christman columbus

Christman CC 2B By Lukas Christman

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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Columbus villain or hero


Page 1: Christman Columbus

Christman CC 2BBy Lukas Christman

Page 2: Christman Columbus

I was walking down the aisle in the marketplace, when I heard some people talking,

"Did you hear about this guy Columbus, who is going to try and find the new world?" said the first

man."Yeah, there is no way I'm risking my life. I'm fine

here." said the second man.I decided to jump into the conversation.

"What do you mean sailing to the new world?

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It felt rude to jump in, but it might be a chance for me to get some money or food. My name is Luigi, I am very poor

and alone, my family all died recently."Mr. Columbus is going on an adventure and he is having a

hard time finding people to go with him.""Where do I go try out?

" You probably got no chance, but there is a sheet over there, it will have all the information you need. "

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"Thank you!" I said running to the paper hanging on the wall. I signed

up, and before I knew I was talking to Christopher Columbus.

"How old are you?"asked Mr. Columbus."18." I lied.

I was a sixteen year old boy but I couldn't take any chances.

"You good at work?""Yes."

This was not a lie. I had been living alone for 5 months. He nodded, then

yelled, "Next!"

I could not wait for him to call out the names. "Marcos, Stephan, Luigi, you

are in!"My life was about the change!

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Life on board was tough but fun. We worked long

days. I was lucky, the captain discovered I had a good singing voice so I was given the easy job of ship boy in charge of the ship's glass. Every thirty

minutes I turned the glass and sang a prayer letting everyone on the ship know what time it


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There were 4 hours of free time per day. We spent it singing, dancing, telling stories and fishing off the side of the ship. I had become friends with Marcos. He was great at fishing and could

usually catch some fresh fish. Anything was better than the stale biscuits they served. It was good to have a friend. Most of the crew was ex prisoners and they could get a little scary after

they drank too much wine. It was great to have a job and something to eat every day.

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Things started to go downhill. A sickness was spreading around the ship called scurvy.

Scurvy makes you bleed from your gums, eyes and ears. I was lucky not to get it, and neither did Marcos. Mostly people I didn't know got it.

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The trip is taking too long. We were supposed to be there by now. Everyone is getting angry and whining to go home. Marcos and I didn't complain though. We have nothing to go home to. It does not seem Columbus knows what he is doing. I have seen his log books. He keeps two and is lying to the crew about how

far we have come. The crew has threatened mutiny and Columbus has promised if we don't spot land in two days, we

will turn back. I am praying we spot land.

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Land! Land is right there is front of me! Everyone is cheering, except Marcos and I. Columbus said we were

discovering new land, but people are already there. When we landed, the people were very friendly,

greeting us and giving us goods. They have so much food, exotic spices and even gold! It looks like

paradise after 39 days at sea.

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I do not like the way Columbus is treating the natives. He is giving junk to the people in return for precious

goods. They do not know this stuff is worthless so they fall for it. He is hurting people even though they are friendly. He is demanding they find him more gold, and is even cutting off their hands when they can't

find it.

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He is talking about returning here and taking an entire boatload back to Spain as slaves. Marcos

and I have no interest in working for someone so cruel. He is a devil. We have decided to stay on

the island.

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I have met a local woman, Lila, and I think I am falling

in love. I plan to ask her hand in marriage. I think I can live very happily here. Columbus is preparing his ship for return to Spain.

Marcos and I will stay here and prepare for his return. I need to protect Lila and her family. Christopher

Columbus is not the man I thought he was!

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So was Christopher Columbus a hero or villain?

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I vote villain. The way he treated the

natives showed what kind of man he really

was. He was only concerned about money and fame.

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The End