child friendly environment in uganda - pader district 2010

in Northern Uganda Child Friendly Environment PADER DISTRICT A PICTORIAL REPORT From the People of Japan The Republic of Uganda

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This report has been compiled by COWI Ltd to document the developmental contributions by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the reconstruction of schools and health centers in six districts in Northern Uganda that were affected by the insurgency in the past 20 years.


Page 1: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010

in Northern Uganda

Child Friendly Environment


From the People of Japan

the republic of Uganda

Page 2: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010
Page 3: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010

in Northern Uganda

Child Friendly Environment

PADEr DiStrict

A pictorial Report

From the People of Japan

the republic of Uganda

Page 4: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010

Published forUNicEF UgandaP.o Box 7047, Kampala, Uganda

coWi ltDcrusader HouseP.o Box 10591Kampala, Uganda

By: Advanced communications ltd,P.o Box 11670, Kampala, UgandaE-mail:

©UNicEF Uganda. the views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of UNicEF and her partners.

Page 5: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010

table of contents

lukwor North Primary school 13

omiya Pachwa P S 14

opyelo Primary School 15

olupe Primary school 16

Adilang Health center 17

corner Kilak Health center 18

Paiula Health center 19

Adilang Kulaka Primary school 3

Agora Primary School 4

Alyek Primary School 5

Amoko lagwai Primary school 6

Angole Primary School 7

Bolo Primary School 8

Koyo lalogi Primary School 9

Kwon Kic Primary School 10

lamogi omeny Kimach P S 11

longor Primary school 12

Page Page

Page 6: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

introductionthis report has been compiled by coWi ltd to document the develop-mental contributions by the United Nations children’s Fund (UNicEF) in the reconstruction of schools and health centers in six districts in Northern Ugan-da that were affected by the insur-gency in the past 20 years. it portrays the reconstruction efforts for works ex-ecuted by UNicEF with funding from the government of Japan in the then districts of Gulu, Amuru, Kitgum, Pader, lira and oyam. it is important to note that other districts have since been curved out of the six districts and it shouldn’t be surprising to find that some of the institutions dwelt on in this report are now actually found under different districts.

the project was implemented by UNicEF with funding from the Govern-ment of Japan and was executed un-der the supervision of coWi ltd. the project construction activities com-menced in August 2009 and were substantially completed in June 2010.

Project background

two decades of armed conflict be-tween the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and the lord’s resist-ance Army (lrA) resulted in a com-plex humanitarian situation in northern Uganda, notably in Acholi and lango sub-regions characterised by mas-sive internal displacement of people. More than 1.8 million people were forced to shift from their homes by the insurgency to the more secure inter-nally Displaced People’s (iDP) camps where the Uganda government forces offered them protection. this led to drastic deterioration or even outright collapse of infrastructure particularly schools and health centers due to abandonment and lack of main-

tenance. the existing facilities were abandoned while temporary facilities were set up at the iDP centers till the insurgency subsided.

With positive developments in 2006, the humanitarian situation in northern Uganda gradually improved and by the end of September 2007, more than half of the formerly displaced people had been repatriated with over half a million settling permanently in their original villages. the return has certainly not been smooth as almost all families had to return to destroyed, damaged or dilapidated facilities and infrastructure and in most cases, a stark lack of institutional, social and economic structures. Not only did the conflict disrupt the provision of critical social services such as primary health care and education, it also contrib-uted to the breakdown of traditional community structures for support and assistance.

through the child Friendly Environment and community Empowerment (cFE) project, UNicEF with support from the government of Japan embarked on a comprehensive rehabilitation process that saw the revitalization of two of the most critical services impacting the survival and development of children in these regions. these comprised services in primary schools and the health care facilities.

in october 2008 UNicEF with funding from the government of Japan con-tracted coWi, an engineering con-sulting firm to offer technical expertise in the aspects of design, planning, tendering and post contract supervi-sion of rehabilitation and construction of new facilities in 72 schools and 24 health centre facilities in the 6 districts. the project was aimed at improving education, hygiene, sanitation and

safe water access especially by the children in these areas.

the total project cost was approxi-mately USD 5 million (12 billion Uganda shillings) and covered 4 districts in the Acholi sub region (i.e. Amuru, Gulu, Kit-gum, and Pader ) and 2 in lango sub-region (i.e. lira and oyam). in all, 72 primary schools and 24 health centres were targeted to be improved. this project was effectively completed in November 2010.

