chest history taking

Chest Case History Taking By Dr. Iman Hassan Lecturer of Pulmonary Medicine Ain Shams University E-mail: [email protected]

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Chest Case

History Taking


Dr. Iman Hassan

Lecturer of Pulmonary Medicine

Ain Shams University

E-mail: [email protected]

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Aim of this lecture:

By the end of the session, doctors should know

fundamentals of chest history taking & become capable

of taking a chest history case.

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Importance of History Taking

Obtaining an accurate history is the criticalfirst step in determining the etiology of apatient's problem.

It enables doctors to make accurateprovisional diagnosis.

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General Approach Introduce yourself.

Note: never forget patient names

Treat patient appropriately in a friendly relaxed way.

Confidentiality & respect patient privacy.

Try to see things from patient point of view. Understand patient underneath mental status, anxiety, irritation or depression.

Always exhibit neutral position.


Questioning: simple/clear/avoid medical terms/open, leading, interrupting, direct questions & summarizing.

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Chest Case History Taking

Personal history


History of present illness

Cardinal chest symptoms

Minor chest symptoms

Past history

Family history

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Personal HistoryName: Familiarity & possible etiological diagnosis.

Age: Diseases common among certain age groups.

Sex: Diseases common related to the type of sex.

Race: Diseases common among certain races.

Occupation: Diseases common among certain occupations.

Residence: Diseases common among certain place of residency.

Marital status & off springs: Correlating certain diseases with fertility.

Habits of medical importance: e.g., smoking, addiction, bird breeding

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Personal History

Habits of medical importance:

• Smoking / X-smoker

Pack years = Number of cigarettes/day Years


• Alcohol Aspiration, Lung abscess, Hypoventilation

• Drug addiction Resp. depression, Septic embolism

• Bird breeder EAA

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Chief Complaint

The main reason that pushed the patient toseek for visiting a physician (or) for help.

Patient own words




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Dramatic seconds

Sudden min/hrs

Rapid days

Gradual wks/months







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C/O: ……..+ Duration.

C/O: …….+ Onset + Course + Duration.

Short/specific in one clear sentencecommunicating present/major problem.

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History of Present Illness


Elaborate on the chief complaint in detail.

Ask relevant associated symptoms.

Have differential diagnosis in mind.

Lead the conversation & thoughts.

Decide & weight the importance of minor complaints.

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History of Present Illness

A. Cardinal Chest Symptoms:

1) Cough

2) Expectoration

3) Hemoptysis

4) Dyspnea

5) Chest Wheezes

6) Chest Pain


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History of Present Illness

B. Minor Chest Symptoms:

1) Toxemia

2) Mediastinal Compression

3) Respiratory Failure

4) Cor Pulmonale

5) Jaundice

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1) Cough

Dry (or) Productive

Duration: Persistent, Short (or) Paroxysmal.

Timing: Nocturnal, Diurnal (or) All day.

Character: Suppressed, Brassy, Bovine, Croup (or) Barking

Site: Pharyngeal, Laryngeal, Tracheal, Bronchial, Pleural (or)


Complications: Vomiting, Syncope, Pneumothorax, Fracture rib

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2) Expectoration


Color: e.g., whitish, yellowish, reddish, greenish, rusty.

Odour: odourless (or) foul odour

Aspect: watery, mucoid, mucopurulent, purulent.

Relation to posture

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3) Hemoptysis

Hemoptysis is defined as coughing of blood

originating from below the vocal cords.

Life threatening (or) Massive hemoptysis is

defined as coughing of blood > 150 ml/time (or)

> 1000 ml/24 hours.

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3) Hemoptysis

Type & Color: (frank, mixed or blood tinged)



Last attack

Management / Blood transfusion

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Causes of Hemoptysis


1. Tuberculosis.

2. Tumor.

3. Pneumonia.

4. Abscess.

5. Infarction.

6. Trauma.

7. Vasculitis & collagen disorders.

8. Cystic fibrosis.

9. Alveolar hemorrhage.

10.Arteriovenous malformation


1. Left Ventricular Failure.

2. Mitral stenosis.

3. Aortic aneurism.

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Causes of Hemoptysis

Other causes:

1. Blood diseases.

2. Anticoagulant therapy.


1. Bronchitis (acute & chronic).

2. Bronchiectasis.

3. Foreign body.

4. Tumor (e.g., bronchial carcinoma, tracheal & laryngeal tumors).

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Causes of Hemoptysis

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Differences between True Hemoptysis & Spurious (False) Hemoptysis

True hemoptysis False hemoptysis

Below vocal cords Above vocal cords

Persists as blood tinged sputum Does not persist

May be mixed with sputum Not mixed with sputum

History of cardiopulmonary disease Obvious by ENT examination

CXR may be abnormal Normal CXR

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Differences between Hemoptysis & Hematemsis

Hemoptysis Hematemsis

Coughing of blood Vomiting of blood

History of cardiopulmonary disease History of GIT disease

Bright red in color Dark brown in color

Sputum remains blood stained after the attack for few days

Usually followed by melena

Mixed with sputum Mixed with gastric contents

Blood is frothy Airless

Alkaline Acidic

Sputum contains hemosedrin laden macrophages


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4) Dyspnea


Course: grading of severity, ± orthopnea ± PND.



