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Page 2: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Chris Hackley and Rungpaka HackleyPbk | 384pp | 9781473997998 | 9/12/2017A$108 | NZ$129 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Now in a fourth edition, this popular textbook takes advertising as the starting point for a comprehensive exploration of the rapidly evolving world of promotional communication. Grounded in the key contexts of the advertising agency and creative development, the authors demonstrate how using a wide range of visual examples and case studies and how brands benefit from holistic promotional planning that embraces integrated media channels. This new edition includes updated discussion, examples, case studies, journal articles and



Ancillary Materials

Advertising and Promotion 4ed

Ebook Available

Stefan Sveningsson and Nadja SorgardePbk | 336pp | 9781526464446 | 21/11/2019A$105 | NZ$125 | SAGE Publications Ltd

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Managing Change in Organizations

Patrick Dawson and Constantine AndriopoulosPbk | 664pp | 9781473964280 | 8/04/2017A$127 | NZ$152 | SAGE Publications Ltd

The authors continue to provide a fresh approach to organisational change by linking it to the key drivers of creativity and innovation, but now, in response to market feedback, with even more emphasis on change management. The text explores change as a human and social process, looking at the vital role leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity play rather than viewing it as a series of systems and mechanisms.

Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation 3ed

Donald L. AndersonPbk | 512pp | 9781544372235 | 14/12/2019A$206 | NZ$244 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Exploring every stage of the organisation development process, in his new edition Donald L. Anderson includes new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café, and open space. Emphasising organisation development ethics and values in each chapter, the text provides real-world applications and equips students with the tools necessary to thrive in today’s challenging business environment.

Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change 5ed (ISE)

New Title

Gene Deszca, Cynthia A. Ingols and Tupper F. CawseyPbk | 0pp | 9781544372211 | 1/12/2019A$187 | NZ$222 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Organizational Change combines conceptual models with concrete examples and hands-on exercises to dramatically improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in creating effective change. This fully updated text takes a pragmatic, action-oriented approach, using a unique Change Path Model to help students understand, plan, implement, and evaluate change. Students will learn to identify needs, communicate a powerful vision, and engage others in the process.

Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit 4ed (ISE)

New Title

David Buchanan and Richard BadhamPbk | 344pp | 9781526458919 | 13/06/2020A$109 | NZ$130 | SAGE Publications Ltd

In Power, Politics and Organizational Change, the authors ask: What’s the relevance of politics to change and innovation? What kind of game is this? What, if any, are the rules? How is the game played? What ethical issues arise? Should one play this game to win, and if so, how? How can you develop political expertise? This text includes discussion of current trends heightening the importance of developing political will and skill in a post-truth era, the rise of ‘new power’, the role of ‘BS busting’, the power of storytelling, and the politics of speaking up.

Power, Politics, and Organizational Change 3ed

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Page 3: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Lindsay G. Oades, Christine Leanne Siokou and Gavin R. SlempPbk | 256pp | 9781473912977 | 1/07/2019A$69 | NZ$84 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This highly engaging text provides an accessible introduction to research methods and the research process within the coaching and mentoring context. Starting with an introduction to the basic principles of research theory and practice, explaining why we need to do research at all, what it is, why it's important, and moving on to cover the ins and outs of actually doing research, this textbook provides students with everything they need to know all in one place.

Coaching and Mentoring Research: A Practical Guide

Stephen Rollnick, Jonathan Fader, Jeff Breckon and Theresa B. MoyersPbk | 218pp | 9781462541263 | 4/11/2019A$52.99 | NZ$63.99 | The Guilford Press

The measure of a great coach is bringing the best out of athletes. This is the first guide to motivational interviewing (MI) - the proven approach to harnessing the power of conversations to build relationships and trust. Revealing why conventional ways of giving feedback and addressing conflict are often counterproductive, the text presents tried-and-tested methods for getting through to athletes and helping them to thrive. New Title

Coaching Athletes to Be Their Best: Motivational Interviewing in Sports

Ebook Available

Wade GilbertPbk | 424pp | 9781492507666 | 5/12/2016A$63.99 | NZ$74.99 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Maximise the development of your athletes and team throughout the year, and just maybe win a postseason title in the process. Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success presents a blueprint for such success, detailing proven coaching methods and practices in preseason, in-season, postseason, and off-season. This text is sure to make every year of coaching a more rewarding, if not a trophy-winning, experience.

Coaching Better Every Season : A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success

Ebook Available

Elaine Cox, Tatiana Bachkirova and David Ashley ClutterbuckPbk | 616pp | 9781473973053 | 1/09/2018A$124 | NZ$152 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This text provides a wide-ranging guide to the complex, multidisciplinary area of coaching, helping students to find comprehensive answers to their coaching questions. It allows them to identify and develop their own personal style of coaching. A specially selected group of international authors contribute various expertise and insights across three key areas: theoretical perspectives; contexts and genres of coaching; and professional practice issues.

The Complete Handbook of Coaching 3ed

Bob ThomsonPbk | 280pp | 9781526484789 | 7/03/2020A$72 | NZ$82 | SAGE Publications Ltd

First Steps in Coaching is an essential guide for anyone starting out in the coaching profession and for existing coaches seeking to develop their craft. It is a practical introduction to the theory, skills and art of coaching. The text's structure follows the student's progression from novice to professional coach, making it an indispensable companion every step of the way.

How to Coach: First Steps and Beyond 2ed

Rainer MartensPbk | 456pp | 9781450400510 | 17/02/2012A$112 | NZ$134 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Written by Rainer Martens, a respected and renowned sport psychologist, longtime coach, and lifelong competitive athlete, Successful Coaching, 4ed, details the principles, knowledge, and skills that will help coaches build a foundation for their decisions and actions. With Successful Coaching, students will become more effective instructors as they learn the games approach to teaching technical and tactical skills, a proven method of helping athletes become smart tactical players of their sports.

