charles daum indictment

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  • 8/7/2019 Charles Daum Indictment



    Holding a Criminal Term

    Grand Jnry Sworn in on November 12, 2010








    DAAIY AH PASHA,aJk/a - "Ms. Dee,"

    IMANPASHA,aJk/a - "KK,"


    The Grand Jury Charges:

    At all relevant times to this indictment:


    Criminal Case No.

    Criminal Violations:

    Connt I: Conspiracy to Influence or Injure Officer or

    Juror Generally, 18 U.S.C. 371 and 1503

    Counts II to IV: Influencing or Injuring Offcer orJuror Generally, 18 U.S.C. 1503

    Count V: Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or anInformant, 18 U.S.C. 1512(b)(2)(C) and (D)

    Counts VI & VII: Subornation of Perjury, 18 U.S.C. 1622

    Aiding and Abetting, 18 U.S.C. 2


    1. Beginning on or about March 18, 2008, and continuing through the date of this

    indictment, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, United States of

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    America v. De1ante White, Criminal No. 08-065, has been a pending criminal case before

    United States District Cour Judge Paul L. Friedman.

    2. On or about Apri130, 2008, the defendant CHARLES F. DAUM, an attorney duly

    licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia, entered an appearance on behalf of De1ante

    White and became the attorney of record in the case entitled United States of America v.

    Dclantc Whitc, Criminal No. 08-065, in thc United States District Court for the District of


    3. Defendants DAAIY AH PASHA, aJk/a "Ms. Dee," and IlViAN PASHA, aJa "KK,"

    were criminal investigators working with the defendant CHAES F. DAUM on the criminalmatter pending against Delante Whte.

    4. The criminal charges pending against De1ante White in the case entitled United

    States of America v. De1ante White, Crimnal No. 08-065, stemmed from a search warrant

    executed by the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Deparent (hereinafer "MPD") at

    637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C., on Februar 23, 2008. During the

    execution of the search warrant, the MPD took pictures of the apartent, clothing inside the

    apartment and the seized evidence. Seized as evidence by MPD included the following: over 50

    grams of cocaine, $2,000 in cash, ammunition, a pair of Gucci boots (size 45), a digital scale,

    plates with cocaine residue, a razor, an Adidas brand shoe box, pictures of Del ante White,

    including some depicting him wearing pair of Gucci boots, and various documcnts that

    included De1ante White's name and the address of the aparent. In addition, MPD offcers

    spoke with Evelyn Clowney, the legal resident of the apartment and De1ante White's

    grandmother, who identified clothng in the bedroom where the ilegal drgs were found as

    belonging to De1ante White.


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    5. From on or about April 30, 2008, through on or about January 15, 2009, the exact

    dates being unkown to the Grand Jury, in the District of Columbia, Marland and elsewhere,

    the defendants CHARLES F. DAUM, DAAIYAH PASHA, aJa "Ms. Dee," and IMAN

    PASHA, aJa "KK," knowingly and intentionally conspired and agreed together and with each

    other, and with other persons both known and unlmown to the Grand Jur, to corruptly

    influence, obstruct and impede and endeavor to corruptly infuence, obstruct and impede the due

    administration of justice in the case entitled United States of America v. De1ante White,

    Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, inviolation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1503, and Title 18, United States Code,

    Section 2.


    6. It was a par of the conspiracy that the defendants would fabricate, manufactue,

    obtain and produce false physical evidence designed to infuence, mislead, confuse, impede, and

    ohstruct the trihunal,judge and jury as to the truthfulness of the allegations in the pending case

    entitled United States of America v. De1ante Whte, Criminal No. 08-065, to make it appear as

    though CC-3, rather than the defendant De1ante White, possessed the drugs seized by MPD

    during the execution ofa search warant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington,

    D.C., on February 23, 2008.

