· web view7/28/2013  · time national personhood movement continues...

Christians for Personhood (CP) Columbia, SC July 28, 2013 TIME: Personhood Movement Continues to Divide*** Pro-Life Activists ***Quote in "Smokescreens " by Jack Chick: "In a choice between unity and truth, unity must yield to truth, for it is far better to be divided by truth than to be united in error." ( "Smokescreens ", Chapter Five , "Another Gospel" ) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ Matt Sande, legislative director for pro-personhood Pro-Life Wisconsin : “The incremental approach is not working - the number of abortions is climbing over time. We need to end this. We need to end surgical abortion, without exception, without compromise, without apology. And that’s what personhood does.” TIME National Personhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life Activists A new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion activists/#ixzz2ZyIWvrmh July 24, 2013 ___________________________________________________________________________ __ ___________________________________________________________________________ __ CP : Not surprisingly coming from the MSM, this TIME article has numerous falsehoods, imprecisions, sabotages, mischaracterizations, and omissions; however there are also

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Page 1:  · Web view7/28/2013  · TIME National Personhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life Activists A new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest

Christians for Personhood (CP)Columbia, SCJuly 28, 2013

TIME: Personhood Movement Continues to Divide*** Pro-Life Activists

***Quote in "Smokescreens" by Jack Chick: "In a choice between unity and truth, unity must yield to truth, for it is far better to be divided by truth than to be united in error." ( "Smokescreens", Chapter Five, "Another Gospel" ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Matt Sande, legislative director for pro-personhood Pro-Life Wisconsin:

“The incremental approach is not working - the number of abortions is climbing over time. We need to end this. We need to end surgical abortion, without exception, without compromise, without apology. And that’s what personhood does.”

TIMENationalPersonhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life ActivistsA new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion 24, 2013 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CP: Not surprisingly coming from the MSM, this TIME article has numerous falsehoods, imprecisions, sabotages, mischaracterizations, and omissions; however there are also several important issues brought to light here, including an opportunity to publicly expose National Right to "Life" [sic] and Americans United for "Life" [sic] as the ENEMIES of Personhood legislation which they are.

In light of the large amount of erroneous information in this TIME article [ CFR propaganda piece ? / current Managing Editor of TIME (Richard Stengel) is a member of the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); TIME magazine co-created in 1923 by Henry Luce, former member of the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), former member Skull and Bones masonic secret society, and former Knight of Malta Papal Crusader ], two copies of this same TIME article are presented below; first, one without comments by Christians for Personhood (CP), for purposes of readability, and the second copy right below it, with significant commentary by CP for explanation, information, and exposure, especially of anti-State-Personhood National Right to "Life" [sic] and anti-State-Personhood Americans United for "Life" [sic].


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Personhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life ActivistsA new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion 24, 2013

[ CP: Photo omitted, portion of article omitted ]

Heady after a string of recent antiabortion victories, Wisconsin Republican lawmakers are testing the unity of the pro-life movement with a new push for a personhood amendment. The effort is the latest in a series of campaigns dividing activists who oppose abortion.

The bill’s author, André Jacque, a Wisconsin state representative, said last week that just eight lawmakers have signed on to sponsor the amendment, which would grant human embryos the same civil rights as people and effectively ban abortion under the state constitution. It does not appear poised to move much further even in Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled legislature, which has enabled a number of recent restrictions on abortion.

The Wisconsin amendment has become a litmus test for antiabortion activists in the state, much like the growing rift nationwide between the nascent personhood movement and more established pro-life groups.

Bolstered by North Dakota’s approval of a personhood amendment this year, the personhood movement has gained a foothold among antiabortion activists, and is pushing pro-life advocates to adopt a more extreme message. Personhood advocates aim to outlaw all abortions, along with in vitro fertilization, stem-cell research and some types of birth control. Younger and more ideologically radical than traditional pro-lifers, movement activists view anything less than a total ban on abortion as a surrender.

“There are folks even in the pro-life movement who believe that there should be exceptions to abortion, so there is going to be some tension in the pro-life movement over personhood,” says Matt Sande, legislative director for Pro-Life Wisconsin, a pro-personhood group that pushed for the amendment. “The incremental approach is not working - the number of abortions is climbing over time. We need to end this. We need to end surgical abortion, without exception, without compromise, without apology. And that’s what personhood does.”

In Wisconsin, mainstream pro-lifers have been frustrated by the personhood movement’s lack of pragmatism and black-and-white view of what they see as complicated political, legal, biological and moral questions.

The state’s largest pro-life group, Wisconsin Right to Life, has opposed the recent personhood push, warning that the proposed amendment will waste money, time and potentially hurt the state’s pro-life efforts in the long run.

“I don’t want to talk about the personhood amendment anymore. I’m done talking about the personhood amendment,” says Sue Armacost, the legislative director of Wisconsin Right to Life. “This particular measure might sound good from a pro-life perspective, but it’s not going to save one single life.”

Pro-choice activists said the internal divisions among antiabortion groups have not made their efforts to ban abortion any less formidable. If anything, they said, the attention to personhood efforts has made other restrictions on abortion appear more acceptable to some.

“The bottom line is that they are trying to end all abortion,” says Julie Rikelman, litigation director for the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York City.

Of more than 10 states that have considered similar personhood measures, only one, North Dakota, has adopted an amendment, which now awaits final approval from the state’s voters in November 2014. And many pro-life activists agree that personhood laws do not pass muster with the Supreme Court’s past rulings. The Justices underscored this point in 2012, when they declined to hear an appeal of the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s decision to strike down a proposed personhood ballot initiative, which ruled the amendment “clearly unconstitutional.”

In Colorado and Mississippi, voters overwhelmingly rejected similar ballot initiatives to add personhood amendments to their state constitutions. Antiabortion activists have also failed to advance personhood-amendment ballot initiatives in Ohio, Nevada and Florida, and bills on personhood amendments have failed to pass statehouses in Virginia, Georgia and Washington.

In Iowa, state lawmakers are currently considering an amendment that would apply the word person to all humans from the moment of conception. As in Wisconsin, that vote would need to pass the state legislature twice before going to Iowa voters for ratification.