Successful Coaching 4ed

Ebook Available

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Page 4: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Joep P. CornelissenPbk | 336pp | 9781526491978 | 23/01/2020A$115 | NZ$137 | SAGE Publications Ltd

The latest edition of Corporate Communication has been fully revised by the author to reflect new trends and developments in social media and to capture emergent topics like CEO activism and corporate character. It remains essential reading for students studying Corporate Comms as well as Organisational , Strategic , PR and Marketing Communications.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice 6ed

James W. NeuliepPbk | 548pp | 9781071807675 | 30/04/2020A$209 | NZ$247 | SAGE Publications, Inc

In this fully updated Eighth Edition of Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach, author James W. Neuliep provides a clear contextual model (visually depicted by a series of concentric circles) for examining communication within cultural, microcultural, environmental, sociorelational, and perceptual contexts. Beginning with the broadest context - the cultural component of the model - the text progresses chapter by chapter through the model, to the most specific traits of communication, verbal and nonverbal messages.

Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach 8ed (ISE)

New Title

Shuang Liu, Zala Volcic and Cindy GalloisPbk | 408pp | 9781526431707 | 3/01/2019A$93 | NZ$112 | SAGE Publications Ltd

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Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts 3ed

Kevin W. Rockmann, Claus W. Langfred and Matthew A. CroninPbk | 400pp | 9781544320441 | 23/01/2020A$204 | NZ$242 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Negotiation: Moving from Conflict to Agreement helps students see how negotiation is all around them. Using everyday and business examples, authors Kevin W. Rockmann, Claus W. Langfred, and Matthew A. Cronin explain how to negotiate with an emphasis on when and why to use certain tactics and approaches. Focusing on the psychology of negotiation levers such as reciprocity, uncertainty, power, and alternatives, the text helps students understand all the ways they can negotiate to create value.

New Title

Negotiation: Moving From Conflict to Agreement

Ebook Available

Sara LaBelle and Jennifer H. WaldeckPbk | 368pp | 9780520298521 | 11/01/2020A$126 | NZ$150 | University of California Press

Strategic Communication for Organizations is an introductory textbook that provides an understanding of the emerging research on strategic communication, particularly as it operates in a variety of organisational settings. This text emphasises how theory and research from the field of communication studies can be used to support and advance organisations of all types, including corporate, for-profit, non-profit, and government entities, across a variety of business sectors.

Strategic Communication for Organizations

Heidi M. Neck, Christopher P. Neck and Emma L. MurrayPbk | 536pp | 9781071808078 | 29/02/2020A$256 | NZ$302 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset catapults students beyond the classroom by helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset so they can create opportunities and take action in uncertain environments. Based on the world-renowned Babson Entrepreneurship program, this text emphasises practice and learning through action. Students learn entrepreneurship by taking small actions to get feedback, experiment, and move ideas forward.


Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset 2ed (ISE)

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Page 5: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Christopher Neck, Heidi Neck and Emma MurrayKit | 560pp | 9781506376158 | 29/06/2017A$168 | NZ$207 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset catapults students beyond the classroom by helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset so they can create opportunities and take action in uncertain environments. Based on the world-renowned Babson Entrepreneurship programme, this new text emphasises practice and learning through action. Students learn entrepreneurship by taking small actions and interacting with stakeholders in order to get feedback, experiment, and move ideas forward.

Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset Plus Interactive ebook

Robert D. HisrichPbk | 440pp | 9781483344393 | 15/07/2015A$105 | NZ$125 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Combining comprehensive coverage with a wide variety of real-life cases, International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venturegives students the tools they need to successfully launch international ventures in today’s hypercompetitive world. Bestselling author Dr. Robert D. Hisrich helps students develop global business plans, select international opportunities, and determine the best entry strategy.

Ancillary Materials

International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture 3ed

Ebook Available

David C. Thomas and Mila B. LazarovaPbk | 376pp | 9781412995917 | 5/07/2013A$123 | NZ$146 | SAGE Publications, Inc

The text is an essential volume that extracts key concepts in the management of people in a global context and presents them in a concise volume. In doing so it seeks to balance the various perspectives on the topic while reflecting the most current research available.

Essentials of International Human Resource Management: Managing People Globally

Michael Kavanagh and Richard JohnsonPbk | 600pp | 9781506386539 | 1/11/2017A$159 | NZ$190 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Human Resource Information Systems was the first textbook to provide a thorough introduction to the field of HRIS, combining two major management fields that impact the competitive advantage of companies –human resources and information systems. This thoroughly-updated Second Edition provides students with a survey of current knowledge and practice in IT, HRM, and HRIS.

Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions (ISE) 4ed

Jonathan Crawshaw, Pawan Budhwar and Ann DavisPbk | 528pp | 9781526499011 | 13/06/2020A$119 | NZ$142 | SAGE Publications Ltd

A comprehensive introduction to HRM for students who are new to the field, but who will be seeking employment in a global market, working with diverse colleagues and across international borders. Broken down into three parts covering Strategic Issues in HRM, HRM in Practice and HRM in Context, and weaving international and cross-cultural perspectives throughout, the text explores the ever-changing world of human resource management.New Title

Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives 3ed

Ebook Available

B. Sebastian Reiche, Anne-Wil Harzing and Helene TenzerPbk | 640pp | 9781526426970 | 1/12/2018A$119 | NZ$144 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Used by over 25,000 students across 130 countries, this bestselling text, written by leading international experts in each topic, retains its critical edge, academic rigour and breadth of coverage in the new fifth edition. The new edition reflects the contemporary debates and emerging issues in the field of IHRM, supplementing classic theories and models with recent research and international developments.