    7. It was fuer a par of the conspiracy that the defendants endeavored to prevent

    witnesses from testifying truthully to evidence and information that were unfavorable to

    De1ante White, the defendant on trial therein, and to secrete and otherwise make witnesses

    unavailable to respond to lawfully obtained process to secure le appearance of witnesses to


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    testify truthfully at the trial of the defendant De1ante White, in order to prevent the tribunal,

    judge and jury from hearing their testimony.

    8. It was fuher a par ofthe conspiracy that the defendants, in order to obstruct and

    impede the administration of justice, would solicit and present perjured testimony from various

    witnesses in the trial of the defendant De1ante White.


    9. In furtherance of the conspiracy and in order to affect the purposes and objects of

    the conspiracy, the defendants committed or caused to be committed, at least one of the

    following overt acts, among others, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere:a. From on or about April 30, 2008, through on or about September 12, 2008, the

    exact date being unkown to the Grand Jur, in the District of Columbia, the

    defendant CHARLES F. DAUM, advised and directed CC-L and CC-3 to acquire

    a digital scale, plate, razor, and an Adidas brand shoe box either identical to, or

    substantially similar to, a digital scale, plate, razor, and Adidas brand shoe box

    recovered by MPD on or about February 23,2008, the date of the execution of a

    search warrant at 637 Hamin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C.

    b. On or about September 12, 2008, in the District of Columbia, the defendants


    CC-i, CC-2, and CC-3, arranged for and staged a series of photographs designed

    to depict CC- 3 in the act of "cutting" "rock cocaine" at the home of the mother of

    Delante White, located at 2908 7th Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. The photos

    were designed to appear as though they were talcen on or around Valentine's Day


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    and, thus, a few days prior to the execution of the search warant at 637 Hamlin

    Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C.

    c. From on or about April 30, 2008, through on or about September 24, 2008, the

    defendant CHARLES F. DAUM devised a plan and directed CC-L and others to

    obtain a pair of Gucci boots identical to, but a size smaller, than the pair of Gucci

    boots recovered by MPD on or about Februar 23, 2008, the date of the

    execution ofa search warrant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.., Apartment #2,

    Washington, D.C.

    d. On or about September 3, 2008, after the defendant CHARLES F. DAUM

    indicated that he needed a pair of boots to present as false evidence in the trial of

    United States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, CC-1 along

    with CC-2 ordered through an internet-based business entity known as

    "Richkickz," a pair of Gucci boots identical to a pair of Gucci boots recovered by

    MPD on or about February 23, 2008, the date of the execution of a search

    warrant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Aparent #2, Washington, D.C.

    e. On or about September 15, 2008, CC-1 and CC-2 traveled by bus to New York

    City to purchase a second pair of Gucci boots in a size smaller than that seized by

    MPD on or about February 23, 2008, the date of the execution of a search

    warrant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C., after

    having been advised by the defendant CHARES F. DAUM that he needed a

    smaller pair of boots as evidence in the upcoming trial of Delante White.

    f. On or about September 17, 2008, at a nightclub lmown as "Crossroads" located

    within the State of Maryland, at thc dircction of the defendant CHARES F.


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    DAUM, CC-3 had a photograph taken of him while wearing a pair of Gucci

    boots identical to the Gucci boots recovered by MPD on or about February 23,

    2008, the date of the execution ofa search warant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E.,

    Apartent #2, Washington, D.C.

    g. From on or about April 2008, through on or about September 2008, the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM devised a plan and with CC-L created a false and fictitious

    lease agreement, purporting to show that De1ante White and CC-L were residing

    at 3403 Nicholson Street in Hyattsville, Maryland, on and around February 23,

    2008, rather than at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C.

    h. Sometime between on or about April 30,2008, and in or about September 2008,

    in the case entitled United States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-

    065, in the United States District Cour for the District of Columbia, the

    defendant CHARLES F. DAUM, devised a plan and with Delante White, CC-1,

    CC-2, and CC-4, and other unndicted co-conspirators, attempted to suppress and

    influence the testimony of Evelyn Clowney, a witness for the prosecution.

