chosen genre pop music

The masthead is large “Q” which is easily recognisable therefore standing out against competitors such as “Vibe, Billboard.” The selling line is the motto “Discover Great Music.” Its easy to remember and quite short and snappy which means more people will be able to recognise the magazine and therefore purchase it. The genre of Q magazine is Indie Rock. Mise en scene is very effective on this front page as her facial expressions suggests that she is very serious about her music, yet is slightly sexual as her hands are on her cheeks, this may help to attract different types of audiences. The use of blue rectangles helps to separate the information, the use of small amounts of blue help pick up House style is very consistent as Florence hair is very vibrant red/orangey colour, which compliments the pale complexion of her skin and the white writing that stands out on the bright background. Her bright red hair give connotations of fire and rebellion, giving her a daring image which makes the magazine seem rather exciting for the audience. Main image fills the whole cover page of the magazine, which suggest that all the attention should be on her, giving her a powerful and The barcode is a legal requirement on a magazine. Having the issue number, date and the price is one of the code and conventions of a magazine. It allows the audience to know which issue they are reading and allowing them to make sure they are up to date, it allows them to know how much they Main cover line immediately states who the magazine will focus on and what’s inside. This will catch attention of fans of the artist, helping to encourage them to buy it.

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Post on 21-Feb-2017




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The masthead is large “Q” which is easily recognisable therefore standing out against competitors such as “Vibe, Billboard.”The selling line is the motto “Discover Great Music.” Its easy to remember and quite short and snappy which means more people will be able to recognise the magazine and therefore purchase it. The genre of Q magazine is Indie Rock.

Mise en scene is very effective on this front page as her facial expressions suggests that she is very serious about her music, yet is slightly sexual as her hands are on her cheeks, this may help to attract different types of audiences.The use of blue rectangles helps to separate the information, the use of small amounts of blue help pick up her eyeshadowThis magazine has a specific colour scheme and rarely changes consisting of white and red, this allows the magazine to become easily recognisable for the audience.

House style is very consistent as Florence hair is very vibrant red/orangey colour, which compliments the pale complexion of her skin and the white writing that stands out on the bright background. Her bright red hair give connotations of fire and rebellion, giving her a daring image which makes the magazine seem rather exciting for the audience.

Main image fills the whole cover page of the magazine, which suggest that all the attention should be on her, giving her a powerful and vibrant image. The use of direct address creates a relationship between the reader and her, meaning that they are more likely to buy it.

The barcode is a legal requirement on a magazine. Having the issue number, date and the price is one of the code and conventions of a magazine. It allows the audience to know which issue they are reading and allowing them to make sure they are up to date, it allows them to know how much they are paying for the magazine.

Main cover line immediately states who the magazine will focus on and what’s inside. This will catch attention of fans of the artist, helping to encourage them to buy it.

The use of blocked rather straight lettering picks up with the black solid blocks, saying that the magazine is quite a serious article, more aimed for those who are slightly older. The use of black text also picks out the shadows (in her hair, between her fingers, hey eyeshadow too) on the following page.

The copy of the text is quite bulk but not too much just enough for the reader to get a concept of the artist.In the bottom left hand corner the use of “Q” has been identified. The “Q” is constant of every page of this magazine to inform what magazine it is.

House style is very consistent as Florence hair is very vibrant red/orangey colour, which compliments the pale complexion of her skin and the white writing that stands out against the white background, on the oppose page. Her bright red hair give connotations of fire and rebellion, giving her a daring image which makes the article seem rather exciting for the audience to read.

The main photograph of Florence is exactly the same as the one on the cover, again filling the whole page, which suggest that all the attention should be on her, giving her a powerful and vibrant image. The use of direct address creates a relationship between the reader and her, meaning that they are more likely to feel more connected with the article.

The word “Now” makes its headline stand out because it forces upon the idea of urgency and interest, caused by that specific word along with the help of an exclamation mark.


The mouse pointer overlays the “140 songs to download now”, which simply helps draw attention to that specific article due to the arrow, and also relates to the internet context inside the article. This will really help this magazine attract younger audience perhaps in comparison to an older generation as younger ones tend to use the internet more so than older generation. 

