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Charlotte’s Web A Literature Unit by Homework and Horseplay © Homework and Horseplay (

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Charlotte’s Web  A Literature Unit by Homework and Horseplay 



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Week 1 ● Chapters 1-5 ● Barn diorama

Week 2

● Chapters 6-10 ● Finish diorama

Week 3

● Chapters 11-13 ● Create a word web

Week 4

● Chapters 14-18 ● Finish word web

Week 5

● Chapters 19-22 ● Watch Charlotte’s Web with a special snack

Special note: This is the schedule that my family followed, but please modify it to fit your family.      

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1. Can I use this literature unit with multiple children and age ranges? Absolutely! I have included a number of different activities which I feel are appropriate for a range of ages. I suggest having younger students complete discussion questions orally. 2. What if my child is too young for the dictation passages? If your child is struggling with the dictation you can either skip it altogether or turn it into a copywork assignment. 3. Why are there multiple vocabulary worksheets for each week? I have created multiple worksheets because some children need the extra practice. In addition, I wanted all children who using this unit to be able to work at their ability level. My youngest son is not capable of writing out all of the definitions, so he used only the multiple choice and fill in the blank worksheets. 4. Do I have to complete all of the projects? No. I included projects in this unit so my children have something hands on to do while I am reading to them. This keeps my special needs child engaged in what he is learning.

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Chapters 1-5 Discussion Questions 1. Why is Fern upset at the beginning of the story? 2. Who saved the “runt”? 3. What did Fern name her pig? 4. Where did Wilbur go to live when he was two months old? 5. What did the goose tell Wilbur to do? 6. How did Mr. Zuckerman get Wilbur to get back into his pen? 7. Who is Templeton? 8. What creature does Wilbur become friends with? 9. What is Wilbur’s new friend’s name? 10. What does Wilbur’s new friend eat?

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Chapters 1-5 Discussion Questions Answer Key 1. Why is Fern upset at the beginning of the story? Her father is going to kill the runt pig. 2. Who saved the “runt”? Fern 3. What did Fern name her pig? Wilbur 4. Where did Wilbur go to live when he was two months old? Mr. Zuckerman’s farm (Fern’s uncle) 5. What did the goose tell Wilbur to do? Escape his pen and be free 6. How did Mr. Zuckerman get Wilbur to get back into his pen? With a bucket of slop 7. Who is Templeton? The rat 8. What creature does Wilbur become friends with? A spider 9. What is Wilbur’s new friend’s name? Charlotte 10. What does Wilbur’s new friend eat? Bugs

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Chapters 1-5 Vocabulary

Please define the following vocabulary terms. Use complete sentences. 1. runt 2. salutation 3. injustice 4. perspiration 5. appetizing 6. blundered 7. marmalade 8. frolic 9. objectionable 10. inheritance

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Chapters 1-5 Vocabulary Answer Key

1. runt A runt is an animal that is smaller than average. 2. salutation Salutation is an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy. 3. injustice Injustice is the lack of fairness or justice. 4. perspiration Perspiration is the process of sweating. 5. appetizing Appetizing is to stimulate one’s appetite. 6. blunder A blunder is a stupid or careless mistake. 7. marmalade Marmalade is a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges, prepared like jam. 8. frolic Frolic is to play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically 9. objectionable Objectionable is something that arouses a distaste or opposition. 10. inherit Inherit means to receive something (such as money) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.

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Chapters 1-5 Vocabulary Practice Write the vocabulary term’s letter on the line below the correct definition.

1. to receive something (such as money) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.

2. to play and move about cheerfully,

excitedly, or energetically

3. a stupid or careless mistake

4. the process of sweating

5. an expression of greeting, goodwill, or


6. an animal that is smaller than average

7. the lack of fairness or justice

8. To stimulate one’s appetite

9. a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges, prepared like jam

10.something that arouses a distaste or


A. Runt

B. Salutations

C. Injustice

D. Perspiration

E. Appetizing

F. Blunder

G. Marmalade

H. Frolic

I. Objectionable

J. inherit

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Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary Practice (Answer Key)

1. J 2. H 3. F 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. E 9. G 10. I

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Farm Diorama During week 1 and 2, your children will work on building a barn diorama. I supplied my children with a number of materials, and left it up to them to decide how to create their barn. I did provide an inspiration picture, so they had a general idea of how to design their own barn.

