chat bout dat process book

Chat Bout Dat

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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Comm2905. Sammoy Livermore. Process book


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Chat Bout Dat

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Revised Project Proposal

The creation of a new and enlightening patriotic blog that caters to Jamaicans is something that is

needed in an era when the Jamaican youth are becoming more Americanized and slowly

replacing their native culture for that which belongs to somebody else. I see this every day in the

way my college associates speak, dress, and behave. Young adults like myself, need to be

reminded of why we should be proud to be Jamaicans. We have a unique culture that amazes the

entire world, so it puzzles me and other young adults when we see other individuals of our

generation pretend to be American.

I aim to create a Jamaican culture and lifestyle blog that will serve to educate and inform

my generation of the wonderful reasons why being a Jamaican is ‘awesome’. It will have a

throwback feature that will educate users of Jamaica’s past by using text and visual aid. There is

also a ‘quote of the day’ section where I will publish a new Jamaican quotes daily. It will also be

quite entertaining and will deal with some serious issues that ‘wi can tek mek joke’. This blog

will also be beneficial to non-Jamaicans who have a genuine love for our culture and day to day

lifestyle, and citizens in the Jamaican diaspora. It will cover topics that include but are not

limited to: social commentary, food, relationships, and fashion. These topics will grab and keep

the attention of the target audience. The content of the blog will change daily and sometimes

weekly, and will act almost similarly to a news site. This is because any fresh information that is

worth taking about will be posted as soon as possible so the subscribers or users of the blog can

engage in riveting conversations or debates. This will be facilitated by the comments section on

the blog and also the affiliated Facebook page and YouTube account that will be created in the

near future.

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The chosen title of the blog is ‘Chat Bout Dat’ which is in keeping with our native

Jamaican first language. The title implies anything that is current or of worth. This is because

when a Jamaican person says “chat bout dat” the phrase is usually directed to topics that are of

burning concern or excitement. The blog will also contain special entertainment features that

deal with our night life, the party scene, and our unique music industry.

Similar blogs and websites that are like this one are,,, the and These

blogs and websites are similar because their content is mostly focused on the Jamaican culture.

My blog will be different because some of the blogs and websites are only focused on one aspect

of our culture. for example creates content that only focuses on the entertainment

side of our Jamaican lifestyle. This means that they only produce content about events such as

parties and social gatherings. I however, like the fact that it is also a photography site because it

is very visually appealing. I will have a slideshow on my blog that will feature images of

Jamaican public figures in the news, popular trends, sports, and anything Jamaican.

I am very passionate about this blog and I intend to continue it even after the course has

ended. I hope that the Facebook page and YouTube channel will be successful additions to the

blog, as some persons might prefer one platform over the other. I would also like the blog to have

an offline life by creating a magazine called ‘Chat Bout Dat’.

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Chat Bout Dat


Reflective essay: Refinement of the prototype

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The prototype of the blog ‘Chat Bout Dat’ was refined and upgraded after the administrator

received constructive criticism from the lecturer, potential users of the blog and classmates. The

following changes were made: changes to the headline of an article, changes to the content of

some articles, and changes to the layout (presentation) of the blog.

Firstly, after reviewing the prototype, the lecturer commented that the headline of one of

the articles was not cohesive with the content. The article was featuring Shelly-Ann Fraser-

Pryce, a popular Jamaican female athlete that won a race in Poland. The headline was changed to

improve the article, as the administrator now realized that it is wrong to unintentionally mislead

the users of the blog. Additionally, the section called ‘This Day in Jamaica’s History’ will now

have a sub-heading to match the specific content that appears on that day for example if a huge

fire took place on this day in history then under that section the sub-heading would be ‘Huge Fire

in Kingston- 10 killed etc.

Secondly, changes to the content of some articles were made after being reviewed by the

lecturer. In this case hyperlinks were placed in the articles to provide more information to the

users. This is in keeping with the blog’s objective to provide information that can aid the users

understanding of their birth country- Jamaica. So for example, a hyperlink of a sports website

such as the IWAFF website or Shelly-Ann’s Wikipedia page would be placed in the article about

Shelly-Ann Fraser- Pryce. Audio and videos will also be added to provide more information

about the content of some articles. Websites like will be used to add videos; the

Facebook page of the blog will also be used to provide more information on anything that is

newsworthy and current. It is however in its early stage at this moment. Also, the Jamaican

‘Quote of the Day’ will be explained instead of just writing a quote that some users might not

understand. This will allow them to share their new found knowledge with others.

