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©2017 Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement Choose Love Movement Grade 6 Unit 4 Compassion In Action © 2017 Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

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Choose LoveMovement

Grade 6

Unit 4Compassion In Action

© 2017 Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

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WELCOME TO THE CHOOSE LOVE MOVEMENTMy name is Scarlett Lewis, and I’m the founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. This initiative started with three words written on a kitchen chalkboard by my six-year-old son, Jesse McCord Lewis, on the morning of December 14, 2012. He wrote, “nurturing, healing, love.” He lost his life alongside 19 of his classmates and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. His message constitutes a powerful formula for choosing love.

The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to reaching students, educators, and individuals, both nationally and internationally, with a simple, yet profound formula for choosing love. Our signature program uses “nurturing, healing, love” as a foundation for learning and for life. Learn more about the foundation on its website:

WHY THIS CURRICULUM MATTERSChoosing love means having the courage to be grateful when life isn’t easy, to forgive when the person who hurt you isn’t sorry, and to step outside your own pain to help someone else. That’s the way to choose love, and the empowering lesson is that it’s a choice.

Almost half of our young people will have a diagnosable mental illness by the time they are 18 years old (“Child Mind Institute,” 2016). As children today are under more stress than children of previous generations, the most common diagnosis will be anxiety, and the majority will not get professional help (Bluth & Blanton, 2014). The average onset age for anxiety is six years old, and in our country these children often suff er alone. The long-term eff ects of anxiety are mental illness, substance abuse, anger, violence, and incarceration (Harbaugh & Vasey, 2014). It’s not a mystery why we are seeing the issues we have in schools and in our society. There is a solution…teaching children to choose love.

Children who feel connected, who are resilient, and who can reciprocate love won’t want to harm each other (Garney, 2016). We can teach children to choose love. Love is a universal need, the lack of which can be devastating. That’s why I started the Choose Love Movement.

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Over 30 years of research substantiates the benefits of social and emotional learning (SEL), (“CASEL: What is SEL,” 2016). It lays the groundwork for academic learning and responsible citizenship. SEL has been proven to increase grades, attendance, and focus while reducing aggression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other issues (“CASEL: What is SEL,” 2016). SEL has a critical role in improving children’s academic performance and lifelong learning (Zins, Bloodworth, Weissberg & Walberg, 2004). Children who are aware of their emotions and have good planning skills by the time they enter school are also at lower risk for problems with aggression and anxiety disorders (Greenberg, Kusch, & Mihalic, 1998).

Students aren’t the only ones who benefit from SEL. Schools are challenged by teacher attrition and unsafe learning environments (“CASEL: What is SEL,” 2016). When educators teach SEL, they help students create safe, loving, and healthy problem-solving communities that enhance teachers’ ability to teach as well as students’ ability to learn (CASEL: Outcomes Associated with Five Competencies, 2016).

BEFORE YOU BEGINTake a moment to review the Educator’s Guide. It’s filled with additional information, research, and resources that will support your teaching praxis. The Program at a Glance section below provides you with the basic background and benefits of the program, as well as the research that guided its development. In particular, read the neuroscience section and familiarize yourself with the impact this curriculum has on healthy brain development. The Educator’s Guide shares an in-depth look at the value of developing positive classroom climates, educator leadership, and SEL teaching strategies.

• Print and display the Choose Love Formula in your classroom (Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love). Posters are located in the resource file that is downloaded with the program.

• Create a physical cue for each of the four units. This helps students remember and embody the lessons about courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. Options include using American Sign Language (ASL), a clapping chant, a brief rhyme, or a full-body pose.

• Have your students create Choose Love Journals, where they can write and draw throughout the program. This can be a folder of loose paper, a spiral notebook, or some other variation. Keeping journals will help them build their language and writing skills. It will also encourage them to practice reflection and strengthen their metacognition. There are many more research-based benefits to keeping gratitude journals and tracking compassionate actions.

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©2017 Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

PROGRAM AT A GLANCEThe Choose Love Enrichment Program is a Pre-K through 12th grade curriculum that emphasizes the simple, universal teachings of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. The lessons are divided into these four units that create a formula for choosing love:

The Choose Love Formula is: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love

In each unit, you will find: • A Unit Overview summarizing the content of the unit• A list of lessons, which includes 7 Brain Blasts and 28 Power Surges • Student Objectives• Common Core Standards and American School Counselor Association Mindsets and

Behaviors for Student Success alignment with the whole unit• CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies aligned with each lesson

The Choose Love Formula teaches the foundational concepts and skills of social and emotional learning (SEL), and is informed by current brain research and neuroscience. The goal of the Choose Love Enrichment Program is to provide children with the knowledge, attitude, and skills they need to choose love in any situation. These abilities include:

• Understanding and managing emotions (self-awareness and self-management),• Setting and achieving positive goals,• Feeling and showing empathy and compassion for others (social awareness),• Establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and • Making responsible decisions.

More information about the benefi ts of SEL can be found on the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) website: An overview of the neuroscience used to develop this program can be found at the end of this section.

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UNITSThe lessons were written for educators, by educators. The content of the lessons is based on research on emotional intelligence, resilience, post-traumatic growth, neuroscience, mindfulness/focused attention, and SEL. The whole child—mind, heart, and body—is supported through these lessons.

Special attention is paid to how our physical bodies (nerves, muscles, etc.), minds (the triune brain), and hearts (emotions) work in collaboration to promote health, learning, connection, and life success. The curriculum is divided into four units: Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion in Action. For a more detailed review of the research behind the connection between our brains and bodies, read the Educator’s Guide.

COMPASSION IN ACTIONCompassion has two components: the fi rst is empathy, which means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to feel what that person feels, and the second is action, which means helping someone in need and performing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Compassion is when one understands how another person feels and takes action to alleviate that person’s suff ering. Students apply their empathy and communication skills to support one another through compassionate action. Humans are wired for connection and compassion. The activities help students make choices that benefi t their minds, hearts, bodies, and relationships.

LESSON BREAKDOWNIn each lesson, you will fi nd the following: Character Trait Quote, Student Objectives, Educator Preparation, Brain Blast, and Power Surge. The Brain Blast is the overarching lesson or theme for that section of the unit, which lasts 15-30 minutes. This can be broken into two lessons or shortened as needed. Each unit has 7 Brain Blasts. Ideally if a class meets every day, this lesson would be taught the fi rst day of the week. After the fi rst Brain Blast lesson and activity, there are 4 Power Surges. These are designed to be slightly shorter lessons which expand upon or reinforce the Brain Blast Lesson. Power Surges vary in teaching time from 5 to 15 minutes and can be utilized daily or weekly as time permits. Again, these can be shortened or lengthened based on the time available. These lesson blasts enhance students’ understanding of concepts and introduce and reinforce essential skills.


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Each unit has 7 Brain Blasts and 28 Power Surges, for a total of 35 lessons. At a pace of one Brain Blast lesson per week (starting on Day 1) followed by Power Surges (on the remaining days of the week), each unit of the program will take 7 weeks to complete. If this is taught in a class that meets daily, the entire program can be completed in 28 weeks. This program is easily adapted to varying middle school schedules, allowing for quick blasts of learning in a homeroom or advisory period, or extended learning blocks in a class. You’ll fi nd lessons easy to modify to make them longer or shorter based on your needs. Altogether with 7 Brain Blast Lessons and 28 Power Surge Lessons for each character value unit, there is a total of 28 Brain Blasts and 112 Power Surges for 140 days of lessons and activities to complete the entire program. We encourage you to teach all lessons in the program in the order and manner in which they are presented. However, we realize this may be taught in a class that doesn’t meet every day and you may not have the time to get to all lessons. In this case, we advise you to teach the Brain Blasts Lessons and then pick the Power Surges that are most suitable and eff ective to meet the needs of your students and school.

The Student Objectives section will tell you what the students will be able to do following the lesson. This will help you focus on why the lesson is being taught, and why it’s important for students. The Educator Preparation section will tell you what materials or resources you need to gather before the lesson.

The Discussion section provides an easy-to-use script for you to read aloud. It guides students through a discussion of the Brain Blast lesson contents. The Activity section provides students with opportunities to practice what they’ve learned. The Power Surge days provide shorter lessons and activities to reinforce and extend what students learned in the Brain Blast lesson as well as introduce new skills and tools.

Standards Alignment The Choose Love Program is aligned to the following standards:

• Common Core State Standards• American School Counselor Association Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success • Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies identified by the Collaborative for

Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), which include: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making

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The 6th grade Choose Love Enrichment Program meets the following Common Core State Standards:


Key Ideas and Details:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Craft and Structure:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.9 Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.


Key Ideas and Details:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.3 Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Craft and Structure:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g.,

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visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.


Text Types and Purposes:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.A Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.B Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.C Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3.D Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3.E Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.

Production and Distribution of Writing:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)

Research to Build and Present Knowledge:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.9.A Apply grade 6 Reading standards to literature (e.g., "Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres [e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories] in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics").

Range of Writing:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.


Comprehension and Collaboration:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

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CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.B Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.D Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.)


Conventions of Standard English:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.B Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).

Knowledge of Language:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

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The 6th grade Choose Love Enrichment Program meets the following American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success:

MINDSETS:• Mindset 1: Belief in development of whole self,

including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being

• Mindset 2: Self-confidence in ability to succeed• Mindset 3: Sense of belonging in the school

environment• Mindset 5: Belief in using abilities to their fullest

to achieve high-quality results and outcomes• Mindset 6: Positive attitude toward work and


BEHAVIOR STANDARDS:Learning Strategies:• Learning Strategies 1: Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions• Learning Strategies 2: Demonstrate creativity • Learning Strategies 4: Apply self-motivation

and self-direction to learning• Learning Strategies 6: Set high standards

of quality• Learning Strategies 7: Identify Long- and

short-term academic, career, and social/emotional goals

• Learning Strategies 9: Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions

Self-Management Skills:• Self-Management Skills 1: Demonstrate ability

to assume responsibility• Self-Management Skills 2: Demonstrate

discipline and self-control• Self-Management Skills 3: Demonstrate the

ability to work independently• Self- Management Skills 4: Demonstrate the

ability to delay immediate gratification for long-term rewards

• Self-Management Skills 5: Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long-and short-term goals

• Self-Management Skills 6: Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning

• Self-Management Skills 7: Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem

• Self-Management Skills 10: Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations

Social Skills:• Social Skills 1: Use effective oral and written

communication skills and listening skills• Social Skills 2: Create positive and supportive

relationships with other students• Social Skills 4: Demonstrate empathy• Social Skills 5: Demonstrate ethical decision-

making and social responsibility• Social Skills 6: Use effective collaboration and

cooperation skills• Social Skills 7: Use Leadership and teamwork

skills to work effectively in diverse teams• Social Skills 8: Demonstrate advocacy skills

and ability to assert self, when necessary• Social Skills 9: Demonstrate social maturity

and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment

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THE NEUROSCIENCE OF CHOOSING LOVEWho’s the Boss? Thinking about the Brain, for Kids & EducatorsThe Triune Brain

Written by Dr. Chris Kukk, author of The Compassionate Achiever

We’re going to use the model of the brain developed by Dr. Paul D. MacLean to explain—in the simplest and most effi cient manner possible—the neuroscience behind the Choose Love Enrichment Program. Dr. MacLean’s model is called the triune brain, and it divides the brain into three sections (see the fi gure below) (MacLean, 1967; Newman & Harris, 2009). Although it is an oversimplifi ed model, it represents the basic workings of the brain. The triune model provides a way to explain these basics so that every child can understand how thinking (ideas and thoughts) and behavior (actions and words) are connected.

The three interconnected brain sections of the triune model include: 1) reptilian (brainstem and cerebellum), 2) mammalian (limbic system), and 3) primate-human (neocortex).

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The reptilian brain is responsible for the body’s vital functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and body temperature (MacLean, 1967). This part of the brain helps us stay alert and reactive to the environment around us. It controls our balance, coordination, and reflexes, and it never sleeps (Strick, Dum, & Fiez, 2009). Think of the reptilian brain taking control when the doctor taps your knee and your leg instinctively kicks; it reacts quickly, without thinking. We call the reptilian brain “the lizard.”

