christy whitman’s interview with bill harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern...


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Page 1: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithBill


Page 2: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

Page 3: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 Questions witH CHristy wHitman

C: I would like to ask you how do you define having your all in your life?

Bill Harris: well what my life is about has changed a lot over the years when I was younger it was all about me and what my biggest early breakthroughs is when I

realized that all my problems are not because of everybody else they were really because of me and that led me to get into this journey that people who are watching us are probably also on discovering how to navigate through life in a better way and that sort of thing. At this point my life is really about helping other people. I’ve been in business for a long time with me lots of money I don’t really need to work anymore and I give lots of money to charity and so it’s really become about, quite a few years ago I became a send monk and you take about as a monk to save all human beings from suffering really but that’s impossible because there are too many of them and suffering is built into the human condition in many ways but still it makes a big difference in people that you do help. So the answer to that question really is my life is about helping other people and ironically I guess you could say ironically, the more you help other people the more that you end up getting everything you need to. The beginning when it was all about me about the more I tried to be selfish and grab everything for myself, that doesn’t really work. That’s the real law of attraction the more value you are to the world the more value you will get back to the world. People always wondered what I think about and has something to do with love attraction but the real law of attraction is if you want money you have to give something that is of value to people and in the money comes to you. If you want but you have to give love to people. If you want kindness you have to give kindness to people. And it’s very simple. I stumbled into that after being not very appealing person when I was younger so anyway I hope that answers it.

Page 4: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: What’s the core belief that you hold to be true either about yourself or the universe for you to really experience your

life where you are really having it all?

Bill Harris: I have had some problems with the law of attraction as it’s mostly taught because there’s an implication not everybody that’s teaching the law of attraction

thinks this but I know Rhonda Byrne does because I know Rhonda. It’s this idea that you have to put it out to the universe now sure it comes and gets you stuff and as I just said it isn’t just what you put out to the universe or what you think. That is part of the equation everything you do begins with the thought. If you are going to give value to people like I said in some way it starts off with some sort of a thought. What you focus on create your life. But the law of attraction has become associated with this idea that you don’t have to do anything you just need to put on your altar and focus in your mind and your new bicycle will appear on the porch. There was a story like that out there. So the real law of attraction is a core part in my life but that term I don’t like because of the association with you don’t have to do anything. The reason has a lot of the people that come to me for help have written me letters especially after the secret saying I figured out what I want to do about it down and I put it on my altar and I’m putting it out to the universe and it’s been six months and nothing has happened. And I think a lot of these people are kind of lost in what they don’t understand how people that create things will do it. The idea that you sit there and wish for in this way is this information in the very people who need to know the truth about how this works are getting something that is hogwash and is keeping them and a lot of people think there is a price to pay to get what you want. If you want a lot the price is big. The key of course is having fun paying the price and it’s enjoyable but actually that’s what turns out to happen. I know you know this when you start paying the price and start saying how this works you say while this is great I get to do something that I love doing and it’s helping other people making a difference and then I get what I need.

Page 5: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: So when you’re in that state, in that present moment and you really feel like you do have it all, can you just describe

what it is of that essence of how you feel?

Bill Harris: While Napoleon Hill had a way of talking about this one of his principles is a capacity for faith. I thought for a long time he meant religious faith and I am also

very religious and I thought I have trouble with that when I wasn’t sure. He may have meant that partially but what I think what he really meant is a faith that you can I guess to really chunk it up, a state that you can use this blog attraction real law of attraction. It’s a state that you can create what you want in the world that you can do anything you set your mind to. There is a lot involved in that. The way I described this to people I say one of the main lots of the universe is for any outcome you want there is a certain way of thinking and acting that will get it for you. You have to find out what that way of thinking and acting as many have to be willing to adopt it. That way of thinking and acting is very often not the same as the way of thinking and acting that people are unconsciously doing all the time. Some of that way of unconscious thinking and acting people are doing it because they believe it will protect them from danger from that they suffered what they were little so they have to put that aside adopted way of thinking and acting which is not always easy to do and it violates something you think is protecting. And so that’s why it’s hard for people to implement this so anyway the feeling really is a feeling that you get I guess from having small successes and bigger successes. You begin to see how this works and then you begin to say while anything that I set my mind to and that I approach it in the certain way with a certain way of thinking and being willing to take certain actions and pay this price. The price is often how you think and how you behave. But there’s a lot involved in that. If you have been certainty that you can do that then pretty much anything is possible. Human beings have limitations there is no question about it. We can’t control everything. That is one of the other messages in The Secret that I think is baloney. Somehow in your mind you think you can control the universe you can’t. But you can control how you feel how you behave what people and situations to attract and what meanings you assigned to things and if you can choice about that you can pretty much do anything but it’s that feeling of faith knowing that you can do this. If you know how the universe works than what you put out comes back to you, and you really have a certainty about that, then you don’t hesitate to go after what you want.

