chef bong sagmit - the farm-to-table phenomenon in the philippines

Farm to Table Dining in the Philippines

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Post on 18-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Chef Bong Sagmit - The Farm-to-Table Phenomenon in the Philippines

Farm to Table Dining

in the Philippines

Page 2: Chef Bong Sagmit - The Farm-to-Table Phenomenon in the Philippines

The phrase is referred to as food being prepared using locally sourced ingredients. Not just it’s creating a unique freshly prepared dish but also helping local farmers to sustain their living and growing business.

This is not a new practice, even before the times of our ancestors, the simple way of picking garden greens and vegetables from the backyard could be considered a “Farm to Table” style of preparing food.

It is all about valuing quality over ease and convenience

“Farm to Table”

Page 3: Chef Bong Sagmit - The Farm-to-Table Phenomenon in the Philippines

Local farm situated in Clark field, Pampanga

Provides local markets of fresh garden greens, herbs, chilies and cucumbers

Uses a plant called “Neem” as pesticide, environment friendly

Grows their own natural fertilizers like worms, fish amino and uses chicken and goat feces as fertilizers

Yumi Clark Agro

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The farm’s nursery

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Plantation of chilies, they are not the typical spicy green chili finger, these are the sweet ones,

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Garden of fresh salad greens..

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Korean variety of cucumber planted inside Clark field..

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Crystal Bay Oyster


Studied and practiced methods on how to ensure consumer’s health safety on eating fresh and raw oysters.

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Oysters are best when farmed and prepared the right way..

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Century Hotel

• Century hotel is the hub for research and development

• Farming a small portion of the hotel area sustains our needs for freshly picked herbs and other greens

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A set menu prepared inspired by the different historical events in Pampanga, and yes, local ingredients were used..

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The establishment’s name concept,“Pigs”, Nose to Tail style of dining“Pints”, Locally crafted beers and drinks we are serving

Pigs and Pints

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Nose to Tail Dining

This style deals with cooking every part of the pig, including rarely used part such as offal..

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As the population increases, there is also an

increasing pressure on the earth’s finite resources. Sustainability is about finding ways of providing food that will last for future generations without giving a harmful impact on the environment.

To achieve sustainability, food items and ingredients should be sourced locally as much as possible to minimized the energy used in production, transport and storage thus also lessening chemicals.

Food Sustainability

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It means that we are raising plants and fish together in a mutually beneficial arrangement where the plants send their roots down into water fertilized by the fish

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Sustainability in food industry is not just about food but also finding ways of appetizingly serve them whilst sustaining environment by transforming these empty bottles into serving gears…

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House Cured Meats

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In house fermented items such as vinegars made from fruits and healthy fermented tea called Kombucha

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Farm is not necessary to produce fresh items to serve in your tables

Urban Foraging

Just by strolling down the street, you will find these items that could be used as alternatives to processed ingredients, they are these flowers, leaves, etc..

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