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Republicans in Washington are also taking up the cause. In Congress, Georgia Representative Paul Broun has introduced an expansive

personhood bill that would grant a “one-celled human zygote” all of the “constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”

The bill, first introduced in 2011 and reintroduced this year, has 38 Republican co-sponsors, including Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican vice-presidential nominee and who is often mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, another possible Republican 2016 contender, has introduced his own personhood legislation in the Senate, which he claims will end abortion in the U.S. “once and for all.”


Nationally, mainstream antiabortion groups like Americans United for Life and Susan B. Anthony List have distanced themselves from the personhood movement. Adopting the rhetoric of women’s health used by their pro-choice counterparts, these groups are recalibrating their strategies to target the 52% of Americans who think abortion should be legal in some, but not all, cases.

To that end, abortion opponents say their momentum is building, particularly in the wake of the horrific murder trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, who performed illegal and occasionally gruesome late-term abortions in a filthy clinic dubbed the House of Horrors.

States enacted more than 75 new measures restricting abortion and reproductive health in the first six months of 2013, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, the nonprofit sexual-health research organization.

“The pro-life movement is not one size fits all,” says Charmaine Yoest, head of Americans United for Life. “Most people want to see abortion restricted in some way, even if they don’t call themselves pro-life … We’re the ones occupying the middle ground.”

© 2013 Time Inc. All rights reserved



Personhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life ActivistsA new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion 24, 2013

[ CP: Photo omitted, comments added, portion of article omitted, in most cases (some exceptions) original text of TIME article in regular type; text of CP comments in bold type ]

Heady after a string of recent antiabortion victories, Wisconsin Republican lawmakers are testing the unity of the pro-life movement with a new push for a personhood amendment. The effort is the latest in a series of campaigns dividing activists who oppose abortion.

The bill’s author, André Jacque, a Wisconsin state representative, said last week that just eight lawmakers have signed on to sponsor the amendment, which would grant human embryos the same civil rights as people and effectively ban abortion under the state constitution. It does not appear poised to move much further even in Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled legislature, which has enabled a number of recent restrictions on abortion.

The Wisconsin amendment [ CP: 2013 LRB 0130/1, Personhood Wisconsin ] has become a litmus test for antiabortion activists in the state, much like the growing rift nationwide between the nascent personhood movement and more established pro-life groups.

[ CP: Re: "nascent personhood movement" - While it is true there has been a birth of a new and growing movementpressing for State Personhood in recent years, it is also true that the legislative strategy of establishing personhood at fertilization/conception goes back over 30 years to 1981 in regard to Federal Personhood Bills, and over 15 years at least to 1998 in regard to State Personhood Bills: Specifically, in 1981, the first known Federal Personhood Bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate ( S.158 ) by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). In 1989, Congressman Bob Dornan (R-CA) introduced Federal Personhood Bill HR 623 in the U.S. House; and continuously since 1994, Federal Personhood Bills have been present every year in the U.S. Congress ( 1994-2013 ), including now in the present 113th Congress ( 2013-2014 ),

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Congressman Paul Broun's, M.D. (R-GA) HR 23 in the U.S. House. So Federal Personhood Bills go back at least 32 years to 1981. As for State Personhood Bills, in 1998, Personhood Bills were introduced in both the South Carolina House ( H.4558 ) and the South Carolina Senate ( S.1060 ), and Personhood Bills have been present every year since 1998 in the SC House, and every year since 2005 in the SC Senate. In 2001, an Oregon Personhood Amendment ballot initiative was filed with the Oregon Secretary of State. In 2002, another Oregon Personhood Amendment ballot initiative was filed with the Oregon Secretary of State. In 2003, two Georgia Personhood Bills ( HB 63 and HB 377 ) were sponsored by the late Christian constitutionalist, statesman, and pro-life champion GA Rep. Bobby Franklin. Indeed, going back to 2005, a number of States have had Personhood Legislation (including State Legislature Bills, and/or Amendments, and/or Ballot Initiative Amendments): See HISTORY, 1997- 2010, of State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation. ]

Bolstered by North Dakota’s approval of a personhood amendment [ CP: North Dakota's amendment SCR 4009 is NOT a "personhood" amendment - the language of the ND amendment does not even contain either of the key words "person" or "personhood" !!! ] this year, the personhood movement has gained a foothold among antiabortion activists, and is pushing pro-life advocates to adopt a more extreme [ CP: sic - a more Biblical, principled, constitutional, moral, and logical ] message. Personhood advocates aim to outlaw all abortions, along with in vitro fertilization [ CP: This is false, " personhood" would not outlaw in vitro fertilization ], stem-cell research [ CP: This is false, "personhood" would not outlaw all stem-cell research; as one of the comments below this same TIME article stated: "Personhood would also not stop stem-cell research. It would only stop embryo-killing stem cell research. Adult stem cell research, which is the only kind that has had any success, would still be available." ], and some types of birth control [ CP: This is true, "abortifacient" or abortion-causing "birth control" ( Planned Parenthood founder, adulteress, eugenicist Margaret Sanger campaigned for birth control ) which destroys human life any time from fertilization onward would be. ]. Younger and more ideologically radical [ CP: sic - at least more morally principled and logical; hopefully also more Biblical ] than traditional pro-lifers, movement activists view anything less than a total ban on abortion as a surrender [ CP: as immoral, and hopefully, as un-Biblical ].

“There are folks even in the pro-life movement who believe that there should be exceptions to abortion, so there is going to be some tension in the pro-life movement over personhood,” says Matt Sande, legislative director for Pro-Life Wisconsin, a pro-personhood group that pushed for the amendment. “The incremental approach is not working - the number of abortions is climbing over time. We need to end this. We need to end surgical abortion, without exception, without compromise, without apology. And that’s what personhood does.”

In Wisconsin, mainstream pro-lifers have been frustrated by the personhood movement’s lack of pragmatism and black-and-white view of what they see as complicated political, legal, biological and moral questions.

