chosen genre dps


Upload: shannonsloyan

Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Chosen genre dps



Page 2: Chosen genre dps

I notice that this page spread is about Miley Cyrus. The colours are black and white and red. It is effective because it is simple. The font is all the same size except for the title ‘Miley Cyrus. Also the ‘M’ at the start of the paragraph is effective because it attract the reader as it is big. The writing is surrounding the image of Miley. The targeted audience would be Miley’s fans. I know this because the page spread is about Miley Cyrus. I notice that the model on this page is Miley. The shot is a wide shot as we can see her whole body.

Page 3: Chosen genre dps

I notice that this magazine is about Lady Gaga. The colours are white and red. The fonts are all the same but the large ‘L’ covers majority of the page and it highlights that it is about Lady Gaga. Also the large ‘S’ is at the start of one of the paragraph, it suggests that this is the start of the paragraph of the main part of the article. The text is on the right of the two pages. The audience would be Gaga’s fans. The image is of Lady Gaga who is wearing extremely garish and provocative which is what she is well known for. The picture has been edited to the filter black and white which makes it more artistic and classy.

Page 4: Chosen genre dps

I notice that this double page spread is question and answer about Justin Bieber who is the most famous kid in the world. The colours that have been used are black, white and red. The colour red is effective because it appears to be sexy. The font is the same size. The title is big and bold so that the readers appeal to it. The text is on the right hand page. There is a image of Justin. As you can see he is posing with a chair. It is a wide shot as it we can see him. The targeted audience would definitely be his fans.

Page 5: Chosen genre dps

I notice that this is about Ed Sheeran. The colours that have been used are red, white and black. The background of the double page spread is the photo of Ed and the scene where it was taken (near Big Ben). It’s effective because it makes the reader want to read on. The style of writing are all the same. The text is on the right page in a huge text box. The targeted readers would the fans of Ed Sheeran. I notice that Ed is leaning on the wall and looking away from the camera. It’s effective because many people would want to read on because they have looked at the picture first.

Page 6: Chosen genre dps

I notice that this is about Ed Sheeran. The colours that have been used are red, white and black. The background of the double page spread is the photo of Ed and the scene where it was taken (near Big Ben). It’s effective because it makes the reader want to read on. The style of writing are all the same. The text is on the right page in a huge text box. The targeted readers would the fans of Ed Sheeran. I notice that Ed is leaning on the wall and looking away from the camera. It’s effective because many people would want to read on because they have looked at the picture first.