and Patil (2007) from the North Maharashtra region. It is being

recorded for the first time from the study area.

Genus: Wiesneriomyces Koorders

Ver. Akad. Wet. Amst., 13: 246 (1907).

The genus Wiesneriomyces was erected by Koorders (1907), with W.

javanicus as the type species. Kirk (1984) examined the holotype of Volutellaria

laurina Tassi and showed that this provided an earlier name for Wiesneriomyces

javanicus and hence proposed the new combination Wiesneriomyces laurinus

(Tassi) P.M. Kirk. Volutellaria, Chaetopeltis laurina (Tassi) Sacc., Tassia laurina

(Tassi) H. & P. Sydow and Wiesneriomyces javanicus Koorders were all reduced

by Kirk (1984) to synonym with Wiesneriomyces laurinus. The genus is

characterized by having, Sporodochia: pulvinae. Setae: sharp projecting.

Conidiophores: closely adpressed branched, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells:

polyblastic. Conidia: filiform and aggregated in slimy golden yellow masses. The

genus is represented by two species (Kuthubudeen and Nawawi, 1988a).

Wiesneriomyces laurinus (Tassi) P. M. Kirk (Fig. 40; Plate fig. 63)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 82: 748-749 (1984).

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= Wiesneriomyces javanicus Koorders,

Colonies: effuse. Sprodochia: colony consisting of scattered pulvinate

sporodochia, dark brown, having stroma at the base from which hyaline to sub-

hyaline conidiophores arise. Stroma: erumpent or superficial, brown, present at the

base of sporodochia. Mycelium: immersed. Setae: simple, long, inwardly curved,

subulate, swollen at the base, acutely pointed at the apex, septate, dark brown,

smooth, 500 µm long, 9 µm thick at the base. Conidiophores: macronematous,

close to one another and form sporodochia, narrow, branched at the apex, smooth,

hyaline, straight or flexuous, 40 µm long, 3 µm wide. Conidiogenous cells:

develop at the end of the branches of conidiophores, usually three in number,

polyblasic, discrete, determinate, clavate or cylindrical, denticulate bearing chains

of conidia. Conidia: formed in acropetal chains but becoming aggregated in slimy

golden yellow masses, single conidium hyaline, smooth, unicellular, the conidium

at each end of a chain tapered, intermediate ones more or less cylindrical. The

conidia remain attached to one another for a long time by narrow isthmi or

connectives and succed with difficulty. 12-15 conidia in each chain measuring 60-

80 µm long, each conidium is 10-12 µm long, 3-4 µm wide.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 24 Aug. 2008, AFN-40A; Tapi

river, 20 Sept. 2009, AFN-40B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: On submerged leaves (as W. javanicus Koord., Talde,

1983), on bark in terrestrial habitat (Rao and Hoog, 1985); Andhra Pradesh: On

submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples (Galiah and Manoharachary, 1987);

Karnataka: On submerged leaves, conidia in foam and water samples (Sridher and

Kaveriappa, 1984, 1989b), on submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011);

Gujarat: Conidia in foam samples (Ahire et al., 2009); Madhya Pradesh: On

submerged leaves, twigs and conidia in foam samples (Agarwal et al., 1992), on

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submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples (as Wiesneriomyces indica,

Upadhyaya et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidial chain and individual cell are completely agree with that of

Wiesneriomyces laurinus as provided by Kirk (1984). Therefore, it is assigned to

that species. It is being recorded for the first time from Nadurbar district of

Maharashtra state.

III) Terrestial aquatic Hyphomycetes

Genus: Tetraploa Berkeley & Broome

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 5: 459 (1850).

The genus Tetraploa was established by Berk. & Br. in 1850 with Tetraploa

aristata Berk. & Br. as the type species. The genus is characterized by having,

Colonies: effuse, brown or dark grayish brown. Mycelium: superficial.

Conidiophores: micreonematous, branched and anastomosing to form a network,

flexuous, hyaline to pale yellowish brown, often verruculose. Conidiogenous cells:

monoblastic or occasionally polyblastic, integrated, intercalary, determinate,

cylindrical. Conidia: solitary, dry, pleurogenous, appendaged, brown, verruculose

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or verrucose, muriform; in mature conidia there are shallow furrows between 4 (or

rarely 3) columns of cells which deveop independently, tend to diverge from one

another apically and terminate each in a septate setiform appendage.

Tetraploa aristata Berk. & Br. (Fig. 41; Plate fig. 64)

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 5: 459 (1850).

Conidiophores and Hyphae: 1.3-3 µm thick. Conidia: mostly with 4 cells to

each column, 25-39 (32) x 14-29 (21) µm, with septate appendages 12-80 µm long,

4.5-8 µm thick at the base, 2-3.5 µm at the apex. Sometimes a second type of

conidium is formed with 2 cells to each column, 8-18 x 7-12 µm, with appendages

80-330 µm long, 3-6 µm thick at the base and 1-2 µm at the apex.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali River, 24 Aug. 2008, AFN-41A;

Amlibari dam, 20 Sept. 2009; 1 Aug. 2010, AFN-41B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Andhra Pradesh: Conidia in foam samples (Manoharachary and

Murthy, 1981); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil, 2003a), on

submerged leaf litter (as T. aristata var. satarensis, Shinde and Pawar, 2009);

Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in foan samples (Sridhar and

Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b); Madhya Pradesh: Conidia in foan samples (Upadhyaya

et al., 2012); Tamil nadu: On wood blocks submerged in a cooling tower water

system (Udaiyan and Manian, 1991b).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Tetraploa aristata Berk.

& Br. as provided by Ellis (1971, 1976). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It

is being recorded for the first time from Nadurbar district of Maharashtra state.

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IV) Submerged aquatic Hyphomycetes:

Genus: Beltrania O. Penzing

Nuovo G. Bot. Ital., 14: 72 (1882).

The genus Beltrania was introduced by Penzing in 1882 with Beltrania

rhombica Penzing as the type species. Species of the genus are characterized by

having, Colonies: effuse, velutinous, brown to black. Mycelium: all immersed or

partly superficial. Stroma: usually present, often confined to epidermis. Setae:

simple, dark, smooth or verruculose, thick-walled, arising from flat, radially lobed

basal cells. Conidiophores: macronematous, mononematous, usually simple,

straight or flexuous, pale olive to brown, smooth, septate, arising from basal cells

of setae or from separate radially lobed cells. Conidiogenous cells: integrated,

terminal, polyblastic, sympodial, clavate or cylindrical, denticulate (denticles

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cylindrical); separating cells when present swollen. Conidia: solitary,

acroplurogenous, boconic, appendiculate, the free end being usually spicate or

apiculate, 0-septate, smooth, pale olive to dark reddish brown with a distinct

hyaline transverse band immediately above the widest part of the conidium.