The mammalian brain is responsible for our social and emotional behaviors, as well as our quick value judgments (positive or negative) (MacLean, 1967). It is buried deep inside the brain and is sometimes considered the “heart of the brain.” It is the part of the brain where many neurochemicals are produced, such as oxytocin, dopamine, and cortisol (Bujis & Swaab, 1979; Brownstein, Saavedra, & Palkovits, 1974; Dedovic, Duchesne, Andrews, Engert, & Pruessner, 2009). It strongly influences our initial behavior when we experience something (music, art, and even a smell), and it can make us feel as though we’re riding an emotional roller coaster (Brown, Martinez, & Parsons, 2004). We call the mammalian brain “the numbat.”

The primate-human brain is responsible for imagination, thought, planning, and decision-making (MacLean, 1967). It’s the part of the brain that helps us develop language and it has infinite learning capabilities (McClellan, McNaughton, & O’Reilly, 1995). It helps us make rational, cognitive, and common-sense decisions (Gifford, 2002). When we use this part of our brain, it acts as a brake on our reflexive and instinctual reactions; it is the source of self-control. We call the primate-human brain “the human.”

Who’s the boss? In other words, which part of your brain is influencing your behavior? By understanding how the lizard, numbat, and human brains function, we can learn which of them is informing our choices at any given moment.

We make the choice of who (lizard, numbat, or human) controls our actions in every situation. When we encounter situations that excite us in either a positive or negative way, we can choose which part of the brain controls our response (Hariri, Bookheimer, & Mazziotta, 2000). Let’s take an angry feeling as an example. When we become angry, that feeling feeds the numbat part of our brain (the limbic system) by sending blood and oxygen to it. We have a choice as to how we deal with the awakened numbat. The first is to send the angry numbat up to the human so that it is handled in a reasonable and rational way (we call this “hugging the human”). When we slow down and think about the anger, we are engaging, or hugging, our human brain. The second choice is to send the numbat’s oxygen down to the lizard so that we feed our primitive and reactionary reptilian brain. In other words, we can nudge the numbat to either hug the human or feed the lizard. The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation wants to help everyone learn how to leave the lizard, and to nudge the numbat toward hugging the human.

The Choose Love Enrichment Program uses a three-step motto to help students learn about the brain science of social and emotional development: leave the lizard, nudge the numbat, and hug the human. (FUN NOTE: the initials of our social and emotional learning motto—LNH—are the same as Jesse’s chalkboard message to his mom…love, nurturing, healing.)

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COMPASSION IN ACTIONScientists, from Charles Darwin to contemporary neuroscience researchers, have found that human beings are wired for compassion. Compassion is when one understands another person’s suffering, and wants to take action to decrease it. When a person thinks in a compassionate manner, they activate the neurochemistry of kindness, which begins with the release of the peptide hormone oxytocin (Meyer-Lindenberg, Domes, Kirsch, & Heinrichs, 2011). Oxytocin then activates dopamine and serotonin, which contribute to feelings of happiness and optimism (Dolen, Darvishzadeh, Huang, & Malenka, 2013). The neuro-keys of compassion are the vagus nerve (which causes the feeling of

“warm fuzzies”), the inferior parietal cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the hypothalamus, and the nucleus accumbens (Damasio & Carvalho, 2013). The “compassion” exercises activate the neuro-dominoes of compassion, beginning with oxytocin.

The activities help students make choices that benefit their minds, hearts, bodies, and relationships. Students apply their empathy and communication skills to support one another through compassionate action. This improves students’ problem-solving and decision-making abilities. When you think compassionately, you unite the numbat and the human; compassion is like reuniting two best friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time. Compassionate thinking activates the pleasure center of the brain, known as the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the numbat brain (King, et al., 2006). This causes the numbat brain to hug the human brain, through neurochemicals such as oxytocin, which is like a love potion (Wang, 2005). Compassion helps the numbat lovingly hug the human.

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Scientists, from Charles Darwin to contemporary neuroscience researchers, have found that human beings are wired for compassion. Compassion has two components: the first is empathy, which means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to feel what that person feels, and the second is action, which means helping someone in need and performing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Compassion is when one understands how another person feels and takes action to alleviate that person’s suffering. When a person thinks in a compassionate manner, they activate the neurochemistry of kindness, which begins with the release of the peptide hormone oxytocin (Meyer-Lindenberg, Domes, Kirsch, & Heinrichs, 2011). Oxytocin then activates dopamine and serotonin, which contribute to feelings of happiness and optimism (Dolen, Darvishzadeh, Huang, & Malenka, 2013). The neuro-keys of compassion are the vagus nerve (which causes the feeling of “warm fuzzies”), the inferior parietal cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the hypothalamus, and the nucleus accumbens (Damasio & Carvalho, 2013).

The “compassion” exercises activate the neuro-dominoes of compassion, beginning with oxytocin. The activities in this unit help students make choices that benefit their minds, hearts, bodies, and relationships. Students apply their empathy and communication skills to support one another through compassionate action. This improves students’ problem-solving and decision-making abilities.


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LESSONSBrain Blast #1: Finishing the Formula-Compassion in ActionBrain Blast Activity: Compassion Learning GoalPower Surges:

• Choose Love Constitution• Sharing ‘Gifts’• Compassion Pose• Compassion Quotes

Brain Blast #2: Connecting Through CompassionBrain Blast Activity: ReflectionPower Surges:

• Pay Attention!• Common Ground• Compassionate Listening• Dignity and the Golden Rule

Brain Blast #3: The Ripple EffectBrain Blast Activity: My Stones, My RipplesPower Surges:

• The Compassion Muscle• Compassionate Response• Man in the Mirror• The Power of Our Words

Brain Blast #4: Heroes of Kindness and CompassionBrain Blast Activity: Everyday HeroesPower Surges:

• Phillip Soussou• Malala Yousafzai• Captain Sully• JT Lewis

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Brain Blast #5: Self-CompassionBrain Blast Activity: Fill Each Box & Fill It WellPower Surges:

• Mind In a Jar & Compassion Breath• Being Kind to Me From A to Z• Top 10 Self-Care List• Affirming Ourselves

Brain Blast #6: The Power of CompassionBrain Blast Activity: Compassion ResearchersPower Surges:

• Compassion Creations• The Willow Tree• Random Acts of Kindness• Compassion Together

Brain Blast #7: Not the End, Just the BeginningBrain Blast Activity: How to Change the WorldPower Surges:

• Choose Love Portrait• Final Time Capsule Check • Celebrating Compassion• Choose Love Commitment

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FAMILY FOCUS AND CONNECTION Families and caregivers are encouraged to become familiar with the skills, concepts, and neuroscience associated with the Choose Love Enrichment Program. We have included a Family/Caregiver Letter in the Educator Guide as well as in the Resource Section. This letter can be sent home to families to let them know about the program and its benefits. This will make families/caregivers more aware of what their children are learning and can open a dialogue between home and school.

Make Your Move

Classroom climate, or culture, is the subjective and comprehensive experience of being in class. It includes all the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that students, teachers, staff, and families/caregivers have about the classroom environment. It includes everything from safety, rules, and constructs of respectful behavior to acceptance of diversity, leadership, and professional relationships ( Teaching compassion can lead to a culture of compassion, wherein students actively promote kindness.

Here are additional ideas on how to model and teach compassionate action on a daily basis: • Read a book about compassion and clap when the character shows compassion.• Any time you’re reading a book with the class, ask, “What is (character in book) feeling right

now? How do you know? Have you ever felt that way? What do you do when you feel that way? What could a friend do to help out?”

• Create a compassion book by asking people throughout the school to draw a picture or write a story in the book about a compassionate action they saw. Add that book to the library or share it with nearby schools.

• Encourage students to teach someone else how to choose compassion, and explain how it can benefit them.

• Encourage students to use their Choose Love Journal to write or draw about acts of compassion.

• Practice compassion affirmations with students as a part of conflict resolution. • Show students pictures or stories of compassion in the news. • Set up buddy benches around the school where students can sit next to each other if they

feel lonely or need a friend to talk to.

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When a school culture includes compassion, the entire school community feels cared-for and shares a sense of belonging. Practice small acts of compassion toward your colleagues, family/caregivers, and yourself. It’s the small things that can make a big difference.

For example: Try some of the following simple, yet impactful ideas.

• Greet people you pass. Direct people who seem lost. When you say “Please” and “Thank you,” really mean it.

• Bring a coworker coffee. Call or write to an educator who changed your life. • Listen with all your senses. • Write a note to someone who is having a difficult day and acknowledge their efforts. Ask

someone, “How are you really doing?”• Remember that self-care and self-love are critical for you, too. Take a moment, even if it is

just a brief pause, to take a deep breath and show yourself some kindness. • Model compassion for all living things: classroom pets, plants, and even insects that need to

find their way back outside. • Share personal stories about compassion with friends and coworkers.• Practice random acts of kindness for coworkers and parents/caregivers.

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Choose Love Enrichment Program for Grade 6 – Compassion In Action

BRAIN BLAST #1 – FINISHING THE FORMULA- COMPASSION IN ACTIONMy mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

-Maya Angelo

Student Objectives• Students will learn the definition of Compassion in Action• Students will create a drawing representing what compassion means to them.• Students will set Compassion Learning Goals for the unit. • Students will reflect on the Choose Love Constitution and alter it as needed.• Students will highlight a compassion role model and describe why they are such.• Students will identify and highlight the ‘gifts’ they bring to the class.• Students will create compassion poses to help them be more open, compassionate,

and happy.• Students will review and reflect on quotes about compassion.

Educator Preparation• Write “Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love”

on the board. • Write the definition of compassion on the board:

Compassion is the understanding of a problem or the suffering of another and acting to solve the problem or alleviate the suffering.

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Discussion“Let’s begin by taking a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart for one minute.”

“The last character value in the formula for choosing love is compassion in action. Just like courage, gratitude and forgiveness, compassion is a choice and has many benefits. What does compassion mean to you?” Allow for responses and discussion.

“Compassion in action is the understanding of a problem or suffering of another and acting to solve the problem or alleviate the suffering. We add ‘in action’, because we want to go beyond just understanding how someone feels and actually take action to make make them feel better. ”

“Choosing love is how we can respond to any situation, however difficult. We all have tremendous courage within us to choose how we respond to situations even if we can’t control what happens to us all the time. We can find things to be grateful for even when we find ourselves in challenging times. We can choose to forgive, ourselves and others, understanding that no one is perfect and we can learn from our mistakes.”

“When we have compassion, we are aware of the pain or suffering of others, and have a desire to alleviate it. During this Compassion in Action Unit, we are going to learn more about what compassion is, learn skills to become more compassionate, and learn ways to demonstrate compassion in action in our lives. Compassion in action has a ripple effect. When we take action to increase compassion and love, it has a profound impact on many- we all benefit.”

Brain Blast Activity – Compassion Learning Goal“Right now, let’s write the Choose Love Formula and the definition of compassion in your journals. Next, I’d like you to write down a personal learning goal you have for yourself for this Compassion in Action Unit. What do you hope to learn in this unit that we are now beginning? You can write down more than one thing. Write down your Compassion Learning Goal(s) in your journal. Finally, I’d like you to take a few minutes to make a drawing that represents your Compassionate Learning Goal and what Compassion means to you.”

Allow time for students to work on this. Then have students share their Compassion Learning Goal(s) and/or their drawings.

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• Review the classroom constitution. Consider how the constitution has been working for the students and class.

Activity“Let’s take another Mindful Minute to get started. This helps us clear our mind and gain greater focus and clarity. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on this classroom for one minute.”

“Today we are going to revisit the Choose Love Consitution to reflect on how it’s been working for our class.”

Ask students the following questions to prompt a dialogue on how their Choose Love Constitution has been working and what updates they want to make:

• What has been working well? • What could we add regarding compassion? • How has it benefited you individually? • How has the constitution benefited us as a whole class? • Where does it need to be adjusted to better fit this classroom’s culture?• When has it been the most difficult to abide by?

“I’d like you to take a minute to write down in your journals what you feel grateful for about this class.” Allow for students to share if desired.

“Next I’d like you to think of someone in your life who is a compassionate role model. Who shows compassion to you and others on a daily basis. Write about this person in your journal. What makes them special? How do they show compassion? How did they make the world a better place? What impact do they have on your life? How do they inspire you? What traits do they possess that you appreciate?”

After students can break into small groups and share their journal writings and role models.

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POWER SURGE DAY 2 – SHARING ‘GIFTS’Educator Preparation

• Prepare to identify examples of courageous behavior that are relevant to the students in your class.

