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Grammar Bytes!, ©2013 by Robin L.


This presentation is brought to you by

Grammar Bytes!, ©2013 by Robin L.


Tense ShiftTense ShiftTense ShiftTense Shift

Do I use the present tense

to maintain consistency?

Do I use the present tense

to maintain consistency?

Or do I need the past tense


Or do I need the past tense


This presentation covers recognizing appropriate verb tenses for a given

time frame or context.

This presentation covers recognizing appropriate verb tenses for a given

time frame or context.

A tense shift item on an A tense shift item on an objective test might look like objective test might look like this this .. .. ..

A tense shift item on an A tense shift item on an objective test might look like objective test might look like this this .. .. ..

Sample ItemSample ItemSample ItemSample Item

When King was a puppy, he chewed toys When King was a puppy, he chewed toys

and furniture. Now that he is an adult, he and furniture. Now that he is an adult, he

wanted to chew the mail carrier most of all.wanted to chew the mail carrier most of all.

A.A.isisB.B.waswasC.C.wantswantsD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When King When King waswas a puppy, he chewed toys a puppy, he chewed toys AAand furniture. Now that he and furniture. Now that he isis an adult, he an adult, he BBwantedwanted to chew the mail carrier most of all. to chew the mail carrier most of all. CC

A.A.isisB.B.waswasC.C.wantswantsD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When King When King waswas a puppy, he chewed toys a puppy, he chewed toys AAand furniture. Now that he and furniture. Now that he isis an adult, he an adult, he BBwantswants to chew the mail carrier most of all. to chew the mail carrier most of all. CC

A.A.isisB.B.waswasC.C.wantswantsD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Is was, is, or wanted in the wrong tense?

Is was, is, or wanted in the wrong tense?

Wanted should be present

tense, a correction option

C makes.

Wanted should be present

tense, a correction option

C makes.

Use Use present/present perfectpresent/present perfect tense to tense to indicate current/regular action.indicate current/regular action.Use Use present/present perfectpresent/present perfect tense to tense to indicate current/regular action.indicate current/regular action.

JeffreyJeffrey goesgoes to the gym six days a week where heto the gym six days a week where he has gainedhas gained not only muscle but also discipline.not only muscle but also discipline.

Present tense:Present tense: verbverb + + ss = singular; = singular; verbverb + + ØØ = = plural.plural.

Present perfect tense:Present perfect tense: hashas or or havehave + + past past participleparticiple

I have gained attention from women too!

I have gained attention from women too!

JeffreyJeffrey had liftedhad lifted free weights for over an hour free weights for over an hour before someonebefore someone mentionedmentioned the rip in his shorts.the rip in his shorts.

Use Use past perfect past perfect to indicate a past to indicate a past action that occurred before another action that occurred before another past past action.action.

Use Use past perfect past perfect to indicate a past to indicate a past action that occurred before another action that occurred before another past past action.action.

It’s a good thing I have

cute glutes.

It’s a good thing I have

cute glutes.

Past tense:Past tense: regular = regular = verbverb + + eded; irregular forms ; irregular forms vary.vary.

Past perfect tense:Past perfect tense: hadhad + + past participlepast participle

Jeffrey Jeffrey was showingwas showing off when he tore a muscle in off when he tore a muscle in his shoulder.his shoulder.

Use Use progressive tenses progressive tenses to indicate an to indicate an ongoing action that occurs as another ongoing action that occurs as another action happens.action happens.

Use Use progressive tenses progressive tenses to indicate an to indicate an ongoing action that occurs as another ongoing action that occurs as another action happens.action happens.

Progressive tenses:Progressive tenses: form of form of bebe + + verbverb + + inging


When logic permits, you can mix When logic permits, you can mix past/presentpast/present tenses with tenses with futurefuture..When logic permits, you can mix When logic permits, you can mix past/presentpast/present tenses with tenses with futurefuture..

Because heBecause he wentwent to the gym today, Jeffreyto the gym today, Jeffrey will rewardwill reward himself with a triple bacon cheeseburger for lunch. After himself with a triple bacon cheeseburger for lunch. After hehe weighsweighs himself tomorrow, hehimself tomorrow, he will regretwill regret the poor the poor food choice. food choice.

Because I ate badly, I will have

to do more crunches at the gym.

Because I ate badly, I will have

to do more crunches at the gym.

Could/wouldCould/would = past tense of = past tense of can/willcan/will..Could/wouldCould/would = past tense of = past tense of can/willcan/will..

Jeffrey thought he will have enough energy for his Jeffrey thought he will have enough energy for his workout, but skipping breakfast meant that he cannot workout, but skipping breakfast meant that he cannot complete his training.complete his training.