Beltrania rhombica O. Penz. (Fig. 42; Plate fig. 65)

Nuovo G. Bot. Ital., 14: 72-75 (1882).

Colonies: composed of sterile setate intermixed with conidiophores. Setae:

rigid, dark brown, attenuate at the apex, 1-3 septate, smooth, 150-160 um long, 4-6

um wide. Conidiophores: erect, sinuous, 0-2 septate, pale brown, narrower at the

base, somewhat broadened at the apex, distinctly denticulate at the apex, 30-75 µm

long, 6-7 µm wide. Conidia: solitary, or forming clusters at the fertile tip of the

conidiophore, borne directly on denticles on the conidiophore tip or on separating

cell on denticles; separating cell hyaline, 1-celled, mostly oval, measuring 9-12 x

4-5 um; conidia biconic, pale brown, with one (pseudo-) septum, smooth, 25-26 x

8-10 um, with a hyaline, slender, pointed apical rostrum measuring 6-7 x 0.8-1 um.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali River, 17 Aug. 2008, AFN-42A;

Tapi River, 21 Sept. 2008, 23 Aug. 2009, AFN-42B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged leaves and conidia in water samples

(Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1982, 1989b); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves

and twigs (Agarwal et al., 1991, 1992), conidia in foam samples (Upadhyaya et al.,

2012); Maharashtra: On submerged leaves (Patil, 2000), conidia in foam samples

(Borse and Patil, 2007); Uttarakhand: Conidia in water samples (Arya and Sati,


Remark: The present fungus is common in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Beltrania rhombica O.

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Penz. as provided by Subramanian (1971). Therefore, it is assigned to that species.

It is being recorded for the first time from Nadurbar district of Maharashtra state.

Genus: Camposporidium Nawawi & Kuthubutheen

Mycotaxon, 32: 161 (1988).

The genus Camposporidium was established by Nawawi and Kuthubutheen

(1988) with Camposporidium cristatum Nawawi & Kuthubutheen as the type

species. The genus is characterized by having, Colonies: effuse, sparse, and brown.

Mycelium: partly superficial, partly immersed in the substratum. Conidiophores:

macronematous, mononematous, solitary, erect, simple, straight to flexuous,

cylindrical, septate, brown to dark brown, basally inflated. Conidiogenous cells:

holoblastic, monoblastic incorporated in the conidiophores, terminal, cylindrical,

proliferation percurrent. Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, dry, seceding

schizolytically, cylindrical, multiseptate, slightly tapered at the rounded apex,

truncate at the base, coloured, apical cell bearing several long hyaline, thin


Camposporidium cristatum Nawawi & Kuthub. (Fig. 43; Plate fig. 66)

Mycotaxon, 32: 163 (1988b).

Colonies: effuse, sparse, brown, inconspicuous. Mycelium: mostly

superficial but partly immersed in the substratum, composed of branched, septate,

pale brown to brown, smooth, 1.5-2.5 µm wide hyphae. Conidiophores:

macronematous, mononematous, erect, solitary, straight to slightly flexuous,

smooth, septate, brown to dark brown, paler toward the apex, initially 30-45 µm

high, finally up to 245 µm or more long, 4-5 µm wide, often swollen at the base to

18 µm wide, with up to 25 or more distinct, percurrent proliferation along its

length. Conidiogenous cells: holoblastic, monoblastic, integrated, terminal,

cylindrical, proliferation percurrent. Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, dry, seceding

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schizolytically, cylindrical, slightly tapered at the rounded apex, truncate at the

base, 9-12-distoseptate, verruculose, olivaceous to olivacepos brown, 75-94 µm

long, 9-10 µm at the widest part, 6-7 µm wide at the base, apical cell bearing 4-7

divergent, non-septate, hyaline to subhyaline appendages measuring up to 60 µm

long x 1.5 µm wide.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 22 Aug. 2010, AFN-43; Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil et al., 2012)

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Camposporidium

cristatum as provided by Nawawi & Kuthubudeen (1988b). Therefore, it is

assigned to that species. It is being recorded for the first time from Nadurbar

district of Maharashtra state.

Genus: Camposporium Harkness

Bull. California Acad. Sci., 1: 37 (1951).

The genus Camposporium was introduced by Harkness in 1951, with C.

antennatum Harkness as its type species. The genus is charecterised by having,

Colonies: effuse, grey, brown or olivaceous brown, sometimes glistering.

Mycelium: immersed or partly superficial. Stroma: none. Setae and hyphopodia:

absent. Conidiphores: macronematous, mononematous, straight or flexuous, often

irregularly bent, unbranched, smooth, brown or dark brown, paler towards the

apex. Conidiogenous cells: integrated, terminal, polyblastic, sympodial, cylindrical

or subulate, denticulate; each denticle a narrow, cylindrical pedicel or separating

cell. Conidia: solitary, dry, acropleurogenous, simple or appendiculate,

multiseptate, pale brown, often unequally coloured, the end cell being colourless or

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subhyaline, generally cylindrical, roubded at both ends or rounded at the apex,

conico-truncate at the base, but sometimes tapered towards the apex, rostrate.

Camposporium antennatum Harkness (Fig. 44; Plate fig. 67)

Bull. California Acad. Sci., 1: 37-38 (1951).

Colonies: effuse, olivaceous brown, hairy, sometimes glistering. Mycelium:

partly immersed and partly superficial. Stroma: none. Setae and hyphopodia:

absent. Conidiphores: macronematous, mononematous, straight or flexuous, often

irregularly bent, unbranched, smooth, brown or dark brown, paler towards the

apex, up to 150 µm long, 5-8 µm wide. Conidiogenous cells: integrated, terminal,

polyblastic, sympodial, cylindrical, denticulate; each denticle a narrow, cylindrical

pedicel or separating cell. Conidia: solitary, acropleurogenous, smooth, 4-15 -

septate, pale brown, end cells paler, 45-75 x 7-9 µm, cylindrical, obconically

truncate at the base, apex rounded or slightly attenuate and bears 1-3 divergent,

non-septate, hyaline, up to 40 µm long appendages.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 24 Aug. 2008, AFN-44; Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Rajashekhar and Kaveriappa,

2003); Madhya Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Upadhyaya et al., 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Camposporium

antennatum Karkness as given by Hyde et al. (1998). Therefore, it is assigned to

that species. It has been reported for the first time from Maharashtra state.

