charlotte’s web by: samantha stapleton. main characters are the people that the story is mostly...

Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton

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Post on 20-Jan-2018




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Setting The Setting is where the story takes place. It can be past, present, and future. It can also be a specific place. In Charlotte’s Web, the setting is on a farm.


Page 1: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

Charlotte’s Web

By: Samantha Stapleton

Page 2: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

•Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.

•In Charlotte’s Web, Wilbur and Charlotte are the main characters.

Main Characters

Page 3: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

Setting•The Setting is where the story takes place.

•It can be past, present, and future.

•It can also be a specific place.

•In Charlotte’s Web, the setting is on a farm.

Page 4: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

• The plot tells the events that happen in the story.

• The plot should have a beginning, middle, and end.

• The plot should also be told in order in which it occurs in the story.


Page 5: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

•The conflict is the main problem in the story. Conflict

Page 6: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

Point of View•The point of view is the angle the story is being told from.

•Is the story told in 1st person? 2nd person? 3rd person?

Page 7: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

•Theme is the concept of the story.

•Is it a Romance? A Mystery?


Page 8: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

•The tone is the author’s attitude about the subject. Tone

Page 9: Charlotte’s Web By: Samantha Stapleton. Main characters are the people that the story is mostly about.…

ANDEnjoy Charlotte’s Web