Page 6: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: What is one tip so others can feel that essence in their lives?

Bill Harris: Well as you know I would say that the most fundamental underlined quality or capacity that you must have his awareness because without awareness certain

parts of your life will created automatically unconsciously outside of your awareness and they won’t be choice. Awareness creates choice so that the goal in my opinion is to create the greatest amount of choice in your life and that is created by doing everything you can to become more aware. That’s why we get people involved with Holosync think because it creates tremendous amounts awareness and does it faster than other ways people have been using for the last 3000 years or whatever. So become more aware so you can have more of a choice.

Bill HarrisBill Harris began teaching personal growth trainings in 1979 (as an assistant with the Dale Carnegie training organization) and since then has been involved in personal development for over thirty-five years as a seeker, teacher, public speaker, author, musician, composer, therapist, workshop leader, and business owner.

A student of ancient and modern research into the nature of the mind, he has studied and practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers.

Bill is a graduate of Portland State University, with three years of graduate study at the University of Portland. He also studied music at Berklee College of Music from 1973-76 and music composition with world-renowned Czech composer Tomas Svoboda and Spanish composer Salvador Brotons.

He is a Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming and is trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis. He is a long time student of contemporary psychology, Eastern philosophy, the physical sciences, the evolution of non-linear systems (chaos theory), and the effects of a wide range of neurotechnologies on human change, evolution and healing.

Page 7: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Bill is known for his ability to explain difficult subjects in an engaging and easy to understand way. He is a frequent speaker at scientific and transformational forums and conferences across the U.S. and around the world, and over the years has taught a wide range of workshops and seminars. In the past he has conducted his own private therapy practice utilizing cognitive psychology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and other approaches.

Bill is currently President and Director of Centerpointe Research Institute. Bill started Centerpointe Research Institute in 1989 with borrowed recording equipment set up on his kitchen table. Today, nearly two million people in 193 countries have used Centerpointe programs to improve their lives, and he has become one of the best-known personal growth teachers in the world.

Bill has shared the stage with many of the top business and human potential leaders in the world, including Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Dr. Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People), the Dalai Lama, Stewart Emery (co-creator of est), Ken Wilber (author, philosopher, and creator of Integral Institute), Sir Richard Branson, and many others. In 2003 Bill was invited to address the United Nations Values Caucus.

In his role as Director of Centerpointe Research Institute, Bill is the creator of The Holosync Solution™ program, The Life Principles Integration Process™ and several other courses. The Holosync Solution™ program utilizes Centerpointe’s proprietary Holosync® sound technology, embedded beneath soothing music and environmental sounds, to induce deep meditative states, creating many significant mental, emotional, spiritual, and health benefits.

The Life Principles Integration Process™ is designed to help people discover how they unconsciously create their internal states and external results, and show them how to become aware of and take control of these internal processes to create whatever they want in life.

Bill is a member of the Advisory Board of Self Enhancement, Inc., an organization helping inner city young people, and is involved in many other charitable projects, including Unstoppable Giving(building schools in Africa); St. Mary’s Home for Boys; Photocharity (helping homeless youth);Doctors Without Borders; World Spark (developing services for children and seniors in the US and Mexico; Big Mind, Inc. (supporting the work of Zen Master Dennis Genpo Merzel); and The Marvin Collins School (for inner city children in Chicago).

Page 8: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Bill Harris · practiced a variety of traditional and modern transformational techniques and approaches with a variety of teachers. Bill is a graduate

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Bill is also a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council started by best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author Jack Canfield, and an Inaugural Member of Ken Institute.

Bill has played saxophone, flute, and clarinet professionally since 1964. His quintet (The Bill Harris Quintet) released an album in 2012 (Inside Out) that launched at #3 in national radio airplay, and a second album in 2013 (This Time the Dream’s on Me) that launched at #4 nationally. He lives in Hillsboro, Oregon.

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!