Camposporium pellucidum (Grove) S. Hughes (Fig. 45; Plate fig. 68)

Mycol. Pap., 36: 9 (1951).

= Bactrodesmium caulincola var. pellucidum Grove, J. Bot., (Lond.), 24: 200


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This is a common terrestrial fungus growing on wood, bark and dead

herbaceous stems. Occasional conidia are to be seen in stream foam and these may

have a terrestrial origin. Conidia: cylindrical, or more usually cylindric-fusoid,

brown, 78-140 µm long, 7.5-12 µm wide, up to 16-septate, base truncate 3-4 µm

wide, apex rounded or subulately elongated in to a long filiform septate appendage

of 30-200 µm long and ca. 2-3 µm wide., often slightly curved.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 24 Aug. 2008, AFN-45; Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples

(Galiah and manoharachary, 1987); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil,

1998a), on submerged leaves (Patil, 2003b); Karnataka: On submerged leaves from

the sulphur spring (Chandrashekar et al., 1991); Uttarakhand: On submerged

leaves and conidia in foam samples (Sati and Arya, 2009), conidia in water

samples (Arya and Sati, 2012).

Remark: The present fungus is common in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agreed with that of Camposporium

pellucidum (Groove) Hughes provided by Matsushima (1971). Therefore, it is

assigned to that species. It has been reported for the first time from North

Maharashtra by Borse and Patil (2006). It is being recorded for the first time from

Nadurbar district.

Genus: Canalisporium Nawawi & Kuthubudeen

Mycotaxon, 34: 477 (1989a).

The genus Canalisporium was established by Nawawi and Kuthubudeen

(1989a) to accommodate Berkleasmium caribense (Hol.-Jech. & Mercado)

Nawawi & Kuthubudeen. The genus is charecterised by having, Sporodochia: on

natural substrates scattered, punctiform, pulvinate, granular, black, and glistering.

Mycelium: immersed in the substrata, composed of branched, septate, smooth-

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walled, pale to brown hyphae. Stroma: none or rudimentary. Conidiophores:

macronematous to semi-macronematous, mononematous, loosly fasciculate, simple

to sparsely branched, subhyaline or lightly pigmented, smooth-walled, septate,

becoming vesiculate and distintegrating as conidia mature. Conidiogenous cells:

integrated, terminal, determinate, giving rise to single crop of conidia that matures

synchronously. Conidial secession: schizolytic. Conidia: acrogenous, holoblastic,

developing in a gelationous sheath, solitary, pale or pigmented, smooth-walled,

muriform, with ordered arrangement of vertical and transverse septa, one-cell layer

thick and flattened dorsiventrally, usually with a single basal cell, but one species

with three small cells at the base. Cell lumen connected by septal canal that are

normally barrel shaped and pigmented. The genus is represented by twelve species

(Goh and Hyde, 2000; Zhao et al., 2012).

Canalisporium caribense (Hol.-Jech. & Mercado) Nawawi & Kuthubudeen

Mycotaxon, 34: 477 (1989a). (Fig. 46; Plate fig. 69)

Sporodochia: scattered, punctiform, pulvinate, granular, black, shining, up to

200 diam. Mycelium: mostly immersed in the substratum, composed of irregularly

branched, septate, smooth, subhyline to pale brown to brown hyphae 1.5-2.5 µm

wide. Stromata: none or rudimentary consisting of irregularly branched, short,

interwined hyphae. Conidiophores: semi-macronematous to macronematous,

mononematous, fasciculate, erect to ascending, unbranched to sparsely branched,

hyaline to subhyaline, smooth up to 20 µm long x 2-3.5 µm wide. Conidiogenous

cells: integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, or swollen. Conidial secession:

schizolytic. Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, flattened, one-cell thick, smooth, thick-

walled, broadly ellipsoidal to obovoid in surface view, fusiform to obclavate in

lateral view, muriform, with a single, slightly curved longitudinal septum and 3-6

straight transverse septa, slightly constricted at the septa, evenly brown to reddish

dark brown, 28-41 µm long x 21-28 µm wide x 10-14 µm thick. Basal cell is

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subhyaline to pale brown, cuneiform, with thin-wall, 5-5.5 µm long, 3-3.5 µm

wide. Septa are becoming progressively darker with conidial maturity. The left and

right cell lumen are connected by narrow canals, each surrounded by a marked ring

of pigmentation, visible in surface view as a circular disc 2-2.5 µm diam, barrel-

shaped in side view. Canals are also present in the transverse septa, but only on one

side of the conidium adjacent to the curved side of the longitudinal septum.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Yashwant Lake, 20 Sept. 2009, AFN-46, Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged wood (Sridhar et al., 2010).

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agreeing with that of Canalisporium

carribense (Hol.-Jech& Mercado) Nawawi & Kuthubudeen as given by Nawawi &

Kuthubudeen (1989a). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being reported

for the first time from Maharashtra.

Genus: Cancellidium Tubaki

Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 16: 357-360 (1975).

The genus Cancellidium is typified by C. applanatum Tubaki, which was

collected from wood blocks of Ochroma (Cav. Ex Lam.) Urb. in Kobe, Japan. The

genus is characterized by muriform, strongly flattened, dark brown, shiny, obovate

to obcordate conidia formed singly on septate, short conidiophores (Tubaki, 1975).

The genus currently includes two species (Yeung et al., 2006).

Cancellidium applanatum Tubaki (Fig. 47; Plate fig. 70)

Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 16: 357-360 (1975).

Colonies: on natural substrate effuse, black, shiny. Mycelium: immersed and

superficial, composed of septate, subhyaline to hyaline, smooth-walled hyphae,

1.5-3 µm wide, irregularly swollen or tubular, thin or thick-walled. Conidiophores:

Micronematous, short. Conidiogenous cells: terminal, integrated, determinate,

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cylindrical, subhyaline. Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, dictyosporus, strongly

flattened, fan-shaped, brown to black, shiny, composed of 20-30 parallel adhearnt

rows of septate branches radiating from the attachment point, 120-180 µm long,

85-132 µm wide and 20-35 µm thick.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Tapi river, 2 1Sept. 2008, AFN-47A, Ranipur

dam, 22 Aug. 2010, AFN-47B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Andhra Pradesh: On decaying wood (Rao et al., 2004).