The masthead is where it is always positioned on “Q” magazine this shows the audience that it is exactly the same magazine and is easily recognisable as it is a well known brand and a well established magazine. It always uses the same colours- red and white so this keeps to the code and conventions of having the masthead the same on each section and having it on every page helps it stand out and also sticks to the code and conventions of a music magazine. The magazine masthead Q is clear on the cover, this symbol can clearly be seen repeated to the left of the masthead “Contents”. The red colour of the background of the Q itself contrasts with the white, also helps pick out other red textual features including “Issue 302, column title, as well as the page numbers, this helps the audience because they can easily identify that it is from Q magazine. The positioning of the model is stylized in this particular way because they don’t want to reveal to much to the audience about who it is, making you want to read the specific article about that specific person. The use of blood seeing as it red link nicely and picks

up amongst the other red elements on this page. The use of this, causes the image to stand out even more, because it provides the idea that there is an interesting story about someone which makes the audience want to buy it.


The feature headlines, straplines, and page numbers are clearly listed in the column inch towards the left of the page informing the reader where to look for what story. This also helps the reader give an understanding of what each article/story may be about. The black colour of the masthead and the features headline and straplines, along with the red of the tagline “Discover great music” really contrasts with the white background of the page which makes the mast head, the tagline and the feature headlines and straplines stand out amongst the background..



The masthead is always positioned in the left top corner of “Q” magazine this shows the audience that it is exactly the same magazine and is easily recognisable as it is a well known brand and a well established magazine. It always uses the same colours- red and white so this keeps to the code and conventions of having the masthead the same on each section and having it as the largest texts on the front page stands out and also sticks to the code and conventions. The sky line “The stories of the year by those that made them” appeals to the target audience because its stories about artists/bands that they will be interested in so that they will want to hear all the gossip.

The cover lines about both older, well known artists such as Pink Floyd and Wilko Johnson which will appeal towards the older end of the target audience. They also talk about more modernised artists like Kasabian and Royal Blood which will help attract a younger audience.

Q magazines sells line says “Awards Special Edition” this would attract target audience as they wouldn’t want to miss out on a special edition magazine.

The puff “50 Albums of 2014” stands out because of the red background. The word “Essential” would grab the readers attention and make them want to buy the magazine, as they would want to make sure that they are up to date with their taste in music.

The cover lines in this magazine show that Q don’t just talk about music they talk about news of important people from the music industry- Wilko Johnson and how he is beating cancer.

The main image breaks the codes and conventions of most magazines by not using a direct mode of address, instead Ed Sheeran is looking to the right as oppose to the reader. This is very unusual to do as using a direct mode of address is something that appeals and attracts the audience because Q is so well known and respected they didn’t have to worry about appealing to the audience through the mode of address that much. The guitar shows that he is an acoustic singer and plays his own music on the guitar.

The main cover line tells the audience who is on the front cover, it relates to the main image (anchorage text) and to the main in this issue of the magazine.

The barcode is a legal requirement on a magazine. Having the issue number, date and the price is one of the code and conventions of a magazine. It allows the audience to know which issue they are reading and allowing them to make sure they are up to date, it allows them to know how much they are paying for the magazine.

The footer bar tells the audience more of the articles which are going to be in the magazine. “War on drugs” would stand out as well as “The return of AC/DC” they are an old band so would therefore appeal to older range of the target audience. The word “Plus” suggests that there will be loads going on inside the magazine making the reader feel as though they are getting there moneys worth and will encourage them to buy the magazine.

The central image of Ed Sheeran symbolises how casual he is, by using the city as a background setting shows that he is a “city boy” and isn’t a high classed musician, it also symbolises his lifestyle and how he moved to the city to become a busker. The clothes he is wearing suggests he is a normal guy, which suggests upon the idea that the article is genuinely relaxed, friendly feel about the article. The article main focus is on Ed Sheeran suggesting that its about Ed on a personal level, which would help attract his fans read the magazine and therefore buy it.

The subheading is written as a quote from Ed Sheeran himself, which tells the audience that it is personal, which would intrigue a fan. Its in large, bold, vibrant font contrasting against the background making it stand out so that the audience read it. The word “ginger” is coloured in red, which is the highlighting colour of this double paged spread.

The page number is highlighted in red, which helps to continue the house style of the double paged spread keeping the connection between Ed and the double paged spread.

This is the central image- London's capital city, it’s the articles concentration point. The choice of image is large and covers the Double paged spread.

The masthead is written in bold, which contrasts to the background, the colour red connects with the word “ginger” in the heading of the other page, as well as the highlighted parts of text across the main article. This makes the reader make connections between the highlighted words, it also brings the concentration of the article to those certain points.

