chinese art soldiers

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Chinese Art Before Chinese Art Before 1280 1280 Hannah Kim Hannah Kim & & Libby Lim Libby Lim

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Page 1: Chinese art soldiers

Chapter 10:Chapter 10:Chinese Art Before 1280Chinese Art Before 1280

Hannah KimHannah Kim


Libby LimLibby Lim

Page 2: Chinese art soldiers


1. Neolithic period

2. Shang Dynasty

3. Han Dynasty

4. Qin Dynasty

5. Zhou Dynasty

6. Sui Dynasty

7. Tang Dynasty

8. Song Dynasty

9. Wei Dynasty

Page 3: Chinese art soldiers

Bowl from Banpo, Shaanxi during the Neolithic period

from 5000-4000 BCE. This is from the Yangshao culture

and has been created perfectly round and before

the potter’s wheel was invented. Shows evidence of the beginnings of writing on the side rims of the bowl.

From Neolithic period

Page 4: Chinese art soldiers

A A congcong is believed to be is believed to be something to help something to help connect to the connect to the

spirit worldspirit world..Circular top= heavenCircular top= heavenBoxy middle= earthBoxy middle= earth

Hole through the cong= connects Hole through the cong= connects heaven and earthheaven and earth

An An image of a deityimage of a deity (called a (called a taotietaotie) found on a cong. The ) found on a cong. The cong that this was found near cong that this was found near Hangzhou Bay which seemed Hangzhou Bay which seemed

to be over 5000 years old. to be over 5000 years old. This is a low-relief carving.This is a low-relief carving.

From Neolithic period

Page 5: Chinese art soldiers

The Fang Ding is a square vessel on four legs. There are hundreds of vessels that were found in Yin, which is present-day

Anyang. Its made of bronze weighing about 240 pounds and does not include the taotie this time, instead it features strange animals

that seem to be related to hunting life.

From Shang Dynasty

Page 6: Chinese art soldiers

Soldiers from Emperor Shihuangdi’s (of the Qin Dynasty) mausoleum in

Lintong, Shaanxi. These statues were made from terra cotta.This shows an

underground army of more than 7,000 lifesize clay soldiers and horses facing east to protect Emperor Shihuangdi’s


From Qin Dynasty

Page 7: Chinese art soldiers

Oracle bones were used to communicate with the spiritual world during the Shang Dynasty. A question was written on it and then heated until it cracked. The

cracks were interpreted by priests as the answer.

The Zhou dynasty revolved around music because the

marquis had more than 15,000 musical instruments on his tomb.


Page 8: Chinese art soldiers


Emperor Shihuangdi, meaning First Emperor, was the first emperor during the Qin dynasty in 221- 206 BC. He was a cruel ruler who killed anyone

who went against him and ordered all books to be burned. However, his

achievements were building a system of roads, building a capital in Xian, and expanding the Chinese empire.

Page 9: Chinese art soldiers

Tomb Model of a House

This was found in a tomb for the dead’s afterlife.

There were four floors with the ground floor for animals

while the people lived in the upper floors.

Page 10: Chinese art soldiers

This is a painting called Travelers among Mountains and Streams by Fan Kuan. It’s folded horizontally

into three parts to show development throughout the painting. It gives the sense of

monumentality because it is 7 feet long.





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From Northern Song Dynasty

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 11: Chinese art soldiers

Religions and Beliefs



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The Guan Ware Vase is from the Southern Song dynasty for imperial use. It shows harmony and cracked designs.





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From Song Dynasty

Page 13: Chinese art soldiers

Seated Buddha in Cave 20 in Yungang, Shanxi during Northern Wei dynasty. This statue is 45 feet tall and most of the cave has worn off so it is

now exposed to the public. The Buddha in both China and India were imagined differently.

From Wei Dynasty

Page 14: Chinese art soldiers

The Silk RoadUsed mainly for trade

Page 15: Chinese art soldiers

Other artworks

Statues of horses have commonly been made to be buried in a tomb. They are made from porcelain during the Tang dynasty.

Black Glazed Pottery Figure of a Fereghan Horse Tang Dynasty

Page 16: Chinese art soldiers

A famous painter named Zhang Xuan painted many artworks of women and their daily routines. This was during the time of the

Northern Song dynasty and Tang dynasty.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk

Page 17: Chinese art soldiers

Pair of Foot Soldiers from the early Han Dynasty and the late

Bronze Age. This accurately shows what the Chinese wore in the military. The weapons in their hands are now missing and the colorful tunics represented the

rank of the soldiers. This is made from earthenware and paint.