charity writing 101: four fundamental principles

Charity Writing 101: Four fundamental principles

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Charity Writing 101:Four fundamental principles

1. Use plain words

The Plain English Campaign defines plain English as “writing that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time they read it”.

“The water within the kettle is in the process of being heated to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Therefore, any persons here present wishing to partake of a caffeinated beverage should inform myself.”

“I’ve put the kettle on. Want a cuppa?”

Our gross expenditure on charitable activities is in excess of £100,000 per annum.

“Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all.”

Winston Churchill

“To be or not to be: that is the question.”

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.”

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”

ExcessivelySufficientAdditionalThereforeIn excess ofPrior toAssistanceEndeavourUtiliseRequirementsIn the majority of instances Concerning the matter of On numerous occasions In the event thatDue to the fact that

ExcessivelySufficientAdditionalThereforeIn excess ofPrior toAssistanceEndeavourUtiliseRequirementsIn the majority of instances Concerning the matter of On numerous occasions In the event thatDue to the fact that


More, extraSo, that’s why

More thanBefore


NeedsMostly About Often


Our gross expenditure on charitable activities is in excess of £100,000 per annum.

We spend more than £100,000 a year on [running projects and providing services].

Consideration of all the options is needed before a decision can be made.

Active: The cat sat on the mat

Passive: The mat was sat on by the cat

The situation was improved by our intervention =Our intervention improved the situation

It is felt that more should be done by the government =We feel the government should do more

A mistake was made =We made a mistake

Contaminants were released into the water supply TELL US WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE!

Consideration of all the options is needed before a decision can be made.

Nominalisations: why make a noun out of a perfectly good verb?

• Completion• Introduction• Provision• Failure• Discussion• Engagement• Empowerment• Implementation• Reduction

• Complete• Introduce• Provide• Fail• Discuss• Engage• Empower• Implement• Reduce

Consideration of all the options is needed before a decision can be made.

We need to consider all the options before we decide.

Michael received a needs-based assessment from a Tier 4 CAMHS practitioner.

jargon (noun) 1. the specialised vocabulary of a particular trade, profession, group or activity

(Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)

Michael received a needs-based assessment from a Tier 4 CAMHS practitioner.

Michael was seen by a consultant child psychiatrist, who assessed what support he needed.

Meaningful engagement with stakeholders will ensure the project is truly inclusive and sustainable, enabling us to deliver real change.

jargon (noun) 1. the specialised vocabulary of a particular trade, profession, group or activity

2. language which uses this type of vocabulary in a pretentious or meaningless way

(Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)

Going forward, the development and implementation of a robust framework for targeting the delivery of consistent excellence organisation-wide is key.

“We will achieve our outcomes by using engagement and empowerment as a means to help people and communities to bring about sustainable futures.”

Not sure if something counts as jargon? Try asking yourself:

• Did you understand it before you joined the charity?

• Would your mum/partner/friend understand it?

• Could you imagine it appearing in The Sun or on TV news?

• If you translate it into plain English, does it actually mean anything?

If the answer to any of these is ‘no’, find a different way of saying it.

Meaningful engagement with stakeholders will ensure the project is truly inclusive and sustainable, enabling us to deliver real change.

We’ll talk to everyone affected by the project to make sure they have a chance to share their views and ideas. This will make it more successful in the long term.

If your writing is to be effective, sentences should, as a rule, be kept short and simple, and not, as is the case in this instance, contain numerous subordinate clauses, of which this is an example, or, furthermore, parenthetical phrases (like this one) because the reader – even a highly literate one – will find these difficult, if not impossible, to process on a first, or indeed a subsequent, reading, which will make your charity’s communications far less successful, losing you potential support.

We know from previous experience that responding to a critical emergency can potentially prove somewhat challenging. It goes without saying that proper forward planning is absolutely essential. Going forward, we need to weigh up all of the various different options to make sure that we achieve the very best end result.

Unnecessary phrases • To all intents and purposes• It is interesting to note that• At this moment in time• It goes without saying that• It could be argued that• Going forward

We know from previous experience that responding to a critical emergency can potentially prove somewhat challenging. It goes without saying that proper forward planning is absolutely essential. Going forward, we need to weigh up all of the various different options to make sure that we achieve the very best end result.

We know from previous experience that responding to a critical emergency can potentially prove somewhat challenging. It goes without saying that proper forward planning is absolutely essential. Going forward, we need to weigh up all the various different options to make sure that we achieve the very best end result.