Suggested supply list:

● Shoe box ● Popsicle sticks ● White paint ● Black and white yarn ● Toy pig ● Easter grass ● Red and green construction paper ● Cardboard piece (for roof) ● Hot glue gun and glue sticks ● Scissors ● Glue sticks

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Chapters 1-5 Dictation or Copywork Option 1: Fern loved Wilbur more than anything She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed. Every morning, as soon s she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him. Option 2: The barn was pleasantly warm in winter when the animals spent most of their time indoors, and it was pleasantly cool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to the breeze. Option 3: A dozen times during the night Wilbur woke and stared into the blackness, listening to the sounds and trying to figure out what time it was. A barn is never perfectly quiet. Even at midnight there is usually something stirring.

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Chapters 6-10 Discussion Questions

Chapter 6 1. How many goslings hatched? 2. What did the goose call the unhatched egg? 3. Who wanted the egg? Chapter 7 4. What did the old sheep tell Wilbur that upset him? 5. What did Charlotte promise Wilbur? Chapter 8 6. Why is Fern’s mother concerned about her? 7. Who does Mrs. Arable plan to talk to about Fern? Chapter 9 8. What did Wilbur say he could do, but just never tried? 9. What does Wilbur lack to spin a web? Chapter 10 10. How did the “dud” egg get smashed?

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Chapters 6-10 Discussion Questions (Answer key)

Chapter 6 1. How many goslings hatched? 7 2. What did the goose call the unhatched egg? A dud 3. Who wanted the egg? Templeton Chapter 7 4. What did the old sheep tell Wilbur that upset him? The old sheep told Wilbur that he would be killed at Christmas time. 5. What did Charlotte promise Wilbur? Charlotte promised she would save him. Chapter 8 6. Why is Fern’s mother concerned about her? She feels that Fern spends too much time with the animals and she is saying they can talk. 7. Who does Mrs. Arable plan to talk to about Fern? Dr. Dorian Chapter 9 8. What did Wilbur say he could do, but just never tried? To spin a spider web 9. What does Wilbur lack to spin a web? Spinnerets and know how Chapter 10 10. How did the “dud” egg get smashed? Avery fell on the pig trough while trying to capture Charlotte

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Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary Please define the following vocabulary terms. 1. Decency 2. Hoist 3. Jubilee 4. Detest 5. Anaesthetic 6. Oblige 7. Gullible 8. Morals 9. Conscience 10. Scruples

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Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary Please define the following vocabulary terms. 1. Decency Decency is behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability. 2. Hoist To hoist something is to raise or haul it up. 3. Jubilee A jubilee is a special anniversary of an event. 4. Detest Detest is to dislike something intensely. 5. Anaesthetic An anaesthetic is a substance that induces insensitivity to pain. 6. Oblige Oblige is to do as (someone) asks or desires in order to help or please them. 7. Gullible Gullible means to be easily persuaded to believe something. 8. Morals Morals are a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. 9. Conscience A conscience is an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. 10. Scruples Scruples are a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.

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Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary Practice Write the vocabulary term’s letter on the line below the correct definition.

1. A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.

2. To dislike something intensely.

3. An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

4. To do as (someone) asks or desires in order to help or please them.

5. Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

6. A substance that induces insensitivity to pain.

7. To be easily persuaded to believe something.

8. To raise or haul it up.

9. A person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.

10. A special anniversary of an event.

A. Decency B. Hoist C. Jubilee D. Detest E. Anaesthetic F. Oblige G. Gullible H. Morals I. Conscience J. Scruples

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Chapters 6-10 Vocabulary Practice (Answer Key)

1. J 2. D 3. I 4. F 5. A 6. E 7. G 8. B 9. H 10. C

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Chapters 6-10 Dictation or Copywork

Option 1: The rat had no morals, no conscience, no scruples, no consideration, no decency, no milk of rodent kindness, no compunctions, no higher feeling, no friendliness, no anything. Option 2: As the days went by, Wilbur grew and grew. He ate three big meals a day. He spent long hours lying on his side, half asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams. Option 3: Twilight settled over Zuckerman’s barn, and a feeling of peace. Fern knew it was almost suppertime but she couldn’t bear to leave. Swallows passed on silent wings, in and out of the doorways, bringing food to their young ones.

