chemotherapy makes cancer worse and kills patients more quickly

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  • 7/31/2019 Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Worse and Kills Patients More Quickly


    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    Exposed: Deadly Cancer Drugs Make Cancer Worseand Kill Patients More Quickly

    Anthony Gucciardi

    Activist Post

    Cancer drugs, pushed by many drug companies as the only scientific method of combatingcancer alongside chemotherapy, have been found to actually make cancer worse and killpatients more quickly.

    The findings come afterresearch was conducted on the cancer drugs at the Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center in Boston.

    Sold at a premium price to cancer sufferers, it turns out these drugs are not onlyineffective buthighly dangerous.

    Something known as anti-angiogenesis is the primary function behind many such widely-usedcancer drugs that were analyzed in the study. Researchers examined drugs such as imatanib (aleukemia drug that goes by the brand name Gleevec) and sunitinib (a drug for gastrointestinaltumors brand name Sutent), finding that these drugs may initially reduce tumor size, butafterwards cause tumors to metastasize aggressively. This means that the tumors comeback much stronger and grow much larger than their original size.

    Cancer Drugs Lead to Metastasized Tumors

    As a result, patients develop life-threatening tumors that oftentimes kill patients more quickly as aresult of taking the drug.

    When study researchers induced anti-angiogenesis in mice, there was an initial 30% decrease inthe volume of the tumor over 25 days. Afterwards, however, the tumors that had metastasizedto the lungs tripled. Researchers published the findings in theJanuary 17 issue ofCancer Cell,with study authors shocked by the findings.

    'Whatever manipulations were doing to tumors can inadvertently do something to increase thetumor numbers to become more metastatic, which is what kills patients at the end of the day,' saidstudy author Dr. Raghu Kalluri.

    Natural Alternatives More Effective, Come Without Side Effects

    It is clear that these cancer drugs are virtually ineffective at treating cancer, even killing patientswho may have otherwise survived. Of course a number ofnatural anti-cancer substances doexist that have been found to be largely effective in reducing tumor size and most importantlycombating the onset of cancer. Perhaps the most amazing anti-cancer substance for your health ishigh quality turmeric. Turmeric has been found to reduce tumors by an astounding 81%inrecent research.

    And contrary to cancer drugs, turmeric does not come loaded with deadly side effects.

    Quite the opposite, turmeric instead comes with beneficial properties that can prevent your risk ofdisease and positively affect over 560 conditions.

    Vitamin D is another essential anti-cancer nutrient. Amazingly, vitamin D is muchmore effectivethan pharmaceutical drugsat fighting cancer, and is virtually a free nutrient. Instead of paying apremium price for deadly cancer drugs, your vitamin D levels can be significantly improved by

  • 7/31/2019 Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Worse and Kills Patients More Quickly


    soaking up some sunlight. It is important to receive a blood test to ensure you are within theoptimal vitamin D level range. The correct test you should receive is 25(OH)D, also called25-hydroxyvitamin D. The optimal range is 50-70 ng/ml, though if you are fighting cancer orheart disease it is 70-100 ng/ml.

    Explore More:

    1. Music Therapy May Help Cancer Patients

    2. Study Identifies Natural Colon Cancer Treatment

    3. Real Proof of Cancer Cures Comes from Cured Patients, Not Scientific Documents

    4. Gardasil Exposed Deadly Vaccine Pushed on Millions of Young Boys and Girls Worldwide

    5. Vitamin D Better than Pharmaceuticals at Treating Cancer

    6. Asthma Drugs Kill More than Asthma, FDA Ignores Risk

    Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.

    Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizomatousherbaceousperennial plant of the gingerfamily, Zingiberaceae.[2] It is native totropicalSouth Asia and needs temperaturesbetween 20 C and 30 C (68 F and 86 F)

    and a considerable amount of annual rainfallto thrive.[3] Plants are gathered annually fortheir rhizomes, and propagated from some

    of those rhizomes in the followingseason.

    When not used fresh, the rhizomes areboiled for several hours and then driedin hot ovens, after which they are

    ground into a deep orange-yellowpowder commonly used as a spice incurries and other South Asian and

  • 7/31/2019 Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Worse and Kills Patients More Quickly


    Middle Eastern cuisine, for dyeing, and to impart color tomustard condiments. Its active ingredient is curcumin and it hasa distinctly earthy, slightly bitter, slightly hot peppery flavor anda mustardy smell. Curcumin can be used to test the alkalinity oracidity of foods. It turns yellow in an acidic food, and it turns red

    in an alkaline food. [4]

    In medieval Europe, turmeric became known as Indian saffron,since it was widely used as an alternative to the far moreexpensive saffron spice.[5]