The state’s largest pro-life [ CP: sic ] group, Wisconsin Right to Life [ CP: Anti-State-Personhood Wisconsin Right to "Life" [sic] is the Wisconsin state chapter of Vatican-front National Right to "Life" [sic] ], has opposed the recent personhood push, warning that the proposed amendment will waste money, time and potentially hurt the state’s pro-life efforts in the long run [ CP: How much "money, time, energy, hopes, prayers, and efforts" over the last 40 years has Vatican-front National Right to "Life" [sic] wasted pursuing un-Biblical, flawed, faithless, incremental child-murder-by-"abortion" perpetuation "regulation" legislation? Cumulatively ( est. 55+ Million ) how many more lives have been lost because of the failure to END instead of just incessantly, gradually "regulating" child-murder ??? God's Requirement for MURDER is JUSTICE, not incremental "regulation !!! ] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

From Christians for Personhood:


Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)"The appellee and certain amici argue that the fetus is a "person" within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's [ pro-abortion ] case, of course, collapses, [410 U.S. 113, 157] for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment." The appellant conceded as much on reargument. ... "

(AUDIO) "In Their Own Words" - U.S. Supreme CourtActual audio excerpts of the Second Oral Argument (October 11, 1972) before the U.S. Supreme Court in the Roe v. Wade case (Opinion published January 22, 1973) - PERSONHOOD" was addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices:

Page 5:  · Web view7/28/2013  · TIME National Personhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life Activists A new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest of unborn children as “persons” is the "KEY" to overturning Roe v. WadeEntire Second Oral Argument, audio and transcript, can be found at [ search: Roe v. Wade ]

"Personhood" is the "key" to ENDING child-murder-by-"abortion". A plain reading of the 5th and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and analogous due process and equal protection language in the State Constitutions [ for example, Art. I., Sec. 3. of the South Carolina Constitution ], indicates that legal status and therefore protection of constitutional rights, including the God-given, unalienable right to life, is established for "PERSONS" in these provisions. ]



TIMENationalPersonhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life ActivistsA new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion 24, 2013

“I don’t want to talk about the personhood amendment anymore. I’m done talking about the personhood amendment,” says Sue Armacost, the legislative director of Wisconsin Right to Life. [ CP: Wisconsin Right to "Life" [ sic ] is the Wisconsin state chapter of Vatican -front National Right to "Life" [sic], whose long-time ( 35 years ) General Counsel, James Bopp, Jr ., authored an 11 - page memorandum on his law firm's letterhead ( August 7, 2007 ), attacking State-level Personhood legislation ( Bopp specifically attacked the Georgia Personhood Amendment - which THE TWO ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS IN GEORGIA ALSO PUBLICLY OPPOSED IN JANUARY 2008 ), and recommended the inclusion of multiple "exceptions" [ e.g., in cases of "...rape, incest, fetal deformity, and harm to the mother" in any current proposed "pro-life" [sic] legislation, and proposed a litany of incremental, child-murder-by-"abortion" regulation bills. The National Right to "Life" [sic] Board of Directors recently passed a Resolution honoring anti-State-Personhood James Bopp, Jr. during their Annual Convention in Dallas, Texas on June 26, 2013. ] [ CP: Wisconsin Right to Life's Sue Armacost, continued: ] “This particular measure [ CP: the Wisconsin amendment, 2013 LRB 0130/1 ] might sound good from a pro-life perspective, but it’s not going to save one single life.”

[ CP: See grievous, erroneous anti-State-Personhood Wisconsin Right to "Life" [sic] VIDEO (5:15): "Why a "Personhood Amendment" is Wrong for Wisconsin" and Wisconsin Right to "Life's" [sic] grievous, erroneous, anti-Wisconsin Personhood Amendment webpage. ]

[ CP: Anti-State-Personhood Wisconsin Right to "Life" [ sic ] is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. THE ROE V. WADE DECISION ITSELF SHOWS THAT ESTABLISHING PERSONHOOD FOR THE PRE-BORN AT FERTILIZATION, WITH NO "EXCEPTIONS", IS THE KEY TO ENDING CHILD-MURDER BY "ABORTION". The Vatican-front National Right to "Life" [sic] Committee was founded under the auspices of the then-National Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic Bishops in 1968 ( ACTUALLY FIVE YEARS BEFORE ROE V. WADE IN 1973 !!!??? - and just three years AFTER the end of the Vatican's anti -Reformation, Council of Trent affirming Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) with its major emphasis on Ecumenism !!!??? ), and then the NRLC allegedly became "autonomous" [sic] and "non-sectarian" in 1973. ]

[ CP: See Missionaries to the Preborn (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) March 30, 2103 newsletter, and the article by Mr. Matt Trewhella, pastor, "The Truth about the Personhood Amendment" [ CP: The correct identity however of the 2013 Wisconsin Personhood Amendment is 2013 LRB 0130/1. ] Matt Trewhella wrote: "This would be an amendment to our state constitution. What pro-lifer could possibly be against this? Unfortunately, Wisconsin Right to Life has, yet again, shown their true colors. They are the biggest opponent and hindrance to this bill moving forward (see enclosed article). While Wisconsin Right to Life has single-handedly stopped this amendment from moving forward in Wisconsin, several other states are pushing forward. This is an extremely important matter. To get educated about this amendment, go to:". ]

Pro-choice activists said the internal divisions among antiabortion groups have not made their efforts to ban abortion any less formidable. If anything, they said, the attention to personhood efforts has made other restrictions on abortion appear more acceptable to some.

“The bottom line is that they are trying to end all abortion,” says Julie Rikelman, litigation director for the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York City.

Of more than 10 states that have considered similar personhood measures, only one, North Dakota, has adopted an amendment, which

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now awaits final approval from the state’s voters in November 2014 [ CP: North Dakota's amendment SCR 4009 is NOT a "personhood" amendment - the language of the ND amendment does not even contain either of the key words "person" or "personhood" !!! ] And many pro-life activists agree that personhood laws do not pass muster with the Supreme Court’s past rulings. The Justices underscored this point in 2012, when they declined to hear an appeal of the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s decision to strike down a proposed personhood ballot initiative, which ruled the amendment “clearly unconstitutional.”