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Chapters 11-13 Discussion Questions Chapter 11 1. What did lurvy discover when he went to feed Wilbur breakfast? 2. With all the visitors, what did the Zuckermans forget to do? Chapter 12 3. What is the second word that Charlotte wrote in her web? 4. How did the sheep convince Templeton to get magazine clippings from the dump? Chapter 13 5. Who did the Zuckermans call to report the “miracle”? 6. Where did Mr. Zuckerman decide to take Wilbur? 7. What did the crate look like? 8. What new word did Templeton bring to Charlotte from the soap box? 9. What did Charlotte’s cousin catch in her web? 10. What did Charlotte say her other cousin was?

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Chapters 11-13 Discussion Questions Chapter 11 1. What did lurvy discover when he went to feed Wilbur breakfast? “Some Pig” was written in a web 2. With all the visitors, what did the Zuckermans forget to do? All of the farm work Chapter 12 3. What is the second word that Charlotte wrote in her web? Terrific 4. How did the sheep convince Templeton to get magazine clippings from the dump? He explained that Wilbur’s food supply is what keeps him alive during the winter Chapter 13 5. Who did the Zuckermans call to report the “miracle”? The Weekly Chronicle 6. Where did Mr. Zuckerman decide to take Wilbur? The county fair 7. What did the crate look like? It was green with Zuckerman’s Famous Pig written in gold letters 8. What new word did Templeton bring to Charlotte from the soap box? Radiant 9. What did Charlotte’s cousin catch in her web? A fish 10. What did Charlotte say her other cousin was? An aeronaut or balloonist

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Chapters 11-13 Vocabulary

Please define the following terms. 1. Exertion 2. Aeronaut 3. Idiosyncrasy 4. Quivered 5. Sensational

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Chapters 11-13 Vocabulary (Answer Key)

Please define the following terms. 1. Exertion Exertion is a physical or mental effort. 2. Aeronaut An aeronaut is a traveler in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft. 3. Idiosyncrasy Idiosyncrasy is a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. 4. Quiver To quiver is to tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion. 5. Sensational Sensational means to be very good, impressive or attractive.

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Chapters 11-13 Vocabulary Practice

Fill in the correct vocabulary term on the blank line. 1. To _______________ is to tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion. 2. An _______________ is a physical or mental effort. 3. To be _______________ means to be very good, impressive, or attractive. 4. An _______________ is a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. 5. An _______________ is a traveler in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft.

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Chapters 11-13 Vocabulary Practice (Answer Key)

1. Quiver 2. Exertion 3. Sensational 4. Idiosyncrasy 5. Aeronaut

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Word Web

During weeks 3 and 4 your children will build a family “word web”. To create your web, cut words that describe your family out of a magazine and attach them to a cotton web.

Suggested supplies:

● Cotton (Halloween) webbing ● Magazines ● Scissors ● Tape

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Chapters 11-13 Dictation or Copywork

Option 1: Secrets are hard to keep. Long before Sunday came, the news spread all over the country. Everybody knew that a sign had appeared in a spider’s web on the Zuckerman place. Everybody knew that the Zuckermans had a wondrous pig. Option 2: “Sleep, sleep, my love, my only, Deep, deep, in the dung and the dark; Be not afraid and be not lonely! This is the hour when frogs and thrushes Praise the world from the woods and the rushes. Rest from care, my one and only, Deep in the dung and the dark!”

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Chapters 14-18 Discussion Questions

Chapter 14 1. What does Dr. Dorian think is a miracle? 2. Why Dr. Dorian believe only children can hear animals talk? Chapter 15 3. Why did Charlotte say she didn’t want to go to the fair? Chapter 16 4. What kind of bath does Mrs. Zuckerman want to give Wilbur? 5. Who is going to the fair with Wilbur? 6. Where did Charlotte hide? 7. What did the old sheep tell Wilbur to do when the Zuckermans try to load him in his crate? Chapter 17 8. What is the pig’s name in the pen next to Wilbur? 9. What kind of pig is Uncle? Chapter 18 10. What word does Templeton bring to Charlotte at the fair?

