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Ad Details

Headline: $2,000,000 Have Been Spent to Let the Sick of America Try Liquozone Free

Description: Liquozone Ad--for more ads goto http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.


ID: 1004

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: 2 Million_New.pdf


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Page 4: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: You Can't Kill Inside Germs With Medicine Won't You Try Liquozone--Free?

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1006

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: YouCantCopywashington post march 5,1905.pdf

You Cant Kill_New.pdf


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Page 6: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: We Will Buy a 50 cent Bottle of Liquozone and Give it to You to Try

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1007

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: WeWillBuyElyria Reporter (OH) November 5,1903.pdf

We Will Buy_New.pdf


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See the world’s largest collection of Claude C. Hopkins Ads at www.hardtofindads.com

If you’ve ever wanted to buy Jay Abraham and other marketing materials but thought they were to expensive, then here’s a way you can buy them at huge discounts off their original cost. Go to www.hardtofindseminars.com

336 HOURS Are Required to Make Liquozone—Yet the First Bottle Is Free.

We spend 14 days and nights to create the virtue which you find in Liquozone. During all of that time it employes im-mense apparatus, and skill and care. At the end of two weeks we get one cubic inch of Liquozone for each 1,250 cubic inches of gas used.

This process has, for more than 20 years, been the constant subject of scien-tific and chemical research. The object is to take gases which are germicides, ton-ics, nerve foods, and blood foods, and to consense their virtues into liquid, stable form.

The main result is to get into a liquid, and thus into the blood, a powerful yet harmless germicide. And the product is so helpful—so good for you under any condition—that even a well person feels its instant benefit.

Liquozone is not made, like medicine, by compounding acids and drugs; nor is there any alcohol in it. Its virtues are derived solely from gas, made in large part from the best oxygen producers. Nothing but gas enters into it.

Used the World Over. During the past two years, this remark-

able product has sprung into world-wide use in the treatment of germ diseases. It is used more generally than any reme-dy ever used before.

Millions of homes in America know from experience what Liquozone can do. One home in five—wherever you go—has some one whom Liquozone has cured. And in numberless homes where Liquo-zone is daily used, sickness has been al-most banished.

But there are millions of others who don’t know Liquozone yet. Many still cling to medicine for what mdicine can-not do. Many remain sick without know-ing how easy it is to get well. We pub-lish this offer for them.

Your own neighbors—your friends—can tell you what Liquozone has done. Please ask them about it. Then try to believe that what it has done for millions it is bound to do for you. Ask us for a bottle

to try. Please learn, at our expense, what this wonderful product maks to you. Then, for the good of all, tell others about it, as others will tell you.

We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to Liquozone, and the rights in other countries have sold for proportionate sums. We men-tion this fact to indicate the value of Liquozone—the value to you. Men have never before paid such a price for any discovery used in the cure of sickness.

We need not tell you that we proved Liquozone well before buying it. For years it was tested through physicians and hospitals, in this country and others. It was employed in every stage of every germ disease; in all the most difficult cases obtainable. With thousands of sick ones, considered incurable, we proved that it did what medicine could not do. Then and then only, did we pay the price.

Since then we have spent nearly $2,000,000 to make Liquozone known. We have bought the first bottle and given it free to every sick one we learned of. Then people told others, and the others told others. The result is that Liuqozone is now more widely employed than any medicine ever was. And no one can doubt that it is doing more for sick humanity than all the drugs in use combined.

Kills Inside Germs. The greatest value of Liquozone lies in

the fact that it kills germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. And no man knows another way to do it. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken internally. For that rea-son, medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease.

Liquozone is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. Yet it is not only harmless, but of wonderful benefit—better than anything else in the world for you. No one is so well that he cannot be helped by it.

The reason is that germs are vege-tables; and Liquozone—like an excess of

oxygen—is deadly to vegetal matter. To the human body Liquozone is exhilarat-ing, vitalizing, purifying—the most need-ful, the most helpful thing possible. But to germs it is certain destruction; and these facts are true of nothing else in existence.

Germ Diseases. There are the known germ diseases, all

due to germs or to the poisons which germs create. These are the diseases to which medicine does not apply, for drugs cannot kill inside germs.

All that medicine can do for these troubles is to act as a tonic, aiding Nature to overcome the germs. But these results are indirect and uncertain, depending on the patient’s condition. A cure is always doubtful when drugs are used, and some of these diseases medicine never cures.

Liquozone has amply proved its power to destroy the cause of these troubles. Every disease in this list has been cured with it so often that we have come to believe that results are almost inevitable. Our faith in the product is so great that in any of these diseases—no matter how difficult—we gladly send to every patient who asks it, a guarantee, covering a two months’ test. Asthma, Hay Fever–Influenza, Abscess–Anaemia, Kidney Diseases, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Blood Poison, Liver Troubles, Bright’s Disease, Malaria—Neuralgia, Bowel Troubles, Many Heart Troubles, Coughs–Colds, Piles–Pneumonia, Consumption, Pleurisy–Quinsy, Colic–Croup, Rheumatism, Constipation, Scrofula, Catarrh–Cancer, Skin Diseases, Dysentery–Diarrhea, Stomach Troubles, Dandruff–Dropsy, Throat Troubles, Dyspepsia, Tuberculosis, Eczema–Erysipelas, Tumors–Ulcers, Fevers–Gall Stones, Womens’s Diseases Goitre–Gout,

All diseases that begin with fevers—all inflam-mation—all catarrh—all contagious diseases—all the results of impure or poisoned blood.

In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vitalizer, accomplishing what no drugs can do.

50c Bottle Free.

The way to know Liquozone, if you have never tried it, is to ask for a bottle free. We will then send you an order on a local druggist for a full-size bottle—a 50c bottle—and will pay the druggist our-selves for it. This applies only to the first bottle, of course—to those who have never used it.

This offer applies not nly to those who are sick. It is open to any one who wants to feel better—who desires to keep well. Every home has a hundred uses for Liquozone. Every person would be better for using it dily, as we do.

The acceptance of this offer places you under no obligation. We simply wish to convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. Then you can judge by results as to whether you wish to continue.

This offer itself should convince you that Liquozone does as we claim. We would certainly not buy a bottle and give it to you, if there was any doubt of re-sults. You want these results; you want to be well and to keep well. Then be fair with yourself; accept our offer today. Let us show you, at our expense, what this wonderful product means to you.

Liquozone costs 50c and $1.

CUT OUT THIS COUPON For this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks, and mail it to The Liquozone Company, 458-464 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is _____________________

I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will supply me a 50c bottle free I will take it.

