children of the universe a rare galactic tour where children are your tourist guides


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Post on 31-Mar-2015




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Page 1: children of the universe a rare galactic tour where children are your tourist guides
Page 2: children of the universe a rare galactic tour where children are your tourist guides

children of the universe

Page 3: children of the universe a rare galactic tour where children are your tourist guides

children of the universe

a rare galactic tourwhere children areyour tourist guides

Page 5: children of the universe a rare galactic tour where children are your tourist guides

we are made from the starswe are stardustand to stardust we shall return

According to astro-physicists,heavy elementswere formed quite recently(a few billions years ago)by the first novas or exploding stars.From the intense heatof the cosmic explosions,heavy metals were,for the first time, formed –zinc, iron, mercury.These remainedin the ensuing stardustsor nebulas, the remnantsof the novas.

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Eventually,through the eons,stardusts convergedand coagulated,evolving into planetsand solar systems …

we are made from the starswe are stardustand to stardust we shall return

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Eventually,through the eons,stardusts evolved intoplanets and solar systemsjust like ours.We have zinc in our bonesand iron in our blood.So indeed,we are made from stardust.

we are made from the starswe are stardustand to stardust we shall return

just like Earth and Saturn.We have zinc in our bonesand iron in our blood.So indeed,we are made from stardust.

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Astrophysicists predict thatour galaxy and solar system will,after another trillion years or so,‘die’ and go through the cycleof the big bang, back to the beginningwhen all matter is reunited,then back againto the super-novas,evolving into nebulas,evolving into solar systems.This ‘cyclic death’ includesthe extinction of Man.So indeed,to stardust we shall return.

we are made from the starswe are stardustand to stardust we shall return

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musicBATA KETU Track 07

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Equipped with in-born survival tools – hands, teeth and a stubborn resolve,a child is the most cosmic being on planet Earth, because he does not have

the fears and egos of adults. He is as spontaneous as the novas and nebulasthat bred him. He is inherently a child of the universe.

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His curiosityand adventure spirit

is strongerthan his fears.

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He jumps beforehe thinks,because he seesthe thrillnot the danger.

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He is aware not of the worldof predator and prey,

but of dialogue and synergy.

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His wisdom isexperientialnot theoretical.

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For him,curiosity killsonly cats.

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What adults thinkas taboois for childrena ridiculous notion.They are devoid ofshame and inhibitions,because they havesomehow retainedthe traits of their ancestryborn before original sin.

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A child isintuitively creativeand inherentlythinks and livesout-of-the-box.

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Like nebulas evolving into planets,he will soon evolve into a man of the worldwith loins full of the energy of stardusts.

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A natural inventorand field researcher,

he is intuitively innovative,not boxed in

by fences built by adults.He is forever obsessed

with experimentation.

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Clairvoyance is his trait.In the blink of an eye,

he sees what isinvisible to adults.

At the edge of a cliff,he sees the beauty beyond

not the darkness below.

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He sees the universeIn ponds.

Rainwater mirrors nebulas

superimposedin his own image.

His perspective transcends

time and space.

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He asks why notrather than why.

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He isobliviousof the lawsof adults.He acquiresa senseof guiltonly ifhe failsto try.

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For him, the only rule in artis that there is no rule.

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For him, connecitivity is the key to a full life …

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… and adventure the key to new discoveries ….

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When you share the world,You become part of it.

… and discoveriesbegin in partnership.

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Conversations need not be in words and with people.

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For him,physical reality

is dictatednot by situationsbut by intuition.

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His devil-may-care imaginationtravels to the rim of the galaxy.

His sense of humoris not premeditated,

and is as spontaneousas a super-nova exploding.

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He does not needto know where to go.He just keeps goingand only thenwill he know.

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For a child of the universe,one cannot existwithout motion,just like planets orbiting,comets hurtling,galaxies expanding.

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Innocenceis the mother

of valor.

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for a child of the universethere is no distinctionbetween dreams and

realitybetween now and forever

between distance and proximity

he flies with the flockyet soars alone above the

cloudsto dialogue with the


we are made from the starswe are stardustand to stardust we shall return

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