• Have index cards or slips of paper for each student.• Draw a picture of a gift box on a large piece of chart paper or poster board. Students will

tape their ‘gift’ to the gift box as part of the activity. You could also choose to have a gift box where students drop their index card or slip of paper.

Activity“Today we are going to do a self-esteem building and team building exercise to set the tone for the rest of this unit. Everyone in this class is valuable and brings special gifts to the class. Alone you have great value, but together when you share your special qualities and talents, you are increasing your value as a whole. These ‘gifts’ when shared help the class be better together. Sharing yourself and your special strengths with the class is a way to show compassion. In doing so, you are positively impacting your classmates, your teacher, your whole class. I’m going to give each of you an index card/slip of paper. On it, I’d like you to write down one ‘gift’ or special quality, trait or talent that you bring to the class to make it a better place or a stronger group.”

Start with yourself and say the gift that you bring to the class as an example. After students have written down theirs, have each student bring their gifts to the front of the class where they will say them and tape them to the large gift box you’ve drawn on chart paper or poster board. In lieu of this, you can have students drop their slip of paper or index card into a gift box.

“Remember, there is no one else quite like you. You are valuable and add great value to the class, the school, the community, and the larger world. Don’t be afraid to share your ‘gifts’, your best self. That is the start to being compassionate and the ripple you create reaches farther than you can imagine.”

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• Create your own Compassion Pose. As a reference, preview social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s TED talk about how your body language shapes who you are. This video is about 20 minutes in length. You can watch the whole thing yourself and cue parts you may wish to show the class.

A Compassion Pose is similar to a Courage Pose in that you are shaping your body (using nonverbal body language) to express yourself and your emotions in an intentional way. In this case, the intention is to embody compassion and align your body to express compassionate energy.

Activity “Who remembers creating Courage Poses? Will anyone have the courage to share theirs?”

“Have you been using the Courage Pose? If so, how has it helped you? How does it make you feel different? How often do you use it? When do you use it? Is there a particular time that the Courage Pose is very helpful to you?” Ask these questions to prompt a discussion about power poses.

“One way to strengthen your compassion is to practice Compassion Poses. A Compassion Pose is similar to a Courage Pose. You are shaping your body in a way to express yourself and your emotions in an intentional way. In this case the intention is to embody compassion. Your Compassion Pose is a way of sitting or standing that increases your feelings of empathy, connection, kindness, and openness. Posing in this way changes your body chemistry. That change helps your brain and body move toward compassion.”

You may choose to have students watch some or all of the Amy Cuddy TED Talk video to further explain body poses and how your body language shapes who you are. You may have shown this to students during the Courage Unit, but it may be good to show as a refresher.

“Do you want to see my Compassion Pose?” Show students what your pose looks like.

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“Everyone take a minute to find a sitting or standing pose that helps you feel compassionate, open, connected, and happy. Typically, you might spread your arms out wide, open your hands, or place your hands over your heart. Just as the Courage Pose made you feel brave, strong, and confident, the Compassion Pose should make you feel happy, peaceful, loving, connected, and compassionate. Try out a few different positions before deciding which one feels best to you. Make sure you can hold your pose for at least one minute without getting hurt or tired. It is also helpful to say a positive compassion affirmation to yourself as you stand in this pose. Something like, ‘I am happy and full of compassion.’, ‘I can connect with others in positive ways.’, for example. ”

After one minute…

“Let’s all practice our poses together. First we’ll try holding it for 15 seconds. Ready, go!”

Practice again for 30 seconds, and then one minute. Tell students that the pose works best when they hold it for two minutes.

“Nice work! Any time you want to increase your compassion and feel more happy and connected, use a Compassion Pose. This pose can be particularly helpful for you to use when you are in a group and want to feel more comfortable or when you are trying to connect with others.”

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• Make copies of the Compassion Quotes page for each student.

Activity“We’re just begun our last unit in the Choose Love Program which is Compassion in Action. Today I want to share what some famous people had to say about compassion. I’m going to pass around a sheet that has various quotes on compassion. Let’s get some volunteers to read each one aloud. As each quote is read, I want you to stomp your feet twice (or clap/snap fingers) if you agree with it.”

Distribute the Quotes on Compassion sheet to all. Call on volunteers to read each one aloud.

“For the next few minutes, I want you to reflect on these quotes in your journals. What stood out to you? What is something that you learned about compassion from them? Which quote is your favorite? Write it in your journal and reflect on the quote and why it is your favorite. React and respond to it.”

Time permitting, you can have students break into partners or small groups and share some of their favorite quotes and reflections. You can even allow students to use their phones to find another quote on compassion to share with the larger group. This can be an in class activity or can be an out of class assignment or extra credit opportunity where they find a different quote and give a written reaction or response to it.

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Quotes on Compassion• “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” —Plato • “No one has ever become poor by giving.” —Anne Frank • “ There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down

and lifting people up.” —John Holmes • “ Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,

an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” —Leo Buscaglia

• “ No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” —Aesop • “ I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in

unkindness and hardness.” —Mother Teresa • “ It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have

gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.” —Amit Ray

• “Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy.” —Dean Koontz

• “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

• “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” —Booker T. Washington • “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” —Mother Teresa

• “How beautiful a day can be when Kindness touches it.” —George Elliston • “The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds

will you plant there?” —Buddha • “At the end of the day, the world will either be a more or less kind, compassionate,

and loving place because of your presence. Your move.” —John Pavlovitz

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BRAIN BLAST #2 –CONNECTING THROUGH COMPASSIONThe great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy. -Meryl Streep

Student Objectives

• Students will learn how empathy is related to compassion.• Students will distinguish between empathy and sympathy.• Students will reflect on and respond to specific questions about pain, hurt, and suffering to

make connections to empathy and compassion.• Students will respond to questions about hurt and pain through written reflection.• Students will watch and reflect on a video about paying attention to others and relate this to

having compassion.• Students will identify ways that they can better pay attention to others.• Students will engage in an activity with their classmates to find common ground and build

connections.• Students will practice compassionate listening through paraphrasing.• Students will define dignity, the Golden Rule, examples of both and how they apply to

compassion.• Students will identify the ways they want to be treated and focus on the ways they need to

extend that to others.

Educator Preparation• You can either show the chart in this lesson on a smart board or write it on the board. • Write the following questions on the board:• How might someone feel when they are suffering?• Is there only one kind of pain/hurt people can feel?• How can you recognize when someone is hurting physically or emotionally?• Do you always know? Can you always tell?• How many different types of pain/hurt have you felt in your lifetime? • What or who helps you to overcome your pain?• Have you ever related to someone because you have experienced the same pain? • What does that feel like, to have someone understand your hurt/pain?

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Discussion“Compassion is the understanding of a problem or suffering of another and acting to solve the problem or alleviate the suffering. What helps us to have compassion for another is when we have empathy and can empathize with them. Empathy is when you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be able to understand their perspective, to experience and feel with someone. Is this the same as sympathy?”

“Empathy and empathizing with someone is different from sympathy and sympathizing with someone. Let’s figure out the difference.”

Use the charts below to help students’ understand the difference between having sympathy and showing empathy. This can be displayed on a smart board or written on the board.


Understanding distress or suffering of another

Feeling FOR someone

Not changing your perspective to see it from another view instead of your own


Experiencing feelings and emotions of another

Feeling WITH someone

Being judgement free

Actively listening to better understand


I’m sorry for your pain and suffering.

Things will get better just hang in there.

I feel really bad for you.


I feel your pain and know how hard it is for you right now.

Something similar happened to me and I understand how much it hurts.

Do you want to talk about anything? I’m here to listen to you without judgement.

(Burton, 2015)“Let’s practice distinguishing between some more responses. I am going to call out a response and I want you to clap your hands if it’s showing sympathy and stomp yout feet if it’s showing empathy.”

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Examples to read:Sympathy:

• Wow, that sucks. • Yea, but…• Well, at least… • Try to fix the situation immediately. • Try to distract the person by talking about something else.• Make a joke. • Oh, it will be okay.• Look on the bright side.

Empathy: • Wow, that sounds really awful. • I’m here to listen.• I don’t even know what to say right now. • I remember when something like that happened to me. • That must have been really difficult to share.• I can tell you feel… • I’m really glad you told me. • Offer a tissue, glass of water, or just to sit quietly with them.

“In order to really make a difference in someone’s life we need more than just feeling sympathy for a person when they are feeling hurt, angry or sad. We need to go beyond sympathy. This is where empathy comes in. And empathy is a very important part, it can be the start, of having compassion for someone.”

“Compassion in action is what allows us to act upon our empathy for others. Compassion motivates us to help fix what is causing the suffering, or at the very least lessen the pain. When we understand the pain or suffering of another and do something to alleviate the suffering or solve the problem, we are practicing compassion in action. When we practice compassion in action, we connect with others in a very powerful way. We find that in helping others, we help ourselves as well.”

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Brain Blast Activity- Reflection“Let’s reflect in our journals a little. Respond to some of the following questions that I’ve written on the board.

Write these questions on the board:• How might someone feel when they are suffering?• Is there only one kind of pain/hurt people can feel?• How can you recognize when someone is hurting physically or emotionally?• Do you always know? Can you always tell?• How many different types of pain/hurt have you felt in your lifetime? • What or who helps you to overcome your pain?• Have you ever related to someone because you have experienced the same pain? • What does that feel like, to have someone understand your hurt/pain?

After students have had time to reflect on these questions in their journals, allow for some sharing and discussion as a whole class, in small groups or with partners.

“We are going to continue to explore and practice having empathy a little more in the next few lessons. This will really help us develop our compassion muscles so we can put them into action.”

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Educator Preparation• Cue the following video:

Activity “Let’s get started by taking a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on a very tiny thing for one minute.”

“You might ask, ‘Where does compassion come from?’. We know it comes from having an awareness of the pain and suffering of others. To do so you need to be able to have empathy for others, or the ability to take another person’s perspective and feel the emotions of another. It’s trying to put yourself in their shoes to feel what they feel. But how do we do that? We are going to watch a video that attempts to explain where compassion really comes from, where it starts. Sometimes having and showing compassion seems complicated or difficult, but this video shows us how it starts with a simple action.”

Show the following video to students:

Discuss the video answering some or all of these questions: What were they trying to say? What did they mean by paying attention to others? Why is paying attention to others important? How does paying attention to others help you be empathetic? How does it relate to compassion? How could you apply this to your life? These may also be answered in their journals and then responses shared with the larger group.

“Let’s brainstorm a list of ways for us to pay better attention to others.”

As a class brainstorm a list of ways to help them pay better attention to others and list them on the board. Have students write these in their journals.

“Today we discussed a very easy but essential way to start having compassion for others which is simply by really paying attention to them. It feels really good when someone pays attention to us and when we feel heard. When we pay attention to others we start to connect with and can better understand them. We become aware of how they feel and their pain, suffering, and sadness. This allows us to begin to have empathy and then compassion for others. Today, see if you can start really noticing and paying attention to others and the world around you. Step outside yourself, your perspective, your world. See if this little action makes a difference in how you see, understand, interact and connect with others.”

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• Have a timer on hand for the activity.

Activity“Today we are going to do a little activity to help us get better connected with others. We can have empathy for and show compassion to anyone, even complete strangers and people that we are completely different from. But when we can find common ground, it is easier to have empathy and compassion. Finding common ground creates and strengthens connections, and then empathy and compassion further strengthen those connections.”

“In this activity, we are going to practice finding common ground with our classmates. This next activity will require us to move about the room. This activity will help us find connections with one another that we may not even know exist! Start with the person next to you and strike up a conversation by telling them your favorite things. This can be things, places, activities, people, etc. Try to name as many things as you can until you find one thing you have in common before the timer goes off. If you can find more than one thing in common that’s even better. I bet you will be surprised at the things that you have in common with others that you never knew!”

“I will set the timer and after the beep, write down your partner’s name and your common ground and connections. Then, switch to the next classmate and when the timer starts you will repeat the same activity. Let’s find some common ground….let’s get connected!!”

You can set the timer for however long based on time allotment. It is recommended to do 30 seconds per meet and greet so that each student can visit everyone in the class or as many students as possible. You can participate in this activity or walk around the room offering suggestions to get the conversation going if needed.

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• Ahead of time, create groups of 3 students.

Activity“Compassionate listening is one of the easiest ways to do something kind and meaningful for someone. Compassionate listening is when you practice focused awareness in a conversation, paying special attention to trying to feel what the other person is feeling. After you’ve listened carefully, you can ask if there’s something you can do to help.”