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

627B Give full address—write plainly. Any physician or hospital not yet using Liquo-

zone will be gladly supplied for a test.


Page 9: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: We Offer $5,000

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1008

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: WeOffer50000daily northwestern (oshkosh, wi) February 22,1905.pdf

We Offer 5000_New.pdf


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Page 11: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: It Is Wrong To Suffer From a Germ Disease, When Liquozone is Free.

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1013

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: ItIsWrongFort Wayne (IN) News March 8, 1906.pdf

It Is Wrong_New.doc


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Page 13: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: It Is Wrong To Suffer From a Germ Disease, When Liquozone is Free.

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1013

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: ItIsWrongFort Wayne (IN) News March 8, 1906.pdf

It Is Wrong_New.doc


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Page 15: C.Hopkins2.pdf

Ad Details

Headline: I'm Well

Description: The Claude Hopkins Rare Ad Collection 60 of the actual print ads and marketing study guide go to http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Company: JS&M Sales & Marketing Inc.

Sponsor: Liquozone

ID: 1014

Sponsor Link: http://www.ClaudeHopkinsAdvertising.com

Other file: ImWellFort Wayne (IN) News March 25,1907.pdf

Im Well_New.pdf


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Mary's Miracle..

day of working miracles, ;-.'???;> >>":Tnr'sure is far from past,-

.'..-: if;And now to show you what t'mean,'-

??? I'll tcir you of the lastGreat one that happened right to me.

For I was part of it, you see.

'???You.know'the- life I used to lead???

O dod; -a' living death,A drunkard of the hopeless kind???

For. scarce a sober breathI ever drew, and hope and prideWere lost to me and nearly all beside

One friend alone ^a$ .eii???

..,/ wife,>

God bless her ov'ry hour!She saved me from a drunkard's grave.

And whiskey's wicked power ???

Just how she saved me you shall see ???

Th:s Is the way she told it me.

When hope was almost dead withinHer faithful, constant breast.

She rea'd ofDr.- Hahies' Cure,

Then without stay or rest,She sent for one Trial Samplefree.And gave it unbeknown to me!

1 drank o'f it at ev'ry meal ???

??? I ate it .In my bread,While Marywatched me anxiously,

But ne'er a word she said;Until one day I stopped to think,That I had lost ray iove for drink!

When, quite unconscious I was cured,My Mary- told me all;

It seemed the very act of God,A modern miracle;

I call it th's. because my wifeAnd Halites' Cure had saved my life.

And now my little story's done.Myev'ry word is true.

And what this treatment did for me/Tho same 'twill do for you;

i And wives and mothers??? one and all.Take heart of Mary's Miracle.

Save those near and dear to you froma life of degradation, poverty and disgrace.

You can do it by cutting out thiscoupon.

FREE TREATMENT COUPON.Fill In your name and address on

blank lines below. Then cut out thiscoupon and mall it to Dr. J. W.Haines, 5555 Qlenn Bldg., Cincinnati,Ohio. You will receive hi returnenough-of the remedy to prove to youthat it will cure drunkenness in anyform. You give it in tea. coffee orfood. The drunkard will stop drinking

without knowingwhy. You willalso get books and .testimonials toprove how..hundreds have been saved.

Roeskilde cathedral is the Westminster

Abbey of the Donjsh nation.Kooskilde at one tirue was a place ofconsiderable yx.e and importance.There .were, it is said, twenty-sevenchurches \vjthiu its walls, and as

many convents,"

while its populationis stated as about 100,000.

About the Good Old Day*~~No. It Is WrongTo Suffer From & Germ Disease, When Liquozone is Free*

"I'll bet the boya.cn the farm are havingfun these days," thinks Mr. Mann,once of the farm._ "Nice,white blanket of snow over the earth??? what eport it was to plow through it and do our earlyrning chores. Ah,that was the way to work up a healthyappetite! Goodold days,those were!"morning

BiffRow inMichigan Prison

JACKSON,Midi., March 8.??? Xewsof a serious outbreak among the convicts

in the state prison here has justbecome known. The affair started

as a strike among the 150 convicts

employed in the table shop, and before

the guards locked up the men,1'itcher Terr.v,of. the prison baseballteam, had severely 'beaten ^Keeper

I/aramie. The strikers were kept intheir cells four days.. It is said. that the holders of thecontracts in the table shop offered

the mejEi 25 cents each if a certainamount of


was turned out. Thiswas not done,it-is said, and when themen were refused the. extra compensation

the trouble earner

Coroner Investigating.

HARTFORD CITY/Ind.,- March 8.???

Dr. C. I{.-Mason,GO.an eminent physician

arid "oneof the wealthiest menof this

.city,"Svns found dead in his

office last evening. byDr. George Cas-

sel. He had been dead twenty-fourhours. The body:

was partially disrobed

and layon the floor, in the rearof the office, where rit -Was hiddenfrom view by a "partition. Masons

lived alone, owning -an elegant homenear his office, where he spent mostof his time. The fact . that he hadbeen in the best of health leads tospeculations ??? of an nnuatxiral deathaud..the.eoi-.oue,r..is5.anvisUgating. -,

. Columbia.jmiversity

and the Na-tior.al Academyof Design have come.to an understanding

whereby" theywill co-operate in the establishmentof a facultyof fine arts "'xi connection'with the big New York university.Tlu.re will be schools of architecture,music and design.

PARIS,Moron 8.???The Spanishauthors

tlos are trying hard to have ruled oft thestage here a play which pretends to to!)of King Alfonso's first love affair,

The play, called "His First Journey,"

relates an unpublished but notoriouslytrue episode of Alfonao's visit to Parislast year, and has been running at thsTheatres des Deux Masques.

The Spanish officials fear that PrincessEna ifiay hear of the play and break oft

the engagement with the king,The"

plot In the play goes on to tell of

how Alfonso on his visit told tho Frenchofficer havingcharge of his entertainment

that ho wanted to make love to tho prettiest

girl in Paris. He said he had never

.hada love affair and wanted to play lo'/oright there and theni

. The office)1 was scandalized, but thoyoung king was insistent, and so a. prettyballet dancer was sent to the hotel and Upa secret stair to the king's parlor.

