choose the appropriate design theme for maxim orlov the ... · choose the appropriate design theme...

Maxim Orlov November 29, 2016

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Page 1: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Maxim Orlov

November 29, 2016

Page 2: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Overview and background

28 November 2016 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Page 1

(1) Classification and


(4) Key impacts

(2) Impairment (ECL) (3) Hedge accounting

Page 3: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




(1) Classification and measurement– main changes from IAS 39

28 November 2016 Page 2

Financial instruments in the scope of IFRS 9

Financial assets Financial liabilities

New classification criteria

New categories that use


New presentation: ‘own

credit’ related FV

changes in OCI

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Page 4: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




The new classification and measurement model for financial assets

28 November 2016 Page 3

Debt (including hybrid contracts)



Neither (1)

nor (2)

BM with objective that

results in collecting

contractual cash flows and

selling financial assets

1 3 2






Amortised cost


(with recycling)


(no recycling)




cash flows

Conditional fair value

option (FVO) elected?

Fail Fail

Held for


Yes No

FVOCI option

elected ?

‘Business model’ test (at an aggregate level)

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

‘Contractual cash flow characteristics’ test

(at instrument level)


Page 5: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




(2) Impairment: Expected credit loss model – general approach

28 November 2016 Page 4

Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1




at each



12-month ECL Lifetime ECL (credit losses that result from

default events that are possible

within the next 12-months)




Credit risk has increased significantly

since initial recognition (whether on an individual or collective basis)

+ Credit-impaired




Effective Interest

Rate (EIR) on gross

carrying amount

EIR on gross

carrying amount

EIR on amortised cost

(gross carrying amount less loss allowance)

Change in credit risk since initial recognition Improvement Deterioration

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Page 6: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Simplified approach and purchased or originated credit-impaired assets

28 November 2016 Page 5



Purchased or




IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

► Scope: financial assets that are credit-impaired

on purchase or origination

► ECL on initial recognition reflected in credit-

adjusted EIR (no ‘day one’ 12-month ECL)

► Loss allowance based on subsequent changes

in lifetime ECL

► Scope: contract assets, trade receivables and

lease receivables

► Loss allowance based on lifetime ECL

► No tracking of changes in credit risk

Page 7: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




(3) Hedge accounting: snapshot of key differences

28 November 2016 Page 6

Requirement IAS 39 IFRS 9

► Risk component as eligible hedged item Financial

items All items

► 80%-125% test X

► Retrospective effectiveness testing X

► Quantitative effectiveness test Depends

► Qualitative effectiveness test X Depends

► Special accounting for ‘costs of hedging’ X

► Rebalancing of hedge ratio X

► Dedesignation if ineffective, but risk

management objective unchanged X

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Page 8: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




How to achieve hedge accounting

28 November 2016 Page 7

Base hedge ratio on the actual quantities used for risk management

3) Does hedge ratio reflect an imbalance that would create hedge ineffectiveness?

Formal designation and documentation

Identify eligible hedged item(s) and eligible hedging instrument(s)

Define risk management (RM) strategy and objective

To avoid


the ratio may

need to differ

from the one

used in RM







IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

1) Is there an economic relationship between hedged item and hedging instrument?

2) Does effect of credit risk dominate fair value changes?

Page 9: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Rebalancing of hedge ratio

• Only changes to the hedge ratio to reflect expected

changes in the relationship between the hedged item

and the hedging instrument

• Other changes made to the quantities of the hedged

item or hedging instrument would not be rebalancing

• Rebalancing is only relevant if there is basis risk

between the hedged item and the hedging


28 November 2016 Page 8 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Increasing or decreasing the volume of

the hedged item

Increasing or decreasing the volume of

the hedging instrument

Rebalancing can be achieved by:

Page 10: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Hedge accounting: risk components

Criteria for designation of risk components

► Risk component must be separately identifiable

► Risk component must be reliably measurable

Types of risk components

► Contractually specified components

► Some non-contractually specified components

Market structure is relevant for:

► Analysis whether a non-contractually specified component is separately identifiable

► The measurement of the risk component

28 November 2016 Page 9 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Allowing non-contractually specified risk components as eligible hedged items

opens up a new area of judgment

The assessment of the market structure will normally require the involvement of

personnel with a good understanding of the drivers of market prices

Page 11: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Accounting for the cost of hedging

28 November 2016 Page 10 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Page 12: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




(4) Key impacts

28 November 2016 Page 11 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

Classification & Measurement

Fair value through OCI

classification of some

portolios of debt


Fair value through OCI

option for equity


Embedded derivatives

on financial assets


Impairment requirements for trade receivables (with and without a significant financing component as per IFRS 15)

Impairment of lease & contract receivables

Impairment of fair value through OCI debt instruments

Impairment of intragroup loans in separate financial statements

Hedge accounting

Less rules-based

More economic hedging strategies qualifying for hedge accounting (e.g., aggregated exposures, risk components)

Accounting for costs of hedging

Significant disclosures to ‘tell the story’

Fair value option for own use contracts

Page 13: Choose the appropriate design theme for Maxim Orlov The ... · Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes,

About color themes

Choose the appropriate design theme for

your presentation. The first two options on the

design tab are correct EY themes, these two are

the only ones that should be used. (1) dark

backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds

for handouts.




Thank you Your financial risk management journey: making the

most of IFRS 9

Maxim Orlov

Partner | Assurance, German Business Network

Ernst & Young LLC

+7 (495) 660 4874

[email protected]