[ CP: The US Supreme Court only grants "certiorari" to only about 1% of cases appealed annually. The SCOTUS did not grant certiorari in the 2012 Oklahoma Personhood Amendment case. However, numerous legal experts defend the constitutionality of State-level Personhood legislation, including now the Chief Justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court ( Roy Moore ), the current Dean of the Law School at Liberty University ( Mat Staver ), and the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government at Regent University ( Herb Titus ), and others. See:

- Legal experts defending constitutionality of State-level Personhood legislation in SC, MISS, ALA : , and

- Foundation for Moral Law and The Adoption Law Firm - Amici Curiae Legal Brief in the Supreme Court of the   United States defending Oklahoma Personhood Amendment blocked by Oklahoma State Supreme Court from   reaching OK voters, and

- Liberty Counsel - Amici Curiae Legal Brief in the Supreme Court of the U.S. defending Oklahoma Personhood Amendment blocked by OK State Supreme Court from reaching OK voters, and

- Amicus brief, as filed in Personhood Oklahoma v. Brittany Mays Barber, Et Al. ]

In Colorado and Mississippi, voters overwhelmingly rejected [ CP: True about Colorado, NOT true about Mississippi ] similar ballot initiatives to add personhood amendments to their state constitutions. [ CP: Colorado (2008) 73% No to 27% Yes; Colorado (2010) 71% No to 29% Yes; Mississippi (2011) 58% No to 42% Yes ( " unexpected defeat " ) ] Antiabortion activists have also failed to advance personhood-amendment ballot initiatives in Ohio, Nevada and Florida, and bills on personhood amendments have failed to pass statehouses in Virginia, Georgia and Washington.

In Iowa, state lawmakers are currently considering an amendment that would apply the word person to all humans from the moment of conception. [ CP: The proposed Iowa constitutional amendment ( Senate Joint Resolution 10 - S.J.R. 10 ) is a personhood amendment. ] As in Wisconsin, that vote would need to pass the state legislature twice before going to Iowa voters for ratification.[ CP: In South Carolina, personhood bills have again been introduced in both the SC Senate ( S .457 ) and the SC House (H.3584). ]

Republicans in Washington are also taking up the cause. In Congress, Georgia Representative Paul Broun has introduced an expansive

personhood bill that would grant a “one-celled human zygote” all of the “constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”

[ CP: Federal Personhood Bills go back over 30 years to 1981, when the first known Federal Personhood Bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate ( S.158 ) by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). In 1989, Congressman Bob Dornan (R-CA) introduced Federal Personhood Bill HR 623 in the U.S. House; and continuously since 1994, Federal Personhood Bills have been present every year

in the U.S. Congress ( 1994-2013 ), including now in the present 113th Congress ( 2013-2014 ), Congressman Paul Broun's, M.D. (R-GA) HR 23 in the U.S. House. So Federal Personhood Bills go back at least 32 years to 1981 ! ]

The bill, first introduced in 2011 [ CP: sic - U.S. Rep. Broun's HR 4157 was first introduced in 2007; U.S. Rep. Broun's HR 227 was introduced in 2009; and U.S. Rep. Broun's HR 212 was introduced in 2011 ] and reintroduced this year [ CP: U.S. Rep. Broun's HR 23 was introduced in 2013 ], has 38 Republican co-sponsors, including Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican vice-presidential nominee and who is often mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, another possible Republican 2016 contender, has introduced his own personhood legislation in the Senate, which he claims will end abortion in the U.S. “once and for all.” [ CP: Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) current bill S. 583 in the 113th Congress ( 2013-2014 ) is flawed. Removal of the last sentence in SEC. 2. RIGHT TO LIFE would correct the flaw. ].


Nationally, mainstream [ CP: "Establishment" ] antiabortion groups like Americans United for Life and Susan B. Anthony List

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have distanced themselves from the personhood movement [ CP: Americans United for "Life" [sic] has done much more than just that - AUL is the ENEMY of State Personhood Bills and Amendments, and the non-supporter of even Federal Personhood Bills - see here, and just below at the end of this TIME article with CP commentary ]. Adopting the rhetoric of women’s health used by their pro-choice counterparts, these groups [ CP: e.g., AUL and SBA List ] are recalibrating their strategies to target the 52% of Americans who think abortion should be legal in some, but not all, cases.

[ CP: The General Counsel of anti-State-Personhood, CFR-advised / Jesuit Roman Catholic priest-advised / JESUIT Georgetown University staff-advised / and associate of former Pope Benedict XVI-advised [ see more after end of TIME article below ] AMERICANS UNITED FOR "LIFE" [sic] is Clarke Forsythe. Clarke Forsythe opposes State-Level Personhood Legislation: In September 2009, Clarke Forsythe authored an article directly attacking the Personhood position expressed on the Columbia Christians for Life website in postings on National Review Online [ NR was founded by the late faux "conservative" [ sic ] William Buckley ] and also posted on the Romanist/ecumenical, Rosary-promoting, "National-Right-to-Life-friendly" "pro-life" [sic] website ( National Review magazine, founded by Firing Line's the late William Buckley , a member of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a Bilderberger, Skull and Bones masonic secret society member, Roman Catholic, Knight of Malta, and connected to Club for Growth and The Heritage Foundation is a prominent false opposition faux "conservative" [ sic ] propaganda publication for Rome's Vatican / Jesuit General / Papal New World Order, providing a media platform for members of the NWO's treasonous Jesuit - ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); e.g., even now, the current issue of National Review Online has a Rome/Papacy-promoting article (July 25, 2013) authored by AUL Board member, and member of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit - ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), personal associate of the Vatican's previous Pope, Joseph Ratzinger ( Pope Benedict XVI ), and [ Roman ] Catholic League Board of Advisors member, George Weigel. ) ]

To that end, abortion opponents say their momentum is building, particularly in the wake of the horrific murder trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, who performed illegal and occasionally gruesome late-term abortions in a filthy clinic dubbed the House of Horrors.

States enacted more than 75 new measures restricting abortion and reproductive health in the first six months of 2013, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, the nonprofit sexual-health research organization.

“The pro-life movement is not one size fits all,” says Charmaine Yoest, head of Americans United for Life. [ CP: ] “Most people want to see abortion restricted in some way, even if they don’t call themselves pro-life … We’re the ones occupying the middle ground.” [ CP: The pro-life "movement" has become a tool for Rome to advance its anti -Reformation, Council of Trent affirming Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) objective of Ecumenism, providing the important "cause" for Evangelicals, Protestants, and Bible-believing Christians to "unequally yoke" ( 2 Corinthians 6:14, KJV ) with the followers of the false Religion of Roman Catholicism, as part of Rome's Jesuit-led c ontinuing Counter - Reformation. This purpose can be seen, for example, in the ecumenical abomination the Manhattan Declaration ( signatories ). ]

© 2013 Time Inc. All rights reserved


END of TIME article, additional CP information below:

TIMENationalPersonhood Movement Continues to Divide Pro-Life ActivistsA new legislative push in Wisconsin is the latest sign of a rift in the movement to limit abortion 24, 2013


Additional information from Christians for Personhood:

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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Boards of Directors/Advisors of anti-State-Personhood, Vatican-front AMERICANS UNITED FOR "LIFE" [sic] includes:

1. Two members ( Robert George, George Weigel ) of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

2. One former member ( Mary Ann Glendon ) of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

3. Roman Catholic Jesuit priest ( Kevin Fitzgerald, S. J. ) [ Society of [ another / 2 Corinthians 11:4, KJV ] "Jesus" ] ( Jesuits being the leaders of the historic and continuing Counter-Reformation to Romanize/destroy Protestant and Bible-believing churches ).