Just how the charmer ???' worked horcharms, was never known to the public,

and the playwrights, Messrs. Xanrof and

Guerln;were too discreet to theorize. Theybring up the curtain on the parting. Alfonso

has evidently had the lady on hisknees, unless he. has been on hers, and

then "theybegin,to tell one another good-

by, for at any moment the king will be.called to rejoin the president of Franseand drlvo off between a doublehedge of

cuirassiers! But though AlHette,the namegiven the dancer, tells him so, and begs

him to hustle into his cap and belt andsword. Alfonso moves slowly, declaringhis own ambition in life Is to marry Al-

liette.This pleases the little,opera girl, but

when he raves on about the cottage hewill build for her on a Spanish hillside,resigning

his crown to others since his Al-

liette cannot share the throne with him,AlHette decides they have gone far enoughand tells him to be a good boy. Thencomes the knock at the door.

"Sire, the president of the republic Isexpected in two minutes."

"Coming!" answers Alfonso,and turnsto AlHette with more earnest entreaties.

"Sire, the president of France awaits

you 'below!"

"Coming!'' calls Alfoiiso.'and continueshis plea.

"Sire, the president and the guard of

honor have Been waiting 10 minutes, and

are anxious at the delay, fearing thatso'me mishap1 has -befallen yoiir- majesty."

Then Allietto takes to fight as the onlyend of the scene;


she first takes himin her arm's; "and 'he gives her a ring,

swearing that his heart ts-hersj and nevercan he jruiyloye.another; '.!.,'.".';'.:^.. -,,.^

A CSsiaes&Here's a picture of Mr. Ng. Poon

Chew,probably the brightest Chinamanin America. At. any rate,;he-is

editor of The World,a daily newspaper

of San Francisco printed InChinese. Ng. is a fine English scholar


and runs a, red hot.newspaper that is-

never sued for libel because the.Chtlnese are afraid to sue and otherscan't tell what his paper says* ??????.Interviewed

.on the present .alleged

Boxer troubles in China,Mr. Chew?aid: "The present troubles in Chinaare' merely local and -not a ; generalupheaval;- They .are hot to be compared1

at' all "with .the past Boxer,troubles,but are simply a repetition of the

anti-foreign antagonisms of the common

Chinesemob, existing from .time


A Scientific Wonder..The cures that stand to its credit'

make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a -scienj^tific wonder. It cured B. R: Mulforfl";'"-

Lecturer.for the Patrons of Husbandry.Waynesbdro,Pa.,of a distressingcaseof Piles. It heals the worst Burns,Sores,Boils,Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds,Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only25cat Dreier & Bros." drug store.

Tarts of the coast of Alaska haveshown marked signs wilhin the lastsix or seven years of a rise in theland, amounting-, in exoeptional instances,

to no less than thirty or

fortyfeet. The fact that glaciers and

Rockymountain spurs were chieflyaffected and few,if any, InuV.an habitations

were seriously disturbed,prevented

the change from attractingmuch notice.

Phone your want ads. toTHE HEWS. Phone 120.20 words 10 cents.

When Dr. 1'aton followed the callof God to the New Hebrides,the 18,-

000 who have since accepted Christwere cannibals, says the Rain's Horn.There are now twenty-three missionaries

and 300 teachers working amongthe 40,000- that are still cannibals.

Sometimes they are 'murdered orstolen for slaves, but others are always

ready to take their places.

Call Phone 120 if you want a girlfor housework,or if you -have a houseto rent or one for sale. Youwill findThe News want ads. bring results.Twentywords 10 cents.

While walking to the village church

at Siniinenthal,Switzerland,with hisi'tihcec,on the way to their wedding,a bridegroom slipped in the show andfell. His bride,instead or beingsympathetic,

burst into laughter at hisdiscomfiture. White with anger, theyoung man at once braxc off 'thematch, and the sorrowful bride hadto continue her way alone.

You can get a girl for generalhousework for 10 cents by putting awant ad. in The News. Phone 120.

The Prince of Palermo1, derives thegreater part of the benefit from thesale of snow in the north of ,

Sicily.It is a government monopoly, and

brings a cent n pound, ai'd is gathered

in the mountains in felt-coveredbaskets and widely sold in cities forrefrigerating purposes.

You can get a girl for generalhousework for 10 cents by .putting ??want ad. in The News. Phone120.

Eat Domestic Bread.H you have a house


rent phoneISO, A writ ad. will -.'obit >6uoHyIfcents for 20 ???worts.;


,Ai& ,<???

At Meridian.

MERIDIAN,Miss., March 8.???Thestate convicts will leave this afternoon

havingcompleted their workamong - the ruins caused by thecyclone. The greatest need at present

is labor that is competent and willwork. Col. McCahts,on orders, fromGovernor Vardamahy.will keep themilitia companies : on duty until tomorrow.

No additional deaths haveoccurred among- the .injured and nomore bodies have been recovered.



In the past few years, scores of diseaseshave been traced 'to genn attacks;

They were, .thought to be dueto other causes when old-time remedies

were made. Can you not see whyyou don't get well, if you treat a germ

disease,with, remedies than can't killgerms?

The remedy of today is Liquozone,and the first bottle is free. Its powerIs best told bya test. We ask you totry it, as millions have done,and learnwhat it means to you. Learn whatthis, gas-made germicide can do.

What Liquozone Is.The virtues of Liquozone are derived

solely from gases, by a processrequiring large apparatus, and from8 to 14 days' time. No alcohol, nonarcotics are in it. Chemists of thehighest class direct the making. Theresult is to obtain from these harmless

gases a powerful, tonic-germicide.;The great value of Liquozone lies in

the fact that it is deadlyto germs, yetharmless to you. Germs are of vegetable

origin; and this gas-made product,

when absorbed by them, stopstheir activities. We publish an offer of$1,000 for a diseasegerm that it can-

uct kill. But to the bodyLiquozoneisexhilarating, vitalizing, purifying, itis helpful in the extreme.

That is its main distinction. Com-mon germicides are poisons whentaken internally. That is why medicine

proves so nearly helpless in agerm disease. Liquozone is a tonic.

We Paid $10O,OOOFor the American,rights to Liquozone,

after hundreds of tests had beenmade with it. "'After its power hadbeen demonstrated,again and again,in the most difficult germ diseases.Then we spent^ In two years, morethan ten times that sum to let otherstest it 'at .our expense. . The result Isthat million's of people, scattered

everywherehave shared in the benefitsof this invention.

Weiuiake the same offer to you. Weask you to "prove,at our cost, howmuch this product means to you. LetLiquozoneitself show how wrong it isto suffer from a. trouble that it cures.



Germ Diseases.Most of our sickness has, in late

years, been traced,.to germ attacks.The list of known germ diseases nownumbers about one hundred.

