chordiels magazine - pass it on

Vol.: 4, Issue: 1, Jan - Mar 2015 Reuben & Judith Christopher Samuel The Responsibility of Passing it on Upon the Hill Passing the faith Chordiels Care 2014 Family Get Together Near the Cross We are not alone Photos

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Vol.: 4, Issue: 1, Jan - Mar 2015


Page 1: Chordiels magazine - Pass it On

Vol.: 4, Issue: 1, Jan - Mar 2015

Reuben & Judith

Christopher Samuel

The Responsibility of Passing it on

Upon the Hill

Passing the faith

Chordiels Care 2014

Family Get Together

Near the Cross

We are not alone


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Page 3: Chordiels magazine - Pass it On

Pass the faith, trust and belief;Pass the music, songs and the stories;Pass the love, care and kindness;Pass the memories, visions and the journey.

They are priceless, worth sharing,They are free, found in our hearts & souls;They need be nurtured and carried along;

They ought to be preserved, practiced and passed.So Pass them on...

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Hi Everybody,

Greetings in His precious Name.

More often we forget our responsibility about our kids

and the next generation kids of how they will be when we

are long gone. So I picked this theme “Pass it on” would

best address today’s needs.

Myself, Justin and Immanuel have focused on this theme.

Poems, thoughts and short notes, pictures are housed in

this issue. Chordiels Family came together for a dinner

and had loads of fun and memories. Also we have an

update from Chordiels Care about the happenings during

last Christmas.

So enjoy reading the Magazine, and forget not to write to

us at [email protected]

Pleased to serve the Lord and the society with the skills

He has bestowed on me.

This year we are practicing and planning with prayers for

the concert doors and hearts He will open for us, so that

His Word could be sung, and preached.

All we could ask you is, put Chordiels Music in your

prayer list.

God Bless You all.



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Vol. 4, Issue 1,

Jan - Mar 2015


Head PublishingShri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ

Article ContributorsDr. S. Justus Shri. Justin A. RajProf. V. Immanuel

Our Special Thanks toFriends, Families, Promoters, Distributers, Associates & Volunteers

CHORDIELS MAGAZINEPublished as e-Magazine

Published by:Chordiels Music | Handel Music SeriesSanthosapuram, Chennai600073, TN, India

All Rights Reserved.Copyright © Feb 2015













Chordiels Concerts

Reuben & Judith

Christopher Samuel

New Audio Album

The Responsibility of Passing it on

Passing the Faith

Upon the Hill

Chordiels Care 2014

Family Get Together

Near the Cross

We are not Alone

Photo blowup.

Wishing the couple for a blessed married life.

Introducing new Baritone

A brand new Tamil Album from Chordiels Music

Justus shares what is passed on to him.

Justin biblically explains what is it passing.

A Picturesque Poem.

An update from Care wing.

Chordiels Family outing - updates

Chordiels Music Online Store. One-stop-shop for four-part harmony music. Look at the collections

Lenten Message from Prof. Immanuel

A Short Note

In th

is Issue

Send your articles, stories, testimonies, photos, poems, columns, etc.,

to [email protected], or [email protected]

Spread the word of what you benefitted out of this Magazine to your

friends too.

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Page 8: Chordiels magazine - Pass it On

Our dear brother Reuben, singing baritone with Chordiels Quartet, and Ms. Judith Gacia, are married on the 29th of Dec 2014, at the Holy Trinity Church, Palayamkottai.

We welcome Judith Reuben to our Chordiels Family.

Reuben is one of the finest Gospel musicians in Chennai, and in the whole of Tamilnadu. He brings his musical expertise to Chordiels while we try to harmonize or do some choral arrangement. He also brings his strong, solid baritone voice to the Quartet.

Chordiels Quartet is privileged to have such a warm-hearted, committed and God-fearing guy who sings and travels and share fun and laughter as we work in this singing team.

Now on an official assignment Reuben is traveling to UK for the next six months, and will be working for CTS from UK. So he will be on sabbatical from Chordiels from Feb - Aug 2015.

In UK he will be attending the Organ training, vocal training and choir conducting trainings as well. We wish him all success and best stay in UK, and await to hear from him on his new musical learnings.

Reuben will be available in Chordiels Quartet from August 2015, soon after he returns to Chennai, India.

Reuben & Judith

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Chordiels Music is happy to introduce Mr. Christopher

Samuel as our new Baritone, who will be filling up Reuben’s position in Chordiels Quartet.