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Chapters 14-18 Discussion Questions (Answer Key)

Chapter 14 1. What does Dr. Dorian think is a miracle? A spider spinning a web 2. Why does Dr. Dorian believe only children hear animals talks? Children pay better attention Chapter 15 3. Why did Charlotte say she didn’t want to go to the fair? She has to make an egg sac Chapter 16 4. What kind of bath does Mrs. Zuckerman want to give Wilbur? Buttermilk 5. Who is going to the fair with Wilbur? Charlotte and Templeton 6. Where did Charlotte hide? In a knothole in Wilbur’s crate 7. What did the old sheep tell Wilbur to do when the Zuckermans try to load him in his crate? Struggle and resist being loaded Chapter 17 8. What is the pig’s name in the pen next to Wilbur? Uncle 9. What kind of pig is Uncle? Spring pig Chapter 18 10. What word does Templeton bring to Charlotte at the fair? Humble

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Chapters 14-18 Vocabulary

Please define the following terms. 1. Invent 2. Sociable 3. Miraculous 4. Fascinating 5. Vaguely 6. Modest 7. Incessant 8. Monotonous 9. Versatile 10. Ascended

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Chapters 14-18 Vocabulary (Answer Key)

Please define the following terms. 1. Invent Invent is when someone creates or designs something. 2. Sociable Sociable means to be willing to talk and engage in activities with other people. 3. Miraculous Miraculous means occurring through divine or supernatural intervention. 4. Fascinating Fascinating is when something is extremely interesting. 5. Vaguely Vaguely means in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear. 6. Modest Modest is unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements. 7. Incessant Incessant is continuing without pause or interruption. 8. Monotonous Monotonous is something dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest. 9. Versatile Versatile is being able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. 10. Ascend Ascend is to go up or climb.

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Chapters 14-18 Vocabulary Practice Write the vocabulary term’s letter on the line below the correct definition.

1. willing to talk and engage in activities with other people

2. dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest

3. something extremely interesting

4. continuing without pause or interruption

5. unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements

6. being able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

7. a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear

8. to create or design something

9. go up or climb

10. occurring through divine or supernatural intervention

A. Invent B. Sociable C. Miraculous D. Fascinating E. Vaguely F. Modest G. Incessant H. Monotonous I. Versatile J. Ascend

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Chapters 14-18 Vocabulary Practice (Answer Key)

1. B 2. H 3. D 4. G 5. F 6. I 7. E 8. A 9. J 10. C

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Chapters 14-18 Dictation or Copywork

Option 1: The children grabbed each other by the hand and danced off in the direction of the merry-go-round, toward the wonderful music and the wonderful adventure and the wonderful excitement, into the wonderful midway where there would be no parents to guard them and guide them, and where they could be happy and free and do as they pleased. Option 2: “I’ll tell you in the morning,” she said. “When the first light comes into the sky and the sparrows stir and the cows rattle their chains, when the rooster crows and the stars fade, when early cars whisper along the highway, you look up here and I’ll show you something. I will show you my masterpiece.”

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Chapters 19-22 Discussion Questions Chapter 19 1. What did Charlotte call her egg sac? 2. What does this special word Charlotte used for her egg sac mean? 3. How many eggs are in the egg sac? 4. Who won the blue ribbon? Chapter 20 5. What prized did Mr. Zuckerman and Wilbur win? Chapter 21 6. What did Wilbur think Charlotte was when they first met? 7. What does Wilbur ask Templeton to do? 8. What does Wilbur promise Templeton he will do from now on? 9. What happened to Charlotte? Chapter 22 10. How many of Charlotte’s children stay at the barn with Wilbur? What are their names?