4. Roman Catholic Opus Dei priest ( C. J. McCloskey III ) with the Romish Faith and Reason Institute.

5. Three JESUIT Georgetown University staffers ( Edward Grant, John Keown, Kevin Fitzgerald, S.J. ).

6. Co-author ( Robert George ) of the ecumenical abomination, the Manhattan Declaration ( selected signatories ).

7. A former United States Ambassador to Rome's Anti-Christ Vatican ( Mary Ann Glendon ).

8. A personal associate ( George Weigel ) of the Vatican's previous Pope, Joseph Ratzinger ( Pope Benedict XVI ).

9. Two [ Roman ] Catholic League Board of Advisors members ( George Weigel, Mary Ann Glendon ).


The General Counsel of anti-State-Personhood, CFR-advised / Jesuit Roman Catholic priest-advised / JESUIT Georgetown University staff-advised / and associate of former Pope Benedict XVI-advised [ see more after end of TIME article below ] AMERICANS UNITED FOR "LIFE" [sic] is Clarke Forsythe. Clarke Forsythe opposes State-Level Personhood Legislation: In September 2009, Clarke Forsythe authored an article directly attacking the Personhood position expressed on the Columbia Christians for Life website in postings on National Review Online [ NR was founded by the late faux "conservative" [ sic ] William Buckley ] and also posted on the Romanist/ecumenical, Rosary-promoting, "National-Right-to-Life-friendly" "pro-life" [sic] website ( National Review magazine, founded by Firing Line's the late William Buckley , a member of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a Bilderberger, Skull and Bones masonic secret society member, Roman Catholic, Knight of Malta, and connected to Club for Growth and The Heritage Foundation is a prominent false opposition faux "conservative" [ sic ] propaganda publication for Rome's Vatican / Jesuit General / Papal New World Order, providing a media platform for members of the NWO's treasonous Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); e.g., even now, the current issue of National Review Online has a Rome/Papacy-promoting article (July 25, 2013) authored by AUL Board member, and member of Rome's / the New World Order's treasonous Jesuit - ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), personal associate of the Vatican's previous Pope, Joseph Ratzinger ( Pope Benedict XVI ), and [ Roman ] Catholic League Board of Advisors member, George Weigel. )


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Attack by Anti-State-Personhood, Jesuit-ruled CFR-advised / Jesuit Roman Catholic priest-advised / JESUIT Georgetown University staff-advised / and associate of former Pope Benedict XVI-advised, AMERICANS UNITED FOR "LIFE" [sic] on the personhood position of Columbia Christians for Life:

Romanist, Jesuit-advised, Americans United for "Life" [sic] senior legal counsel attacks CCL's "Personhood" positionAmericans United for "Life" [sic] has been an opponent of State-level Personhood Legislation to END abortion.September 21,

FORSYTHE'S DILEMMA: LEGAL Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 4:11 pm EST by Judie Brown [ CP Note: Mrs. Judie Brown is a pro-personhood Roman Catholic; president and co-founder of American Life League, " the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life education organization in the United States."

Catholic CFR-members (two) on Americans United for Life (AUL) Directors/Advisory Boards;AUL Sr. Legal Counsel attacked Columbia Christians for Life Personhood positionAUL Board of Directors - Catholic CFR-member George S. Weigel, Jr., Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DCAUL Board of Advisors - Catholic CFR-member Professor Robert P. George, Princeton University, Princeton, NJSeptember 22,

CCL Note: AUL Board member, and Jesuit - ruled - CFR - member Roman Catholic George Weigel is an associate of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger): XVI personal relations: Avery R. Dulles - friendJames Michael Harvey - head of papal householdRichard John Neuhaus - associateGeorge Weigel - associate


The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy ( e.g., the USCCB ) and various Vatican-front "Pro-Life" [sic] Establishment organizations (e.g., National Right to "Life" and CFR / Jesuit-advised Americans United for "Life" ) are the ENEMIES of State-Level Personhood Legislation and Non-Supporters of FEDERAL Personhood Bills to END child-murder-by-"abortion" in America:

ROME is the ENEMY of State-Level Personhood Legislation and Non-Supporter of FEDERAL Personhood Bills Four major Vatican-connected enemies of State-level personhood legislation to END "abortion" in America are:

1) ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS [ appointed by the Pope ] 2) NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE [ originally founded under auspices of NCCB ]3) AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE [ Jesuit-ruled CFR / Jesuit (S.J.) Roman Catholic priest / Papal associate - advised ] 4) EAGLE FORUM [ led by Roman Catholic, Papal servant, Dame of Malta Phyllis Schlafly ] March 23, 2012 / Corrected, Revised March 29, 2012

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"Abortion" could have been ENDED 40+ years and 55+ MILLION dead children ago with FEDERAL Personhood Legislation, such as HR 23 presently in the United States House of Representatives, and can still be ENDED. Similar legislation has been filed in the U.S. Congress continuously since 1994, and with interruption, as far back as 1981. The "Pro-Life" [sic] treachery and fraud of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and various Vatican-front "Pro-Life" [sic] Establishment organizations (e.g., National Right to "Life" and CFR / Jesuit-advised Americans United for "Life") is a disgrace, travesty, and an abomination. Sadly, far too many Bible-believing Christian pro-lifers, and sincerely pro-life Roman Catholic pro-lifers, are uninformed or deceived about ENDING child-murder-by-"abortion NOW by passing "Personhood" legislation, in the States, and at the Federal level.

Pass Personhood now !!! Pass HR 23 now !!!