Some germs??? as in .skintroubles???

directly attack the tissues. . Somecreate toxins, causing, such troubles asRheumatism,Blood Poison, KidneyDisease and nerve weakness. Some destroy

vital organs, as in Consumption.Some??? like the germs of Catarrh ???

create inflammation;some cause indigestion.Directlyor indirectly,nearly

every serious ailment is a germresult. Such diseases call for Liqno-zone ??? not drugs, 'which can't killgerms.

Everygerm attack, no matter what

its symptoms, calls for a germicide.

Tho mildness 'of'. Liquozone makessome of its results seem almost Incred.ible. But in that -mildhees lies thepower that germ diseases need. Anddiseases which have resisted medicinefor years often yield at once to it.

5Oc. Bottle Free.If you need Liquozone,and hav??

never tried it, please send us thiacoupon. We will then mail you auorder on a Iccal druggist for a fulNsi/.e bottle,and will pay the .druggigt

ourselves for it. This is*

our free gift,made to convince

you;' to let the product

itself show yon what It can do.In justice to yourself, please .acceptit today,for it places you under noobligations whatever.

Liquozone costs 50c and ?1.

CUT OUT THIS COUPONFill it out and mail it to The Liquozone

Company, 458-461^YabaBh Ave.,Chicago.

My disease is. ........................

I have never tried Liauozone,but ifyou will supply me a &0cbottle free Iwill take it.

790-D .................... ......

Give full address??? write plainly.

Note that this offer applies to new usersonly.

Any physician or hospital hot yet usingLiquozone will be gladly supplied for atest.

The Two-Cent Rate Law.

CINCINNATI,March 8???Kate clerks

of the railway lines doingbusinessin Ohio arc working overtime adjusting

the new two-ccnts-a-mile tariffrates which go into effect Saturday.The rates within the state have bi-en

adjusted and will go into effect Saturday,

but it will be thirty or sixtychiys before through tickets over different

roads will be sold. Ticketscan be purchased to the junction of

the roads at the new rate, bui when

change of road is made another

ticket must be procured. It will be

some time before the interstate rateiare arranged, but railroad ofiiciail

say the law will be followed to th??letter, although not enough time wa??granted to arrange the new sched-

ulcs. There will be no change in tinpolicy of the roads except cutting ol

clergy and charity rates.

Thirty-eightYears of HonorableMerchandisingin Fort Wayne

THE Fingers of.- -: -\ -., ',

Two-yHundredand Fifty;^Thousand


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Each of our Indiana Stores have been long established, our Terre HauteStore having been started thirty-four years ago, while our great Lafayetteestablishment is nearly old enough to vote.


A* such, we have the pick of the goods of all the manufacturers of theUnited States; for every manufacturer desires to be represented by the Bestand LeadingHouse in every city. This gives us an immense advantage overall competitors.

Trade With the "BIG STORE" and Be Happy


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See the world’s largest collection of Claude C. Hopkins Ads at www.hardtofindads.com

Let Us Pay For a Bottle of New Liquozone, and Give it to You to Try.

There is nothing to buy—not a pen-ny to pay. We will buy the first bot-tle if you will try it and learn what Liquozone means to you.

Countless people have done that dur-ing the past five years. Some were discouraged and hopeless, believing that help was impossible. To many the facts seemed too good to be true. But they let the product itself prove its power. Then they told the results to others, and the others told others, until millions of people, all the world over, have shared in the benefits of this invention.

What Liquozone Is. Liquozone is a tonic-germicide, the

virtues of which are derived solely from oxide gases. No alcohol, no nar-cotic, nothing but gas enters into it. The process of making requires large apparatus, and consumes 14 days’ time. The object is to so combine the gases with a liquid as to carry their virtues into the system.

The result is a germicide so certain that we publish with every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that Liquozone cannot kill. It destroys them because germs are of vegetable origin. But to the body Liquozone is exhilarating, vitalizing, purifying.

That is its main distinction. Com-mon germicides are poisons when taken

internally. They are impossible, for they destroy the tissues as well as the germs. That is why medicine proves so helpless in dealing with germ diseases. Liquozone, on the con-trary, acts as a remarkable tonic.

We Paid $100,000. For the rights to Liquozone, after thousands of tests had been made with it, after its power had been demon-strated for more than two years in the most difficult germ diseases. Condi-tions which had resisted medicine for years yielded at once to it, and dis-eases considered incurable were cured.

That was five years ago. Since then millions of people in every part of the world have shared in the benefits of this invention. Nearly every hamlet, every neighborhood, has living exam-ples of its power. Now we ask you to let it do for you what it did for them.

Germ Diseases. Most of our sickness has, in late

years, been traced to germ attacks. Some germs—as in skin troubles—di-rectly attack the tissues. Some create toxins, causing such troubles as Rheu-matism, Blood Poison, Kidney Disease and nerve weakness. Some destroy vital organs, as in Consumption. Some —like the germs of Catarrh—create inflammation; some cause indigestion. In one of these ways, nearly every ser-ious ailment is a germ result.

Such conditions call for a germicide, not for common drugs. Liquozone does what other means cannot accom-plish. And it is wrong to cling to old ways when millions of people know a way that is better.

50c Bottle Free. If you wish to know what Liquozone

does please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an order on a local druggist for a full-size bottle, and will pay the druggist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it today, for it places you under no obligations whatever.

Liquozone costs 50c and $1.

CUT OUT THIS COUPON Fill it out and mail it to The Liquozone Com-pany, 458-464 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is ____________________

I have never tried the new Liquozone, but if you will supply me a 50c bottle free I will take it.

______________________________ __________________________

_____________________ 234 Give full address—write plainly. We are now putting out an improved Liquozone

based on five years of experience. And even old users may accept the above offer to learn how much better the new product is. Liquozone is guaranteed under the new Puro Food Law.

Any physician or hospital not yet using Liquozone will be gladly supplied for a test.

If you’ve ever wanted to buy Jay Abraham and other marketing materials but thought they were too expensive, then here’s a way you can buy them at huge discounts off their original cost. Go to www.hardtofindseminars.com

Page 18: C.Hopkins2.pdf

See the world’s largest collection of Claude C. Hopkins Ads at www.hardtofindads.com

Millions Know That Liquozone Does What Medicine Cannot Do. A 50c Bottle Free.

There are at least 3,000,000 homes in America which know from experience the value of Liquozone. Some of those homes use it simply to keep well, as we do. But tens of thousands have lives that were saved by it.

Yet some remain sick with a germ dis-ease while all of those millions know that Liquozone cures. Some still cling to drugs for what drugs never can do. They are wronging themselves. Their own friends—their own neighbors—can tell them the way to get well.