“We’re going to practice paraphrasing as a way to practice compassionate listening. When you paraphrase, you summarize or explain something using your own words.”

“The purpose of paraphrasing is twofold. First, it helps let the other person feel heard and acknowledged. Secondly, it deepens the shared understanding of what is being expressed. It builds empathy.”

“In this activity, partner A will take a turn telling partner B about something they are struggling with lately. Partner B will listen to partner A, and then paraphrase what partner A said. Try to put yourself in their shoes as you are paraphrasing. Partner C will observe partner A and B, and then tell partner B what they did well while they were listening and paraphrasing.”

“When I turn off the lights, you will stop and rotate so a different partner is talking, listening and observing. Again, when I turn of the lights you’ll rotate so everyone has a turn in each of the three roles. I will divide you into groups and you can start by deciding who will have each role, A- Speaker, B-Compassionate Listener, and C- Observer”

“Partner A, take a minute to tell partner B what you’re struggling with. Partner B will then paraphrase you. If you don’t feel partner B understood you, give them that feedback and try again.”

“Partner B, remember to try to listen carefully and with compassion….try to feel what the other person is feeling. Here are some key questions you can use after you paraphrase: · I hear you saying….? · Did I hear you correctly? · Is that what you meant? · It seems like you feel...? · Did I understand how you are feeling? Did I miss anything?”

“Partner C you just watch closely and notice how partner B is listening. When they paraphrase partner A, notice if they really heard what partner A was saying and reflected that. You will give feedback on what partner B did well.”

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Following the conversations, debrief the experience with students. Was it easy to really pay attention and listen to another? What made it difficult? What helped you listen with compasson? Was it easy or difficult to put yourself in their shoes? Were you able to feel their emotions with them? What helped you do this? How did it feel to be heard? How did it feel when someone empathized with you? How can paraphrasing as a communication skill help you and others?

SEL Skills TaughtSelf-awarenessSelf-managementSocial awarenessRelationship skillsResponsible decision-making.


• You may choose to write the following list on the board. You will also be reading it aloud to students.

• Get to know someone first before you make judgements.• Use self-control to THINK about how you should react before acting or responding.• Put yourself in the other person’s shoes-having empathy.• Become curious to learn about how other people live and what’s important to them,

even if it’s different from you.• Understand that many cultures have different expectations when it comes to

relationships, communicating with each other, style of dress, food and even religious beliefs- and that’s OK.

• Remember that different doesn't mean bad or worse- different just means different.• Be a leader and show others how to be kind and treat others with respect. • Self-regulate, or control your anger and other emotions, so you can look at situations clearly

and interact with others in a positive way.• Appreciate and treat every living thing with care.

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Activity“There are over 7 billion people on planet earth and not a single one of us is like another… even down to the tiniest atoms and cells in our bodies. Did you know that no two fingerprints are even alike? But, we all share at least one common desire and that is to love and be loved, to be treated with dignity. Treating someone with dignity means we are sensitive to their needs, it means doing one’s best for them, it means showing them care, it means respecting their individuality and differences, it means acting in a way that supports and promotes them rather than undermining their self-respect. In a nut shell, it means treating everybody like they are a somebody, like they are important and valuable.”

“You may have heard of the Golden Rule. Merriam Webster dictionary defines the Golden Rule as a general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you. In other words, give out to others what you would want to receive if the roles were reversed. We can apply this rule to almost every interaction we have with people. The Golden Rule carries a message that all cultures, religions, ethnicities, and genders can appreciate. This rule reminds us to think before we act or speak and ask ourselves:

‘How would I react if this was being done/said to me?’”

“Let’s remind ourselves of some of the ways we can immediately start practicing treating others with dignity and practice the Golden Rule. Here’s a few ideas:

• Get to know someone first before you make judgements.• Use self-control to THINK about how you should react before acting or responding.• Put yourself in the other person’s shoes-having empathy.• Become curious to learn about how other people live and what’s important to them,

even if it’s different from you.• Understand that many cultures have different expectations when it comes to

relationships, communicating with each other, style of dress, food and even religious beliefs- and that’s OK.

• Remember that different doesn't mean bad or worse- different just means different.• Be a leader and show others how to be kind and treat others with respect. • Self-regulate, or control your anger and other emotions, so you can look at situations

clearly and interact with others in a positive way.• Appreciate and treat every living with care.”

“What else could we add to this list? Let’s brainstorm some more ideas.”

Allow for some responses and add these to a list on the board.

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“Can you think of a time you treated someone badly because of differences….because they look, speak, dress, or act differently than you? If you could go back to that moment how you would change your actions to reflect dignity and respect for the other person?”

“Has anyone ever treated you in a way that did not show respect and dignity? How did it make you feel?”

“Do you follow The Golden Rule? Give an example of a situation when you followed the Golden Rule and treated someone different from you with dignity and respect. How did it make you feel?”

“Make a list in your notebook of all the ways you want to be treated by others. Try to name as many things as you can. Then go back and put a check mark next to each thing on your list that you extend to others. Here’s an example to help get you started.”

Write the following on the board as an example:

‘How I Like to Be Treated’

I expect people to treat me with respect, even if we disagree on something.I like when people are kind to me when I am feeling upset.I think it’s nice when people say thank you, you're welcome, and please.I enjoy meeting new friends with different interests so I can try new things.

“Remember the Golden Rule says we should treat others the way we want to be treated. So everything on your list should have a check mark by it. If it doesn’t, it’s never too late to change your behaviors. Focus on the things that you didn’t check off and start doing these things for others. This is a great place to start in changing your actions and to start being a more respectful and compassionate person. And let the Golden Rule be one of your affirmations. Take a page of your journal and write it in big bold letters. Decorate it like it’s in bright lights making it stand out and drive your behaviors, choices, and responses.”

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BRAIN BLAST #3 – THE RIPPLE EFFECTThe idea that everything is purposeful really changes the way you live. To think that everything that you do has a ripple effect, that every word that you speak, every action that you make affects other people and the planet. -Victoria Moran

Student Objectives • Students will learn about the ripple effect through discussion, written reflection, and

viewing a video.• Students identify a compassionate act and highlight the ripple effect of them doing this act.• Students will discuss the compassion muscle and how to define and build it.• Students will identify forms of exercise and pair each with a way to practice compassion or

kindness to others.• Students will discuss the power and responsibility that comes with their choices and

responses.• Students will reflect on the compassionate response and what that looks like and why it’s

important.• Students will role play skits where they will demonstrate compassionate responses.• Students will listen to a song and reflect on its lyrics, message, and inspiration in small

groups and as a whole class.• Students will discuss the power of words by looking at how others have described them in

various quotes.• Students will reflect on the power of words and their ripple effect by watching and reacting

to a video.• Students will highlight what they want their inspiring words to be and write them in their


Educator Prep• Write the following quote on the board:

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. – Mother Theresa

• Preview and cue the following video:

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Discussion“Let’s start today by taking a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your favorite body of water for one minute.”

At the start of the lesson you can do a visual display dropping a small stone in a bowl of water or knocking over dominoes to show how one action has a ripple effect and great impact.

“What does it mean when someone talks about ‘the ripple effect’? Allow for responses.

“When you throw a rock into the water that rock, no matter how small, no matter how hard or far it’s thrown, creates much larger ripples that spread out and reach much farther than the small area where the rock first splashed.”

"The ripples are the impact that the rock has on the water. What starts as perhaps a small impact, really becomes something much bigger, the ripples show us that. It’s the same with our words and actions. No matter how insignificant, small and simple they seem, their impact is much greater, reaching far more people than we realize."

“I’ve written a quote on the board by Mother Theresa. Copy this into your journals and let’s think about it for a minute. What do you think? Do you agree? Why?”

“Let’s watch a video on this ripple effect.”

Show the following video to students which illustrates the ripple effect:

After viewing the video ask students to answer the following questions in their journals: How did the video make you feel? What was the message of the video? Describe the ripple effect in your own words. What’s the small stone that you can cast into the waters…..what is one small thing you can do today to cause a ripple effect? What’s a bigger thing you can do? How might that impact others? How will that effect you? Ask for some volunteers to share their responses to some of these questions. You may open this up for class discussion and reflection.

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BRAIN BLAST ACTIVITY- MY STONES, MY RIPPLES“Draw a circle in the middle of your paper. In it write down one small, simple act of compassion that you can do today. Now, pretend this is the stone you’ve cast into the water. What ripples will this produce? What positive impact might your compassionate act have on yourself, others, and the world around you. Draw rings around your original circle and write down what these ripples, these positive effects might be that you generated.”

You may choose to do your own example for students. Time permitting, you may wish to invite students to share some of their compassionate actions and ripple effects.

“Remember, we have a lot of power and control to be able to choose how we act and interact with others every moment of every day. While we can’t always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how we respond….and we can choose to act with compassion and love. This is a lot of power we have and with that comes a big responsibility. We must think carefully about the decisions, choices, and responses we make and try to consider the impact they will have on others. As the Dalai Lama said, ‘everything you do has some effect, some impact’.What effect will you have? What Impact will you make? What ripples will you create?”

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• None

Activity“We know that we have a lot of muscles in our body. Right now, let’s try to use all of the muscles in your body. Let’s make all of your muscles tense. Tighten up those legs and show those muscles in your arms! Keep your muscles tense and flexed for the next 20 seconds. OK. Now, relax. Phew!!”

“In order to make our muscles more defined and stronger, we have to work them out as much as possible….which involves action and practice. I like to think that we have a compassion muscle too. This muscle is just like the other muscles in that you have to use it to define and strengthen it. When we practice compassion daily, we build and strengthen our compassion muscle and positively impact our lives in many ways. A defined compassion muscle strengthens our character, it builds connections with others, it increases our positive, happy, and loving feelings and thoughts, it builds a positive attitude, and it gives meaning and purpose to our lives.”

“The more we use our compassion muscle the bigger this muscle gets. But remember, in this unit, we are talking about compassion in action. This means we must go beyond just thinking and feeling in a compassionate way. We need to take action if we really want to work this muscle. We can show compassion, kindness, and concern in the way we treat and interact with others.”

“In your journals, make a list of all the ways your body gets exercise each day. Then, count up how many different exercises and for every form of exercise, write down an act of compassion and kindness that you can do to work that compassion muscle.”

“Let’s share and compare. Turn to your neighbor and share your lists. What are the similarities? What are the differences? If you gain some new ideas, add them to your lists.”

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• Be ready to break students into small groups.• Make a couple copies of the scenarios and cut apart. You will be giving a scenario slip to

each group. Some groups may have the same scenario depending on the number of groups. You may also create or have students create alternative scenarios that address common situations they may face or have faced.

Activity“In any situation, there are always many choices we can make on how we handle things. One of the most important things we have learned in this program is that we can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can always choose how we respond. And we can always find a way to respond in a compassionate and loving manner. We can choose the compassionate response.”

“We have a great deal of power in having this choice. When we choose the compassionate response, we are making a choice that feels good, but it’s also the right choice and the smart choice. And as we have said before, your choice to respond and act with compassion impacts more than just the situation you're in or the people involved right then and there. Your compassionate choice and response starts this ripple. And there is no telling how far and wide this ripple of compassion and kindess may spread and how it may alter the course of your or someone else’s day or even life.”

“It isn’t always easy to show compassion. It means you can’t just quickly react to a situation. You have to stop and think before you act. You have to leave the lizard, to nudge the numbat and hug your human brain. You have to think of how things may play out if you respond in different ways. Envision the ripple effect and think about the kind of ripple that you are starting by the way you choose to respond.”

“Remember it takes practice and work to build that compassion muscle. Today we are going to work on it. You will be divided into small groups. Each of you will be given a slip of paper with a scenario. You will work together to role play the scenarios. Act out a way each person can respond in a positive, compassionate way.”

Give students time to create and practice their role plays/skits. Then time permitting, have each group share their scenarios and compassionate responses with the larger class. Ask for students to share other compassionate ways in which they could respond to the scenarios acted out. Allow time for students to reflect on this experience in their journal.

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You and your best friend since kindergarten decide that you both want to try out for the cheerleading team when you get to middle school. Only problem is you made the team and your friend is upset because she didn't. How should you respond?

There is a new teacher at school and he looks diff erent from the others because he wears a turban on his head. You learn that Mr. Patel is from a country called India and the turban is part of his religion. Many of your peers begin to make fun of him behind his back and some are even making fun of him to his face. This makes you feel uncomfortable and you have empathy for the teacher. How should you respond?