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agree with that of Cancellidium applanatum

Tubaki as given by Zhao et al. (2012). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It

has been reported for the first time from Maharshtra.

Genus: Dicranidion Harkness emend. Peek & Solheim

Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1: 163 (1885).

Peek and Solheim, Mycologia, 50: 857 (1958).

= Pedilospora Hohn., Mittheilung. Sitzber. Akad. Wien 1, 111: 1017 (1902).

The genus Dicranidion was established in 1885 by Harkness based on

Dicranidion fragile Hark. from decaying Nerium oleander in Oakland, California,

USA. The genus is characterized by having, Mycelium: superficial or innate, sparse

to abundant, composed of branched, hyaline or light coloured hyphae, effuse or

aggregated into Sporodochia / Acervuli like units. Conidiophores: single or

clustered, erect or ascending, short or long, smooth or denticulate in upper portion,

hyaline or light-coloured, septate, monopodial or sympodial or both. Conidia:

borne terminally or by sympodial development of the conidiophore, becoming

latarally displaced, several- to many-celled, mostly 2-3 lobed, in some species

multi-lobed, lobes parallel, arising from a common biconic or elongated basal cell,

basal cell and lobes septate or non-septate, hyaline or light-coloured, scattered; in

some species like a tuning-fork shape.

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Dicranidion gracile Matsushima (Fig. 48; Plate fig. 71)

Microfungi of the Solomon Islands and Papue-New Guinea, p. 24 (1971b).

Colonies: on Corn Meal agar slow-growing, thin, ivory colour. Mycelium:

composed of branched, septate, frequently anastomosing, hyaline, 1-2.5 um wide

hyphae. Conidiophores: weakly developed, that arise from the hyphae, simple,

smooth, apex sympodial, 1-5 conical denticles, 5-23 um long, 2-3 um wide at the

base. Conidia: bilobed forked, hyaline, basal part (0 -) 1 (-2)-septate, obovate, 8-14

(16) um long, at the base of 0.8-1 um wide, apex in the place of lobes 4-5 (-6) um

wide; lobes (14 -) 16-25 (-33) um long, near the base (3 -) 3.5-4 um wide, slightly

reduced toward the apex, apex rounded, (2 -) 3 (-4)-septate, lobes diverging at an

angle of 300 -450, lobes sometimes parallel.

Habitat: Habitat: On submerged wood. Tapi River, 23 Nov., 2009, AFN-48,

Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: Conidia in stem flow and through fall (Sridhar and

Karamchand, 2009).

Remark: The measurements and descriptions of conidium completely agree with

that of Dicranidion gracilis Matsushima (1971b). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. It is being reported for the first time from Maharashtra state.

Genus: Dictyosporium Corda, 1836

Beitr. Zur Gesammten Natur-Heilwiss., Prag, 1: 87 (1836).

The genus Dictyosporium was introduced by Corda (1936). Dictyosporium

species have been recorded world wide as saprobes on dead wood, decaying leaves

and palms in terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats (Goh et al., 1999; Photita et

al., 2001). The genus is characerised by having, Sporodochia: compact, with

mostly immersed mycelium. Conidiophores: micronematous or absent. Conidia:

holoblastic, soliatary, dematiaceous, cheiroid with multiple columns of cells,

closely branched from the base, without the arms separating, in most species

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flattened in one plane, and then seceding rhexolytically. The genus is represented

30 accepted species and they are distinguished by morphological characters such as

the number of conidial arms, the shape, colour and size of the conidia and the

presence/ absence of appendages (Goh et al., 1999; Photita et al., 2002; Cai et al.,

2003a, b; Cai and Hyde, 2007; Wongsawas et al., 2009; Hu et al., 2010). Tsui et

al. (2006) studied molecular phylogeny of Dictyosporium and allied genera

inferred from ribosomal DNA.

Dictyosporium cocophilum Bat. (Fig. 49; Plate fig. 72)

Boletim Da Secretaria de Agriculture Industria e Comercio, 18: 5 (1951).

Colonies: on natural substratum in the form of sporodochia. Conidia: 53-75

x 19-22 µm, median brown to dark brown, cylindrical, not complanate, consisting

mostly of 7 rows of cells arranged in a compact cylinder. Conidial appendages are


Habitat: On submerged wood, Rangavali River, 18 Nov. 2008, AFN-49A, Gomai

River, 14 May 2010, AFN-49B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: On submerged wood (Patil and Borse, 2012c).

Remark: The measurements and descriptions of conidium completely agree with

that of Dictyosporium cocophilum Bat. as given by Goh et al. (1999). Therefore, it

is assigned to that species. It is being reported for the first time from Nadurbar


Dictyosporium digitatum J.L. Chen, C.H. Hwang & Tzean

Mycol. Res., 95: 1146 (1991). (Fig. 50; Plate fig. 73)

Colonies: on natural substratum consisting of effuse, septae, branched

grayish blue to dark blue mycelium and abundant sporodochia. Sporodochia:

scattered or confluent, superficial or immersed in crevices, globose, subglobose,

ellipsoidal, fusiform or irregularly shaped. Conidiophores: micronematous, simple

or branched, smooth, hyaline or brown, often constricted at the septa.

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Conidiogenous cells: integrated, subglobose, doliiform, cuneiform, thin-walled,

smooth, hyaline or brown, 4.2-10 µm long, 3.3-7.5 µm wide. Conidia: solitary,

dry, holoblastic, chieroid, grayish orange to reddish golden or reddish brown, arm

with (4)7-13(14) septa, septa usually consricted, cells 3-8.8 µm wide, terminal cell

distinctly thin-walled, hyaline, digitate, straight or flexuous, incurved or even

curved, total number of conidial cells (54) 57-88 (94).

Habitat: On submerged wood, Yashwant Lake, 23 Nov. 2009, AFN-50A,Vaki

river, 27 Nov. 2010, AFN-50B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011)

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia completely agree with that of Dictysporium digitatum Chen

et al., (1991). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It makes a new addition to

the fungi of Maharashtra.