We ask those sick ones to write us. We will buy for each one the first bottle of Liquozone, and pay the druggist ourselves for it. Each is welcome to try it at our expense, then let the results decide about using it afterward.

Don’t try to kill inside germs with drugs, for you cannot. Don’t cling blind-ly to old methods of treatment, used be-fore germs were discovered. Let us prove what this new way means to you.

Not Medicine. Liquozone is not made, like medicine,

by compounding acid and drugs; nor is there any alcohol in it. Its virtues are derived solely from gas, made in large part from the best oxygen producers. The process of making takes fourteen days and requires immense apparatus. At the end of two weeks we get one cubic inch of Liquozone for each 1,250 cubic inches of gas used. The attainment of this product has, for more than twenty years, been the constant subject of scientific and chemical research.

The main result is to get into a liquid, and thus into the blood, a powerful, yet harmless germicide. And the product is so helpful—so good for you, under any condition—that even a well person feels its instant benefit.

This is a product which, in the past two years, has sprung into worldwide use in the treatment of germ diseases. It is

now used by the sick of nine nations; by physicians and hospitals everywhere. It is daily used in millions of homes in America.

We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to Liquozone,

and the rights in other countries have sold for proportionate sums. We mention this fact to indicate the value of Liquo-zone—the value to you. Men have never before paid such a price for any discovery used in the cure of sickness.

We need not tell you that we proved Liquozone well before buying it. For years it was tested through physicians and hospitals, in this country and others. It was employed in every stage of every germ disease; in all the most difficult cases obtainable. With thousands of sick ones, considered incurable, we proved that it did what medicine could not do. Then, and then only, did we pay the price.

Since then we have spent nearly $2,000,-000 to make Liquozone known. We have bought the first bottle and given it free to every sick one we learned of. These people told others, and the others told others. The result is that Liquozone is now more widely employed than any med-icine ever was. And no one can doubt that it is doing more for sick humanity than all the drugs in use combined.

Kills Inside Germs. The greatest value of Liquozone lies in

the fact that it kills germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. And no man knows another way to do it. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken internally. For that rea-son, medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease.

Liquozone is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. Yet it is not only harmless, but of

wonderful benefit—better than anything else in the world for you. No one else is so well that he cannot be helped by it.

The reason is that germs are vegeta-bles; and Liquozone—like an excess of ox-ygen—is deadly to vegetal matter. To the human body Liquozone is exhilarat-ing, vitalizing, purifying—the most need-ful, the most helpful thing possible. But to germs it is certain destruction; and these facts are true of nothing else in ex-istence.

Germ Diseases. There are the known germ diseases, all

due to germs or to the poisons which germs create. These are the diseases to which medicine does not apply, for drugs cannot kill inside germs.

All that medicine can do for these trou-bles is to act as a tonic, aiding nature to overcome the germs. But these results are indirect and uncertain, depending on the patient’s condition. A cure is always doubtful when drugs are used, and some of these diseases medicine never cures.

Liquozone alone can destroy the cause of these troubles. It goes wherever the blood goes, so that no germ can escape it. The results are almost inevitable. Dis-eases which have resisted medicine for years yield at once to Liquozone. “In- curable” diseases are cured by it. In any stage of any disease in this list the re-sults are so certain that we will gladly send to any patient who asks for it an absolute guaranty. Asthma, Kidney Diseases, Abscess–Anaemia, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Liver Troubles, Blood Poison, Malaria—Neuralgia, Bright’s Disease, Many Heart Troubles, Bowel Troubles, Piles–Pneumonia, Coughs–Colds, Pleurisy–Quinsy, Consumption, Rheumatism, Colic–Croup, Scrofula, Constipation, Skin Diseases, Catarrh–Cancer, Stomach Troubles, Dysentery–Diarrhea, Throat Troubles, Dandruff–Dropsy, Tuberculosis, Dyspepsia, Tumors–Ulcers, Eczema–Erysipelas, GoitreGout Fevers–Gall Stones, Women’s Diseases. Hay Fever–Influenza,

All diseases that begin with fevers—all inflamma-tion—all catarrh—all contagious diseases—all the results of impure or poisoned blood.

In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vitalizer, accomplishing what no drugs can do.

50c Bottle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have never

used it, please send us the coupon below. We will then send you an order on a local druggist for a full-sized bottle—a 50c bottle—and will pay the druggist our-selves for it. This applies only to the first bottle, of course—to those who have never used it.

The acceptance of this offer places you under no obligations. We simply wish to convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. Then you can judge by results as to whether you wish to continue.

This offer itself should convince you that Liquozone does as we claim. We would certainly not buy a bottle and give it to you, if there was any doubt of results. You want these results; you want to be well and to keep well. Then be fair enough to yourself to accept our offer to-day. Let us show you, at our expense, what this wonderful product means to you.

Liquozone costs 50c and $1.

CUT OUT THIS COUPON For this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks, and mail it to The Liquozone Com-pany, 458-464 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is _____________________

I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will supply me a 50c bottle free I will take it.

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

627B Give full address—write plainly.

Any physician or hospital not yet using Liquo-zone will be gladly supplied for a test.

If you’ve ever wanted to buy Jay Abraham and other marketing materials but thought they were to expensive, then here’s a way you can buy them at huge discounts off their original cost. Go to www.hardtofindseminars.com.

Page 19: C.Hopkins2.pdf

See the world’s largest collection of Claude C. Hopkins Ads at www.hardtofindads.com

Nine Nations Now Use Liquozone. Won’t You Try it—Free?

Millions of people, of nine different nations, are constant users of Liquo-zone. Some are using it to get well; some to keep well. Some to cure germ diseases; some as a tonic. No medicine was ever so widely employed. These users are everwhere; your neighbors and friends are among them. And half the people you meet—wher-ever you are—know some-one whom Liquozone has cured.

If you need help, please ask some of these users what Liquozone does. Don’t blindly take medicine for what medicine cannot do. Drugs never kill germs. For your own sake, ask about Liquozone; then let us buy you a full-size bottle to try.

We Paid $100,000

For the American rights to Liquo-zone. We did this after testing the product for two years, through physi-cians and hospitals, after proving, in thousands of different cases, that Liquozone destoys the cause of any germ disease.

Liquozone has, for more than 20 years, been the constant subject of scientific and chemical research. It is not made by compounding drugs, nor with alcohol. Its virtues are derived solely from gas—largely oxygen gas—by a process requiring immense appa-ratus and 14 days’ time. The result is a liquid that does what oxygen does. It is a nerve food and blood food—the

most helpful thing in the world to you. Its effects are exhilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet it is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bot-tle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. The reason is that germs are vegetables; and Liquozone—like an excess of oxygen—is deadly to vegetal matter.