You used to be really good friends with this one kid. But now you don’t really hang out anymore. You’ve heard rumors that they are having a hard time right now with problems at home and school. One day you are with your friends when you notice this person and they seem really down and not like the way you remember them being? How should you respond?

Some friends at school are going back and forth making nasty, hurtful comments on social media. There is one person they are targeting the most. You don’t like the way this person is being treated? How should you respond?

You just got your very fi rst paid job babysitting your neighbor’s children. One of the kids confi des in you that their parents are getting a divorce. The child seems upset, afraid and anxious about what the future may hold. How should you respond?

You sit with a bunch of the cool, popular kids at lunch. You’ve noticed that whenever someone outside the group asks to sit down at the table, they say no. You’ve also noticed that there are some kids sitting alone at lunch. How should you respond?

SEL Skills Taught:Self-awarenessSelf-managementSocial awarenessRealtionship skillsResponsible decision-making

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Educator Prep• If desired, have a copy of the lyrics to the song, “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson to give to each student.

• Have the video to “Man in the Mirror” cued up to show:

Activity“Let’s begin by taking a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on music or a song that you really like for one minute.”

“We’ve been talking about compassion and choosing love over hate and anger. When we show compassion in action and choose love through our words and actions, it greatly benefits us as the giver and the other person or people who are the receivers. Even the smallest action creates a ripple effect that spreads farther than we can imagine and affects so many others. Many authors and musicians have written books, poems and songs about compassion. Today we are going to listen to a song called, ‘The Man in the Mirror’ by Michael Jackson. We are going to look at the lyrics to the song, discuss their meaning, and how this song can serve as inspiration to us."

Listen to the video with lyrics and/or give each student a copy of the lyrics. After listening to the song, have students break into partners or small groups to discuss the lyrics.

Have students answer these questions in their journals and discuss their answers with partners or groups. What was the message of the song? How did the song make you feel? What line in the song really stood out to you and why? How does this song relate to your life? How does this song relate to compassion and choosing love? How did this song inspire you?

After a few minutes, get back together as a class and ask for volunteers to share some of their responses to the questions. This can also be done as a whole class activity.

“In your journals, write down a lyric or something that stood out to you and why. What other songs inspire and encourage compassion and choosing love? Any suggestions? Let’s make a list and write one in your journals. Your homework is to find a quote or lyric from a song that can inspire others to be compassionate and choose love. Share it with others on social media or in some other way!”

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• Preview and cue the following video:

Activity“It is said that the tongue has no bones, but it can break a heart. What does that mean?” Allow for responses and reflection.

“Today we are going to talk about another power we have….that is the power of our words. We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond…and we can respond with compassion and love. This speaks about our actions, but also our words. Our words can get us into a lot of trouble. Some people when referring to them, have called words a weapon. In what way can words be a weapon?” Allow for responses.

“Here are a couple of quotes about the power of words. I will write them on the board and you can copy them in your journals.”

‘Words are the containers for power, you choose what power they carry.’ Joyce Meyer

‘Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.’- Robin Sharma

‘Your words become your world.’- Author unknown

‘Kind words can be easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.’- Mother Teresa

“Let me read each one. Clap your hands if you agree with the quote.”

Read each quote aloud and allow for students to clap. Then discuss the quotes. Allow for response, reaction, and reflection.

“I am going to show you an inspiring video with the famous professional wrestler and actor John Cena that relates to the power of words, empathy, and compassion.”

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Show the following video:

Refl ect and react in a whole class discussion using the following questions as prompts: What do you think of what you saw? How did it make you feel? What words did John Cena use that inspired, encouraged, and touched so many? How was compassion shown to John? How did he feel? How could you tell how he was feeling? Why was he moved so much? How was compassion shown? How did words have power and positively impact people?

“Words are really powerful and we must choose and use them carefully. There is another Arabian proverb that gives some good advice to all. It says, ‘The words of the tongue have 3 gatekeepers: Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Necessary?’ I think these are three very important questions to ask yourself when you are choosing your words, both written and spoken. Write that down in your journal: Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Necessary? Let this be your guide.”

“To finish today’s lesson, I’d like for you to think of the encouraging, inspiring, and compassionate words you’d like to share with others and the world. You may not be as famous as John Cena….but your words can inspire and have a great impact on others. What do you want your message to be? What power will your words have?”

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BRAIN BLAST #4 – HEROES OF KINDNESS AND COMPASSIONA hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares. -Debi Mazar

Student Objectives • Students will brainstorm the characteristics that make a hero.• Students will discuss and highlight ‘Everyday Heroes’.• Students will write about an ‘Everyday Hero’ in their life describing them and how they are

inspired by this person.• Students will be introduced to 4 profiles of ‘EveryDay Heroes’ and learn what makes

them a hero.• Students will create a portrait of someone who needs compassion and deliver it to them as a

small act of compassion and kindness.• Students will reflect on how they would spend one million dollars in a compassionate way

and why they would spend it in this way. • Students will write about a time they stepped outside themselves to put others first.• Students will discuss with partners times where they have connected with others through

pain and compassion.

Educator Prep• None

Discussion“What do you picture in your mind when you hear the word hero?” Make a list on the board of the characteristics of a hero.

“Many of you may picture a superhero with a special uniform or cape. Most likely the person you envision is strong and powerful. This is probably a character from TV or movies. But some of you may picture a family member or a community helper such as a policeman, fireman, or someone in the military. Did you know that there is something called ‘Everyday Heroes’? Everyday Heroes are ordinary people that do extraordinary things. What makes them different from other heroes is that they are regular people just like you and me.”

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“What makes an Everyday Hero is their ability to have the courage to do what’s right and to step outside themselves to help others by making their life easier, safer, or better. Can you think of some of these Everyday Heroes? Let’s make a list of them.”

“Does anyone know someone or have a family member that is one of these Everyday Heroes?” Allow students to share with the class.

“There are many kinds of Everyday Heroes of all ages, from all different cultures, religions, and countries. You may even be an Everyday Hero yourself! If you’re not just yet, don’t worry, you can become one! We are going to be introduced to some Everyday Heroes. For the next few classes we will feature an Everyday Hero you will learn more about. Listen to their stories, learn their names, and watch the video clips showcasing their courage, strength, compassion, and purpose. Let yourself be inspired by their stories. Remember these are ordinary people doing extraordinary things and you can do the same!!”

BRAIN BLAST ACTIVITY- EVERYDAY HEROES“In your journals, I’d like you to write down the one person in your life who is an Everyday Hero whom inspires you the most. What character traits from the Choose Love Formula make this person a hero? How would you define hero in your own words? Take a few moments to write about this person who is your Everyday Hero.”

Allow a few minutes for students to share their journal writings.

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• Preview and cue the following video clip:

Activity“Today we are going to talk about a student just like you who I think is an Everyday Hero. Phillip Sossou, a recent graduate of Boston Latin High School and art student, used his art talent to show compassion for his fellow classmates. Phillip was bothered by racial tensions that affected his school all year so he took action. Early in the morning on the last day of school he arrived a bit early to hang up 411 hand drawn portraits of his classmates. He had been working on these for quite some time.”

“The process took over 4 months to complete and his goal was to make sure no one in the school went unnoticed. Phillip wanted all students to be and feel included. He put himself in other peoples’ shoes and stepped outside himself to show compassion to others. What do you think of what he did? Why is he an Everyday Hero? What impact do you think his actions had on his classmates, his school, and the community?” Allow for discussion and refl ection.

“Check out the following clip that talks about Phillip’s compassion act and shows his beautiful classmate portraits throughout the halls of Boston Latin High School.”

“Now let’s give you a chance to put your hands to work like Phillip! Think of someone who could use some compassion, a small act of kindness. Draw a portrait of that person or a picture for them. Give them a compliment or tell them why you appreciate him or her. Then deliver the portrait or picture. Though this is just a small gesture of kindness, it’s impact will be great and can start a ripple of kindness and compassion. See how it feels to step outside yourself to show compassion to another person.”

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Educator Prep• Preview and cue the following video clip, 'The Story of Malala Yousafzai':

Activity“Malala Yousafzai. You may have heard her name before. She is so famous that people usually only refer to her by her first name: Malala. Living in Pakistan with her family, Malala attended a school her father ran. He was known for being a huge supporter of education. In Pakistan, education is not like in America. Pakistan has the second highest number of kids out of school in the entire world. This makes you think, we must be grateful to have a free education and the chance to come to a safe school with our friends and teachers. In 2009 when The Taliban, a terrorist group in Pakistan, took control of Malala’s small town they forced the schools to close. They would not even allow television or music and women were forced to stay in the house.”

“Malala was very brave and stood up for her right to an education and eventually The Taliban voted to kill her. Luckily, Malala survived the vicious attack and was able to share her story with the world after being in the hospital for over three months!”

“In 2014 Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize which is not only a very respected award, but it comes with a $1 Million dollar prize. Malala donated every single penny of this money to help finance a new school for girls in Pakistan. WOW! What a brave and kind person! (Yousafzai, 2015)”

“Let’s watch a short video telling Malala’s powerful story of courage and compassion.”

“What do you think of this story? What traits of the Choose Love Formula did Malala demonstrate? How does she inspire you?” Allow for discussion and reflection.

“If you won a million dollars like Malala, what compassionate thing would you do with it? Remember it must be used for someone other than yourself….think big….think about what’s important to you. Why would you spend the money in this way…give several reasons to argue the importance of how you are spending your winnings. Write about this in your Choose Love Journal.” Ask for a few volunteers to share their ideas.

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• Preview and cue the following video clip, 'Captain Sullenberger's Moment':

Activity“Captain Sully is an Everyday Hero because he showed courage in a very stressful and dangerous situation. He is a pilot and the aircraft he was flying malfunctioned from two geese flying into the engines. The plane was going down. Captain Sully was very brave and focused on a way to rescue the people onboard. He decided the safest way to land was on top of the Hudson River in New York City. The airplane glided down toward the river and eventually skidded across the surface. Every single person was rescued and survived all because of Captain Sully’s courage and his concern for the passengers on board. What do you think makes Captain Sully an Everyday Hero? Could you have done what he did? What did it take for him to achieve this feat?” Allow for discussion and refl ection.

“Let’s watch the actual footage of Captain Sully landing the plane.”

“Pretty amazing right? When was a time you stepped outside of your fears and put someone else first? How did you face your fear and find the courage to take action? Answer these questions in your Choose Love Journal.” Have students share their journals entries with a partner, in small groups, or in a whole class discussion.

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• Assign small groups ahead of time, if desired.

Activity“Today I’m going to introduce you to JT Lewis. JT is the big brother of Jesse Lewis whose life was taken from us on 12-14-12 in a senseless act of violence. Just like his mother Scarlett, who founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement to teach others about the importance of forgiveness, compassion, courage, and gratitude through the Choose Love Program, JT also decided to step outside of his own pain and show compassion to others.”

“There was a period of time when JT did not want to attend school, see his friends, or even talk to anyone. He felt hopeless, angry, and sad. But with some help he found courage to face his fears and anger by practicing forgiveness and kindness. JT is an Everyday Hero because he had the courage to step outside of his own pain. He showed empathy towards others and found a purpose and a way to get through his pain and sadness by showing compassion to others.”

“After his little brother was killed many survivors from the Rwandan genocide reached out to JT via Skype to not only share their experiences with pain, but more importantly to share their love. Rwanda is a country in Africa that suffered a devastating civil war which resulted in the death of almost 1,000,000 people in only 100 days. Many of the children who lost their entire families wanted to show support to JT by experiencing the pain with him.”

“They told JT, through a translator, about their own traumatic experiences and reassured him that he would ‘be ok and feel joy again’. They told him how they survived, and then were able to thrive, after their own personal tragedy that happened when they were children.”

“They followed the same formula for choosing love that you are learning: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love. They began with gratitude for being alive, then chose to forgive those who had murdered their parents, understanding that they might go down the same path of anger and destruction as the perpetrators if they didn’t. Then had the courage to step outside their own pain to show compassion and help others. They found in doing this, peace and personal healing.”

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“In response JT founded his own charity called Newtown Helps Rwanda. So far JT has fundraised enough money to pay for two orphan genocide survivors from Rwanda to attend university. He has helped to build self-sustaining fish ponds for former children soldiers in Uganda. And he has helped countless children in America. He recently won a Teen Choice Award for his work. He vows to continue his efforts! JT is an incredible example of how powerful helping others can be for us. When we help others, we help ourselves.”