International Human Resource Management 5ed

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Aust Author

Ebook Available

Page 6: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Jawad Syed and Mustafa OzbilginPbk | 464pp | 9781526458896 | 2/01/2020A$117 | NZ$139 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Written and edited by leading experts in the field, this authoritative account sets U.K. and European practices firmly within a global context. It offers an in-depth and contextual account of enduring, contemporary and cutting edge theories and approaches to diversity and inclusion management. With workforce demographics changing rapidly, high-profile cases of discrimination in the news and new legislation coming into force, it is more crucial than ever that organisations understand and effectively manage workplace diversity.

Managing Diversity and Inclusion: An International Perspective 2ed

Kerr Inkson, Nicky Dries and John ArnoldPbk | 432pp | 9781446282922 | 29/11/2014A$108 | NZ$135 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Treating careers as a subject area in its own right,

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students with a broad and holistic understanding of the careers field. Unique in bringing together both individual and managerial perspectives, this text focuses on the relevant and emerging ideas within careers allowing readers to fully understand the most current issues and relate these to everyday practice.

Understanding Careers: Metaphors of Working Lives 2ed

Susan Wheelan, Maria Akerlund and Christian JacobssonPbk | 168pp | 9781071807668 | 15/03/2020A$92 | NZ$109 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Based on the author's many years of consulting experience with teams in the public and private sectors, Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders describes why teams are important, how they function, and what makes them productive. Susan A. Wheelan covers in depth the four stages of a team -forming, storming, norming, and performing - clearly illustrating the developmental nature of teams and describing what happens in each stage.


Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders 6ed (ISE)

New Title

Daniel LeviPbk | 408pp | 9781483378343 | 26/01/2016A$117 | NZ$139 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Group Dynamics for Teams, 5ed explains the basic psychological concepts of group dynamics with a focus on their application with teams in the workplace. Grounded in psychology research but with a very practical focus on organisational behaviour issues, this fully updated fifth edition helps students understand and participate in teams more effectively in their day-to-day work.Ancillary Materials

Group Dynamics for Teams 5ed

Ebook Available

Peter G. NorthousePbk | 432pp | 9781071808054 | 31/03/2020A$177 | NZ$209 | SAGE Publications, Inc

The Fifth Edition of Peter G. Northouse’s bestselling Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practiceprovides students with a clear, concise overview of the complexities of practicing leadership and concrete strategies for becoming better leaders. The text is organised around key leader responsibilities such as creating a vision, establishing a constructive climate, listening to outgroup members, and overcoming obstacles.

Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice 5ed (ISE)

New Title

Ace SimpsonPbk | 344pp | 9789353286866 | 14/11/2019A$66 | NZ$79 | SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd

For professionals navigating negative corporate karmas, Leadership Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita offers a way forward for overcoming self-defeating habits and managing the mind’s negative chatter that is often the main obstacle to effective leadership. By promoting a leadership approach of caring for followers, stakeholders and future generations, the text offers hope for harmonious workplace relations and a protected environment.

Leadership Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

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Page 7: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Brigid Carroll, Jackie Ford and Scott TaylorPbk | 384pp | 9781526425829 | 13/04/2019A$109 | NZ$130 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Written from a global and critical perspective with a diverse range of cases and examples throughout, this is an inspiring read for developing leaders operating within global and multicultural work settings. ‘Power’ is taken as central theme for this text, opening up discussion about issues that are often neglected in leadership texts i.e. fairness, equity, justice, resistance, conflict, emancipation, oppression, rationality, politics, globalisation, the natural environment, and knowledge.

Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives 2ed

Peter G. NorthouseKit | 480pp | 9781544331942 | 10/04/2018A$127 | NZ$152 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Used at more than 1500 institutions in 89 countries and translated into 12 different languages, this market-leading text successfully combines an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with an accessible style and practical examples that help students apply what they learn.

Leadership: Theory and Practice (Pbk plus Interactive ebook) 8ed (ISE)

Ebook Available

Craig E. JohnsonPbk | 536pp | 9781071807477 | 20/01/2020A$176 | NZ$204 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Ethics is at the heart of leadership. All leaders assume ethical burdens and must make every effort to make informed ethical decisions and foster ethical behavior among followers. The Seventh Edition of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow 7ed (ISE)explores the ethical demands of leadership and the dark side of leadership. Author Craig E. Johnson takes a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from many fields of research to help students make ethical decisions, lead with integrity, and create an ethical culture.

Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow 7ed (ISE)

New Title

John BrattonPbk | 536pp | 9781526460127 | 14/02/2020A$119 | NZ$142 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Organizational Leadership provides students with an accessible, critical and engaging analysis of what constitutes ‘leadership’ today. By contextualising the field as an interconnected process where many individuals are both leaders and followers, the text ensures a rounded understanding of theory and practice to support students throughout their course and future career.

Organizational Leadership

New Title

Doris Schedlitzki and Gareth EdwardsPbk | 480pp | 9781473958616 | 28/12/2017A$115 | NZ$137 | SAGE Publications Ltd

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Ancillary Materials

Studying Leadership: Traditional and Critical Approaches 2ed

Ebook Available

Brad Jackson and Ken ParryPbk | 200pp | 9781446273784 | 31/05/2018A$44.99 | NZ$52.99 | SAGE Publications Ltd

The first edition of this popular and acclaimed text quickly became a favourite among students for the engaging way in which it guided them through the cacophony of competing perspectives and models of leadership. The text includes an expanded discussion of hot topics like followership, gender, ethics, authenticity and leadership and the arts set against the backdrop of the global financial crisis.