There lies the great value of Liquo-zone. It is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killing the tissue, too. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in-ternally. Every physician knows that medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease.

Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases.

All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi-rect and uncertain. Liquozone attacks the germs, wherever they are. And when the germs which cause a disease are destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That is inevitable. Asthma, Hay Fever–Influenza, Abscess–Anaemia, Kidney Diseases, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Blood Poison, Leucorrhea Bright’s Disease Liver Troubles, Bowel Troubles, Malaria—Neuralgia, Coughs–Colds, Many Heart Troubles, Consumption, Piles–Pneumonia, Colic–Croup, Pleurisy–Quinsy, Constipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh–Cancer Scrofula, Syphilis, Dysentery–Diarrhea, Skin Diseases Dandruff–Dropsy, Stomach Troubles, Dyspepsia, Throat Troubles, Eczema–Erysipelas, Tuberculosis,

Fevers–Gall Stones, Tumors–Ulcers, Goitre–Gout, Varicocele, Gonorrhea–Gleet Women’s Diseases.

All diseases that begin with fever—all inflam-mation—all catarrh—all contagious diseases—all the results of impure or poisoned blood.

In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vital-izer, accomplishing what no drugs can do.

50c. Bottle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have

never tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an or-der on your local druggist for a full-size bottle, and we will pay the drug-gist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you; to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do. In justice to yourself, please, accept it today, for it places you un-der no obligations whatever.

Liquozone costs 50c and $1.

CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks and mail it to the Liquozone Co., 458-464 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

My disease is ____________________ I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will

supply me a 50c bottle free I will take it.

______________________________ __________________________


XYZ Give full address—write plainly.

Any physician or hospital not yet using Liquo-zone will be gladly supplied for a test.

If you’ve ever wanted to buy Jay Abraham and other marketing materials but thought they were too expensive, then here’s a way you can buy them at huge discounts off their original cost. Go to www.hardtofindseminars.com

Page 20: C.Hopkins2.pdf


PriestWhoLed(heDeceivedRossiuWorkmea,Ca>$iigJnficEveils. I'd

Will N??rt??M ?????>???"(ilorUt !?????? ??-rnnl??r i.lfp

AMien you can gel ^.m; ll:h,..t from aviolent cough why nut g,:t it. Thousandisof peoiJlo uro splitting Uiolr lliroat.s u:idcoughing themselves ;<j death when for25 ceiits they can stop Urn trouble. Thoremedy IMSafe for-mnii. woniHii or chUdand ia Just its fluro as (???;,..???rising of thosun. Try UlU remedy. Don't cough n:i<lcou??h and coutrli but yuit: uso Ulorl.iI.ung- Bn team -and you won't be ab!c tocough; there will IKJ n.nhlnj? .to c:oiiKhabout; there won't lie an>- Irritation leftto'

cause a roush. Prl.-o ^c-. r,i'.0:u,J fl.co.Sold at tho rjuenlhur Drug Co.

BIRTHDAYOFARCHBISHOP.Ilynn of l>hlln:leli.hl:t Hi.,





IX G OF !.!???:<.;1SL.YTL"


)i??T rina at the AdiulniNtrntloit

Ci>nlfctni>IiUcil Short Session. l????t

the lilllR Art Too Xniiu-roun tor

M'hnl ??? Some of the .Voluble Kljjrl'td


(Special to The Xorthw-str-rn.)Mdilison. Wis.. Feb. 20.??? Unless all


Blgns fail this Is t-o be a long session???of the. legislature. There is no doubtthat before the session bcsan it was the???plan of the administration managersto have a very short session of the leg-

.lalatuTc. It \\&a their expectation theywould be able to run their bills through

; and then shut up shop. Under thisi jjlau there i*??no doubt the ir.troductionof m.-xnj' 'bills during the early days o??the session was discouraged by the administration

leader*. But on this point

the La Folletto people i-ould not control

their members. There -ivi-re tun manyof thorn had. chans'.-a which they desiredIn the laws to permit of their being can-

trolled on .lliis point and as <i rsult hfi-

foro the time for nevv business hadbeen concluded more bills h.i.l been pro

eonted to this legislature- than to anyprevious session in the history of thestate. This big grist of bills will haveto be g-one through with and now hopesof a legislative adjournment before Slay1 are few and fur lictwi-on.

???But. the surest indication of a long1

cession i.s the light which is now certain

ovor the mil way control bill. There<~an l.\c no doubt .now that the administration

intends to make just the same

kind of a light for this measure as was

rn.ide for the primary law and :my im-

'porl.ant amendment which may be offered

to the bill will be fought bitterly: by t'no administration inwnln.-M. It isequally certain that in its present formthe railway control bill c-nn never set


1>ythe .stnte senate until n.s the admin-.

??? istration bill practically and as it has'been drawn will be forced t'ni-uuRh the

ftssembly it can bo easily yeen that abattle, between the two hour.c.s over thesubject is likely to materially lengthenthe session.

Prepare for Untile.

The administration leaders are now

preparing for their light for the administration

railway control bill and fromthe preparations which are bcin??? made

It can easily bo seen that a bittercontest is expected. It ia even rumored

that some members of the Texas

coinmiysion will be brought here to advocate

the administration bill. Still the-La. FoIletU! leadens who have the railway

control .bill in charge sue kf.-pingtheir pians very close to themselves and

for ;hls reason not much ;,;ore thanconjecture ean be given aa to theirplans of campaign.

??? lltprosivntativ-iK of tho various railways

In the .state have been hero thepas!, week arid from their talk it <-;in

be readily ..seen that filt'aougli tlioy fullyunderstand a railway i:oimnlf-s!o:i billmust be adopted at this se^eien o?? thelegislature; that -they ure preparing tomake a verj-

strong tight against theadministration bill in Its present form.

The capitol situation with lilt, bills forcapitol removal has also assumed

such form that it is likely to be the Isubject of a contest fi\iu"ht with interest

before, the session concludes.

The Pool Hill.

Already petitions have begun to come |Into tho legislature nstiinst the repeal !of the famous Wylie law which forbids Ithe .selling of ~>ools on hor.se races. Twobills for the repeal of this law are'


pending before the legislature. Onowan intn'xluced in the assembly toy Assemblyman

"Gard" illlk-r of GreenLake county and the sicond was introduced

iu the .senate by Senator James"\Vrirfrt of Merrill, the luUc: havingbeen presented "by n>quesl."There isahv.iya an active organization of thej)oo].i|c who are against pool sellingwhen such bills are pending be-fore thelegislature ami tlioy soon be.g-an to floodtho legislature with remonstrances

:upiin&t any changes being iiiade in thelaw.

