child slavery


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Child Slavery is children being sold into slavery in order to pay debts off for their families or just to earn money for their family. Once sold, the master becomes responsible of the child and basically owns them. Many families have had to sell their children into slavery to save themselves or to survive. Around 8.4 million children around the world are enslaved today. Child Slavery is illegal in most countries but still exists in countries mostly in Asia.

Where Child Labour is Most Common

Child Labour is children being forced out of school to work. An estimate of 246 million children between the age of 5 and 17 work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous, and extremely dangerous. Child Labour can threaten a child’s physical, mental,

or emotional well-being and can prevent them from attending school. Underage children work at all sorts of jobs around the world, usually because they and their families are extremely poor.

Jobs that children work in include:•Commercial agriculture




•Domestic service


•Serving as soldiers

Mawulehawe is a 12 year old boy who does not have enough money to survive or go to school. His mum sold him to a fisherman as a slave as she and the rest of the family did not have enough money to survive. He was sold for 25 pounds and has to work as a fisherman. He and his master travels to Lake Volta to hunt for fish. It is a dangerous and tiring job, as if he makes a mistake or does not work hard enough he gets whipped and beaten.

Freddy lives in Peru and is 11 years in age. He started mining at the age of 6. He bunks off school to work illegally in a gold mine. He either sneaks in when no one is looking or bribes someone to let him in. He gets to keep what he finds but he only manages to find very little. What he finds he has to pay for it to get extracted. He finds rocks and looks for minerals in them.

Each day he earns barely enough for a loaf of bread. Freddy is not a slave but he is enslaved by poverty. Freddy’s dad has been working at the mine for 18 years and if Freddy does not find anything he gets beaten up by his dad.

By Anthony