    1. On or about September 13, 2008, at the direction of the defendant CHARLES F.

    DAUM, Delante Vihite told Evelyn Clowney tht his lawyer thought it would be

    "good" for her to leave town, in order for her to evade the governent's service

    of a subpoena that would require her to appear as a witness for the government at

    the trial of Delante White.

    J. On or about September 20, 2008, at the direction of the defendant CHARLES F.

    DAUM, CC-L informed Evelyn Clowney, in an effort to cause Evelyn Clowney

    to fail to appear as a governcnt witncss for the trial of Delante White after


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    having been served with a subpoena by the governent to appear as such, that

    Evelyn Clowney had two options, to either 1) leave town or 2) obtain a doctor's


    k. On or about September 20, 2008, CC-1, at the direction of the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM, instructed Evelyn Clowney to testify that CC-3 lived at

    Evelyn Clowney's home on or about February 23,2008, the date of the execution

    of a search warrant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Aparent #2, Washington, D.C.,

    and for Evelyn Clowney to identify CC- 3 in Defendant's Exhbits 1 1, 14 and 16,

    a series of staged photographs depicting CC-3 engaging in what appeared to be

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    n. On or about September 24, 2008, in the case entitled United States of America v.

    Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Court for the

    District of Columbia, the defendant CHARES F. DA UM submitted into

    evidence as Defendant's Exhibit 17 a pair of Gucci boots purchased by CC-L and

    CC-2 on September 15, 2008, in a size smaller than that seized by MPD on or

    about l'ebruary 23, 2008, the date of the execution of a search warrant at 637

    Hamlin Street, N.E., Aparment #2, Washington, D.C.

    o. On or about September 24, 2008, in the case entitled United States of America v.

    De1ante Whte, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Court for the

    District of Columbia, the defendant CHARLES F. DAUM submitted into

    evidence as Defendant's Exhibit 18, a false, fabricated, and fraudulent lease


    p. On or about September 24, 2008, in the case entitled United States of America v.

    Delante Whte, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Court for the

    District of Columbia, the defendant CHARLES F. DAUM presented the known

    false and perjured testimony of CC-4.

    q. On or about September 24, 2008, in the case entitled United States of America v.

    De1ante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Cour for the

    District of Columbia, the defendant CHARLES F. DAUM presented the lmown

    false and perjured testimony of CC-L.

    (Conspiracy to Influence or Injure Offcer or Juror Generally, in violation of Title 18, United

    States Code, Sections 371 and 1503).


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    case entitled United States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United

    States District Coun for the District of Columbia by submitting into evidence as Defendant's

    Exhibit 18, a document that purorted to be a lawflly executed lease for the defendant then and

    there on trial, to wit: De1ante White, indicating that CC-L and Delante White were tenants at

    3403 Nicholson Street in Hyattsville, Marland, beginning on or about October 1,2007, and

    continuing at least up to on or about Februar 23, 2008, lmowing ful well that the lease was

    fabricated, to show that Delante White was not living at 637 Hamlin Street, N .E., Aparent #2,

    Washington, D.C., on or about February 23, 2008, the date of the execution ofa search warant

    at that address; all in violation of

    Title 18, United States Code, Section 1503, and Title 18,United States Code, Section 2.

    (Influencing or Injuring Officer or Juror Generally, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,

    Section 1503).


    14. The allegations in paragraphs One through Nine are realleged and incorporated


    15. On or about September 24, 2008, in the District of Columbia, the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM did knowingly and intentionally corruptly influence, obstruct and impede

    and endeavor to corrptly influence, obstruct and impede the due administration of justice in the

    case entitled United States of America v. De1ante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United

    States District Cour for the District of Columbia, by submitting into evidence as Defendant's

    Exhibit 17, a pair of Gucci boots that were identical to but a size smaller than the pair of Gucci

    boots that were recovered by MPD on or about February 23, 2008, the date of the execution ofa

    scarch warant at 637 Hamlin Strcct, N.E., Aparent #2, Washington, D.C., knowing ful well


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    that the boots were being submitted for the purpose of corruptly influencing, obstructing and

    impeding the trier of fact into believing that the Gucci boots seized by the MPD on or about

    February 23, 2008, belonged to CC-3, not De1ante White; all in violation of Title 18, United

    States Code, Section 1503, and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.