Sanctity of Human Life Act (Personhood Bill) Re-introduced by U.S. Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (R-GA) - January 7, 2011Sanctity of Human Life Act, H .R. 212January 13, 2011 / Revised February 11, 2011

Legacy of Judas: Response to Bopp Legacy of JudasNational Right to Life

Anti-State-level Personhood Legislation James Bopp, Jr., and Anti-State-level Personhood Legislation National Right to "Life" [sic], and Anti-State-level Personhood Legislation Americans United for "Life" [sic], and the Anti-State-level Personhood Legislation USCCB are some of the greatest ENEMIES to ENDING child-murder-by-"abortion" in the United States of America by establishing personhood, at fertilization, with no so-called "exceptions", via State-level Personhood Legislation, and are NON-SUPPORTERS of even FEDERAL LEVEL PERSONHOOD BILLS ( such as HR 23 - ) currently in the 113th Congress US House of Representatives (Cong. Paul Broun, M.D. (R-GA) ), which have been introduced and filed in the UNITED STATES CONGRESS CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1994, and as far back as 1981 ( Senator Jesse Helms' (R-NC) bill) - S.158 - "A bill to provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception." - Introduced in US Senate (97th), January 19, 1981 - see additional report here. )



If Bible-believing, Bible-obeying Christians and other principled pro-lifers who are truly anti-"abortion" (not "pro-lifers" [sic] who are actually "abortion"-tolerant, and who would vote against a "no-exceptions" personhood amendment or bill ) want to see the END of child-murder-by-"abortion" in their State and in America, then one of the changes that will help is for truly pro-life people to stop giving credibility to the FALSE LEADERSHIP AND FALSE OPPOSITION OF VATICAN- FRONT GROUPS LIKE NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE AND AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE ! NRL and AUL should be ignored, not supported. NRL and AUL should not be given the voluntary financial support of principled pro-lifers. Principled pro-lifers should not give to NRL/AUL of their time, talent, or treasure. Instead, support Bible-believing, Bible-obeying Christian (non-ecumenical), principled pro-life, pro-personhood ministries which are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Truth of His Word, in the mission field to which He sends them.

God has warned us in His Word the Bible - FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!

God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

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God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16, KJV

2 Corinthians, chapter 11, KJV13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: ..." Hosea 4:6a, KJV

God says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: ..." Proverb 29:18, KJV

God's Requirement for MURDER is JUSTICE, not gradual, incremental "regulation" !

Let's pass Personhood now !

Let's pass Personhood ( State Bills and State Amendments; and Federal Bills [ HR 23 ], not a Federal Amendment ) to END child-murder-by-"abortion" now !!!


Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity. ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS A FALSE RELIGION.March 22, 2012

Ecumenism is a Major Goal of the Council of Trent affirming Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) continuing Counter-Reformation

Smokescreens Jack T. Chick96 pages - Paperback

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Dangers of the Ecumenical movement.



- "The response of the Roman Catholic church to the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. In this response, Rome made much use of the Inquisition* and in the decrees of the Council of Trent, produced a theological statement anathematizing the leading doctrines of the Reformation. The names of some prominent Roman Catholic "saints" stand to the fore in Rome's attack on Protestantism: Cajetan, Ignatius Loyola, Vincent de Paul, etc. The work of the Counter Reformation was, and is, carried on mostly by the order Loyola founded, the so-called Society of Jesus, the Jesuits." [ CP: emphasis added ]

Source: "Dictionary of Theological Terms", Expanded Third Edition, by Alan Cairns, "A ready reference of over 800 theological and doctrinal terms", published by Ambassador-Emerald International, 2002_____________________________________________________________________________

Please Christians, LEARN HISTORY !!!

The Jesuits and Modern America - "The Jesuits have been out to Romanize America ..."" ... as late as 1920 many Protestants were concerned about the inroads Roman Catholicism was makinginto the politics of the United States. Spearheading the advance was the same old Protestant nemesis,the Jesuits, who have sought to overthrow the Protestant Reformation since the inception of their order.""Americans, as late as 1920, were still concerned about the scheme the Jesuits were planning for the Romanizing of the United States. Jeremiah J. Crowley, who was a Roman Catholic priest for twenty-one yearsbefore his conversion to Christ, wrote a large tome on the effect Roman Catholicism was having upon theUnited States in his day. He entitled his work Romanism: A Menace to the Nation. The book was published in 1912."Antichrist Exposed (The Reformed and Puritan View of the Antichrist), by Ronald N. Cooke, 2002.


"The Jesuit Kulterkampf in the United States"by Dr. Ronald Cooke

The Jesuit Kulterkampf in the United States

The present cultural struggle in the United States is Jesuit-inspired, and is obviously helping to Romanize rather than Christianize this country. In this study, documentation is provided to show that the willingness of some Protestant Evangelicals, some conservative Baptists, some “truly” Reformed, and some Charismatics to become cobelligerents with the Roman Catholic System is helping the goals of the papacy in the United States today. The early American Puritans were united in their opposition to the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church-State. Unlike modern evangelicals they did NOT regard the Jesuits as their cobelligerent in some cultural struggle; they regarded them as their mortal enemy. They believed that a sound education involved the ability to expose the errors and superstitions of Roman Catholicism. In this first book of his three part series, Dr. Ronald Cooke exposes the activities of the Jesuit Order in America, comparing the Culture War of our own time with what was called the Kulturkampf (Culture Struggle) in Germany

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during the decades leading to Hitler’s rise to power. Is the same pattern happening in America today? Are Catholics, Protestants, and Conservatives being led into an army of Culture Warriors that may one day be used for a diabolical purpose?

by Dr. Ronald Cooke Wittenburg Press_____________________________________________________________________________

"The Deprotestantizing of America" by Dr. Ronald Cooke

The Deprotestantizing of America

The Protestant Reformers regarded the Roman Catholic Church-State as the great apostasy predicted in Paul’s second epistle to the Thessalonians. Those who followed the Reformers spent much time proving that apostate Romanism started early in church history and had reached its nadir in the sixteenth century. Bible believing Protestants followed this teaching for many years. However, when the Protestant churches began to be overrun by men who followed the destructive critics, teaching that the Bible was not truly the inspired word of God, a terrible apostasy began. Men who followed these ungodly men now began to fill the posts in Academia. This resulted in a new religion being born: socialistic humanism. Some refer to these modernistic men as liberal progressives, or liberal Protestants, but it should be kept in mind that these were neither liberal nor Protestant. Once they controlled the faculties of schools, they proved to be among the most bigoted of men even to this day. In the early twentieth century, the Jesuits pushed their idea of a Christian Social Order. Simultaneously, the religious socialists were pushing the concept of the new world order. Those involved in the cultural struggle today tend to focus on the loss of morality from modern America, and for a solution, suggest we put doctrine aside and focus on “common ground.” But when God’s separated Church begins to unite with unbelievers, idolaters, and humanists who deny the Gospel, nothing but spiritual and moral disaster follows. Those who wish to unite Roman Catholicism with Evangelicals and Secular Humanists realize that to do so, they must take the “protest” out of Protestantism. For the Protestant declaration declares that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation, and denounces unbelief and idolatry as paths of deception and damnation. Hence, is the Deprotestantizing of America resulting in the loss of the true Gospel?