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Leadership 3ed

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Page 8: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

J. Christopher Holloway and Claire HumphreysPbk | 744pp | 9781526459459 | 11/01/2020A$139 | NZ$168 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Tourism as an industry is constantly changing: trends and attitudes are frequently susceptible to changes in what people look for in a holiday, which can change with economic context, generational shifts or the political landscape. In The Business of Tourism, Chris Holloway and Claire Humphreys help students to not only understand these new changes but to study them with a critical mindset.

The Business of Tourism 11ed

Marc BaaijPbk | 600pp | 9781446256138 | 30/12/2013A$89 | NZ$107 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Introduction to Management Consultancy provides students with the essentials for success in their studies and later working lives when working with, and not just for, consultancy firms. The text is built around learning objectives to empower your understanding of the 'what', 'how', 'when' and 'why' at macro and micro levels of management consultancy and its stakeholders, and provides you with engaging real life examples. Ancillary Materials

An Introduction to Management Consultancy

Ebook Available

Robert N. LussierPbk | 704pp | 9781071808061 | 9/01/2020A$249 | NZ$288 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 9ed (ISE)develops essential management skills students can use in their personal and professional lives. Bestselling author Robert N. Lussier uses the most current examples to illustrate management concepts in today’s ever-changing business world. This fully updated new edition provides new coverage of important topics like generational differences, sexual harassment, AI, and cybersecurity.

Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 9ed (ISE)

New Title

Terri A. Scandura and Kim GowerPbk | 600pp | 9781071808085 | 31/03/2020A$259 | NZ$306 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Today's ever-evolving workplace requires managers to hone new skills so they can make informed decisions, manage diverse teams, and lead change. Management Today: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace cuts through the noise by introducing students to evidence-based management theories, models, and strategies. Experiential activities, critical thinking questions, and self-assessments provide students with hands-on opportunities to practice essential management skills.

Management Today: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace (ISE)

New Title

Stewart R. Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis and Matthew MountKit | 608pp | 9781526487964 | 4/03/2019A$126 | NZ$152 | SAGE Publications Ltd

! NJŜŀƭƛǎǘϥǎ ƎdzƛŘŜ ǘƻ ƳŀƴŀƎŜƳŜƴǘΣ ǘƘŜ ŀdzǘƘƻNJǎ ŎŀLJǘdzNJŜǘƘŜ ŎƻƳLJƭŜȄ ƭƛŦŜ ƻŦ ƻNJƎŀƴƛǎŀǘƛƻƴǎΣ LJNJƻǾƛŘƛƴƎ ƴƻǘ ƻƴƭȅ ŀƴ ŀŎŎƻdzƴǘ ƻŦ ǘƘŜƻNJƛŜǎΣ ōdzǘ ŀƭǎƻ ŀƴ ƛƴǘNJƻŘdzŎǘƛƻƴ ǘƻ ǘƘŜƛNJLJNJŀŎǘƛŎŜ ǿƛǘƘ ŜȄŀƳLJƭŜǎ ŦNJƻƳ ŜǾŜNJȅŘŀȅ ƭƛŦŜ ŀƴŘ ŎdzƭǘdzNJŜ ŘƛǎŎdzǎǎƛƴƎ ǘƘŜ ƪŜȅ ǘƘŜƳŜǎ ŀƴŘ ŘŜōŀǘŜǎ ŀƭƻƴƎ ǘƘŜ ǿŀȅΦ ¦ǎŜŘ ōȅ ƴŜŀNJƭȅ рлΣллл ǎǘdzŘŜƴǘǎ ŀƴŘ ǘdzǘƻNJǎ ǿƻNJƭŘǿƛŘŜΣ aŀƴŀƎƛƴƎ ŀƴŘ hNJƎŀƴƛȊŀǘƛƻƴǎ Ƙŀǎ ōŜŜƴ LJNJŀƛǎŜŘ ŦƻNJ ƛǘǎ ōNJŜŀŘǘƘΣ ƛƴƴƻǾŀǘƛǾŜ ŎƻƴǘŜƴǘ ŀƴŘ ŀLJLJƭƛŎŀǘƛƻƴ ǘƻ NJŜŀƭ ƭƛŦŜΦ

Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 5ed (Pbk plus Interactive ebook)

Ross Brennan, Louise Canning and Raymond McDowellPbk | 416pp | 9781526494399 | 9/05/2020A$132 | NZ$156 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Brennan and Canning cover both the theory and practice of global business-to-business (b2b) marketing, illuminating the subject with a wide range of learning features and case studies. New to the fifth edition: coverage throughout of digital transformation and social responsibility in business markets; ‘Scenario’ boxes which provide reflective decision-based situations for students to think through, helping them prepare for future roles; and examples and case studies covering ethics and bribery, circular economy, machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain.