• Use short, everyday words• Write in the active voice• Choose verbs over nouns • Cut the jargon and charity-speak• Keep sentences short• Don’t use unnecessary words • If in doubt, leave it out

2. Hook us in

A two-year study released today by the charity Speak Out For Teenagers, carried out in partnership with the University of Nottingham and funded by the George Caruthers Foundation, has revealed that as many as one in ten teenagers self-harms.

One in ten teenagers self-harms, according to research released today. The two-year study…

Don’t be boring…

Our programme, delivered in partnership with Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police, promotes social inclusion by offering a range of activities to young offenders and those at risk of offending, centred around outdoor activities, IT and the arts.

Potholing in the Pennines. Designing their own mobile apps. Putting on an adaptation of Macbeth set on the streets of Bradford. Just a few of the things young people have been up to on our programme recently…

Start where the action is

The first time Eugene saw a mountain gorilla, his excitement got the better of him. An angry silverback, not used to human presence, was staring straight at him. Forgetting all his training, Eugene stood up…

Be topical You can insulate yourself from the latest rise in energy bills by following our simple energy-saving tips.

Show the human interest Dr Jones remembers the first patient he treated using thrombolysis. “He came in with a very severe stroke. He was back on the golf course within a week. We called him Lazarus.”

Surprise us

Disabled people can’t contribute as much as others.

Disabled people can’t contribute as much as others.

Sadly, that’s still what a lot of employers think. Perception remains a big barrier to gaining employment.


Intrigue us It’s not every sausage that can claim to be protecting freshwater ecosystems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the lives of local communities.


Paint a picture

Office workers have shed their jackets to lounge by the sparkling lake. Children are playing hide and seek among the trees. Traffic noise from the Westway blends with birdsong and the chatter of the insects. The air smells of barbeques and cut grass.

Ask a question 


“I didn’t feel it was possible to achieve much in a career. I never felt I fitted into society because of my blindness. I didn’t go out much because I didn’t feel comfortable around people.”

Our services for young carers include a contacts database, regular training and social events, and a comprehensive information pack.

3. Benefits, not features

The X2z has six inkwells and can print 4800 x 1200 dpi.

With the X2z, you can print professional-quality photos at home

This mp3 player has 30GB of memory (feature) meaning you can store more than 10,000 songs (benefit) – and new slimline technology (feature) means it slips easily in your pocket (benefit).

Our meals on wheels service delivers healthy food to 1,000 older people (features)

1,000 older people are healthier and less lonely thanks to our Meals on Wheels service (benefits)

Our services for young carers include a contacts database, regular training and social events, and a comprehensive information pack.

We help put young carers in contact with people and services that can give them the support they need. At our social events, they have a chance to chat and share issues with other young carers – and to enjoy a well-earned break. And we provide information to help young carers understand their rights and stay in control.

We can put you in contact with people and services that can give you the support you need. At our social events, you’ll have a chance to chat , share issues and have fun with other young carers. And we can give you information on your rights and tips on staying in control.

1. We work in partnership with a range of training providers, certification bodies and employment agencies.

2. All our gifts are Fairtrade-certified.

3. Just £5 will buy an insecticide-treated mosquito net.

4. Our energy-efficiency experts will carry out an audit of your premises to show where improvements can be made.

1. We can help you learn new skills, gain qualifications and get back into work.

2. By buying our Fairtrade gifts, you’re helping people to work their way out of poverty.

3. Just £5 will buy a mosquito net that can protect a child from malaria for three years.

4. Our energy-efficiency experts will show you how you can save money and reduce your carbon emissions.

4. Focus on people

Councils are failing to provide essential senior care services because of budget cuts that limit home visits to just 15 minutes, according to older people’s charity Care4.

Older people are being forced to choose between staying thirsty or going to the toilet, as council budget cuts mean carers’ visits are limited to just 15 minutes.

“The carers are lovely people, but you can see them watching the clock all the time,” says Joyce, 84. “Do I ask for help preparing my meal, or with changing the bedclothes? Is there time to go to the toilet? Fifteen minutes is such a short time.”

It’s so much more than your favourite t-shirt…

It’s happy memories of that music festival where you first bought it. Slipping it in your backpack to remind you of home while you travelled the world. Wearing it to unpack and decorate your new flat when you got back.

It’s your kids asking about the band on the front, and your partner promising it got used as a rag “by accident.”

• Use plain words• Hook us in• Benefits, not features• Focus on people

The formation of a new partnership, the Sustainable Seas Task Force, that will support marine conservation in UK coastal waters was announced yesterday. The Task Force, funded by the European Commission, brings together stakeholders from marine industries along with conservation representatives to deliver sustainable solutions for marine ecosystem management. One innovative approach includes the provision of financial assistance to enable fishing industry vessels to diversify into providing dolphin-watching and marine research trips.