This is the main text across the double paged spread, its mounded onto a text box with a white background in order to make sure the words are easy to read and not hidden by the central image of the background. The red box at the start of the text connects with the other important words in the double paged spread, suggesting that the text is an important part, and also making clear where the article starts. The text is set out in 2 columns, which is a traditional article layout. The text is fit into a shape that goes around a smaller box in the middle, which emphasises the importance of the text that is placed in the middle.

The masthead is always positioned in the left top corner of “Q” magazine this shows the audience that it is exactly the same magazine and is easily recognisable as it is a well known brand and a well established magazine. Again it uses the same colours- red and white so this keeps to the code and conventions of having the masthead the same on each section and having it on every page of the magazine a substantial size which allows it stands out therefore sticks to the code and conventions of music magazine designs.

The feature headlines, straplines, and page numbers are clearly listed in the column inch towards the left of the page informing the reader where to look for what story. This also helps the reader give an understanding of what each article/story may be about.

“Every Month” makes the reader want to buy it because they don’t want to miss out on the fun things that the magazine contains like crosswords, Sudoku's, IQ tests etc., it would help encourage people who like games want to buy the magazine monthly.

The image takes up the majority of the space on this page. The models are positioned in a certain way, so they look like a band together, usually tending to the main singers positioned at the front/main focal point and the musicians slightly behind him. They are wearing rather casual clothing suggesting that they are a rock band also the use of sunglasses give the impression that they are a rock band.

The strapline purposely is positioned over the photograph, this grabs the audiences attention and allows them to know what is one of the main story’s in the article amongst others.

The use of a puff “THE WORLDS BIGGEST AND BEST MUSIC GUIDE” helps the magazine sell better as it boosts the confidence of the magazine. “Biggest and best” straight away imply the idea that no other magazine is better than this one, it is competing against other magazine brands so therefor wants to try and encourage people to buy it through the use of capital letters and persuasive language.

Masthead- largest letter on the page, it is positioned in the left hand top corner of the page, which will be the first thing the reader will see. The consistency of this masthead makes the white stand out against the red, this is a logo that semi literate audiences would recognise as a music magazine. The Q is monolithic which means one word.

There a few cover lines down each side of the magazine but the are only short cover lines, this intrigues the reader making them want to buy it. There aren’t many of these because the magazine designer wants the main focus to be on Cheryl the main image.

Main cover line is the largest text on the cover page, it anchors the meaning of the image and tells us as the reader what the main article is based upon.

The photograph of this cover, takes up the majority of the space, this tells us that the article is mainly based around that artist in this case Cheryl Cole. The use of direct address in this photograph tells us that the article is quite personalised about her, I think this photograph sexualizes her as a person because of the way she is positioned and the use of water. This may attract other audience members.There are anew buzzwords across this cover page- “Best and “Biggest” this helps the audience to want to buy the magazine because it sounds amazing.

The overall colour palette of this cover consists of “red, white, grey and black”. The red text pick up with the red lipstick, the white and grey text picks up with the colour of her skin and the rain drops. The target audience for this specific magazine is usually for the older generation, but in this case Cheryl seems to be inviting a younger audience as she is more contemporary.

.The use of A large “C” which overlays some of the text- grabs the readers attention because the red contrasts with the white and black. The red of the “C” helps to pick up the red lipstick she is wearing and the red text on the bottom left corner as well as the masthead Q in the bottom left corner in small print.

The use of a black rectangular box helps to split up the article.The small photo helps the reader imply what the article is about.

The masthead of this DPS is “Cheryl Cole” telling us this article is about her. The photograph takes up a whole page with the main article on the opposite page. The background is plain white because it makes the reader just focus on the artist.

Its quite a simplistic DPS because the designer wants the reader to focus on the article and not be distracted by colour, photos and other bits of unnecessary text. The colour palette consists of mainly dark, bland colours, red, white and black.

The consistency of this masthead makes the white stand out against the red, this is a logo that semi literate audiences would recognise as a music magazine. The Q is monolithic which means one word. The masthead “Q” is placed also in the left hand bottom corner, its consistency helps the reader remember the masthead as opposed to other magazines in which do not use that specific feature.The main column of the contents is the feature section, which presents the main features inside the magazine, and a page number, which is in the same textual font as the feature. It also have a brief description of what the feature is about. The style of the features column is a mix between white, black and red fonts.

The use of smaller photographs helps the reader to inform what other main articles there are and what page number.

The main photo is of Cheryl Cole which takes up the majority of the page meaning that the main article is about her, we can tell its about her because the cover page was a photo of her too, also the large black text “46”tells us what page to look for, for her article. Cheryl’s clothing looks quite rock like, suggesting that the article is about a concert/performance.