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Chapters 19-22 Discussion Questions (Answer Key) Chapter 19 1. What did Charlotte call her egg sac? Magnum Opus 2. What does this special word Charlotte used for her egg sac mean? “Great Work” 3. How many eggs are in the egg sac? 514 4. Who won the blue ribbon? Uncle Chapter 20 5. What prized did Mr. Zuckerman and Wilbur win? $25 and a bronze medal Chapter 21 6. What did Wilbur think Charlotte was when they first met? Cruel and bloodthirsty 7. What does Wilbur ask Templeton to do? Get Charlotte’s egg sac for him to bring back to the farm 8. What does Wilbur promise Templeton he will do from now on? Let him eat first from his trough 9. What happened to Charlotte? She died Chapter 22 10. How many of Charlotte’s children stay at the barn with Wilbur? What are their names? 3; Joy, Aranea, and Nellie

Chapter 19-22 Vocabulary

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Page 36: Charlotte’s Web · Charlotte’s Web A ... 2 . t o p l a y a n d m o ve a b o u t c h e e rf u l l y, e xci t e d l y, o r e n e rg e t i ca l l y 3 . a s t u p i d o r c a re l

Please define the follow terms. 1. Languish 2. Marvel 3. Indigestion 4. Hankering 5. Commotion 6. Extraordinary 7. Phenomenon 8. Tremendous 9. Satisfaction 10. Desolation

Chapter 19-22 Vocabulary (Answer Key)

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Page 37: Charlotte’s Web · Charlotte’s Web A ... 2 . t o p l a y a n d m o ve a b o u t c h e e rf u l l y, e xci t e d l y, o r e n e rg e t i ca l l y 3 . a s t u p i d o r c a re l

Please define the follow terms. 1. Languish To languish is to grow weak and feeble. 2. Marvel Marvel is to be filled with wonder or astonishment. 3. Indigestion Indigestion is pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food. 4. Hankering Hankering is a strong desire to have or do something. 5. Commotion Commotion is a state of confused and noisy disturbance. 6. Extraordinary Extraordinary is something very unusual or remarkable. 7. Phenomenon Phenomenon is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. 8. Tremendous Tremendous means very great in amount, scale, or intensity. 9. Satisfaction Satisfaction is the fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs. 10. Desolation Desolation is a state of complete emptiness or destruction.

Chapter 19-22 Vocabulary Practice

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Page 38: Charlotte’s Web · Charlotte’s Web A ... 2 . t o p l a y a n d m o ve a b o u t c h e e rf u l l y, e xci t e d l y, o r e n e rg e t i ca l l y 3 . a s t u p i d o r c a re l

1. a state of complete emptiness or destruction

2. to be filled with wonder or astonishment

3. a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question

4. a strong desire to have or do something

5. to grow weak and feeble

6. the fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs

7. something very unusual or remarkable

8. pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food

9. very great in amount, scale, or intensity

10. a state of confused and noisy disturbance

A. Languish B. Marvel C. Indigestion D. Hankering E. Commotion F. Extraordinary G. Phenomenon H. Tremendous I. Satisfaction J. Desolation

Chapters 19-22 Vocabulary Practice (Answer Key)

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Page 39: Charlotte’s Web · Charlotte’s Web A ... 2 . t o p l a y a n d m o ve a b o u t c h e e rf u l l y, e xci t e d l y, o r e n e rg e t i ca l l y 3 . a s t u p i d o r c a re l

1. J 2. B 3. G 4. D 5. A 6. I 7. F 8. C 9. H 10. E

Chapters 19-22 Dictation or Copywork

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Page 40: Charlotte’s Web · Charlotte’s Web A ... 2 . t o p l a y a n d m o ve a b o u t c h e e rf u l l y, e xci t e d l y, o r e n e rg e t i ca l l y 3 . a s t u p i d o r c a re l

Option 1: “Welcome to the barn cellar. You have chosen a hallowed doorway from which to string your webs. I think it is only fair to tell you that I was devoted to your mother. I owe my very life to her. She was brilliant, beautiful, and loyal to the end. I shall always treasure her memory. To you, her daughters, I pledge my friendship, forever and ever.” Option 2: Life in the barn was very good-night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days. It was the best place to be, thought Wilbur, this warm delicious cellar, with the garrulous geese, the changing seasons, the heat of the sun, the passage of swallows, the nearness of rats, the sameness of sheep, the love of spiders, the smell of manure, and the glory of everything.

Pig Slop Snack

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Now that you have finished reading it is movie time. Have your children compare/contrast the two, and enjoy a special “pig slop” snack. Pick and choose what you want to add to your pudding and dig in!

Suggested supplies: ● Chocolate pudding cups ● Mini marshmallows ● M&M’s ● Gummi worms ● Mini powdered donuts

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