Sam has already toured with Chordiels during the 2014-

Christmas season, and is much used to this kind of male-vocal


Sam has been into choir singing right from his schooldays, and

has been an active member in his Church Music Band of St.

Patrick Church, Tuticorin. He joined as a tenor in Pearl-City Music Association Choir, and

was trained by Mr. Victor Thangadurai, director PCMA.

Now when he moved to Chennai he joined the Andrew’s Kirk

Choir and now trained by Mr. Arul Sironmoney.

We welcome Samuel to Chordiels Quartet and wish all

the best for a good stay and best of his singing with the team.

Christopher Samuel

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Page 11: Chordiels magazine - Pass it On

An Exclusive Tamil Album with 16 wonderful, timeless songs in 4 -part harmony, trios, duets

and solos.

Chordiels - Manley, Reuben, Vasanth and Justus

&Rev. Rajendran,

Shri Solomon Abraham,Handel Jonathan

has rendered the songs.

Buy this CD now in

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My Grandpa, my Dad and many others passed on what they had best. What do I have to give

the next Gen, to my own child?

by Dr. Justus

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Before choosing this title, I was reminiscing my golden days with my Grandpa, my faithful days with my Dad, and dreaming what will I be to my son.

Grandpa Mr. Victor Ponnudurai, after serving the Indian Army for more than 12 years, joined as a Crane Pilot in Tuticorin Port Trust. Very hard-working, hard-stuffed, very tough guy - at workplace and at home. He taught me some great values - work hard, listen a lot, read a lot, never rest unless your body asks for, and be tough. I cherish his attitude when he passed on to me some of these values.

Dad, Mr. Selwyn Navamani, served the traffic department in Tuticorin Port Trust for 25 years, and voluntarily retired to carry on the Lord’s ministry. Faithful in serving the Lord, sacrificing for the family, again hard-work even in ailments, and dedication in carrying the Gospel to unreached places.

In addition to these two men, there are several great men who keep passing my life, and I admire everyone of them for their distinct qualities. Some of them are Mr. GJ Moses, DM, Tamilnadu Transport, Dr. Samuel Lawrence, Professor in English, Mr. Prakash, Mr. Stephen Thiagarajan, Mr. Victor Thangadurai, Dr. Samathanam, Mr. Paulraj, and the list goes on.

Now the question is: What have I got to pass on to my son, to the next generation kids?

The responsibility in passing everything I got from my seniors, lessons learnt, values gained over the years and the great love of God. I am responsible for the kids who look at me as a teacher, as a musician, as a brother, as a citizen. I need to take up the onus on passing the faith, trust and belief I have on Jesus, the one who took me up from the dust. The more I hold on to Him, the more I tell others “He is the One whom we need the most”.

I pass on the music, the songs and the meaning it brings. The best of all these need be passed on. Many young kids doesn’t even knew what it is like making music for the Maker. Not everything we hear is music. But the one that praises His Name is music, and that need to be taught to the next Gen.

I pass on ‘responsibility’. It is an persevered act that sustains relationships, happiness, and life as a whole. The responsibility of being responsible at home, at workplace, while playing, singing, while none is watching, and while everyone is watching - is one of the essence that need be taught.

Finally, pass on the Good News, “Jesus loves you”. How about passing this love of Christ to everyone around us? The mind of Christ - proclaiming He is the only One who died for all, and still He loves us all. So pass on this great news to the next Gen - the Gen X and Gen Y kids. They will remember this forever.

Let’s take some responsibility in passing these on.

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Passing the FaithJustin A. Raj

works with Infosys Ltd, Chennai. He is an active member of Vincet D'Paul Society. He is a kind hearted and soft-spoken friend who never hesitates to share the Word.

He can be reached at

[email protected]

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Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is

real even if we do not see it”. Each one of us believe in Jesus Christ and we are sure that son of God

who had died to redeem us, had resurrected and will come again, during secret rapture. This faith

needs to be passed by every believer in family, church, workplace/school/college and society.

In Mark 16:15 Jesus says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Each believer in

Christ needs to lead a witnessing life following the footsteps of Jesus. In Mark 1:38 Jesus says, “ Let us

go somewhere else- to the nearby village so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” Mat 4:23

says, “ Jesus went throughout Galiee teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the

kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people”.

Jesus walked according to the will of the Father, throughout the 33 and half years He spent on earth.