The sub headlines- “Top 2010 preview” give the idea that also inside the magazine they are telling us the best artists of that year 2010. The use of black test picks up with the clothing of Cheryl and the large number “46” they both use the same font and are both italic showing that, that sub headline is also a article inside this magazine.

Masthead- largest letter on the page, it is positioned in the left hand top corner of the page, which will be the first thing the reader will see. The consistency of this masthead makes the white stand out against the red, this is a logo that semi literate audiences would recognise as a music magazine.

Usually the main cover line is about the image portrayed on the front cover, but in this case it is about another big feature in the magazine. “The 100 greatest front men” which contrasts with the image when clearly Florence is a woman. The colour matches Florence's outfit and the banner at the top. The fonts vary in size purely so that they match up into the same line, the font is consistent with the “Q” of the masthead along side other text on this cover page.The plug is the only bit of information towards the bottom left of the page. It matches the colour palette and the actual cover title with a white background. The words highlighted in red are purposely highlighted to attract the reader when browsing at different magazines.The colour palette is simply red, white and black with a small amount of gold. White is the background colour contrasting against the red, the white also is similar to the colour of Florence’s skin. The red is used to mainly attract attention to the main parts of the magazine eg:masthead, cover line and main image. The red also features in Florence’s hair, the black can be seen in her outfit and some cover lines.

The barcode is a legal requirement on a magazine. Having the issue number, date and the price is one of the code and conventions of a magazine. It allows the audience to know which issue they are reading and allowing them to make sure they are up to date, it allows them to know how much they are paying for the magazine.

The cover lines vary in style, colour and font. All of it falls to the right of the main image and the majority of it falls straight onto the white background. It is split into three using the rule of thirds underneath the cover line. The first being very small, written in gold, which isn’t meant to attract the audience to much as its not about the main article. It uses different font each time and the writing is centred. The second headline gives information about the main article about the artist “Florence And The Machine” the colour matches he trademark red hair, the writing is split into two lines with the smaller line in capitals and the bigger line not. The last of these three is a quote from Florence, following on from the other two. Again it is over two lines but the font has stayed the same size as it is a direct quote.

The main image dominates the page. There are two parts to it. First being the artist Florence, positioned in the centre, her stance is very strong and slightly off centre. The second part of the main image is the background of all the buildings which Florence towers over. It appears they are positioned in height comparison to each other.

Masthead- largest title on the page, “USA got the love” is one of Florence’s songs she produced so its quite significant towards this article.

Florence herself is positioned sitting down which could imply that she is quite a relaxed artist in a sense. Her mode of address is direct which implies to the reader that this article is based upon her, the use of direct address provides a connection between the reader and the article. She is wearing black which straight away picks up the text “got the love”. She is sitting on what looks like the American Flag, which links nicely to the masthead “USA”.

The colour palette is simply red, white and black with a subtle amount of blue. White is the background colour contrasting against the red flag, the red flag brings out the red hair, and Florence's rosy cheeks. The white is similar to the colour of Florence’s skin. The black can be seen in her clothing and is some of the text.

.As you can see the title of the magazine “Q” is headlined along with the contents, which are in big text suggesting that they are important. “Q” is in a red box which follows the house style of the magazine associating the colours red and white together with black text.The main column of the contents is the feature section, which presents the main features inside the magazine, and a page number, which is in the same textual font as the feature. It also have a brief description of what the feature is about. The style of the features column is a mix between white, black and red fonts.

In the bottom left and corner, there is an “every month” which shows us information about what features are in every months edition magazine. They have highlighted “every month” with a large red banner to make the text stand out more and appear more eye catching for the customer. There is also a column showing “Women's music” in the magazine, this tells us what artists are inside and a brief phrase of what their interview consists of.

In the top right corner, there is a date and issue number. The fact that this is positioned her it is stating that it is vital as the date needs to be clearly seen, it blends in well with the colour format of the “contents” with the black background and white font. The website is underneath the date so that people can easily access the website of the magazine company by typing it in on the internet.

The main photo dominates this page, as it is the largest feature, the pose/gesture of the model is very simply but highly effective because she is looking at the camera but not directly towards it. Her face has been focused on in particular as oppose to her neck and body because it gives the photograph a sense of perspective.

In the bottom right hand corner of the page. There is a review section showing the page number it is on inside the magazine. The layout is very neat using rectangular boxes and squares to fit text into. The heading Q Review is bold and uses rather large text to stand out more and make it more easily noticeable for customers.