Project objectives and achievements

the overall objective of the project was to ensure that after the conflict, children and women were placed at the centre of the recovery and devel-opment process in northern Uganda, and that the facility based structures of the formal sector are strengthened with the ownership and participation of communities:-

the project has so far achieved the following:-1. A remarkable improvement in

access to primary education by the children in the region through provision of sound classroom structures, scholastic and recreational materials.

2. A remarkable improvement in the provision of safe and clean water in schools and health centres with improved sanita-tion through provision of sanita-tion and hand-washing facilities

3. improvement in teachers’ com-mitment and morale through provision of decent staff houses and sanitation facilities.

4. A remarkable improvement of health care service delivery

Page 7: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

through rehabilitation of health centres and related sanitation


About Pader district

Pader is one of the recently formed dis-tricts in Uganda, having been created in December 2001. it was carved out of Kitgum district and is composed of Agago and Aruu counties. Pader bor-ders with Kitgum district in the North, Kotido district in the East, Gulu district in the West, Apac district in the South-west and lira district in the South. Pader district has an approximate population of 327,000 people based on the 2002 Population and Housing

census. the district was hit hard by the insurgency and todate most dis-placed people are only still slowly set-tling down in their original homes. like the other districts of Northern Uganda, Pader is mainly agricultural with sub-sistence agriculture as the most domi-nant practice.

cFE project coverage in Pader

the cFE project covered the following institutions in Pader district:-

Schools:-1. Adilang Kulaka Primary school2. Agora Primary School

3. Alyek Primary School

L. Albert

L. Victoria

L. KyogaL. Albert

L. Kyoga



B u k w oK a p c h o r w a

K a l i r o

Bu ta le ja Mba


a n a f wa








I s i n g i r o

K i r u h u r a

A m o l o t a r

T o r o r o

Y u m b e


Ma y u g e

K i s o r o

K a s e s e

KyenjojoM u k o n o

S i r o n k o

L. VictoriaRuk



M o y o

A d j u m a n i

K a a b o n g

M a s i n d i

H o i m a K u m iN a k a s o n g o l a

K a m u l i

K iboga


B u n d i bu g y o

KibaaleI g a n g a

K a b a r o l eM u b e n d e

M u k o n oB u g i r i



W a k i s oK a m w e n g e

M p i g iS e m b a l u l e

M a s a k a

R a k a i

B u s h e n y iKalangala



N t u n g a m o

Kaba le

O y a m

Doko lo

A m o l a t a r

L i r a

K i t g u m

G u l uA m u r u

K o b o k o

M a r a c h a

A r u a

N e b b i

A m u r i aA p a c

K a b e r a m a i d o

S o r o t i

k o t i d o

K a m p a l a


M o r o t o

Nakapir ip i r i tK a t a k w i

4. Amoko lagwai Primary School5. Angole Primary School6. Bolo Primary School7. Koyo lalogi Primary School8. Kwon Kic Primary School9. lamogi omeny Kimach Primary

school10. longor Primary school11. lukwor North Primary school12. omiya Pacwa Primary School13. opyelo Primary School

14. olupe Primary School

Health centers:-1. Adilang Health center2. corner Kilak Health center

3. Paiula Health center

Map showing location of Pader district

Page 8: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Adilang Kulaka Primary School is locat-ed in Adilang Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a pop-ulation of 772 pupils (597 boys and 175 girls) under the superintendence of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had a number of existing class-room structures some of which were incomplete and so required comple-tion. they also required renovation. the sanitation facilities comprised of makeshift prefabricated systems many of which had run down and needed to be demobilised. teachers were housed in mud and wattle grass thatched structures.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was made:-

1. rehabilitation and completion of a classroom block.

Adilang Kulaka primary school

the existing toilet facilities before intervention

one of the old classroom structures

the rehabilitated and completed classroom block

Page 9: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Agora Primary School is located in Kilak sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a population of about 417 pupils (224 boys and 193 girls) and 9 teachers. though the school had a number of classroom structures, there was evidently insufficient sanitation fa-cilities for the kind of student and staff population the school had. the exist-ing toilet facility still had a sound struc-ture but was soon to be full, requiring demobilisation leaving only the rain-water harvesting system attached to it still usable. the teachers were housed in mud and wattle houses thatched with grass.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of two 5-Stance ViP

latrines as shown in the picture below.