    (Influencing or Injuring Officer or Juror Generally, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,

    Section 1503).


    16. The allegations in paragraphs One through Nine are realleged and incorporated


    i 7. From 011 or about April 30, 2008, through on or about September 30, 2008, the

    exact dates being unown to the Grand Jury, in the District of Columbia, the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM did attempt to corrptly persuade another person, and engaged in

    misleading conduct toward another person, that is Evelyn Clowney, v'lth the intent to:

    (a) cause and induce Evelyn Clowney to evade legal process summoning her to

    appear as a witness in an offcial proceeding, that is, the criminal case of United

    States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States

    District Cour for the District of Columbia, by directing De1ante White, CC- 1,

    CC-3, CC-4, and other unindicted co-conspirators to instruct Evelyn Clowney,

    prior to being served with a subpoena to appear for trial by the government and

    in order to avoid such service, to refrain from answering her door or to leave

    town, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 15 12(b )(2)(C); and

    (b) cause and induce Evelyn Clowney to be absent from an official proceeding to

    which shc had bcen sumoned by legal process, that is, the criminal case of


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    United States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United

    States District Court for the District of Columbia, by directing Delante White,

    CC-L, CC-3, CC-4, and other unindicted co-conspirators to make arangements

    for Evelyn Clowney to leave town after she had been served with a subpoena to

    appear for trial by the governent, in order to be absent from the trial, in

    violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(b )(2)(D).

    (Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or an Informant, in violation of Title 18, United States

    Code, Sections 15 12(b )(2)(C) and (D).


    six18. The allegations in paragraphs One through Nine are realleged and incorporated


    19. From on or about April 30, 2008, through on or about September 24,2008, the

    exact dates being unknown to the Grand Jur, in the District of Columbia, the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM did willfully procure CC-4 to commit perjury by testifyng falsely under

    oath to a material matter in the case entitled United States of America v. Delante White,

    Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Cour for the District of Columbia.

    20. It was material to the said case described in paragraph One to determine whether

    a series of photographs submitted into evidence as Defendant's Exhibits 11, 14, and 16,

    depicting CC-3 engaging in what appeared to be the "cutting" of "rock cocaine," were taken at a

    date close to, but before, the execution ofthe search warrant by MPD on Februar 23,2008, at

    637 Hamlin Street, N,E., Aparment #2, Washington, D.C.

    21. On or about September 24, 2008, CC-4 gave false and perjurious testimony under

    oath in the case entitled United States of America v. Delante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the


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    United States District Cour for the District of Columbia, as follows: that CCA was present in

    Washington, D.C. between on or about February 20,2008, through on or about Februar 23,

    2008; that he took a series of photographs submitted into evidence as Defendant's Exhibits 11,

    14, and 16, which depicted CC-3 engaging in what appeared to be the "cutting" of "rock

    cocaine," on or about Februar 21, 2008; and that he gave a cat as a belated Valentine's Day

    present to his mother on or about Februar 21, 2008.

    22. The testimony of CC-4 as aforesaid was materially false and perjurious as CC-4

    then and there knew, and as the defendant CHARES F. DAUM well knew when he procured it,

    in that the true facts as known to both were as follows: during the time period between Februar20,2008, and February 23, 2008, CC-4 was not in Washington, D.C.; CC-4 did not tal,e the

    series of photographs submitted into evidence as Defendant's Exhibits 11, 14, and 16, which

    depicted CC- 3 engaging in what appeared to be the "cutting" of "rock cocaine, on or about

    February 21, 2008, nor at any other time; and he did not gave his mother a cat as a Valentine's

    Day present on or about Februar 21,2008, nor at any other time; all in violation of Title 18,

    United States Code, Section 1622 and Title 18, United States Coe, Section 2.

    (Subornation of Perjur, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1622).