Business-to-Business Marketing 5ed

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Simon KingsnorthPbk | 384pp | 9780749484224 | 3/04/2019A$82 | NZ$97 | Kogan Page

¢Ƙƛǎ ŀŎŎŜǎǎƛōƭŜΣ ǎǘŜLJπōȅπǎǘŜLJ ŦNJŀƳŜǿƻNJƪ ŜƴŀōƭŜǎ ǘƘŜLJƭŀƴƴƛƴƎΣ ƛƴǘŜƎNJŀǘƛƻƴ ŀƴŘ ƳŜŀǎdzNJŜƳŜƴǘ ƻŦ ŜŀŎƘ ŘƛƎƛǘŀƭ LJƭŀǘŦƻNJƳ ŀƴŘ ǘŜŎƘƴƛljdzŜΣ ŀƭƭ ǘŀƛƭƻNJŜŘ ǘƻ ŀŎƘƛŜǾŜ ƻǾŜNJŀNJŎƘƛƴƎ ōdzǎƛƴŜǎǎ ƻōƧŜŎǘƛǾŜǎΦ wŀƴƎƛƴƎ ŦNJƻƳ ǎƻŎƛŀƭ ƳŜŘƛŀΣ {9hΣ ŎƻƴǘŜƴǘ ƳŀNJƪŜǘƛƴƎ ŀƴŘ dzǎŜNJ ŜȄLJŜNJƛŜƴŎŜΣ ǘƻ ŎdzǎǘƻƳŜNJ ƭƻȅŀƭǘȅΣ ŀdzǘƻƳŀǘƛƻƴ ŀƴŘ LJŜNJǎƻƴŀƭƛǎŀǘƛƻƴΣ ǘƘƛǎ ŜŘƛǘƛƻƴ ŦŜŀǘdzNJŜǎ ŎdzǘǘƛƴƎ ŜŘƎŜ dzLJŘŀǘŜǎ ƻƴ ƳŀNJƪŜǘƛƴƎ ŀdzǘƻƳŀǘƛƻƴΣ ƳŜǎǎŀƎƛƴƎ ŀƴŘ ŜƳŀƛƭΣ ƻƴƭƛƴŜ ŀƴŘ ƻŦŦƭƛƴŜ ƛƴǘŜƎNJŀǘƛƻƴΣ ǘƘŜ LJƻǿŜNJ ƻŦ ǘŜŎƘƴƻƭƻƎƛŜǎ ǎdzŎƘ ŀǎ !LΣ LJƭdzǎƴŜǿ Řŀǘŀ LJNJƻǘŜŎǘƛƻƴ ŀƴŘ LJNJƛǾŀŎȅ ǎǘNJŀǘŜƎƛŜǎΦ

Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing 2ed

Ancillary Materials

Annmarie HanlonPbk | 416pp | 9781526426673 | 14/02/2019A$102 | NZ$122 | SAGE Publications Ltd

An unbiased approach to the latest digital marketing models, offering students a range of tools to implement in their digital marketing planning and strategy. Covering all aspects of digital marketing planning, and the latest digital marketing models, the text aims to provide a roadmap for a digital marketing journey. As such, its structure maps against the development of a digital marketing plan and concludes with a ready-made digital marketing plan template to download and adapt.

Ancillary Materials

Digital Marketing: Strategic Planning & Integration

Ebook Available

Lisa SpillerPbk | 784pp | 9781529708172 | 23/01/2020A$144 | NZ$173 | SAGE Publications Ltd

In this latest edition of her classic text, Lisa Spiller takes an insightful, in-depth look at contemporary marketing concepts, tactics, and techniques and the dynamic innovations that continue to drive and shape this multi-faceted, multi-dimensional field. Direct, Digital, and Data-Driven Marketing recognises the growth of the various digital formats as the newest interactive channels for conducting modern marketing. But it does not overlook the traditional principles of direct marketing still relevant today. This text examines the field both as it once was and as it is evolving.

Direct, Digital & Data-Driven Marketing 5ed

Beth L. GoldsteinPbk | 376pp | 9781544320434 | 28/01/2020A$174 | NZ$206 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Blueprint for Customer Engagement offers a cutting-edge perspective on how to create a customer-centric, multi-channel marketing programme. Emphasising the role of entrepreneurial marketing in the value-creation process, Entrepreneurial Marketing helps students learn how to view the customer engagement experience through the eyes of their target market to effectively build a sustainable brand. Packed with practical tools, examples, and worksheets, the text allows students to immediately apply what they learn to their new venture idea.

Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Blueprint for Customer Engagement

Daniel W. Baack, Barara Czarnecka and Donald BaackPbk | 672pp | 9781506389226 | 8/12/2018A$124 | NZ$150 | SAGE Publications Ltd

International Marketing uses an integrated framework of marketing and international business concepts, and discusses the five key factors that impact any international marketing venture - culture, language, political and legal systems, economic systems, and technological differences - in relation to the core marketing concepts of markets, products, pricing, distribution (place), and promotion.

International Marketing 2ed

Ancillary Materials

John EganPbk | 416pp | 9781526446893 | 11/01/2020A$119 | NZ$142 | SAGE Publications Ltd

WƻƘƴ 9Ǝŀƴ ŘNJŀǿǎ ƻƴ ōƻǘƘ Ƙƛǎ ƛƴŘdzǎǘNJȅ ŀƴŘ ŀŎŀŘŜƳƛŎ ōŀŎƪƎNJƻdzƴŘ ǘƻ ŜȄLJƭŀƛƴ ǘƘŜ ǿƘȅ ŀǎ ǿŜƭƭ ŀǎ ǘƘŜ Ƙƻǿ ƻŦƳŀNJƪŜǘƛƴƎ ŎƻƳƳdzƴƛŎŀǘƛƻƴǎΦ ¢ƘŜ ǘŜȄǘ ǘŀƪŜǎ ŀƴ ƛƴŘdzǎǘNJȅπŘNJƛǾŜƴ ŀLJLJNJƻŀŎƘ ǿƘƛŎƘ LJNJƻǾƛŘŜǎ ŀƭƭ ǘƘŜ ǘƘŜƻNJƛŜǎ ƛƴ ǘƘŜ ŎƻƴǘŜȄǘ ƻŦ ŀLJLJƭƛŎŀǘƛƻƴ ŀƴŘ ŦNJƻƳ ŀ NJŜŀƭ ǿƻNJƭŘ LJŜNJǎLJŜŎǘƛǾŜΦ Lǘ ŀƭǎƻ dzǎŜǎ ŀŎŎŜǎǎƛōƭŜΣ ǎǘNJŀƛƎƘǘπŦƻNJǿŀNJŘ ƭŀƴƎdzŀƎŜ ŀƴŘ ŀƭƭ ŎƻƴǘŜƴǘ ƛǎ ǎdzLJLJƻNJǘŜŘ ōȅ ŀ ŎƻƭƭŜŎǘƛƻƴ ƻŦ ƭŜŀNJƴƛƴƎ ŦŜŀǘdzNJŜǎΦ