by Dr.Ronald Cooke Wittenburg Press_____________________________________________________________________________

"Antichrist Exposed" by Dr. Ronald Cooke

Antichrist Exposed

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An historical review of how the Antichrist was viewed by those dissenters from Roman Catholicism before the Reformation, and how the Reformers and Puritans viewed the Antichrist bringing the subject up to modern times. Looking at how some modern Roman Catholic writers have viewed the identity of Antichrist and how modern evangelicals and Reformed also have identified Antichrist. Two Volumes Vinyl Covers 744 Pages



- Our only hope is REPENTANCE before God for our national sin, especially our national bloodguilt for shedding innocent blood.


The greatest sin of America is rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

The greatest moral crime of America is the shedding of innocent blood, over 3,000 pre-birth human beings per day murdered by "surgical abortion" alone.

God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, to END child-murder-by-"abortion", not just pass laws which gradually, incrementally "regulate" it.




- Especially for murdering 3,000+ pre-born children per day, when establishing God-given "Personhood" could end the slaughter in a week.

2 Chronicles 7:14 - God's remedy for America to be healed is for we who are CHRISTIANS to REPENT !

"If My people [Christians], which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray,and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways [sins of commission and omission]; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [America, or any nation]."

Our only hope is REPENTANCE before God for our national sin, especially our national bloodguilt for shedding innocent blood.


Establishing "Personhood" for all pre-born human beings, at fertilization, with no

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exceptions, would Establish Justice, and demonstrate to the One, True, Holy, and Almighty God, that we are sincere in our desire to bring America's 40+ year Child-Murder-by-"Abortion" Holocaust to an end.Most of all, child-sacrifice / murder-by-"abortion" is an offense to God Himself. Mankind is created in His image (Gen. 1:26,27). God says, to commit child-sacrifice to Molech, is "to defile My sanctuary, and to profane My Holy Name." Leviticus 20:3

If child-murder-by-"abortion" were to end today in America, there would still remain the need to REPENT for all the innocent blood which has already been shed (over 55 Million (est.) murdered by surgical "abortion" alone, not counting the likely multiple times that number destroyed chemically by dual action contraceptive/abortifacient "birth control" pills, Depo-Provera, etc., ad nauseam).

Numbers 35:33; Jeremiah chapter 19; Psalm 106:37-44; 2 Kings 24:1-4 (KJV) - the shedding of innocent blood (e.g., child-murder/sacrifice-by-"abortion") incurs the righteous judgment of God upon a nation.

There is corporate bloodguilt upon the land, and upon we who dwell in America, for the est. 55+ Million pre-born human beings slaughtered in their mothers' wombs by surgical abortion, and for perhaps multiple times that amount destroyed by chemical "abortion" (including " Birth Control" pills, which act both contraceptively and abortifaciently).

Genesis 4:10; Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 19:10; Deuteronomy 21:1,2,7-9; Proverb 6:16,17;Jeremiah 26:15; Jeremiah 32:35,36; Ezekiel 35:6; Hosea 4:2; Matthew 27:24,25 (KJV).

For those who need to come out of denial about the gruesome nature of child-murder-by-"abortion" (all of us to one degree or another)- view the video of the commission of an actual child-murder-by-"abortion" at: - or look at pictures at:

[ CP Note: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) is unfortunately also an ecumenical organization, yoking with followers of the false religion of Rome. ]


God Himself is turning America over to tyranny for the unrepented shedding of innocent blood of est. 55+ MILLION slaughtered children.

Leviticus 20:3; Psalm 106:37-44; 2 Kings 24:1-4, KJV

God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, not incremental “Regulation” !

God says, "Thou shalt not kill (murder)." Exodus 20:13, KJV [ No "exceptions" ! ]


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Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

"The appellee and certain amici argue that the fetus is a "person" within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's [ pro-abortion ] case, of course, collapses, [410 U.S. 113, 157] for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment." The appellant conceded as much on reargument. ... "

(AUDIO) "In Their Own Words" - U.S. Supreme CourtActual audio excerpts of the second Oral Arguments before the U.S. Supreme Courtin the Roe v. Wade case (decision published January 22, 1973) - Argued on October 11, of unborn children as persons is the "KEY" to overturning Roe v. Wade

Entire Second Oral Argument, audio and transcript, can be found at [ search: Roe v. Wade ]

"Personhood" is the "key" to ENDING child-murder-by-"abortion". A plain reading of the 5th and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and analogous due process and equal protection language in the State Constitutions [ for example, Art. I., Sec. 3. of the South Carolina Constitution ], indicates that legal status and therefore protection of constitutional rights, including the God-given, unalienable right to life, is established for "PERSONS" in these provisions. ]



The first four of these sources of legal expertise supporting State-level Personhood legislation in SC, MISS, ALA, and OK are each posted on-line on the “Personhood Act” page of ( Items # 12., 13., 14., 14a.):

Written Statement of Herb Titus on H.3252, "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" given to South Carolina House Judiciary Constitutional Laws Subcommittee on April 25, 2001H.3252 - "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" (SC Personhood Bill in 2001-2002 Session of SC General Assembly) (Herb Titus testified before the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee by telephone, in addition to submitting this written statement.)