Genus: Diplocladiella Arnaud

Bull. Soc. Mycol. France, 69: 265-306 (1954).

The genus Diplocdiella was erected by Arnaud (1954) with D. scalaroides

as type species but without a Latin description. Valid and complete description of

the genus and the species were provided by Ellis (1976). The type species appears

to be common occurring on a variety of leaf-litter and has been reported from

many parts of the world. Although it has been recorded mainly from terrestrial

habitats its characteristics conidia are of frequent occurrence in foam samples.

These conidia may have had a terrestrial origin and may well be washed into a

stream in spate from leaf-litter flooded by the risen water. Ingold (1975) remarked

that “it is likely that the fungus is at least capable of aquatic existence” The genus

is charecrized by having, Colonies: effuse, brown, and shortly hairy. Mycelium:

mostly immersed in the substratum, composed of branched, septate, pale brown,

smooth hyphae. Stroma: none. Setae and Hyphopodia: absent. Conidiophores:

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macronematous, mononematous, simple, geniculate, pale to mid brown, smooth.

Conidiogenous cells: polyblastic, integrated, sympodial, geniculate, cicatrized.

Conidia: triangular, 2-horned, pale to mid brown, smooth, horns mostly 2 septate

with the small paler terminal cell. The genus is represented by seven species

(Kirschner and Chen, 2004).

Diplocladiella longibrachiata Nawawi & Kuthub. (Fig. 51; Plate fig. 74)

In: Santos-Flores & Betancourt-Lopez (1997) Aquatic and water-borne

hyphomycetes (Deuteromycotina) in streams of Puerto Rico: Carribean J. Sci., Sp.

Pub. No. 2, pp. 1-116.

Mycelium: septate, branched. Conidiophores: hyaline, usually simple, 40-60

x 2-3.5 µm, producing conidia singly. Conidia: y- or V- shaped, light brown, 8-

celled, consisting of a 2-celled 30 37 µm long main axis and two divergent 25-38 x

10-12 µm, bilaterally symmetrical appendages each with 2- oblique septa with two

terminal 34-40 x 1.5-2 µm, hyaline non-septate projections. The basal cell of the

axis is 8-9.5 x 3-4 µm.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Tapi River, 20 Sept. 2009, AFN-51A, Ranipur

dam, 16 May 2010, AFN-51B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Uttarakhand: On submerged leaves and conidia in foam samples

(Belwal and Sati, 2007), conidia in water samples (Arya and Sati, 2012);

Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples (Patil et al., 2012c).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurance. The measurements and

descriptions of conidia are completely agreeing with that of Diplocladiella

longibrachiata Nawawi & Kuthub. as given by Belwal and Sati (2007). Therefore,

it is assigned to that species. It is being recorded for the first time from Nadurbar


Diplocladiella scalaroides Arnaud apud M.B. Ellis (Fig. 52; Plate fig. 75)

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Bull.trimest. Soc. Mycol. France, 69: 295 (1954).

Conidiophores: 25-45 µm long, 3-4 µm thick. Conidia: Y- or V-shaped,

light-brown, 8-celled; consting of a 2-celled, 30-40 µm long main axis and 2

divergent, 25-54 x 10-15 µm, bilaterally symmetrical appendages, each with 2

oblique septa and with 2 terminal, 35-90 x 1.5-2-5 µm, hyaline, non-septate

projections.The basal cell of the axis is 7-11 x 3-4.5 µm and lighter in colour.

Habitat: Conidia in foam samples, Rangavali River, 17 Aug. 2008, AFN-52A;

Toranmal Lower region, 14 Sept. 2008, 27 Sep. 2009, AFN-52B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Andhra Pradesh: On submerged leaves (Manoharachary and

Madhusudan Rao, 1983), conidia in foam samples (Manoharachary and Murthy,

1981; Galiah and Manoharachary, 1987); Maharashtra: Conidia in foam samples

(Borse and Patil, 2007), on submerged leaves (Ghanawat and Reddy, 2011);

Karnataka: Conidia in foam samples (Sridhar and Kaveriappa, 1989b).

Remark: The present fungus is very common in occurrence. The measurements

and descriptions of conidia are completely agreed with that of Diplocladiella

scalaroides Arnaud as given by Ellis (1976). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. It has been reported for the first time from Maharashtra state by Borse and

Patil (2007). It is being reported for the first time from Nadurbar district.

Genus: Ellisembia Subramanian

Proc. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad., 4: 183 (1992).

The genus Ellisembia was proposed by Subramanian (1992), woth

Ellisembia Coronata (Fuckel) Subramanian, as its type species. The genus is

characterized by having, Conidiophores: simple, mononematous, brown, septate,

proliferation none or percurrent and irregular. Conidia: gangaliar, solitary,

acrogenous, pseudoseptate, dry.

Ellisembia adscendens (Berk.) Subramanian (Fig. 53; Plate fig. 76)

Proc. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad., 4: 183 (1992).

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= Sporidesmium adscendens Berk., Anna. of Natural History, 4: 291 (1840).

= Clasterosporium adscendens (Berk.) Sacc., Sylloge Fungo., 4: 394 (1886).

Colonies: hairy, black. Mycelium: partly immersed and partly superficial,

comprising branched, anastomosing, pale brown, smooth, 2-4 µm wide hyphae.

Conidiophores: medium to dark reddish brown, solitary or rarely in groups of 2-3,

sometimes arising from superficial hyphae, 20-45 x 5-8 µm. Conidia: flexuous,

cylindric-obclavate, elongate, pseudoseptate, broadly rounded at the apex,

obconically truncate at the base, medium to dark reddish brown, smooth, 150-500

x 14-17(-20) µm.

Habitat: Conidia on submerged wood, Tapi River, 22 Feb., 2009, AFN-53, Leg.,

S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Kearla: On dead wood (Rao and Mani Verghese, 1979);

Maharashtra: On dead wood (Rao and Mani Verghese, 1980); Andhra Pradesh: On

dead wood (Rao Venugopal and Manoharachary, 1985); Madhya Pradesh: On dead

stem (Sharma et al., 1989).

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence. The measurements of

conidia and descriptions of the present fungus is completely agrees with that of

Ellisembia adscendens (Berk.) Subramanian as provided by Goh and Hyde

(1999b). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. The present fungus is being

recorded for the first time from aquatic habitats of India.