Agora primary School

Existing toilet facility with rainwater har-vesting

Existing mud & wattle staff houses

Newly constructed 5- stance ViP latrines

Page 10: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Alyek Primary School is found in lira Palwo Sub-county. At the time of in-tervention the school had a popula-tion of about 212 pupils (106 boys and 106 girls) with 9 teachers. Before intervention the school had only one block of four classrooms which were obviously insufficient for a primary school of seven classes. the other classes were conducted under trees and the school had no office, staff-room or store room. the sanitation fa-cilities were sufficient for the time but the teachers were staying in mud and wattle houses with grass thatch.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was done:-1. construction of new classroom

block with an office and store.

Alyek primary School

Existing classroom block

Newly constructed classroom block

Existing teacher’s houses

Page 11: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Amoko lagwai Primary School is lo-cated in Pajule Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a population of about 802 pupils (459 boys and 343 girls) with 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school’s exist-ing classrooms were dilapidated and required rehabilitation. the sanitation facilities were insufficient and teach-ers were staying in mud and wattle houses with grass thatch.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of new classroom

block with an office and store.2. construction of 2 5-Stance ViP


Amoko Lagwai primary school

the old classroom block

A new toilet block under construction

New classroom block

Page 12: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Angole Primary School is located in Awere Sub-county. At the time of in-tervention the school had a popula-tion of about 505 pupils (269 boys and 236 girls) and 9 teachers. Prior to intervention, the school had two 2-classroom blocks in sound structural condition but obviously not enough for the seven classrooms expected of a primary school. the rest of the pupils attended classes in grass thatched structures. the only sanitation facilities available were mobile toilets many of which had been run down and would soon have to be demobilised.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of new classroom

block.2. construction of a 5-Stance ViP

toilet block.3. construction of a 2-Stance ViP

toilet block.

Angole primary School

one of the existing temporary class-rooms

Existing toilet facilities

the existing permanent structures

Newly constructed classroom block

Newly constructed 5 –stance ViP latrine

Newly constructed 2- Stance ViP la-trine

Page 13: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Bolo Primary School is located in Awere sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a population of 393 pupils (230 boys and 163 girls) with 9 teachers. Prior to intervention, the school had no decent accommoda-tion for teachers on site. this made teachers trek long distances to and from school with the ultimate result of starting classes late. those who stayed

Bolo primary School

New teachers house for two families

around resided in grass thatched mud and wattle structures.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was made:-1. construction of staff house for

two families.

Page 14: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Koyo lalogi Primary School is located in Pader Kilak Sub-county. At the time of intervention, the school had a popula-tion of 528 pupils (243 boys and 185 girls) and 9 teachers. Before interven-tion the school had old incomplete and dilapidated classroom structures that had no doors or windows. though there were toilet facilities, the latrine structures had no doors and thus of-fered no privacy to users. the school also had no decent accommodation for teachers on site. those who stayed around resided in grass thatched structures.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of new classroom

block.2. Provision of new steel shutters to

existing toilets cubicles.

Koyo Lalogi primary School

old classroom structure

old staff housing

New steel door shutters to existing la-trines

New classroom block

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Kwon Kic Primary School is located in lira Palwo Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a popula-tion of about 906 pupils (466 boys and 440 girls) under the superintendence of 9 teachers. Before the cFE interven-tion, the school had old dilapidated classroom structures with cracked walls that were not structurally sound. there was no decent accommodation for teachers and those who stayed in school resided in grass thatched mud and wattle structures.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was made:-1. construction of a new class-

room block.

Kwon Kic primary School

the old classroom block

New classroom block

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

lamogi omeny Primary School is lo-cated in Pajule Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a pop-ulation of 600 pupils (326 boys and 274 girls) and 9 teachers. Before the cFE intervention, the teachers tought in incompleted structures which com-prised of a roof supported on pillars and gable walls with no side infill walls. occupants were constantly subjected to harsh weather conditions of wind and rain. the sanitation facilities were inadequate and teachers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched struc-tures.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. renovation of existing class-

room block.2. construction of 2 No 5- Stance

ViP latrines.3. construction of 1 No 2- Stance

ViP latrines.