You would have had the

same problem!

You would have had the

same problem!

Jeffrey thought heJeffrey thought he wouldwould have enough energy for his have enough energy for his workout, but skipping breakfast meant that heworkout, but skipping breakfast meant that he could could not not complete his training.complete his training.

Quick TestQuick TestQuick TestQuick Test

Directions:Directions: In the items that follow, choose In the items that follow, choose the option that corrects an error in the the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.”“No change is necessary.”

You think you’re tough? Show me

your tense strength.

You think you’re tough? Show me

your tense strength.

Item 1Item 1Item 1Item 1

Aunt Lillian had frozen four quarts of her Aunt Lillian had frozen four quarts of her

homegrown strawberries, but she lost them after homegrown strawberries, but she lost them after

the hurricane was knocking out power for eight the hurricane was knocking out power for eight


A.A.frozefrozeB.B.had losthad lostC.C.knockedknockedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Aunt Lillian Aunt Lillian had frozenhad frozen four quarts of her four quarts of her AAhomegrown strawberries, but she homegrown strawberries, but she lostlost them after them after BBthe hurricane the hurricane was knockingwas knocking out power for eight out power for eight CCdays.days.

A.A.frozefrozeB.B.had losthad lostC.C.knockedknockedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Aunt Lillian Aunt Lillian had frozenhad frozen four quarts of her four quarts of her AAhomegrown strawberries, but she homegrown strawberries, but she lostlost them after them after BBthe hurricane the hurricane knockedknocked out power for eight out power for eight CCdays.days.

A.A.frozefrozeB.B.had losthad lostC.C.knockedknockedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 2Item 2Item 2Item 2

Because Sammy had been eating all of the Because Sammy had been eating all of the chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, Roxanne whacked him over the head.Roxanne whacked him over the head.

A.A.ateateB.B.was eatingwas eatingC.C.had eatenhad eatenD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Because Sammy Because Sammy had been eatinghad been eating all of the all of the chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, Roxanne whacked him over the head.Roxanne whacked him over the head.

A.A.ateateB.B.was eatingwas eatingC.C.had eatenhad eatenD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Because Sammy Because Sammy had been eatinghad been eating all of the all of the chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, chocolate mint ice cream before she got home, Roxanne whacked him over the head.Roxanne whacked him over the head.

A.A.ateateB.B.was eatingwas eatingC.C.had eatenhad eatenD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 3Item 3Item 3Item 3

Carlos pawed at his hair and shook his head, but Carlos pawed at his hair and shook his head, but

he cannot dislodge the giant spider tangled inhe cannot dislodge the giant spider tangled in

his curls.his curls.

A.A.was pawingwas pawingB.B.was shakingwas shakingC.C.could notcould notD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Carlos Carlos pawedpawed at his hair and at his hair and shookshook his head, but his head, but AA BBhe he cannotcannot dislodge the giant spider tangled in dislodge the giant spider tangled in CChis curls.his curls.

A.A.was pawingwas pawingB.B.was shakingwas shakingC.C.could notcould notD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Carlos Carlos pawedpawed at his hair and at his hair and shookshook his head, but his head, but AA BBhe he could notcould not dislodge the giant spider tangled in dislodge the giant spider tangled in CChis curls.his curls.

A.A.was pawingwas pawingB.B.was shakingwas shakingC.C.could notcould notD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 4Item 4Item 4Item 4

Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it was helping with the high cost of food.was helping with the high cost of food.

A.A.will helpwill helpB.B.would helpwould helpC.C.helpedhelpedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it was helpingwas helping with the high cost of food. with the high cost of food.

A.A.will helpwill helpB.B.would helpwould helpC.C.helpedhelpedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it Grandpa planted a backyard garden, hoping that it was helpingwas helping with the high cost of food. with the high cost of food.

A.A.will helpwill helpB.B.would helpwould helpC.C.helpedhelpedD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 5Item 5Item 5Item 5

When Gretchen was a freshman, she wanted to When Gretchen was a freshman, she wanted to

major in biology, but after her first rat dissection, major in biology, but after her first rat dissection,

she couldn’t change her major fast enough.she couldn’t change her major fast enough.

A.A.had beenhad beenB.B.was wantingwas wantingC.C.cannotcannotD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When Gretchen When Gretchen waswas a freshman, she a freshman, she wantedwanted to to AA BBmajor in biology, but after her first rat dissection, major in biology, but after her first rat dissection,

she she couldn’tcouldn’t change her major fast enough. change her major fast enough. CC

A.A.had beenhad beenB.B.was wantingwas wantingC.C.cannotcannotD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When Gretchen When Gretchen waswas a freshman, she a freshman, she wantedwanted to to AA BBmajor in biology, but after her first rat dissection, major in biology, but after her first rat dissection,

she she couldn’tcouldn’t change her major fast enough. change her major fast enough. CC

A.A.had beenhad beenB.B.was wantingwas wantingC.C.cannotcannotD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 6Item 6Item 6Item 6

Everyone is sleeping soundly when Brendan Everyone is sleeping soundly when Brendan dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone tiles of the kitchen floor.tiles of the kitchen floor.