Ellisembia repentioriunda Goh & K.D. Hyde (Fig. 54; Plate fig. 77)

Fungal Diversity, 3: 75 (1999b).

Colonies: on natural substrate velvety, olivaceous brown. Mycelium: mostly

superficial, comprising pale to medium brown, 2-3(-3.5) µm wide, smooth or

verruculose, septate, extensively ramifying hyphae. Conidiophores: brown on

superficial smooth hyphae, with a knot of hyphae, 7-9 µm wide at the base, solitary

or aggregated in groups of 2 to 3, straight flexuous, cylindrical, pale to medium

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brown, 15-35 x 3.5-4.5 µm, uniform in width and colour, unbranched, smooth, 0-2-

septate, not cicatrized, sometimes with one precurrent proliferation. Conidia:

obclavate, slightly rostrate, straight or slightly asymmetricla, pale grayish brown,

30-45 x 7-9 µm, mostly with 6- pseudosepta, rarly 7-pseudoseptate, not constricted

at the septa, apical cell usually hyaline, rounded at the tip, usually provided with a

hyaline, subglobose (ca. 10-15 µm diam.) mucilaginous sheath, obconically

truncate at the base and usually with a slightly darkened hilum.

Habitat: Conidia on submerged wood, Rangavali river, 20 May 2008, AFN-54A,

Tapi River, 26 Nov. 2010, AFN-54B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence .The measurements of

conidia and descriptions of the present fungus are completely agrees with that of

Ellisembia repentioriunda Goh and Hyde (1999b). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. This makes a new addition to the fungi of India.

Genus: Monodictys S.J. Hughes

Can. J. Bot., 36: 785 (1958).

The genus Monodictys was introduced by Hughes (1958) with Monodictys

putredinis (Wallr.) Hughes as the type species. The species of the genus are

charecterised by having, Hyphae: septate, branched, subhyaline or dark brown,

immersed, partly immersed or superficial. Conidiophores: micronematous or

semimicronematous, mononematous, subcylindrical, cells occasionally swollen,

septate, simple or irregularly branched, straight or curved, smooth, hyaline to

brown, single or sometimes forming pustules. Conidiogenous cells: monoblastic,

integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, doliform or subglobose. Conidia:

solitary, dry, acrogenous, oblong with rounded ends, subpyriform, clavate,

ellipsoidal, subglobose or irregular, occasionally spirally twisted, muriform,

sometimes constricted at the septa, smooth or verrucose, brown to black,

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acrogenous, solitary; basal cell sometimes inflated and lighter coloured than the


Monodictys trichocladiopsis Goh & K.D. Hyde (Fig. 55; Plate fig. 78)

Fungal Diversity, 3: 57-85 (1999b).

Colonies: on natural substratum effuse, black, glistering. Mycelium: partly

superficial and partly immersed, comprising subhyaline to pale yellowish brown,

1.5-2 µm wide, smooth or verrucose, septate, branched hyphae. Conidiophores:

micronematous. Conidial sucession: rhexolytic. Conidia: borne on undifferentiated

hyphae, solitary, scattered or in loose clumps, ellipsoidal or pyriform, smooth-

walled, 30-40 x 20-25 µm, black, dictyoseptate, septa often obscured by the dark

pigmentation; basal cell subglobose, yellowish brown, 4-5 µm diam.

Habitat: On sumerged wood, Yashwant Lake, 28 May 2009, AFN-55A; Toranmal

Lower region, 27 Nov. 2010, AFN-55B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Monodictys trichocladiopsis Goh and Hyde (1999b). Therefore, it is assigned to

that species. It is being recorded for the first time from India.

Genus: Rhexoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones

Mycotaxon, 82: 95-113 (2002).

The genus Rhexoacrodictys was established by Baker and Morgan-Jones

(2002) with R. erecta as its type species. The genus is charecterised by having,

Colonies: effuse, velvety or hairy, dark brown to blackish, often somewhat thin and

sparse. Mycelium: partly superficial and partly immersed in the substrate,

composed of branched, septate, pale brown to brown, smooth, cylindrical hyphae,

occasionally with individual cells somewhat inflated, thicker-walled, and more

heavily melanized. Conidiophores: macronematous, mononematous, single or

more rarely, in a loose cluster of a few, arising laterally from the hyphae, usually

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from swollen cells, erect or ascending, straight or slightly flexuous, smooth,

septate, thick-walled, cylindrical but often inflated toward the base, brown to dark

brown, tapering slightly and paler distally. Conidiogenous cells: integrated,

terminal, monoblasic, mid brown, with or without a thin, narrow, circumscissile,

barely-pigmented dehiscence zone at the extreme apex just below the conidium-

delimiting septum, or with such a zone immediately subtending. Conidia:

holoblastic, solitary, dry, acrogenous, obovate or oval or subspherical, transversly,

longitudinally, and obliquely septate, sometimes with darkly-pigmented bands over

the septa, smooth, brown to dark brown, often with a paler basal cell, bearing a

small marginal frill, derived from the upper portion of the conidiophore, or with a

short, terminal, conidiophore cell remaining attached, seceding rhexolytically.

Rhexoacrodictys erecta (Ellis & Everh.) W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones

Mycotaxon, 82: 95-113 (2002). (Fig. 56; Plate fig. 79)

≡ Mystrosporium erectum Ellis & Everh., J. Mycol., 4: 53, 1888.

≡ Mystrosporium erectum (Ellis & Everh.) Pound &Clem., Bull. Geol. Nat. Hist.

Surv. Minn., 9: 657, 1896.

≡ Acrodictys erecta (Ellis & Everh.) M.B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap., 79: 12, 1961.

≡ Piricauda serendipita R. T. Moore, Rhodora, 61: 104 (1959).

≡ Acrodictys satwalekari D. Rao, Curr. Sci., 5: 117 (1970).

