chordata (fish) myxini(hagfish) cephalaspidomorphi(lampreys) chondrichthyes(sharks, rays)...

Chordata (Fish) Myxini(Hagfish) Cephalaspidomorphi(Lampre ys) Chondrichthyes(Sharks, Rays) Actinopterygii(ray- finned fish) Actinistia(Coelacanths) Dipnoi(Lungfish) Colin Green, Tyler Simowitz Tyler

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Chordata (Fish) Myxini(Hagfish) Cephalaspidomorphi(Lampreys) Chondrichthyes(Sharks, Rays) Actinopterygii(ray-finned fish) Actinistia(Coelacanths) Dipnoi(Lungfish) Colin Green, Tyler Simowitz Tyler Slide 2 What is a fish? What we call fish only apply to one clade of vertebrates - the Actinopterygians, which we will discuss later However, for all of our sakes, we will refer to all of the following as fish Colin, Tyler Slide 3 Chordata colin Slide 4 Hagish (Myxini) colin Slide 5 Lamprey(Ceohalaspidomorphi) colin Slide 6 Ray-Finned(Actinopterygii) Tyler Slide 7 Shark(Chondrichthyes) Tyler Slide 8 Lungfish(Dipnoi) Tyler Slide 9 Body Cavity Myxini: coelom Cephalaspidomorphi: coelom, vertebrae Chondrichthyes: coelom, vertebrae, jaw Actinopterygii: coelom, vertebrae, jaw Actinistia: coelom, vertebrae, jaw Dipnoi: coelom, vertebrae, jaw Colin, Tyler Slide 10 Body Symmetry Myxini: symmetrical Cephalaspidomorphi: symmetrical Chondrichthyes: symmetrical Actinopterygii: symmetrical Actinistia: symmetrical Dipnoi: symmetrical Colin, Tyler Slide 11 Nervous System Myxini: yes, 2 brains Cephalaspidomorphi: dorsal nerve, true nervous system Chondrichthyes: yes Actinopterygii: yes Actinistia: yes Dipnoi: yes Colin, Tyler Slide 12 Circulatory System Myxini: present, 4 hearts Cephalaspidomorphi: present Chondrichthyes: present Actinopterygii: present Actinistia: present Dipnoi: seperation of pulmonary Colin, Tyler Slide 13 Digestive System Myxini: slow metabolism, can go 7 months without food Cephalaspidomorphi: parasite, sucks blood, rows of teeth Chondrichthyes: spiral valve, prolongs passage of food, stomach Actinopterygii: stomach, intestines Actinistia: stomach, intestines Dipnoi: stomach, intestines Colin, Tyler Slide 14 Excretory System Myxini: mouth, anus Cephalaspidomorphi: mouth, anus Chondrichthyes: mouth, anus, bladder Actinopterygii: mouth, anus, large amounts of dilute urine, controls salt:water balance Actinistia: mouth, anus, dilute urine Dipnoi: mouth, anus, urine Colin, Tyler Slide 15 Locomotion/Musculature Myxini: paddle like tail, sluggish Cephalaspidomorphi: tail to propel Chondrichthyes: power movement of trunk and caudal(tail), propel forward, dorsal fins - stability, paired pectoral (fore) and pelvic (hind) help float Actinopterygii: fins for maneuvering and defense Actinistia: fins Dipnoi: tail and pectoral-pelvic fins Colin, Tyler Slide 16 Skeletal Structure Myxini: skull contains cartilage Cephalaspidomorphi: cartilage skeleton Chondrichthyes: cartilage, mineralized skeleton Actinopterygii: bony Actinistia: bony Dipnoi: bony, skull Colin, Tyler Slide 17 Sensory Structures Myxini:eyes, ears, naval openings, one norstril Cephalaspidomorphi: large eyes, one nostril Chondrichthyes: sharp vision, nostrils, detect electric fields Actinopterygii: eyes, nostrils Actinistia: eyes, nostrils Dipnoi: eyes, nostrils Colin, Tyler Slide 18 Reproduction Myxini: lay eggs, no larvae stages, some hermaphrodites. Not well known Cephalaspidomorphi: egg-larvae-metamorphus-adult Chondrichthyes: eggs fertilized internally, pelvic fins- transfer sperm. Oviparous - newborn hatches outside of body, Ovoviviparous- internally Actinopterygii: eggs fertalized/born outside Actinistia:give birth to live young Dipnoi: external, dig hole in mud to protect Colin, Tyler Slide 19 Gas Exchange Myxini: one gill Cephalaspidomorphi: 7 gills Chondrichthyes: uses gills Actinopterygii: gills Actinistia:gills Dipnoi:gills and lungs Colin, Tyler Slide 20 Unique Features Myxini: creates slime for protection Ceohalaspidomorophi: attack humans only when they are starving Chondrichthyes: more dense than water makes them sink if they stop swimming Actinopterygii: includes 96% of all fish species Actinistia: Still alive, 2 species have been found Dipnoi: In dry periods, they burrow into the mud and go into a fish hibernation Colin, Tyler Slide 21 Quiz 1. Which was the first bony fish? A)Dipnoi B)actinopterygii C)Chondrichthyes D)Ceohalaspidomorphi Colin, Tyler Slide 22 B is the correct answer Slide 23 2. Which of the following has two brains? A) Myxini B)Actinistia C)Ceohalaspidomorphi D)Dipnoi E)Chondrichthyes Colin, Tyler Slide 24 The correct answer is A, Myxini have two brains and four hearts Slide 25 3. What is the fin called that propels a shark forward A)Pectoral B)Pelvic C)Caudal D)Dorsal Colin, Tyler Slide 26 Correct answer is C Slide 27 4. What do lampreys have that Myxini dont A)Nostrils B)Bones C)Eyes D)Vertebrae Colin, Tyler Slide 28 Correct answer is D