Marketing Communications 3ed

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Page 10: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

John R Rossiter, Larry Percy and Lars BergkvistPbk | 584pp | 9781526438652 | 8/09/2018A$125 | NZ$149 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Uniting industry experience with academic expertise, the authors combine marketing communications and advertising with the branding perspective, providing students with a practical planning system and a seven-step approach to creating a comprehensive marketing plan.

Marketing Communications: Objectives, Strategy, Tactics

Anthony RhinePbk | 288pp | 9781538128954 | 15/06/2020A$74.99 | NZ$84.99 | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Marketing the Arts introduces students, young professionals, and even seasoned veterans to new and refined marketing approaches - by drawing on marketing theory as it is used by huge multi-nationals, exploring such theories in the context of creative ventures generally, and the fine and performing arts specifically.

Marketing the Arts: An Introduction

New Title

Tracy L. TutenPbk | 466pp | 9781526423344 | 11/01/2020A$125 | NZ$149 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This textbook was truly student-led in its design and development, and it incorporates digital marketing as central to what marketers do. It's a total package of resources that combines quality examples, assessment and online resources to support the teaching and learning of introductory marketing modules in a digital age.

Ancillary Materials

Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age

New Title

Tracy L. TutenKit | 496pp | 9781529734812 | 28/12/2019A$152 | NZ$180 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Student-led in its design and development, the text incorporates digital marketing as central to what marketers do, and combines quality examples, assessment and online resources to support the teaching and learning of introductory marketing in a digital age. The author integrates digital and social media marketing throughout the chapters and through student involvement in the development of it, the text has been made to be approachable and to appeal to students, with infographics, numerous images, and an engaging writing style.

Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age (Paperback and ebook)

Bertil HultenPbk | 240pp | 9781526423252 | 13/06/2020A$92 | NZ$109 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Authored by Bertil Hultén, one of the world's leading professors of sensory marketing, this text brilliantly explains the techniques through which a sensory experience can be created to surround a consumer, not only to increase the chance of an immediate sale but perceptions of the product which play into a customer's return and brand loyalty for the future.

New Title

Sensory Marketing: An Introduction

Ebook Available

Nancy R. Lee and Philip KotlerPbk | 624pp | 9781544371863 | 14/05/2019A$153 | NZ$182 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Bestselling authors Nancy R. Lee and Philip Kotler guide students through each stage of the social marketing campaign process with their 10 Step Strategic Social Marketing Planning Model. The sixth edition includes expanded coverage of social media, 27 new case studies and dozens of new examples related to today’s most pressing social problems, including climate change, youth suicide, the opioid epidemic and more.

Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good 6ed (ISE)

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Page 11: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Tracy Tuten and Michael SolomonPbk | 448pp | 9781526423870 | 6/12/2017A$119 | NZ$142 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Social Media Marketing was the first textbook to cover this vital subject and quickly became the market leader. It melds essential theory with practical application and covers core skills such as strategic planning for social media applications, incorporating these platforms into the brand's marketing communications, and harnessing social media data to yield consumer insights.

Ancillary Materials

Social Media Marketing 3ed

Ebook Available

Jeff French and Ross GordonPbk | 576pp | 9781526446046 | 22/11/2019A$116 | NZ$139 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Adopting an international approach and offering a broader context to social marketing, this second edition presents social marketing principles in a strategic, critical and reflexive way, illustrating the value of applying marketing to solve social problems.

Strategic Social Marketing: For Behaviour and Social Change 2ed

Royston Greenwood, Christine Oliver, Thomas B. Lawrence and Renate E. MeyerPbk | 928pp | 9781529712117 | 30/12/2019A$169 | NZ$204 | SAGE Publications Ltd

The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalismbrings together extensive coverage of aspects of Institutional Theory and an array of top academic contributors. Now in its Second Edition, the text has been thoroughly revised and reorganised, with all chapters updated to maintain a mix of theory, how to conduct institutional organisational analysis, and contemporary empirical work. New chapters on Translation, Networks and Institutional Pluralism are included to reflect new directions in the field.


The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism 2ed

New Title

Chris GreyPbk | 192pp | 9781473953468 | 30/11/2016A$42.99 | NZ$49.99 | SAGE Publications Ltd

The fourth edition of Studying Organizations explains the unfolding consequences for organisations of the global financial and economic crisis, has been updated with examples from the biggest recent news events, and incorporates the latest research studies and up to date statistics. The accompanying regularly updated blog, read by thousands of people worldwide, keeps the text bang up to date.Ancillary Materials

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations 4ed

Ebook Available

Peter M. Kettner, Robert M. Moroney and Lawrence L. MartinPbk | 288pp | 9781483388304 | 2/02/2016A$152 | NZ$179 | SAGE Publications, Inc

The fifth edition of the classic text for human services helps students grasp the meaning and significance of measuring performance and evaluating outcomes. The authors, all leaders in the field, incorporate the principles of effectiveness-based planning as they address the steps of designing, implementing, and evaluating a human services programme at the local agency level.


Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach 5ed

Ebook Available

Jeanne Liedtka, Tim Ogilvie and Rachel BrozenskePbk | 152pp | 9780231187893 | 30/03/2019A$39.99 | NZ$47.99 | Columbia University Press

Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers showed how organisations can use design thinking to boost innovation and drive growth. This updated and expanded companion guide is a stand-alone project workbook that provides a step-by-step framework for applying the D4G tool kit and process to a particular project, systematically explaining how to address the four key questions of the design thinking approach.

The Designing for Growth Field Book: A Step-by-Step Project Guide 2ed

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Page 12: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Jeanne Liedtka and Tim OgilvieHbk | 248pp | 9780231158381 | 28/05/2011A$62 | NZ$73 | Columbia University Press

Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind-set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking and unpack the mysterious connection between design and growth. Exemplified by Apple and the success of its elegant products and cultivated by high-profile design firms such as IDEO, design thinking unlocks creative right-brain capabilities to solve a range of problems. This approach has become a necessary component of successful business practice, helping turn abstract concepts into everyday tools that grow business while minimising risk.

Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Toolkit for Managers

Ebook Available

Raymond MaddenPbk | 224pp | 9781473952157 | 14/10/2017A$86 | NZ$102 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Being Ethnographic is an essential introductory textbook to the methods and applications of doing fieldwork in real-world settings. It discusses the future of ethnography, explores how we understand identity, and sets out the role of technology in a global, networked society. Driven by classic and anecdotal case studies, this text highlights the challenges introduced by the ethnographers' own interests, biases and ideologies and demonstrates the importance of methodological reflexivity.

Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography 2ed

Isabelle Walsh, Judith A. Holton and Mourmant MourmantPbk | 128pp | 9781526460080 | 21/11/2019A$59.99 | NZ$72.99 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This textbook is an invaluable guide to using grounded theory (GT) effectively in business and management dissertations, and offers practical guidance and insight into how to successfully transcribe and analyse data using the GT approach in students' own research project.

Conducting Classic Grounded Theory for Business and Management Students

Jan DulPbk | 160pp | 9781526460141 | 21/11/2019A$53.99 | NZ$62 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This text is an invaluable guide to using Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) effectively in business and management dissertations, and offers practical guidance and insight into how to successfully transcribe and analyse data using the NCA approach in research projects.

Conducting Necessary Condition Analysis for Business and Management Students

New Title

Andy FieldPbk | 1104pp | 9781526445766 | 13/12/2017A$157 | NZ$189 | SAGE Publications Ltd

With an exciting new look, new characters to meet, and its unique combination of humour and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning text is the statistics lifesaver for everyone. From initial theory through to regression, factor analysis and multilevel modelling, Andy Field's fully updated fifth edition animates statistics and SPSS software with his famously bizarre examples and activities offering a trusted, student-friendly approach to mastering quantitative data analysis.

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (Paperback plus Ebook) 5ed

Ancillary Materials

Andy FieldKit | 1104pp | 9781526445780 | 1/02/2018A$169 | NZ$205 | SAGE Publications Ltd

With an exciting new look, new characters to meet, and its unique combination of humour and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning text is the statistics lifesaver for everyone. From initial theory through to regression, factor analysis and multilevel modelling, Andy Field's fully updated fifth edition animates statistics and SPSS software with his famously bizarre examples and activities offering a trusted, student-friendly approach to mastering quantitative data analysis.

Ancillary Materials

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (With SPSS USB) 5ed

Ebook Available

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Andy FieldPbk | 1104pp | 9781526419521 | 28/11/2017A$135 | NZ$164 | SAGE Publications Ltd

With an exciting new look, new characters to meet, and its unique combination of humour and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning text is the statistics lifesaver for everyone. From initial theory through to regression, factor analysis and multilevel modelling, Andy Field's fully updated fifth edition animates statistics and SPSS software with his famously bizarre examples and activities offering a trusted, student-friendly approach to mastering quantitative data analysis.

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics 5ed

David E. GrayKit | 880pp | 9781529704198 | 28/11/2019A$133 | NZ$162 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Practical and clear, this textbook guides business and management students through the entire research process. Starting with the basics and fully grounded in the context of actually doing research, this is the perfect companion as they tackle a research project head on for the first time.

Doing Research in the Business World: Paperback with Interactive eBook 2ed (ISE)

David E. GrayKit | 824pp | 9781526418524 | 6/12/2017A$115 | NZ$139 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Featuring a full set of updated and integrated digital resources, as well as three new chapters on visual methods, qualitative data analysis with NVivo, and digital research, this fourth edition remains on the forefront of practical, applied research. Guiding students through every step of the research process from start to finish in a logical way, the text takes a pragmatic, real-world approach to research methods that gives students the tools and confidence to carry out their own research and see its value outside of university.

Ancillary Materials

Doing Research in the Real World (Pbk with Interactive ebook) 4ed

Ebook Available

David SilvermanPbk | 568pp | 9781526467249 | 28/11/2019A$88 | NZ$102 | SAGE Publications Ltd

With a wealth of examples and learning features, the text takes a practical approach to methods training and provides a strong foundation in research design for social science students. In his characteristic positive writing style, author David Silverman offers useful advice on sticking points faced by beginner researchers and helps you build your confidence. Approachable, clear and friendly, this text equips you with the tools to tackle key issues faced by qualitative researchers and establish good practice in your own research.