Colonies: effuse, hairy, black, usually rather thin. Mycelium: partly

superficial to predominantly immerse in the substrate, composed of branched,

septate, pale to mid brown, smooth, cylindrical 2-4.5 µm wide hyphae: with

intercalary cells from which conidiophores arise, often becoming inflated, thicker-

walled and rather dark brown. Conidiophores: macronematous, mononematous,

single, solitary, or in a cluster of up to three, arising in close proximity on the

hyphae, erect, straight or somewhat flexuous, smooth, septate, with septa

appreciably thiner than the periclinal wall, thick-walled, cylindrical, inflated

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toward a 5-7 µm wide base, brown to dark brown, tapering slightly and paler

distally a 3.5-5 µm wide distal portion, with a narrow, unpigmented, annular zone

immediately subtending the septum delimiting the terminal cell and sometimes the

penultimate cell, intermediate, often elongating, usually once or twice, by

regenerative, percurrent growth through a torn, open-ended apex following each

conidial detachment, mostly up to 65 µm long. Conidiogenous cells: integrated,

terminal, monoblasic, pale brown, becoming detached with the conidia by a split at

a circumscissile, immediately subtending, dehiscence zone. Conidia: holoblastic,

solitary, dry, acrogenous, obovate or, rarely, subspherical, dictyosporous with

many predominantly obliquely septa, thick-walled, smooth, brown to blakish

brown, darker in the upper reaches when mature, with a short, pale, truncate

conidiogenous cell bearing a marginal frill remaining attached as a protuberant

basal element, 24-39 x 15-29 µm in size, seceding rhexolytically.

Habitat: On submerged wood samples, Amlibari dam, 27 Sep. 2009, AFN-56,

Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Maharashtra: On dead stem of Smilax macrophylla (Desai and

Patwardhan, 1974); Himachal Pradesh: On dead stock of Zea mays (Sharma and

Munjal, 1979).

Remark: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Rhexoacrodictys erecta (Ellis & Everh.) Baker & Morgan-Jones as provided by

Baker and Morgan-Jones (2002). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is

being recorded for the first time from aquatic habitats of India.

Genus: Sporoschisma Berk. & Broome

Gardners’ Chronicle, pp. 540 (1847).

The genus Sporoschisma was introduced by Berk. & Broome (In: Berkeley,

1847) with S. mirabile as its type species. The genus accommodates lignicolous

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hyphomycetes that form chains of dematiaceous conidia (phialoconidia)

endogenously from flask-shaped, dark brown, erect conidiophores, often with basal

sterile capitate setae. The genus is represented by seven species (Goh et al.,


Sporoschisma saccadoi E.W. Mason & S. Hughes (Fig. 57; Plate fig. 80)

Mycolo. Pap., 31: 20 (1949).

= Sphaeria hemipsila Berk. & Br., Fungi of Cylon, Thwaites, Nr. 1098 (1875).

= Lasiosphaeria hemipsila (Berk. & Br.) Sacc., Syl. Fung., 2: 198 (1883).

= Chaetosphaeria hemipsila (Berk. & Br.) Petch, Am. R. Bot. Gard., Peradenijia,

6: 336 (1917).

= Chaetosphaeria coelestina Hohn., Akad. Der Wissens. In Wein, 118: 275-452


Colonies: effuse, velutinous, composed of mixed tufts of conidiophores and

strile capitate hyphae. Mycelium: immersed, composed of pale to dark brown

hyphae 2.5-4 µm wide. Capitate setae: pale brown, becoming paler towards the

apex, straight or slightly flexuous, 1-3-septate, 150-200 µm long and 5-6.5 µm

wide below the terminal swelling which is 10-12 µm wide and subhyaline, arising

from a bulbous stroma 45-60 µm diam. Conidiophores: solitary or rarely in groups

of 2-3, also arising from stroma, often with one or two capitate hyphae, 250-270

µm long, 9-13 µm wide below and 17-21 µm wide above, venter up to 22 µm

wide, dark brown, paler at the torn apex. Conidia: formed enteroblastically inside

the tubular collarette of the conidiogenous cell and emerging in a ‘false chain’,

doliiform, (-32)42-48 x (10-) 12.5-15 µm, 5-septate, often constricted at the septa,

the four inner cells dark brown and the two end cells much paler, shorter and

somewhat truncate, giving the appearance of constriction between successive

conidia of a chain. Two central cells are 6.5-8 µm long, penultimate cells 6.5-9 µm

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long. Thus the four inner cells are of almost equal length, but penultimate once are

often slightly longer than the two central ones.

Habitat: On submerged wood, Rangavali River, 20 May 2008, AFN-57A; Bilgaon

dam, 23 Nov. 2009, AFN-57B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged wood (Sridhar et al., 2010).

Remarks: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Sporoschisma saccadoi Mason & Hughes as provided by Goh et al. (1997b).

Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being recorded for the first time from


Sporoschisma uniseptatum Bhat & W.B. Kendr. (Fig. 58; Plate fig. 81)

Mycotaxon, 49: 71 (1993).

Colonies: effuse, black, velvety. Capitate setae: arising from the same

stromat, erect, flexuous, medium brown, smooth, up to 175 µm tall, 8-10 µm wide,

up to 12.5 µm wide at the flared apex, 3-6-septate, regenerating precurrently 2-3

times. Conidiophores: mononematous, differentiated, erect, straight or flexupos,

140-205 µm tall, 10-12.5 µm wide, 1-2-septate, unbrached, thick-walled, dark

brown, arising from dark brown stromata up to 65 µm acroos. Conidiogenous cells:

phialids, up to 160 µm long, terminal, integrated, thick-walled, dark brown,

consisting of a slightly swollen ventre up to 22 µm wide and a tubular collarette

70-80 x 12-16.5 µm. Conidia: blasic-phialidic, cylindrical, truncate at both ends, 1-

septate, very rarely 2-septate, thick-walled, verruculose, pale brown, 27-32 x 11-

12.5 µm, often in slimy false chains of 10-15 conidia.

Habitat: On submerged wood, Yashwant Lake, 18 Nov. 2008, AFN-58A;

Prakasha Barage, 22 Feb. 2009, AFN-58B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Distribution:- Karnataka: On submerged wood (Sudheep and Sridhar, 2011).

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Remarks: The present fungus is rare in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Sporoschisma uniseptatum Bhat & W.B. Kendrik as provided by Bhat and

Kendrick (1993). Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being recorded for

the first time from Maharashtra.

Genus: Triadelphia Shearer & Crane

Mycologia, 63: 247 (1971).

The genus Triadelphia was introduced by Shearer and Crane (1971) with

Triadelphia heterospora Shearer & Crane as its type species. The genus is

charectrized by having, Colonies: slow- or moderately slow growing on agar

media, brown to dark brown. Mycelium: submerged hyphae hyaline, septate,

branched and sometimes anastomosing, aerial hyphae generally absent.