We have experienced and have been experiencing His love and presence every day. This love needs to

be flown to this world, in the form of preaching the word of God, through our actions. We need to

reflect Christ in our day to day life. If you are a leader in church, you need to show the leadership

qualities like Jesus He washed the feet of his disciples. This humbleness needs to be emulated. If you

are a leader, first learn to be a servant. In the family, you need to reflect the qualities of Jesus- loving

God whole heartedly, sharing the burdens, regularly doing personal and family prayers, meditating the

world of God, leading a holy life, praising and giving thanks for each new day and obeying the

commandments diligently.

While trying to lead a witnessing life, you will certainly meet challenges. But our living Lord will help

you to overcome every challenge and will recover the things that were lost, as said in Mark 10:29-30

“Truly I tell you, on one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or

fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes,

brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields along with persecutions and in the age to come, eternal

life”. Inheriting the eternal life is every believer's spiritual goal.

Mark 8: 35 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for

the gospel will save it. Am I spending my talent/ treasure/ time/ life to spread the word of God? and to

proclaim the Good News (Jesus) to others? Let us ponder for a while. While healing the beggar, Peter

said, “silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

walk”. Whatever be our level of faith may be, we need to move up to the level of Peter. That is what is

expected out of every one of us. Whoever is given more will be expected more. So, let us not become

weary of passing the faith. The living, everlasting spring of water is there to support us.

The role of the Holy Spirit is important in passing the faith. I Corin 12:6-11 says “There are different

kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 7Now to each one the

manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8To one there is given through the Spirit a

message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9to another faith

by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10to another miraculous powers, to

another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of

tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the

same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

With the help of Holy Spirit, we need to identify our gift and use it for the needy people they can be

poor, sick, orphan, prisoner, oppressed, helpless, weak people. Jesus came to this world to spread the

good news to the poor. Let us follow his footsteps preaching the word and reflecting faith Jesus in our

day to day life in family /workplace/ church/ society.

May the living Lord guide and strengthen us. Glory to Jesus.

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The roses smell so sweetlyBehind the picket fence,The grass is rich and greenIt gives off a fresh cut scent.

The lilacs are in full bloomThe veranda has been swept,One glance the eye can seeHow well the garden has been kept.

The shadow in the windowShows and old, but gentle soul,I heard she took up residenceNot too long ago.

No one seems to knowHow she keeps her home alive,There is never any outside helpAnd no visitors' stop by.

She enjoys her solitudeEach and every day,She is seen sometimes at midnightI heard a neighbor say.

As the watch her in the moonlightThey say it gives them chills,For she is intently speakingTo someone upon the hill.

I hear she turns quite beautifulWhen the moon shines down so bright,To me there isn't any doubtTo whom she speaks at night.

I'm told she's still in good healthViolets bloom on her window sill,And I think she owes it allTo her friend upon the hill.....

Upon the HillLynn Barany

Source: Family Friend Poems

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22nd December 2014, we went to “The home” in Padapai to meet the children and spend a day with them before we left for Christmas holidays. We gave them a big surprise by giving them Christmas Gifts. Guess how the kids reacted. They were filled with great joy. They didn’t expect such a nice shirts and pants, chudidhars and shawls. The smile, and the wide-opened eyes, brought tears in our eyes. How much they longed for this? Hepsiba gave the gifts to each child, and appreciated their year-long perseverance in waiting on the Lord’s blessings.

The more we give, the more we are happy; the more we spend time with these kids, the more we pass the values of live’s lessons to our own kids, teaching the real meaning of life.

We thank all the sponsors who gave these wonderful dresses for these little ones. Their hearts and homes will be blessed richly with heavenly showers.

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In addition to the Christmas Gifts, we offered a non-vegetarian lunch. What a joy to share a meal with these kids. We sat together with the kids and enjoyed the lunch. Each kid is unique, helping each other, passing chicken pieces, made the room clean.

Our dear friends from Vizhuthugal ministries also joined us for the lunch.

Then the kids sang a few songs, danced, told Bible verses. Bro Irudhayaraj prayed for the kids, their studies, health, protection and everything that these kids need. Also he prayed for Chordiels Family, Ministry, and wisdom for the Almighty.

We thoroughly enjoyed, and had a meaningful Christmas this year.

Joel, Sanjay, Gokul, David,

Dany, Prithvi, - boys having fun &

food. Look at the smiles and

happiness on their faces. Remember

them in your prayers.

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(from Left to Right) Justus, Handel, Hepsiba, Reuben, Judith,

Immanuel, Priya, Judah Sam, Sweetlin, Alden,

Manley, Meshak, Mahizh, Nancy, Vasanth

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Chordiels family get together 2015 - Chordiels members came with their families for a dinner at Mount View Hotel. The dinner table was filled with everything on earth - fun, laughter, pulling legs, kids crying, songs, and what not? the fellowship of Christian brotherhood. Keep Chordiels and their families in your prayers.