    23. The allegations in paragraphs One through Nine are realleged and incorporated


    24. From on or about April 30, 2008, through on or about September 24, 2008, the

    exact dates being unknown to the Grand Jury, in le District of Columbia, the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUVl did wilfully suborn and procure CC-l to commit perjur by testifying


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    25. It was material to the said case described in paragraph One to determine (a)

    whether Delante Whte resided at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Apartment #2, Washington, D.C., at

    the time the cocaine was seized by MPD pursuant to a search warant executed on or about

    February 23, 2008, (b) whether during the time period between October 1,2007, and Februar

    23, 2008, Delante Vihite and CC-L actually lived together at 3403 Nicholson Street in

    Hyattsvile, Maryland, as reflected in a lease submitted into evidence by the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM, (c) whether a pair of Gucci boots submitted into evidence by the

    defendant CHARLES F. DAUM as Defendant's Exhibit 17 had been found by CC-L in a closet

    at her home on the morning that CC-L testified at the trial of the case described in paragraph

    One, and (d) whether the pair of Gucci boots submitted into evidence by the defendant

    CHARES F. DAUM as Defendant's Exhibit 17 belonged to Delante Whte.

    26. On or about September 24, 2008, CC- 1 gave false and perjurious testimony under

    oath in the case entitled United States of America v. De1ante White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the

    United States District Court for the District of Columbia, as follows: that De1ante White and CC-

    1 lived together between October i, 2007, and Februar 23,2008, at 3403 Nicholson Street in

    Hyattsvile, Marland as reflected in the lease agreement which was submitted into evidence as

    Defendant's Exhibit 18; that the pair of Gucci boots submitted into evidence by the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM as Defendant's Exhibit 17 had been found by CC-L in a closet at her home

    on the morning that CC-L testified at the trial of Delante White described in paragraph One; and

    that those boots belonged to Delante White.

    falsely under oath to a material matter in a case entitled United States of America v. Delante

    White, Criminal No. 08-065, in the United States District Cour for the District of Columbia.


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    27. The testimony of CC- 1 as aforesaid was materially false and perjurious as CC-L

    then and there 1mew, and as the defendant CHAES F. DAUM well knew when he procured it,

    in that the true facts as known to both were as follows: sometime afer Februar 23,2008, the

    date of execution ofthe search warrant at 637 Hamlin Street, N.E., Aparment #2, Washington,

    D.C., by MPD, CC- 1 obtained a blan lease agreement from a retail store as directed by the

    defendant CHARLES F. DAUM, and thereafter complctcd and cxccutcd thc lcase agreement

    along with Delante White and an unndicted co-conspirator, which indicated that CC- 1 had lived

    with Delante White during the time period between October 1, 2007, and Februar 23, 2008, at

    3403 Nicholson Street in Hyattsvile, Maryland; at no time did either CC-L or De1ante Whiteactually Ii ve at 3403 Nicholson Street in Hyattsvile, Marland; that CC- 1 and CC-2 purchased a

    pair of Gucci boots on or about September 15, 2008, after being advised by the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM that he needed the Gucci boots as evidence in the upcoming trial of

    De1ante White; and that those boots which were submitted into evidence by the defendant

    CHARLES F. DAUM as Defendant's Exhibit 17, at the trial of Del ante White did not come from

    the closet of CC- l 's home that morning and did not, in fact, helong to Delante White; all in


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    violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1622 and Title 18, United States Code, Section


    (Subornation of Perjury, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1622).


    il/"i.l" ii,.. .,:",' ....!..i\ \ _J v1

    .', ' :

    Arthur ". Wytt, Chie .Narcotic and DangeroJs Drug SectionCriminal Division, Deparment of Justice1400 'lew York Avenue, KW.Bond BuildingWashington, D.C. 20005

    .--. -

    By:Stephen . May, A~Robert A. Spelke (

    DonnelJ TurnerTrial AttorneysNarcotic and Dangerous Drug SectionCriminal Division, Deparment of Justice1400 New York Avenue, N.W.Bond BuildingWashington, D.C. 20005Telephone: (202)514-1286




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