Conidiogenous cells: arising from undifferentiated hyphae, hyaline or pale brown,

flask-shaped, fusiform, cylindrical or clavate, solitary or agglomerated in

sporodochium-like structure, mostly with determinate growth and producing one

apical conidium. Conidia: blastic, of at least 2 (sometimes 5) forms in every

species: (a) cylindrical, brownish, 1-2-septate; (b) clavate, dark brown, uniseptate;

(c & d) obclavte to acicular with a narrow long tip, hyaline or yellowish brown,

multiseptate; (e) allantoid, hyaline or pale yellowish, 0-3-septate; sometimes also

(f) obovate to broadly ellipsoidal, pale brown, unicellular. The genus is represented

by eight species (Tzean and Chen, 1989).

Triadelphia uniseptata (Berk. & Br.) P.M. Kirk (Fig. 59; Plate fig. 82)

Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 80: 464 (1983).

≡ Sporidesmium uniseptatum Berk. & Br., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 33: 360


≡ Dicoccum uniseptatum (Berk. & Br.) Sacc., Syll. Fung., 4: 342 (1886).

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≡ Trichocladium uniseptatum (Berk. & Br.) S. Hughes & Piron., Can. J. Bot., 50:

2526 (1972).

≡ Dicoccum apiosporum Sacc., Nuovo G. bot. ital., 22: 71: (1975), fide Hughes &

Pirozynski, 1972.

≡ Polyschema bicellularis Shearer, Mycotaxon, 14: 91 (1982).

Colonies: thinly effuse blackish brown to black, often inconspicuous.

Mycelium: partly superficial but mostly immersed in the substratum, composed of

hyaline to very pale brown cells sometimes forming a limited mycelium.

Conidiogenous cells: gregarious to caespitose, borne directly on the mycelium,

ampulliform to globose, holoblastic, monoblastic, determinate, 4.5-9.5 µm high,

3.5-4.5 µm wide, or up to 5 µm diam. Conidia: acrogenous, solitary, dry, obovoid

to broadly obovoid, 1-septate near the base, constricted at the septum, upper cell

dark brown and thick-walled, lower cell brown and thin-walled, smooth, 12.5-16

µm long, 6.5-10.5 µm wide at the broadest point, with a small unthicked scar at the


Habitat: On submerged wood, Yashwant Lake, 22 May 2008, AFN-59, Leg., S.

N. Wagh

Distribution:- Tamil Nadu: On wood test blocks submerged in a cooling tower

system [as Dicoccum uniseptatum (Berk. & Br.) Sacc., Udaiyan and Manian,


Remark: The present fungus is common in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of vegetative hyphae and conidia are completely agree with that of

Triadelphia uniseptata (Berk. and Broome) Kirk as provided by Kirk (1983).

Therefore, it is assigned to that species. It is being recorded for the first time from


Genus: Trichocladium Harz

Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 44: 125-127 (1871).

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The genus Trichocladium was introduced by Harz. in 1871, with

Trichocladium asperum Harz., as its type species. The genus is charectrized by

having, Conidiophores: mostly inconspicuous, poorely differentiated, forming

short pedicels, 0-3-septate, simple or rarely brached, straight or curved, smooth,

bearing conidia at the apex, hyaline or pale brown. Conidiogenous cells:

manoblastic or polyblastic integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, doliiform.

Conidia: acrogenous or acro-pleurogenous, solitary, clavate, obovoid, pyriform or

cylindrical, uni- to multisepate, mostly thick-walled, smooth or verrucose, light to

dark brown; cells may be unequally pigmented; germ pores occur in some or all

cells. Phialides: may be formed in some pleomorphic species producing small,

hyaline, one-celled conidia. Among several species seven occur in marine waters

(Goh and Hyde, 1999a; Jones et al., 2009a).

Trichocladium angelicum Roldon & Honruba (Fig. 60; Plate fig. 83)

Mycotaxon, 35: 353 (1989).

Colonies: black, compact, growth restricted and very slow, aerial mycelium

sparse, cottony, grayish, chlamydospores brown, 7-12 µm diam., catenate or in

irregular groups. Sporulation: atypical on agar, but abundant and typical when

colony pieces are submerged in sterial distilled standing water for 5-6 days,

underwater and at the surface. Conidiophores: directly on old hyphae on the cut

surface or on new fast-growing hyphae, subhyaline to grayish-brown, micro- to

semimacronematous and then mononematous, apical or lateral, up to 75 x 3.5-5.5

µm. Conidiogenous cells: apical or lateral, mono- or polyblastic, 4-17 x 2.5-5.5

µm. Conidia: solitary, rarely paired, acrogenous, rarely pleurogenous, walls thick

and smooth, basal cell (remains of separating cell) hyaline, obconico-truncate, 3-12

x 2.5-4.5 µm; the ramainig 3-5 cells swollen, subhyaline and highly vacuolated,

typically larger towards the apex, apical cell regularly globose to ellipsoid, 25-47 x

7.5-12 µm (including basal cell).

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Habitat: On submerged wood, Amlibari dam, 19 Nov. 2008 AFN-60A; Conidia in

foam samples; Patalganga River, 2 Aug. 2009, AFN-60B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence.The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Trichocladium angelicum Roldan and Honrubia (1989). Therefore, it is assigned to

that species. It has been reported for the first time from India.

Trichocladium englanese Hyde & Goh (Fig. 61; Plate fig. 84)

Mycol. Res., 100: 1572 (1999).

Colonies: on natural substrate effuse, dark brown to black. Mycelium:

composed of branched, septate, smooth, 1-2 µm wide, hyaline to pale brown

hyphae. Conidiophore: micronematous, mononematous, thin-walled, pale

olivaceous, smooth, simple or branched. Conidiogenous cells: integrated, terminal

or intercalary, monoblastic, determinate. Conidia: solitary or aggregated, pyriform

or obovoid, sometimes oblong and clavate, straight or slightly curved, (1-) 2-

septate, 20-32 x 9-15 µm, apical cell enlarged and pale to olivaceous brown.

Habitat: On submerged wood, Rangavali river, 20 May 2008, AFN-61A; Prakasha

Barage, 22 Feb. 2009, AFN-61B, Leg., S. N. Wagh

Remark: The present fungus is occasional in occurrence. The descriptions and

measurements of conidia and conidiophores are completely agreed with that of

Trichocladium englanese Hyde and Goh (1999). Therefore, it is assigned to that

species. It has been reported for the first time from India.