“What do you think about this story? How does it make you feel? How do you think showing compassion to others helped JT? How does this inspire you?” Allow for discussion and reflection.

“Forgiveness and compassion are important ways to help us learn, grow, be happy and connect with others. Think about a time in your own life when you forgave someone for hurting you. How did you feel when you finally forgave that person? Has there been a time you connected with someone through your pain? Or through your kindness to others? Find a partner and share your stories.”

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BRAIN BLAST #5- SELF COMPASSIONHave the courage to love yourself like you always wished someone would. –Vironika Tugaleva

Student Objectives • Students will discuss the meaning of self compassion and why it's important.• Students will share experiences with a partner of when they had trouble showing themselves

compassion and kindness.• Students will identify people that they can talk to when they need a little kindness and

compassion.• Students will watch an inspiring video and create comic strips to illustrate how they want to

‘fill each box and fill it well’.• Students will view and discuss the ‘Mind in a Jar’ video to better understand their minds,

thoughts and feelings and how they work.• Students will learn the Compassion Breath so that they may focus, relax, and put them in a

place where they are open and ready to be compassionate.• Students will practice self-compassion and show themselves kindness by creating an ‘A to Z

List’ of their positive traits and qualities.• Students will brainstorm ways to show self-compassion and self-care and create their own

‘Top 10 Self-Care’ lists.• Students will discuss the power of words that they use towards themselves and create their

own inspiring ‘I am’ statements or other affirmations.

Educator Preparation• Preview and cue the following Kid President Video:

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Discussion“Let’s begin by taking a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention for one minute on a time when you felt loved.”

“I hope that felt good, to think about that feeling of being loved. We all have a need to love and be loved. In addition, we all experience emotional pain, suffering, and challenges in our lives. This is part of the reality of human existence. How we choose to perceive difficult times shapes our experience, and our future. Discomfort, pain, and even suffering can help us grow and transform us in many ways that can ultimately turn out to be positive. You can gain new perspective on your life. Perhaps you can find a purpose, find new connections and fortitude, character, perseverance, and strength you didn’t realize you had.”

“Often we find it easier to show compassion and love to others, but find it harder to do so with ourselves. One can only truly have compassion for another if they first have compassion for themselves. It’s easy sometimes for us to judge ourselves. However, we all do the best we know how, and that’s why it’s important for us to show patience and kindness to ourselves. It’s also important that we always try to learn from our mistakes and improve what we know, how we act, and the choices we make.”

“Self-compassion means showing compassion to yourself, especially when you are down, when you have failed, when you are feeling like you don’t measure up to those around you, or when you are suffering in some way. It means treating yourself with kindness. It means practicing self-love, or caring about your own well-being and happiness. Some might think that having self-compassion or self-love is selfish, but it’s very hard to show love and compassion for others without first showing the same to ourselves. Having self-compassion and self-love helps us push through and overcome negative emotions and difficult situations to be confident and to be able to be our best self.”

Have students find a partner or have them pre-assigned.

“Turn to a partner, share a time when you found it difficult to be compassionate toward yourself. Maybe you caught yourself using negative self-talk, or chose to not take a self-care break when you needed one. Perhaps it was a time when you failed or struggled, or did something you weren’t proud of. Take a few minutes to both share these experiences.”

“It feels good to express your feelings and connect with others in this way. This is a great way to practice self-compassion. In your journals, quickly write down at least 3 people that you can turn to when you need to talk and need encouragement and compassion. Who do you feel comfortable talking to? Who will listen and be empathetic and compassionate to you?”

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BRAIN BLAST ACTIVITY- FILL EACH BOX & FILL IT WELL“To end this lesson, we are going to watch a video by Kid President. His videos just make me smile and laugh and this is a good way to show compassion to yourself. This video made me think and gave me some good ideas about life and living, about being happy. Let’s watch it and think about his messages and how they might apply to your life.”

Show video to students:

“So what do you think? How do you feel? Were you inspired? Take a minute to react and reflect on the video. What messages did you take from it? What is something important that you heard that you connected with? What advice can you aply to your life?” Allow time for students to reflect in their journals. You may choose to have students share some thoughts with the whole class.

“There were many things that stood out to me but here are two of my favorites: ‘Life isn’t always awesome, but your responses can be’. We’ve been talking about this, you can’t always choose what happens to you but you can always choose how you respond and you can respond with compassion and love.”

“The other words he said that I really liked were this, ‘Life is like a comic strip with lots of boxes. Fill each little box, and fill it well. It all adds up to something pretty amazing. That’s life and it’s yours.’”

“Right now I’d like you to make your comic strip life. Find a piece of paper in your journals and draw a bunch of small boxes like it’s a comic strip. Then I want you to do what he said, ‘fill them up and fill them well’. Let these boxes represent your can you make it amazing? What does an amazing life look like to you? How can you show compassion and love to yourself and others? How can you learn and grow? What goals do you have? What have you and will you achieve? What life will you create and shape? Write it all down with words, sentences, pictures, comics, and the colors that show this amazing life that is yours.” You may invite students to share these with the larger class or in small groups.

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• Preview and cue the following video, 'Mind In a Jar':

Activity“It’s really hard to practice compassion when we are stressed, upset, or angry. When our feelings are out of control, it’s hard to feel good about ourselves and connect with others in kind, caring, compassionate ways. As we talked about before, when we feel like this, we need to do something to nudge the numbat to leave the lizard and hug the human. We know we need to keep our thoughts positive and inspiring because our thoughts can affect our feelings and then these thoughts and feelings affect our behaviors. We are going to watch a brief video that talks a little bit more about our minds, thoughts, and feelings.”

Show the following video:

“This video used a glass of water with swirling sand as an analogy for our minds when we are stressed, angry, upset, anxious or scared…..when our minds are full of racing thoughts and feelings, particularly negative or challenging ones. It’s important to remember a few things…..first, we need to think about what we’re thinking about. Second, we need to keep our thoughts positive. Last, we need to calm ourselves when we are overwhelmed by our thoughts and feelings. This video showed a simple way to calm ourselves. By taking deep breaths and focusing on or imagining the sand settling, we can settle ourselves, calming our minds, hearts and bodies. This is a mindfulness exercise.”

“We’ve learned a lot of mindfulness activities. One that we’ve done a lot is diaphragmatic, or deep belly breathing. Today we are going to learn a Compassion Breath. Before we learn and take a Compassion Breath, let’s set an intention. Remember, an intention is a purpose or a reason for doing something. It can also be a statement about how you hope to participate in something. Our intention for today is: ‘May my heart be open to show compassion to myself and others.’ Say that quietly to yourself. I’ll repeat it one more time: ‘May my heart be open to show compassion to myself and others.’”

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“Now let’s learn a Compassion Breath. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Close your eyes. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose…and slowly breathe out through your mouth. When you breathe in, feel your belly rise and imagine your heart growing bigger as it fills with love and compassion. As you breathe in, think to yourself, ‘May my heart be open to show compassion to myself and others.’ Continue breathing slowly and deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth.”

“As we keep breathing, let’s relax our bodies. Inhale, and bring your attention to the top of your head. Place your hands on the top of your head. Relax your head and neck and say to yourself,

‘May my mind be calm and relaxed so that I can show compassion to myself and others’. Place both hands on your heart and say, ‘May my heart be open to practicing compassion.’ Now, relax your legs and feet and say, ‘May my feet carry me safely, and may I bring compassion wherever I go.’ Finally, relax your whole body and say to yourself, ‘ May I bring compassion to the whole world.’”

“Take one more slow, deep breath and picture yourself spreading kindness and compassion to yourself and others. Then open your eyes. You should be feeling more relaxed. Are your mind and heart feeling calmer and more at ease? Are you feeling less stressed and more compassion?”

Compassion Breaths are a great mindfulness tool to settle that mind of ours that has thoughts and feelings swirling about like a tornado. Breathing in this way is a way to show self-compassion. It helps us relax and de-stress and move away from negative thoughts and feelings and focus on compassion. We can use Compassion Breaths to nudge the numbat to leave the lizard and hug the human brain which allows us to better act, respond, and interact with others.”

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Educator Prep• None

Activity“Today let’s practice some more self-compassion by showing ourselves a little kindness. For some reason, sometimes it’s easier to be kind to a total stranger than it is to be kind to ourselves. We often get down on ourselves and become overly critical, spending more time pointing out our faults instead of our strengths. If you are constantly putting yourself down, how do you think this will affect how you feel about yourself? Will it be more difficult to show compassion to others if you are feeling this way? How can you show kindness to others if you can’t show kindness to yourself?”

“Remember, we have to show compassion to ourselves first. This builds our self-esteem and creates positive feelings in ourselves that build compassion muscles. When we feel good about ourselves, we want to share those positive vibes with others… makes it easier to reach out and connect with others in healthy, meaningful, and positive ways.”

“Let’s build ourselves up today and create some of those positive vibes in ourselves. In your journals, I want you to make a vertical list of every letter of the alphabet. Start with the letter A and list an adjective or noun to describe you or highlight a positive trait about yourself. Write down something you like about yourself that corresponds with each letter of the alphabet. Show yourself a little kindness and compassion. See what letter you can get up to using all positive words to describe yourself. Here are some examples to get started.”

Write the following on the board as an example:

‘Being Kind to Me From A to Z’

A - AdventurousB - BraveC - CaringD - DaydreamerE - Empathetic

“See if you can make it all the way to the letter Z! Write as many as you can in your journals.”

Time permitting you can have students share a few of their letter responses.

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• None

Activity“Find a comfortable position to sit or stand. Close your eyes and focus your attention for one minute on a positive way in which you take care of yourself.”

“We’ve been talking about self-compassion and have learned that self-compassion is all about showing care, concern, and love for yourself just as you do for others. It makes sense that it’s very hard to be compassionate and caring towards others if we aren’t feeling good about ourselves. Remember, you can’t truly love someone else, unless you love yourself. Loving yourself means showing self-compassion and that requires self-care. Today we are going to brainstorm a list of the many ways that you can show self-compassion or self-care. How can you care about yourself? What are some things you can do each day to care about yourself and show yourself compassion? These should be positive things that don’t hurt you or anyone else.”

As a class, brainstorm a list of at least 20 ways to show self-compassion or self-care. Examples may include: Deep Breathing, Mindful Minutes, Exercising, Eating healthy, Journaling, Positive self-talk like Affirmations and Compliments, Rewarding yourself for accomplishments big and small, Talking to a trusted friend or adult, Listening to upbeat/feel good music, Reading something inspirational, Laughing, Smiling, etc.

After you have brainstormed at least 20 ways to show self-care, have students write down the ones that resonate with them the most.

“Out of the list we’ve created, think of those that you think would work for you. Which would you feel comfortable doing? Which do you think would be the most helpful to you? In your journals make your own Top 10 Self-Care List. Use the list generated in addition to other things perhaps not mentioned. You may include things that you already do, but try to also add several new ideas. You are free to make your list longer, but at least have 10 things listed. Remember to actually do these things. Keep a copy of this list handy so that you can refer to it when you need it and need a way to give yourself care, concern, and love.”

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Educator Prep• Create your own affirmations to share with

students as examples and write on the board.

Activity“Let’s start today’s lesson with a Mindful Minute to clear our minds and hearts and encourage ourselves. Find a comfortable position to sit. For one minute, close your eyes and focus your attention on feeling strong.”

“Having compassion for ourselves and others is a choice you can make at any time. Affirmations, as we know, are positive statements that help us turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk. We’ve talked about the power of words and we have to remember this also applies to the words we use with ourselves. Instead of criticizing and putting ourselves down, we have to affirm and encourage ourselves with our words.”

“‘I am’ is a powerful statement, and we use it every day. Affirmations help us use ‘I am’ statements that inpire us, help us feel good about ourselves, and show ourselves compassion. If we choose our words wisely and carefully, we use ‘I am’ messages that help us believe in ourselves, promote our success, and help us achieve our goals. Here are some examples of some positive ‘I am’ statements: ‘I am powerful.’, ‘I am smart.’, ‘I am important.’, I am compassionate’. We are going to practice using affirmations and see how they effect our mindset and attitude. Let’s start by writing down an affirmation…..a specific, positive statement to empower you and overcome negative self-talk… can use an ‘I am’ statement or some other affirming message.”