Thus by early next week the remonstrances

against the repoal bills will

probably begin to vie with the petitions

t'-or the. passage of the anti-cigarette

bills as regards the number rep-

presented to the h-Kislature. The billsfor the repeal of the anti-pool s-ifllinslaw have the support of the people Interested

In light harness horse racingin tho state and they. also arc it is said jwell organized U> tis'ht for ihe repeal '

bills. "What the harne.s.s horse menclaim tr> want is a bill which wlil per-

'mit the Kilo of pools at ten day racingmeetings in the state and they claim |they ;lo not desire nny law which will jpermit runnins- races in the. slat1-1. Sec- !relr\ries of .sever;'.! of the agricultural isocieties in the state, will it is .stated.!

n.pl>ear before the legislature in suprwrt'

of the repeal bills.Hunt ll!Bi>??v(Ion.

Owners of pleasure yachis and menengaged in 'the excursion transportation

business on the small lake?- of thestate will be. interested in t.'ic measure

which provides for a state inspectionof small boats on inland waters. Th<Sbill on this subject is verv carefullydrawn and the inspection is to includea watchfulness and reports on the seaworthiness

of the boats as ueil also as

reports on the carrying capacity andthe character of the .-neines. Pilots and???'iitfliK'ors of these boats must also ifthe measure becomes a law have statelicenses.

The state will a!(?o under the. termsof the bill limit .the number of passengers

or irupsts which shall b?? carried

in the craft. The measure will probably

be taken up next week and therewill undoubtedly be a number of boat-

hearing on the bill. Tlvre i-5 some talkof amendlr.fr the measure pb that itKhali oniy arp'.y to boats wed by thomibllc and nut to private yachts uncjlaunches.

3IoHn:fi;??<' 1'asn tioit.

Numerous calls are alreadybeing1 received

from all parts ot! the state forcopic-3 of all measures on mortgage taxation

and cspi-clal interest is beingshown in tho Warner bill which 13 generally

credited with being the administration

measrjre. AV.R. Lyle of Riponwho is the father of tho original billsbefore the legislature forbidding un-

ta^ced mortgages to be used as evidencein a court of record is making a literary

campaign in favor of his .bills- andin sending out printed -slips to tho members

and communications to various

newspapers favoring that form ofgetting at mortgage securities to ensuretheir taxation.

The fight fora reduction in the political

army ot game wardens will beginjust as soon as the joint legislativecommittee on fish and game beginsholding its meeting. There are severalplans for a change in the game wardensystem before the legislature, but thebills which appear to be attracting themc,st attention are the measures providing

for a county warden system.

Joke Kill.M.

There are few "joke" bills in, although

there are a number of measures

which we]1'' inlrodiieed in eainust. whichcould well be failed freak bills. Thebachelor tax bill was of course intend-

esi as a humorou.s measure. Viie speaker

refused admission to an anti-corsetbill.

___ _______


Criullciln Prf.-=H .\.--sodnilnn.1

P>iil;i<k']phla,Pa.. F<-!>.20.??? ArchbishopRyan entered his s"voitr\"-(ifth year

???today. Jri aeeordam-<; -\vltii tho"


wish of tho Ar-'hlilshoptheivwng no public cU-ni'i^ii-aiion. but allday Ions: the congratulations In personor -by messenger il--!u7.-ri tho .Ijeioved

head of tho Pennsylvania diocese.Few persons, outsit- of tho.??o in clerical

virclfts. are invar ??? of Aivh'hMiopliyan's ago. as he is hale ami heartyand has not a. gray hair in his headHe was born in 1S31. t.-ar Thurles, Tip-persry county. Iro!::.-.-!.and attendeda private Ft'hool at J'tublin until six-

tern years old. He I'lcn ont?rfd Car-li-.\v colleg-e. where h<- received his e.'c-

ck'siaatical training ;.tvl ^-a?? ordainedsub-deacon. In 1S52 hi, lff;t Ireland forAmerica and became- connected withthe arc-hdioeeHe of S'. Louis. At thaago of twetity-ono h>.- v/as appointedprofessor of English litoraluro at. theCarondok-t (Mo.) .si-i:iinnry and or-

da,inccl deacon with ihe itrivlloi;o ofpreaching in the Sr. I..iuis cathedral.On September S. 1S53. h,> -\v-a.i ordainedpriest and inade assistint pastor of thecathedral, which pos-Hinn ho filled until3S5ti,when he been in.- its rector. In1SCOho was transfer!-'-,' 10 the Airnuii-

ciation church. St. I/>uit=. -vh?r.i he remained

foi- !twelv??j years, acting ali-oduring- the civil war njs chaplain of amUttary hospital and prison. H?? wasconsecrate*] coadjutor hi?h,ip of S'.Louis in 1S72.and y'li'e visiting Kovii"In 1SS-1 was given -the iinnornry titleof Archbishop of. yaktmiaa hy PopeLeo XII I. On Juiie S 15S-J,An/hbishopJtyan was removeu ii-om Si. Ix>uis toPhiladelphia as suci-i^s.jr of tho lateArchbishop AVoOd. The archhifhop enjoys

splendid health anJ Mjiiriis andcontinues to give his p"r=onal attentiorito all the details OJ."

his hiKh office. Heis an early riser. The Mm duty of the,day Is the celebration of mass, whichusually takes pla<vHn the little clrapeladjoining: the cathedral. The flr?t fewhours are set aside, for the reception ofpriests and pastor's The hours folios-ins-

this are accordvil to general visitors.

Dinner as a ..ruinis served atone o'clock. If the weather is tine iuthe afternoon, the prelate generallytakes a long- waJk. A spell o?? illnesshas prevented this; recreation this winter,

but with tho return of sprlnti thearchbishop hopes TO resume his h.Tbiiof many years standing. Although agreat orator. Archbishop Ryan hag putfew of his thoughts in book form.There is one, however, a reproductionof a lecture on "What Catholics no

not Believe." This was delivered inSt. Louis runny years a^o and has hada largo sale in this country and Europe.


Action ot <!>?????? Dniilsl" Morlliinif on

5I????tcr of Not t??.

(By Associated Press.)C'.irisLnania, l-'ob. 2,1.??? Tlie .stort.lii.ns


iinMnlinoiiBly ilccklfd to refor thequfstion of sopanito coneulatos forSvvcflc!! anrl Norway to n coinmtucn. ofnineti-en, consistinjf of eight menihnrti oftin! Uiyl'.t party, eight of the Left, twoJlodcratoa uiul one Socialist.