A.A.had been sleepinghad been sleepingB.B.sleptsleptC.C.would sleepwould sleepD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Everyone Everyone is sleepingis sleeping soundly when Brendan soundly when Brendan dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone tiles of the kitchen floor.tiles of the kitchen floor.

A.A.had been sleepinghad been sleepingB.B.sleptsleptC.C.would sleepwould sleepD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Everyone Everyone is sleepingis sleeping soundly when Brendan soundly when Brendan dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone tiles of the kitchen floor.tiles of the kitchen floor.

A.A.had been sleepinghad been sleepingB.B.sleptsleptC.C.would sleepwould sleepD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 7Item 7Item 7Item 7

Ancient Egyptians spent their entire lives preparing Ancient Egyptians spent their entire lives preparing

for their death and burial. Today, however, people for their death and burial. Today, however, people

are thinking that such arrangements are morbid are thinking that such arrangements are morbid

and impolite to discuss.and impolite to discuss.

A.A.were spendingwere spendingB.B.thinkthinkC.C.would bewould beD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians spentspent their entire lives preparing their entire lives preparing AAfor their death and burial. Today, however, people for their death and burial. Today, however, people

are thinkingare thinking that such arrangements that such arrangements areare morbid morbid BB CCand impolite to discuss.and impolite to discuss.

A.A.were spendingwere spendingB.B.thinkthinkC.C.would bewould beD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians spentspent their entire lives preparing their entire lives preparing AAfor their death and burial. Today, however, people for their death and burial. Today, however, people

thinkthink that such arrangements that such arrangements areare morbid morbid BB CCand impolite to discuss.and impolite to discuss.

A.A.were spendingwere spendingB.B.thinkthinkC.C.would bewould beD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 8Item 8Item 8Item 8

When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and had carried road, she leaped out of her car and had carried the reptile to safety at the other side.the reptile to safety at the other side.

A.A.was carryingwas carryingB.B.carriedcarriedC.C.will carrywill carryD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and road, she leaped out of her car and had carriedhad carried the reptile to safety at the other side.the reptile to safety at the other side.

A.A.was carryingwas carryingB.B.carriedcarriedC.C.will carrywill carryD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy When Felicia saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and road, she leaped out of her car and had carriedhad carried the reptile to safety at the other side.the reptile to safety at the other side.

A.A.was carryingwas carryingB.B.carriedcarriedC.C.will carrywill carryD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 9Item 9Item 9Item 9

George Washington believed that he was invincible George Washington believed that he was invincible

in battle. He rode a conspicuous white horse that in battle. He rode a conspicuous white horse that

made him an easy target, yet no bullet had hit him, made him an easy target, yet no bullet had hit him,

validating his conviction of invulnerability.validating his conviction of invulnerability.

A.A.had believedhad believedB.B.was ridingwas ridingC.C.hithitD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

George Washington George Washington believedbelieved that he was invincible that he was invincible AAin battle. He in battle. He roderode a conspicuous white horse that a conspicuous white horse that BBmade him an easy target, yet no bullet made him an easy target, yet no bullet had hithad hit him, him, CCvalidating his conviction of invulnerability.validating his conviction of invulnerability.

A.A.had believedhad believedB.B.was ridingwas ridingC.C.hithitD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

George Washington George Washington believedbelieved that he was invincible that he was invincible AAin battle. He in battle. He roderode a conspicuous white horse that a conspicuous white horse that BBmade him an easy target, yet no bullet made him an easy target, yet no bullet hithit him, him, CCvalidating his conviction of invulnerability.validating his conviction of invulnerability.

A.A.had believedhad believedB.B.was ridingwas ridingC.C.hithitD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 10Item 10Item 10Item 10

We would have bite marks on our ankles and We would have bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten.Nelson, our feisty kitten.

A.A.hadhadB.B.havehaveC.C.will havewill haveD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

We We would havewould have bite marks on our ankles and bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten.Nelson, our feisty kitten.

A.A.hadhadB.B.havehaveC.C.will havewill haveD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

We We would havewould have bite marks on our ankles and bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten.Nelson, our feisty kitten.

A.A.hadhadB.B.havehaveC.C.will havewill haveD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

The End.The End.