Instruct students to write one affirmation on a piece of paper. Collect the papers, mix them up, and redistribute them to the students. Have students stand in a courage or compassion pose and read the statement on the paper they received using a strong, clear, assertive voice. Remind them of how powerful it can be when your words, tone, and body language align. If students are hesitant or shy, remind them it is okay and that it takes practice. All of these skills can feel awkward when you first try them. Have students write a couple of their favorite affirmations from this activity in their journals.Debrief the activity using the following questions: How do you feel reading the affirmations? Does an affirmation empower you or motivate you? Do affirmations make you feel good about yourself? What thoughts did you have during this activity? How can you use affirmations in your life? How will using affirmations benefit you?

“This week, notice when you use ‘I am’ statements, and especially notice any ‘I am’ statements you repeat to yourself frequently. If you notice anything negative about these statements, be sure to change them to positive statements to inspire and empower you and practice self-compassion. Try to start or end the day with a motivating ‘I am’ statement. The more frequently they are used, the more naturally you will use them and the more empowered you will be.”

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BRAIN BLAST #6 – THE POWER OF COMPASSIONLove and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. -Dalai Lama

Student Objectives • Students will discuss a quote by the Dalai Lama on love and compassion.• Students will become ‘Compassion Researchers’ working in groups to review research.

Articles on the benefits of compassion and sharing their findings with the larger class.• Students will create an artistic representation of what compassion means to them.• Students will read and reflect on a poem about love and compassion.• Students will discuss the traits and actions of compassionate role models.• Students will creat compassion poems.• Students will discuss what it feels like to be included and excluded and compare/contrast.• Students will generate ‘random acts of kindess’ and pick one to complete over the course of

the day.• Students will brainstorm and identify ways to make the school a more compassionate place.• Students will identify one overall way to make the school more compassionate and

individually highlight concrete actions and smart goals to achieve this overall goal.

Educator Preparation• Write the following quote on the board:

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. -Dalai Lama

• Make copies of the following articles or allow students to use their phones/computers to look up these articles. Students will work in small groups. Each group will be assigned an article. You may have more than one group reviewing the same article depending on how many students/groups you have. You will want a few copies of each article for the groups to review.••

compassionate.php••• You may wish to have poster board, chart paper, and some simple art supplies for students

to use for their presentations if desired.

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Discussion“Let’s get started today by looking at a great quote by the Dalai Lama. If you are not familaiar with who the Dalai Lama is, he is the world famous spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. His wisdom and teachings are followed and respected by many around the world. What do you think he means by this quote? Do you agree? Why? Take a minute to write this quote in your journals and reflect on the quote and these questions.” Allow time for reflection and then brief discussion as a class.

“As human beings it is certain we will experience pain and suffering throughout our lives. Scientifically speaking our suffering- such as loneliness, anxiety, depression, and pain in all its forms, can do serious damage to our bodies all the way down to a cellular level.”

“But, there is always a silver lining. Pain and suffering’s silver lining is that it can help us grow and learn and build our emotional strength, character, and resilience. Through our pain and suffering we can experience the compassion of others which builds connections and relationships. By simply establishing a connection to others through compassion, love, and kindness we are already improving our physical and emotional wellbeing.”

“With lots of research, scientists have proven that compassion not only helps us develop healthy relationships and connections with one another, but it also makes our bodies stronger and improves our overall wellbeing. There are quite a few benefits to compassion.”

“What have you noticed when you show compassion or kindness to someone? What impact does that have on the other person? What impact does that have on you? Does it change the world around you? In what ways?” Allow for class discussion and reflection.

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BRAIN BLAST ACTIVITY- COMPASSION RESEARCHERS“There are people who study and do research on compassion and kindness. That’s their job. They have found out a lot about what compassion is all about and how it can benefit us. Today I want you to be ‘Compassion Researchers’. I am going to break you into small groups. Each group will be given an article to read and review. This is your research. Then you will summarize your findings and create a presentation for the class. In this presentation you will be sharing your findings with the class. Make sure you have accurate, strong, and clear content in your presentation and be creative in the way you share it with the class.”

Assign each group one of the articles below. More than one group may have the same article. Give a few copies of the articles to each group or they may use computers if available to view these articles.

Allow time for students to read and discuss their articles and plan their presentations. This lesson could be broken up into two or more lessons if desired/needed. Each group will present to the class. A list should be generated on the board of the ‘findings’ or information on compassion and its benefits. Students should be instructed to write down this info in their journals.

“What did you learn from our compassion researchers today? What stood out to you? What was the most important information that you took from these presentations? What benefits of compassion are you most interested in? Take a few minutes to write these down in your journals. I think we all learned quite a bit about how practicing compassion can really benefit us, others, and the world around us!! I encourage you to do more research on compassion!”

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• Have some art materials available (paper/markers/colored pencils/scissors/magazines, paper scraps, etc.).

Activity“Let’s get started with a Mindful Minute. Find a comfortable position to sit. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the colors of the rainbow for one minute.”

“Being able to feel how other people are feeling is a key element in building our compassion muscles.”

“Imagination, visualizations, and creativity are great ways to exercise your compassion muscles. In the 2010/2011 school year, 10,436 students from grade K-12th in art classes in the Appleton Area School District illustrated their ideas of what compassion is. They had to draw on a tile what compassion meant to them. This was called the Appleton Compassion Project. These students created a special, one of a kind mosaic made up of thousands of meanings of the word compassion. This project built the compassion muscles of all of the individual students who participated, but it also connected people and spread compassion through art.”

“Today, create your own artistic interpretation of what compassion is. Express yourself and what compassion means to you through a drawing, a comic, a collage…..a compassion creation.”

Allow students some time to work on this. After, invite students to share their compassion creations and explain what they’ve created. Ask them to think about how they felt when they were creating their compassion creation…did it make them feel more compassionate and loving? Ask the class how they felt viewing the compassion creations.

Artwork can be hung in the room or you can try to find ways to share their work in a display in the school. Additionally, these can be photographed and shared on social media.

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• Make a copy of the poem, The Willow Tree, for all students or display it on a smartboard.• Write the following poem format on the board or you may choose a different format or allow

students to create poems freely.

Compassion is (sights, smells, sounds, textures, tastes). Compassion is (emotions). Compassion is (actions). Compassion is (desires).

Activity“Find a comfortable position to sit or stand during our Mindful Minute. Close your eyes and focus your attention for one minute on a person who you think is compassionate.”

“We’ve already learned a lot in our exploration of compassion. Now that you’ve formed an idea of what compassion is, we’re going to list the qualities of some people who demonstrate compassion, those who have empathy and act on it to help and better the lives of others. Who are people that you think show compassion and why?”

Guide students to acknowledge a diverse range of people such as civil rights leaders, historic figures, men and women in the armed forces, presidents, the Dalai Lama, tragedy survivors, teachers, nurses/doctors, athletes, family members, peers, and themselves.

“What qualities or behaviors do all these people have in common?” List these on the board. Examples might include: loving, generous, stepping outside themselves to help others in need, the ability to confront fear or uncertainty while taking some kind action, advocacy for change, belief in something bigger than themselves, strong values, clear goals, bravery, determination, righteousness, gratitude, courage, peacefulness, hard work, altruism, etc.

“How did acting compassionately benefit these people and the people around them?” Allow for responses and discussion

“I am going to give you each a copy of a poem about compassion and choosing love. A complete stranger wrote this after Scarlett lost her son Jesse and sent it to her. What an amazing act of compassion that was! Let me read it to you and then we’ll react and respond to it.”

Read the poem aloud and then allow for reflection and discussion.

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“Today we’re going to write compassion poems. You can use the format I’ve written on the board or feel free to create a poem in the format that you choose.”

Students may complete the statements written on the board in their journals for their poem, or you choose a different format or allow them to create a poem freely. Invite students to share their poems at the end of class.

Suggested poem format written on the board:

Compassion is (sights, smells, sounds, textures, tastes). Compassion is (emotions). Compassion is (actions).Compassion is (desires).

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THE WILLOW TREE Written By: Kathy Soppet for Jesse Lewis

One day while walking my daughter to school, she said "Mama, what does love mean to you?"

I stood for a moment, on the winding path, and thought about what elegant answer I'd craft,

then I recalled, as the weeping willow brushed my skin,

that that best answers seem to come from within, and just like love, my message shouldn't be blurred,

or regurgitated like the meal of a nesting bird, so I said to my dear daughter, as we strolled the path,

love is like this willow, it knows not what it lacks, but it must be fed with kindness,

and watered with trusting tears, and its roots will take hold, and survive through the years,

you must respect others, and watch what you say, for you cannot use willow branches,

to brush hurt away, you must take care of your neighbor, and trim away the pain, and nurture each other,

throughout all the rain, and your healing words and compassion, will help lead the way,

to a less rocky path, and a much brighter day, I told her how love means all of these things,

and we must choose it, for its infinite, like a deciduous trunk ring,

and each piece of willow wood reflects our distant past, so always choose love, if you want love to last,

and as she gave me a look of discernment, a willow flycatcher flew by,

she said "I will always choose love," for love gives me wings to fly.

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• Have a small strip of paper for each student and a box or jar to put them in. Students will be picking a slip out of this receptacle.

Activity“Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. In one column, write ‘Included’ and in the other ‘Excluded’. With a partner brainstorm what it looks like and feels like when you are included in a situation. Think about being included in sporting activities/teams, sitting with friends at the lunch table, in class, or outside of school. How do you feel when you are included with others? Write it down.”

“Next, think about the other side of things. How does it feel to be excluded or alienated from activities, groups, and various situations? Reflect on how it feels to be chosen last for a team or to be sitting alone in the cafeteria or to never have anyone that wants to partner with you in class. What does it look like and feel like when being excluded?”

“When you are finished with your lists, share your findings with the person next to you. I’d also like you to discuss what you could do to show compassion to someone who is excluded.”

“To end this lesson we are going to choose some random acts of kindness to carry out. Random acts of kindness may be small and simple actions but they have a very powerful impact. These little acts can create a ripple effect that spread kindness and compassion far and wide.”

“I am going to hand out a strip of paper and I’d like you to write down one random act of kindness that can be accomplished before the school day is over. Examples could include things like smile, say hello to five people you don’t usually talk to, thank a teacher for giving a good lesson, ask someone how they are, etc. The idea is to come up with simple, easy compassionate things that are very do-able.”

‘I am going to gather these and mix them all up. You will select one before you leave class and write it down in your journal. Your task is to complete the action that is on your paper by the

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end of the day. You must at least do this act once, but I encourage you to do it more than once, as much as you can. What effect do you think your act of kindness will have on others? What benefit will you get from this? How will it make you feel to complete this task and do this act? What ripple effect might be started?”

Gather the ideas in a receptacle, mix them up, and then go around and let students pick one slip out of the container. Students must then complete their action by the end of the day. Have students write down the random act of kindness they selected in their journals.

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• Have a bean bag, ball, or other object to toss around in a group. You may also choose to use a designated ‘talking stick’ for this exercise.

Activity“Today we’re going to identify one way the entire class can participate in making the school a more compassionate place. First we are going to identify an area of need…an area of suffering or a problem at the school. Some examples might include: Some students are left out and are lonely, Students don’t get along with each other, Students are struggling academically and need assistance, The school does not have a positive, happy, loving climate, How to decrease bullying, etc.”

“We are going to sit in a circle. We are going to be tossing a bean bag/ball/other object around. When someone catches it, they offer up their idea for how to make the school a more compassionate place. Let’s see all the ideas we can come up with.”

Instruct students to sit or stand in a circle. Have each person share an idea about how the group could take compassionate action. You can throw around a bean bag, ball or other object or simply pass a designated ‘talking stick’. Identify a note-taker to write down each person’s idea on the board. After, instruct students to vote for their top three ideas. You can vote out loud or use sticky notes for a private vote. After you have narrowed it down to the top three ideas, vote again for the top idea.

“Now that we have our top idea for how to make the school a more compassionate place, l’d like everyone to write down an idea for one concrete action they can take to contribute to the overall idea. Write down one SMART goal for how, when and where you will complete your action.”

You may wish to invite students to share their concrete actions and smart goals.

Debrief the activity by answering the following questions: Why did they choose the concrete action/SMART goal that they chose? What impact will their actions have on the class, and the school environment and climate? Who will benefi t? What are the benefi ts of working together to solve a problem or address a need? How could their actions have a ripple eff ect?