Interpreting Qualitative Data 6ed

Nigel King, Christine Horrocks and Joanna BrooksPbk | 360pp | 9781446274972 | 1/01/2019A$76 | NZ$92 | SAGE Publications Ltd

This dynamic user-focused text will help students to get the data they want from their interviews. It provides practical guidance regarding technique, gives top-tips from real world case studies and shares achievable checklists and interview plans. Whether you are doing interviews in your own research or just using other researchers' data, this text will tell you everything you need to know about designing, planning, conducting and analysing quality interviews.

Interviews in Qualitative Research 2ed

Louise Corti, Veerle Van den Eynden, Libby Bishop and Matthew WoollardPbk | 368pp | 9781526460264 | 9/11/2019A$76 | NZ$86 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Focused on both primary and secondary data and packed with checklists and templates, this textbook contains everything students need to know for managing all types data before, during, and after the research process. Building on foundational data management techniques, it offers practical advice and insight into the unique skills needed to work with newer forms of data, like social media and big data.

Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice 2ed

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Ebook AvailableAust Author

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New Title

Ancillary Materials

Ebook Available

Page 14: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

Michael D. MyersPbk | 364pp | 9781473912335 | 21/11/2019A$89 | NZ$106 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Now in its third edition, Qualitative Research in Business and Management has been fully updated to include a range of recent examples of aspects of qualitative research in action, and a new look at the methods and ethics of using social media data.

Qualitative Research in Business and Management 3ed

Glyn Davis and Branko PecarPbk | 480pp | 9781529701166 | 11/04/2020A$119 | NZ$142 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Grounded in real-world business research and with tailored examples throughout, this comprehensive guide shows the student how to visualise and apply IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel software across their work, helping the student apply statistical methods to business management contexts and principles. These highly experienced authors have woven SPSS and Excel into each chapter with plenty of visual flags and pictorial directions to show the student everything they need to know.

New Title

Statistics in Business & Management: A Guide to Using Excel & IBM SPSS Statistics

Ebook Available

Zina O`Leary and Jennifer HuntPbk | 280pp | 9781473913219 | 1/06/2016A$72 | NZ$85 | SAGE Publications Ltd

Undertaking small-scale applied workplace-based research presents a unique set of challenges including how to conduct good research in time pressured situations and how to thrive in unfamiliar work environments. This text will help you to meet these challenges by setting out a step-by-step guide to planning, conducting and delivering top quality small-scale work-based research projects.

Workplace Research: Conducting small-scale research in organizations

Robert Lussier and David KimballHbk | 528pp | 9781492570158 | 13/04/2019A$209 | NZ$249 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Organised around the four management functions -planning, organising, leading, and controlling - Applied Sport Management Skills, 3ed With Web Study Guide, teaches students management concepts and then allows the students to apply them and develop skills to become strong leaders and managers in the world of sport.


Applied Sport Management Skills - With Web Study Guide 3ed

Ancillary Materials

Bonnie Tiell and Kerri CebulaPbk | 344pp | 9781492589471 | 15/02/2020A$195.99 | NZ$229.99 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Simplify the complexities of sport governance with an engaging and thought-provoking guide to how authority, policies, rules, and regulations can influence decision making in sport organisations. Governance in Sport: Analysis and Application With Web Resource examines the structure of governance within sport organisations across a breadth of levels and a variety of industry sectors to prepare students to practice principles of good governance and ethical decision making.

Governance in Sport: Analysis and Application

New Title

Eric MacIntosh, Gonzalo Bravo and Ming LiHbk | 456pp | 9781492556787 | 20/03/2019A$227 | NZ$269 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

International Sport Management, 2ed, takes a comprehensive look at the organisation, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport on an international level. As the sport industry continues its global expansion, this second edition serves as an invaluable guide for students whose careers will require an international understanding of the relationships, influences, and responsibilities in sport management.

International Sport Management 2ed

Ancillary Materials

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Page 15: Chris Hackley and Rungpaka Hackley - · new strategies for change such as appreciative inquiry, world café,

T. Christopher Greenwell, Leigh Ann Danzey-Bussell and David J. ShonkPbk | 272pp | 9781492570950 | 28/06/2019A$187 | NZ$222 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Running a successful sporting event - whether it’s a local event, state championship, or international competition - requires the knowledge and skills to plan, organise, promote, lead, and communicate effectively. Managing Sport Events, 2ed With Web Resource prepares students to manage events with ease, guiding them through the entire process, from event conception to postevent evaluation.

Managing Sport Events 2ed

Gil Fried and Matthew KastelPbk | 496pp | 9781492589570 | 15/02/2020A$232 | NZ$273 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Managing Sport Facilities, 4ed With Web Study Guide, merges the historical and theoretical foundations of the sport facility industry with real-world challenges and insights to create an engaging, modern guide for effective sport facility management. This updated edition provides a comprehensive knowledge base for the wide-ranging duties of sport facility managers and prepares students to enter the field ready to confront the responsibilities they will face on the job.

Managing Sport Facilities 4ed

Trevor Slack, Terri Byers and Alex ThurstonHbk | 536pp | 9781492500803 | 16/03/2020A$204 | NZ$242 | Human Kinetics, Inc.

Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers, 3ed is the classic groundbreaking text for understanding organisational theory in the sport industry. It provides a logical progression to understanding the many components of and processes in sport organisations. Students will gain a strong theoretical foundation while learning how it applies within the context of the ever-changing field of sport management.

Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers 3ed

New Title

Paul HaguePbk | 336pp | 9780749481872 | 3/01/2019A$57.99 | NZ$69.99 | Kogan Page

Business frameworks are extraordinarily valuable professional tools. They add structure and clarity to business problems, and can help practitioners overcome the everyday challenges they face. The Business Models Handbook brings together the most helpful and widely used templates and frameworks into a single, invaluable resource.


The Business Models Handbook: Templates, Theory and Case Studies

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