Lamogi omeny Kimach primary School

Pre-intervention classroom block

New 2 – Stance ViP latrine New 5 – Stance ViP latrine

renovated classroom block

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

longor Primary School is located in Paimol Sub-county. At the time of in-tervention the school had a popu-lation of 534 pupils (284 boys and 250 girls) with 9 teachers. Before the cFE intervention project, the school had one 4-classroom block that re-quired renovation and another two shaky and dilapidated structures. the sanitation facilities were inad-equate and teachers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched structures.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was made:-1. renovation of existing class-

room block.

Longor primary school

Pre-intervention classroom structures

the rehabilitated classroom block

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

lukwor North Primary School is located in Acholi Bur Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a popula-tion of 500 pupils (294 boys and 206 girls) under the superintendence of 9 teachers. Before the cFE intervention project, the school had no permanent classroom structures. All classes were conducted under grass walled and thatched structures. the sanitation facilities were inadequate and teach-ers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched structures.

During the cFE project, the following interventions was made:-1. construction of a new class-

room block with office and store.

Lukwor North primary school

Existing staff residences

New classroom block

Page 19: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

omiya Pachwa Primary School is lo-cated in Paimol Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a population of 1,001 pupils (587 boys and 414 girls) and 9 teachers. Before the cFE project intervention, the school had two classroom blocks each with two classrooms. these were not enough for the seven classes as well as offices and stores. the sanita-tion facilities were inadequate and teachers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched structures as shown in the pictures.

During the cFE project, the following intervention was made:-1. construction of a new class-

room block.

omiya pachwa primary School

old classroom blocks teachers’ residences

New classroom block under construction

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

opyelo Primary School is located in Patongo Sub-county. At the time of intervention the school had a popula-tion of 599 pupils (341 boys and 258 girls) with 9 teachers. Before the cFE project intervention, the school had one 3- classroom block that required rehabilitation. the existing sanitation facilities were rundown and inad-equate. the teachers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched structures as shown in the pictures.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. renovation of existing class-

room blocks.2. construction of two 5- Stance

ViP latrines.

opyelo primary School

the old classroom block the old toilet structure

renovated classroom block

the New 5-stance ViP latrines

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

olupe Primary School is located in omot Sub-county. At the time of inter-vention the school had a population of 652 pupils (358 boys and 294 girls) and 9 teachers. Before the cFE project intervention, the school had a number of classroom blocks but all were in a dilapidated state and required reno-vation. the sanitation facilities were inadequate and teachers resided in mud and wattle grass thatched struc-tures.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of a new class-

room block.2. construction of a two, 5- Stance

ViP latrines.

olupe primary school

in the background is the old classroom block beside the new one

the renovated classroom block

New ViP latrines

Page 22: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Adilang Health center is located in Adilang Sub-county and serves a pop-ulation of about 6,000 people. Before the cFE intervention project the center only had one main block that served as out Patient Department (oPD), pharmacy, laboratory, wards and maternity. the center had no sufficient water supplies and health center staff were accommodated in mud and wattle houses thatched with grass.

During the cFE project, the following

interventions were made:-1. construction of a new oPD

block.2. Provision of a rainwater harvest

to new oPD.

Adilang Health Center

the old oPD, pharmacy, laboratory, general and maternity wards

rear view of the new oPD block

Front view of new oPD

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

corner Kilak Health center iii is located in Pader Kilak Sub-county and serves a population of 6,400 people. Before the intervention, the center only had one block of staff houses that accom-modated only two staff families. the existing sanitation facility comprised a set of two mobilets that were evidently run down and would soon need to be demobilised.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of a new staff

house.2. construction of a 5- stance ViP


Corner Kilak Health Center

the old toilet facility

New staff house

New 5 – stance ViP latrine

Page 24: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Ugandapader District

Paiula Health center ii is located in Pajule Sub-county and serves a popu-lation of about 4,000 people. Before the cFE intervention, the center only had one permanent structure which was the oPD and it had inadequate sanitation facilities and no staff hous-es. the staff who stayed nearest to the health center resided in mud and wat-tle grass thatched structures and also used the health center toilet facility.

During the cFE project, the following interventions were made:-1. construction of a new staff

house.2. construction of a 2- stance ViP

latrine for staff.

paiula Health Center

the old staff house

New staff houseNew 2- Stance toilet facility for staff

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Page 28: Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Pader District 2010

UNicEF UgandaP.o Box 7047, Kampala, Uganda

coWi crusader HouseP.o Box 10591Kampala, Uganda By: Advanced communications ltd,P.o Box 11670, Kampala, UgandaE-mail:

From the People of Japan