Liberty Counsel - Legal Memorandum on the Mississippi Personhood Amendment (pages 1 - 4 and 9 - 11)Copyright © 2009Mississippi Amendment #26 - Personhood Constitutional Amendment ballot initiative certified for November 8, 2011

Alabama Personhood Legislation "Talking Points" HB 409 - Alabama Personhood Constitutional Amendment (Alabama House)HB 405 - Alabama Personhood Statute (Alabama House)SB 301 - Alabama Personhood Statute (Alabama Senate)Source: Ben DuPré, Personhood Alabama c/o Foundation for Moral Law (April 12, 2011)

Foundation for Moral Law / The Adoption Law Firm - Amici Curiae Legal Brief in the Supreme Court of the U.S. defending Oklahoma Personhood Amendment blocked by OK State Supreme Court from reaching OK votersPERSONHOOD OKLAHOMA v. BRITTANY MAYS BARBER, ET. AL., No. 12-145

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On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oklahoma; Submitted: August 31, 2012 Roy Moore, Ben DuPré, John Eidsmoe / Foundation for Moral Law; Sam McClure / The Adoption Law Firm

______________________________________________________________________________________________Liberty Counsel - Amici Curiae Legal Brief in the Supreme Court of the U.S. defending Oklahoma Personhood Amendment blocked by OK State Supreme Court from reaching OK votersIN RE INITIATIVE PETITION, NO. 395 STATE QUESTION NO. 761 / PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARIMathew Staver, Anita Staver, Horatio Mihet, Liberty Counsel, Maitland, FLStephen Crampton, Mary McAlister, Liberty Counsel, Lynchburg, VA July 30, 2012

Amicus brief, as filed in Personhood Oklahoma v. Brittany Mays Barber, Et Al.No. 12-145 In The Supreme Court of the United StatesOn Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of OklahomaGary G. Kreep, U.S. Justice Foundation, Ramona, CA / Herbert W. Titus, William J. Olson, John S. Miles, Jeremiah L. Morgan, Robert J. Olson, William J. Olson, Vienna, VA / Timothy Baldwin, Lerner Law Firm, Kalispell, MT August 31, 2012


PASS PERSONHOOD NOW !!! [ HR 23 ] Time is running out for America.


[ Federal -level and State -level; Bills and Constitutional Amendments, "all of the above" ! ]

Source: Personhood Ohio - "Scientific Fact Proves When Human Life Begins"


America is being ruled by tyrants, and we are being turned over to tyranny, by God Himself, because of the shedding of innocent blood of 3,000+ human beings in the wombs of mothers DAILY - over 1 MILLIONper year, for over 40 years, when child-murder-by-"abortion" could

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be ENDED in ONE WEEK by passing FEDERAL PERSONHOOD legislation (e.g., HR 23) - if there was the vision, interest, will, and courage to do so.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: ..." Proverb 29:18, KJV.

9 Week Abortion

Read Psalm 106:37-44, KJV - God turns a nation of child-murderers over to tyranny.Pead Leviticus 20:3, KJV - Child-sacrifice is an offense to God. God says it defiles His Sanctuary and profanes His Holy Name. Human beings are created in HIS IMAGE.

10 Week Abortion

The “first and great commandment” is to “LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND.” (Matthew 22:37,38, KJV); “And the second” commandment “is like unto it,” to “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF.” (Matthew 22:39, KJV). The unborn child in the womb is our neighbor also (Psalm 82:3,4; Proverb 24:10-12; Matthew 18:6; Luke 10:29-37; Micah 6:8, KJV).

Yet so many Christians refuse to make the battle against child-murder-in-the-womb in America a much greater priority fight. How often on Sunday mornings in the weekly assemblies of the church congregations are the murdered unborn even mentioned !!! (see below *** )

The reward for such hardness of heart, such spiritual blindness, will be the further advance of tyranny in our country, and eventually, without repentance, there will be a bloodbath. Read 2 Kings 24:1-4, KJV. Invasion and War are consequences of the shedding of innocent blood.

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[ Invasion of Illegal Aliens; Unconstitutional, Unjust Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria ?, Iran ? ] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*** As one example, the plight of the slaughtered unborn children was thankfully addressed at least in this one particular Sunday morning service, in Columbia, South Carolina, January 29, 2012:

Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC - addresses "Abortion"/Roe v. Wade anniversary

Title - "He Cares"Date - 01/29/2012Speaker - Dr. Sinclair B. FergusonSeries - The Gospel of God in the Psalms of DavidScripture - Psalm 8:1-9 at approx. 13:00 minutes into sermonEnd at approx. 20:00 minutes into sermon


11 Week Abortion

The greatest priority is NOT the economy, or jobs, or the deficit, or the debt, or the Federal Reserve, or "sound money" - a greater priority is the Creator-endowed (God-given) unalienable right to life. [ “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 ]

24 Week Abortion



"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator

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with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

"Life" comes before "Liberty" which comes before "the pursuit of happiness".___________________________________________________________________________________________________



"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

"Establishing Justice" comes before "Securing the Blessings of Liberty" - because we have failed to "Establish Justice" for the "least of these", the most vulnerable, the children the womb, we are experiencing attacks upon our "Liberty" - e.g., the Patriot Act; the outrageous, violative TSA searches at airports and elsewhere; the NDAA indefinite detention of Americans without due process; the threat against the God-given, unalienable right to bear arms in the Second Amendment, ObamaCare, the NSA spying on the communications of American citizens, etc.

Read Psalm 106:37-44, KJV - God turns a nation of child-murderers over to tyranny .


Pass Personhood NOW !!! [ HR 23 ] Time is running out for America.


"America Repent" (music video)Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet (4:34) (4:33)


Pass Personhood NOW !!! [ HR 23 ] Time is running out for America.

There is Personhood legislation presently in the United States Congress and also in several State Legislatures, for example:

In the United States House of Representatives, HR 23 was introduced January 3, 2013 by Congressman Broun (R-GA).

In numerous States, State-level Personhood Bills or State-level Constitutional Amendments

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have been active in 2011, 2012 and/or 2013.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The greatest sin of America is rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

The greatest moral crime of America is the shedding of innocent blood, over 3,000 pre-birth human beings per day murdered by "surgical abortion" alone.

God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, to END child-murder-by-"abortion", not just pass laws which incrementally, gradually, "regulate" it.



Please consider establishing a regular time of prayer and fasting for a spirit of Repentance in America.


No King but King Jesus! (Yeshua Messiah)Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to

Christ is Ruler of the Nations ! Psalm 2; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 47:7,8; Psalm 50:12; 1 Timothy 6:15, KJV

"For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he is the governor among the nations." Psalm 22:28, KJV

"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."Psalm 94:15, KJV

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah)

Jesus said, "... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32, KJV

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6, KJV

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionaryExec. dir., Christians for PersonhoodPO Box 12222, Columbia, SC 29211, USA

July 28, 2013 / Edited July 30, 2013 / Edited July 31, 2013

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