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Passin' the faith along to my brotherPassing the faith alongHelping to Build the faith of anotherPassing the faith alongSharing a word of hope with my brotherHelping to make him strongPassin' the faith along to my brotherPassing the faith along

Running of a relay, finds in his batonPurpose for the running and strength to carry onWe hold within our grasp the thing that makes us strongAnd like the relay runner, we seek to pass it on.

Countless generation of Saints have come and goneA spark ignites as an ember fades and the flames continues on.A challenge to the young, and a assurance for the old,The flames burns ever brighter each time the story's told.

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by: W



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Buy these CDs/DVDs at

or write to us [email protected]

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Near the CrossKeep me Near the Cross

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There stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. John 19.25This is one of the classic verses in the Holy Scripture. Not too many people chose to stand by the cross of Jesus. Not too many people were given the opportunity to stand near the cross. We see just four people standing before the cross and all the four were women.He chose twelve disciples. He healed hundreds. He was known to everybody. Multitudes followed Jesus. But, only four stood before the cross.This is a world that has no idea of the cross of Jesus. That is why we have become a bunch of powerless people. Cross seems to be a symbol of shame and failure. Yes, for or all those who stand far from the cross, it is a symbol of failure. If only a person can have the privilege of looking upon Jesus on the cross, what great power will be released from his life!Peter ran away from the cross. Judas did not live to see the cross. All the other disciples proved disloyal. All those who availed healing did not know to react to the scene of the cross. However, The Lord had four valiant people who chose to gaze their Lord.

Blessings of standing by the cross:They heard the seven last words: All the seven words that Jesus spoke would not have been heard, if they stood far from the cross. Just imagine if we would have missed out such precious words, we don’t have a Good Friday service today. There is a complaint in the world that God is deaf. It is wrong. We stand far from the cross that we don’t hear what God speaks. Mary: She is the only person on earth who saw Jesus from birth to death. She played the role of a mother and a sinner. She availed salvation and meaning in life by looking at the cross.

Mary Magdalene: It must be the prayer of everybody that God must make us like Mary Magdalene. This extraordinary woman managed to prove her love even unto the cross. She was weeping. Luke 16.9 says, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene after resurrection. God will honour and make them glad who stand before the cross and weep. John: He was given the responsibility to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus. God gives us a share in His work. This disciple was revealed everything about the second coming.

Friends, there is unlimited blessings by meditating the cross of Jesus. Learn to go to the cross every day. There are unexpected blessings, rich resources. But, recognize the price He has paid. The only place in the world where freedom from sin is freely granted - the cross. Your personality as a whole is renewed to the image of Jesus when you see God himself dying in a place where you should die. May you get aglimpse of the cross today.

Prof. V. Immanuel is teaching English in Loyola College, Chennai. He is a writer, preacher, orator and a good friend. He writes and delivers speeches in conferences of International ministries. He is part of the RZIM ministries, writing columns for their annual fellowship gatherings. He has submitted his PhD thesis on Jewish Literature. Write to [email protected]

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Page 35: Chordiels magazine - Pass it On

We are not

AloneWe are not alone in this Journey of life. We have been given

something from our fathers and forefathers in the past. The many

things they have taught us - values, responsibility, love, respect,

obedience, prayers, spiritual life, and the list goes on. We have

learnt to acquire them over the years as we get matured through

our experiences. Certain of these things would have been too tough

to practice. However, they taught us the practice and passed those

precious gifts to us.

As we run over the years, there is a next, future generation that

need to be taught of these high qualities of life. They are eagerly

waiting for us. The only thing is that we see them as little kids with

less responsibility. No they are not. They need to be woven with

these values that we have as our character and quality. It is not

meant to be in us, but to be passed on. Call them, put your hands

on their shoulders, give a big smile, and impart the greater qualities

of life’s values you have to your kids, to the youths in the Churches,

to your students in the your class, to your neighbours’ kids, to your

friends’ kids.

Teach them, pass on them the faith, love, respect and obedience.

Someone who have gone before us taught us, let us pass on these

values to the someone who will follow us. We are not alone. So pass

it on...

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Handel Music Series

“Chordiels Music”

Santhoshapuram, Chennai 600073

© All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2015Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

Back Cover Photo by: Ebenezer Arunkumar