. A wliof'lharrow isn't as haiiflsomo asnn nutoinobilo. hut it is uioro uscfi-.l.

NineNationsNow Use Liquozone. Won't You Try It??? Free

Millions of people, of nine differenttiations, are constant users of Llquo-


KOtie. Some are using it to get well;'

some to keep well. Some to curegerm, diseases; some as a tonic. Nomedicine was ever so widely employed.

Thcso users are everywhere; yourneighbors and friends are among them.And half the people you meet ??? wherever

you are ??? know some-one whomLiquoxone hag cured.

If you need help,please ask somo oftheso users what Liquozone does.Don't blindly take medicine for whatmedicine cannot do. Drnga never killgerms. For your own sake, ask about

Ltquosione;then let us buy you * full-???Izobottle to try.

We Paid $1OO,OOOFor the American- rights to Uquo-

i??ne. We did this mfter testing theproduct for two years, through physi-

???iani and hospitals, after proving, iathousands of different cages, thatLiquozone dentroys the cause ot anygerm disease.

Uquo/one has, for more than 20years, been the constant subject of???clcntific and chemical research. It isnot made by compounding drugs,norwith Alcohol. Its virtues are derivedeolely from ga??"lar|ir??ly oiygen gaa ???

by a procM* requiring Immense apparatus

and 14 days' time. The result isa liquid U.a*.4t*s what oxygen doe*.It U a mrr?? food and blood rood??? the

most helpful thing in the world to you.Its effects are exhilarating, vitalizing,purifying. Yet it is a germicide socertain that we publish on every bottle

an offer of |1,000 for a diseasegerm that it cannot kill. The reasonis that germs are vegetables; andLiquozone??? like an excess of Oxygen ???

is deadly to vegeial matter.There lies the great value of Liquozone.

It is the only way known to killgerms in- the bodywithout killing thetissue, too. Anydrug that kills germsis a poison, and it cannot, be taken internaliy. Every physician knows thatmedicine is almost helpless ia anygerm disease.

Germ Diseases.These are the known germ discuses.

All that medicine can do for these(roubles is to help Nature overcqmethe germs, and such results arc in-direct

and uncertain. Liquozonoattacksthe germs, wherever they arc. Andwhen the germs which cause a diseaseare destroyed,the disease must end,and forever. That la inevitable.AMhtn*AbscOTS??? Anicmi*Bronchi tin"WoodPol??onlllooHn??Jk>*

If??? Vovi>t???Influcnl*KlilnujfJ>lw??a????

- .!**! . .. ...CiHithn??? Cold*ConmtmpUo*Collc-CK??K

???lv*r TmnnlciI??)??r1??- nrnirnlfrl*t*nr llciiri TrnublM???l!??s??? Pneumonia

FcTcrs^Gall Stones Tnniors???Y

Gouorrho.i??? Gleet Wuiuuu'a Disoasc*All diseases that bc??rln filit fever??? nil lnR??m-

mutlon??? nil oaturrh???al 1 oonlnK'*'"^ ??1i.-.oiituh~:tlltiio results of impnro or ].>oi*o??Cri blood.

In nervous dcWIh.yDoiiowno act.s as a, vltallxer,accompiisliinff ivhai no urusscan do.

5Oc. Bottle Free.If you need Liquozone, and hav??

never tried it, please send us thiscoupon. \Vc will then mail you an order

on a local druggist for a full-

size bottle, and we will pay the druggistourselves for it. This is our freft

gift, made to convince you; to showyou what Liqnozonc Is, and what itcan do.


justice to yourself, pi case,accept It to-day, for it places you un??

flcr no obligation/ whatever.

Liquozone costs 50c. and $T.

And Ilia ItrUle I?? 11 VIMIMJC(iirl??? TheA'

up t uiN,

(Bulk-tin Press .V*.i<vlation.)

Palm Beaeh. Fla., ??b. 20.??? The mostnotable wedding- of -the winter season.it Palm Beaeh took place today whenMl.-s Gwendolyn "\Vhli-.Uer of Kalti-

more, a i-elativc of the great Americanpainter of the same name, became thebride of Rev. Rich.'nd Lewis Hovvell,known a.?? the richest clergyman in the'world. The wedding took place at thewinter couture of the bridegroom am!was a function of gT' at brilliance. Thguests included jjroniinent person.1

from Baltimore. Piusliurg, Philadelphia,

Jacksonville, 'Pi. Augustine and a

number of other place;-. Dr. Jfowel! isfifty-one years old. while the bride hasnot yet reached her nineteenth year.Dr. Mowcll's first wife was Miss MaryT. Rush of Plttsburg'. and upon herdeath Dr. TTowe.il inherited her lartr?fortune, which ha.s vastly increasedunder his management. A year agohe created a se.ns.ilinn by purchasingthree of Xew York's most fashionableapartment houses for nearly $5.000.000.He maintains fine homes in "Washington,

Virginia and Palm l.Jeac.h and hasa splendid, steam yacht. Ho Is a sonof tho lute. Andrew Hmvell. of "Wheeling.

W. Va. He has cicrupi^d pulpits

m~Pitl.sburg. Phllndclphin. and several

other cities, hut at pnsent is withouta charge.

CENTRAL MARKET.I oun* V*n Camp'* Pumiikln 25c

3 cam t'ea* or Cyru.......??...i5o

3 cunji Tomatoe*.. ........... ..:'5c

10 Ib (suck Huck\vheat.........35o

10 lb$ Beat Oatmeal. ..........25c

Flailey,Ryan&Co.,?? Alcoina Btreet??? Tel. 2811.

A Fine Fini??Hfor any meal

HALL'SMocKa Javapound

The Place to Get Jt10 Washington St. Phone 38IS.

FURNITURE"Wecarry the largest nn<l nv>st.

exclusive.- lino of furniture In thecity ut ihu most

Undertaking: and FuneralDirecting.


Phone ??? Store 31. House 38.

13 pounds of Le:if Lard C. nnfor .................


ROT7 nEAT??^ * *< MARKET.

Phone. 4651.Corner South Main and .rinth Streets.

HARDWARE."U'ehave n complete line of Builders'

Hardware, Tools and HouseFurnishing Goods.

Hay Hardware Co..75 Main Street.

Julius Due,General Painting

?????? AND ??????

Paper Hanging.345 Pearl Street??? Phono 2002.


151 JItiln Street.