Finally, after receiving criticism from the lecturer, potential users and friends the

administrator has also decided to make changes to the layout of the blog. The slideshow was said

to lack a title for the pictures but this proved difficult to do, with more attempts the administrator

will seek to do this or if this cannot be done a decision might be made to remove the slideshow

from the blog. Some friends have said that the slideshow’s removal will not detract from the

overall presentation of the blog. Additionally, the ‘follow’ button that was at the bottom of the

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blog has been moved closer to the top. This change was made because potential users said the

Item was hard to locate.

The administrator is deeply appreciative of the comments and critiques that were given

by the lecturer, potential users and friends. They have improved the blog and have made it more

interesting and easier to navigate through the content on the blog. Most people did however say

that the blog was wonderful and that it could potentially become very popular because it features

things they are interested in. Some also said humorously that they could not believe I was the one

how created the blog.

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Revised prototype

Documentation of the project’s development process

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The blog ‘Chat Bout Dat’ started from an idea. A simple idea to create a Jamaican culture and

lifestyle blog that would educate, entertain, and inform college students about their native

Jamaican culture. The development or production process began with a proposal. This contained

my plans and initial ideas for the creation of the blog. At this stage I created: the name, several

features on the blog, the target audience, and the idea to create two affiliated pages (a YouTube

account and Facebook page) and a hard copy magazine.

Secondly, the developmental process continued with the creation of the prototype. This

was the first draft of the blog. At this stage the blog was created from the domain

website. The Sunspot theme was chosen to display the blog because of its appealing colors and

background. Several features were also placed on the blog, these included a ‘Quote of the Day’

feature, ‘This Day in Jamaica’s History’ and a slide show with trendy Jamaican public figures.

Additionally the process continued with a reflection of the prototype. At this stage several

changes were made to the blog after feedback was given from users, associates and the lecturer.

The quote of the day feature was revised after a critique by the lecturer. An explanation of the

quote was provided so that users could understand adequately. The explanation is in keeping with

my initial aim to educate my users. Changes were also made to the ‘This Day in Jamaica’s

History’ feature. A subheading was added to aid comprehension of the content. The slideshow

was then removed after it was deemed unnecessary. Changes to some articles were made as

hyperlinks were added. The layout of the blog was also changed after some widgets like the

‘follow button’ were moved around to allow the blog to be more visually appealing. The

Facebook page and YouTube account were then created to be affiliates of the blog. They both

retained the ‘Chat Bout Dat’ title to maintain a unified characteristic on the different electronic

publishing platforms. A link that connects the Facebook page to the blog was also added so users

could like and support the page while switching platforms easily.

The final stage in the development process was the creation of the final project. This

contains video, audio and text files that were uploaded or linked to all three platforms. The

separate video and audio file were combined into one file and was made into the introductory

video that explains to potential users what the blog is about. It is entitled ‘Video Discussing the

Official Launch of The blog & FB Page’ and it was uploaded to the blog’s YouTube account to

make this combined file downloadable. The text version of the final project was done in the form

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of a new, original article that is entitled ‘5 Ways to Keep a Jamaican Man’. This text was

uploaded to the blog and then shared to the Facebook account. This file is downloadable by a

copy and paste format.

The decision to abandon the offline magazine was made because of the expense of that

venture. Several other challenges were faced during the development process because I

possessed no prior knowledge of creating blogs before this project, and the Word press domain

was sometimes difficult to comprehend. It also took me awhile to create a name for the blog. I

however overcame all those challenges with hard work and dedication. I will continue this

project after the course has ended, because I believe people are interested in the blog’s objective

which is to educate, entertain, and inform them about the Jamaican culture. I will recruit a team

who will assist me in administrating the YouTube and Facebook accounts.

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Links and Final Prototype




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Other Platforms