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BRAIN BLAST #7 – NOT THE END, JUST THE BEGINNINGBe the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

Student Objectives• Students will view and discuss the video, ‘How to Change the World’ by Kid President.• Students will identify how they will change the world.• Students will create their own scripts for their own ‘How to Change the World’ videos.• Students will create Choose Love Portraits of themselves to show them as an inspiring role

model for others.• Students will revisit their Time Capsules and reflect on their growth and progress.• Students will identify accountability buddies to help support them and help them to achieve

their intentions and goals.• Students will write down new intentions, goals, and mini steps for compassion and add them

to their time capsules.• Students will play a game to review what they’ve learned through this unit and program.• Students will play a whole class game to foster compassion and connection.• Students will draft their own commitment statement to Choosing Love moving forward.

Educator Prep• Preview and cue the following video by ‘Kid President’:

Discussion“We have been talking about the different ways that as an individual or as part of a group you may practice compassion, make a difference in the lives of others, and make this world a better place. You may think that your actions won’t really make a difference or matter unless you are someone famous or powerful…..but your actions matter. Sometimes people think that little acts won’t make much difference. They feel that they must do something big to make a difference, so they don’t bother doing anything.”

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“We’ve talked about the ripple effect of kind and compassionate acts. Remember that your little actions create a ripple effect that creates an even larger impact, spreading compassion and love far and wide. And collectively, by combining your compassionate efforts, you can truly change the world. You can make little changes and big changes…..either way, your efforts truly matter. You have more power than you think, more influence than you realize…..your choices and actions, no matter how big or small, make a profound difference!”

“Let’s watch a quick video by Robby Novak, otherwise known as ‘Kid President’. We’ve watched one of his videos before. Even though Robby is only 13, he has created some videos that have some powerful, positive, encouraging words for people of all ages. His videos have been viewed millions of times by so many individuals all over the world! They have made quite an impact!”

“Did you know that Robby has a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta Disease? This is a rare brittle bone disease that basically means his bones break very easily. As of 2013, he had broken more than 70 bones and had 13 surgeries. He’s had a lot of physical challenges and he has also experienced a lot of bullying. But Robby stays positive and is even able to do these YouTube videos to inspire others. Despite the hardships he has faced, he has a great attitude, lives a life with great purpose, and is full of gratitude. Let’s watch his video called, ’How to Change the World’. It will give you a lot to think about, will inspire you, and will make you laugh a little, too! He has a great voice and ideas to share with the world and so do you! Let’s watch and hear his ideas for change and positive impact!"

Have students view the Kid President video at the following link:

After watching the video, have students reflect on his ideas and message. Possible discussion questions could include: How does this video relate to Compassion in Action and Choosing Love? What was Kid President’s message? Did you agree with what he has to say? Why? What ideas did you like most and why? Are these things easy or hard to do? How do you think doing some of these things would affect you and those around you?

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“In your journals, jot down a few ideas of Kid President’s that are things you will start doing today! Then, pretend you are Kid President (or give yourself another name), what would your video look like? What would your list look like? Write down your list/ ideas for how to change the world. Remember, they can be little and/or big things. How would you spread compassion and love to make the world a better place? Now, create a short script for the video you would create using some of the things you just jotted down. Make it a call to action, make it funny, make it catchy, make it you!”

Have students share some of their ideas and video scripts in partners, small groups or as a class. As an extension, students could use phones or tablets to actually record and make their own videos. This could be a class project or extra credit project. Some may even be played/shown on the school announcements.

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• Have a copy of the ‘Choose Love Portrait’ worksheet for each student.• You may wish to have art supplies such as colored pencils, markers and crayons on hand.

Activity“We are almost finished with the Choose Love Program. We’ve learned a lot and grown a lot. And I think we’ve become better people….better students, better family members, better classmates, and better human beings. I want you to take a minute to pat yourself on the back for all of this growth and betterment. Actually, let’s all stand up and take a bow! You are amazing!!”

“Earlier in the Program, when we were just finishing up the Courage Unit, we created Portraits of Courage to show ourselves as Courageous Human Beings. Today I’d like you to create a Choose Love Portrait. Draw a picture of yourself as the person you see yourself to be today. I feel certain it will look different than the portrait you created a long time ago. Imagine that someone is looking in a book that houses portraits of members of the Choose Love Hall of Fame - individuals who exemplify Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Compassion in Action, and Choosing Love. Guess what? You’re in there! Draw a portrait of yourself as a hall of famer…and if you want add words and phrases around your portrait to describe the amazing person that you are today…someone who is an inspiring role model for others!”

After students have completed these portraits, allow them to share them with the larger group. After each person shares, give them a round of applause.

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Choose Love Portrait

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• Have index cards available for students to write down their intentions. These will be placed in a time capsule to be opened at the end of the school year or designated later date.

• Create a time capsule for these intentions. You can use a safe, a decorated box that can be closed, a jar that can be sealed or an envelope of some sort.

• Have students’ previous time capsules available for them to view.

Activity“Do you remember the time capsule we created at the end of the Forgiveness Unit? We are going to go back and look at what we included in that time capsule earlier in the year. This is a good time for us to reflect on our intentions and goals, where we were then and where we are now. You are going to have time to privately look at your addition to the time capsule. When you revisit it think about the following: Has anything changed since you put this in the time capsule? Have you stuck with your intention/goal for Forgiveness? For Courage? For Gratitude? What have you done well? How have you been successful? How has your life been impacted?”

Allow a few minutes for student reflection in their journals. You may reflect and discuss as a larger group if desired.

“Now we are going to add something again to the time capsule. First, I’d like you to make any updates to your previous intentions and goals that you feel you need to. Then, I’d like you to add an intention for Compassion and mini goals/steps to support that intention.”

“It takes courage to set goals and intentions and to take the steps to make them happen. Receiving support in achieving our goals and intentions has a big impact on whether or not we are able to follow through with them. In the past, we’ve written down the names of two accountability buddies to support us in meeting our intentions. Again, identify two accountability buddies, people you can talk to and trust to help you follow through with your intentions. Write their names in your journal. Moving forward, these will be people you can look to for support and encouragement to achieve these and other intentions and goals.”

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“I am going to hand out an index card and I’d like to have you copy everything that you wrote down in your journal onto this card...your intention statement and the mini goals/steps you will take to achieve it. Even though it’s the end of the program, I’d like you to tuck these cards away in your time capsule. You will take this home with you. Find a good place to keep this and set a date that you will open it up and revisit your intentions and goals on your own. At that time, it will be interesting to look back on these intentions and see if you’ve fulfilled them and/or how far you’ve come in achieving them. And you can keep setting intentions and goals for yourself...helping you to learn, grow and become a better person. These intentions in a time capsule help you to hold yourself accountable and reflect on your progress and achievements.”

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• Preview the game instructions below or play your favorite cooperative game.

Activity“We are going to take a Mindful Minute to begin today. Find a comfortable position to sit or stand. Close your eyes and focus your attention for one minute on a time when you had a lot of fun!”

“Today we are finishing the Compassion Unit, so it’s cause for celebration. We are going to take a minute to review what we’ve learned in a fun way.”

You can start having students review just by tossing a ball/bean bag to one another and having students share what they have learned.

“We have learned quite a lot through this unit on Compassion. Let’s share some of our new knowledge with one another. I have a ball/bean bag that we are going to toss around. When you have the ball/bean bag you will share something that you’ve learned in the Compassion Unit. I’ve written some questions on the board to help in sharing. After you have shared, you toss it to someone else who will them share. You may get the ball/object more than once so be prepared to answer some of these questions on the board. I will begin.”

Write the following sentences on the board:• What is something you learned that you think will have the most positive

impact on your life?• What is the most important thing you learned?• What had the most impact on you?• What is a skill you learned that you think is very beneficial to you to use?• What is something that really stands out in your mind and heart?

Try to play long enough so that everyone has had a chance to respond/share.

“Now I’d like you to write down some of the things that you’ve learned from this unit in your journals. Think of what things have impacted you the most…what information and skills will be the most helpful to you moving forward? Think of some things that your classmates just shared that stood out to you.”

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Allow a few minutes for students to write in their journals. Time permitting, play the following game or a favorite game of your choosing.

People Knots: Break the class into two groups of 8-10 people. Each group of students should stand in a circle with their shoulders touching. Each student will use their right hand to hold the hand of another student. Then, they will take their left hand and grab hold of the hand of a diff erent classmate. The circle should be all tangled up at this point. It is the group’s challenge to untangle themselves and get back into their original circle without letting go of each other’s hands. The group members will have to use a variety of movements to untangle including turning, climbing around each other, and twisting. Debrief after the activity talking about how the challenge required cooperation, team work and a positive attitude to complete. How did you feel during this challenge? What made it hard? What helped? Did you need to have compassion?

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• Draft your own commitment statement to choosing love to share with students. • Copy the following on the board to help inspire the students’ commitment statements:

I commit to choosing love because…

I believe… I value… I want… I think… I feel… I can… I dream… I hope…I know…

• Print out the Choose Love Enrichment Program Certificates and have one completed for each student.

• If you choose to, you can hold a ‘graduatation’ ceremony. You can set up the room so that students can come up to the front to receive their certificates. You may choose to have some party decorations to make this last lesson a celebration of finishing the Choose Love Program and a celebration of all that was learned and accomplished.

Activity“Find a comfortable position to sit or stand. Close your eyes and focus your attention on choosing love for one minute.”

“In our final lesson, I’d like you all to write a statement declaring your commitment to choosing love. Then we will take turns reading them out loud and declare our commitment to one another.”

Share an example of your commitment to choose love. Give students a few minutes to write a statement in their journal. This can be about what choosing love means to them, or a statement of action regarding how they will choose love every day. Then, have students practice a courage pose and declare their commitment to the class.

Use the following prompts to inspire creativity and write them on the board:

“I commit to choosing love because…

I believe… I value… I want… I think… I feel… I can… I dream… I hope…I know…”

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After students have shared their commitments. You can have a mock graduation ceremony where each student is called to the front to receive their certifi cate of completion for completing the Choose Love Program. If desired, you can take a few moments after to have a small class party to celebrate the end of the Choose Love Program. This is a great time to refl ect on the program and highlight all that the class has learned and accomplished. Give students a chance to refl ect and share their feelings. How have they changed? How has this program changed them? How is the class diff erent? How do they feel? What are they most proud of? What is something powerful that they have learned?

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Dölen G, Darvishzadeh A, Huang KW, Malenka RC., (2013). Social reward requires coordinated activity of nucleus accumbens oxytocin and serotonin.

Dedovic, K, Duchesne, A, Andrews, J, Engert, & V, Prussner, JC. (2009). The brain and stress axis: the neural correlates of cortisol regulation in response to stress. Neuroimage. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.05.074.

Fried, R. (1993). The role of respiration in stress and stress control: Toward a theory of stress and hypoxic phenomenon.

Garney. (2016). Child Mind Institute: Mindfulness in the Classroom: How it helps kids regulate behavior and focus on learning.

Greenberg, M. T., Kusch, C., & Mihalic, S. F. (1998). Blueprints for violence prevention, book 10: Promoting alternative thinking strategies (PATHS).

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Gifford, A. (2002). Emotion and self-control. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Harbaugh, C. N., & Vasey, M. W. (2014). When do people benefit from gratitude practice?. The Journal Of Positive Psychology, 9(6), 535-546.

Hariri, A, Bookheimer, SY, & Mazziotta, JC.(2000). Modulating emotional responses: effects of a neocortical network on the limbic system. Neuroreport.

Hazlett-Stevens, H, & Craske, M, G. (2008). Breathing retraining and diaphragmatic breathing techniques.

Kukk, C., (2014). The Neuroscience of Choosing Love. Who’s the Boss? Thinking about the Brain, for Kids & Educators- The Triune Brain.

Kukk, C., (2017) The Compassionate Achiever: how helping others fuels success.

Lazer, S, Bush, G, Gollub, R, Fricchione, G, Gurucharan, K, and Benson, H. (2000). Functional brain mapping of relaxation response and meditation. Neuroreport.

Lewis, JT., (2016). Newtown Helps Rwanda.

MacLean PD (1967) The brain in relation to empathy and medical education. J Nerv Ment Dis. 144:374–382.

McClelland, McNaughton, & O’Reilly. (1995). Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of memory and learning. Psychology Review.

Meyer-Lindenberg A, Domes G, Kirsch P, Heinrichs M., (2011). Oxytocin and vasopressin in the human brain: social neuropeptides for translational medicine

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