Timing: Exertional (or) at rest.

Associated symptoms: e.g., chest pain, hemoptysis & wheezes.

Response to treatment

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Differences between Cardiac & Chest Dyspnea

Cardiac Bronchial

Age usually old usually young

History Cardiac disease Chest disease

Timing usually 2h after sleep usually in early morning

Duration Minutes Up to hours

Sputum Minimal pink frothy Viscid mucoid

O/E ± Valve lesion

Fine basal crepitations

± Wheezes


May be Silent chest

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Grading of Dyspnea

At RestExertional

Grade Exertion Description

Orthopnea 0 No No No dyspnea on walking upstairs

Trepopnea 1 MildSevere

(3 flights)Dyspnea on walking upstairs

Platypnea 2 ModerateModerate

(1-2 flights)

dyspnea on walking for a distance of a mile

Prayer’s position

3 SevereMinimal

(100 yards)

Dyspnea on walking 100 yards (from room to room)

4 V. Severe At Rest Dyspnea on dressing or undressing

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Chest Causes of Acute Onset Dyspnea


Bronchial Asthma

Pulmonary Embolism

Foreign body

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5) Chest Wheezes


Musical sound produced by the passage

of air through narrowed airways.

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5) Chest Wheezes

Timing of the attack

Duration of the attack



Associated symptoms

Relief medications & Response

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5) Chest WheezesCauses


Bronchial asthma

Chronic bronchitis

Cardiac asthma



Foreign body

Endobronchial mass

Viscid secretion

Hilar LN enlargement

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6) Chest PainOnset



Character: stitching, stabbing, sawing (or) burning.


Radiation (or) Referral

What ↑ & what ↓

Severity: Interfering with daily activity (or) sleep rhythm.

Associated symptom

History of trauma (or) surgery

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Causes of Chest Pain


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Causes of Acute Chest Pain

Coronary artery disease

Pulmonary embolism/infarction


Pleurisy/ Pericarditis

Dissecting aortic aneurysm

Esophageal spasm

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Minor Chest Symptoms

1) Chronic Toxemia: night sweating & fever, loss of weight & appetite.

2) Mediastinal Compression: Dysphagia, hoarseness, brassy cough, edema

of eye lid (or) neck swelling.

3) Respiratory Failure: ✪ Hypoxia: (agitation, cyanosis, fine tremors).

✪ Hypercapnic: (inverted sleep rhythm, drowsy,

headache, flapping tremors).

4) Cor Pulmonale: Bilateral LL swelling, Rt hypochondrial pain, dyspepsia.

5) Jaundice

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Brain Storming

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Case (1)

60 years old male smoker presented to the ER with coughing of

about 100 cc of bright red blood, he gave history of blood tinged

sputum 10 days ago lasting for 2 days.

The patient gives history of weight loss of about 20 Kg in the past

3 months with repeated attacks of right sided sawing chest pain

not relieved by analgesics with no radiation or referral.

O/E: vitally stable ENT & Heart NAD

Chest exam.:↓ intensity over right mammary area.

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Case (1)

Q. What is your provisional diagnosis?

Q. What is the next investigation?

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Case (2)

45 years old male non-smoker presented to the ER with coughing

of about 1/4 cc of blood tinged sputum, along with night

sweating & fever, subjective loss of weight & appetite of 1 month


The patient gives history being in prison for the past 6 months, &

was released from jail 2 months ago.

O/E: temperature 39 C°.

Chest exam.:bronchial breathing over the left hemithorax with

bilateral scattered coarse non-fixed crepitations.

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Case (2)

Q. What is your provisional diagnosis?

Q. What is the next investigation?

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HPI: Clinco-Pathological Approach:

Bronchial disease: cough, expectoration, wheezes

Dyspnoea Hemoptysis

Parenchymatous disease: constitutional

Pleural disease: pleuritic chest pain, dry cough

Complicated chest disease: RF/ Cor pulmonale

Provisional Diagnosis

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Past History

Why do we ask for past history?

To determine the etiology of illness.

To avoid giving any future medications that will worsen the condition.

To determine any medical co morbidities or medications that might predispose to illness.

To assess for treatment modalities that might contraindicate with the current condition of the patient.

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Past History(Medical & Surgical)

Similar chest condition.

Tuberculosis (or) Anti TB treatment.


Previous hospitalization.

Previous surgery.

Blood transfusion.

Drug allergy.

Co-morbid condition: DM, HTN, Renal or hepatic disease.

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Family History

Similar familial chest condition.

Other familial chest diseases.

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