(chicago) dr. krishna reddy receives acclaimed physician award

April 1, 2011 India Tribune 9 COMMUNITY Dr. Krishna Reddy receives Acclaimed Physician Award BY A CORRESPONDENT Chicago: Dr. Krishna Reddy is one of the three top medical staff members of Kishwaukee Community Hospital, recognized as Acclaimed Physicians for 2011 by KishHealth System. The other two have been Dr. Karen Federici and Dr. Rogér Maillefer. Dr. Krishna Reddy, the hospi- tal’s chief pathologist and director of the health system’s Continuing Medical Edu- cation program, received the Promotion of Quality of Award. Dr. Federici, a family medi- cine physician, who practices in Genoa, received the Outstanding Service to Patients Award; and Dr. Maillefer, a general surgeon with DeKalb Clinic, received the Humanitarian/Commu- nity Service Award. The awards were presented at the health system’s fourth annual Physician Recognition Event on March 11. Twenty- two physicians from the Kish and Valley West Community Hospital medical staffs received nominations from employees, the commu- nity and medical staff col- leagues. Dr. Reddy has been medical director of the hospital’s Pathology and Clinical Laboratory since 1977, and during these past 34 years, he has been instrumental in the hospital achieving excellent standards of care. His involvement has included excellent performances on laboratory surveys by regula- tory agencies, participating in several committees and improvement teams, demon- strating a strong commitment to continuing medical education, and working to bring advancements to Kish that greatly benefit patient care. In his drive to improve stan- dards of care, he has promot- ed new lab testing procedures both in anatomical and clini- cal pathology areas that have resulted in rapid turnaround times, especially for cancer diagnoses. Attending physi- cians value this information from Dr. Reddy and his staff because it provides accurate diagnosis and treatment options for their patients and often results in shorter lengths of stay. Dr. Reddy thanked the medical staff and administra- tion, as well as laboratory staff and CME staff for their roles in raising the bar at Kish on the quality of patient care and continuing medical education. In 1982, at the request of the medical staff, Dr. Reddy volunteered to chair the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee, and since then the hospital and now KishHealth System, have been accredited to provide American Medical Association Category 1™ credit CME sessions. Because of his diligent lead- ership, in 2010, the KishHealth System Conti- nuing Medical Education program received six years of accreditation with com- mendation, making it one of 10 Illinois hospitals to receive this maximum honor, something he is very proud of. Dr. Reddy is medical direc- tor of the labs at DeKalb Clinic, NIU Health Services and Kishwaukee Community Hospital’s Cancer Center, and he serves on the board of directors for Heartland Blood Center. He also is a member and site surveyor for the Illinois State Medical Society for Continuing Medical Education. Dr. Krishna Reddy, accompanied by his wife Dr. Aruna, receiving the award from Dr. Mike Kulisz, Chief Medical Officer of KishHealth System.

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Chicago: Dr. Krishna Reddy is one of the three top medical staff members of Kishwaukee Community Hospital, recognized as Acclaimed Physicians for 2011 by KishHealth System. The other two have been Dr. Karen Federici and Dr. Rogér Maillefer.


Page 1: (Chicago) Dr. Krishna Reddy receives Acclaimed Physician Award

April 1, 2011 India Tribune 9


Dr. Krishna Reddy receives Acclaimed Physician Award BY A CORRESPONDENT

Chicago: Dr. Krishna Reddyis one of the three topmedical staff membersof Kishwaukee CommunityHospital, recognized asAcclaimed Physicians for 2011by KishHealth System. Theother two have been Dr. KarenFederici and Dr. RogérMaillefer.Dr. Krishna Reddy, the hospi-

tal’s chief pathologist anddirector of the health system’sContinuing Medical Edu-cation program, received thePromotion of Quality ofAward.Dr. Federici, a family medi-

cine physician, who practicesin Genoa, received theOutstanding Service toPatients Award; and Dr.Maillefer, a general surgeonwith DeKalb Clinic, receivedthe Humanitarian/Commu-nity Service Award.The awards were presented

at the health system’s fourthannual Physician RecognitionEvent on March 11. Twenty-two physicians from theKish and Valley WestCommunity Hospital medicalstaffs received nominationsfrom employees, the commu-nity and medical staff col-leagues. Dr. Reddy has been medical

director of the hospital’sPathology and ClinicalLaboratory since 1977, andduring these past 34 years, hehas been instrumental in thehospital achieving excellentstandards of care.His involvement has included

excellent performances onlaboratory surveys by regula-tory agencies, participatingin several committees andimprovement teams, demon-strating a strong commitmentto continuing medicaleducation, and working tobring advancements to Kishthat greatly benefit patientcare.In his drive to improve stan-

dards of care, he has promot-ed new lab testing proceduresboth in anatomical and clini-cal pathology areas that haveresulted in rapid turnaroundtimes, especially for cancerdiagnoses. Attending physi-cians value this informationfrom Dr. Reddy and his staffbecause it provides accuratediagnosis and treatmentoptions for their patients andoften results in shorter lengthsof stay.Dr. Reddy thanked the

medical staff and administra-tion, as well as laboratory

staff and CME staff for theirroles in raising the bar atKish on the quality ofpatient care and continuingmedical education.In 1982, at the request

of the medical staff,Dr. Reddy volunteeredto chair the ContinuingMedical Education (CME)Committee, and since thenthe hospital and nowKishHealth System, havebeen accredited toprovide American MedicalAssociation Category 1™credit CME sessions. Because of his diligent lead-

ership, in 2010, theKishHealth System Conti-

nuing Medical Educationprogram received six yearsof accreditation with com-mendation, making it oneof 10 Illinois hospitalsto receive this maximumhonor, something he is veryproud of. Dr. Reddy is medical direc-

tor of the labs at DeKalbClinic, NIU Health Servicesand Kishwaukee CommunityHospital’s Cancer Center,and he serves on the boardof directors for HeartlandBlood Center. He also is amember and site surveyorfor the Illinois State MedicalSociety for ContinuingMedical Education.

Dr. Krishna Reddy, accompanied by his wife Dr. Aruna, receiving the award fromDr. Mike Kulisz, Chief Medical Officer of KishHealth System.