chd case study

Cardiovascular Disease Case Study Benny is a 54 year old male. He works in industry so has a moderately physical career but outside of this his only regular exercise is walking his dog, Sherbert, once a day for approximately a mile. His diet is lacking in variety, predominated by chicken and rice, both at home and in take-out form. His cholesterol is higher than normal, and his blood pressure is elevated for a man his age. Benny smokes 40 cigarettes a day and his father died of a heart attack in his late 40ʼs. Your Task Write a letter of recommendation to Benny discussing his risk of developing coronary heart disease based on his lifestyle and genetics. Explain to him the effect each of these risks has (in terms of epidemiology and time). Make a series of suggestions to this patient stating what he could do to change his risk of developing CHD and how each change would cause a positive effect. Suggest some leaflets from the British Heart Foundation publications:

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Post on 13-May-2015



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Page 1: Chd Case Study

Cardiovascular DiseaseCase Study

Benny is a 54 year old male. He works in industry so has a moderately physical career but outside of this his only regular exercise is walking his dog, S h e r b e r t , o n c e a d a y f o r approximately a mile. His diet is lacking in variety, predominated by chicken and rice, both at home and in take-out form. His cholesterol is higher than normal, and his blood pressure is elevated for a man his age. Benny smokes 40 cigarettes a day and his father died of a heart attack in his late 40ʼs.

Your TaskWrite a letter of recommendation to Benny discussing his risk of developing coronary heart disease based on his lifestyle and genetics. Explain to him the effect each of these risks has (in terms of epidemiology and time).

Make a series of suggestions to this patient stating what he could do to change his risk of developing CHD and how each change would cause a positive effect. Suggest some leaflets from the British Heart Foundation publications:

Page 2: Chd Case Study

Cardiovascular DiseaseCase Study